Beispiel #1
def game_session(game_id: int,
                 matrix_suite: MatrixSuite,
                 strategies: List[Strategy],
                 proportions: List[List[float]],
                 restarts: int,
                 rounds=1000) -> None:
    Builds the game session according to the given parameters.
        *game_id*: Identifier, it gets printed on console
        *matrix_suite: The MatrixSuite that the game is played on
        *strategies*: The set of strategies that will play against each other
        *proportions*: The probability distribution associated to each strategy for replicator dynamic
        *restarts*: The number of restart per game session
        *rounds* The number of rounds per restart, default is 1000


    print("GAME ", game_id, " \n")
    grand_table = GrandTable(matrix_suite, strategies, restarts, rounds)

    # grand_table.to_latex("Game_" + str(game_id))

    for i, proportion in enumerate(proportions):
        replicator_dynamic = ReplicatorDynamic(grand_table),
                               name="Game_" + str(game_id) + "_" + str(i + 1))

    print("Gambit test result:")
    Nash.nash_equilibria(strategies, grand_table)
 def continue_sampling(self, matrix):
     if matrix.profile_dict == {}:
         return True
     game = matrix.toGame()
     decision = False
     equilibria = []
     all_eq = []
     for old_eq in self.old_equilibria:
         new_eq = Nash.replicator_dynamics(game, old_eq, self.iters, self.converge_threshold)
         decision = decision or linalg.norm(new_eq-old_eq, 2) > self.compare_threshold
         distances = map(lambda e: linalg.norm(e-new_eq, 2), equilibria)
         if Regret.regret(game, new_eq) <= self.regret_threshold and \
                 all([d >= self.dist_threshold for d in distances]):
     for m in game.biasedMixtures() + [game.uniformMixture()] + \
             [game.randomMixture() for __ in range(self.random_restarts)]:
         eq = Nash.replicator_dynamics(game, m, self.iters, self.converge_threshold)
         distances = map(lambda e: linalg.norm(e-eq,2), equilibria)
         if Regret.regret(game, eq) <= self.regret_threshold and \
                 all([d >= self.dist_threshold for d in distances]):
             decision = True
     if len(equilibria) == 0:
         decision = True
         self.old_equilibria = [min(all_eq, key=lambda e: Regret.regret(game, e))]
         self.old_equilibria = equilibria
     return decision
	def test_mixed_nash(self):
		expected_eq = np.array([[0.,1.]])
		found_eq = N.mixed_nash(self.one_player)
		self.assertEqual(len(found_eq), 1)
		self.assertTrue(np.allclose(expected_eq, found_eq[0]))

		expected_eq = np.array([[1.]])
		found_eq = N.mixed_nash(self.one_strategy)
		self.assertEqual(len(found_eq), 1)
		self.assertTrue(np.allclose(expected_eq, found_eq[0]))
def single_test(game, noise_model, samples_per_step, delta, alpha, best_effort="false"):
    old_matrix = ObservationMatrix()
    for prof in game.knownProfiles():
        old_matrix.addObservations(prof, noise_model.generate_samples(game, prof, samples_per_step))
    candidate = Nash.mixed_nash(old_matrix.toGame(), at_least_one=True)[0]
    regret = Regret.regret(game, candidate)
    data = {"candidate": candidate, "game_eq": regret < delta, "regret": regret, "ne-regrets": {role: 
                {strategy: Regret.regret(game, candidate, role, strategy) for strategy in game.strategies[role]} for role in game.roles}}
    if best_effort == "true":
        print 'true'
        evaluator = BestEffortCIEvaluator(game, [candidate], delta, alpha, BootstrapConfidenceInterval())
        evaluator = ConfidenceIntervalEvaluator(game, [candidate], delta, alpha, BootstrapConfidenceInterval())
    count = samples_per_step
    target_set = Regret.mixture_neighbors(game, candidate).union(Regret.feasible_profiles(game, candidate))
    matrix = ObservationMatrix()
    for profile in target_set:
        matrix.addObservations(profile, {r: [PayoffData(s, profile[r][s], data_set) for s, data_set in s_hash.items()]
                                         for r, s_hash in old_matrix.profile_dict[profile].items()})
    while evaluator.continue_sampling(matrix) and count < 1000:
        print evaluator.confidence_interval
        for prof in target_set:
            matrix.addObservations(prof, noise_model.generate_samples(game, prof, samples_per_step))
        count += samples_per_step
    data["stopping_decision"] = evaluator.get_decision(matrix, candidate)
    data["sample_count"] = matrix.toGame().max_samples
    data["final_interval"] = evaluator.confidence_interval
    print data["final_interval"]
    return data
	def test_SparseRegret(self):
		clique = S.cliques([0]
		clique_eq = N.mixed_nash(clique)[0]
		full_candidate = S.translate(clique_eq, clique,
		self.assertEqual(R.regret(, full_candidate, deviation="A"), 0)
		self.assertEqual(R.regret(, full_candidate, deviation="B"), 0)
		self.assertEqual(R.regret(, full_candidate, deviation="C"), 1)
		self.assertEqual(R.regret(, full_candidate, deviation="D"), -1)
		self.assertEqual(R.regret(, full_candidate), 1)
	def test_mixed_nash(self):
		expected_eq = np.array([[0.,1.]]*2)
		found_eq = N.mixed_nash(self.pd_str)
		self.assertEqual(len(found_eq), 1)
		self.assertTrue(np.allclose(expected_eq, found_eq[0]))

		expected_eq = np.array([[0.,1.]])
		found_eq = N.mixed_nash(self.pd_sym)
		self.assertEqual(len(found_eq), 1)
		self.assertTrue(np.allclose(expected_eq, found_eq[0]))

		expected_eq = np.array([[1./3]*3]*2)
		found_eq = N.mixed_nash(self.rps_str)
		self.assertEqual(len(found_eq), 1)
		self.assertTrue(np.allclose(expected_eq, found_eq[0]))

		expected_eq = np.array([[1./3]*3])
		found_eq = N.mixed_nash(self.rps_sym)
		self.assertEqual(len(found_eq), 1)
		self.assertTrue(np.allclose(expected_eq, found_eq[0]))
 def continue_sampling(self, matrix):
     if matrix.profile_dict == {}:
         return True
     game = matrix.toGame()
     decision = True
     for m in game.biasedMixtures() + [game.uniformMixture()] + \
             [game.randomMixture() for __ in range(self.random_restarts)]:
         eq = Nash.replicator_dynamics(game, m, self.iters, self.converge_threshold)
         confidence_interval = self.ci_calculator.one_sided_interval(matrix, eq, self.alpha)
         if confidence_interval <
             decision = False
     return decision
	def test_pure_nash(self):
		self.assertEqual(len(N.pure_nash(self.pd_sym)), 1)
		self.assertEqual(N.pure_nash(self.pd_sym)[0], {"All":{"d":2}})
		self.assertEqual(len(N.pure_nash(self.pd_str)), 1)
		self.assertEqual(N.pure_nash(self.pd_str)[0], {"Alice":{"d":1}, \
		self.assertEqual(len(N.pure_nash(self.rps_sym)), 0)
		self.assertEqual(len(N.pure_nash(self.rps_str)), 0)
Beispiel #9
def play_game():
    print "calling play_game"
    games_played = []
    global grid, next_grid, games_played
    for x in range(space_size):
        for y in range(space_size):
            current_fox = grid[x][y]
            if type(current_fox) != Fox:
                for foxB in current_fox.fox_neighbors:
                    if (current_fox.stag_neighbors == 0
                            and current_fox.rabbit_neighbors) > 0:
                        g.inclusive_cooperate = 0
                        g.inclusive_defect = 3
                        g.exclusive_defect = 3
                        g.exclusive_cooperate = 0
                    if len(current_fox.fox_neighbors) > 0:
                        if current_fox.stag_neighbors == 0 and current_fox.rabbit_neighbors == 0:

                        if (current_fox, foxB
                            ) not in games_played and current_fox is not foxB:
                            g = Nash.Game(current_fox, foxB)
                            if current_fox.stag_neighbors > 0 and current_fox.rabbit_neighbors > 1:
                                g.inclusive_cooperate = 5
                                g.inclusive_defect = 3
                                g.exclusive_defect = 0
                                g.exclusive_cooperate = 3

                            elif current_fox.stag_neighbors > 0 and current_fox.rabbit_neighbors == 0:
                                g.inclusive_cooperate = 5
                                g.inclusive_defect = 0
                                g.exclusive_defect = 0
                                g.exclusive_cooperate = 0

                            elif current_fox.stag_neighbors == 0 and current_fox.rabbit_neighbors > 1:
                                g.inclusive_cooperate = 0
                                g.inclusive_defect = 3
                                g.exclusive_defect = 0
                                g.exclusive_cooperate = 3

                        current_fox.last_score = current_fox.score
                        foxB.last_score = foxB.score


                        games_played.append((current_fox, foxB))
                        games_played.append((foxB, current_fox))
Beispiel #10
def demo():
    game = Nash()

    if game.nash.__len__() == 0:
        print("game has no nash equilibrium")
        for n in game.nash:
            print("({},{})".format(n.x, n.y))

    player1 = []
    player2 = []
    i_0 = random.randint(0, 4)
    j_0 = random.randint(0, 4)
    count = 0
    while game.is_nash(i_0, j_0) == False and count < 20:
        i = Player.B_1(j_0, game.payoff)
        j = Player.B_2(i_0, game.payoff)
        i_0 = i
        j_0 = j
        count += 1

    count += 1
    x = range(count + 1)
    player1_curve, = plt.plot(x, player1, label="player 1")
    player2_curve, = plt.plot(x, player2, label="player 2")
    plt.legend([player1_curve, player2_curve], ['player 1', 'player 2'])
    plt.xlabel('attempt of game')
Beispiel #11
action = strat.get_action(1)  # Get the next action
print("Strategy plays action:" + action.__repr__())

strat.update(1, action, 1.5,
             1)  # Update the strategy with a fake payoff and opponent action.
# Now you might want to look at the class attributes of the strategy,
# which you can call the same as functions, just without any parentheses.
print("Aselect actions:")

# Test to see if gambit runs properly, see Section 5 of the assignment and
m = [[3, 0, 5], [1, 0, 1], [3, 1, 3]]
print("Gambit test result:")
Nash.run_gambit(strategies, m)
# The output should be this:
# ======================|
#  Aselect: 1.00 | 1.00 |
#  Aselect: ---- | ---- |
#  Aselect: ---- | ---- |
# ======================|
#  Aselect: 1.00 | ---- |
#  Aselect: ---- | ---- |
#  Aselect: ---- | 1.00 |
# ======================|
#  Aselect: ---- | 1.00 |
#  Aselect: ---- | ---- |
#  Aselect: 1.00 | ---- |
# ======================|
Beispiel #12
 def equilibria(self):
     return Nash.mixed_nash(self.matrix.toGame())
	def test_pure_nash(self):
		self.assertEqual(N.pure_nash(self.one_player)[0], {"All":{"s2":1}})
		self.assertEqual(N.pure_nash(self.one_strategy)[0], {"All":{"s1":2}})
		self.assertEqual(len(N.pure_nash(self.one_profile)), 0)
Beispiel #14

    i_0 = i
    j_0 = j
    count = 0

    while game.is_nash(i_0, j_0) == False and count < 20:
        i = Player.B_1(j_0, game.payoff)
        j = Player.B_2(i_0, game.payoff)
        G.add_edge((i_0, j_0), (i, j))
        i_0 = i
        j_0 = j

        count += 1

game = Nash()
# payoff matrix of "oscillating game"
# game.payoff = [
#     [Tuple(6, 7), Tuple(5, 2), Tuple(5, 8), Tuple(0, 2), Tuple(0, 1)],
#     [Tuple(1, 1), Tuple(3, 2), Tuple(5, 2), Tuple(1, 3), Tuple(5, 1)],
#     [Tuple(1, 7), Tuple(2, 7), Tuple(1, 7), Tuple(4, 8), Tuple(8, 1)],
#     [Tuple(0, 1), Tuple(4, 7), Tuple(8, 2), Tuple(3, 0), Tuple(0, 3)],
#     [Tuple(8, 4), Tuple(3, 2), Tuple(1, 4), Tuple(9, 6), Tuple(1, 0)]
# ]

# payoff matrix of "normal game"
game.payoff = [
    [Tuple(9, 8), Tuple(3, 0), Tuple(4, 2), Tuple(1, 1), Tuple(0, 2)],
    [Tuple(3, 6), Tuple(9, 3), Tuple(8, 5), Tuple(3, 8), Tuple(9, 6)],
    [Tuple(8, 9), Tuple(4, 7), Tuple(5, 3), Tuple(4, 4), Tuple(6, 5)],
    [Tuple(1, 7), Tuple(5, 8), Tuple(9, 4), Tuple(1, 2), Tuple(3, 3)],
Beispiel #15
        i = Player.B_1(j_0, game.payoff)
        j = Player.B_2(i_0, game.payoff)
        i_0 = i
        j_0 = j
        count += 1

    count += 1
    x = range(count + 1)
    return player1, player2, x

game = Nash()
# payoff matrix of "oscillating game"
game.payoff = [
    [Tuple(6, 7),
     Tuple(5, 2),
     Tuple(5, 8),
     Tuple(0, 2),
     Tuple(0, 1)],
    [Tuple(1, 1),
     Tuple(3, 2),
     Tuple(5, 2),
     Tuple(1, 3),
     Tuple(5, 1)],
    [Tuple(1, 7),
     Tuple(2, 7),
     Tuple(1, 7),