Beispiel #1
action = strat.get_action(1)  # Get the next action
print("Strategy plays action:" + action.__repr__())

strat.update(1, action, 1.5,
             1)  # Update the strategy with a fake payoff and opponent action.
# Now you might want to look at the class attributes of the strategy,
# which you can call the same as functions, just without any parentheses.
print("Aselect actions:")

# Test to see if gambit runs properly, see Section 5 of the assignment and
m = [[3, 0, 5], [1, 0, 1], [3, 1, 3]]
print("Gambit test result:")
Nash.run_gambit(strategies, m)
# The output should be this:
# ======================|
#  Aselect: 1.00 | 1.00 |
#  Aselect: ---- | ---- |
#  Aselect: ---- | ---- |
# ======================|
#  Aselect: 1.00 | ---- |
#  Aselect: ---- | ---- |
#  Aselect: ---- | 1.00 |
# ======================|
#  Aselect: ---- | 1.00 |
#  Aselect: ---- | ---- |
#  Aselect: 1.00 | ---- |
# ======================|