Beispiel #1
def get_best_2comp_residual_cnv(reg, masked=True, window_hwidth=3.5, res_snr_cut=5):
    # return convolved residual cube. If masked is True, only convolve over where 'excessive' residual
    # above a peak SNR value of res_snr_cut masked

    # need a mechanism to make sure reg.ucube.pcubes['1'], reg.ucube.pcubes['2'] exists

    res_cube = get_best_2comp_residual(reg)
    best_res = res_cube._data
    cube_res = SpectralCube(data=best_res, wcs=reg.ucube.pcubes['2'].wcs.copy(),

    if masked:
        best_rms = UCube.get_rms(res_cube._data)

        # calculate the peak SNR value of the best-fit residual over the main hyperfine components
        vmap = reg.ucube.pcubes['1'].parcube[0]
        # make want to double check that masked cube always masks out nan values
        res_main_hf = mmg.vmask_cube(res_cube, vmap, window_hwidth=window_hwidth)

        if res_main_hf.size > 1e7:
            # to avoid loading entire cube and stress the memory
            how = 'slice'
            # note: 'auto' currently returns slice for n > 1e8
            how = 'auto'

        # enable huge operations (note: not needed when "how" is chosen wisely, which it should be)
        res_main_hf.allow_huge_operations = True
        res_main_hf_snr = res_main_hf.max(axis=0, how=how).value / best_rms
        res_main_hf.allow_huge_operations = False

        # mask out residual with SNR values over the cut threshold
        mask_res = res_main_hf_snr > res_snr_cut
        mask_res = dilation(mask_res)

        cube_res_masked = cube_res.with_mask(~mask_res)
        cube_res_masked = cube_res

    cube_res_cnv = cnvtool.convolve_sky_byfactor(cube_res_masked, factor=reg.cnv_factor, edgetrim_width=None,
                                                 snrmasked=False, iterrefine=False)

    cube_res_cnv = cube_res_cnv.with_spectral_unit( / u.s, velocity_convention='radio')
    return cube_res_cnv
Beispiel #2
def get_best_2comp_snr_mod(reg):
    modbest = get_best_2comp_model(reg)
    res_cube = get_best_2comp_residual(reg)
    best_rms = UCube.get_rms(res_cube._data)
    return np.nanmax(modbest, axis=0)/best_rms