def get(self): ret = {'status': 1, 'message': ''} try: company_id = str2int(self.get_argument('company_id', '')) site_id = str2int(self.get_argument('site_id', '')) if not (company_id and site_id): raise InvalidParamError(u'提交参数错误!') try: handler = SiteConfig.GetTaskHandler(company_id, site_id, None) try: # 开始登陆 handler.login() # 反馈结果 if handler.status == HANDLE_STATUS.SUCCESS: ret['status'] = 100 # 增加201轮询指令 DBTask.newSchedule(company_id, site_id) else: ret['message'] = handler.message except BaseException as e: raise UnHandleRuntimeError(e) logger.error(u'Web服务请求异常,原因:{}'.format(e)) except BaseError as e: ret['message'] = e.message finally: logger.debug(ret) self.write(json.dumps(ret))
def pack_resume_search(self, conditions): params = {} hidparams = {} hidparams['KEYWORDTYPE'] = '0' hidparams['KEYWORD'] = '' hidparams['LASTMODIFYSEL'] = '5' hidparams['AGE'] = '' hidparams['SEX'] = '99' hidparams['TOPDEGREE'] = '' hidparams['EXPECTSALARY'] = '01|99' hidparams['WORKYEAR'] = '0|99' hidparams['LASTMODIFYSEL'] = '5' hidparams['WORKINDUSTRY1'] = '' for cond in conditions: if not cond.condition_val: continue if cond.condition_type == 'keywords': hidparams['KEYWORD'] = cond.condition_val.decode('utf-8') elif cond.condition_type == 'education': hidparams['TOPDEGREE'] = dict_infos('WY:Degree', cond.condition_val, '|') elif cond.condition_type == 'update': if cond.condition_val <= 2: hidparams['LASTMODIFYSEL'] = '1' elif cond.condition_val == 3: hidparams['LASTMODIFYSEL'] = '2' elif cond.condition_val == 4: hidparams['LASTMODIFYSEL'] = '3' elif cond.condition_val == 5: hidparams['LASTMODIFYSEL'] = '4' elif cond.condition_val <= 7: hidparams['LASTMODIFYSEL'] = '5' else: hidparams['LASTMODIFYSEL'] = '2016' elif cond.condition_type == 'age': hidparams['AGE'] = cond.condition_val.replace('#', '|') elif cond.condition_type == 'area': # 包含期望工作地点 params['chkExpectJobArea'] = 'on' hidparams['AREA'] = dict_info('WY:Area', cond.condition_val)['id'] elif cond.condition_type == 'industry': # WORKINDUSTRY1#计算机软件|01$互联网/电子商务|32 hidparams['WORKINDUSTRY1'] = dict_info_all('WY:Industry', cond.condition_val, '$', '|') elif cond.condition_type == 'sex': hidparams['SEX'] = dict_info('WY:Gender', cond.condition_val)['id'] elif cond.condition_type == 'salary': min_salary = str2int(cond.condition_val.split('#')[0]) max_salary = str2int(cond.condition_val.split('#')[1]) hidparams['EXPECTSALARY'] = '|'.join([ self.__GetNearbyMinSalary(min_salary), self.__GetNearbyMaxSalary(max_salary) ]) hidValue = u'*'.join(u'#'.join([key, value]) for key, value in hidparams.items()) params['hidValue'] = hidValue return params
def post(self): ret = {'status': 1, 'message': ''} try: site_id = str2int(self.get_argument('site_id', '')) member_name = self.get_argument('member_name', '') login_name = self.get_argument('login_name', '') session = self.get_argument('sessionid', '') # 中文解码 member_name = unquote(member_name.encode('gbk')) login_name = unquote(login_name.encode('gbk')) # if session: if site_id and login_name: messages = decryptBindPasswd('zpb', session).split(':') if len(messages) == 2: companyid = messages[0] if Bind.unBind(companyid, site_id, member_name, login_name): ret['status'] = 0 ret['message'] = u'账号解绑成功!' DBTask.newSchedule(companyid, site_id, False) else: ret['message'] = u'账号解绑失败,账号尚未绑定!' else: ret['message'] = u'非法的请求!' else: ret['message'] = u'非法的请求,提交参数不全!' else: ret['message'] = u'非法的请求!' finally: logger.debug(ret) self.write(json.dumps(ret))
def post(self): ret = {'status': 1, 'message': ''} try: email_host = self.get_argument('host', '') email_port = str2int(self.get_argument('port', '110')) user_code = self.get_argument('usercode', '') user_pswd = self.get_argument('password', '') ssl = self.get_argument('ssl', False) session = self.get_argument('sessionid', '') if email_port == 0: email_port = 110 if session: if email_host and email_port and user_code and user_pswd: messages = decryptBindPasswd('zpb', session).split(':') if len(messages) == 2: companyid = messages[0] res = EmailConf.newAndSave(companyid, email_host, email_port, ssl, user_code, user_pswd) # 反馈结果 if res: ret['status'] = 0 ret['message'] = u'账号绑定成功!' else: ret['message'] = u'内部服务错误!' else: ret['message'] = u'非法的请求!' else: ret['message'] = u'非法的请求,提交参数不全!' else: ret['message'] = u'非法的请求!' finally: logger.debug(ret) self.write(json.dumps(ret))
def getSiteNameById(siteid): if isinstance(siteid, basestring): siteid = str2int(siteid) if SiteConfig._SITE.has_key(siteid): return SiteConfig._SITE[siteid]['name'] else: return siteid
def pack_resume_search(self, conditions): params = {} params['SF_1_1_7'] = '4,9' for cond in conditions: if not cond.condition_val: continue if cond.condition_type == 'keywords': params['SF_1_1_1'] = cond.condition_val elif cond.condition_type == 'education': min_edu = cond.condition_val.split('#')[0] max_edu = cond.condition_val.split('#')[1] params['SF_1_1_5'] = ','.join([ self.__edu_dict[min_edu], self.__edu_dict[max_edu] ]) elif cond.condition_type == 'update': params['SF_1_1_7'] = '{},9'.format(cond.condition_val) elif cond.condition_type == 'age': params['SF_1_1_8'] = cond.condition_val.replace('#', ',') elif cond.condition_type == 'area': # 居住地点 SF_1_1_18为期望工作地点 params['SF_1_1_6'] = dict_info('RD2:Area', cond.condition_val)['id'] elif cond.condition_type == 'industry': params['SF_1_1_3'] = dict_infos('RD2:Industry', cond.condition_val, ';') elif cond.condition_type == 'sex': params['SF_1_1_9'] = dict_info('RD2:Gender', cond.condition_val)['id'] elif cond.condition_type == 'salary': minmax = cond.condition_val.split('#') if len(minmax) == 2: minsalary = str2int(minmax[0]) maxsalary = str2int(minmax[1]) if minmax[1] != '' else 25000 avg = int(round(minsalary + maxsalary) / 2) pay = getSalaryIdBySalaryValue(avg) params['SF_1_1_20'] = dict_info('RD2:MonthPay', pay)['id'] # 去重 params['exclude'] = '1' # 每页数量 params['pageSize'] = '60' # 排序 params['orderBy'] = 'DATE_MODIFIED,1' return params
def post(self): ret = {'status': 1, 'message': ''} try: site_id = str2int(self.get_argument('site_id', '')) member_name = self.get_argument('member_name', '') login_name = self.get_argument('login_name', '') login_pswd = self.get_argument('login_pswd', '') # 中文解码 member_name = unquote(member_name.encode('gbk')) login_name = unquote(login_name.encode('gbk')) # session = self.get_argument('sessionid', '') try: if not session: raise InvalidParamError(u'非法的请求!') if not (site_id and login_name and login_pswd): raise InvalidParamError(u'非法的请求!') messages = decryptBindPasswd('zpb', session).split(':') if len(messages) != 2: raise InvalidParamError(u'非法的请求!') companyid = messages[0] handler = SiteConfig.GetTaskHandler(0, site_id, None) # 登录密码解密 password = decryptBindPasswd(login_name, login_pswd) if not password: raise InvalidParamError(u'登录账号或密码错误!') try: # 开始登陆 (res, message) = handler.innerlogin(member_name, login_name, password) # 反馈结果 if res: if Bind.newAndSave(companyid, site_id, member_name, login_name, login_pswd): ret['status'] = 0 ret['message'] = u'账号绑定成功!' else: ret['status'] = 0 ret['message'] = u'账号已绑定!' DBTask.newSchedule(companyid, site_id) else: ret['message'] = message except BaseException as e: raise UnHandleRuntimeError(e) logger.error(u'Web服务请求异常,原因:{}'.format(e)) except BaseError as e: ret['message'] = e.message finally: logger.debug(ret) self.write(json.dumps(ret))
def AssembelResumeByJson(js): """ : params json js : return (bool, str, bool)->(处理状态,错误原因或简历ID,是否新简历) """ # 噪声过滤 if js['Sex'] == '' and js['Age'] == '': if js['LastUpdate'] == '199001': return (False, u'非法的简历!', False) if js['siteid'] == 0: return (False, u'非法的简历!', False) # session = DBInstance.session try: # 强制刷新简历(用於付费简历下载) force = js.get('force', False) (ret, rm) = ResumeBase.queryAndCreate(session, js['companyid'], js['siteid'], js['websiteresumeid'], js['apply_time']) if not ret and not force: return (True, rm.resume_code, False) # 填充简历 rm.apply_job_status = 0 rm.apply_job_id = 0 # 简历关联的职位ID,用最新的覆盖 if js['jobid']: rm.from_site_jobcode = js['jobid'] if not rm.from_site_jobcode: rm.from_site_jobcode = '' # 来源可能制定本系统关联职位ID(imp_local_file) if js['apply_job_id']: rm.apply_job_id = js['apply_job_id'] rm.apply_job_status = 1 else: # 依据招聘平台职位ID查找本系统职位ID if rm.from_site_jobcode: jobid = JobSyncDistribute.queryJobIdByThirdJobCode(rm.company_id, rm.from_site_id, rm.from_site_jobcode) if jobid: rm.apply_job_status = 1 rm.apply_job_id = jobid # 判定简历投递时间 if rm.apply_job_status == 1: if rm.apply_time <= dateAdd(day=-7): rm.pre_apply_job_id = rm.apply_job_id rm.apply_job_id = 0 rm.apply_job_status = 0 # rm.resume_type = js['Type'] rm.resume_grade = js['ResumeGrade'] rm.married_status = js['Married'] rm.id_no = js['IDNO'] rm.get_encouragement = js['Encouragement'].replace('\r\n', '<br />') rm.join_team = js['Team'].replace('\r\n', '<br />') rm.volunteer_info = js['Volunteer'] rm.graduate_year = str2int(js['Graduatetime'][0: 4]) rm.graduate_month = str2int(js['Graduatetime'][5: 7]) rm.begin_work_year = str2int(js['Beginworktime'][0: 4]) rm.begin_work_month = str2int(js['Beginworktime'][5: 7]) rm.last_update = js['LastUpdate'] rm.third_score = js['Score'] rm.certificate_name = js['Certificate'].replace('\r\n', '<br />') rm.person_memo = js['Personal'].replace('\r\n', '<br />') rm.lesson_name = js['Lesson'] rm.computer_level = js['Computer'] rm.english_level = js['English'] rm.graduate_school = js['School'] rm.school_rankings = js['SchoolRankings'] rm.addr_postcode = js['PostCode'] rm.speciality_name = js['Speciality'] rm.contact_addr = js['Address'] rm.native_place = js['Jiguan'] rm.national_name = js['National'] rm.nationality_name = js['Nationality'] rm.birth_day = js['Birth'] # 来源于简历搜索器(简历解析服务器返回结果有噪声) if js['source'] == 9: if rm.source is None or rm.source == 9: rm.person_name = '' rm.family_name = '' else: rm.person_name = js['Name'] rm.family_name = js['FamilyName'] # rm.person_href = js['Href'] rm.hope_title = js['Title'] rm.hope_title2 = js['Title2'] rm.title_standard = js['TitleStandard'] rm.aim_institution = js['AimInstitution'] rm.person_age = str2int(js['Age']) rm.person_sex = js['Sex'] rm.body_high = js['High'] rm.body_weight = js['Weight'] if js['Mobile']: rm.mobile_no = js['Mobile'] if rm.mobile_no is None: rm.mobile_no = '' if js['Phone']: rm.other_phone = js['Phone'] if rm.other_phone is None: rm.other_phone = '' rm.fax_no = js['Fax'] if js['Email']: rm.email_addr = js['Email'] if rm.email_addr is None: rm.email_addr = '' if rm.email_addr == '*****@*****.**': rm.email_addr = '' rm.now_location = js['NowLocation'] rm.hope_location = js['Forwardlocation'] rm.high_education = js['Education'] if rm.high_education == u'大專': rm.high_education = u'大专' rm.high_edu_id = getEduHighId(rm.high_education) rm.advance_degree = js['AdvancedDegree'] rm.exp_name = '' rm.now_vocation = js['Vocation'] rm.hope_vocation = js['ForwardVocation'] rm.vocation_standard = js['VocationStandard'] rm.now_salary = js['Salary'] rm.hope_salary = js['AimSalary'] rm.political_name = js['Political'] rm.start_from = js['StartFrom'] rm.apply_switch = js['Switch'] rm.qq_no = js['QQ'] rm.student_type = js['StudentType'] rm.photo_url = js['PhotoUrl'] rm.apply_letter = js['AppLetter'] rm.last_company = js['LastCompany'] rm.last_title = js['LastTitle'] rm.overseas_work = js['OverseasWork'] rm.job_hope_frequency = js['JobHoppingFrequency'] rm.integrity_ratio = js['Integrity'] rm.work_type = js['WorkType'] rm.birth_date = getBirthDay(js['Birth']) rm.work_years = str2int(js['Experience']) rm.source = js.get('source', 0) rm.matching_degree = js.get('matching', 0) rm.is_valid = 'T' rm.modify_user = '******' rm.modify_time = session.add(rm) # 简历扩展 rext = ResumeExtend() rext.resume_code = rm.resume_code rext.org_resume = fmtHtml(js['Original']) rext.edu_detail_full = js['EducationDetail'].replace('\r\n', '<br />') rext.exp_detail_full = js['ExperienceDetail'].replace('\r\n', '<br />') rext.train_detail_full = js['Training'].replace('\r\n', '<br />') rext.proj_detail_full = js['Project'].replace('\r\n', '<br />') rext.skill_detail_full = js['Skill'].replace('\r\n', '<br />') rext.is_valid = 'T' rext.create_user = '******' rext.create_time = session.add(rext) # if js['EducationInfo']: for (idx, item) in enumerate(js['EducationInfo']): redu = ResumeEdu() redu.resume_code = rm.resume_code redu.start_date = item['StartDate'] redu.end_date = item['EndDate'] redu.school_name = item['School'] redu.major_name = item['Speciality'] redu.adv_degree = item['AdvancedDegree'] redu.diplomas_name = item['Education'] redu.depart_name = item['Department'] redu.edu_summary = item['Summary'].replace('\r\n', '<br />') redu.is_studii = item['IsStudii'] redu.is_valid = 'T' session.add(redu) # 异步增加百科超链接 dtc.async('', redu.school_name) # if js['ExperienceInfo']: for (idx, item) in enumerate(js['ExperienceInfo']): rexp = ResumeExp() rexp.resume_code = rm.resume_code rexp.start_date = item['StartDate'] rexp.end_date = item['EndDate'] rexp.periods_of_time = item['PeriodsOfTime'] # 最近工作的时间长度写入resume_base表 if idx == 0: rm.periods_of_time = rexp.periods_of_time rexp.company_name = item['Company'] rexp.work_location = item['Location'] rexp.vocation_name = item['Vocation'] rexp.company_scale = item['Size'] rexp.company_type = item['Type'] rexp.depart_name = item['Department'] rexp.work_title = item['Title'] rexp.salary_name = item['Salary'] rexp.work_summary = item['Summary'].replace('\r\n', '<br />') rexp.leader_name = item['Leader'] rexp.underling_num = str2int(item['UnderlingNumber']) rexp.leaving_reason = item['ReasonOfLeaving'] rexp.is_valid = 'T' session.add(rexp) # 异步增加百科超链接 dtc.async('', rexp.company_name) # if js['TrainingInfo']: for item in js['TrainingInfo']: rtra = ResumeTrain() rtra.resume_code = rm.resume_code rtra.start_date = item['StartDate'] rtra.end_date = item['EndDate'] rtra.train_institution = item['TrainingInstitution'] rtra.train_location = item['TrainingLocation'] rtra.train_course = item['TrainingCourse'].replace('\r\n', '<br />') rtra.train_certificate = item['Certificate'] rtra.train_desc = item['DescriptionInDetails'].replace('\r\n', '<br />') rtra.is_valid = 'T' session.add(rtra) # if js['ProjectInfo']: for item in js['ProjectInfo']: rpro = ResumeProject() rpro.resume_code = rm.resume_code rpro.start_date = item['StartDate'] rpro.end_date = item['EndDate'] rpro.project_name = item['ProjectName'] rpro.work_title = item['Title'] rpro.proj_desc = item['ProjectDescription'].replace('\r\n', '<br />') rpro.work_responsibility = item['Responsibilities'].replace('\r\n', '<br />') rpro.is_valid = 'T' session.add(rpro) # if js['LanguagesSkills']: for item in js['LanguagesSkills']: rlan = ResumeLang() rlan.resume_code = rm.resume_code rlan.lang_name = item['Languages'] rlan.listen_speak = item['ListeningSpeakingSkills'] rlan.write_read = item['ReadingWritingSkills'] rlan.lang_score = item['Score'] rlan.lang_skill = item['Skills'] rlan.is_valid = 'T' session.add(rlan) # if js['ITSkills']: for item in js['ITSkills']: rit = ResumeIT() rit.resume_code = rm.resume_code rit.skill_name = item['SkillType'] rit.use_time = item['TimeOfUse'] rit.competency_level = item['CompetencyLevel'] rit.is_valid = 'T' session.add(rit) # if js['GradeOfEnglish']: item = js['GradeOfEnglish'] if item['NameOfCertificate']: reng = ResumeEnglish() reng.resume_code = rm.resume_code reng.certificate_name = item['NameOfCertificate'] reng.certificate_score = item['Score'] reng.rec_date = item['ReceivingDate'] reng.is_valid = 'T' session.add(reng) session.commit() resume_code = rm.resume_code return (True, resume_code, True) except BaseException as e: session.rollback() logger.error(u'简历解析失败,原因:{}'.format(e)) return (False, u'简历解析失败!', False) finally: session.close()
def _getSiteById(siteid): if isinstance(siteid, basestring): siteid = str2int(siteid) if SiteConfig._SITE.has_key(siteid): return SiteConfig._SITE[siteid]