Beispiel #1
def refit_2comp_wide(reg, snr_min=3):

    ncomp = [1, 2]

    # load the fitted parameters
    for nc in ncomp:
        if not str(nc) in reg.ucube.pcubes:
            if not str(nc) in reg.ucube.paraPaths:
                reg.ucube.paraPaths[str(nc)]= '{}/{}_{}vcomp.fits'.format(reg.ucube.paraDir, reg.ucube.paraNameRoot, nc)

            if nc==2 and not ('2_noWideDelV' in reg.ucube.paraPaths):
                reg.ucube.load_model_fit(reg.ucube.paraPaths[str(nc)], nc)
                reg.ucube.pcubes['2_noWideDelV'] =\
                reg.ucube.load_model_fit(reg.ucube.paraPaths[str(nc)], nc)

    wide_comp_guess = get_2comp_wide_guesses(reg)

    # use the one component fit and the refined 1-componet guess for the residual to perform the two components fit
    final_guess = np.append(reg.ucube.pcubes['1'].parcube, wide_comp_guess, axis=0)

    # fit over where one-component was a better fit in the last iteration (since we are only interested in recovering
    # a second componet that is found in wide seperation)
    lnk21 = reg.ucube.get_AICc_likelihood(2, 1)
    mask = lnk21 < 5
    mask = dilation(mask)

    # combine the mask with where 1 component model is better fitted than the noise to save some computational time
    lnk10 = reg.ucube.get_AICc_likelihood(1, 0)
    mask = np.logical_and(mask, lnk10 > 5)

    mask_size = np.sum(mask)
    print("refit mask size: {}".format(mask_size))
    if mask_size > 1:
        ucube_new = UCube.UltraCube(reg.ucube.cubefile)
        ucube_new.fit_cube(ncomp=[2], maskmap=mask, snr_min=snr_min, guesses=final_guess)

        # do a model comparison between the new two component fit verses the original one
        lnk_NvsO = UCube.calc_AICc_likelihood(ucube_new, 2, 2, ucube_B=reg.ucube)

        # mask over where one comp fit is more robust
        good_mask = np.logical_and(lnk_NvsO > 0, lnk21 < 5)

        # replace the values
        replace_para(reg.ucube.pcubes['2'], ucube_new.pcubes['2'], good_mask)

        # save the final fit model
        #UCube.save_fit(pcube_final_2, reg.ucube.paraPaths['2'], ncomp=2)
        #save_fit(pcube, savename, ncomp)
        print("not enough pixels to refit, no-refit is done")
Beispiel #2
def fit_best_2comp_residual_cnv(reg, window_hwidth=3.5, res_snr_cut=5, savefit=True):
    # fit the residual of the best fitted model (note, this approach may not hold well if the two-slab model
    # insufficiently at describing the observation. Luckily, however, this fit is only to provide initial guess for the
    # final fit)
    # the default window_hwidth = 3.5 is about half-way between the main hyperfine and the satellite

    # need a mechanism to make sure reg.ucube.pcubes['1'], reg.ucube.pcubes['2'] exists

    cube_res_cnv = get_best_2comp_residual_cnv(reg, masked=True, window_hwidth=window_hwidth, res_snr_cut=res_snr_cut)

    ncomp = 1

    # note: no further masking is applied to vmap, as we assume only pixels with good vlsr will be used
    if not hasattr(reg, 'ucube_cnv'):
        # if convolved cube was not used to produce initial guesses, use the full resolution 1-comp fit as the reference
        from scipy.ndimage.filters import median_filter
        pcube1 = reg.ucube.pcubes['1']
        vmap = median_filter(pcube1.parcube[0], size=3) # median smooth within a 3x3 square
        vmap = cnvtool.regrid(vmap, header1=get_skyheader(pcube1.header), header2=get_skyheader(cube_res_cnv.header))
        vmap = reg.ucube_cnv.pcubes['1'].parcube[0]

    moms_res_cnv = mmg.vmask_moments(cube_res_cnv, vmap=vmap, window_hwidth=window_hwidth)

    gg = mmg.moment_guesses(moms_res_cnv[1], moms_res_cnv[2], ncomp, moment0=moms_res_cnv[0])

    # should try to use UCubePlus??? may want to avoid saving too many intermediate cube products
    reg.ucube_res_cnv = UCube.UltraCube(cube=cube_res_cnv)
    reg.ucube_res_cnv.fit_cube(ncomp=[1], snr_min=3, guesses=gg)

    # save the residual fit
    if savefit:
        oriParaPath = reg.ucube.paraPaths[str(ncomp)]
        savename = "{}_onBestResidual.fits".format(os.path.splitext(oriParaPath)[0])
        reg.ucube_res_cnv.save_fit(savename, ncomp)
Beispiel #3
    def __init__(self, cubePath, paraNameRoot, paraDir=None, cnv_factor=2):

        self.cubePath = cubePath
        self.paraNameRoot = paraNameRoot
        self.paraDir = paraDir

        self.ucube = UCube.UCubePlus(cubePath, paraNameRoot=paraNameRoot, paraDir=paraDir, cnv_factor=cnv_factor)

        # for convolving cube
        self.cnv_factor = cnv_factor
Beispiel #4
def refit_swap_2comp(reg, snr_min=3):

    ncomp = [1, 2]

    # load the fitted parameters
    for nc in ncomp:
        if not str(nc) in reg.ucube.pcubes:
            # no need to worry about wide seperation as they likley don't overlap in velocity space
            reg.ucube.load_model_fit(reg.ucube.paraPaths[str(nc)], nc)

    # refit only over where two component models are already determined to be better
    # note: this may miss a few fits where the swapped two-comp may return a better result?
    lnk21 = reg.ucube.get_AICc_likelihood(2, 1)
    mask = lnk21 > 5


    # swap the parameter of the two slabs and use it as the initial guesses
    guesses = reg.ucube.pcubes['2'].parcube.copy()

    for i in range(4):
        guesses[i], guesses[i+4] = guesses[i+4], guesses[i]

    ucube_new = UCube.UltraCube(reg.ucube.cubefile)
    ucube_new.fit_cube(ncomp=[2], maskmap=mask, snr_min=snr_min, guesses=guesses)


    # do a model comparison between the new two component fit verses the original one
    lnk_NvsO = UCube.calc_AICc_likelihood(ucube_new, 2, 2, ucube_B=reg.ucube)


    # adopt the better fit parameters into the final map
    good_mask = lnk_NvsO > 0
    # replace the values
    replace_para(reg.ucube.pcubes['2'], ucube_new.pcubes['2'], good_mask)
Beispiel #5
def get_best_2comp_residual_cnv(reg, masked=True, window_hwidth=3.5, res_snr_cut=5):
    # return convolved residual cube. If masked is True, only convolve over where 'excessive' residual
    # above a peak SNR value of res_snr_cut masked

    # need a mechanism to make sure reg.ucube.pcubes['1'], reg.ucube.pcubes['2'] exists

    res_cube = get_best_2comp_residual(reg)
    best_res = res_cube._data
    cube_res = SpectralCube(data=best_res, wcs=reg.ucube.pcubes['2'].wcs.copy(),

    if masked:
        best_rms = UCube.get_rms(res_cube._data)

        # calculate the peak SNR value of the best-fit residual over the main hyperfine components
        vmap = reg.ucube.pcubes['1'].parcube[0]
        # make want to double check that masked cube always masks out nan values
        res_main_hf = mmg.vmask_cube(res_cube, vmap, window_hwidth=window_hwidth)

        if res_main_hf.size > 1e7:
            # to avoid loading entire cube and stress the memory
            how = 'slice'
            # note: 'auto' currently returns slice for n > 1e8
            how = 'auto'

        # enable huge operations (note: not needed when "how" is chosen wisely, which it should be)
        res_main_hf.allow_huge_operations = True
        res_main_hf_snr = res_main_hf.max(axis=0, how=how).value / best_rms
        res_main_hf.allow_huge_operations = False

        # mask out residual with SNR values over the cut threshold
        mask_res = res_main_hf_snr > res_snr_cut
        mask_res = dilation(mask_res)

        cube_res_masked = cube_res.with_mask(~mask_res)
        cube_res_masked = cube_res

    cube_res_cnv = cnvtool.convolve_sky_byfactor(cube_res_masked, factor=reg.cnv_factor, edgetrim_width=None,
                                                 snrmasked=False, iterrefine=False)

    cube_res_cnv = cube_res_cnv.with_spectral_unit( / u.s, velocity_convention='radio')
    return cube_res_cnv
Beispiel #6
def get_convolved_cube(reg, update=True, cnv_cubePath=None, edgetrim_width=5, paraNameRoot=None, paraDir=None):

    if cnv_cubePath is None:
        root = "conv{0}Xbeam".format(int(np.rint(reg.cnv_factor)))
        reg.cnv_cubePath = "{0}_{1}.fits".format(os.path.splitext(reg.cubePath)[0], root)
        reg.cnv_cubePath = cnv_cubePath

    reg.cnv_para_paths ={}

    if update or (not os.path.isfile(reg.cnv_cubePath)):
        reg.ucube.convolve_cube(factor=reg.cnv_factor, savename=reg.cnv_cubePath, edgetrim_width=edgetrim_width)

    if paraNameRoot is None:
        paraNameRoot = "{}_conv{}Xbeam".format(reg.paraNameRoot, int(np.rint(reg.cnv_factor)))

    if paraDir is None:
        paraDir = reg.paraDir

    reg.ucube_cnv = UCube.UCubePlus(cubefile=reg.cnv_cubePath, paraNameRoot=paraNameRoot,
                                     paraDir=paraDir, cnv_factor=reg.cnv_factor)
Beispiel #7
def get_best_2comp_snr_mod(reg):
    modbest = get_best_2comp_model(reg)
    res_cube = get_best_2comp_residual(reg)
    best_rms = UCube.get_rms(res_cube._data)
    return np.nanmax(modbest, axis=0)/best_rms
Beispiel #8
def save_best_2comp_fit(reg):
    # should be renamed to determine_best_2comp_fit or something along that line
    # currently use np.nan for pixels with no models

    ncomp = [1, 2]

    # ideally, a copy function should be in place of reloading

    # a new Region object is created start fresh on some of the functions (e.g., aic comparison)
    reg_final = Region(reg.cubePath, reg.paraNameRoot, reg.paraDir)

    # start out clean, especially since the deepcopy function doesn't work well for pyspeckit cubes
    # load the file based on the passed in reg, rather than the default
    for nc in ncomp:
        if not str(nc) in reg.ucube.pcubes:
            # load files using paths from reg if they exist
            print("loading model from: {}".format(reg.ucube.paraPaths[str(nc)]))
            reg_final.ucube.load_model_fit(filename=reg.ucube.paraPaths[str(nc)], ncomp=nc)

    pcube_final = reg_final.ucube.pcubes['2'].copy('deep')

    # make the 2-comp para maps with the best fit model
    lnk21 = reg_final.ucube.get_AICc_likelihood(2, 1)
    mask = lnk21 > 5
    print("2comp pix: {}".format(np.sum(mask)))
    pcube_final.parcube[:4, ~mask] = reg_final.ucube.pcubes['1'].parcube[:4, ~mask].copy()
    pcube_final.errcube[:4, ~mask] = reg_final.ucube.pcubes['1'].errcube[:4, ~mask].copy()
    pcube_final.parcube[4:8, ~mask] = np.nan
    pcube_final.errcube[4:8, ~mask] = np.nan

    lnk10 = reg_final.ucube.get_AICc_likelihood(1, 0)
    mask = lnk10 > 5
    pcube_final.parcube[:, ~mask] = np.nan
    pcube_final.errcube[:, ~mask] = np.nan

    # use the default file formate to save the finals
    nc = 2
    if not str(nc) in reg_final.ucube.paraPaths:
        reg_final.ucube.paraPaths[str(nc)] = '{}/{}_{}vcomp.fits'.format(reg_final.ucube.paraDir, reg_final.ucube.paraNameRoot, nc)

    savename = "{}_final.fits".format(os.path.splitext(reg_final.ucube.paraPaths['2'])[0])
    UCube.save_fit(pcube_final, savename=savename, ncomp=2)

    hdr2D =reg.ucube.cube.wcs.celestial.to_header()

    # save the lnk21 map
    savename = "{}/{}.fits".format(reg_final.ucube.paraDir, reg_final.ucube.paraNameRoot.replace("para","lnk21"))
    save_map(lnk21, hdr2D, savename)

    # save the lnk10 map
    savename = "{}/{}.fits".format(reg_final.ucube.paraDir, reg_final.ucube.paraNameRoot.replace("para","lnk10"))
    save_map(lnk10, hdr2D, savename)

    # create and save the lnk20 map for reference:
    lnk20 = reg_final.ucube.get_AICc_likelihood(2, 0)
    savename = "{}/{}.fits".format(reg_final.ucube.paraDir, reg_final.ucube.paraNameRoot.replace("para","lnk20"))
    save_map(lnk20, hdr2D, savename)

    # save the SNR map
    snr_map = get_best_2comp_snr_mod(reg_final)
    savename = "{}/{}.fits".format(reg_final.ucube.paraDir, reg_final.ucube.paraNameRoot.replace("para","SNR"))
    save_map(snr_map, hdr2D, savename)

    # create moment0 map
    modbest = get_best_2comp_model(reg_final)
    cube_mod = SpectralCube(data=modbest, wcs=reg_final.ucube.pcubes['2'].wcs.copy(),
    # make sure the spectral unit is in km/s before making moment maps
    cube_mod = cube_mod.with_spectral_unit('km/s', velocity_convention='radio')
    mom0_mod = cube_mod.moment0()
    savename = "{}/{}.fits".format(reg_final.ucube.paraDir, reg_final.ucube.paraNameRoot.replace("para", "model_mom0"))
    mom0_mod.write(savename, overwrite=True)

    # created masked mom0 map with model as the mask
    mom0 = UCube.get_masked_moment(cube=reg_final.ucube.cube, model=modbest, order=0, expand=20, mask=None)
    savename = "{}/{}.fits".format(reg_final.ucube.paraDir, reg_final.ucube.paraNameRoot.replace("para", "mom0"))
    mom0.write(savename, overwrite=True)

    # save reduced chi-squred maps
    # would be useful to check if 3rd component is needed
    savename = "{}/{}.fits".format(reg_final.ucube.paraDir,
                                   reg_final.ucube.paraNameRoot.replace("para", "chi2red_final"))
    chi_map = UCube.get_chisq(cube=reg_final.ucube.cube, model=modbest, expand=20, reduced=True, usemask=True,
    save_map(chi_map, hdr2D, savename)

    # save reduced chi-squred maps for 1 comp and 2 comp individually
    chiRed_1c = reg_final.ucube.get_reduced_chisq(1)
    chiRed_2c = reg_final.ucube.get_reduced_chisq(2)

    savename = "{}/{}.fits".format(reg_final.ucube.paraDir,
                                   reg_final.ucube.paraNameRoot.replace("para", "chi2red_1c"))
    save_map(chiRed_1c, hdr2D, savename)
    savename = "{}/{}.fits".format(reg_final.ucube.paraDir,
                                   reg_final.ucube.paraNameRoot.replace("para", "chi2red_2c"))
    save_map(chiRed_2c, hdr2D, savename)

    return reg