def olduser_cancel(connect,ad, pwd_wrongnumber_rep):
    #----------------- check the feasibility of this user --------------------
    connect.sendall("Please enter your existing user name:\n>>")
    (data, quit) = check_input_early(connect, ad)
    if quit:
        print "The client program on " + ad[0] + ':' + str(ad[1]) + " has quited due to some reasons (user quit or KeyboardInterupt)."
        return quit
    if data not in Global.u_p:
        connect.send("Username not existing. This de-registration session will quit, and you will go to the main log in session.\nPlease enter your username: (or you can \"quit\" or \"resigter\" or \"de-resigter\" by those commands)\n>>")
        disp = "Someone on " + ad[0] + ':' + str(ad[1]) + " is trying to cancel a user \"" + data + "\" but that user doesn't exist."
        print disp
        Global.log.write(disp + "\n")
        return False
        UNBLOCK = True
        #------ check blocking status ----------
        for i in Global.list_block:
            if ad[0] == i.ip and data ==
                if i.get_bool():
                    connect.send("You are blocked! Please wait, this user has been blocked. You have " + str(i.get_leftover()) + " time left to try cancel this name on this machine again!\nPlease enter your username: (or you can \"quit\" or \"resigter\" or \"de-resigter\" by those commands)\n>>")
                    disp = "The user \"" + data + "\" on the ip address of \"" + i.ip + "\" want to cancel himself, but was blocked. It has " + str(i.get_leftover()) + " time left to perform cancelling this name again!"
                    print disp
                    Global.log.write(disp + "\n")
                    return False
                    pwd_wrongnumber_rep[data] = 0
        #------ check logging status ----------
        for i in Global.list_user:
            if data ==
                connect.send("The present user is logging in right now. So you can't cancel it. This session will quit and you will turn to the main login session.\nPlease enter your username: (or you can \"quit\" or \"resigter\" or \"de-resigter\" by those commands)\n>>")
                disp = "The user \"" + data + "\" actually has logged in. But another one want to cancel this user name, which is not permitted. Its IP address and port are \"" + ad[0] + ':' + str(ad[1]) +"\"."
                print disp
                Global.log.write(disp + "\n")
                return False
    exist_user = data

    #------------------ check the password (bring the 3-times blocking process)----------------------
    connect.sendall("Please enter your password:\n>>")
    (data, quit) = check_input(connect, ad)
    if quit:
        print "The client program on " + ad[0] + ':' + str(ad[1]) + " has quited due to some reasons (user quit or KeyboardInterupt)."
        return True
    pwd = data.strip()
    pwd_real = Global.u_p[exist_user]  # I will set the directory later on to form a repository

    #---------------------- password verification module --------------------------
    if pwd != pwd_real:
        if exist_user in pwd_wrongnumber_rep:
            pwd_wrongnumber_rep[exist_user] += 1
            pwd_wrongnumber_rep[exist_user] = 1
        if pwd_wrongnumber_rep[exist_user] == 3:
            connect.sendall("Wrong password for 3 times for this user on this machine in this logging in session. You are blocked. Please try with this user after " + str(Global.BLOCK_TIME) + " seconds. Or you can try another user in this machine.\nPlease enter your username: (or you can \"quit\" or \"resigter\" or \"de-resigter\" by those commands)\n>>")
            disp = "Wrong pwd 3 times for user \"" + exist_user + "\" on " + ad[0] + ':' + str(ad[1])
            print disp
            Global.log.write(disp + "\n")
            block = Global.block(ad[0], time.time(), exist_user)
            return False
            connect.send('Wrong password for this user! You have ' + str(3-pwd_wrongnumber_rep[exist_user]) + ' times to give another try for this user on this machine in this connection session!\nPlease enter your username: (or you can \"quit\" or \"resigter\" or \"de-resigter\" by those commands)\n>>')
            disp = 'Wrong password for \"' + exist_user + '\" on ' + ad[0] + ':' + str(ad[1]) + '. There are ' + str(3-pwd_wrongnumber_rep[exist_user]) + ' times left to give another try for this user!'
            print disp
            Global.log.write(disp + "\n")
            return False
    exist_pwd = pwd

    #---------------- make sure to delete ---------------
    connect.sendall("Password verified. Are you sure to cancel your registration for " + exist_user + "? Enter \"yes\" or \"no\":\n>>")
    disp = 'User \"' + exist_user + '\" on ' + ad[0] + ':' + str(ad[1]) + ' has passed the PWD verification during the cancellation process. Now he is making sure that he will cancel this account!'
    print disp
    Global.log.write(disp + "\n")
    bol = True
    N = 0
    while bol:
        N += 1
        (data, quit) = check_input(connect, ad)
        if quit:
            print "The client program on " + ad[0] + ':' + str(ad[1]) + " has quited due to some reasons (user quit or KeyboardInterupt)."
            return True
        if data not in ["yes", "no"]:
            if N == 2:
                connect.sendall("Sorry you did not enter \"yes\" or \"no\". This user de-registration session will quit, and you will turn to the main login session.\nPlease enter your username: (or you can \"quit\" or \"resigter\" or \"de-resigter\" by those commands)\n>>")
                return False
                connect.sendall("Please re-enter \"yes\" or \"no\". You can have another try.\n>>")
            bol = False
    if data == "yes":
        del Global.u_p[exist_user]
        connect.sendall("You have successfully cancelled \"" + exist_user + "\". Please continue!\nPlease enter your username: (or you can \"quit\" or \"resigter\" or \"de-register\" by those commands)\n>>")
        disp = "New user \"" + exist_user + "\" with password \"" + exist_pwd + "\" has been successfully cancelled on " + ad[0] + ':' + str(ad[1]) + "."
        print disp
        Global.log.write(disp + "\n")
        connect.sendall("You don't cancel \"" + exist_user + "\". Please continue!\nPlease enter your username: (or you can \"quit\" or \"resigter\" or \"de-register\" by those commands)\n>>")
        disp = "New user \"" + exist_user + "\" with password \"" + exist_pwd + "\" has not been successfully cancelled on " + ad[0] + ':' + str(ad[1]) + "."
        print disp
        Global.log.write(disp + "\n")
    return False