def check1(): I1, n1 = romberg(f1, 0, 1) I2, n2 = romberg(f2, 0, 4) print("Comparing Solutions\n") print("The integral for the 1st equation using romberg's is:", I1, "and the number of evaluations are:", n1 ) print("The integral for the 2nd equation using romberg's is:", I2, "and the number of evaluations are:", n2, "\n" ) print("The percentage error in the 1st solution for 10^2 is", math.fabs((((I1 - result11) / I1 )*100))) print("The percentage error in the 1st solution for 10^4 is", math.fabs((((I1 - result12) / I1 )*100))) print("The percentage error in the 1st solution for 10^6 is", math.fabs((((I1 - result13) / I1 )*100))) print("The percentage error in the 2nd solution for 10^2 is", math.fabs((((I2 - result21) / I2 )*100))) print("The percentage error in the 2nd solution for 10^4 is", math.fabs((((I2 - result22) / I2 )*100))) print("The percentage error in the 2nd solution for 10^6 is", math.fabs((((I2 - result23) / I2 )*100))) print("\n")
def problem22(): Iold = 0.0 a = 0.0 b = 1.0 integral, npan = romberg(f2, 0, 4) print("n", "\t", "h", "\t", "T_h(f)", "\t", "e_h", "\t", "e_2h/e_h") for k in range(1,9): Inew = trapezoid(f1, a, b, Iold, k) if (k > 1) and (abs(Inew - Iold)) < 1.0e-10: break eh2 = ((integral - Iold) / (integral - Inew)) Iold = Inew n1 = (2**(k-1)) print(2**(k-1), "\t", '{0:.4f}'.format(((b-a)/n1)), "\t", '{0:.4f}'.format(Iold), "\t",'{0:.4f}'.format(math.fabs(integral - Iold)), "\t", '{0:.4f}'.format((eh2)), "\n")
# The u values that the function will be evaluated with u = arange(0, 1.01, 0.05) print(" u\t g(u)") gu = [] #list that will contain all of g(u)s (y-coordinates for your plot) # Iterating through the u list for i in u: # if the current i value is 0 then the integral will evaluate to 0 if i == 0: g = 0.0 # Otherwise perform romberg integration else: I, nPanels = romberg( f, 0, 1 / i) # perform romberg integration on f here (get result in # I, nPanels is the number of panels used but is not # used for output). # g(i) is i^3 multiplied by the romberg integration of f(x) g = I * i**3 # evaluate g(i) here print('{:6.2f}{:13.6f}'.format(i, g)) gu.append(g) # # Place the code that creates the required plot using pylab here. # Be sure to label axes and provide the same title as shown # in the "prob6_1-14.png" image file on BB # Setting the y axis label plt.ylabel('g(u)') # Setting the x axis label
from romberg import * import math def f(x): return math.sin(x)**-.5 def F(t): return 2 * (1 - t**4)**-.5 I, n = romberg(F, math.sin(0)**.5, math.sin(math.pi / 4)**.5) print("Integral =", I) print("nPanels =", n) ''' ::: CODE RUN ::: cheng@Cheng:~/code/na/romberg$ python3 Integral = 1.7911613389539645 nPanels = 64 '''
return 2 * sp.jv(3, 2.7 * x) * sp.jv(3, 2.7 * x) * x def integ2(x): return 2 * pow(abs(sp.jv(3, 2.7) / sp.kv(3, 1.2)), 2) * sp.kv(3, 1.2 * x) * sp.kv(3, 1.2 * x) * x def total_integ(x): if x <= 1: return integ1(x) else: return integ2(x) ss, j, y, dy, index = romberg(total_integ, 0, 15, full=True) ANS = 0.046038860370705266 y = array(y) temp = [ANS] * len(index) temp = array(temp) dy = array(dy) index = array(index) loglog(pow(2, index), abs(dy), "k", color="r") ss, j, y, dy, index = qromb3(total_integ, 0, 15, full=True) y = array(y) temp = [ANS] * len(index) temp = array(temp) dy = array(dy) index = array(index)
## example6_7 from math import cos, sqrt, pi from romberg import * def f(x): return 2.0 * (x**2) * cos(x**2) I, n = romberg(f, 0, sqrt(pi)) print "Integral =", I print "numEvals =", n raw_input("\nPress return to exit")
#Imports from romberg import * # Have the romberg file and the trapezoid integration file provided on study direct in the same folder as your code. #Constants LowerLimit = 0 UpperLimit = 10 #Defining Function def function(x): return (x**2) #Returns the integral and the number of panels used. Unless stated otherwise, leave the last term as "tol=1.0e-6". tol stands for tolerance, and controls the size of the error. #Answer[0] = Numerical value of definite integration. #Answer[1] = Number of panels (Number of trapeziums used). Answer = romberg(function, LowerLimit, UpperLimit, tol=1.0e-6) print Answer
def f(x): return eval(fninput.getText()) print(type(f)) Iold=0.0 a=eval(lower.getText()) print(type(a)) b=eval(upper.getText()) print(type(b)) for k in range(1,21): Inew=trapezoid(f,a,b,Iold,k) if (k>1) and (abs(Inew-Iold))<1.0e-6: break Iold=Inew print("Trapezoidal Integral =",Inew) answer=Inew showAnswer() #Romberg if go.y>310 and go.y<385: from romberg import * def f(x): return eval(fninput.getText()) print(type(f)) I,n=romberg(f,eval(lower.getText()),eval(upper.getText())) print("Romberg Integral =",I) answer=I showAnswer() #Gaussian if go.y>420 and go.y<495: pass ## else:
from numpy import * import scipy.weave as weave from trapz import * from week0 import * from romberg import * from trapz import * import scipy.special as sp from matplotlib.pyplot import * def integ1(x) : return 2*sp.jv(3,2.7*x)*sp.jv(3,2.7*x)*x def integ2(x): return 2*pow(abs(sp.jv(3,2.7)/sp.kv(3,1.2)),2)*sp.kv(3,1.2*x)*sp.kv(3,1.2*x)*x def total_integ(x): if x<=1 : return integ1(x) else: return integ2(x) def integ1_mod(x): return sp.jv(3,2.7*x**0.5)*sp.jv(3,2.7*x**0.5) print romberg(integ1,0,1,EPS =1e-15) print romberg(integ1_mod,0,1,EPS = 1e-15)
import numpy as np func = lambda x: np.sqrt(x) * np.cos(x) ## Recursive Trapezoidal Rule from trapezoid import * Iold = 0.0 a = 0.0 b = np.pi for k in range(1, 10): Inew = trapezoid(func, a, b, Iold, k) Iold = Inew print('Inew : ', Inew, ' Panel : ', 2**(k - 1)) ## Romberg Integration from romberg import * print(romberg(func, a, b, tol=1.0e-06))
import scipy.special as sp from matplotlib.pyplot import * def integ1(x) : return 2*sp.jv(3,2.7*x)*sp.jv(3,2.7*x)*x def integ2(x): return 2*pow(abs(sp.jv(3,2.7)/sp.kv(3,1.2)),2)*sp.kv(3,1.2*x)*sp.kv(3,1.2*x)*x def total_integ(x): if x<=1 : return integ1(x) else: return integ2(x) romb = romberg(total_integ,0,15) print "integration value = %f , no. of function calls = %d" % (romb[0],pow(2,romb[1])) a = romberg(integ1,0,1) b = romberg(integ2,1,15) ans = a[0]+b[0] calls = pow(2,a[1]-1)+pow(2,b[1]-1) print "integration value with splitting = %f no . of function calls = %d "%(ans,calls) ss,j,y,dy,index = romberg(total_integ,0,15,full = True) ANS = 0.046038860370705266 print index, dy y = array(y) temp = [ANS]*len(index) temp = array(temp) dy = array(dy) index = array(index)
# Evaluates the integrand at the provided value of x def f(x): if x == 0: return 0 else: return (x**4 * exp(x)) / ((exp(x) - 1)**2) # Sets initial data and creates a list for the values of g(u) u = arange(0, 1.01, 0.05) print(" u\t g(u)") gu = [] for i in u: if i == 0: g = 0.0 else: # Performs Romberg integration on f I, nPanels = romberg(f, 0, 1 / i) # Evaluates g(i) g = i**3 * I # Prints the values of u and g(u) print('{:6.2f}{:13.6f}'.format(i, g)) gu.append(g) # Plots g(u) vs u and saves the plot to prob6_1_14.png plt.plot(u, gu, "b-") plt.xlabel("u") plt.ylabel("g(u)") plt.xlim(xmin=0.0, xmax=1.0) plt.ylim(ymin=0.0) plt.title("Problem 6.1.14") plt.savefig("prob6_1_14.png")
## example6_7 from math import cos,sqrt,pi from romberg import * def f(x): return 2.0*(x**2)*cos(x**2) I,n = romberg(f,0,sqrt(pi)) print "Integral =",I print "numEvals =",n raw_input("\nPress return to exit")
#Imports from romberg import * # Have the romberg file and the trapezoid integration file provided on study direct in the same folder as your code. #Constants LowerLimit = 0 UpperLimit = 10 #Defining Function def function(x): return (x**2) #Returns the integral and the number of panels used. Unless stated otherwise, leave the last term as "tol=1.0e-6". tol stands for tolerance, and controls the size of the error. #Answer[0] = Numerical value of definite integration. #Answer[1] = Number of panels (Number of trapeziums used). Answer = romberg(function,LowerLimit,UpperLimit,tol=1.0e-6) print Answer