def image_match(self, template_path, acceptable_value=0.8, max_try_times=4, scaleRation=0.8): """Get the coordinate of a image :param template_path: template path on your ios device :param acceptable_value: for a successful match, the acceptable value :param max_try_times: how many times you want to try with different size of the template :param scaleRation: for each time you try, what the template size should be :return: Result tuple: (success?, error_message/return value) """ self.s.send( datahandler.format_socket_data(tasktypes.TASK_TEMPLATE_MATCH, template_path, max_try_times, acceptable_value, scaleRation)) result = datahandler.decode_socket_data(self.s.recv(1024)) if not result[0]: return False, result[1] return True, { "x": result[1][0], "y": result[1][1], "width": result[1][2], "height": result[1][3] }
def stop_touch_recording(self): """Stop recording touch events :return: Result tuple: (success?, error_message/return value) """ self.s.send(datahandler.format_socket_data(tasktypes.TASK_TOUCH_RECORDING_STOP)) return datahandler.decode_socket_data(self.s.recv(1024))
def search_color(self, region, red_min, red_max, green_min, green_max, blue_min, blue_max, pixel_to_skip = 0): """Search color from a region Args: region: a tuple containing start_x, start_y, width, height of the region to search. Format: (x, y, width, height) red_min: min value of the red color of the point to search. red_max: max value of the red color of the point to search. green_min: min value of the green color of the point to search. green_max: max value of the green color of the point to search. blue_min: min value of the blue color of the point to search. blue_max: max value of the blue color of the point to search. pixel_to_skip: how many pixel to skip when searching. For example, if the value is 1, and the start point is (0,0). Then it will only search for (0, 0), (0, 2), (0, 4) .... (2, 0), (2, 2) For example, if the value is 2, and the start point is (0,0). Then it will only search for (0, 0), (0, 3), (0, 5) .... (3, 0), (3, 2) Returns: Result tuple: (success?, error_message/return value) if the operation successes, the return value will be an array of texts in the region. """ if len(region) != 4: raise RuntimeError("The format of the region should be (x, y, width, height)") return self.s.send(datahandler.format_socket_data(tasktypes.TASK_COLOR_SEARCHER, colorsearchtasktypes.SEARCH_RGB_SINGLE_POINT, region[0], region[1], region[2], region[3], red_min, red_max, green_min, green_max, blue_min, blue_max, pixel_to_skip)) result = datahandler.decode_socket_data(self.s.recv(1024)) if not result[0]: return False, result[1] return True, {"x": result[1][0], "y": result[1][1], "red": result[1][2], "green": result[1][3], "blue": result[1][4]}
def accurate_usleep(self, microseconds): """Don't know why, but python on ios will not sleep accurately sometimes. So you can use this to sleep :param microseconds: microseconds to sleep :return: Result tuple: (success?, error_message/return value) """ self.s.send(datahandler.format_socket_data(tasktypes.TASK_USLEEP, microseconds)) return datahandler.decode_socket_data(self.s.recv(1024))
def insert_text(self, text): """Insert text into the text field :param text: text to insert :return: """ for i, ch in enumerate(text): if ch == "\b": self.s.send( datahandler.format_socket_data(tasktypes.TASK_KEYBOARDIMPL, kbdtasktypes.KEYBOARD_DELETE_CHARACTERS, 1)) datahandler.decode_socket_data(self.s.recv(1024)) else: self.s.send( datahandler.format_socket_data(tasktypes.TASK_KEYBOARDIMPL, kbdtasktypes.KEYBOARD_INSERT_TEXT, ch)) datahandler.decode_socket_data(self.s.recv(1024)) return (True, "")
def play_script(self, script_absolute_path): """Play a script :param script_absolute_path: the absolute path of the script :return: Result tuple: (success?, error_message/return value) """ self.s.send(datahandler.format_socket_data(tasktypes.TASK_PLAY_SCRIPT, script_absolute_path)) return datahandler.decode_socket_data(self.s.recv(1024))
def paste_from_clipboard(self): """paste text from clip board :return: Result tuple: (success?, error_message/return value) """ self.s.send( datahandler.format_socket_data(tasktypes.TASK_KEYBOARDIMPL, kbdtasktypes.KEYBOARD_PASTE_FROM_CLIPBOARD)) return datahandler.decode_socket_data(self.s.recv(1024))
def run_shell_command(self, command): """Run shell command on device as root :param command: command to run :return: Result tuple: (success?, error_message/return value) """ self.s.send(datahandler.format_socket_data(tasktypes.TASK_RUN_SHELL, command)) return datahandler.decode_socket_data(self.s.recv(1024))
def hide_keyboard(self): """hide the keyboard :return: Result tuple: (success?, error_message/return value) """ self.s.send( datahandler.format_socket_data(tasktypes.TASK_KEYBOARDIMPL, kbdtasktypes.KEYBOARD_VIRTUAL_KEYBOARD, 1)) return datahandler.decode_socket_data(self.s.recv(1024))
def move_cursor(self, offset): """Move the cursor on the text field :param offset: the related position you want to move. To move left, offset should be negative. For moving right, it should be positive. :return: """ self.s.send( datahandler.format_socket_data(tasktypes.TASK_KEYBOARDIMPL, kbdtasktypes.KEYBOARD_MOVE_CURSOR, offset)) return datahandler.decode_socket_data(self.s.recv(1024))
def set_clipboard_text(self, text): """Set clipboard text :param text: text to set :return: Result tuple: (success?, error_message/return value) """ self.s.send( datahandler.format_socket_data(tasktypes.TASK_KEYBOARDIMPL, kbdtasktypes.KEYBOARD_SAVE_TEXT_TO_CLIPBOARD, text)) return datahandler.decode_socket_data(self.s.recv(1024))
def get_text_from_clipboard(self): """Get text from clip board :return: Result tuple: (success?, error_message/return value) """ self.s.send( datahandler.format_socket_data(tasktypes.TASK_KEYBOARDIMPL, kbdtasktypes.KEYBOARD_GET_TEXT_FROM_CLIPBOARD)) result = datahandler.decode_socket_data(self.s.recv(1024)) if not result[0]: return False, result[1] return True, result[1][0]
def get_battery_info(self): self.s.send(datahandler.format_socket_data(tasktypes.TASK_GET_DEVICE_INFO, deviceinfotasktypes.DEVICE_INFO_TASK_GET_BATTERY_INFO)) result = datahandler.decode_socket_data(self.s.recv(1024)) if not result[0]: return False, result[1] battery_state_return = int(result[1][0]) battery_state_list = ["Unknown", "Unplugged", "Charging", "Full"] return True, {"battery_state": result[1][0], "battery_level": str(int(float(result[1][1]))), "battery_state_string": battery_state_list[battery_state_return]} # state: 0 unknown, 1 unplegged, 2 charging, 3 full
def get_screen_scale(self): """Get screen scale :return: Result tuple: (success?, error_message/screen scale(str, can be convert to int)) """ self.s.send(datahandler.format_socket_data(tasktypes.TASK_GET_DEVICE_INFO, deviceinfotasktypes.DEVICE_INFO_TASK_GET_SCREEN_SCALE)) result = datahandler.decode_socket_data(self.s.recv(1024)) if not result[0]: return False, result[1] return True, result[1][0]
def get_screen_size(self): """Get screen size in pixels :return: Result tuple: (success?, error_message/dictionary that stores the result) """ self.s.send(datahandler.format_socket_data(tasktypes.TASK_GET_DEVICE_INFO, deviceinfotasktypes.DEVICE_INFO_TASK_GET_SCREEN_SIZE)) result = datahandler.decode_socket_data(self.s.recv(1024)) if not result[0]: return False, result[1] return True, {"width": result[1][0], "height": result[1][1]}
def switch_to_app(self, bundle_identifier): """Bring an application to foreground :param bundle_identifier: the bundle identifier of the application :return: Result tuple The format of the result tuple: result_tuple[0]: True if no error happens when executing the command on your device. False otherwise result_tuple[1]: error info if result_tuple[0] == False. Otherwise "" """ self.s.send(datahandler.format_socket_data(tasktypes.TASK_PROCESS_BRING_FOREGROUND, bundle_identifier)) return datahandler.decode_socket_data(self.s.recv(1024))
def get_device_info(self): """Get information of the device :return: Result tuple: (success?, error_message/dictionary that stores device information) """ self.s.send(datahandler.format_socket_data(tasktypes.TASK_GET_DEVICE_INFO, deviceinfotasktypes.DEVICE_INFO_TASK_GET_DEVICE_INFO)) result = datahandler.decode_socket_data(self.s.recv(1024)) if not result[0]: return False, result[1] return True, {"name": result[1][0], "system_name": result[1][1], "system_version": result[1][2], "model": result[1][3], "identifier_for_vendor": result[1][4]}
def show_toast(self, toast_type, content, duration, position=0, fontSize=0): """Show toast on ios device :param type: type of the toast. :param content: content of the toast :param duration: duration of the toast :param position: position of the toast. 0 for top, 1 for bottom :return: Result tuple: (success?, error_message/return value) """ self.s.send(datahandler.format_socket_data(tasktypes.TASK_SHOW_TOAST, toast_type, content, duration, position, fontSize)) return datahandler.decode_socket_data(self.s.recv(1024))
def show_alert_box(self, title, content, duration): """Show alert box on device Args: title: title of the alert box content: content of the alert box duration: the time the alert box shows before disappear Returns: Result tuple: (success?, error_message/return value) """ self.s.send(datahandler.format_socket_data(tasktypes.TASK_SHOW_ALERT_BOX, title, content, duration)) return datahandler.decode_socket_data(self.s.recv(1024))
def touch_with_list(self, touch_list: list): """Perform touch events with a list of events touch list should be a list of dictionary that you want to perform touch with following format :param touch_list: [{"type": ?, "finger_index": ?, "x": ?, "y": ?}] :return: None """ event_data = '' for touch_event in touch_list: event_data += '{}{:02d}{:05d}{:05d}'.format(touch_event['type'], touch_event['finger_index'], touch_event['x'] * 10, touch_event['y'] * 10) self.s.send(datahandler.format_socket_data(tasktypes.TASK_PERFORM_TOUCH, str(len(touch_list)) + event_data))
def pick_color(self, x, y): """Get the rgb value from the screen. The format returned is (red, green, blue) :param x: x coordinate of the point on the screen :param y: y coordinate of the point on the screen :return: Result tuple: (success?, error_message/dictionary that stores the result) """ self.s.send(datahandler.format_socket_data(tasktypes.TASK_COLOR_PICKER, x, y)) result = datahandler.decode_socket_data(self.s.recv(1024)) if not result[0]: return False, result[1] return True, {"red": result[1][0], "green": result[1][1], "blue": result[1][2]}
def touch(self, type, finger_index, x, y): """Perform a touch event :param type: touch type :param finger_index: which finger you want to perform touch :param x: x coordinate :param y: y coordinate :return: None """ if int(type) > 19: print("Touch index should not be greater than 19.") self.s.send(datahandler.format_socket_data(tasktypes.TASK_PERFORM_TOUCH, '1{}{:02d}{:05d}{:05d}'.format(type, finger_index, int(x * 10), int(y * 10))))
def ocr(self, region, custom_words=[], minimum_height="", recognition_level=0, languages=[], auto_correct=0, debug_image_path=""): """Get text from a region Args: region: a tuple containing start_x, start_y, width, height of the region to ocr. Format: (x, y, width, height) custom_words: an array of strings to supplement the recognized languages at the word recognition stage. minimum_height: the minimum height of the text expected to be recognized, relative to the image height. The default value is 1/32 recognition_level: a value that determines whether the request prioritizes accuracy or speed in text recognition. 0 means accurate. 1 means faster. languages: an array of languages to detect, in priority order. Default: english. Use get_supported_ocr_languages() to get the language list. auto_correct: whether ocr engine applies language correction during the recognition process. 0 means no, 1 means yes debug_image_path: debug image path. If you DONT want the ocr engine to output the debug image, leave it blank Returns: Result tuple: (success?, error_message/return value) if the operation successes, the return value will be an array of texts in the region. """ if len(region) != 4: raise RuntimeError( "The format of the region should be (x, y, width, height)") return rect_data = ",,".join(map(str, region)) custom_words_data = ",,".join(map(str, custom_words)) languages_data = ",,".join(map(str, languages)) self.s.send( datahandler.format_socket_data(tasktypes.TASK_TEXT_RECOGNIZER, 1, rect_data, custom_words_data, minimum_height, recognition_level, languages_data, auto_correct, debug_image_path)) result = datahandler.decode_socket_data(self.s.recv(2048)) if not result[0]: return False, result[1] return True, result[1]
def get_supported_ocr_languages(self, recognition_level): """Get languages that can be recognized by ocr Args: recognition_level: a value that determines whether the request prioritizes accuracy or speed in text recognition. 0 means accurate. 1 means faster. Returns: Result tuple: (success?, error_message/return value) if the operation successes, the return value will be an array of available languages . """ self.s.send(datahandler.format_socket_data(tasktypes.TASK_TEXT_RECOGNIZER, 2, recognition_level)) result = datahandler.decode_socket_data(self.s.recv(1024)) if not result[0]: return False, result[1] return True, result[1]
def force_stop_script_play(self): """Force stopping playing current script""" self.s.send(datahandler.format_socket_data(tasktypes.TASK_PLAY_SCRIPT_FORCE_STOP)) return datahandler.decode_socket_data(self.s.recv(1024))