Beispiel #1
def ResetErosionRaster():
    DataDirectory = "T://analysis_for_papers//Manny_Idaho//Revised//nested//"
    #DataDirectory = "C://basin_data//Manny_Idaho//nested//"
    ConstFname = "ConstEros.bil"
    NewErateName = "HarringCreek_ERKnown.bil"
    ThisFile = DataDirectory + ConstFname
    NewFilename = DataDirectory + NewErateName


    # now print the constant value file
    constant_value = 0.0092
    LSDP.SetToConstantValue(ThisFile, NewFilename, constant_value)

Beispiel #2
def TestNewMappingTools2():
    DataDirectory = "T://analysis_for_papers//Manny_idaho//"
    Filename = "TestIdaho.bil"
    NewFilename = "TestIdaho_after2.bil"
    ThreshFname = "ThreshIdaho.bil"
    ConstFname = "ConstEros.bil"
    ThisFile = DataDirectory + Filename
    NewFilename = DataDirectory + NewFilename
    ThreshFname = DataDirectory + ThreshFname
    ConstFname = DataDirectory + ConstFname

    #FigFormat = 'svg'
    #FigFileN= 'Sorbas_chi.svg'
    #FigFileName= DataDirectory+FigFileN

    #Plot the basin over the elevation
    #tcmapcolorbarlabel = "Elevation (m)"
    #tcmap = 'jet'
    #clim_val = (50,300)

    #get the nodata values
    NData = LSDP.getNoDataValue(ThisFile)

    print "NoData is: " + str(NData)

    # get the data as an array
    array = LSDP.ReadRasterArrayBlocks(ThisFile)

    driver_name = "ENVI"
    LSDP.array2raster(ThisFile, NewFilename, array, driver_name, -9999)

    #get the nodata values
    NData2 = LSDP.getNoDataValue(NewFilename)

    #print "NoData 2 is: " + str(NData2)

    LSDP.SetNoDataBelowThreshold(ThisFile, ThreshFname)

    # now print the constant value file
    constant_value = 0.001
    LSDP.SetToConstantValue(ThreshFname, ConstFname, constant_value)