    def check_vxlan_cidr(self, req):
        # Check qualified interface with cidr and interface name (if provided).
        cmd = jsonobject.loads(req[http.REQUEST_BODY])
        rsp = CheckVxlanCidrResponse()
        interf = cmd.physicalInterfaceName

        nics = linux.get_nics_by_cidr(cmd.cidr)
        if len(nics) == 0:
            rsp.error = "can not find qualify interface for cidr [%s]" % cmd.cidr
            rsp.success = False
        elif len(nics) == 1 and interf:
            if nics[0].keys()[0] == interf:
                rsp.vtepIp = nics[0].values()[0]
                rsp.error = "The interface with cidr [%s] is not the interface [%s] which provided" % (
                    cmd.cidr, interf)
                rsp.success = False
        elif len(nics) == 1:
            rsp.vtepIp = nics[0].values()[0]
        elif len(nics) > 1 and interf:
            for nic in nics:
                if nic.keys()[0] == interf:
                    rsp.vtepIp = nics[0].values()[0]
            if rsp.vtepIp == None:
                rsp.error = "No interface both qualify with cidr [%s] and interface name [%s] provided" % (
                    cmd.cidr, interf)
                rsp.success = False
            rsp.error = "Multiple interface qualify with cidr [%s] and no interface name provided" % (

        return jsonobject.dumps(rsp)
    def check_vxlan_cidr(self, req):
        # Check qualified interface with cidr and interface name (if provided).
        cmd = jsonobject.loads(req[http.REQUEST_BODY])
        rsp = CheckVxlanCidrResponse()
        rsp.success = False
        interf = cmd.physicalInterfaceName

        nics = linux.get_nics_by_cidr(cmd.cidr)
        ips = set(map(lambda d: d.values()[0], nics))
        if len(nics) == 0:
            rsp.error = "can not find qualify interface for cidr [%s]" % cmd.cidr
        elif len(nics) == 1 and interf:
            if nics[0].keys()[0] == interf:
                rsp.vtepIp = nics[0].values()[0]
                rsp.success = True
                rsp.error = "the interface with cidr [%s] is not the interface [%s] which provided" % (
                    cmd.cidr, interf)
        elif len(nics) == 1:
            rsp.vtepIp = nics[0].values()[0]
            rsp.success = True
        elif len(nics) > 1 and interf:
            for nic in nics:
                if nic.keys()[0] == interf:
                    rsp.vtepIp = nics[0].values()[0]
                    rsp.success = True
            if rsp.vtepIp == None:
                rsp.error = "no interface both qualify with cidr [%s] and interface name [%s] provided" % (
                    cmd.cidr, interf)
        elif len(nics) == 2 and (
                linux.is_vif_on_bridge(nics[0].keys()[0], nics[1].keys()[0]) or
                linux.is_vif_on_bridge(nics[1].keys()[0], nics[0].keys()[0])):
            # Note(WeiW): This is a work around for case of a interface bound to a bridge and have same ip address,
            # see at zstackio/issues#4056, but note this wont make assurance that routing is true
            rsp.vtepIp = nics[0].values()[0]
            rsp.success = True
        elif len(nics) > 1 and len(ips) == 1:
            rsp.error = "the qualified vtep ip bound to multiple interfaces"
            rsp.error = "multiple interface qualify with cidr [%s] and no interface name provided" % (

        return jsonobject.dumps(rsp)
    def check_vxlan_cidr(self, req):
        def filter_vxlan_nics(nics, interf, requireIp):
            valid_nics = copy.copy(nics)

            if interf:
                for nic in valid_nics:
                    if interf not in nic.keys():

            if requireIp:
                for nic in valid_nics:
                    if requireIp not in nic.values():

            return valid_nics

        # Check qualified interface with cidr and interface name, vtepip address (if provided).
        cmd = jsonobject.loads(req[http.REQUEST_BODY])
        rsp = CheckVxlanCidrResponse()
        rsp.success = False
        interf = cmd.physicalInterfaceName

        nics = linux.get_nics_by_cidr(cmd.cidr)
        temp_nics = filter_vxlan_nics(nics, interf, cmd.vtepip)
        # if there is no valid nic after filter, try all nics match the cidr of vxlan pool
        if len(temp_nics) != 0:
            nics = temp_nics

        ips = set(map(lambda d: d.values()[0], nics))
        nicnames = set(map(lambda d: d.keys()[0], nics))
        ''' there are 4 cases:
            1. there is no interface has ip address matched the vxlan or vxpool cidr
            2. there is only 1 interface with 1 ip address matched
            3. there is only 1 interface with more than 1 ip address matched
               in this case, we always return the first 1 ip address
            4. there has multiple interfaces with ip address matched
            #1, #4 will response error

        if len(nicnames) == 0:
            # case #1
            rsp.error = "can not find qualify interface for cidr [%s]" % cmd.cidr
        elif len(nicnames) == 1 and interf:
            # case #2 #3
            if nics[0].keys()[0] == interf:
                rsp.vtepIp = nics[0].values()[0]
                rsp.success = True
                rsp.error = "the interface with cidr [%s] is not the interface [%s] which provided" % (
                    cmd.cidr, interf)
        elif len(nicnames) == 1:
            # case #2 #3
            rsp.vtepIp = nics[0].values()[0]
            rsp.success = True
        elif len(nicnames) > 1 and interf:
            # case #4
            for nic in nics:
                if nic.keys()[0] == interf:
                    rsp.vtepIp = nics[0].values()[0]
                    rsp.success = True
            if rsp.vtepIp == None:
                rsp.error = "no interface both qualify with cidr [%s] and interface name [%s] provided" % (
                    cmd.cidr, interf)
        elif len(nicnames) == 2 and (
                linux.is_vif_on_bridge(nicnames[0], nicnames[1])
                or linux.is_vif_on_bridge(nicnames[1], nicnames[0])):
            # Note(WeiW): This is a work around for case of a interface bound to a bridge and have same ip address,
            # see at zstackio/issues#4056, but note this wont make assurance that routing is true
            rsp.vtepIp = nics[0].values()[0]
            rsp.success = True
        elif len(nicnames) > 1 and len(ips) == 1:
            rsp.error = "the qualified vtep ip bound to multiple interfaces"
            rsp.error = "multiple interface qualify with cidr [%s] and no interface name provided" % cmd.cidr

        return jsonobject.dumps(rsp)
    def connect(self, req):
        cmd = jsonobject.loads(req[http.REQUEST_BODY])
        rsp = ConnectRsp()
        diskPaths = set()

        def config_lvm(enableLvmetad=False):
            if enableLvmetad:
                lvm.config_lvm_by_sed("use_lvmetad", "use_lvmetad=1",
                                      ["lvm.conf", "lvmlocal.conf"])
                lvm.config_lvm_by_sed("use_lvmetad", "use_lvmetad=0",
                                      ["lvm.conf", "lvmlocal.conf"])
            lvm.config_lvm_by_sed("issue_discards", "issue_discards=1",
                                  ["lvm.conf", "lvmlocal.conf"])
            lvm.config_lvm_by_sed("reserved_stack", "reserved_stack=256",
                                  ["lvm.conf", "lvmlocal.conf"])
            lvm.config_lvm_by_sed("reserved_memory", "reserved_memory=131072",
                                  ["lvm.conf", "lvmlocal.conf"])
                                  ["lvm.conf", "lvmlocal.conf"])
                                  ["lvm.conf", "lvmlocal.conf"])

            lvm.config_lvm_filter(["lvm.conf", "lvmlocal.conf"], True)

        def config_drbd():
                "sed -i 's/usage-count yes/usage-count no/g' /etc/drbd.d/global_common.conf"
                "iptables -I INPUT -p tcp -m tcp --dport 20000:30000 -j ACCEPT"

        for diskId in cmd.diskIdentifiers:
            disk = CheckDisk(diskId)
        logger.debug("find/create vg %s ..." % cmd.vgUuid)
        self.create_vg_if_not_found(cmd.vgUuid, diskPaths, cmd.hostUuid,
        self.create_thin_pool_if_not_found(cmd.vgUuid, INIT_POOL_RATIO)

        if lvm.lvm_check_operation(cmd.vgUuid) is False:
            logger.warn("lvm operation test failed!")

        lvm.clean_vg_exists_host_tags(cmd.vgUuid, cmd.hostUuid, HEARTBEAT_TAG)
            "%s::%s::%s::%s" % (HEARTBEAT_TAG, cmd.hostUuid, time.time(),

        if cmd.fencerAddress:
            lvm.clean_vg_exists_host_tags(cmd.vgUuid, '\'\'', FENCER_TAG)
                           "%s::%s" % (FENCER_TAG, cmd.fencerAddress))
        lvm.clean_vg_exists_host_tags(cmd.vgUuid, '\'\'', MANAGEMENT_TAG)
                       "%s::%s" % (MANAGEMENT_TAG, cmd.magementAddress))
        self.generate_fencer(cmd.peerManagementAddress, cmd.peerSshUsername,

        if cmd.storageNetworkCidr is not None:
            nics = linux.get_nics_by_cidr(cmd.storageNetworkCidr)
            if len(nics) != 0:
                rsp.storageNetworkAddress = nics[0].values()[0]
        rsp.totalCapacity, rsp.availableCapacity = lvm.get_vg_size(cmd.vgUuid)
        rsp.vgLvmUuid = lvm.get_vg_lvm_uuid(cmd.vgUuid)
        rsp.hostUuid = cmd.hostUuid
        return jsonobject.dumps(rsp)
    def check_vxlan_cidr(self, req):

        def install_iptables(rules, port):
            needle = '-A INPUT -p udp -m udp --dport %d' % port
            drules = [r.replace("-A ", "-D ") for r in rules if needle in r]
            for rule in drules:
                bash_r("iptables -w %s" % rule)

            bash_r("iptables -w -I INPUT -p udp --dport %s -j ACCEPT" % port)

        def filter_vxlan_nics(nics, interf, requireIp):
            valid_nics = []

            if interf:
                for nic in nics:
                    if interf in nic.keys():

            if requireIp:
                for nic in nics:
                    if requireIp in nic.values():

            return valid_nics

        # Check qualified interface with cidr and interface name, vtepip address (if provided).
        cmd = jsonobject.loads(req[http.REQUEST_BODY])
        rsp = CheckVxlanCidrResponse()
        rsp.success = False
        interf = cmd.physicalInterfaceName

        nics = linux.get_nics_by_cidr(cmd.cidr)
        temp_nics = filter_vxlan_nics(nics, interf, cmd.vtepip)
        # if there is no valid nic after filter, try all nics match the cidr of vxlan pool
        if len(temp_nics) != 0:
            nics = temp_nics

        ips = set(map(lambda d: d.values()[0], nics))
        nicnames = list(set(map(lambda d: d.keys()[0], nics)))

        ''' there are 4 cases:
            1. there is no interface has ip address matched the vxlan or vxpool cidr
            2. there is only 1 interface with 1 ip address matched
            3. there is only 1 interface with more than 1 ip address matched
               in this case, we always return the first 1 ip address
            4. there has multiple interfaces with ip address matched
            #1, #4 will response error

        if len(nicnames) == 0:
            # case #1
            rsp.error = "can not find qualify interface for cidr [%s]" % cmd.cidr
        elif len(nicnames) == 1 and interf:
            # case #2 #3
            if nics[0].keys()[0] == interf:
                rsp.vtepIp = nics[0].values()[0]
                rsp.success = True
                rsp.error = "the interface with cidr [%s] is not the interface [%s] which provided" % (cmd.cidr, interf)
        elif len(nicnames) == 1:
            # case #2 #3
            rsp.vtepIp = nics[0].values()[0]
            rsp.success = True
        elif len(nicnames) > 1 and interf:
            # case #4
            for nic in nics:
                if nic.keys()[0] == interf:
                    rsp.vtepIp = nics[0].values()[0]
                    rsp.success = True
            if rsp.vtepIp == None:
                rsp.error = "no interface both qualify with cidr [%s] and interface name [%s] provided" % (cmd.cidr, interf)
        elif len(nicnames) == 2 and (linux.is_vif_on_bridge(nicnames[0], nicnames[1]) or linux.is_vif_on_bridge(nicnames[1], nicnames[0])):
            # Note(WeiW): This is a work around for case of a interface bound to a bridge and have same ip address,
            # see at zstackio/issues#4056, but note this wont make assurance that routing is true
            rsp.vtepIp = nics[0].values()[0]
            rsp.success = True
        elif len(nicnames) > 1 and len(ips) == 1:
            rsp.error = "the qualified vtep ip bound to multiple interfaces"
            rsp.error = "multiple interface qualify with cidr [%s] and no interface name provided" % cmd.cidr

        rules = bash_o("iptables -w -S INPUT").splitlines()
        install_iptables(rules, 8472)
        install_iptables(rules, 4789)

        return jsonobject.dumps(rsp)