Beispiel #1
  def __updateSharedSESites( self, jobState, stageSite, stagedLFNs, opData ):
    siteCandidates = opData[ 'SiteCandidates' ]

    seStatus = {}
    result = jobState.getManifest()
    if not result['OK']:
      return result
    manifest = result['Value']
    vo = manifest.getOption( 'VirtualOrganization' )
    for siteName in siteCandidates:
      if siteName == stageSite:
      self.jobLog.verbose( "Checking %s for shared SEs" % siteName )
      siteData = siteCandidates[ siteName ]
      result = getSEsForSite( siteName )
      if not result[ 'OK' ]:
      closeSEs = result[ 'Value' ]
      diskSEs = []
      for seName in closeSEs:
        # If we don't have the SE status get it and store it
        if seName not in seStatus:
          seObj = StorageElement( seName, vo = vo )
          result = seObj.getStatus()
          if not result['OK' ]:
            self.jobLog.error( "Cannot retrieve SE %s status: %s" % ( seName, result[ 'Message' ] ) )
          seStatus[ seName ] = result[ 'Value' ]
        # get the SE status from mem and add it if its disk
        status = seStatus[ seName ]
        if status['Read'] and status['DiskSE']:
          diskSEs.append( seName )
      self.jobLog.verbose( "Disk SEs for %s are %s" % ( siteName, ", ".join( diskSEs ) ) )

      # Hell again to the dev of this crappy value of value of successful of ...
      lfnData = opData['Value']['Value']['Successful']
      for seName in stagedLFNs:
        # If the SE is not close then skip it
        if seName not in closeSEs:
        for lfn in stagedLFNs[ seName ]:
          self.jobLog.verbose( "Checking %s for %s" % ( seName, lfn ) )
          # I'm pretty sure that this cannot happen :P
          if lfn not in lfnData:
          # Check if it's already on disk at the site
          onDisk = False
          for siteSE in lfnData[ lfn ]:
            if siteSE in diskSEs:
              self.jobLog.verbose( "%s on disk for %s" % ( lfn, siteSE ) )
              onDisk = True
          # If not on disk, then update!
          if not onDisk:
            self.jobLog.verbose( "Setting LFN to disk for %s" % ( seName ) )
            siteData[ 'disk' ] += 1
            siteData[ 'tape' ] -= 1

    return S_OK()
Beispiel #2
 def __getSEStatus(self, seName):
     result = self.__SEStatus.get(seName)
     if result == False:
         seObj = StorageElement(seName)
         result = seObj.getStatus()
         if not result["OK"]:
             return result
         self.__SEStatus.add(seName, 600, result)
     return result
Beispiel #3
    def __updateSharedSESites(self, jobState, stageSite, stagedLFNs, opData):
        siteCandidates = opData["SiteCandidates"]

        seStatus = {}
        for siteName in siteCandidates:
            if siteName == stageSite:
            self.jobLog.verbose("Checking %s for shared SEs" % siteName)
            siteData = siteCandidates[siteName]
            result = getSEsForSite(siteName)
            if not result["OK"]:
            closeSEs = result["Value"]
            diskSEs = []
            for seName in closeSEs:
                # If we don't have the SE status get it and store it
                if seName not in seStatus:
                    seObj = StorageElement(seName)
                    result = seObj.getStatus()
                    if not result["OK"]:
                        self.jobLog.error("Cannot retrieve SE %s status: %s" % (seName, result["Message"]))
                    seStatus[seName] = result["Value"]
                # get the SE status from mem and add it if its disk
                status = seStatus[seName]
                if status["Read"] and status["DiskSE"]:
            self.jobLog.verbose("Disk SEs for %s are %s" % (siteName, ", ".join(diskSEs)))

            # Hell again to the dev of this crappy value of value of successful of ...
            lfnData = opData["Value"]["Value"]["Successful"]
            for seName in stagedLFNs:
                # If the SE is not close then skip it
                if seName not in closeSEs:
                for lfn in stagedLFNs[seName]:
                    self.jobLog.verbose("Checking %s for %s" % (seName, lfn))
                    # I'm pretty sure that this cannot happen :P
                    if lfn not in lfnData:
                    # Check if it's already on disk at the site
                    onDisk = False
                    for siteSE in lfnData[lfn]:
                        if siteSE in diskSEs:
                            self.jobLog.verbose("%s on disk for %s" % (lfn, siteSE))
                            onDisk = True
                    # If not on disk, then update!
                    if not onDisk:
                        self.jobLog.verbose("Setting LFN to disk for %s" % (seName))
                        siteData["disk"] += 1
                        siteData["tape"] -= 1

        return S_OK()
  def __updateOtherSites( self, job, stagingSite, stagedLFNsPerSE, optInfo ):
      Update Optimizer Info for other sites for which the SE on which we have staged
      Files are declared local
    updated = False
    seDict = {}
    for site, siteDict in optInfo['SiteCandidates'].items():
      if stagingSite == site:
      closeSEs = getSEsForSite( site )
      if not closeSEs['OK']:
      closeSEs = closeSEs['Value']
      siteDiskSEs = []
      for se in closeSEs:
        if se not in seDict:
            storageElement = StorageElement( se )
            seDict[se] = storageElement.getStatus()['Value']
          except Exception:
            self.log.exception( 'Failed to instantiate StorageElement( %s )' % se )
        seStatus = seDict[se]
        if seStatus['Read'] and seStatus['DiskSE']:
          siteDiskSEs.append( se )

      for lfn, replicas in optInfo['Value']['Value']['Successful'].items():
        for stageSE, stageLFNs in stagedLFNsPerSE.items():
          if lfn in stageLFNs and stageSE in closeSEs:
            # The LFN has been staged, we need to check now if this SE is close 
            # to the Site and if the LFN was not already on a Disk SE at the Site
            isOnDisk = False
            for se in replicas:
              if se in siteDiskSEs:
                isOnDisk = True
            if not isOnDisk:
              # This is updating optInfo
              updated = True
              siteDict['disk'] += 1
              siteDict['tape'] -= 1

    if updated:
      self.log.verbose( 'Updating %s Optimizer Info for Job %s:' % ( self.dataAgentName, job ), optInfo )
      self.setOptimizerJobInfo( job, self.dataAgentName, optInfo )
Beispiel #5
    def __updateOtherSites(self, job, stagingSite, stagedLFNsPerSE, optInfo):
      Update Optimizer Info for other sites for which the SE on which we have staged
      Files are declared local
        updated = False
        for site, siteDict in optInfo["SiteCandidates"].items():
            if stagingSite == site:
            closeSEs = getSEsForSite(site)
            if not closeSEs["OK"]:
            closeSEs = closeSEs["Value"]
            siteDiskSEs = []
            for se in closeSEs:
                storageElement = StorageElement(se)
                seStatus = storageElement.getStatus()["Value"]
                if seStatus["Read"] and seStatus["DiskSE"]:

            for lfn, replicas in optInfo["Value"]["Value"]["Successful"].items():
                for stageSE, stageLFNs in stagedLFNsPerSE.items():
                    if lfn in stageLFNs and stageSE in closeSEs:
                        # The LFN has been staged, we need to check now if this SE is close
                        # to the Site and if the LFN was not already on a Disk SE at the Site
                        isOnDisk = False
                        for se in replicas:
                            if se in siteDiskSEs:
                                isOnDisk = True
                        if not isOnDisk:
                            # This is updating optInfo
                            updated = True
                            siteDict["disk"] += 1
                            siteDict["tape"] -= 1

        if updated:
            self.setOptimizerJobInfo(job, self.dataAgentName, optInfo)
Beispiel #6
  def __preRequestStaging( self, jobState, stageSite, opData ):
    from DIRAC.DataManagementSystem.Utilities.DMSHelpers import DMSHelpers

    tapeSEs = []
    diskSEs = []
    result = jobState.getManifest()
    if not result['OK']:
      return result
    manifest = result['Value']
    vo = manifest.getOption( 'VirtualOrganization' )
    inputDataPolicy = manifest.getOption( 'InputDataPolicy', 'Protocol' )
    connectionLevel = 'DOWNLOAD' if 'download' in inputDataPolicy.lower() else 'PROTOCOL'
    # Allow staging from SEs accessible by protocol
    result = DMSHelpers( vo = vo ).getSEsForSite( stageSite, connectionLevel = connectionLevel )
    if not result['OK']:
      return S_ERROR( 'Could not determine SEs for site %s' % stageSite )
    siteSEs = result['Value']

    for seName in siteSEs:
      se = StorageElement( seName, vo = vo )
      result = se.getStatus()
      if not result[ 'OK' ]:
        self.jobLog.error( "Cannot retrieve SE %s status: %s" % ( seName, result[ 'Message' ] ) )
        return S_ERROR( "Cannot retrieve SE status" )
      seStatus = result[ 'Value' ]
      if seStatus[ 'Read' ] and seStatus[ 'TapeSE' ]:
        tapeSEs.append( seName )
      if seStatus[ 'Read' ] and seStatus[ 'DiskSE' ]:
        diskSEs.append( seName )

    if not tapeSEs:
      return S_ERROR( "No Local SEs for site %s" % stageSite )

    self.jobLog.verbose( "Tape SEs are %s" % ( ", ".join( tapeSEs ) ) )

    # I swear this is horrible DM code it's not mine.
    # Eternity of hell to the inventor of the Value of Value of Success of...
    inputData = opData['Value']['Value']['Successful']
    stageLFNs = {}
    lfnToStage = []
    for lfn in inputData:
      replicas = inputData[ lfn ]
      # Check SEs
      seStage = []
      for seName in replicas:
        if seName in diskSEs:
          # This lfn is in disk. Skip it
          seStage = []
        if seName not in tapeSEs:
          # This lfn is not in this tape SE. Check next SE
        seStage.append( seName )
      for seName in seStage:
        if seName not in stageLFNs:
          stageLFNs[ seName ] = []
        stageLFNs[ seName ].append( lfn )
        if lfn not in lfnToStage:
          lfnToStage.append( lfn )

    if not stageLFNs:
      return S_ERROR( "Cannot find tape replicas" )

    # Check if any LFN is in more than one SE
    # If that's the case, try to stage from the SE that has more LFNs to stage to group the request
    # 1.- Get the SEs ordered by ascending replicas
    sortedSEs = reversed( sorted( [ ( len( stageLFNs[ seName ] ), seName ) for seName in stageLFNs.keys() ] ) )
    for lfn in lfnToStage:
      found = False
      # 2.- Traverse the SEs
      for _stageCount, seName in sortedSEs:
        if lfn in stageLFNs[ seName ]:
          # 3.- If first time found, just mark as found. Next time delete the replica from the request
          if found:
            stageLFNs[ seName ].remove( lfn )
            found = True
        # 4.-If empty SE, remove
        if len( stageLFNs[ seName ] ) == 0:
          stageLFNs.pop( seName )

    return S_OK( stageLFNs )
  def __preRequestStaging( self, jobState, stageSite, opData ):
    result = getSEsForSite( stageSite )
    if not result['OK']:
      return S_ERROR( 'Could not determine SEs for site %s' % stageSite )
    siteSEs = result['Value']

    tapeSEs = []
    diskSEs = []
    for seName in siteSEs:
      se = StorageElement( seName )
      result = se.getStatus()
      if not result[ 'OK' ]:
        self.jobLog.error( "Cannot retrieve SE %s status: %s" % ( seName, result[ 'Message' ] ) )
        return S_ERROR( "Cannot retrieve SE status" )
      seStatus = result[ 'Value' ]
      if seStatus[ 'Read' ] and seStatus[ 'TapeSE' ]:
        tapeSEs.append( seName )
      if seStatus[ 'Read' ] and seStatus[ 'DiskSE' ]:
        diskSEs.append( seName )

    if not tapeSEs:
      return S_ERROR( "No Local SEs for site %s" % stageSite )

    self.jobLog.verbose( "Tape SEs are %s" % ( ", ".join( tapeSEs ) ) )

    #I swear this is horrible DM code it's not mine.
    #Eternity of hell to the inventor of the Value of Value of Success of...
    inputData = opData['Value']['Value']['Successful']
    stageLFNs = {}
    lfnToStage = []
    for lfn in inputData:
      replicas = inputData[ lfn ]
      #Check SEs
      seStage = []
      for seName in replicas:
        if seName in diskSEs:
          #This lfn is in disk. Skip it
          seStage = []
        if seName not in tapeSEs:
          #This lfn is not in this tape SE. Check next SE
        seStage.append( seName )
      for seName in seStage:
        if seName not in stageLFNs:
          stageLFNs[ seName ] = []
        stageLFNs[ seName ].append( lfn )
        if lfn not in lfnToStage:
          lfnToStage.append( lfn )

    if not stageLFNs:
      return S_ERROR( "Cannot find tape replicas" )

    #Check if any LFN is in more than one SE
    #If that's the case, try to stage from the SE that has more LFNs to stage to group the request
    #1.- Get the SEs ordered by ascending replicas
    sortedSEs = reversed( sorted( [ ( len( stageLFNs[ seName ] ), seName ) for seName in stageLFNs.keys() ] ) )
    for lfn in lfnToStage:
      found = False
      #2.- Traverse the SEs
      for _stageCount, seName in sortedSEs:
        if lfn in stageLFNs[ seName ]:
          #3.- If first time found, just mark as found. Next time delete the replica from the request
          if found:
            stageLFNs[ seName ].remove( lfn )
            found = True
        #4.-If empty SE, remove
        if len( stageLFNs[ seName ] ) == 0:
          stageLFNs.pop( seName )

    return stageLFNs
Beispiel #8
  def __getSiteCandidates( self, inputData ):
    """This method returns a list of possible site candidates based on the
       job input data requirement.  For each site candidate, the number of files
       on disk and tape is resolved.

    fileSEs = {}
    for lfn, replicas in inputData.items():
      siteList = []
      for se in replicas.keys():
        sites = self.__getSitesForSE( se )
        if sites['OK']:
          siteList += sites['Value']
      fileSEs[lfn] = uniqueElements( siteList )

    siteCandidates = []
    i = 0
    for fileName, sites in fileSEs.items():
      if not i:
        siteCandidates = sites
        tempSite = []
        for site in siteCandidates:
          if site in sites:
            tempSite.append( site )
        siteCandidates = tempSite
      i += 1

    if not len( siteCandidates ):
      return S_ERROR( 'No candidate sites available' )

    #In addition, check number of files on tape and disk for each site
    #for optimizations during scheduling
    siteResult = {}
    for site in siteCandidates:
      siteResult[site] = { 'disk': [], 'tape': [] }

    seDict = {}
    for lfn, replicas in inputData.items():
      for se in replicas.keys():
        if se not in seDict:
          sites = self.__getSitesForSE( se )
          if not sites['OK']:
            storageElement = StorageElement( se )
            seDict[se] = { 'Sites': sites['Value'], 'Status': storageElement.getStatus()['Value'] }
          except Exception:
            self.log.exception( 'Failed to instantiate StorageElement( %s )' % se )
        for site in seDict[se]['Sites']:
          if site in siteCandidates:
            if seDict[se]['Status']['Read'] and seDict[se]['Status']['DiskSE']:
              if lfn not in siteResult[site]['disk']:
                siteResult[site]['disk'].append( lfn )
            if seDict[se]['Status']['Read'] and seDict[se]['Status']['TapeSE']:
              if lfn not in siteResult[site]['tape']:
                siteResult[site]['tape'].append( lfn )

    for site in siteResult:
      siteResult[site]['disk'] = len( siteResult[site]['disk'] )
      siteResult[site]['tape'] = len( siteResult[site]['tape'] )
    return S_OK( siteResult )
Beispiel #9
  def __submit( self, request, operation, toSubmit ):
    """ create and submit new FTSJobs using list of FTSFiles

    :param Request request: ReqDB.Request instance
    :param list ftsFiles: list of FTSFile instances

    :return: [ FTSJob, FTSJob, ...]
    log = self.log.getSubLogger( "req_%s/%s/submit" % ( request.RequestID, request.RequestName ) )

    bySourceAndTarget = {}
    for ftsFile in toSubmit:
      if ftsFile.SourceSE not in bySourceAndTarget:
        bySourceAndTarget.setdefault( ftsFile.SourceSE, {} )
      if ftsFile.TargetSE not in bySourceAndTarget[ftsFile.SourceSE]:
        bySourceAndTarget[ftsFile.SourceSE].setdefault( ftsFile.TargetSE, [] )
      bySourceAndTarget[ftsFile.SourceSE][ftsFile.TargetSE].append( ftsFile )

    ftsJobs = []

    for source, targetDict in bySourceAndTarget.iteritems():

      for target, ftsFileList in targetDict.iteritems(): "found %s files to submit from %s to %s" % ( len( ftsFileList ), source, target ) )

        route = self.__ftsPlacement.findRoute( source, target )
        if not route["OK"]:
          log.error( route["Message"] )
        route = route["Value"]

        routeValid = self.__ftsPlacement.isRouteValid( route )

        if not routeValid['OK']:
          log.error( "Route invalid : %s" % routeValid['Message'] )

        sourceSE = StorageElement( source )
        sourceToken = sourceSE.getStorageParameters( "SRM2" )
        if not sourceToken["OK"]:
          log.error( "unable to get sourceSE parameters:", "(%s) %s" % ( source, sourceToken["Message"] ) )
        seStatus = sourceSE.getStatus()['Value']

        targetSE = StorageElement( target )
        targetToken = targetSE.getStorageParameters( "SRM2" )
        if not targetToken["OK"]:
          log.error( "unable to get targetSE parameters:", "(%s) %s" % ( target, targetToken["Message"] ) )

        # # create FTSJob
        for fileList in breakListIntoChunks( ftsFileList, self.MAX_FILES_PER_JOB ):
          ftsJob = FTSJob()
          ftsJob.RequestID = request.RequestID
          ftsJob.OperationID = operation.OperationID
          ftsJob.SourceSE = source
          ftsJob.TargetSE = target
          ftsJob.SourceToken = sourceToken["Value"].get( "SpaceToken", "" )
          ftsJob.TargetToken = targetToken["Value"].get( "SpaceToken", "" )
          ftsJob.FTSServer = route.ftsServer

          for ftsFile in fileList:
            ftsFile.Attempt += 1
            ftsFile.Error = ""
            ftsJob.addFile( ftsFile )

          submit = ftsJob.submitFTS( self.__ftsVersion, command = self.SUBMIT_COMMAND, pinTime = self.PIN_TIME if seStatus['TapeSE'] else 0 )
          if not submit["OK"]:
            log.error( "unable to submit FTSJob:", submit["Message"] )

 "FTSJob '%s'@'%s' has been submitted" % ( ftsJob.FTSGUID, ftsJob.FTSServer ) )

          # # update statuses for job files
          for ftsFile in ftsJob:
            ftsFile.FTSGUID = ftsJob.FTSGUID
            ftsFile.Status = "Submitted"
            ftsFile.Attempt += 1

          # # update placement route
            self.__ftsPlacement.startTransferOnRoute( route )

          ftsJobs.append( ftsJob ) "%s new FTSJobs have been submitted" % len( ftsJobs ) )
    return S_OK( ftsJobs )
Beispiel #10
    def __preRequestStaging(self, jobState, stageSite, opData):
        from DIRAC.DataManagementSystem.Utilities.DMSHelpers import DMSHelpers

        tapeSEs = []
        diskSEs = []
        result = jobState.getManifest()
        if not result['OK']:
            return result
        manifest = result['Value']
        vo = manifest.getOption('VirtualOrganization')
        inputDataPolicy = manifest.getOption('InputDataPolicy', 'Protocol')
        connectionLevel = 'DOWNLOAD' if 'download' in inputDataPolicy.lower(
        ) else 'PROTOCOL'
        # Allow staging from SEs accessible by protocol
        result = DMSHelpers(vo=vo).getSEsForSite(
            stageSite, connectionLevel=connectionLevel)
        if not result['OK']:
            return S_ERROR('Could not determine SEs for site %s' % stageSite)
        siteSEs = result['Value']

        for seName in siteSEs:
            se = StorageElement(seName, vo=vo)
            result = se.getStatus()
            if not result['OK']:
                self.jobLog.error("Cannot retrieve SE %s status: %s" %
                                  (seName, result['Message']))
                return S_ERROR("Cannot retrieve SE status")
            seStatus = result['Value']
            if seStatus['Read'] and seStatus['TapeSE']:
            if seStatus['Read'] and seStatus['DiskSE']:

        if not tapeSEs:
            return S_ERROR("No Local SEs for site %s" % stageSite)

        self.jobLog.verbose("Tape SEs are %s" % (", ".join(tapeSEs)))

        # I swear this is horrible DM code it's not mine.
        # Eternity of hell to the inventor of the Value of Value of Success of...
        inputData = opData['Value']['Value']['Successful']
        stageLFNs = {}
        lfnToStage = []
        for lfn in inputData:
            replicas = inputData[lfn]
            # Check SEs
            seStage = []
            for seName in replicas:
                if seName in diskSEs:
                    # This lfn is in disk. Skip it
                    seStage = []
                if seName not in tapeSEs:
                    # This lfn is not in this tape SE. Check next SE
            for seName in seStage:
                if seName not in stageLFNs:
                    stageLFNs[seName] = []
                if lfn not in lfnToStage:

        if not stageLFNs:
            return S_ERROR("Cannot find tape replicas")

        # Check if any LFN is in more than one SE
        # If that's the case, try to stage from the SE that has more LFNs to stage to group the request
        # 1.- Get the SEs ordered by ascending replicas
        sortedSEs = reversed(
            sorted([(len(stageLFNs[seName]), seName)
                    for seName in stageLFNs.keys()]))
        for lfn in lfnToStage:
            found = False
            # 2.- Traverse the SEs
            for _stageCount, seName in sortedSEs:
                if lfn in stageLFNs[seName]:
                    # 3.- If first time found, just mark as found. Next time delete the replica from the request
                    if found:
                        found = True
                # 4.-If empty SE, remove
                if len(stageLFNs[seName]) == 0:

        return S_OK(stageLFNs)
Beispiel #11
    def __setStagingRequest(self, job, destination, inputDataDict):
        """A Staging request is formulated and saved as a job optimizer parameter.

        self.log.verbose('Destination site %s' % (destination))
        self.log.verbose('Input Data: %s' % (inputDataDict))

        destinationSEs = getSEsForSite(destination)
        if not destinationSEs['OK']:
            return S_ERROR('Could not determine SEs for site %s' % destination)
        destinationSEs = destinationSEs['Value']

        siteTapeSEs = []
        siteDiskSEs = []
        for se in destinationSEs:
            storageElement = StorageElement(se)
            seStatus = storageElement.getStatus()['Value']
            if seStatus['Read'] and seStatus['TapeSE']:
            if seStatus['Read'] and seStatus['DiskSE']:

        if not siteTapeSEs:
            return S_ERROR('No LocalSEs For Site')

        self.log.verbose('Site tape SEs: %s' % (', '.join(siteTapeSEs)))
        stageSURLs = {}  # OLD WAY
        stageLfns = {}  # NEW WAY

        inputData = inputDataDict['Value']['Value']['Successful']
        for lfn, reps in inputData.items():
            for se, surl in reps.items():
                if se in siteDiskSEs:
                    # this File is on Disk, we can ignore it
                if se not in siteTapeSEs:
                    # this File is not being staged
                if not lfn in stageSURLs.keys():
                    stageSURLs[lfn] = {}
                    stageSURLs[lfn].update({se: surl})
                    if not stageLfns.has_key(se):  # NEW WAY
                        stageLfns[se] = []  # NEW WAY
                    stageLfns[se].append(lfn)  # NEW WAY

        # Now we need to check is any LFN is in more than one SE
        if len(stageLfns) > 1:
            stageSEs = sorted([(len(stageLfns[se]), se)
                               for se in stageLfns.keys()])
            for lfn in stageSURLs:
                lfnFound = False
                for se in [item[1] for item in reversed(stageSEs)]:
                    # for ( numberOfLfns, se ) in reversed( stageSEs ):
                    if lfnFound and lfn in stageLfns[se]:
                    if lfn in stageLfns[se]:
                        lfnFound = True

        stagerClient = StorageManagerClient()
        request = stagerClient.setRequest(
            stageLfns, 'WorkloadManagement',
            'updateJobFromStager@WorkloadManagement/JobStateUpdate', job)
        if request['OK']:
            self.jobDB.setJobParameter(int(job), 'StageRequest',

        if not request['OK']:
            self.log.error('Problem sending Staging request:')
            return S_ERROR('Error Sending Staging Request')
  'Staging request successfully sent')

        result = self.updateJobStatus(job, self.stagingStatus,
                                      self.stagingMinorStatus, "Unknown")
        if not result['OK']:
            return result
        return S_OK(stageLfns)
Beispiel #12
    def __preRequestStaging(self, jobManifest, stageSite, opData):

        tapeSEs = []
        diskSEs = []
        vo = jobManifest.getOption("VirtualOrganization")
        inputDataPolicy = jobManifest.getOption("InputDataPolicy", "Protocol")
        connectionLevel = "DOWNLOAD" if "download" in inputDataPolicy.lower() else "PROTOCOL"
        # Allow staging from SEs accessible by protocol
        result = DMSHelpers(vo=vo).getSEsForSite(stageSite, connectionLevel=connectionLevel)
        if not result["OK"]:
            return S_ERROR("Could not determine SEs for site %s" % stageSite)
        siteSEs = result["Value"]

        for seName in siteSEs:
            se = StorageElement(seName, vo=vo)
            seStatus = se.getStatus()
            if not seStatus["OK"]:
                return seStatus
            seStatus = seStatus["Value"]
            if seStatus["Read"] and seStatus["TapeSE"]:
            if seStatus["Read"] and seStatus["DiskSE"]:

        if not tapeSEs:
            return S_ERROR("No Local SEs for site %s" % stageSite)

        self.jobLog.debug("Tape SEs are %s" % (", ".join(tapeSEs)))

        # I swear this is horrible DM code it's not mine.
        # Eternity of hell to the inventor of the Value of Value of Success of...
        inputData = opData["Value"]["Value"]["Successful"]
        stageLFNs = {}
        lfnToStage = []
        for lfn in inputData:
            replicas = inputData[lfn]
            # Check SEs
            seStage = []
            for seName in replicas:
                if seName in diskSEs:
                    # This lfn is in disk. Skip it
                    seStage = []
                if seName not in tapeSEs:
                    # This lfn is not in this tape SE. Check next SE
            for seName in seStage:
                if seName not in stageLFNs:
                    stageLFNs[seName] = []
                if lfn not in lfnToStage:

        if not stageLFNs:
            return S_ERROR("Cannot find tape replicas")

        # Check if any LFN is in more than one SE
        # If that's the case, try to stage from the SE that has more LFNs to stage to group the request
        # 1.- Get the SEs ordered by ascending replicas
        sortedSEs = reversed(sorted([(len(stageLFNs[seName]), seName) for seName in stageLFNs]))
        for lfn in lfnToStage:
            found = False
            # 2.- Traverse the SEs
            for _stageCount, seName in sortedSEs:
                if lfn in stageLFNs[seName]:
                    # 3.- If first time found, just mark as found. Next time delete the replica from the request
                    if found:
                        found = True
                # 4.-If empty SE, remove
                if not stageLFNs[seName]:

        return S_OK(stageLFNs)
Beispiel #13
  def __submit( self, request, operation, toSubmit ):
    """ create and submit new FTSJobs using list of FTSFiles

    :param Request request: ReqDB.Request instance
    :param list ftsFiles: list of FTSFile instances

    :return: [ FTSJob, FTSJob, ...]
    log = self.log.getSubLogger( "req_%s/%s/submit" % ( request.RequestID, request.RequestName ) )

    bySourceAndTarget = {}
    for ftsFile in toSubmit:
      if ftsFile.SourceSE not in bySourceAndTarget:
        bySourceAndTarget.setdefault( ftsFile.SourceSE, {} )
      if ftsFile.TargetSE not in bySourceAndTarget[ftsFile.SourceSE]:
        bySourceAndTarget[ftsFile.SourceSE].setdefault( ftsFile.TargetSE, [] )
      bySourceAndTarget[ftsFile.SourceSE][ftsFile.TargetSE].append( ftsFile )

    ftsJobs = []

    for source, targetDict in bySourceAndTarget.iteritems():

      for target, ftsFileList in targetDict.iteritems(): "found %s files to submit from %s to %s" % ( len( ftsFileList ), source, target ) )

        route = self.__ftsPlacement.findRoute( source, target )
        if not route["OK"]:
          log.error( route["Message"] )
        route = route["Value"]

        routeValid = self.__ftsPlacement.isRouteValid( route )

        if not routeValid['OK']:
          log.error( "Route invalid : %s" % routeValid['Message'] )

        sourceSE = StorageElement( source )
        sourceToken = sourceSE.getStorageParameters( protocol = 'srm' )
        if not sourceToken["OK"]:
          log.error( "unable to get sourceSE parameters:", "(%s) %s" % ( source, sourceToken["Message"] ) )
        seStatus = sourceSE.getStatus()['Value']

        targetSE = StorageElement( target )
        targetToken = targetSE.getStorageParameters( protocol = 'srm' )
        if not targetToken["OK"]:
          log.error( "unable to get targetSE parameters:", "(%s) %s" % ( target, targetToken["Message"] ) )

        # # create FTSJob
        for fileList in breakListIntoChunks( ftsFileList, self.MAX_FILES_PER_JOB ):
          ftsJob = FTSJob()
          ftsJob.RequestID = request.RequestID
          ftsJob.OperationID = operation.OperationID
          ftsJob.SourceSE = source
          ftsJob.TargetSE = target
          ftsJob.SourceToken = sourceToken["Value"].get( "SpaceToken", "" )
          ftsJob.TargetToken = targetToken["Value"].get( "SpaceToken", "" )
          ftsJob.FTSServer = route.ftsServer

          for ftsFile in fileList:
            ftsFile.Attempt += 1
            ftsFile.Error = ""
            ftsJob.addFile( ftsFile )

          submit = ftsJob.submitFTS( self.__ftsVersion, command = self.SUBMIT_COMMAND, pinTime = self.PIN_TIME if seStatus['TapeSE'] else 0 )
          if not submit["OK"]:
            log.error( "unable to submit FTSJob:", submit["Message"] )

 "FTSJob '%s'@'%s' has been submitted" % ( ftsJob.FTSGUID, ftsJob.FTSServer ) )

          # # update statuses for job files
          for ftsFile in ftsJob:
            ftsFile.FTSGUID = ftsJob.FTSGUID
            ftsFile.Status = "Submitted"
            ftsFile.Attempt += 1

          # # update placement route
            self.__ftsPlacement.startTransferOnRoute( route )

          ftsJobs.append( ftsJob ) "%s new FTSJobs have been submitted" % len( ftsJobs ) )
    return S_OK( ftsJobs )
Beispiel #14
  def __requestStaging( self, jobState, stageSite, opData ):
    result = getSEsForSite( stageSite )
    if not result['OK']:
      return S_ERROR( 'Could not determine SEs for site %s' % stageSite )
    siteSEs = result['Value']

    tapeSEs = []
    diskSEs = []
    for seName in siteSEs:
      se = StorageElement( seName )
      result = se.getStatus()
      if not result[ 'OK' ]:
        self.jobLog.error( "Cannot retrieve SE %s status: %s" ( seName, result[ 'Message' ] ) )
        return S_ERROR( "Cannot retrieve SE status" )
      seStatus = result[ 'Value' ]
      if seStatus[ 'Read' ] and seStatus[ 'TapeSE' ]:
        tapeSEs.append( seName )
      if seStatus[ 'Read' ] and seStatus[ 'DiskSE' ]:
        diskSEs.append( seName )

    if not tapeSEs:
      return S_ERROR( "No Local SEs for site %s" % stageSite )

    self.jobLog.verbose( "Tape SEs are %s" % ( ", ".join( tapeSEs ) ) )

    #I swear this is horrible DM code it's not mine.
    #Eternity of hell to the inventor of the Value of Value of Success of...
    inputData = opData['Value']['Value']['Successful']
    stageLFNs = {}
    lfnToStage = []
    for lfn in inputData:
      replicas = inputData[ lfn ]
      #Check SEs
      seStage = []
      for seName in replicas:
        surl = replicas[ seName ]
        if seName in diskSEs:
          #This lfn is in disk. Skip it
          seStage = []
        if seName not in tapeSEs:
          #This lfn is not in this tape SE. Check next SE
        seStage.append( seName )
      for seName in seStage:
        if seName not in stageLFNs:
          stageLFNs[ seName ] = []
        stageLFNs[ seName ].append( lfn )
        if lfn not in lfnToStage:
          lfnToStage.append( lfn )

    if not stageLFNs:
      return S_ERROR( "Cannot find tape replicas" )

    #Check if any LFN is in more than one SE
    #If that's the case, try to stage from the SE that has more LFNs to stage to group the request
    #1.- Get the SEs ordered by ascending replicas
    sortedSEs = reversed( sorted( [ ( len( stageLFNs[ seName ] ), seName ) for seName in stageLFNs.keys() ] ) )
    for lfn in lfnToStage:
      found = False
      #2.- Traverse the SEs
      for stageCount, seName in sortedSEs:
        if lfn in stageLFNs[ seName ]:
          #3.- If first time found, just mark as found. Next time delete the replica from the request
          if found:
            stageLFNs[ seName ].remove( lfn )
            found = True
        #4.-If empty SE, remove
        if len( stageLFNs[ seName ] ) == 0:
          stageLFNs.pop( seName )

    self.jobLog.verbose( "Stage request will be \n\t%s" % "\n\t".join( [ "%s:%s" % ( lfn, stageLFNs[ lfn ] ) for lfn in stageLFNs ] ) )

    stagerClient = StorageManagerClient()
    result = stagerClient.setRequest( stageLFNs, 'WorkloadManagement',
                                      int( jobState.jid ) )
    if not result[ 'OK' ]:
      self.jobLog.error( "Could not send stage request: %s" %  result[ 'Message' ] )
      return S_ERROR( "Problem sending staging request" )

    rid = str( result[ 'Value' ] ) "Stage request %s sent" % rid )
    jobState.setParameter( "StageRequest", rid )
    result = jobState.setStatus( self.ex_getOption( 'StagingStatus', 'Staging' ),
                                 self.ex_getOption( 'StagingMinorStatus', 'Request Sent' ),
                                 appStatus = "",
                                 source = self.ex_optimizerName() )
    if not result[ 'OK' ]:
      return result
    return S_OK( stageLFNs )
Beispiel #15
    def __setStagingRequest(self, job, destination, inputDataDict):
        """A Staging request is formulated and saved as a job optimizer parameter.

        self.log.verbose("Destination site %s" % (destination))
        self.log.verbose("Input Data: %s" % (inputDataDict))

        destinationSEs = getSEsForSite(destination)
        if not destinationSEs["OK"]:
            return S_ERROR("Could not determine SEs for site %s" % destination)
        destinationSEs = destinationSEs["Value"]

        siteTapeSEs = []
        siteDiskSEs = []
        for se in destinationSEs:
            storageElement = StorageElement(se)
            seStatus = storageElement.getStatus()["Value"]
            if seStatus["Read"] and seStatus["TapeSE"]:
            if seStatus["Read"] and seStatus["DiskSE"]:

        if not siteTapeSEs:
            return S_ERROR("No LocalSEs For Site")

        self.log.verbose("Site tape SEs: %s" % (", ".join(siteTapeSEs)))
        stageSURLs = {}  # OLD WAY
        stageLfns = {}  # NEW WAY

        inputData = inputDataDict["Value"]["Value"]["Successful"]
        for lfn, reps in inputData.items():
            for se, surl in reps.items():
                if se in siteDiskSEs:
                    # this File is on Disk, we can ignore it
                if not lfn in stageSURLs.keys():
                    stageSURLs[lfn] = {}
                    stageSURLs[lfn].update({se: surl})
                    if not stageLfns.has_key(se):  # NEW WAY
                        stageLfns[se] = []  # NEW WAY
                    stageLfns[se].append(lfn)  # NEW WAY

        # Now we need to check is any LFN is in more than one SE
        if len(stageLfns) > 1:
            stageSEs = sorted([(len(stageLfns[se]), se) for se in stageLfns.keys()])
            for lfn in stageSURLs:
                lfnFound = False
                for (se, numberOfLfns) in reversed(stageSEs):
                    if lfnFound and lfn in stageLfns[se]:
                    if lfn in stageLfns[se]:
                        lfnFound = True

        stagerClient = StorageManagerClient()
        request = stagerClient.setRequest(
            stageLfns, "WorkloadManagement", "updateJobFromStager@WorkloadManagement/JobStateUpdate", job
        if request["OK"]:
            self.jobDB.setJobParameter(int(job), "StageRequest", str(request["Value"]))

        if not request["OK"]:
            self.log.error("Problem sending Staging request:")
            return S_ERROR("Error Sending Staging Request")
  "Staging request successfully sent")

        result = self.updateJobStatus(job, self.stagingStatus, self.stagingMinorStatus)
        if not result["OK"]:
            return result
        return S_OK(stageLfns)
Beispiel #16
    def __updateSharedSESites(self, jobState, stageSite, stagedLFNs, opData):
        siteCandidates = opData['SiteCandidates']

        seStatus = {}
        result = jobState.getManifest()
        if not result['OK']:
            return result
        manifest = result['Value']
        vo = manifest.getOption('VirtualOrganization')
        for siteName in siteCandidates:
            if siteName == stageSite:
            self.jobLog.verbose("Checking %s for shared SEs" % siteName)
            siteData = siteCandidates[siteName]
            result = getSEsForSite(siteName)
            if not result['OK']:
            closeSEs = result['Value']
            diskSEs = []
            for seName in closeSEs:
                # If we don't have the SE status get it and store it
                if seName not in seStatus:
                    seObj = StorageElement(seName, vo=vo)
                    result = seObj.getStatus()
                    if not result['OK']:
                        self.jobLog.error("Cannot retrieve SE %s status: %s" %
                                          (seName, result['Message']))
                    seStatus[seName] = result['Value']
                # get the SE status from mem and add it if its disk
                status = seStatus[seName]
                if status['Read'] and status['DiskSE']:
            self.jobLog.verbose("Disk SEs for %s are %s" %
                                (siteName, ", ".join(diskSEs)))

            # Hell again to the dev of this crappy value of value of successful of ...
            lfnData = opData['Value']['Value']['Successful']
            for seName in stagedLFNs:
                # If the SE is not close then skip it
                if seName not in closeSEs:
                for lfn in stagedLFNs[seName]:
                    self.jobLog.verbose("Checking %s for %s" % (seName, lfn))
                    # I'm pretty sure that this cannot happen :P
                    if lfn not in lfnData:
                    # Check if it's already on disk at the site
                    onDisk = False
                    for siteSE in lfnData[lfn]:
                        if siteSE in diskSEs:
                            self.jobLog.verbose("%s on disk for %s" %
                                                (lfn, siteSE))
                            onDisk = True
                    # If not on disk, then update!
                    if not onDisk:
                        self.jobLog.verbose("Setting LFN to disk for %s" %
                        siteData['disk'] += 1
                        siteData['tape'] -= 1

        return S_OK()
Beispiel #17
  def __requestStaging( self, jobState, stageSite, opData ):
    result = getSEsForSite( stageSite )
    if not result['OK']:
      return S_ERROR( 'Could not determine SEs for site %s' % stageSite )
    siteSEs = result['Value']

    tapeSEs = []
    diskSEs = []
    for seName in siteSEs:
      se = StorageElement( seName )
      result = se.getStatus()
      if not result[ 'OK' ]:
        self.jobLog.error( "Cannot retrieve SE %s status: %s" % ( seName, result[ 'Message' ] ) )
        return S_ERROR( "Cannot retrieve SE status" )
      seStatus = result[ 'Value' ]
      if seStatus[ 'Read' ] and seStatus[ 'TapeSE' ]:
        tapeSEs.append( seName )
      if seStatus[ 'Read' ] and seStatus[ 'DiskSE' ]:
        diskSEs.append( seName )

    if not tapeSEs:
      return S_ERROR( "No Local SEs for site %s" % stageSite )

    self.jobLog.verbose( "Tape SEs are %s" % ( ", ".join( tapeSEs ) ) )

    #I swear this is horrible DM code it's not mine.
    #Eternity of hell to the inventor of the Value of Value of Success of...
    inputData = opData['Value']['Value']['Successful']
    stageLFNs = {}
    lfnToStage = []
    for lfn in inputData:
      replicas = inputData[ lfn ]
      #Check SEs
      seStage = []
      for seName in replicas:
        surl = replicas[ seName ]
        if seName in diskSEs:
          #This lfn is in disk. Skip it
          seStage = []
        if seName not in tapeSEs:
          #This lfn is not in this tape SE. Check next SE
        seStage.append( seName )
      for seName in seStage:
        if seName not in stageLFNs:
          stageLFNs[ seName ] = []
        stageLFNs[ seName ].append( lfn )
        if lfn not in lfnToStage:
          lfnToStage.append( lfn )

    if not stageLFNs:
      return S_ERROR( "Cannot find tape replicas" )

    #Check if any LFN is in more than one SE
    #If that's the case, try to stage from the SE that has more LFNs to stage to group the request
    #1.- Get the SEs ordered by ascending replicas
    sortedSEs = reversed( sorted( [ ( len( stageLFNs[ seName ] ), seName ) for seName in stageLFNs.keys() ] ) )
    for lfn in lfnToStage:
      found = False
      #2.- Traverse the SEs
      for stageCount, seName in sortedSEs:
        if lfn in stageLFNs[ seName ]:
          #3.- If first time found, just mark as found. Next time delete the replica from the request
          if found:
            stageLFNs[ seName ].remove( lfn )
            found = True
        #4.-If empty SE, remove
        if len( stageLFNs[ seName ] ) == 0:
          stageLFNs.pop( seName )

    self.jobLog.verbose( "Stage request will be \n\t%s" % "\n\t".join( [ "%s:%s" % ( lfn, stageLFNs[ lfn ] ) for lfn in stageLFNs ] ) )

    stagerClient = StorageManagerClient()
    result = jobState.setStatus( self.ex_getOption( 'StagingStatus', 'Staging' ),
                                 self.ex_getOption( 'StagingMinorStatus', 'Request To Be Sent' ),
                                 appStatus = "",
                                 source = self.ex_optimizerName() )
    if not result[ 'OK' ]:
      return result

    result = stagerClient.setRequest( stageLFNs, 'WorkloadManagement',
                                      int( jobState.jid ) )
    if not result[ 'OK' ]:
      self.jobLog.error( "Could not send stage request: %s" %  result[ 'Message' ] )
      return S_ERROR( "Problem sending staging request" )

    rid = str( result[ 'Value' ] ) "Stage request %s sent" % rid )
    jobState.setParameter( "StageRequest", rid )

    result = jobState.setStatus( self.ex_getOption( 'StagingStatus', 'Staging' ),
                                 self.ex_getOption( 'StagingMinorStatus', 'Request Sent' ),
                                 appStatus = "",
                                 source = self.ex_optimizerName() )
    if not result[ 'OK' ]:
      return result

    return S_OK( stageLFNs )
Beispiel #18
    def __getSiteCandidates(self, okReplicas, vo):
        """ This method returns a list of possible site candidates based on the job input data requirement.

        For each site candidate, the number of files on disk and tape is resolved.

        lfnSEs = {}
        for lfn in okReplicas:
            replicas = okReplicas[lfn]
            siteSet = set()
            for seName in replicas:
                result = self.__getSitesForSE(seName)
                if not result['OK']:
                    self.jobLog.warn("Could not get sites for SE",
                                     "%s: %s" % (seName, result['Message']))
                    return result
            lfnSEs[lfn] = siteSet

        if not lfnSEs:
            return S_ERROR(JobMinorStatus.NO_CANDIDATE_SITE_FOUND)

        # This makes an intersection of all sets in the dictionary and returns a set with it
        siteCandidates = set.intersection(*[lfnSEs[lfn] for lfn in lfnSEs])

        if not siteCandidates:
            return S_ERROR(JobMinorStatus.NO_CANDIDATE_SITE_FOUND)

        # In addition, check number of files on tape and disk for each site
        # for optimizations during scheduling
        sitesData = {}
        for siteName in siteCandidates:
            sitesData[siteName] = {'disk': set(), 'tape': set()}

        # Loop time!
        seDict = {}
        for lfn in okReplicas:
            replicas = okReplicas[lfn]
            # Check each SE in the replicas
            for seName in replicas:
                # If not already "loaded" the add it to the dict
                if seName not in seDict:
                    result = self.__getSitesForSE(seName)
                    if not result['OK']:
                            "Could not get sites for SE",
                            "%s: %s" % (seName, result['Message']))
                    siteList = result['Value']
                    seObj = StorageElement(seName, vo=vo)
                    result = seObj.getStatus()
                    if not result['OK']:
                        self.jobLog.error("Failed to get SE status",
                        return result
                    seDict[seName] = {
                        'Sites': siteList,
                        'Status': result['Value']
                # Get SE info from the dict
                seData = seDict[seName]
                siteList = seData['Sites']
                seStatus = seData['Status']
                for siteName in siteList:
                    # If not a candidate site then skip it
                    if siteName not in siteCandidates:
                    # Add the LFNs to the disk/tape lists
                    diskLFNs = sitesData[siteName]['disk']
                    tapeLFNs = sitesData[siteName]['tape']
                    if seStatus['DiskSE']:
                        # Sets contain only unique elements, no need to check if it's there
                        if lfn in tapeLFNs:
                    if seStatus['TapeSE']:
                        if lfn not in diskLFNs:

        for siteName in sitesData:
            sitesData[siteName]['disk'] = len(sitesData[siteName]['disk'])
            sitesData[siteName]['tape'] = len(sitesData[siteName]['tape'])
        return S_OK(sitesData)
  def __setStagingRequest( self, job, destination, inputDataDict ):
    """A Staging request is formulated and saved as a job optimizer parameter.

    self.log.verbose( 'Destination site %s' % ( destination ) )
    self.log.verbose( 'Input Data: %s' % ( inputDataDict ) )

    destinationSEs = getSEsForSite( destination )
    if not destinationSEs['OK']:
      return S_ERROR( 'Could not determine SEs for site %s' % destination )
    destinationSEs = destinationSEs['Value']

    siteTapeSEs = []
    siteDiskSEs = []
    for se in destinationSEs:
      storageElement = StorageElement( se )
      seStatus = storageElement.getStatus()['Value']
      if seStatus['Read'] and seStatus['TapeSE']:
        siteTapeSEs.append( se )
      if seStatus['Read'] and seStatus['DiskSE']:
        siteDiskSEs.append( se )

    if not siteTapeSEs:
      return S_ERROR( 'No LocalSEs For Site' )

    self.log.verbose( 'Site tape SEs: %s' % ( ', '.join( siteTapeSEs ) ) )
    stageSURLs = {} # OLD WAY
    stageLfns = {} # NEW WAY

    inputData = inputDataDict['Value']['Value']['Successful']
    for lfn, reps in inputData.items():
      for se, surl in reps.items():
        if se in siteDiskSEs:
          # this File is on Disk, we can ignore it
        if se not in siteTapeSEs:
          # this File is not being staged
        if not lfn in stageSURLs.keys():
          stageSURLs[lfn] = {}
          stageSURLs[lfn].update( {se:surl} )
          if not stageLfns.has_key( se ): # NEW WAY
            stageLfns[se] = []          # NEW WAY
          stageLfns[se].append( lfn )     # NEW WAY

    # Now we need to check is any LFN is in more than one SE
    if len( stageLfns ) > 1:
      stageSEs = sorted( [ ( len( stageLfns[se] ), se ) for se in stageLfns.keys() ] )
      for lfn in stageSURLs:
        lfnFound = False
        for se in [ item[1] for item in reversed( stageSEs ) ]:
        # for ( numberOfLfns, se ) in reversed( stageSEs ):
          if lfnFound and lfn in stageLfns[se]:
            stageLfns[se].remove( lfn )
          if lfn in stageLfns[se]:
            lfnFound = True

    stagerClient = StorageManagerClient()
    request = stagerClient.setRequest( stageLfns, 'WorkloadManagement',
                                       'updateJobFromStager@WorkloadManagement/JobStateUpdate', job )
    if request['OK']:
      self.jobDB.setJobParameter( int( job ), 'StageRequest', str( request['Value'] ) )

    if not request['OK']:
      self.log.error( 'Problem sending Staging request:' )
      self.log.error( request )
      return S_ERROR( 'Error Sending Staging Request' )
    else: 'Staging request successfully sent' )

    result = self.updateJobStatus( job, self.stagingStatus, self.stagingMinorStatus, "Unknown" )
    if not result['OK']:
      return result
    return S_OK( stageLfns )
Beispiel #20
def _checkFilesToStage(seToLFNs,
  Checks on SEs whether the file is NEARLINE or ONLINE
  onlineLFNs, offlineLFNs and absentLFNs are modified to contain the files found online
  If checkOnlyTapeSEs is True, disk replicas are not checked
  As soon as a replica is found Online for a file, no further check is made
    # Only check on storage if it is a tape SE
    if jobLog is None:
        logger = gLogger
        logger = jobLog
    if checkOnlyTapeSEs is None:
        # Default value is True
        checkOnlyTapeSEs = True

    failed = {}
    for se, lfnsInSEList in seToLFNs.iteritems():
        # If we have found already all files online at another SE, no need to check the others
        # but still we want to set the SE as Online if not a TapeSE
        vo = getVOForGroup(proxyUserGroup)
        seObj = StorageElement(se, vo=vo)
        status = seObj.getStatus()
        if not status['OK']:
            return status
        tapeSE = status['Value']['TapeSE']
        diskSE = status['Value']['DiskSE']
        # If requested to check only Tape SEs and the file is at a diskSE, we guess it is Online...
        filesToCheck = []
        for lfn in lfnsInSEList:
            # If the file had already been found accessible at an SE, only check that this one is on disk
            diskIsOK = checkOnlyTapeSEs or (lfn in onlineLFNs)
            if diskIsOK and diskSE:
                onlineLFNs.setdefault(lfn, []).append(se)
            elif not diskIsOK or (tapeSE and (lfn not in onlineLFNs)):
        if not filesToCheck:

        # Wrap the SE method with executeWithUserProxy
        fileMetadata = (executeWithUserProxy(seObj.getFileMetadata)(

        if not fileMetadata['OK']:
            failed[se] = dict.fromkeys(filesToCheck, fileMetadata['Message'])
            if fileMetadata['Value']['Failed']:
                failed[se] = fileMetadata['Value']['Failed']
            # is there at least one replica online?
            for lfn, mDict in fileMetadata['Value']['Successful'].iteritems():
                # SRM returns Cached, but others may only return Accessible
                if mDict.get('Cached', mDict['Accessible']):
                    onlineLFNs.setdefault(lfn, []).append(se)
                elif tapeSE:
                    # A file can be staged only at Tape SE
                    offlineLFNs.setdefault(lfn, []).append(se)
                    # File not available at a diskSE... we shall retry later

    # Doesn't matter if some files are Offline if they are also online
    for lfn in set(offlineLFNs) & set(onlineLFNs):

    # If the file was found staged, ignore possible errors, but print out errors
    for se, failedLfns in failed.items():
        logger.error("Errors when getting files metadata", 'at %s' % se)
        for lfn, reason in failedLfns.items():
            if lfn in onlineLFNs:
                            'for %s, but there is an online replica' % lfn)
                logger.error(reason, 'for %s, no online replicas' % lfn)
                if cmpError(reason, errno.ENOENT):
                    absentLFNs.setdefault(lfn, []).append(se)
        if not failed[se]:
    # Find the files that do not exist at SE
    if failed:
            "Error getting metadata", "for %d files" %
            len(set(lfn for lfnList in failed.itervalues()
                    for lfn in lfnList)))

    for lfn in absentLFNs:
        seList = absentLFNs[lfn]
        # FIXME: it is not possible to return here an S_ERROR(), return the message only
        absentLFNs[lfn] = S_ERROR(errno.ENOENT, "File not at %s" %
    # Format the error for absent files
    return S_OK()
Beispiel #21
  def __getSiteCandidates( self, okReplicas ):
    """This method returns a list of possible site candidates based on the
       job input data requirement.  For each site candidate, the number of files
       on disk and tape is resolved.

    lfnSEs = {}
    for lfn in okReplicas:
      replicas = okReplicas[ lfn ]
      siteSet = set()
      for seName in replicas:
        result = self.__getSitesForSE( seName )
        if result['OK']:
          siteSet.update( result['Value'] )
      lfnSEs[ lfn ] = siteSet

    if not lfnSEs:
      return S_ERROR( "No candidate sites available" )

    #This makes an intersection of all sets in the dictionary and returns a set with it
    siteCandidates = set.intersection( *[ lfnSEs[ lfn ] for lfn in lfnSEs ] )

    if not siteCandidates:
      return S_ERROR( 'No candidate sites available' )

    #In addition, check number of files on tape and disk for each site
    #for optimizations during scheduling
    sitesData = {}
    for siteName in siteCandidates:
      sitesData[ siteName ] = { 'disk': set(), 'tape': set() }

    #Loop time!
    seDict = {}
    for lfn in okReplicas:
      replicas = okReplicas[ lfn ]
      #Check each SE in the replicas
      for seName in replicas:
        #If not already "loaded" the add it to the dict
        if seName not in seDict:
          result = self.__getSitesForSE( seName )
          if not result['OK']:
            self.jobLog.warn( "Could not get sites for SE %s: %s" % ( seName, result[ 'Message' ] ) )
          siteList = result[ 'Value' ]
          seObj = StorageElement( seName )
          result = seObj.getStatus()
          if not result[ 'OK' ]:
            self.jobLog.error( "Could not retrieve status for SE %s: %s" % ( seName, result[ 'Message' ] ) )
          seStatus = result[ 'Value' ]
          seDict[ seName ] = { 'Sites': siteList, 'Status': seStatus }
        #Get SE info from the dict
        seData = seDict[ seName ]
        siteList = seData[ 'Sites' ]
        seStatus = seData[ 'Status' ]
        for siteName in siteList:
          #If not a candidate site then skip it
          if siteName not in siteCandidates:
          #Add the LFNs to the disk/tape lists
          diskLFNs = sitesData[ siteName ][ 'disk' ]
          tapeLFNs = sitesData[ siteName ][ 'tape' ]
          if seStatus[ 'DiskSE' ]:
            #Sets contain only unique elements, no need to check if it's there
            diskLFNs.add( lfn )
            if lfn in tapeLFNs:
              tapeLFNs.remove( lfn )
          if seStatus[ 'TapeSE' ]:
            if lfn not in diskLFNs:
              tapeLFNs.add( lfn )

    for siteName in sitesData:
      sitesData[siteName]['disk'] = len( sitesData[siteName]['disk'] )
      sitesData[siteName]['tape'] = len( sitesData[siteName]['tape'] )
    return S_OK( sitesData )
Beispiel #22
def _checkFilesToStage( seToLFNs, onlineLFNs, offlineLFNs, absentLFNs,
                        checkOnlyTapeSEs = None, jobLog = None,
                        proxyUserName = None,
                        proxyUserGroup = None,
                        executionLock = None ):
  Checks on SEs whether the file is NEARLINE or ONLINE
  onlineLFNs, offlineLFNs and absentLFNs are modified to contain the files found online
  If checkOnlyTapeSEs is True, disk replicas are not checked
  As soon as a replica is found Online for a file, no further check is made
  # Only check on storage if it is a tape SE
  if jobLog is None:
    logger = gLogger
    logger = jobLog
  if checkOnlyTapeSEs is None:
    # Default value is True
    checkOnlyTapeSEs = True

  failed = {}
  for se, lfnsInSEList in seToLFNs.iteritems():
    # If we have found already all files online at another SE, no need to check the others
    # but still we want to set the SE as Online if not a TapeSE
    vo = getVOForGroup( proxyUserGroup )
    seObj = StorageElement( se, vo = vo )
    status = seObj.getStatus()
    if not status['OK']:
      return status
    tapeSE = status['Value']['TapeSE']
    diskSE = status['Value']['DiskSE']
    # If requested to check only Tape SEs and the file is at a diskSE, we guess it is Online...
    filesToCheck = []
    for lfn in lfnsInSEList:
      # If the file had already been found accessible at an SE, only check that this one is on disk
      diskIsOK = checkOnlyTapeSEs or ( lfn in onlineLFNs )
      if diskIsOK and diskSE:
        onlineLFNs.setdefault( lfn, [] ).append( se )
      elif not diskIsOK or ( tapeSE and ( lfn not in onlineLFNs ) ):
        filesToCheck.append( lfn )
    if not filesToCheck:

    # We have to use a new SE object because it caches the proxy!
    with UserProxy(proxyUserName=proxyUserName,
                   executionLock=executionLock) as proxyResult:
      if proxyResult['OK']:
        fileMetadata = StorageElement(se, vo=vo).getFileMetadata(filesToCheck)
        fileMetadata = proxyResult

    if not fileMetadata['OK']:
      failed[se] = dict.fromkeys( filesToCheck, fileMetadata['Message'] )
      if fileMetadata['Value']['Failed']:
        failed[se] = fileMetadata['Value']['Failed']
      # is there at least one replica online?
      for lfn, mDict in fileMetadata['Value']['Successful'].iteritems():
        # SRM returns Cached, but others may only return Accessible
        if mDict.get( 'Cached', mDict['Accessible'] ):
          onlineLFNs.setdefault( lfn, [] ).append( se )
        elif tapeSE:
          # A file can be staged only at Tape SE
          offlineLFNs.setdefault( lfn, [] ).append( se )
          # File not available at a diskSE... we shall retry later

  # Doesn't matter if some files are Offline if they are also online
  for lfn in set( offlineLFNs ) & set( onlineLFNs ):
    offlineLFNs.pop( lfn )

  # If the file was found staged, ignore possible errors, but print out errors
  for se, failedLfns in failed.items():
    logger.error( "Errors when getting files metadata", 'at %s' % se )
    for lfn, reason in failedLfns.items():
      if lfn in onlineLFNs:
        logger.warn( reason, 'for %s, but there is an online replica' % lfn )
        failed[se].pop( lfn )
        logger.error( reason, 'for %s, no online replicas' % lfn )
        if cmpError( reason, errno.ENOENT ):
          absentLFNs.setdefault( lfn, [] ).append( se )
          failed[se].pop( lfn )
    if not failed[se]:
      failed.pop( se )
  # Find the files that do not exist at SE
  if failed:
    logger.error( "Error getting metadata", "for %d files" % len( set( lfn for lfnList in failed.itervalues() for lfn in lfnList ) ) )

  for lfn in absentLFNs:
    seList = absentLFNs[lfn]
    # FIXME: it is not possible to return here an S_ERROR(), return the message only
    absentLFNs[lfn] = S_ERROR( errno.ENOENT, "File not at %s" % ','.join( seList ) )['Message']
  # Format the error for absent files
  return S_OK()