def client(connect, ad):
    #-------------------- deal with the maximum user problem first ------------------------
    if Global.con >= Global.MaxCon:
        # it's safer that each time we just send one message to the receiver
        connect.send("maxuser. The connection has arrived its maximum " \
                    "value " + str(Global.MaxCon) + ", please wait a moment " \
                    "for others log-out and then log-in later on\n")
        disp = 'Disconnected with ' + ad[0] + ':' + str(ad[1]) + ' due to maximum user problem'
        print disp
        Global.log.write(disp + "\n")

    #Sending message to connected client
    connect.send('Now you are trying to connect to the Chatting room! You should log in first. Type required information and hit enter!\n' + 'Please enter your username: (or you can \"quit\" or \"resigter\" or \"de-resigter\" by those commands)\n')
    disp = "The server session openning information has been sent"
    print disp
    Global.log.write(disp + "\n")

    #---------------------- login check or (de-)register (<username>-<password>, "quit", "termination", "(de-)register")------------------------
    pwd_wrongnumber_rep = {}  # store the number of wrong pwd entering for a specific user; initialize as empty for each new connection session
    while 1:  # only the user has successfully logged in this loop can terminate; or quit this loop, directly return
        # safely read data from the client, and check whether the
        # priority operation exists ("logout", "quit", "termination")
        (name, quit) = check_input_early(connect, ad)
        if quit:

        #-------------------- new user registration ----------------------
        if name == "register":
            quit = newuser_register(connect, ad)
            if quit:

        #-------------------- old user cancellation ----------------------
        if name == "de-register":
            quit = olduser_cancel(connect, ad, pwd_wrongnumber_rep)
            if quit:

        #--------------------- user not existing --------------------------
        elif name not in Global.u_p:
            try:  # to capture the client windows closing broken pipe error ("" will be sent here, but the connection has been broken, so there will be errors)
                connect.sendall("Username not existing.. Please type again:\n>>")
                disp1 = "Some errors happened in the client side, because the host can't receive the data normally!" + "\n"
                disp2 = "Maybe the user directly close the running terminal windows!\n"
                disp3 = "This server-client interaction thread will terminate right now!" + "\n"
                disp4 = 'Disconnected with ' + ad[0] + ':' + str(ad[1]) + ' because some errors happened in the client side.'
                disp = disp1 + disp2 + disp3 + disp4
                print disp
                Global.log.write(disp + "\n")
            disp = "The logging user name is \"" + name + "\" on: " + ad[0] + ':' + str(ad[1]) + ". The user-name not existing notification has been sent!"
            print disp
            Global.log.write(disp + "\n")

        #--------------------- check blocking and online status, if no problem, continue checking pwd ---------------------
            bol = False
            for i in Global.list_block:
                if ad[0] == i.ip and name ==
                    if i.get_bool():
                        connect.send("You are blocked! Please wait, you have " + str(i.get_leftover()) + " time left to log in using this name again!\nYou can try another user:\n>>")
                        disp = "The user \"" + name + "\" on the ip address of \"" + i.ip + "\" want to log in, but was blocked. It has " + str(i.get_leftover()) + " time left to log in using this name again!"
                        print disp
                        Global.log.write(disp + "\n")
                        bol = True
                        pwd_wrongnumber_rep[name] = 0  # but if it has been removed from the list_block, then we did not reset this value to 0
            if bol:
            for i in Global.list_user:
                if name ==
                    connect.send("The present user is being logged in. Please use another user to log-in:\n>>")
                    disp = "The user \"" + name + "\" actually has logged in. But another one also want to log in using this user-name. Its IP address and port are \"" + ad[0] + ':' + str(ad[1]) +"\"."
                    print disp
                    Global.log.write(disp + "\n")
                    bol = True
            if bol:

            # by now this user with this "name" can log in; check pwd now
            #---------------------- check pwd for the normally login ------------------------
            connect.sendall('Please enter your password:\n>>')
            disp = "The user \"" + name + "\" on \"" + ad[0] + ':' + str(ad[1]) + "\" is trying to log in. Now he is typing the password..."
            print disp
            Global.log.write(disp + "\n")
            (data, quit) = check_input_early(connect, ad)  # <username>, <password>, "quit", "termination", "(de-)register"
            if quit:
            pwd = data.strip()
            pwd_real = Global.u_p[name]  # I will set the directory later on to form a repository

            #---------------------- password verification module --------------------------
            if pwd != pwd_real:
                if name in pwd_wrongnumber_rep:
                    pwd_wrongnumber_rep[name] += 1
                    pwd_wrongnumber_rep[name] = 1
                if pwd_wrongnumber_rep[name] == 3:
                    connect.sendall("Wrong password for 3 times. You are blocked. Please try to log-in with this user after " + str(Global.BLOCK_TIME) + " seconds. Or you can try another user in this machine.\n>>")
                    disp = "Wrong pwd 3 times for user \"" + name + "\" on " + ad[0] + ':' + str(ad[1])
                    print disp
                    Global.log.write(disp + "\n")
                    block = Global.block(ad[0], time.time(), name)
                    connect.send('Wrong password! You have ' + str(3-pwd_wrongnumber_rep[name]) + ' times to give another try for this user on this machine in this connection session!\nPlease enter your username:\n>>')
                    disp = 'Wrong password for \"' + name + '\" on ' + ad[0] + ':' + str(ad[1]) + '. There are ' + str(3-pwd_wrongnumber_rep[name]) + ' times left to give another try for this user!'
                    print disp
                    Global.log.write(disp + "\n")
                connect.sendall("logsuccess" + "Welcome to the Chatting room user \"" + name + "\"! Now you have successfully logged in!" + "\n" + name + ">>" + "@@@" + name)

    ##============================ client-server interaction from here ===============================
    disp = "User \"" + name + "\" has successfully logged in on " + ad[0] + ':' + str(ad[1]) + "."
    print disp
    Global.log.write(disp + "\n")

    #-------------------- deal with the maximum user problem again -------------------------
    #------ because the MaxCon number may reached just during this user is logging in-------
    if Global.con >= Global.MaxCon:
        # it's safer that each time we just send one message to the receiver
        connect.send("maxuser. I'm sorry. Although you have passed the password verification, there already exist maximum number users online. The connection has arrived its maximum " \
                    "value " + str(Global.MaxCon) + ", please wait a moment " \
                    "for others log-out and then log-in later on.\n")
        disp = 'Disconnected with ' + ad[0] + ':' + str(ad[1]) + ' due to maximum user problem'
        print disp
        Global.log.write(disp + "\n")

    Global.con += 1
    user = Global.user(ad[0], ad[1], name)

    # add a new feature: new user logging in notification
    newuser_notif(name)  # himself not yet added to the present user_list

    #DEBUG, but actually useful
    print "The present active users list:"
    print Global.list_user

    #--------- open the interaction thread ------------
    new_thread = threading.Thread(target=server_receiver, args=(connect, ad, name, user))

    #----------------------- open the server sender thread -------------------
    new_thread = threading.Thread(target=server_sender, args=(connect, ad, name))

    #------------------- here we have a TIME_OUT loop detection -------------------------
    Global.list_lastop[name] = time.time()  # default as an empty directory
    present_time = time.time()
    while True:  # TODO data concurrency here
        if present_time - Global.list_lastop[name] < Global.TIME_OUT:  # only under this circumstance we should go-on
            #------- by adding this we can log out this thread after the receiver thread has logged out -----
            if Global.TIME_OUT - (present_time - Global.list_lastop[name]) < Global.TIME_OUT_CHECK:
                waiting_time = Global.TIME_OUT - (present_time - Global.list_lastop[name])
            else:  # for fear that this thread should quit, or the TIME_OUT has been changed to a new value
                waiting_time = Global.TIME_OUT_CHECK
            present_time = time.time()
            #--------- check whether this thread should exits here --------
            if user not in Global.list_user:
                del Global.list_lastop[name]
            connect.sendall("timeout" + str(Global.TIME_OUT))
            del Global.list_lastop[name]
            disp = "The present user \"" + name + "\" on " + ad[0] + ':' + str(ad[1]) + " has been automatically logged out due to time_out issue."
            print disp
            Global.log.write(disp + "\n")