Beispiel #1
def GetLearnableDomainSpells (pc, Level, baseClassName = -1):
	import GUICommon
	import GUICommonWindows
	Learnable =[]

	# only clerics have domains due to listdom.2da restrictions
	# no need to double check, as we only call this for IE_IWD2_SPELL_CLERIC
	if baseClassName == -1:
		baseClassName = GUICommon.GetClassRowName (pc)
	BaseClassIndex = CommonTables.Classes.GetRowIndex (baseClassName)
	# columns correspond to kits in the same order
	KitIndex = GUICommonWindows.GetKitIndex (pc, BaseClassIndex)
	if KitIndex == -1:
		print "GetLearnableDomainSpells: couldn't determine the kit, bailing out!"
		return Learnable
	# calculate the offset from the first cleric kit
	KitIndex -= CommonTables.Classes.FindValue ("CLASS", BaseClassIndex+1)

	DomainSpellTable = GemRB.LoadTable ("listdomn")
	# check everything in case someone wants to mod the spell amount
	for i in range(DomainSpellTable.GetRowCount ()):
		if DomainSpellTable.GetValue (i, KitIndex) == Level:
			SpellName = DomainSpellTable.GetRowName (i)
			SpellName = DomainSpellTable.GetValue (SpellName, "DOMAIN_RESREF")
			Learnable.append (SpellName)

	return Learnable
Beispiel #2
def OpenLUKitWindow ():
	global LUKitWindow

	# check if kit selection is needed at all
	# does the class have any kits at all?
	# if we're levelling up, we must also check we dont't already
	# have a kit with this class
	pc = GemRB.GameGetSelectedPCSingle ()
	LUClass = GemRB.GetVar ("LUClass") # index, not ID
	LUClassName = CommonTables.Classes.GetRowName (LUClass)
	LUClassID = CommonTables.Classes.GetValue (LUClassName, "ID")
	hasKits = CommonTables.Classes.FindValue ("CLASS", LUClassID)
	kitIndex = GUICommonWindows.GetKitIndex (pc, LUClass)
	if hasKits == -1 or kitIndex > 0:
		LUNextPress ()

	LUKitWindow = Window = GemRB.LoadWindow (6)

	# title
	Label = Window.GetControl (0x10000000)
	Label.SetText (9894)

	# next
	Button = Window.GetControl (0)
	Button.SetText (36789)
	Button.SetEvent (IE_GUI_BUTTON_ON_PRESS, LUNextPress)

	# 1 does not exist, 2-10 are kit buttons
	# 11 scrollbar, 12 back
	Window.DeleteControl (12)

	# description
	TextArea = Window.GetControl (13)
	TextArea.SetText ("")

    # skip to the first kit of this class
	kitOffset = hasKits

	GemRB.SetVar ("LUKit", -1)
	for i in range(9):
		Button = Window.GetControl (i+2)

		kitClassName = CommonTables.Classes.GetRowName (kitOffset+i)
		kitClass = CommonTables.Classes.GetValue (kitClassName, "CLASS", GTV_INT)
		if kitClass != LUClassID:

		kitTitle = CommonTables.Classes.GetRowName (kitOffset+i)
		kitTitle = CommonTables.Classes.GetValue (kitTitle, "NAME_REF", GTV_REF)
		Button.SetText (kitTitle)
		Button.SetVarAssoc ("LUKit", i)
		Button.SetEvent (IE_GUI_BUTTON_ON_PRESS, LUKitPress)

	Window.ShowModal (MODAL_SHADOW_NONE)