Beispiel #1
 def gen_sql(self, mode="heatmap"):
     if "compiler.mode" in self.params and self.params[
             "compiler.mode"] == "scan":
     log("Writing SQL " + mode)
     if not os.path.exists(self.out_dir):
     self.id_table = CGIDTable()
     for rtype in self.compile_matrix:
         for rname in self.compile_matrix[rtype]:
             if hasattr(self.compile_matrix[rtype][rname],
                        "gen_sql_" + mode):
                 sql_func = getattr(self.compile_matrix[rtype][rname],
                                    "gen_sql_" + mode)
                 shandle = sql_func(self.id_table)
                 if shandle is not None:
                     opath = os.path.join(self.out_dir,
                                          "%s.%s.sql" % (rtype, rname))
                     ohandle = open(opath, "w")
                         for line in shandle:
                     except Exception:
                         error("Track %s failed" % (rname))
                 #tell the object to unload data, so we don't continually allocate over the compile
Beispiel #2
 def gen_sql(self, mode="heatmap"):
     if "compiler.mode" in self.params and self.params[ "compiler.mode" ] == "scan":
     log( "Writing SQL " + mode  )     
     if not os.path.exists(self.out_dir):
     self.id_table = CGIDTable()
     for rtype in self.compile_matrix:
         for rname in self.compile_matrix[ rtype ]:
             if hasattr(self.compile_matrix[ rtype ][ rname ], "gen_sql_" + mode):
                 sql_func = getattr(self.compile_matrix[ rtype ][ rname ], "gen_sql_" + mode)
                 shandle = sql_func(self.id_table)
                 if shandle is not None:
                     opath = os.path.join( self.out_dir, "%s.%s.sql" % (rtype, rname ) )
                     ohandle = open( opath, "w" )
                         for line in shandle:
                             ohandle.write( line )
                     except Exception:
                         error("Track %s failed" % (rname))
                 #tell the object to unload data, so we don't continually allocate over the compile
                 self.compile_matrix[ rtype ][ rname ].unload()
Beispiel #3
 def gen_sql(self):
     if "compiler.mode" in self.params and self.params[ "compiler.mode" ] == "scan":
     log( "Writing SQL" )     
     if not os.path.exists(self.out_dir):
     self.id_table = CGIDTable()
     for rtype in self.compile_matrix:
         if issubclass( CGData.get_type( rtype ), CGData.CGSQLObject ):
             for rname in self.compile_matrix[ rtype ]:
                 shandle = self.compile_matrix[ rtype ][ rname ].gen_sql( self.id_table )
                 if shandle is not None:
                     ohandle = open( os.path.join( self.out_dir, "%s.%s.sql" % (rtype, rname ) ), "w" )
                     for line in shandle:
                         ohandle.write( line )
                 #tell the object to unload data, so we don't continually allocate over the compile
                 self.compile_matrix[ rtype ][ rname ].unload()
Beispiel #4
    def link_objects(self):
        Scan found object records and determine if the data they link to is
        omatrix = {}
        for otype in self.set_hash:
            if issubclass( CGData.get_type( otype ), CGData.CGGroupMember ):
                gmap = {}
                for oname in self.set_hash[ otype ]:
                    oobj = self.set_hash[ otype ][ oname ]
                    if oobj.get_group() not in gmap:
                        if issubclass(CGData.get_type(otype), CGData.CGGroupMemberSQL):
                            gmap[ oobj.get_group() ] = CGData.CGGroupBaseSQL( oobj.get_group() )
                            gmap[ oobj.get_group() ] = CGData.CGGroupBase( oobj.get_group() )
                    gmap[ oobj.get_group() ].put( oobj )
                omatrix[ otype ] = gmap
                omatrix[ otype ] = self.set_hash[ otype ]
        # Now it's time to check objects for their dependencies
        ready_matrix = {}
        for stype in omatrix:
            for sname in omatrix[ stype ]:
                sobj = omatrix[ stype ][ sname ]
                lmap = sobj.get_link_map()
                is_ready = True
                for ltype in lmap:
                    if not omatrix.has_key( ltype ):
                        warn( "%s missing data type %s" % (sname, ltype) )
                        is_ready = False
                        for lname in lmap[ ltype ]:
                            if not omatrix[ltype].has_key( lname ):
                                warn( "%s %s missing data %s %s" % ( stype, sname, ltype, lname ) )
                                is_ready = False
                if not sobj.is_link_ready():
                    warn( "%s %s not LinkReady" % ( stype, sname ) )
                elif is_ready:
                    if not stype in ready_matrix:
                        ready_matrix[ stype ] = {}
                    ready_matrix[ stype ][ sname ] = sobj
        for rtype in ready_matrix:
            log( "READY %s: %s" % ( rtype, ",".join(ready_matrix[rtype].keys()) ) )         

        for dType in ready_matrix:
            log("Found %s %d" % (dType, len(ready_matrix[dType])))
        merge_children = {}

        for merge_type in CGData.MERGE_OBJECTS:
            mtype = CGData.get_type( merge_type )
            select_types = mtype.typeSet
            select_set = {}
                for stype in select_types:
                    select_set[ stype ] = ready_matrix[ stype ] 
                    if stype not in merge_children:
                        merge_children[stype] = {}
            except KeyError:
                error("missing data type %s" % (stype) )
            mobjlist = self.set_enumerate( mtype, select_set )
            for mobj in mobjlist:
                if merge_type not in ready_matrix:
                    ready_matrix[ merge_type ] = {}
                for cType in mobj:
                    merge_children[cType][mobj[cType].get_name()] = True
                ready_matrix[ merge_type ][ mobj.get_name() ] = mobj
        self.compile_matrix = {}
        for sType in ready_matrix:
            self.compile_matrix[sType] = {}
            for name in ready_matrix[sType]:
                if sType not in merge_children or name not in merge_children[sType]:
                    self.compile_matrix[sType][name] = ready_matrix[sType][name]
        log("After Merge")
        for dType in ready_matrix:
            log("Found %s %d" % (dType, len(self.compile_matrix[dType])))
Beispiel #5
    def set_enumerate( self, merge_type, a, b={} ):
        This is an recursive function to enumerate possible sets of elements in the 'a' hash
        a is a map of types ('probeMap', 'clinicalMatrix', ...), each of those is a map
        of cgBaseObjects that report get_link_map requests
        #print "Enter", " ".join( (b[c].get_name() for c in b) )
        cur_key = None
        for t in a:
            if not t in b:
                cur_key = t
        if cur_key is None:
            #make sure selected subgraph is connected
            #start by building a graph of connections
            #and map of connected nodes
            cMap = {}
            lMap = {}
            for c in b:
            	n = "%s:%s" % (c, b[c].get_name())
            	cMap[ n ] = False
            	lMap[n] = {}
            	for d in b[c].get_link_map():
            		for e in b[c].get_link_map()[d]:
	            		m = "%s:%s" % (d,e)
    	        		lMap[n][m] = True
    	    #add the first node to the connected set
    	    cMap[ cMap.keys()[0] ] = True
    	    found = True
    	    #continue adding nodes to the connected set, until no more can be found
    	    while found:
    	    	found = False
    	    	for c in cMap:
    	    		if not cMap[c]:
    	    			for d in cMap:
    	    				if cMap[d]:
    	    					if d in lMap[c] or c in lMap[d]:
    	    						found = True
    	    						cMap[c] = True
    	    						cMap[d] = True
            #if there are no disconnected nodes, then the subset represents a connected graph,
            #and is ready to merge
            if cMap.values().count(False) == 0:
	            #print " ".join( ( "%s:%s:%s" % (c, b[c].get_name(), str(b[c].get_link_map()) ) for c in b) )
	            log( "Merging %s" % ",".join( ( "%s:%s" %(c,b[c].get_name()) for c in b) ) )  
	            mergeObj = merge_type()
	            mergeObj.merge( **b )
	            return [ mergeObj ]
            out = []
            for i in a[cur_key]:
                #print "Trying", cur_key, i
                c = copy(b)
                sobj = a[cur_key][i] #the object selected to be added next
                lmap = sobj.get_link_map()
                valid = True
                for ltype in lmap:
                    if ltype in c:
                        if c[ltype].get_name() not in lmap[ltype]:
                            #print c[ltype].get_name(), "not in", lmap[ltype]
                            valid = False
                for stype in c:
                    slmap = c[stype].get_link_map()
                    for sltype in slmap:
                        if cur_key == sltype:
                            if sobj.get_name() not in slmap[sltype]:
                                #print a[cur_key][i].get_name(), "not in",  slmap[sltype]
                                valid = False
                if valid:
                    c[ cur_key ] = sobj
                    out.extend( self.set_enumerate( merge_type, a, c ) )
            return out
        return []
Beispiel #6
    def link_objects(self):
        Scan found object records and determine if the data they link to is
        omatrix = {}
        for otype in self.set_hash:
            if issubclass(CGData.get_type(otype), CGData.CGGroupMember):
                gmap = {}
                for oname in self.set_hash[otype]:
                    oobj = self.set_hash[otype][oname]
                    if oobj.get_group() not in gmap:
                        gmap[oobj.get_group()] = CGData.CGGroupBase(
                omatrix[otype] = gmap
                omatrix[otype] = self.set_hash[otype]

        # Now it's time to check objects for their dependencies
        ready_matrix = {}
        for stype in omatrix:
            for sname in omatrix[stype]:
                sobj = omatrix[stype][sname]
                lmap = sobj.get_link_map()
                is_ready = True
                for ltype in lmap:
                    if not omatrix.has_key(ltype):
                        warn("%s missing data type %s" % (sname, ltype))
                        is_ready = False
                        for lname in lmap[ltype]:
                            if not omatrix[ltype].has_key(lname):
                                warn("%s %s missing data %s %s" %
                                     (stype, sname, ltype, lname))
                                is_ready = False
                if not sobj.is_link_ready():
                    warn("%s %s not LinkReady" % (stype, sname))
                elif is_ready:
                    if not stype in ready_matrix:
                        ready_matrix[stype] = {}
                    ready_matrix[stype][sname] = sobj

        for rtype in ready_matrix:
            log("READY %s: %s" % (rtype, ",".join(ready_matrix[rtype].keys())))

        for dType in ready_matrix:
            log("Found %s %d" % (dType, len(ready_matrix[dType])))

        merge_children = {}

        for merge_type in CGData.MERGE_OBJECTS:
            mtype = CGData.get_type(merge_type)
            select_types = mtype.typeSet
            select_set = {}
                for stype in select_types:
                    select_set[stype] = ready_matrix[stype]
                    if stype not in merge_children:
                        merge_children[stype] = {}
            except KeyError:
                error("missing data type %s" % (stype))
            mobjlist = self.set_enumerate(mtype, select_set)
            for mobj in mobjlist:
                if merge_type not in ready_matrix:
                    ready_matrix[merge_type] = {}
                for cType in mobj:
                    merge_children[cType][mobj[cType].get_name()] = True
                ready_matrix[merge_type][mobj.get_name()] = mobj

        self.compile_matrix = {}
        for sType in ready_matrix:
            self.compile_matrix[sType] = {}
            for name in ready_matrix[sType]:
                if sType not in merge_children or name not in merge_children[
                    self.compile_matrix[sType][name] = ready_matrix[sType][

        log("After Merge")
        for dType in ready_matrix:
            log("Found %s %d" % (dType, len(self.compile_matrix[dType])))
Beispiel #7
    def set_enumerate(self, merge_type, a, b={}):
        This is an recursive function to enumerate possible sets of elements in the 'a' hash
        a is a map of types ('probeMap', 'clinicalMatrix', ...), each of those is a map
        of cgBaseObjects that report get_link_map requests
        cur_key = None
        for t in a:
            if not t in b:
                cur_key = t

        if cur_key is None:
            #make sure selected subgraph is connected
            #start by building a graph of connections
            #and map of connected nodes
            cMap = {}
            lMap = {}
            for c in b:
                n = "%s:%s" % (c, b[c].get_name())
                cMap[n] = False
                lMap[n] = {}
                for d in b[c].get_link_map():
                    for e in b[c].get_link_map()[d]:
                        m = "%s:%s" % (d, e)
                        lMap[n][m] = True
            #add the first node to the connected set
            cMap[cMap.keys()[0]] = True
            found = True
            #continue adding nodes to the connected set, until no more can be found
            while found:
                found = False
                for c in cMap:
                    if not cMap[c]:
                        for d in cMap:
                            if cMap[d]:
                                if d in lMap[c] or c in lMap[d]:
                                    found = True
                                    cMap[c] = True
                                    cMap[d] = True

            #if there are no disconnected nodes, then the subset represents a connected graph,
            #and is ready to merge
            if cMap.values().count(False) == 0:
                log("Merging %s" % ",".join(
                    ("%s:%s" % (c, b[c].get_name()) for c in b)))
                mergeObj = merge_type()
                return [mergeObj]
            out = []
            for i in a[cur_key]:
                c = copy(b)
                sobj = a[cur_key][i]  #the object selected to be added next
                lmap = sobj.get_link_map()
                valid = True
                for ltype in lmap:
                    if ltype in c:
                        if c[ltype].get_name() not in lmap[ltype]:
                            valid = False
                for stype in c:
                    slmap = c[stype].get_link_map()
                    for sltype in slmap:
                        if cur_key == sltype:
                            if sobj.get_name() not in slmap[sltype]:
                                valid = False
                if valid:
                    c[cur_key] = sobj
                    out.extend(self.set_enumerate(merge_type, a, c))
            return out
        return []