Beispiel #1
def run(config_file, output_path_file):
    import re
    import os
    import glob

    path, fname = os.path.split(os.path.realpath(config_file))
    c = __import__(fname.split('.')[0])

    subject_paths = []

    input_subject_ids = [subject_id.rstrip('\r\n') for subject_id in open(c.groupAnalysisSubjectList, 'r').readlines()]

    for file in glob.glob(os.path.abspath(output_path_file)):
        path_list = open(file, 'r').readlines()
        subject_paths.extend([s.rstrip('\r\n') for s in path_list])

    set_subject_paths = set(subject_paths)
    subject_paths = list(set_subject_paths)
    #base_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.commonprefix(subject_paths))
    base_path = c.sinkDirectory

    from collections import defaultdict
    analysis_map = defaultdict(list)
    analysis_map_gp = defaultdict(list)

    for subject_path in subject_paths:
        #Remove the base bath offset

        rs_path = subject_path.replace(base_path, "", 1)

        rs_path = rs_path.lstrip('/')

        folders = split_folders(rs_path)
        pipeline_id = folders[0]
        subject_id = folders[1]
        resource_id = folders[2]
        scan_id = folders[3]

        key = subject_path.replace(subject_id, '*')
        analysis_map[(resource_id, key)].append((pipeline_id, subject_id, scan_id, subject_path))

        # separate map for group analysis
        if c.mixedScanAnalysis == True:
            key = key.replace(scan_id, '*')

        if subject_id in input_subject_ids:
            analysis_map_gp[(resource_id, key)].append((pipeline_id, subject_id, scan_id, subject_path))

    for resource, glob_key in analysis_map.keys():
        if resource == 'functional_mni':
            if 1 in c.runBASC:

                if not c.runOnGrid:
                    from CPAC.pipeline.cpac_basc_pipeline import prep_basc_workflow
                    prep_basc_workflow(c, analysis_map[(resource, glob_key)])
                     if 'sge' in c.resourceManager.lower():

                        run_sge_jobs(c, args.config, resource, analysis_map[(resource, glob_key)])

                     elif 'pbs' in c.resourceManager.lower():
                        run_pbs_jobs(c, args.config, resource, analysis_map[(resource, glob_key)])

            if 1 in c.runCWAS:

                if not c.runOnGrid:

                    from CPAC.pipeline.cpac_cwas_pipeline import prep_cwas_workflow
                    prep_cwas_workflow(c, analysis_map[(resource, glob_key)])

                     if 'sge' in c.resourceManager.lower():

                        run_sge_jobs(c, args.config, resource, analysis_map[(resource, glob_key)])

                     elif 'pbs' in c.resourceManager.lower():
                        run_pbs_jobs(c, args.config, resource, analysis_map[(resource, glob_key)])

    for resource, glob_key in analysis_map_gp.keys():

        if resource in c.derivativeList:

            if 1 in c.runGroupAnalysis:

                if not c.runOnGrid:
                    from CPAC.pipeline.cpac_group_analysis_pipeline import prep_group_analysis_workflow
                    prep_group_analysis_workflow(c, resource, analysis_map_gp[(resource, glob_key)])

                     if 'sge' in c.resourceManager.lower():
                        run_sge_jobs(c, args.config, resource, analysis_map_gp[(resource, glob_key)])

                     elif 'pbs' in c.resourceManager.lower():
                        run_pbs_jobs(c, args.config, resource, analysis_map_gp[(resource, glob_key)])
def run(config_file, output_path_file):
    # Runs group analysis

    import yaml

    # Load the config file into 'c'
    c = Configuration(yaml.load(open(os.path.realpath(config_file), 'r')))

    subject_paths = []

    for file in glob.glob(os.path.abspath(output_path_file)):
        path_list = open(file, 'r').readlines()
        subject_paths.extend([s.rstrip('\r\n') for s in path_list])

    set_subject_paths = set(subject_paths)
    subject_paths = list(set_subject_paths)
    #base_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.commonprefix(subject_paths))
    base_path = c.outputDirectory

    from collections import defaultdict
    analysis_map = defaultdict(list)
    analysis_map_gp = defaultdict(list)

    for subject_path in subject_paths:
        #Remove the base bath offset

        rs_path = subject_path.replace(base_path, "", 1)

        rs_path = rs_path.lstrip('/')

        folders = split_folders(rs_path)
        pipeline_id = folders[0]
        subject_id = folders[1]
        resource_id = folders[2]
        scan_id = folders[3]

        #if scan_id == '_scan_rest_1_rest':

        key = subject_path.replace(subject_id, '*')
        analysis_map[(resource_id, key)].append((pipeline_id, subject_id, scan_id, subject_path))

        # separate map for group analysis
        #if c.mixedScanAnalysis == True:
        #    key = key.replace(scan_id, '*')

        analysis_map_gp[(resource_id, key)].append((pipeline_id, subject_id, scan_id, subject_path))

    gpa_start_datetime = strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
    gpa_starttime_string = gpa_start_datetime.replace(' ','_')
    gpa_starttime_string = gpa_starttime_string.replace(':','-')

    timing = open(os.path.join(c.outputDirectory, 'group_analysis_timing_%s_%s.txt' % (c.pipelineName, gpa_starttime_string)), 'wt')

    sca_roi_runs = 0
    sca_roi_time = 0
    sca_seed_runs = 0
    sca_seed_time = 0
    sca_tempreg_runs = 0
    sca_tempreg_time = 0
    dr_tempreg_runs = 0
    dr_tempreg_time = 0
    vmhc_z_runs = 0
    vmhc_z_time = 0
    alff_Z_runs = 0
    alff_Z_time = 0
    falff_Z_runs = 0
    falff_Z_time = 0
    reho_Z_runs = 0
    reho_Z_time = 0
    centrality_outputs_runs = 0
    centrality_outputs_time = 0

    # Start timing here
    gpa_start_time = time.time()

    for resource, glob_key in analysis_map.keys():
        if resource == 'functional_mni':

            wf_start_time = time.time()

            if 1 in c.runBASC:

                if not c.runOnGrid:
                    from CPAC.pipeline.cpac_basc_pipeline import prep_basc_workflow
                    prep_basc_workflow(c, analysis_map[(resource, glob_key)])
                    if 'sge' in c.resourceManager.lower():
                        run_sge_jobs(c, config_file, resource, analysis_map[(resource, glob_key)])

                    elif 'pbs' in c.resourceManager.lower():
                        run_pbs_jobs(c, config_file, resource, analysis_map[(resource, glob_key)])

            if 1 in c.runCWAS:

                if not c.runOnGrid:

                    from CPAC.pipeline.cpac_cwas_pipeline import prep_cwas_workflow
                    prep_cwas_workflow(c, analysis_map[(resource, glob_key)])

                    if 'sge' in c.resourceManager.lower():
                        run_sge_jobs(c, config_file, resource, analysis_map[(resource, glob_key)])

                    elif 'pbs' in c.resourceManager.lower():
                        run_pbs_jobs(c, config_file, resource, analysis_map[(resource, glob_key)])

            print >>timing, "Group analysis workflow completed for resource: ", resource
            print >>timing, "Elapsed run time (minutes): ", ((time.time() - wf_start_time)/60)
            print >>timing, ""

    for resource, glob_key in analysis_map_gp.keys():

        if resource in c.derivativeList:

            wf_start_time = time.time()

            if 1 in c.runGroupAnalysis:
                #get all the motion parameters across subjects


                    from CPAC.utils import extract_parameters

                except Exception:

                    print "Extract parameters script did not run correctly"

                if not c.runOnGrid:

                    from CPAC.pipeline.cpac_group_analysis_pipeline import prep_group_analysis_workflow
                    #procss = Process(target=prep_group_analysis_workflow, args=(c, resource, analysis_map_gp[(resource, glob_key)]))
                    #print c, "   ", resource, "   ", analysis_map_gp[(resource, glob_key)], "   ", glob_key
                    prep_group_analysis_workflow(c, resource, analysis_map_gp[(resource, glob_key)])

                if c.runOnGrid:

                    if 'sge' in c.resourceManager.lower():
                        run_sge_jobs(c, config_file, resource, analysis_map_gp[(resource, glob_key)])
                    elif 'pbs' in c.resourceManager.lower():
                        run_pbs_jobs(c, config_file, resource, analysis_map_gp[(resource, glob_key)])

                print >>timing, "Group analysis workflow completed for resource: ", resource
                print >>timing, "Elapsed run time (minutes): ", ((time.time() - wf_start_time)/60)
                print >>timing, ""
                # This can be implemented more sleekly using a dictionary, have to do this at some point
                if resource == 'sca_roi_Z_to_standard_smooth':
                    sca_roi_runs += 1
                    sca_roi_time = sca_roi_time + ((time.time() - wf_start_time)/60)
                elif resource == 'sca_seed_Z_to_standard_smooth':
                    sca_seed_runs += 1
                    sca_seed_time = sca_seed_time + ((time.time() - wf_start_time)/60)
                elif resource == 'sca_tempreg_maps_z_files_smooth':
                    sca_tempreg_runs += 1
                    sca_tempreg_time = sca_tempreg_time + ((time.time() - wf_start_time)/60)
                elif resource == 'dr_tempreg_maps_z_files_smooth':
                    dr_tempreg_runs += 1
                    dr_tempreg_time = dr_tempreg_time + ((time.time() - wf_start_time)/60)
                elif resource == 'vmhc_z_score_stat_map':
                    vmhc_z_runs += 1
                    vmhc_z_time = vmhc_z_time + ((time.time() - wf_start_time)/60)
                elif resource == 'alff_Z_to_standard_smooth':
                    alff_Z_runs += 1
                    alff_Z_time = alff_Z_time + ((time.time() - wf_start_time)/60)
                elif resource == 'falff_Z_to_standard_smooth':
                    falff_Z_runs += 1
                    falff_Z_time = falff_Z_time + ((time.time() - wf_start_time)/60)
                elif resource == 'reho_Z_to_standard_smooth':
                    reho_Z_runs += 1
                    reho_Z_time = reho_Z_time + ((time.time() - wf_start_time)/60)
                elif resource == 'centrality_outputs_smoothed':
                    centrality_outputs_runs += 1
                    centrality_outputs_time = centrality_outputs_time + ((time.time() - wf_start_time)/60)

    procss = []
    for resource, glob_key in analysis_map_gp.keys():
        if resource in c.derivativeList:
            if 1 in c.runGroupAnalysis:
                #get all the motion parameters across subjects

                    from CPAC.utils import extract_parameters

                except Exception:
                    print "Extract parameters script did not run correctly"

                if not c.runOnGrid:
                    from CPAC.pipeline.cpac_group_analysis_pipeline import prep_group_analysis_workflow
                    procss.append(Process(target=prep_group_analysis_workflow, args=(c, resource, analysis_map_gp[(resource, glob_key)])))
    pid = open(os.path.join(c.outputDirectory, 'pid_group.txt'), 'w')
    jobQueue = []
    if len(c.derivativeList) <= c.numSubjectsAtOnce:
        Stream all the subjects as sublist is
        less than or equal to the number of 
        subjects that need to run
        for p in procss:
            print >>pid,
        Stream the subject workflows for preprocessing.
        At Any time in the pipeline c.numSubjectsAtOnce
        will run, unless the number remaining is less than
        the value of the parameter stated above
        idx = 0
        while(idx < len(c.derivativeList)):
            if len(jobQueue) == 0 and idx == 0:
                idc = idx
                for p in procss[idc: idc + c.numSubjectsAtOnce]:
                    print >>pid,
                    idx += 1
                for job in jobQueue:
                    if not job.is_alive():
                        print 'found dead job ', job
                        loc = jobQueue.index(job)
                        del jobQueue[loc]
                        idx += 1
    print >>timing, "Entire group analysis run complete."
    print >>timing, "Elapsed run time (minutes): ", ((time.time() - gpa_start_time)/60)
    print >>timing, ""

    print >>timing, "sca_roi_Z_to_standard_smooth"
    print >>timing, "Number of runs: ", sca_roi_runs
    print >>timing, "Total run time (minutes): ", sca_roi_time
    print >>timing, ""

    print >>timing, "sca_seed_Z_to_standard_smooth"
    print >>timing, "Number of runs: ", sca_seed_runs
    print >>timing, "Total run time (minutes): ", sca_seed_time
    print >>timing, ""

    print >>timing, "sca_tempreg_maps_z_files_smooth"
    print >>timing, "Number of runs: ", sca_tempreg_runs
    print >>timing, "Total run time (minutes): ", sca_tempreg_time
    print >>timing, ""

    print >>timing, "dr_tempreg_maps_z_files_smooth"
    print >>timing, "Number of runs: ", dr_tempreg_runs
    print >>timing, "Total run time (minutes): ", dr_tempreg_time
    print >>timing, ""

    print >>timing, "vmhc_z_score_stat_map"
    print >>timing, "Number of runs: ", vmhc_z_runs
    print >>timing, "Total run time (minutes): ", vmhc_z_time
    print >>timing, ""

    print >>timing, "alff_Z_to_standard_smooth"
    print >>timing, "Number of runs: ", alff_Z_runs
    print >>timing, "Total run time (minutes): ", alff_Z_time
    print >>timing, ""

    print >>timing, "falff_Z_to_standard_smooth"
    print >>timing, "Number of runs: ", falff_Z_runs
    print >>timing, "Total run time (minutes): ", falff_Z_time
    print >>timing, ""

    print >>timing, "reho_Z_to_standard_smooth"
    print >>timing, "Number of runs: ", reho_Z_runs
    print >>timing, "Total run time (minutes): ", reho_Z_time
    print >>timing, ""

    print >>timing, "centrality_outputs_smoothed"
    print >>timing, "Number of runs: ", centrality_outputs_runs
    print >>timing, "Total run time (minutes): ", centrality_outputs_time
    print >>timing, ""

Beispiel #3
def run(config_file, output_path_file):

    # Runs group analysis

    import yaml

    # Load the config file into 'c'
    c = Configuration(yaml.load(open(os.path.realpath(config_file), 'r')))

    subject_paths = []

    for file in glob.glob(os.path.abspath(output_path_file)):
        path_list = open(file, 'r').readlines()
        subject_paths.extend([s.rstrip('\r\n') for s in path_list])

    set_subject_paths = set(subject_paths)
    subject_paths = list(set_subject_paths)
    #base_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.commonprefix(subject_paths))
    base_path = c.outputDirectory

    from collections import defaultdict
    analysis_map = defaultdict(list)
    analysis_map_gp = defaultdict(list)

    for subject_path in subject_paths:
        #Remove the base bath offset

        rs_path = subject_path.replace(base_path, "", 1)

        rs_path = rs_path.lstrip('/')

        folders = split_folders(rs_path)

        pipeline_id = folders[0]
        subject_id = folders[1]
        resource_id = folders[2]
        scan_id = folders[3]

        #if scan_id == '_scan_rest_1_rest':

        key = subject_path.replace(subject_id, '*')
        analysis_map[(resource_id, key)].append(
            (pipeline_id, subject_id, scan_id, subject_path))

        # separate map for group analysis
        #if c.mixedScanAnalysis == True:
        #    key = key.replace(scan_id, '*')

        analysis_map_gp[(resource_id, key)].append(
            (pipeline_id, subject_id, scan_id, subject_path))

    gpa_start_datetime = strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
    gpa_starttime_string = gpa_start_datetime.replace(' ', '_')
    gpa_starttime_string = gpa_starttime_string.replace(':', '-')

    timing = open(
            c.outputDirectory, 'group_analysis_timing_%s_%s.txt' %
            (c.pipelineName, gpa_starttime_string)), 'wt')

    sca_roi_runs = 0
    sca_roi_time = 0
    sca_seed_runs = 0
    sca_seed_time = 0
    sca_tempreg_runs = 0
    sca_tempreg_time = 0
    dr_tempreg_runs = 0
    dr_tempreg_time = 0
    vmhc_z_runs = 0
    vmhc_z_time = 0
    alff_Z_runs = 0
    alff_Z_time = 0
    falff_Z_runs = 0
    falff_Z_time = 0
    reho_Z_runs = 0
    reho_Z_time = 0
    centrality_outputs_runs = 0
    centrality_outputs_time = 0

    # Start timing here
    gpa_start_time = time.time()

    for resource, glob_key in analysis_map.keys():
        if resource == 'functional_mni':

            wf_start_time = time.time()

            if 1 in c.runBASC:

                if not c.runOnGrid:
                    from CPAC.pipeline.cpac_basc_pipeline import prep_basc_workflow
                    prep_basc_workflow(c, analysis_map[(resource, glob_key)])
                    if 'sge' in c.resourceManager.lower():
                        run_sge_jobs(c, config_file, resource,
                                     analysis_map[(resource, glob_key)])

                    elif 'pbs' in c.resourceManager.lower():
                        run_pbs_jobs(c, config_file, resource,
                                     analysis_map[(resource, glob_key)])

            if 1 in c.runCWAS:

                if not c.runOnGrid:

                    from CPAC.pipeline.cpac_cwas_pipeline import prep_cwas_workflow
                    prep_cwas_workflow(c, analysis_map[(resource, glob_key)])

                    if 'sge' in c.resourceManager.lower():
                        run_sge_jobs(c, config_file, resource,
                                     analysis_map[(resource, glob_key)])

                    elif 'pbs' in c.resourceManager.lower():
                        run_pbs_jobs(c, config_file, resource,
                                     analysis_map[(resource, glob_key)])

            print >> timing, "Group analysis workflow completed for resource: ", resource
            print >> timing, "Elapsed run time (minutes): ", (
                (time.time() - wf_start_time) / 60)
            print >> timing, ""

    for resource, glob_key in analysis_map_gp.keys():

        if resource in c.derivativeList:

            wf_start_time = time.time()

            if 1 in c.runGroupAnalysis:

                #get all the motion parameters across subjects


                    from CPAC.utils import extract_parameters

                except Exception:

                    print "Extract parameters script did not run correctly"

                if not c.runOnGrid:

                    from CPAC.pipeline.cpac_group_analysis_pipeline import prep_group_analysis_workflow

                    #procss = Process(target=prep_group_analysis_workflow, args=(c, resource, analysis_map_gp[(resource, glob_key)]))

                    #print c, "   ", resource, "   ", analysis_map_gp[(resource, glob_key)], "   ", glob_key
                        c, resource, analysis_map_gp[(resource, glob_key)])

                if c.runOnGrid:

                    if 'sge' in c.resourceManager.lower():

                        run_sge_jobs(c, config_file, resource,
                                     analysis_map_gp[(resource, glob_key)])

                    elif 'pbs' in c.resourceManager.lower():

                        run_pbs_jobs(c, config_file, resource,
                                     analysis_map_gp[(resource, glob_key)])

                print >> timing, "Group analysis workflow completed for resource: ", resource
                print >> timing, "Elapsed run time (minutes): ", (
                    (time.time() - wf_start_time) / 60)
                print >> timing, ""

                # This can be implemented more sleekly using a dictionary, have to do this at some point
                if resource == 'sca_roi_Z_to_standard_smooth':
                    sca_roi_runs += 1
                    sca_roi_time = sca_roi_time + (
                        (time.time() - wf_start_time) / 60)
                elif resource == 'sca_seed_Z_to_standard_smooth':
                    sca_seed_runs += 1
                    sca_seed_time = sca_seed_time + (
                        (time.time() - wf_start_time) / 60)
                elif resource == 'sca_tempreg_maps_z_files_smooth':
                    sca_tempreg_runs += 1
                    sca_tempreg_time = sca_tempreg_time + (
                        (time.time() - wf_start_time) / 60)
                elif resource == 'dr_tempreg_maps_z_files_smooth':
                    dr_tempreg_runs += 1
                    dr_tempreg_time = dr_tempreg_time + (
                        (time.time() - wf_start_time) / 60)
                elif resource == 'vmhc_z_score_stat_map':
                    vmhc_z_runs += 1
                    vmhc_z_time = vmhc_z_time + (
                        (time.time() - wf_start_time) / 60)
                elif resource == 'alff_Z_to_standard_smooth':
                    alff_Z_runs += 1
                    alff_Z_time = alff_Z_time + (
                        (time.time() - wf_start_time) / 60)
                elif resource == 'falff_Z_to_standard_smooth':
                    falff_Z_runs += 1
                    falff_Z_time = falff_Z_time + (
                        (time.time() - wf_start_time) / 60)
                elif resource == 'reho_Z_to_standard_smooth':
                    reho_Z_runs += 1
                    reho_Z_time = reho_Z_time + (
                        (time.time() - wf_start_time) / 60)
                elif resource == 'centrality_outputs_smoothed':
                    centrality_outputs_runs += 1
                    centrality_outputs_time = centrality_outputs_time + (
                        (time.time() - wf_start_time) / 60)

    procss = []
    for resource, glob_key in analysis_map_gp.keys():
        if resource in c.derivativeList:
            if 1 in c.runGroupAnalysis:
                #get all the motion parameters across subjects

                    from CPAC.utils import extract_parameters

                except Exception:
                    print "Extract parameters script did not run correctly"

                if not c.runOnGrid:
                    from CPAC.pipeline.cpac_group_analysis_pipeline import prep_group_analysis_workflow
                    procss.append(Process(target=prep_group_analysis_workflow, args=(c, resource, analysis_map_gp[(resource, glob_key)])))
    pid = open(os.path.join(c.outputDirectory, 'pid_group.txt'), 'w')
    jobQueue = []
    if len(c.derivativeList) <= c.numSubjectsAtOnce:
        Stream all the subjects as sublist is
        less than or equal to the number of 
        subjects that need to run
        for p in procss:
            print >>pid,
        Stream the subject workflows for preprocessing.
        At Any time in the pipeline c.numSubjectsAtOnce
        will run, unless the number remaining is less than
        the value of the parameter stated above
        idx = 0
        while(idx < len(c.derivativeList)):
            if len(jobQueue) == 0 and idx == 0:
                idc = idx
                for p in procss[idc: idc + c.numSubjectsAtOnce]:
                    print >>pid,
                    idx += 1
                for job in jobQueue:
                    if not job.is_alive():
                        print 'found dead job ', job
                        loc = jobQueue.index(job)
                        del jobQueue[loc]
                        idx += 1

    print >> timing, "Entire group analysis run complete."
    print >> timing, "Elapsed run time (minutes): ", (
        (time.time() - gpa_start_time) / 60)
    print >> timing, ""

    print >> timing, "sca_roi_Z_to_standard_smooth"
    print >> timing, "Number of runs: ", sca_roi_runs
    print >> timing, "Total run time (minutes): ", sca_roi_time
    print >> timing, ""

    print >> timing, "sca_seed_Z_to_standard_smooth"
    print >> timing, "Number of runs: ", sca_seed_runs
    print >> timing, "Total run time (minutes): ", sca_seed_time
    print >> timing, ""

    print >> timing, "sca_tempreg_maps_z_files_smooth"
    print >> timing, "Number of runs: ", sca_tempreg_runs
    print >> timing, "Total run time (minutes): ", sca_tempreg_time
    print >> timing, ""

    print >> timing, "dr_tempreg_maps_z_files_smooth"
    print >> timing, "Number of runs: ", dr_tempreg_runs
    print >> timing, "Total run time (minutes): ", dr_tempreg_time
    print >> timing, ""

    print >> timing, "vmhc_z_score_stat_map"
    print >> timing, "Number of runs: ", vmhc_z_runs
    print >> timing, "Total run time (minutes): ", vmhc_z_time
    print >> timing, ""

    print >> timing, "alff_Z_to_standard_smooth"
    print >> timing, "Number of runs: ", alff_Z_runs
    print >> timing, "Total run time (minutes): ", alff_Z_time
    print >> timing, ""

    print >> timing, "falff_Z_to_standard_smooth"
    print >> timing, "Number of runs: ", falff_Z_runs
    print >> timing, "Total run time (minutes): ", falff_Z_time
    print >> timing, ""

    print >> timing, "reho_Z_to_standard_smooth"
    print >> timing, "Number of runs: ", reho_Z_runs
    print >> timing, "Total run time (minutes): ", reho_Z_time
    print >> timing, ""

    print >> timing, "centrality_outputs_smoothed"
    print >> timing, "Number of runs: ", centrality_outputs_runs
    print >> timing, "Total run time (minutes): ", centrality_outputs_time
    print >> timing, ""

Beispiel #4
def run(config_file, output_path_file):

    # Runs group analysis

    import re
    import os
    import glob
    import yaml

    # Load the config file into 'c'
    c = Configuration(yaml.load(open(os.path.realpath(config_file), 'r')))

    subject_paths = []

    for file in glob.glob(os.path.abspath(output_path_file)):
        path_list = open(file, 'r').readlines()
        subject_paths.extend([s.rstrip('\r\n') for s in path_list])

    set_subject_paths = set(subject_paths)
    subject_paths = list(set_subject_paths)
    #base_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.commonprefix(subject_paths))
    base_path = c.outputDirectory

    from collections import defaultdict
    analysis_map = defaultdict(list)
    analysis_map_gp = defaultdict(list)

    for subject_path in subject_paths:
        #Remove the base bath offset

        rs_path = subject_path.replace(base_path, "", 1)

        rs_path = rs_path.lstrip('/')

        folders = split_folders(rs_path)
        pipeline_id = folders[0]
        subject_id = folders[1]
        resource_id = folders[2]
        scan_id = folders[3]

        key = subject_path.replace(subject_id, '*')
        analysis_map[(resource_id, key)].append(
            (pipeline_id, subject_id, scan_id, subject_path))

        # separate map for group analysis
        #         if c.mixedScanAnalysis == True:
        #             key = key.replace(scan_id, '*')

        analysis_map_gp[(resource_id, key)].append(
            (pipeline_id, subject_id, scan_id, subject_path))

    for resource, glob_key in analysis_map.keys():
        if resource == 'functional_mni':
            if 1 in c.runBASC:

                if not c.runOnGrid:
                    from CPAC.pipeline.cpac_basc_pipeline import prep_basc_workflow
                    prep_basc_workflow(c, analysis_map[(resource, glob_key)])
                    if 'sge' in c.resourceManager.lower():
                        run_sge_jobs(c, config_file, resource,
                                     analysis_map[(resource, glob_key)])

                    elif 'pbs' in c.resourceManager.lower():
                        run_pbs_jobs(c, config_file, resource,
                                     analysis_map[(resource, glob_key)])

            if 1 in c.runCWAS:

                if not c.runOnGrid:

                    from CPAC.pipeline.cpac_cwas_pipeline import prep_cwas_workflow
                    prep_cwas_workflow(c, analysis_map[(resource, glob_key)])

                    if 'sge' in c.resourceManager.lower():
                        run_sge_jobs(c, config_file, resource,
                                     analysis_map[(resource, glob_key)])

                    elif 'pbs' in c.resourceManager.lower():
                        run_pbs_jobs(c, config_file, resource,
                                     analysis_map[(resource, glob_key)])

    for resource, glob_key in analysis_map_gp.keys():

        if resource in c.derivativeList:

            if 1 in c.runGroupAnalysis:

                #get all the motion parameters across subjects


                    from CPAC.utils import extract_parameters

                except Exception:

                    print "Extract parameters script did not run correctly"

                if not c.runOnGrid:

                    from CPAC.pipeline.cpac_group_analysis_pipeline import prep_group_analysis_workflow

                    #print c, "   ", resource, "   ", analysis_map_gp[(resource, glob_key)], "   ", glob_key
                        c, resource, analysis_map_gp[(resource, glob_key)])


                    if 'sge' in c.resourceManager.lower():

                        run_sge_jobs(c, config_file, resource,
                                     analysis_map_gp[(resource, glob_key)])

                    elif 'pbs' in c.resourceManager.lower():

                        run_pbs_jobs(c, config_file, resource,
                                     analysis_map_gp[(resource, glob_key)])
Beispiel #5
def run(config_file, output_path_file):
    # Runs group analysis

    import re
    import os
    import glob
    import yaml

    # Load the config file into 'c'
    c = Configuration(yaml.load(open(os.path.realpath(config_file), 'r')))

    #diag = open(os.path.join('/home/data/Projects/CPAC_Regression_Test/2013-08-19-20_v0-3-1/fsl-model/2013-09-03', 'group_runner_diagnostic.txt'), 'wt')

    #print >>diag, "Config file: ", c
    #print >>diag, ""
    #print >>diag, "Output path file: ", output_path_file
    #print >>diag, ""

    subject_paths = []

    for file in glob.glob(os.path.abspath(output_path_file)):
        path_list = open(file, 'r').readlines()
        subject_paths.extend([s.rstrip('\r\n') for s in path_list])

    #print >>diag, "Subject paths list size: "
    #print >>diag, len(subject_paths)
    #print >>diag, ""

    #print >>diag, "First subject path: "
    #print >>diag, subject_paths[0]
    #print >>diag, ""

    set_subject_paths = set(subject_paths)
    subject_paths = list(set_subject_paths)
    #base_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.commonprefix(subject_paths))
    base_path = c.outputDirectory

    from collections import defaultdict
    analysis_map = defaultdict(list)
    analysis_map_gp = defaultdict(list)

    for subject_path in subject_paths:
        #Remove the base bath offset

        rs_path = subject_path.replace(base_path, "", 1)

        rs_path = rs_path.lstrip('/')

        folders = split_folders(rs_path)
        pipeline_id = folders[0]
        subject_id = folders[1]
        resource_id = folders[2]
        scan_id = folders[3]

        #if scan_id == '_scan_rest_1_rest':

        key = subject_path.replace(subject_id, '*')
        analysis_map[(resource_id, key)].append((pipeline_id, subject_id, scan_id, subject_path))

        # separate map for group analysis
        #if c.mixedScanAnalysis == True:
        #    key = key.replace(scan_id, '*')

        analysis_map_gp[(resource_id, key)].append((pipeline_id, subject_id, scan_id, subject_path))

    #print >>diag, ""
    #print >>diag, "Analysis_map_gp dictionary size: "
    #print >>diag, len(analysis_map_gp)
    #print >>diag, ""

    #print >>diag, "Derivative list: "
    #print >>diag, c.derivativeList
    #print >>diag, ""

    timing = open(os.path.join(c.outputDirectory, 'group_analysis_timing.txt'), 'wt')
    #timing = open(os.path.join('/home/data/Projects/CPAC_Regression_Test/2013-08-19-20_v0-3-1/fsl-model/2013-09-03', 'group_analysis_timing.txt'), 'wt')

    sca_roi_runs = 0
    sca_roi_time = 0
    sca_seed_runs = 0
    sca_seed_time = 0
    sca_tempreg_runs = 0
    sca_tempreg_time = 0
    dr_tempreg_runs = 0
    dr_tempreg_time = 0
    vmhc_z_runs = 0
    vmhc_z_time = 0
    alff_Z_runs = 0
    alff_Z_time = 0
    falff_Z_runs = 0
    falff_Z_time = 0
    reho_Z_runs = 0
    reho_Z_time = 0
    centrality_outputs_runs = 0
    centrality_outputs_time = 0

    # Start timing here
    gpa_start_time = time.time()

    for resource, glob_key in analysis_map.keys():
        if resource == 'functional_mni':

            wf_start_time = time.time()

            if 1 in c.runBASC:

                if not c.runOnGrid:
                    from CPAC.pipeline.cpac_basc_pipeline import prep_basc_workflow
                    prep_basc_workflow(c, analysis_map[(resource, glob_key)])
                    if 'sge' in c.resourceManager.lower():
                        run_sge_jobs(c, config_file, resource, analysis_map[(resource, glob_key)])

                    elif 'pbs' in c.resourceManager.lower():
                        run_pbs_jobs(c, config_file, resource, analysis_map[(resource, glob_key)])

            if 1 in c.runCWAS:

                if not c.runOnGrid:

                    from CPAC.pipeline.cpac_cwas_pipeline import prep_cwas_workflow
                    prep_cwas_workflow(c, analysis_map[(resource, glob_key)])

                    if 'sge' in c.resourceManager.lower():
                        run_sge_jobs(c, config_file, resource, analysis_map[(resource, glob_key)])

                    elif 'pbs' in c.resourceManager.lower():
                        run_pbs_jobs(c, config_file, resource, analysis_map[(resource, glob_key)])

            print >>timing, "Group analysis workflow completed for resource: ", resource
            print >>timing, "Elapsed run time (minutes): ", ((time.time() - wf_start_time)/60)
            print >>timing, ""

    for resource, glob_key in analysis_map_gp.keys():

        if resource in c.derivativeList:

            wf_start_time = time.time()

            #print >>diag, "Resource: "
            #print >>diag, resource
            #print >>diag, ""

            #print >>diag, "glob key: "
            #print >>diag, glob_key
            #print >>diag, ""

            #print >>diag, "Analysis map gp entry: "
            #print >>diag, analysis_map_gp[(resource,glob_key)]
            #print >>diag, ""

            if 1 in c.runGroupAnalysis:
                #get all the motion parameters across subjects


                    from CPAC.utils import extract_parameters

                except Exception:

                    print "Extract parameters script did not run correctly"

                if not c.runOnGrid:

                    from CPAC.pipeline.cpac_group_analysis_pipeline import prep_group_analysis_workflow

                    #print c, "   ", resource, "   ", analysis_map_gp[(resource, glob_key)], "   ", glob_key
                    prep_group_analysis_workflow(c, resource, analysis_map_gp[(resource, glob_key)])


                    if 'sge' in c.resourceManager.lower():
                        run_sge_jobs(c, config_file, resource, analysis_map_gp[(resource, glob_key)])
                    elif 'pbs' in c.resourceManager.lower():
                        run_pbs_jobs(c, config_file, resource, analysis_map_gp[(resource, glob_key)])

            print >>timing, "Group analysis workflow completed for resource: ", resource
            print >>timing, "Elapsed run time (minutes): ", ((time.time() - wf_start_time)/60)
            print >>timing, ""

            # This can be implemented more sleekly using a dictionary, have to do this at some point
            if resource == 'sca_roi_Z_to_standard_smooth':
                sca_roi_runs += 1
                sca_roi_time = sca_roi_time + ((time.time() - wf_start_time)/60)
            elif resource == 'sca_seed_Z_to_standard_smooth':
                sca_seed_runs += 1
                sca_seed_time = sca_seed_time + ((time.time() - wf_start_time)/60)
            elif resource == 'sca_tempreg_maps_z_files_smooth':
                sca_tempreg_runs += 1
                sca_tempreg_time = sca_tempreg_time + ((time.time() - wf_start_time)/60)
            elif resource == 'dr_tempreg_maps_z_files_smooth':
                dr_tempreg_runs += 1
                dr_tempreg_time = dr_tempreg_time + ((time.time() - wf_start_time)/60)
            elif resource == 'vmhc_z_score_stat_map':
                vmhc_z_runs += 1
                vmhc_z_time = vmhc_z_time + ((time.time() - wf_start_time)/60)
            elif resource == 'alff_Z_to_standard_smooth':
                alff_Z_runs += 1
                alff_Z_time = alff_Z_time + ((time.time() - wf_start_time)/60)
            elif resource == 'falff_Z_to_standard_smooth':
                falff_Z_runs += 1
                falff_Z_time = falff_Z_time + ((time.time() - wf_start_time)/60)
            elif resource == 'reho_Z_to_standard_smooth':
                reho_Z_runs += 1
                reho_Z_time = reho_Z_time + ((time.time() - wf_start_time)/60)
            elif resource == 'centrality_outputs_smoothed':
                centrality_outputs_runs += 1
                centrality_outputs_time = centrality_outputs_time + ((time.time() - wf_start_time)/60)
    print >>timing, "Entire group analysis run complete."
    print >>timing, "Elapsed run time (minutes): ", ((time.time() - gpa_start_time)/60)
    print >>timing, ""

    print >>timing, "sca_roi_Z_to_standard_smooth"
    print >>timing, "Number of runs: ", sca_roi_runs
    print >>timing, "Total run time (minutes): ", sca_roi_time
    print >>timing, ""

    print >>timing, "sca_seed_Z_to_standard_smooth"
    print >>timing, "Number of runs: ", sca_seed_runs
    print >>timing, "Total run time (minutes): ", sca_seed_time
    print >>timing, ""

    print >>timing, "sca_tempreg_maps_z_files_smooth"
    print >>timing, "Number of runs: ", sca_tempreg_runs
    print >>timing, "Total run time (minutes): ", sca_tempreg_time
    print >>timing, ""

    print >>timing, "dr_tempreg_maps_z_files_smooth"
    print >>timing, "Number of runs: ", dr_tempreg_runs
    print >>timing, "Total run time (minutes): ", dr_tempreg_time
    print >>timing, ""

    print >>timing, "vmhc_z_score_stat_map"
    print >>timing, "Number of runs: ", vmhc_z_runs
    print >>timing, "Total run time (minutes): ", vmhc_z_time
    print >>timing, ""

    print >>timing, "alff_Z_to_standard_smooth"
    print >>timing, "Number of runs: ", alff_Z_runs
    print >>timing, "Total run time (minutes): ", alff_Z_time
    print >>timing, ""

    print >>timing, "falff_Z_to_standard_smooth"
    print >>timing, "Number of runs: ", falff_Z_runs
    print >>timing, "Total run time (minutes): ", falff_Z_time
    print >>timing, ""

    print >>timing, "reho_Z_to_standard_smooth"
    print >>timing, "Number of runs: ", reho_Z_runs
    print >>timing, "Total run time (minutes): ", reho_Z_time
    print >>timing, ""

    print >>timing, "centrality_outputs_smoothed"
    print >>timing, "Number of runs: ", centrality_outputs_runs
    print >>timing, "Total run time (minutes): ", centrality_outputs_time
    print >>timing, ""

Beispiel #6
def run(config_file, output_path_file):
    import re
    import os
    import glob
    import yaml

    c = Configuration(yaml.load(open(os.path.realpath(config_file), 'r')))

    subject_paths = []

    for file in glob.glob(os.path.abspath(output_path_file)):
        path_list = open(file, 'r').readlines()
        subject_paths.extend([s.rstrip('\r\n') for s in path_list])

    set_subject_paths = set(subject_paths)
    subject_paths = list(set_subject_paths)
    #base_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.commonprefix(subject_paths))
    base_path = c.outputDirectory

    from collections import defaultdict
    analysis_map = defaultdict(list)
    analysis_map_gp = defaultdict(list)

    for subject_path in subject_paths:
        #Remove the base bath offset

        rs_path = subject_path.replace(base_path, "", 1)

        rs_path = rs_path.lstrip('/')

        folders = split_folders(rs_path)
        pipeline_id = folders[0]
        subject_id = folders[1]
        resource_id = folders[2]
        scan_id = folders[3]

        key = subject_path.replace(subject_id, '*')
        analysis_map[(resource_id, key)].append((pipeline_id, subject_id, scan_id, subject_path))

        # separate map for group analysis
#         if c.mixedScanAnalysis == True:
#             key = key.replace(scan_id, '*')

        analysis_map_gp[(resource_id, key)].append((pipeline_id, subject_id, scan_id, subject_path))

    for resource, glob_key in analysis_map.keys():
        if resource == 'functional_mni':
            if 1 in c.runBASC:

                if not c.runOnGrid:
                    from CPAC.pipeline.cpac_basc_pipeline import prep_basc_workflow
                    prep_basc_workflow(c, analysis_map[(resource, glob_key)])
                    if 'sge' in c.resourceManager.lower():
                        run_sge_jobs(c, config_file, resource, analysis_map[(resource, glob_key)])

                    elif 'pbs' in c.resourceManager.lower():
                        run_pbs_jobs(c, config_file, resource, analysis_map[(resource, glob_key)])

            if 1 in c.runCWAS:

                if not c.runOnGrid:

                    from CPAC.pipeline.cpac_cwas_pipeline import prep_cwas_workflow
                    prep_cwas_workflow(c, analysis_map[(resource, glob_key)])

                    if 'sge' in c.resourceManager.lower():
                        run_sge_jobs(c, config_file, resource, analysis_map[(resource, glob_key)])

                    elif 'pbs' in c.resourceManager.lower():
                        run_pbs_jobs(c, config_file, resource, analysis_map[(resource, glob_key)])

    for resource, glob_key in analysis_map_gp.keys():

        if resource in c.derivativeList:

            if 1 in c.runGroupAnalysis:
                #get all the motion parameters across subjects
                    from CPAC.utils import extract_parameters
                except Exception:
                    print "Extract parameters script did not run correctly"

                if not c.runOnGrid:
                    from CPAC.pipeline.cpac_group_analysis_pipeline import prep_group_analysis_workflow
                    prep_group_analysis_workflow(c, resource, analysis_map_gp[(resource, glob_key)])

                    if 'sge' in c.resourceManager.lower():
                        run_sge_jobs(c, config_file, resource, analysis_map_gp[(resource, glob_key)])

                    elif 'pbs' in c.resourceManager.lower():
                        run_pbs_jobs(c, config_file, resource, analysis_map_gp[(resource, glob_key)])