def run(config_file, output_path_file):
    import re
    import os
    import glob

    path, fname = os.path.split(os.path.realpath(config_file))
    c = __import__(fname.split('.')[0])

    subject_paths = []

    input_subject_ids = [subject_id.rstrip('\r\n') for subject_id in open(c.groupAnalysisSubjectList, 'r').readlines()]

    for file in glob.glob(os.path.abspath(output_path_file)):
        path_list = open(file, 'r').readlines()
        subject_paths.extend([s.rstrip('\r\n') for s in path_list])

    set_subject_paths = set(subject_paths)
    subject_paths = list(set_subject_paths)
    #base_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.commonprefix(subject_paths))
    base_path = c.sinkDirectory

    from collections import defaultdict
    analysis_map = defaultdict(list)
    analysis_map_gp = defaultdict(list)

    for subject_path in subject_paths:
        #Remove the base bath offset

        rs_path = subject_path.replace(base_path, "", 1)

        rs_path = rs_path.lstrip('/')

        folders = split_folders(rs_path)
        pipeline_id = folders[0]
        subject_id = folders[1]
        resource_id = folders[2]
        scan_id = folders[3]

        key = subject_path.replace(subject_id, '*')
        analysis_map[(resource_id, key)].append((pipeline_id, subject_id, scan_id, subject_path))

        # separate map for group analysis
        if c.mixedScanAnalysis == True:
            key = key.replace(scan_id, '*')

        if subject_id in input_subject_ids:
            analysis_map_gp[(resource_id, key)].append((pipeline_id, subject_id, scan_id, subject_path))

    for resource, glob_key in analysis_map.keys():
        if resource == 'functional_mni':
            if 1 in c.runBASC:

                if not c.runOnGrid:
                    from CPAC.pipeline.cpac_basc_pipeline import prep_basc_workflow
                    prep_basc_workflow(c, analysis_map[(resource, glob_key)])
                     if 'sge' in c.resourceManager.lower():

                        run_sge_jobs(c, args.config, resource, analysis_map[(resource, glob_key)])

                     elif 'pbs' in c.resourceManager.lower():
                        run_pbs_jobs(c, args.config, resource, analysis_map[(resource, glob_key)])

            if 1 in c.runCWAS:

                if not c.runOnGrid:

                    from CPAC.pipeline.cpac_cwas_pipeline import prep_cwas_workflow
                    prep_cwas_workflow(c, analysis_map[(resource, glob_key)])

                     if 'sge' in c.resourceManager.lower():

                        run_sge_jobs(c, args.config, resource, analysis_map[(resource, glob_key)])

                     elif 'pbs' in c.resourceManager.lower():
                        run_pbs_jobs(c, args.config, resource, analysis_map[(resource, glob_key)])

    for resource, glob_key in analysis_map_gp.keys():

        if resource in c.derivativeList:

            if 1 in c.runGroupAnalysis:

                if not c.runOnGrid:
                    from CPAC.pipeline.cpac_group_analysis_pipeline import prep_group_analysis_workflow
                    prep_group_analysis_workflow(c, resource, analysis_map_gp[(resource, glob_key)])

                     if 'sge' in c.resourceManager.lower():
                        run_sge_jobs(c, args.config, resource, analysis_map_gp[(resource, glob_key)])

                     elif 'pbs' in c.resourceManager.lower():
                        run_pbs_jobs(c, args.config, resource, analysis_map_gp[(resource, glob_key)])
def run(config_file, output_path_file):
    # Runs group analysis

    import yaml

    # Load the config file into 'c'
    c = Configuration(yaml.load(open(os.path.realpath(config_file), 'r')))

    subject_paths = []

    for file in glob.glob(os.path.abspath(output_path_file)):
        path_list = open(file, 'r').readlines()
        subject_paths.extend([s.rstrip('\r\n') for s in path_list])

    set_subject_paths = set(subject_paths)
    subject_paths = list(set_subject_paths)
    #base_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.commonprefix(subject_paths))
    base_path = c.outputDirectory

    from collections import defaultdict
    analysis_map = defaultdict(list)
    analysis_map_gp = defaultdict(list)

    for subject_path in subject_paths:
        #Remove the base bath offset

        rs_path = subject_path.replace(base_path, "", 1)

        rs_path = rs_path.lstrip('/')

        folders = split_folders(rs_path)
        pipeline_id = folders[0]
        subject_id = folders[1]
        resource_id = folders[2]
        scan_id = folders[3]

        #if scan_id == '_scan_rest_1_rest':

        key = subject_path.replace(subject_id, '*')
        analysis_map[(resource_id, key)].append((pipeline_id, subject_id, scan_id, subject_path))

        # separate map for group analysis
        #if c.mixedScanAnalysis == True:
        #    key = key.replace(scan_id, '*')

        analysis_map_gp[(resource_id, key)].append((pipeline_id, subject_id, scan_id, subject_path))

    gpa_start_datetime = strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
    gpa_starttime_string = gpa_start_datetime.replace(' ','_')
    gpa_starttime_string = gpa_starttime_string.replace(':','-')

    timing = open(os.path.join(c.outputDirectory, 'group_analysis_timing_%s_%s.txt' % (c.pipelineName, gpa_starttime_string)), 'wt')

    sca_roi_runs = 0
    sca_roi_time = 0
    sca_seed_runs = 0
    sca_seed_time = 0
    sca_tempreg_runs = 0
    sca_tempreg_time = 0
    dr_tempreg_runs = 0
    dr_tempreg_time = 0
    vmhc_z_runs = 0
    vmhc_z_time = 0
    alff_Z_runs = 0
    alff_Z_time = 0
    falff_Z_runs = 0
    falff_Z_time = 0
    reho_Z_runs = 0
    reho_Z_time = 0
    centrality_outputs_runs = 0
    centrality_outputs_time = 0

    # Start timing here
    gpa_start_time = time.time()

    for resource, glob_key in analysis_map.keys():
        if resource == 'functional_mni':

            wf_start_time = time.time()

            if 1 in c.runBASC:

                if not c.runOnGrid:
                    from CPAC.pipeline.cpac_basc_pipeline import prep_basc_workflow
                    prep_basc_workflow(c, analysis_map[(resource, glob_key)])
                    if 'sge' in c.resourceManager.lower():
                        run_sge_jobs(c, config_file, resource, analysis_map[(resource, glob_key)])

                    elif 'pbs' in c.resourceManager.lower():
                        run_pbs_jobs(c, config_file, resource, analysis_map[(resource, glob_key)])

            if 1 in c.runCWAS:

                if not c.runOnGrid:

                    from CPAC.pipeline.cpac_cwas_pipeline import prep_cwas_workflow
                    prep_cwas_workflow(c, analysis_map[(resource, glob_key)])

                    if 'sge' in c.resourceManager.lower():
                        run_sge_jobs(c, config_file, resource, analysis_map[(resource, glob_key)])

                    elif 'pbs' in c.resourceManager.lower():
                        run_pbs_jobs(c, config_file, resource, analysis_map[(resource, glob_key)])

            print >>timing, "Group analysis workflow completed for resource: ", resource
            print >>timing, "Elapsed run time (minutes): ", ((time.time() - wf_start_time)/60)
            print >>timing, ""

    for resource, glob_key in analysis_map_gp.keys():

        if resource in c.derivativeList:

            wf_start_time = time.time()

            if 1 in c.runGroupAnalysis:
                #get all the motion parameters across subjects


                    from CPAC.utils import extract_parameters

                except Exception:

                    print "Extract parameters script did not run correctly"

                if not c.runOnGrid:

                    from CPAC.pipeline.cpac_group_analysis_pipeline import prep_group_analysis_workflow
                    #procss = Process(target=prep_group_analysis_workflow, args=(c, resource, analysis_map_gp[(resource, glob_key)]))
                    #print c, "   ", resource, "   ", analysis_map_gp[(resource, glob_key)], "   ", glob_key
                    prep_group_analysis_workflow(c, resource, analysis_map_gp[(resource, glob_key)])

                if c.runOnGrid:

                    if 'sge' in c.resourceManager.lower():
                        run_sge_jobs(c, config_file, resource, analysis_map_gp[(resource, glob_key)])
                    elif 'pbs' in c.resourceManager.lower():
                        run_pbs_jobs(c, config_file, resource, analysis_map_gp[(resource, glob_key)])

                print >>timing, "Group analysis workflow completed for resource: ", resource
                print >>timing, "Elapsed run time (minutes): ", ((time.time() - wf_start_time)/60)
                print >>timing, ""
                # This can be implemented more sleekly using a dictionary, have to do this at some point
                if resource == 'sca_roi_Z_to_standard_smooth':
                    sca_roi_runs += 1
                    sca_roi_time = sca_roi_time + ((time.time() - wf_start_time)/60)
                elif resource == 'sca_seed_Z_to_standard_smooth':
                    sca_seed_runs += 1
                    sca_seed_time = sca_seed_time + ((time.time() - wf_start_time)/60)
                elif resource == 'sca_tempreg_maps_z_files_smooth':
                    sca_tempreg_runs += 1
                    sca_tempreg_time = sca_tempreg_time + ((time.time() - wf_start_time)/60)
                elif resource == 'dr_tempreg_maps_z_files_smooth':
                    dr_tempreg_runs += 1
                    dr_tempreg_time = dr_tempreg_time + ((time.time() - wf_start_time)/60)
                elif resource == 'vmhc_z_score_stat_map':
                    vmhc_z_runs += 1
                    vmhc_z_time = vmhc_z_time + ((time.time() - wf_start_time)/60)
                elif resource == 'alff_Z_to_standard_smooth':
                    alff_Z_runs += 1
                    alff_Z_time = alff_Z_time + ((time.time() - wf_start_time)/60)
                elif resource == 'falff_Z_to_standard_smooth':
                    falff_Z_runs += 1
                    falff_Z_time = falff_Z_time + ((time.time() - wf_start_time)/60)
                elif resource == 'reho_Z_to_standard_smooth':
                    reho_Z_runs += 1
                    reho_Z_time = reho_Z_time + ((time.time() - wf_start_time)/60)
                elif resource == 'centrality_outputs_smoothed':
                    centrality_outputs_runs += 1
                    centrality_outputs_time = centrality_outputs_time + ((time.time() - wf_start_time)/60)

    procss = []
    for resource, glob_key in analysis_map_gp.keys():
        if resource in c.derivativeList:
            if 1 in c.runGroupAnalysis:
                #get all the motion parameters across subjects

                    from CPAC.utils import extract_parameters

                except Exception:
                    print "Extract parameters script did not run correctly"

                if not c.runOnGrid:
                    from CPAC.pipeline.cpac_group_analysis_pipeline import prep_group_analysis_workflow
                    procss.append(Process(target=prep_group_analysis_workflow, args=(c, resource, analysis_map_gp[(resource, glob_key)])))
    pid = open(os.path.join(c.outputDirectory, 'pid_group.txt'), 'w')
    jobQueue = []
    if len(c.derivativeList) <= c.numSubjectsAtOnce:
        Stream all the subjects as sublist is
        less than or equal to the number of 
        subjects that need to run
        for p in procss:
            print >>pid,p.pid
        Stream the subject workflows for preprocessing.
        At Any time in the pipeline c.numSubjectsAtOnce
        will run, unless the number remaining is less than
        the value of the parameter stated above
        idx = 0
        while(idx < len(c.derivativeList)):
            if len(jobQueue) == 0 and idx == 0:
                idc = idx
                for p in procss[idc: idc + c.numSubjectsAtOnce]:
                    print >>pid,p.pid
                    idx += 1
                for job in jobQueue:
                    if not job.is_alive():
                        print 'found dead job ', job
                        loc = jobQueue.index(job)
                        del jobQueue[loc]
                        idx += 1
    print >>timing, "Entire group analysis run complete."
    print >>timing, "Elapsed run time (minutes): ", ((time.time() - gpa_start_time)/60)
    print >>timing, ""

    print >>timing, "sca_roi_Z_to_standard_smooth"
    print >>timing, "Number of runs: ", sca_roi_runs
    print >>timing, "Total run time (minutes): ", sca_roi_time
    print >>timing, ""

    print >>timing, "sca_seed_Z_to_standard_smooth"
    print >>timing, "Number of runs: ", sca_seed_runs
    print >>timing, "Total run time (minutes): ", sca_seed_time
    print >>timing, ""

    print >>timing, "sca_tempreg_maps_z_files_smooth"
    print >>timing, "Number of runs: ", sca_tempreg_runs
    print >>timing, "Total run time (minutes): ", sca_tempreg_time
    print >>timing, ""

    print >>timing, "dr_tempreg_maps_z_files_smooth"
    print >>timing, "Number of runs: ", dr_tempreg_runs
    print >>timing, "Total run time (minutes): ", dr_tempreg_time
    print >>timing, ""

    print >>timing, "vmhc_z_score_stat_map"
    print >>timing, "Number of runs: ", vmhc_z_runs
    print >>timing, "Total run time (minutes): ", vmhc_z_time
    print >>timing, ""

    print >>timing, "alff_Z_to_standard_smooth"
    print >>timing, "Number of runs: ", alff_Z_runs
    print >>timing, "Total run time (minutes): ", alff_Z_time
    print >>timing, ""

    print >>timing, "falff_Z_to_standard_smooth"
    print >>timing, "Number of runs: ", falff_Z_runs
    print >>timing, "Total run time (minutes): ", falff_Z_time
    print >>timing, ""

    print >>timing, "reho_Z_to_standard_smooth"
    print >>timing, "Number of runs: ", reho_Z_runs
    print >>timing, "Total run time (minutes): ", reho_Z_time
    print >>timing, ""

    print >>timing, "centrality_outputs_smoothed"
    print >>timing, "Number of runs: ", centrality_outputs_runs
    print >>timing, "Total run time (minutes): ", centrality_outputs_time
    print >>timing, ""

def run(config_file, output_path_file):

    # Runs group analysis

    import yaml

    # Load the config file into 'c'
    c = Configuration(yaml.load(open(os.path.realpath(config_file), 'r')))

    subject_paths = []

    for file in glob.glob(os.path.abspath(output_path_file)):
        path_list = open(file, 'r').readlines()
        subject_paths.extend([s.rstrip('\r\n') for s in path_list])

    set_subject_paths = set(subject_paths)
    subject_paths = list(set_subject_paths)
    #base_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.commonprefix(subject_paths))
    base_path = c.outputDirectory

    from collections import defaultdict
    analysis_map = defaultdict(list)
    analysis_map_gp = defaultdict(list)

    for subject_path in subject_paths:
        #Remove the base bath offset

        rs_path = subject_path.replace(base_path, "", 1)

        rs_path = rs_path.lstrip('/')

        folders = split_folders(rs_path)

        pipeline_id = folders[0]
        subject_id = folders[1]
        resource_id = folders[2]
        scan_id = folders[3]

        #if scan_id == '_scan_rest_1_rest':

        key = subject_path.replace(subject_id, '*')
        analysis_map[(resource_id, key)].append(
            (pipeline_id, subject_id, scan_id, subject_path))

        # separate map for group analysis
        #if c.mixedScanAnalysis == True:
        #    key = key.replace(scan_id, '*')

        analysis_map_gp[(resource_id, key)].append(
            (pipeline_id, subject_id, scan_id, subject_path))

    gpa_start_datetime = strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
    gpa_starttime_string = gpa_start_datetime.replace(' ', '_')
    gpa_starttime_string = gpa_starttime_string.replace(':', '-')

    timing = open(
            c.outputDirectory, 'group_analysis_timing_%s_%s.txt' %
            (c.pipelineName, gpa_starttime_string)), 'wt')

    sca_roi_runs = 0
    sca_roi_time = 0
    sca_seed_runs = 0
    sca_seed_time = 0
    sca_tempreg_runs = 0
    sca_tempreg_time = 0
    dr_tempreg_runs = 0
    dr_tempreg_time = 0
    vmhc_z_runs = 0
    vmhc_z_time = 0
    alff_Z_runs = 0
    alff_Z_time = 0
    falff_Z_runs = 0
    falff_Z_time = 0
    reho_Z_runs = 0
    reho_Z_time = 0
    centrality_outputs_runs = 0
    centrality_outputs_time = 0

    # Start timing here
    gpa_start_time = time.time()

    for resource, glob_key in analysis_map.keys():
        if resource == 'functional_mni':

            wf_start_time = time.time()

            if 1 in c.runBASC:

                if not c.runOnGrid:
                    from CPAC.pipeline.cpac_basc_pipeline import prep_basc_workflow
                    prep_basc_workflow(c, analysis_map[(resource, glob_key)])
                    if 'sge' in c.resourceManager.lower():
                        run_sge_jobs(c, config_file, resource,
                                     analysis_map[(resource, glob_key)])

                    elif 'pbs' in c.resourceManager.lower():
                        run_pbs_jobs(c, config_file, resource,
                                     analysis_map[(resource, glob_key)])

            if 1 in c.runCWAS:

                if not c.runOnGrid:

                    from CPAC.pipeline.cpac_cwas_pipeline import prep_cwas_workflow
                    prep_cwas_workflow(c, analysis_map[(resource, glob_key)])

                    if 'sge' in c.resourceManager.lower():
                        run_sge_jobs(c, config_file, resource,
                                     analysis_map[(resource, glob_key)])

                    elif 'pbs' in c.resourceManager.lower():
                        run_pbs_jobs(c, config_file, resource,
                                     analysis_map[(resource, glob_key)])

            print >> timing, "Group analysis workflow completed for resource: ", resource
            print >> timing, "Elapsed run time (minutes): ", (
                (time.time() - wf_start_time) / 60)
            print >> timing, ""

    for resource, glob_key in analysis_map_gp.keys():

        if resource in c.derivativeList:

            wf_start_time = time.time()

            if 1 in c.runGroupAnalysis:

                #get all the motion parameters across subjects


                    from CPAC.utils import extract_parameters

                except Exception:

                    print "Extract parameters script did not run correctly"

                if not c.runOnGrid:

                    from CPAC.pipeline.cpac_group_analysis_pipeline import prep_group_analysis_workflow

                    #procss = Process(target=prep_group_analysis_workflow, args=(c, resource, analysis_map_gp[(resource, glob_key)]))

                    #print c, "   ", resource, "   ", analysis_map_gp[(resource, glob_key)], "   ", glob_key
                        c, resource, analysis_map_gp[(resource, glob_key)])

                if c.runOnGrid:

                    if 'sge' in c.resourceManager.lower():

                        run_sge_jobs(c, config_file, resource,
                                     analysis_map_gp[(resource, glob_key)])

                    elif 'pbs' in c.resourceManager.lower():

                        run_pbs_jobs(c, config_file, resource,
                                     analysis_map_gp[(resource, glob_key)])

                print >> timing, "Group analysis workflow completed for resource: ", resource
                print >> timing, "Elapsed run time (minutes): ", (
                    (time.time() - wf_start_time) / 60)
                print >> timing, ""

                # This can be implemented more sleekly using a dictionary, have to do this at some point
                if resource == 'sca_roi_Z_to_standard_smooth':
                    sca_roi_runs += 1
                    sca_roi_time = sca_roi_time + (
                        (time.time() - wf_start_time) / 60)
                elif resource == 'sca_seed_Z_to_standard_smooth':
                    sca_seed_runs += 1
                    sca_seed_time = sca_seed_time + (
                        (time.time() - wf_start_time) / 60)
                elif resource == 'sca_tempreg_maps_z_files_smooth':
                    sca_tempreg_runs += 1
                    sca_tempreg_time = sca_tempreg_time + (
                        (time.time() - wf_start_time) / 60)
                elif resource == 'dr_tempreg_maps_z_files_smooth':
                    dr_tempreg_runs += 1
                    dr_tempreg_time = dr_tempreg_time + (
                        (time.time() - wf_start_time) / 60)
                elif resource == 'vmhc_z_score_stat_map':
                    vmhc_z_runs += 1
                    vmhc_z_time = vmhc_z_time + (
                        (time.time() - wf_start_time) / 60)
                elif resource == 'alff_Z_to_standard_smooth':
                    alff_Z_runs += 1
                    alff_Z_time = alff_Z_time + (
                        (time.time() - wf_start_time) / 60)
                elif resource == 'falff_Z_to_standard_smooth':
                    falff_Z_runs += 1
                    falff_Z_time = falff_Z_time + (
                        (time.time() - wf_start_time) / 60)
                elif resource == 'reho_Z_to_standard_smooth':
                    reho_Z_runs += 1
                    reho_Z_time = reho_Z_time + (
                        (time.time() - wf_start_time) / 60)
                elif resource == 'centrality_outputs_smoothed':
                    centrality_outputs_runs += 1
                    centrality_outputs_time = centrality_outputs_time + (
                        (time.time() - wf_start_time) / 60)

    procss = []
    for resource, glob_key in analysis_map_gp.keys():
        if resource in c.derivativeList:
            if 1 in c.runGroupAnalysis:
                #get all the motion parameters across subjects

                    from CPAC.utils import extract_parameters

                except Exception:
                    print "Extract parameters script did not run correctly"

                if not c.runOnGrid:
                    from CPAC.pipeline.cpac_group_analysis_pipeline import prep_group_analysis_workflow
                    procss.append(Process(target=prep_group_analysis_workflow, args=(c, resource, analysis_map_gp[(resource, glob_key)])))
    pid = open(os.path.join(c.outputDirectory, 'pid_group.txt'), 'w')
    jobQueue = []
    if len(c.derivativeList) <= c.numSubjectsAtOnce:
        Stream all the subjects as sublist is
        less than or equal to the number of 
        subjects that need to run
        for p in procss:
            print >>pid,p.pid
        Stream the subject workflows for preprocessing.
        At Any time in the pipeline c.numSubjectsAtOnce
        will run, unless the number remaining is less than
        the value of the parameter stated above
        idx = 0
        while(idx < len(c.derivativeList)):
            if len(jobQueue) == 0 and idx == 0:
                idc = idx
                for p in procss[idc: idc + c.numSubjectsAtOnce]:
                    print >>pid,p.pid
                    idx += 1
                for job in jobQueue:
                    if not job.is_alive():
                        print 'found dead job ', job
                        loc = jobQueue.index(job)
                        del jobQueue[loc]
                        idx += 1

    print >> timing, "Entire group analysis run complete."
    print >> timing, "Elapsed run time (minutes): ", (
        (time.time() - gpa_start_time) / 60)
    print >> timing, ""

    print >> timing, "sca_roi_Z_to_standard_smooth"
    print >> timing, "Number of runs: ", sca_roi_runs
    print >> timing, "Total run time (minutes): ", sca_roi_time
    print >> timing, ""

    print >> timing, "sca_seed_Z_to_standard_smooth"
    print >> timing, "Number of runs: ", sca_seed_runs
    print >> timing, "Total run time (minutes): ", sca_seed_time
    print >> timing, ""

    print >> timing, "sca_tempreg_maps_z_files_smooth"
    print >> timing, "Number of runs: ", sca_tempreg_runs
    print >> timing, "Total run time (minutes): ", sca_tempreg_time
    print >> timing, ""

    print >> timing, "dr_tempreg_maps_z_files_smooth"
    print >> timing, "Number of runs: ", dr_tempreg_runs
    print >> timing, "Total run time (minutes): ", dr_tempreg_time
    print >> timing, ""

    print >> timing, "vmhc_z_score_stat_map"
    print >> timing, "Number of runs: ", vmhc_z_runs
    print >> timing, "Total run time (minutes): ", vmhc_z_time
    print >> timing, ""

    print >> timing, "alff_Z_to_standard_smooth"
    print >> timing, "Number of runs: ", alff_Z_runs
    print >> timing, "Total run time (minutes): ", alff_Z_time
    print >> timing, ""

    print >> timing, "falff_Z_to_standard_smooth"
    print >> timing, "Number of runs: ", falff_Z_runs
    print >> timing, "Total run time (minutes): ", falff_Z_time
    print >> timing, ""

    print >> timing, "reho_Z_to_standard_smooth"
    print >> timing, "Number of runs: ", reho_Z_runs
    print >> timing, "Total run time (minutes): ", reho_Z_time
    print >> timing, ""

    print >> timing, "centrality_outputs_smoothed"
    print >> timing, "Number of runs: ", centrality_outputs_runs
    print >> timing, "Total run time (minutes): ", centrality_outputs_time
    print >> timing, ""

def run(config_file, output_path_file):

    # Runs group analysis

    import re
    import os
    import glob
    import yaml

    # Load the config file into 'c'
    c = Configuration(yaml.load(open(os.path.realpath(config_file), 'r')))

    subject_paths = []

    for file in glob.glob(os.path.abspath(output_path_file)):
        path_list = open(file, 'r').readlines()
        subject_paths.extend([s.rstrip('\r\n') for s in path_list])

    set_subject_paths = set(subject_paths)
    subject_paths = list(set_subject_paths)
    #base_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.commonprefix(subject_paths))
    base_path = c.outputDirectory

    from collections import defaultdict
    analysis_map = defaultdict(list)
    analysis_map_gp = defaultdict(list)

    for subject_path in subject_paths:
        #Remove the base bath offset

        rs_path = subject_path.replace(base_path, "", 1)

        rs_path = rs_path.lstrip('/')

        folders = split_folders(rs_path)
        pipeline_id = folders[0]
        subject_id = folders[1]
        resource_id = folders[2]
        scan_id = folders[3]

        key = subject_path.replace(subject_id, '*')
        analysis_map[(resource_id, key)].append(
            (pipeline_id, subject_id, scan_id, subject_path))

        # separate map for group analysis
        #         if c.mixedScanAnalysis == True:
        #             key = key.replace(scan_id, '*')

        analysis_map_gp[(resource_id, key)].append(
            (pipeline_id, subject_id, scan_id, subject_path))

    for resource, glob_key in analysis_map.keys():
        if resource == 'functional_mni':
            if 1 in c.runBASC:

                if not c.runOnGrid:
                    from CPAC.pipeline.cpac_basc_pipeline import prep_basc_workflow
                    prep_basc_workflow(c, analysis_map[(resource, glob_key)])
                    if 'sge' in c.resourceManager.lower():
                        run_sge_jobs(c, config_file, resource,
                                     analysis_map[(resource, glob_key)])

                    elif 'pbs' in c.resourceManager.lower():
                        run_pbs_jobs(c, config_file, resource,
                                     analysis_map[(resource, glob_key)])

            if 1 in c.runCWAS:

                if not c.runOnGrid:

                    from CPAC.pipeline.cpac_cwas_pipeline import prep_cwas_workflow
                    prep_cwas_workflow(c, analysis_map[(resource, glob_key)])

                    if 'sge' in c.resourceManager.lower():
                        run_sge_jobs(c, config_file, resource,
                                     analysis_map[(resource, glob_key)])

                    elif 'pbs' in c.resourceManager.lower():
                        run_pbs_jobs(c, config_file, resource,
                                     analysis_map[(resource, glob_key)])

    for resource, glob_key in analysis_map_gp.keys():

        if resource in c.derivativeList:

            if 1 in c.runGroupAnalysis:

                #get all the motion parameters across subjects


                    from CPAC.utils import extract_parameters

                except Exception:

                    print "Extract parameters script did not run correctly"

                if not c.runOnGrid:

                    from CPAC.pipeline.cpac_group_analysis_pipeline import prep_group_analysis_workflow

                    #print c, "   ", resource, "   ", analysis_map_gp[(resource, glob_key)], "   ", glob_key
                        c, resource, analysis_map_gp[(resource, glob_key)])


                    if 'sge' in c.resourceManager.lower():

                        run_sge_jobs(c, config_file, resource,
                                     analysis_map_gp[(resource, glob_key)])

                    elif 'pbs' in c.resourceManager.lower():

                        run_pbs_jobs(c, config_file, resource,
                                     analysis_map_gp[(resource, glob_key)])
def run(config_file, output_path_file):
    # Runs group analysis

    import re
    import os
    import glob
    import yaml

    # Load the config file into 'c'
    c = Configuration(yaml.load(open(os.path.realpath(config_file), 'r')))

    #diag = open(os.path.join('/home/data/Projects/CPAC_Regression_Test/2013-08-19-20_v0-3-1/fsl-model/2013-09-03', 'group_runner_diagnostic.txt'), 'wt')

    #print >>diag, "Config file: ", c
    #print >>diag, ""
    #print >>diag, "Output path file: ", output_path_file
    #print >>diag, ""

    subject_paths = []

    for file in glob.glob(os.path.abspath(output_path_file)):
        path_list = open(file, 'r').readlines()
        subject_paths.extend([s.rstrip('\r\n') for s in path_list])

    #print >>diag, "Subject paths list size: "
    #print >>diag, len(subject_paths)
    #print >>diag, ""

    #print >>diag, "First subject path: "
    #print >>diag, subject_paths[0]
    #print >>diag, ""

    set_subject_paths = set(subject_paths)
    subject_paths = list(set_subject_paths)
    #base_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.commonprefix(subject_paths))
    base_path = c.outputDirectory

    from collections import defaultdict
    analysis_map = defaultdict(list)
    analysis_map_gp = defaultdict(list)

    for subject_path in subject_paths:
        #Remove the base bath offset

        rs_path = subject_path.replace(base_path, "", 1)

        rs_path = rs_path.lstrip('/')

        folders = split_folders(rs_path)
        pipeline_id = folders[0]
        subject_id = folders[1]
        resource_id = folders[2]
        scan_id = folders[3]

        #if scan_id == '_scan_rest_1_rest':

        key = subject_path.replace(subject_id, '*')
        analysis_map[(resource_id, key)].append((pipeline_id, subject_id, scan_id, subject_path))

        # separate map for group analysis
        #if c.mixedScanAnalysis == True:
        #    key = key.replace(scan_id, '*')

        analysis_map_gp[(resource_id, key)].append((pipeline_id, subject_id, scan_id, subject_path))

    #print >>diag, ""
    #print >>diag, "Analysis_map_gp dictionary size: "
    #print >>diag, len(analysis_map_gp)
    #print >>diag, ""

    #print >>diag, "Derivative list: "
    #print >>diag, c.derivativeList
    #print >>diag, ""

    timing = open(os.path.join(c.outputDirectory, 'group_analysis_timing.txt'), 'wt')
    #timing = open(os.path.join('/home/data/Projects/CPAC_Regression_Test/2013-08-19-20_v0-3-1/fsl-model/2013-09-03', 'group_analysis_timing.txt'), 'wt')

    sca_roi_runs = 0
    sca_roi_time = 0
    sca_seed_runs = 0
    sca_seed_time = 0
    sca_tempreg_runs = 0
    sca_tempreg_time = 0
    dr_tempreg_runs = 0
    dr_tempreg_time = 0
    vmhc_z_runs = 0
    vmhc_z_time = 0
    alff_Z_runs = 0
    alff_Z_time = 0
    falff_Z_runs = 0
    falff_Z_time = 0
    reho_Z_runs = 0
    reho_Z_time = 0
    centrality_outputs_runs = 0
    centrality_outputs_time = 0

    # Start timing here
    gpa_start_time = time.time()

    for resource, glob_key in analysis_map.keys():
        if resource == 'functional_mni':

            wf_start_time = time.time()

            if 1 in c.runBASC:

                if not c.runOnGrid:
                    from CPAC.pipeline.cpac_basc_pipeline import prep_basc_workflow
                    prep_basc_workflow(c, analysis_map[(resource, glob_key)])
                    if 'sge' in c.resourceManager.lower():
                        run_sge_jobs(c, config_file, resource, analysis_map[(resource, glob_key)])

                    elif 'pbs' in c.resourceManager.lower():
                        run_pbs_jobs(c, config_file, resource, analysis_map[(resource, glob_key)])

            if 1 in c.runCWAS:

                if not c.runOnGrid:

                    from CPAC.pipeline.cpac_cwas_pipeline import prep_cwas_workflow
                    prep_cwas_workflow(c, analysis_map[(resource, glob_key)])

                    if 'sge' in c.resourceManager.lower():
                        run_sge_jobs(c, config_file, resource, analysis_map[(resource, glob_key)])

                    elif 'pbs' in c.resourceManager.lower():
                        run_pbs_jobs(c, config_file, resource, analysis_map[(resource, glob_key)])

            print >>timing, "Group analysis workflow completed for resource: ", resource
            print >>timing, "Elapsed run time (minutes): ", ((time.time() - wf_start_time)/60)
            print >>timing, ""

    for resource, glob_key in analysis_map_gp.keys():

        if resource in c.derivativeList:

            wf_start_time = time.time()

            #print >>diag, "Resource: "
            #print >>diag, resource
            #print >>diag, ""

            #print >>diag, "glob key: "
            #print >>diag, glob_key
            #print >>diag, ""

            #print >>diag, "Analysis map gp entry: "
            #print >>diag, analysis_map_gp[(resource,glob_key)]
            #print >>diag, ""

            if 1 in c.runGroupAnalysis:
                #get all the motion parameters across subjects


                    from CPAC.utils import extract_parameters

                except Exception:

                    print "Extract parameters script did not run correctly"

                if not c.runOnGrid:

                    from CPAC.pipeline.cpac_group_analysis_pipeline import prep_group_analysis_workflow

                    #print c, "   ", resource, "   ", analysis_map_gp[(resource, glob_key)], "   ", glob_key
                    prep_group_analysis_workflow(c, resource, analysis_map_gp[(resource, glob_key)])


                    if 'sge' in c.resourceManager.lower():
                        run_sge_jobs(c, config_file, resource, analysis_map_gp[(resource, glob_key)])
                    elif 'pbs' in c.resourceManager.lower():
                        run_pbs_jobs(c, config_file, resource, analysis_map_gp[(resource, glob_key)])

            print >>timing, "Group analysis workflow completed for resource: ", resource
            print >>timing, "Elapsed run time (minutes): ", ((time.time() - wf_start_time)/60)
            print >>timing, ""

            # This can be implemented more sleekly using a dictionary, have to do this at some point
            if resource == 'sca_roi_Z_to_standard_smooth':
                sca_roi_runs += 1
                sca_roi_time = sca_roi_time + ((time.time() - wf_start_time)/60)
            elif resource == 'sca_seed_Z_to_standard_smooth':
                sca_seed_runs += 1
                sca_seed_time = sca_seed_time + ((time.time() - wf_start_time)/60)
            elif resource == 'sca_tempreg_maps_z_files_smooth':
                sca_tempreg_runs += 1
                sca_tempreg_time = sca_tempreg_time + ((time.time() - wf_start_time)/60)
            elif resource == 'dr_tempreg_maps_z_files_smooth':
                dr_tempreg_runs += 1
                dr_tempreg_time = dr_tempreg_time + ((time.time() - wf_start_time)/60)
            elif resource == 'vmhc_z_score_stat_map':
                vmhc_z_runs += 1
                vmhc_z_time = vmhc_z_time + ((time.time() - wf_start_time)/60)
            elif resource == 'alff_Z_to_standard_smooth':
                alff_Z_runs += 1
                alff_Z_time = alff_Z_time + ((time.time() - wf_start_time)/60)
            elif resource == 'falff_Z_to_standard_smooth':
                falff_Z_runs += 1
                falff_Z_time = falff_Z_time + ((time.time() - wf_start_time)/60)
            elif resource == 'reho_Z_to_standard_smooth':
                reho_Z_runs += 1
                reho_Z_time = reho_Z_time + ((time.time() - wf_start_time)/60)
            elif resource == 'centrality_outputs_smoothed':
                centrality_outputs_runs += 1
                centrality_outputs_time = centrality_outputs_time + ((time.time() - wf_start_time)/60)
    print >>timing, "Entire group analysis run complete."
    print >>timing, "Elapsed run time (minutes): ", ((time.time() - gpa_start_time)/60)
    print >>timing, ""

    print >>timing, "sca_roi_Z_to_standard_smooth"
    print >>timing, "Number of runs: ", sca_roi_runs
    print >>timing, "Total run time (minutes): ", sca_roi_time
    print >>timing, ""

    print >>timing, "sca_seed_Z_to_standard_smooth"
    print >>timing, "Number of runs: ", sca_seed_runs
    print >>timing, "Total run time (minutes): ", sca_seed_time
    print >>timing, ""

    print >>timing, "sca_tempreg_maps_z_files_smooth"
    print >>timing, "Number of runs: ", sca_tempreg_runs
    print >>timing, "Total run time (minutes): ", sca_tempreg_time
    print >>timing, ""

    print >>timing, "dr_tempreg_maps_z_files_smooth"
    print >>timing, "Number of runs: ", dr_tempreg_runs
    print >>timing, "Total run time (minutes): ", dr_tempreg_time
    print >>timing, ""

    print >>timing, "vmhc_z_score_stat_map"
    print >>timing, "Number of runs: ", vmhc_z_runs
    print >>timing, "Total run time (minutes): ", vmhc_z_time
    print >>timing, ""

    print >>timing, "alff_Z_to_standard_smooth"
    print >>timing, "Number of runs: ", alff_Z_runs
    print >>timing, "Total run time (minutes): ", alff_Z_time
    print >>timing, ""

    print >>timing, "falff_Z_to_standard_smooth"
    print >>timing, "Number of runs: ", falff_Z_runs
    print >>timing, "Total run time (minutes): ", falff_Z_time
    print >>timing, ""

    print >>timing, "reho_Z_to_standard_smooth"
    print >>timing, "Number of runs: ", reho_Z_runs
    print >>timing, "Total run time (minutes): ", reho_Z_time
    print >>timing, ""

    print >>timing, "centrality_outputs_smoothed"
    print >>timing, "Number of runs: ", centrality_outputs_runs
    print >>timing, "Total run time (minutes): ", centrality_outputs_time
    print >>timing, ""

def run(config_file, output_path_file):
    import re
    import os
    import glob
    import yaml

    c = Configuration(yaml.load(open(os.path.realpath(config_file), 'r')))

    subject_paths = []

    for file in glob.glob(os.path.abspath(output_path_file)):
        path_list = open(file, 'r').readlines()
        subject_paths.extend([s.rstrip('\r\n') for s in path_list])

    set_subject_paths = set(subject_paths)
    subject_paths = list(set_subject_paths)
    #base_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.commonprefix(subject_paths))
    base_path = c.outputDirectory

    from collections import defaultdict
    analysis_map = defaultdict(list)
    analysis_map_gp = defaultdict(list)

    for subject_path in subject_paths:
        #Remove the base bath offset

        rs_path = subject_path.replace(base_path, "", 1)

        rs_path = rs_path.lstrip('/')

        folders = split_folders(rs_path)
        pipeline_id = folders[0]
        subject_id = folders[1]
        resource_id = folders[2]
        scan_id = folders[3]

        key = subject_path.replace(subject_id, '*')
        analysis_map[(resource_id, key)].append((pipeline_id, subject_id, scan_id, subject_path))

        # separate map for group analysis
#         if c.mixedScanAnalysis == True:
#             key = key.replace(scan_id, '*')

        analysis_map_gp[(resource_id, key)].append((pipeline_id, subject_id, scan_id, subject_path))

    for resource, glob_key in analysis_map.keys():
        if resource == 'functional_mni':
            if 1 in c.runBASC:

                if not c.runOnGrid:
                    from CPAC.pipeline.cpac_basc_pipeline import prep_basc_workflow
                    prep_basc_workflow(c, analysis_map[(resource, glob_key)])
                    if 'sge' in c.resourceManager.lower():
                        run_sge_jobs(c, config_file, resource, analysis_map[(resource, glob_key)])

                    elif 'pbs' in c.resourceManager.lower():
                        run_pbs_jobs(c, config_file, resource, analysis_map[(resource, glob_key)])

            if 1 in c.runCWAS:

                if not c.runOnGrid:

                    from CPAC.pipeline.cpac_cwas_pipeline import prep_cwas_workflow
                    prep_cwas_workflow(c, analysis_map[(resource, glob_key)])

                    if 'sge' in c.resourceManager.lower():
                        run_sge_jobs(c, config_file, resource, analysis_map[(resource, glob_key)])

                    elif 'pbs' in c.resourceManager.lower():
                        run_pbs_jobs(c, config_file, resource, analysis_map[(resource, glob_key)])

    for resource, glob_key in analysis_map_gp.keys():

        if resource in c.derivativeList:

            if 1 in c.runGroupAnalysis:
                #get all the motion parameters across subjects
                    from CPAC.utils import extract_parameters
                except Exception:
                    print "Extract parameters script did not run correctly"

                if not c.runOnGrid:
                    from CPAC.pipeline.cpac_group_analysis_pipeline import prep_group_analysis_workflow
                    prep_group_analysis_workflow(c, resource, analysis_map_gp[(resource, glob_key)])

                    if 'sge' in c.resourceManager.lower():
                        run_sge_jobs(c, config_file, resource, analysis_map_gp[(resource, glob_key)])

                    elif 'pbs' in c.resourceManager.lower():
                        run_pbs_jobs(c, config_file, resource, analysis_map_gp[(resource, glob_key)])