def show_rvt_peak(r, fg):

    :param r:
    :param fg:
    rvt_peak_plot = figure(fg)
    # set(fg, 'KeyPressFcn', @afni_fig_interface)  # Appears to be unnecessary to retain from MATLAB code
    plot(r['t'], real(r['x']),'g')

    if r['rvt'].any():
        plot(r['t_mid_prd'], z_scale(r['rvt'], min(r['p_trace']), max(r['p_trace'])), 'k')
    plot(r['tp_trace'], r['p_trace'], 'ro', r['tp_trace'], r['p_trace'],'r')
    plot(r['tn_trace'], r['n_trace'], 'bo', r['tn_trace'], r['n_trace'],'b')
    plot(r['t_mid_prd'], r['p_trace_mid_prd'], 'kx')
    for i in range(len(r['prd'])):
        text(r['t_mid_prd'][i], r['p_trace_mid_prd'][i], '%.2f' % r['prd'][i])
    if r['tR']:
        if r['p_trace_r'].any():
            plot(r['tR'], r['p_trace_r'], 'm')
            plot(r['tR'], r['n_trace_r'], 'y')
        if r['rvtrs'].any():
            plot(r['tR'], z_scale(r['rvtrs'], min(r['p_trace']), max(r['p_trace'])), 'k.')
    xlabel('time (sec)')
    title(r['v_name'])  # , 'Interpreter', 'None')
    vn = real(r['x']) / (abs(r['x']) + spacing(1))
    plot(r['t'], vn, 'g')
    plot(r['t'], r['phase'] / 2 / pi, 'm')
    if 'phase_r' in r:
        plot(r['tR'], r['phase_r'] / 2 / pi, 'm-.')
    xlabel('time (sec)')
    title('Scaled by magnitude of analytical signal') # , 'Interpreter', 'None')
    legend(['Scaled signal', 'phase'])
    plot(r['time_series_time'], r['phase_slice'][:, 0], 'ro')  # This one isn't any different than the next plot line, check out why values are funky
    plot(r['time_series_time'], r['phase_slice'][:, 1], 'bo')
    plot(r['time_series_time'], r['phase_slice'][:, 1], 'b-')
    plot(r['t'], r['phase'], 'k')
    xlabel('time (sec)')
    title('Phase sampled at slice acquisition time')
    legend(['slice 0', 'slice 1', 'slice 1', 'original phase'])
    # plotsign2(fg)  # Another AFNI function, not crucial at the moment to making one figure
def rvt_from_peakfinder(r):
    if r['demo']:
        quiet = 0
        print "quiet = %s" % quiet
    # Calculate RVT
    if len(r['p_trace']) != len(r['n_trace']):
        dd = abs(len(r['p_trace']) - len(r['n_trace']))
        if dd > 1:  # have not seen this yet, trap for it.
            print 'Error RVT_from_PeakFinder:\n'            \
                  '  Peak trace lengths differ by %d\n'     \
                  '  This is unusual, please upload data\n' \
                  '  sample to afni.nimh.nih.gov' % dd
            # keyboard
        else:  # just a difference of 1, happens sometimes, seems ok to discard one sample
            print 'Notice RVT_from_PeakFinder:\n'       \
                  '   Peak trace lengths differ by %d\n'\
                  '   Clipping longer trace.' % dd
            dm = min(len(r['p_trace']), len(r['n_trace']))
            if len(r['p_trace']) != dm:
                r['p_trace'] = r['p_trace'][0:dm]
                r['tp_trace'] = r['tp_trace'][0:dm]
                r['n_trace'] = r['n_trace'][0:dm]
                r['tn_trace'] = r['tn_trace'][0:dm]

    r['rv'] = subtract(r['p_trace'], r['n_trace'])
    # NEED TO consider which starts first and
    # whether to initialize first two values by means
    # and also, what to do when we are left with one
    # incomplete pair at the end

    nptrc = len(r['tp_trace'])
    r['rvt'] = r['rv'][0:nptrc - 1] / r['prd']
    if r['p_trace_r'].any:
        r['rvr'] = subtract(r['p_trace_r'], r['n_trace_r'])
        # Debugging lines below
        # with open('rvr.csv', 'w') as f:
        #     for i in r['rvr']:
        #         f.write("%s\n" % i)
        # with open('prdR.csv', 'w') as f:
        #     for i in r['prdR']:
        #         f.write("%s\n" % i)
        r['rvtr'] = numpy.ndarray(numpy.shape(r['rvr']))
        divide(r['rvr'], r['prdR'], r['rvtr'])
        # Smooth RVT so that we can resample it at volume_tr later
        fnyq = r['phys_fs'] / 2  # nyquist of physio signal
        fcut = 2 / r['volume_tr']  # cut below nyquist for volume_tr
        w = float(r['frequency_cutoff']) / float(
            fnyq)  # cut off frequency normalized
        b = firwin(numtaps=(r['fir_order'] + 1), cutoff=w, window='hamming')
        v = r['rvtr']
        around(v, 6, v)
        # Debugging lines below
        # with open('a.csv', 'w') as f:
        #     for i in v:
        #         f.write("%s\n" % i)
        mv = mean(v)
        # remove the mean
        v = (v - mv)
        # filter both ways to cancel phase shift
        v = lfilter(b, 1, v)
        if r['legacy_transform'] == 0:
            v = numpy.flipud(
            )  # Turns out these don't do anything in the MATLAB version(Might be a major problem)
        v = lfilter(b, 1, v)
        if r['legacy_transform'] == 0:
            v = numpy.flipud(
            )  # Turns out these don't do anything in the MATLAB version(Might be a major problem)
        r['rvtrs'] = v + mv

    # create RVT regressors
    r['rvtrs_slc'] = zeros((len(r['rvt_shifts']), len(r['time_series_time'])))
    for i in range(0, len(r['rvt_shifts'])):
        shf = r['rvt_shifts'][i]
        nsamp = int(round(shf * r['phys_fs']))
        sind = add(range(0, len(r['t'])), nsamp)
        print sind
        sind[nonzero(sind < 0)] = 0
        sind[nonzero(sind > (len(r['t']) - 1))] = len(r['t']) - 1
        rvt_shf = interp1d(r['t'],
        rvt_shf_y = rvt_shf(r['time_series_time'])
        plot(r['time_series_time'], rvt_shf_y)
        r['rvtrs_slc'][:][i] = rvt_shf_y

    if r['quiet'] == 0 and r['show_graphs'] == 1:
        print '--> Calculated RVT \n--> Created RVT regressors'
             z_scale(r['rvt'], min(r['p_trace']), max(r['p_trace'])), 'k')
        if any(r['p_trace_r']):
                 z_scale(r['rvtrs'], min(r['p_trace']), max(r['p_trace'])),
        if r['demo']:
            # uiwait(msgbox('Press button to resume', 'Pausing', 'modal'))

    return r
def phase_base(amp_type, phasee):

    :type phasee: object
    :param amp_type:    if 0, it is a time-based phase estimation
                        if 1, it is an amplitude-based phase estimation
    :param phasee: phasee information
    if amp_type == 0:
        # Calculate the phase of the trace, with the peak to be the start of the phase
        nptrc = len(phasee['tp_trace'])
        phasee['phase'] = -2 * ones(size(phasee['t']))
        i = 0
        j = 0
        while i <= (nptrc - 2):
            while phasee['t'][j] < phasee['tp_trace'][i + 1]:
                if phasee['t'][j] >= phasee['tp_trace'][i]:
                    # Note: Using a constant 244 period for each interval
                    # causes slope discontinuity within a period.
                    # One should resample period[i] so that it is
                    # estimated at each time in phasee['t'][j],
                    # dunno if that makes much of a difference in the end however.
                    if j == 10975:
                    phasee['phase'][j] = (phasee['t'][j] - phasee['tp_trace'][i]) / phasee['prd'][i]\
                                         + phasee['zero_phase_offset']
                    if phasee['phase'][j] < 0:
                        phasee['phase'][j] = -phasee['phase'][j]
                    if phasee['phase'][j] > 1:
                        phasee['phase'][j] -= 1
                j += 1
            if i == 124:
            i += 1

        # Remove the points flagged as unset
        temp = nonzero(phasee['phase'] < -1)
        phasee['phase'][temp] = 0.0
        # Change phase to radians
        phasee['phase'] = phasee['phase'] * 2 * pi
    else:  # phase based on amplitude
        # at first scale to the max
        mxamp = max(phasee['p_trace'])
        phasee['phase_pol'] = []
        gR = z_scale(phasee['v'], 0, mxamp) # Scale, per Glover 2000's paper
        bins = arange(.01, 1.01, .01) * mxamp
        hb_value = my_hist(gR,bins)
        #hb_value = histogram(gR, bins)
        if phasee['show_graphs'] == 1:
            center = (bins[:-1] + bins[1:]) / 2
            plt.bar(center, hb_value[:len(hb_value)-1])#, align='center')
        #find the polarity of each time point in v
        i = 0
        itp = 0
        inp = 0
        tp = phasee['tp_trace'][0]
        tn = phasee['tn_trace'][0]
        while (i <= len(phasee['v'])) and (phasee['t'][i] < tp) and (phasee['t'][i] < tn):
            i += 1
        if tp < tn:
            # Expiring phase (peak behind us)
            cpol = -1
            itp = 1
            # Inspiring phase (bottom behind us)
            cpol = 1
            inp = 1
        phasee['phase_pol'] = zeros(size(phasee['v']))  # Not sure why you would replace the
                                                        # list that you created 10 lines prior to this
        # Add a fake point to tptrace and tntrace to avoid ugly if statements
        phasee['tp_trace'] = append(phasee['tp_trace'], phasee['t'][-1])
        phasee['tn_trace'] = append(phasee['tn_trace'], phasee['t'][-1])
        while i < len(phasee['v']):
            phasee['phase_pol'][i] = cpol
            if phasee['t'][i] == phasee['tp_trace'][itp]:
                cpol = -1
                itp = min((itp + 1), (len(phasee['tp_trace']) - 1))
            elif phasee['t'][i] == phasee['tn_trace'][inp]:
                cpol = 1
                inp = min((inp + 1), (len(phasee['tn_trace']) - 1))
            # cpol, inp, itp, i, R
            i += 1
        phasee['tp_trace'] = delete(phasee['tp_trace'], -1)
        phasee['tn_trace'] = delete(phasee['tn_trace'], -1)
        if phasee['show_graphs'] == 1:
            plt.plot(phasee['t'], gR,'b')
            ipositive = nonzero(phasee['phase_pol'] > 0)
            ipositive = ipositive[0]
            ipositive_x = []
            for i in ipositive:
            ipositive_y = zeros(size(ipositive_x))
            ipositive_y.fill(0.55 * mxamp)
            plt.plot(ipositive_x, ipositive_y, 'r.')
            inegative = nonzero(phasee['phase_pol'] < 0)
            inegative = inegative[0]
            inegative_x = []
            for i in inegative:
            inegative_y = zeros(size(inegative_x))
            inegative_y.fill(0.45 * mxamp)
            plt.plot(inegative_x, inegative_y, 'g.')
        # Now that we have the polarity, without computing sign(dR/dt)
        #   as in Glover et al 2000, calculate the phase per eq. 3 of that paper
        # First the sum in the numerator
        for i, val in enumerate(gR):
            gR[i] = (round(val / mxamp * 100) + 1)
        gR = clip(gR, 0, 99)
        shb = sum(hb_value)
        hbsum = []
        hbsum.append(float(hb_value[0]) / shb)
        for i in range(1, 100):
            hbsum.append(hbsum[i - 1] + (float(hb_value[i]) / shb))
        for i in range(len(phasee['t'])):
            phasee['phase'].append(pi * hbsum[int(gR[i]) - 1] * phasee['phase_pol'][i])
        phasee['phase'] = array(phasee['phase'])

    # Time series time vector
    phasee['time_series_time'] = arange(0, (max(phasee['t']) - 0.5 * phasee['volume_tr']), phasee['volume_tr'])
    phasee['phase_slice'] = zeros((len(phasee['time_series_time']), phasee['number_of_slices']))
    phasee['phase_slice_reg'] = zeros((len(phasee['time_series_time']), 4, phasee['number_of_slices']))
    for i_slice in range(phasee['number_of_slices']):
        tslc = phasee['time_series_time'] + phasee['slice_offset'][i_slice]
        for i in range(len(phasee['time_series_time'])):
            imin = argmin(abs(tslc[i] - phasee['t']))
            #mi = abs(tslc[i] - phasee['t']) # probably not needed
            phasee['phase_slice'][i, i_slice] = phasee['phase'][imin]
        # Make regressors for each slice
        phasee['phase_slice_reg'][:, 0, i_slice] = sin(phasee['phase_slice'][:,i_slice])
        phasee['phase_slice_reg'][:, 1, i_slice] = cos(phasee['phase_slice'][:,i_slice])
        phasee['phase_slice_reg'][:, 2, i_slice] = sin(2 * phasee['phase_slice'][:,i_slice])
        phasee['phase_slice_reg'][:, 3, i_slice] = cos(2 * phasee['phase_slice'][:,i_slice])

    if phasee['quiet'] == 0 and phasee['show_graphs'] == 1:
        print '--> Calculated phase'
        a = divide(divide(phasee['phase'], 2), pi)
        plt.plot(phasee['t'], divide(divide(phasee['phase'], 2), pi), 'm')
        if 'phase_r' in phasee:
            plt.plot(phasee['tR'], divide(divide(phasee['phase_r'], 2), pi), 'm-.')
        plt.plot(phasee['time_series_time'], phasee['phase_slice'][:,1], 'ro',
                phasee['time_series_time'], phasee['phase_slice'][:,2], 'bo',
                phasee['time_series_time'], phasee['phase_slice'][:,2], 'b-')
        plt.plot(phasee['t'], phasee['phase'], 'k')
        #grid on
        # title it
        # Need to implement this yet
        #if phasee['Demo']:
            #uiwait(msgbox('Press button to resume', 'Pausing', 'modal'))
    return phasee
def rvt_from_peakfinder(r):
    if r['demo']:
        quiet = 0
        print "quiet = %s" % quiet
    # Calculate RVT
    if len(r['p_trace']) != len(r['n_trace']):
        dd = abs(len(r['p_trace']) - len(r['n_trace']))
        if dd > 1:  # have not seen this yet, trap for it.
            print 'Error RVT_from_PeakFinder:\nPeak trace lengths differ by %d\nThis is unusual, please upload data' \
                  '\nsample to afni.nimh.nih.gov' % dd
            # keyboard
        else:  # just a difference of 1, happens sometimes, seems ok to discard one sample
            print 'Notice RVT_from_PeakFinder:\nPeak trace lengths differ by %d\nClipping longer trace.' % dd
            dm = min(len(r['p_trace']), len(r['p_trace']))
            if len(r['p_trace']) != dm: 
               r['p_trace'] = r['p_trace'][0:dm]
               r['tp_trace'] = r['tp_trace'][0:dm]
               r['n_trace'] = r['n_trace'][0:dm]
               r['tn_trace'] = r['tn_trace'][0:dm]
    r['rv'] = subtract(r['p_trace'], r['n_trace'])
    # NEED TO consider which starts first and
    # whether to initialize first two values by means
    # and also, what to do when we are left with one 
    # incomplete pair at the end

    nptrc = len(r['tp_trace'])
    r['rvt'] = r['rv'][0:nptrc - 1] / r['prd']
    if r['p_trace_r'].any:
        r['rvr'] = subtract(r['p_trace_r'], r['n_trace_r'])
        # Debugging lines below
        # with open('rvr.csv', 'w') as f:
        #     for i in r['rvr']:
        #         f.write("%s\n" % i)
        # with open('prdR.csv', 'w') as f:
        #     for i in r['prdR']:
        #         f.write("%s\n" % i)
        r['rvtr'] = numpy.ndarray(numpy.shape(r['rvr']))
        divide(r['rvr'], r['prdR'], r['rvtr'])
        # Smooth RVT so that we can resample it at volume_tr later
        fnyq = r['phys_fs'] / 2             # nyquist of physio signal
        fcut = 2 / r['volume_tr']           # cut below nyquist for volume_tr
        w = float(r['frequency_cutoff']) / float(fnyq)     # cut off frequency normalized
        b = firwin(numtaps=(r['fir_order'] + 1), cutoff=w, window='hamming')
        v = r['rvtr']
        around(v, 6, v)
        # Debugging lines below
        # with open('a.csv', 'w') as f:
        #     for i in v:
        #         f.write("%s\n" % i)
        mv = mean(v)
        # remove the mean
        v = (v - mv)
        # filter both ways to cancel phase shift
        v = lfilter(b, 1, v)
        # v = numpy.flipud(v)  # Turns out these don't do anything in the MATLAB version(Might be a major problem)
        v = lfilter(b, 1, v)
        # v = numpy.flipud(v)  # Turns out these don't do anything in the MATLAB version(Might be a major problem)
        r['rvtrs'] = v + mv

    # create RVT regressors
    r['rvtrs_slc'] = zeros((len(r['rvt_shifts']), len(r['time_series_time'])))
    for i in range(0, len(r['rvt_shifts'])):
        shf = r['rvt_shifts'][i]
        nsamp = int(round(shf * r['phys_fs']))
        sind = add(range(0, len(r['t'])), nsamp)
        print sind
        sind[nonzero(sind < 0)] = 0
        sind[nonzero(sind > (len(r['t']) - 1))] = len(r['t']) - 1
        rvt_shf = interp1d(r['t'], r['rvtrs'][sind], r['interpolation_style'], bounds_error=True)
        rvt_shf_y = rvt_shf(r['time_series_time'])
        plot(r['time_series_time'], rvt_shf_y)
        r['rvtrs_slc'][:][i] = rvt_shf_y

    if r['quiet'] == 0 and r['show_graphs'] == 1:
        print '--> Calculated RVT \n--> Created RVT regressors'
        plot(r['t_mid_prd'], z_scale(r['rvt'], min(r['p_trace']), max(r['p_trace'])), 'k')
        if any(r['p_trace_r']):
            plot(r['tR'], z_scale(r['rvtrs'], min(r['p_trace']), max(r['p_trace'])), 'm')
        if r['demo']:
            # uiwait(msgbox('Press button to resume', 'Pausing', 'modal'))

    return r
def phase_base(amp_type, phasee):

    :type phasee: object
    :param amp_type:    if 0, it is a time-based phase estimation
                        if 1, it is an amplitude-based phase estimation
    :param phasee: phasee information
    if amp_type == 0:
        # Calculate the phase of the trace, with the peak to be the start of the phase
        nptrc = len(phasee['tp_trace'])
        phasee['phase'] = -2 * ones(size(phasee['t']))
        i = 0
        j = 0
        while i <= (nptrc - 2):
            while phasee['t'][j] < phasee['tp_trace'][i + 1]:
                if phasee['t'][j] >= phasee['tp_trace'][i]:
                    # Note: Using a constant 244 period for each interval
                    # causes slope discontinuity within a period.
                    # One should resample period[i] so that it is
                    # estimated at each time in phasee['t'][j],
                    # dunno if that makes much of a difference in the end however.
                    if j == 10975:
                    phasee['phase'][j] = (phasee['t'][j] - phasee['tp_trace'][i]) / phasee['prd'][i]\
                                         + phasee['zero_phase_offset']
                    if phasee['phase'][j] < 0:
                        phasee['phase'][j] = -phasee['phase'][j]
                    if phasee['phase'][j] > 1:
                        phasee['phase'][j] -= 1
                j += 1
            if i == 124:
            i += 1

        # Remove the points flagged as unset
        temp = nonzero(phasee['phase'] < -1)
        phasee['phase'][temp] = 0.0
        # Change phase to radians
        phasee['phase'] = phasee['phase'] * 2 * pi
    else:  # phase based on amplitude
        # at first scale to the max
        mxamp = max(phasee['p_trace'])
        phasee['phase_pol'] = []
        gR = z_scale(phasee['v'], 0, mxamp)  # Scale, per Glover 2000's paper
        bins = arange(.01, 1.01, .01) * mxamp
        hb_value = my_hist(gR, bins)
        #hb_value = histogram(gR, bins)
        if phasee['show_graphs'] == 1:
            center = (bins[:-1] + bins[1:]) / 2
            plt.bar(center, hb_value[:len(hb_value) - 1])  #, align='center')
        #find the polarity of each time point in v
        i = 0
        itp = 0
        inp = 0
        tp = phasee['tp_trace'][0]
        tn = phasee['tn_trace'][0]
        while (i <= len(phasee['v'])) and (phasee['t'][i] <
                                           tp) and (phasee['t'][i] < tn):
            i += 1
        if tp < tn:
            # Expiring phase (peak behind us)
            cpol = -1
            itp = 1
            # Inspiring phase (bottom behind us)
            cpol = 1
            inp = 1
        phasee['phase_pol'] = zeros(size(
            phasee['v']))  # Not sure why you would replace the
        # list that you created 10 lines prior to this
        # Add a fake point to tptrace and tntrace to avoid ugly if statements
        phasee['tp_trace'] = append(phasee['tp_trace'], phasee['t'][-1])
        phasee['tn_trace'] = append(phasee['tn_trace'], phasee['t'][-1])
        while i < len(phasee['v']):
            phasee['phase_pol'][i] = cpol
            if phasee['t'][i] == phasee['tp_trace'][itp]:
                cpol = -1
                itp = min((itp + 1), (len(phasee['tp_trace']) - 1))
            elif phasee['t'][i] == phasee['tn_trace'][inp]:
                cpol = 1
                inp = min((inp + 1), (len(phasee['tn_trace']) - 1))
            # cpol, inp, itp, i, R
            i += 1
        phasee['tp_trace'] = delete(phasee['tp_trace'], -1)
        phasee['tn_trace'] = delete(phasee['tn_trace'], -1)
        if phasee['show_graphs'] == 1:
            plt.plot(phasee['t'], gR, 'b')
            ipositive = nonzero(phasee['phase_pol'] > 0)
            ipositive = ipositive[0]
            ipositive_x = []
            for i in ipositive:
            ipositive_y = zeros(size(ipositive_x))
            ipositive_y.fill(0.55 * mxamp)
            plt.plot(ipositive_x, ipositive_y, 'r.')
            inegative = nonzero(phasee['phase_pol'] < 0)
            inegative = inegative[0]
            inegative_x = []
            for i in inegative:
            inegative_y = zeros(size(inegative_x))
            inegative_y.fill(0.45 * mxamp)
            plt.plot(inegative_x, inegative_y, 'g.')
        # Now that we have the polarity, without computing sign(dR/dt)
        #   as in Glover et al 2000, calculate the phase per eq. 3 of that paper
        # First the sum in the numerator
        for i, val in enumerate(gR):
            gR[i] = (round(val / mxamp * 100) + 1)
        gR = clip(gR, 0, 99)
        shb = sum(hb_value)
        hbsum = []
        hbsum.append(float(hb_value[0]) / shb)
        for i in range(1, 100):
            hbsum.append(hbsum[i - 1] + (float(hb_value[i]) / shb))
        for i in range(len(phasee['t'])):
            phasee['phase'].append(pi * hbsum[int(gR[i]) - 1] *
        phasee['phase'] = array(phasee['phase'])

    # Time series time vector
    phasee['time_series_time'] = arange(
        0, (max(phasee['t']) - 0.5 * phasee['volume_tr']), phasee['volume_tr'])
    phasee['phase_slice'] = zeros(
        (len(phasee['time_series_time']), phasee['number_of_slices']))
    phasee['phase_slice_reg'] = zeros(
        (len(phasee['time_series_time']), 4, phasee['number_of_slices']))
    for i_slice in range(phasee['number_of_slices']):
        tslc = phasee['time_series_time'] + phasee['slice_offset'][i_slice]
        for i in range(len(phasee['time_series_time'])):
            imin = argmin(abs(tslc[i] - phasee['t']))
            #mi = abs(tslc[i] - phasee['t']) # probably not needed
            phasee['phase_slice'][i, i_slice] = phasee['phase'][imin]
        # Make regressors for each slice
        phasee['phase_slice_reg'][:, 0, i_slice] = sin(
            phasee['phase_slice'][:, i_slice])
        phasee['phase_slice_reg'][:, 1, i_slice] = cos(
            phasee['phase_slice'][:, i_slice])
        phasee['phase_slice_reg'][:, 2, i_slice] = sin(
            2 * phasee['phase_slice'][:, i_slice])
        phasee['phase_slice_reg'][:, 3, i_slice] = cos(
            2 * phasee['phase_slice'][:, i_slice])

    if phasee['quiet'] == 0 and phasee['show_graphs'] == 1:
        print '--> Calculated phase'
        a = divide(divide(phasee['phase'], 2), pi)
        plt.plot(phasee['t'], divide(divide(phasee['phase'], 2), pi), 'm')
        if 'phase_r' in phasee:
            plt.plot(phasee['tR'], divide(divide(phasee['phase_r'], 2), pi),
        plt.plot(phasee['time_series_time'], phasee['phase_slice'][:, 1], 'ro',
                 phasee['time_series_time'], phasee['phase_slice'][:, 2], 'bo',
                 phasee['time_series_time'], phasee['phase_slice'][:, 2], 'b-')
        plt.plot(phasee['t'], phasee['phase'], 'k')
        #grid on
        # title it
        # Need to implement this yet
        #if phasee['Demo']:
        #uiwait(msgbox('Press button to resume', 'Pausing', 'modal'))
    return phasee