Beispiel #1
  def __insertRegisterOperation( self, request, operation, toRegister ):
    """ add RegisterReplica operation

    :param Request request: request instance
    :param Operation transferOp: 'ReplicateAndRegister' operation for this FTSJob
    :param list toRegister: [ FTSDB.FTSFile, ... ] - files that failed to register
    log = self.log.getSubLogger( "req_%s/%s/registerFiles" % ( request.RequestID, request.RequestName ) )

    byTarget = {}
    for ftsFile in toRegister:
      if ftsFile.TargetSE not in byTarget:
        byTarget.setdefault( ftsFile.TargetSE, [] )
      byTarget[ftsFile.TargetSE].append( ftsFile ) "will create %s 'RegisterReplica' operations" % len( byTarget ) )

    for target, ftsFileList in byTarget.iteritems(): "creating 'RegisterReplica' operation for targetSE %s with %s files..." % ( target,
                                                                                            len( ftsFileList ) ) )
      registerOperation = Operation()
      registerOperation.Type = "RegisterReplica"
      registerOperation.Status = "Waiting"
      registerOperation.TargetSE = target
      targetSE = StorageElement( target )
      for ftsFile in ftsFileList:
        opFile = File()
        opFile.LFN = ftsFile.LFN
        pfn = returnSingleResult( targetSE.getURL( ftsFile.LFN, protocol = self.registrationProtocols ) )
        if not pfn["OK"]:
        opFile.PFN = pfn["Value"]
        registerOperation.addFile( opFile )
      request.insertBefore( registerOperation, operation )

    return S_OK()
Beispiel #2
  def __insertRegisterOperation( self, request, operation, toRegister ):
    """ add RegisterReplica operation

    :param Request request: request instance
    :param Operation transferOp: 'ReplicateAndRegister' operation for this FTSJob
    :param list toRegister: [ FTSDB.FTSFile, ... ] - files that failed to register
    log = self.log.getSubLogger( "req_%s/%s/registerFiles" % ( request.RequestID, request.RequestName ) )

    byTarget = {}
    for ftsFile in toRegister:
      if ftsFile.TargetSE not in byTarget:
        byTarget.setdefault( ftsFile.TargetSE, [] )
      byTarget[ftsFile.TargetSE].append( ftsFile ) "will create %s 'RegisterReplica' operations" % len( byTarget ) )

    for target, ftsFileList in byTarget.iteritems(): "creating 'RegisterReplica' operation for targetSE %s with %s files..." % ( target,
                                                                                            len( ftsFileList ) ) )
      registerOperation = Operation()
      registerOperation.Type = "RegisterReplica"
      registerOperation.Status = "Waiting"
      registerOperation.TargetSE = target
      targetSE = StorageElement( target )
      for ftsFile in ftsFileList:
        opFile = File()
        opFile.LFN = ftsFile.LFN
        pfn = returnSingleResult( targetSE.getURL( ftsFile.LFN, protocol = self.registrationProtocols ) )
        if not pfn["OK"]:
        opFile.PFN = pfn["Value"]
        registerOperation.addFile( opFile )
      request.insertBefore( registerOperation, operation )

    return S_OK()
Beispiel #3
    def finalize(self):
        """ register successfully transferred  files """

        if self.Status not in FTSJob.FINALSTATES:
            return S_OK()

        if not len(self):
            return S_ERROR("Empty job in finalize")

        startTime = time.time()
        targetSE = StorageElement(self.TargetSE)
        toRegister = [
            ftsFile for ftsFile in self if ftsFile.Status == "Finished"
        toRegisterDict = {}
        for ftsFile in toRegister:
            pfn = returnSingleResult(
                targetSE.getURL(ftsFile.LFN, protocol='srm'))
            if pfn["OK"]:
                pfn = pfn["Value"]
                toRegisterDict[ftsFile.LFN] = {"PFN": pfn, "SE": self.TargetSE}
                self._log.error("Error getting SRM URL", pfn['Message'])

        if toRegisterDict:
            self._regTotal += len(toRegisterDict)
            register = self._fc.addReplica(toRegisterDict)
            self._regTime += time.time() - startTime
            if not register["OK"]:
                self._log.error('Error registering replica',
                for ftsFile in toRegister:
                    ftsFile.Error = "AddCatalogReplicaFailed"
                return register
            register = register["Value"]
            self._regSuccess += len(register.get('Successful', {}))
            if self._regSuccess:
      'Successfully registered %d replicas' %
            failedFiles = register.get("Failed", {})
            errorReason = {}
            for lfn, reason in failedFiles.items():
                errorReason.setdefault(str(reason), []).append(lfn)
            for reason in errorReason:
                    'Error registering %d replicas' % len(errorReason[reason]),
            for ftsFile in toRegister:
                if ftsFile.LFN in failedFiles:
                    ftsFile.Error = "AddCatalogReplicaFailed"
            statuses = set([ftsFile.Status for ftsFile in self])
            self._log.warn( "No replicas to register for FTSJob (%s) - Files status: '%s'" % \
                            ( self.Status, ','.join( sorted( statuses ) ) ) )

        return S_OK()
Beispiel #4
  def finalize( self ):
    """ register successfully transferred  files """

    if self.Status not in FTSJob.FINALSTATES:
      return S_OK()

    if not len( self ):
      return S_ERROR( "Empty job in finalize" )

    startTime = time.time()
    targetSE = StorageElement( self.TargetSE )
    toRegister = [ ftsFile for ftsFile in self if ftsFile.Status == "Finished" ]
    toRegisterDict = {}
    for ftsFile in toRegister:
      pfn = returnSingleResult( targetSE.getURL( ftsFile.LFN, protocol = 'srm' ) )
      if pfn["OK"]:
        pfn = pfn["Value"]
        toRegisterDict[ ftsFile.LFN ] = { "PFN": pfn, "SE": self.TargetSE }
        self._log.error( "Error getting SRM URL", pfn['Message'] )

    if toRegisterDict:
      self._regTotal += len( toRegisterDict )
      register = self._fc.addReplica( toRegisterDict )
      self._regTime += time.time() - startTime
      if not register["OK"]:
        self._log.error( 'Error registering replica', register['Message'] )
        for ftsFile in toRegister:
          ftsFile.Error = "AddCatalogReplicaFailed"
        return register
      register = register["Value"]
      self._regSuccess += len( register.get( 'Successful', {} ) )
      if self._regSuccess: 'Successfully registered %d replicas' % self._regSuccess )
      failedFiles = register.get( "Failed", {} )
      errorReason = {}
      for lfn, reason in failedFiles.items():
        errorReason.setdefault( str( reason ), [] ).append( lfn )
      for reason in errorReason:
        self._log.error( 'Error registering %d replicas' % len( errorReason[reason] ), reason )
      for ftsFile in toRegister:
        if ftsFile.LFN in failedFiles:
          ftsFile.Error = "AddCatalogReplicaFailed"
      statuses = set( [ftsFile.Status for ftsFile in self] )
      self._log.warn( "No replicas to register for FTSJob (%s) - Files status: '%s'" % \
                      ( self.Status, ','.join( sorted( statuses ) ) ) )

    return S_OK()
Beispiel #5
    def _setRegistrationRequest(self, lfn, targetSE, fileDict, catalog):
        """ Sets a registration request

    :param str lfn: LFN
    :param list se: list of SE (or just string)
    :param list catalog: list (or string) of catalogs to use
    :param dict fileDict: file metadata
    """'Setting registration request for %s at %s.' %
                      (lfn, targetSE))

        if not isinstance(catalog, list):
            catalog = [catalog]

        for cat in catalog:

            register = Operation()
            register.Type = "RegisterFile"
            register.Catalog = cat
            register.TargetSE = targetSE

            regFile = File()
            regFile.LFN = lfn
            regFile.Checksum = fileDict.get("Checksum", "")
            regFile.ChecksumType = fileDict.get("ChecksumType",
            regFile.Size = fileDict.get("Size", 0)
            regFile.GUID = fileDict.get("GUID", "")

            se = StorageElement(targetSE)
            pfn = se.getURL(lfn, self.registrationProtocols)
            if not pfn["OK"] or lfn not in pfn["Value"]['Successful']:
                    "Unable to get PFN for LFN", "%s" %
                            pfn.get('Value', {}).get('Failed', {}).get(lfn)))
                return pfn
            regFile.PFN = pfn["Value"]['Successful'][lfn]


        return S_OK()
 def __generateLocation( self, sbPath ):
   Generate the location string
   if self.__useLocalStorage:
     return S_OK( ( self.__localSEName, sbPath ) )
   # It's external storage
   storageElement = StorageElement( self.__externalSEName )
   res = storageElement.isValid()
   if not res['OK']:
     errStr = "Failed to instantiate destination StorageElement"
     gLogger.error( errStr, self.__externalSEName )
     return S_ERROR( errStr )
   result = storageElement.getURL( sbPath )
   if not result['OK'] or sbPath not in result['Value']['Successful']:
     errStr = "Failed to generate PFN"
     gLogger.error( errStr, self.__externalSEName )
     return S_ERROR( errStr )
   destPfn = result['Value']['Successful'][sbPath]
   return S_OK( ( self.__externalSEName, destPfn ) )
Beispiel #7
 def __generateLocation(self, sbPath):
 Generate the location string
     if self.__useLocalStorage:
         return S_OK((self.__localSEName, sbPath))
     # It's external storage
     storageElement = StorageElement(self.__externalSEName)
     res = storageElement.isValid()
     if not res['OK']:
         errStr = "Failed to instantiate destination StorageElement"
         gLogger.error(errStr, self.__externalSEName)
         return S_ERROR(errStr)
     result = storageElement.getURL(sbPath)
     if not result['OK'] or sbPath not in result['Value']['Successful']:
         errStr = "Failed to generate PFN"
         gLogger.error(errStr, self.__externalSEName)
         return S_ERROR(errStr)
     destPfn = result['Value']['Successful'][sbPath]
     return S_OK((self.__externalSEName, destPfn))
Beispiel #8
    def _setRegistrationRequest(self, lfn, targetSE, fileDict, catalog):
        """Sets a registration request

        :param str lfn: LFN
        :param list se: list of SE (or just string)
        :param list catalog: list (or string) of catalogs to use
        :param dict fileDict: file metadata
        """"Setting registration request",
                      "for %s at %s." % (lfn, targetSE))

        if not isinstance(catalog, list):
            catalog = [catalog]

        for cat in catalog:

            register = Operation()
            register.Type = "RegisterFile"
            register.Catalog = cat
            register.TargetSE = targetSE

            regFile = File()
            regFile.LFN = lfn
            regFile.Checksum = fileDict.get("Checksum", "")
            regFile.ChecksumType = fileDict.get("ChecksumType",
            regFile.Size = fileDict.get("Size", 0)
            regFile.GUID = fileDict.get("GUID", "")

            se = StorageElement(targetSE)
            res = returnSingleResult(se.getURL(lfn,
            if not res["OK"]:
                self.log.error("Unable to get PFN for LFN", res["Message"])
                return res
            regFile.PFN = res["Value"]


        return S_OK()
  def _setRegistrationRequest( self, lfn, targetSE, fileDict, catalog ):
    """ Sets a registration request

    :param str lfn: LFN
    :param list se: list of SE (or just string)
    :param list catalog: list (or string) of catalogs to use
    :param dict fileDict: file metadata
    """ 'Setting registration request for %s at %s.' % ( lfn, targetSE ) )

    if not isinstance( catalog, list ):
      catalog = [catalog]

    for cat in catalog:

      register = Operation()
      register.Type = "RegisterFile"
      register.Catalog = cat
      register.TargetSE = targetSE

      regFile = File()
      regFile.LFN = lfn
      regFile.Checksum = fileDict.get( "Checksum", "" )
      regFile.ChecksumType = fileDict.get( "ChecksumType", self.defaultChecksumType )
      regFile.Size = fileDict.get( "Size", 0 )
      regFile.GUID = fileDict.get( "GUID", "" )

      se = StorageElement( targetSE )
      pfn = se.getURL( lfn, self.registrationProtocols )
      if not pfn["OK"] or lfn not in pfn["Value"]['Successful']:
        self.log.error( "Unable to get PFN for LFN", "%s" % pfn.get( 'Message', pfn.get( 'Value', {} ).get( 'Failed', {} ).get( lfn ) ) )
        return pfn
      regFile.PFN = pfn["Value"]['Successful'][lfn]

      register.addFile( regFile )
      self.request.addOperation( register )

    return S_OK()
Beispiel #10
class FTSRequest( object ):
  .. class:: FTSRequest

  Helper class for FTS job submission and monitoring.

  # # default checksum type
  __defaultCksmType = "ADLER32"
  # # flag to disablr/enable checksum test, default: disabled
  __cksmTest = False

  def __init__( self ):

    :param self: self reference
    self.log = gLogger.getSubLogger( self.__class__.__name__, True )

    # # final states tuple
    self.finalStates = ( 'Canceled', 'Failed', 'Hold',
                         'Finished', 'FinishedDirty' )
    # # failed states tuple
    self.failedStates = ( 'Canceled', 'Failed',
                          'Hold', 'FinishedDirty' )
    # # successful states tuple
    self.successfulStates = ( 'Finished', 'Done' )
    # # all file states tuple
    self.fileStates = ( 'Done', 'Active', 'Pending', 'Ready', 'Canceled', 'Failed',
                        'Finishing', 'Finished', 'Submitted', 'Hold', 'Waiting' )

    self.statusSummary = {}

    # # request status
    self.requestStatus = 'Unknown'

    # # dict for FTS job files
    self.fileDict = {}
    # # dict for replicas information
    self.catalogReplicas = {}
    # # dict for metadata information
    self.catalogMetadata = {}
    # # dict for files that failed to register
    self.failedRegistrations = {}

    # # placehoder for FileCatalog reference
    self.oCatalog = None

    # # submit timestamp
    self.submitTime = ''

    # # placeholder FTS job GUID
    self.ftsGUID = ''
    # # placeholder for FTS server URL
    self.ftsServer = ''

    # # flag marking FTS job completness
    self.isTerminal = False
    # # completness percentage
    self.percentageComplete = 0.0

    # # source SE name
    self.sourceSE = ''
    # # flag marking source SE validity
    self.sourceValid = False
    # # source space token
    self.sourceToken = ''

    # # target SE name
    self.targetSE = ''
    # # flag marking target SE validity
    self.targetValid = False
    # # target space token
    self.targetToken = ''

    # # placeholder for target StorageElement
    self.oTargetSE = None
    # # placeholder for source StorageElement
    self.oSourceSE = None

    # # checksum type, set it to default
    self.__cksmType = self.__defaultCksmType
    # # disable checksum test by default
    self.__cksmTest = False

    # # statuses that prevent submitting to FTS
    self.noSubmitStatus = ( 'Failed', 'Done', 'Staging' )

    # # were sources resolved?
    self.sourceResolved = False

    # # Number of file transfers actually submitted
    self.submittedFiles = 0
    self.transferTime = 0

    self.submitCommand = Operations().getValue( 'DataManagement/FTSPlacement/FTS2/SubmitCommand', 'glite-transfer-submit' )
    self.monitorCommand = Operations().getValue( 'DataManagement/FTSPlacement/FTS2/MonitorCommand', 'glite-transfer-status' )
    self.ftsVersion = Operations().getValue( 'DataManagement/FTSVersion', 'FTS2' )
    self.ftsJob = None
    self.ftsFiles = []

  #  Methods for setting/getting/checking the SEs

  def setSourceSE( self, se ):
    """ set SE for source

    :param self: self reference
    :param str se: source SE name
    if se == self.targetSE:
      return S_ERROR( "SourceSE is TargetSE" )
    self.sourceSE = se
    self.oSourceSE = StorageElement( self.sourceSE )
    return self.__checkSourceSE()

  def __checkSourceSE( self ):
    """ check source SE availability

    :param self: self reference
    if not self.sourceSE:
      return S_ERROR( "SourceSE not set" )
    res = self.oSourceSE.isValid( 'Read' )
    if not res['OK']:
      return S_ERROR( "SourceSE not available for reading" )
    res = self.__getSESpaceToken( self.oSourceSE )
    if not res['OK']:
      self.log.error( "FTSRequest failed to get SRM Space Token for SourceSE", res['Message'] )
      return S_ERROR( "SourceSE does not support FTS transfers" )

    if self.__cksmTest:
      cksmType = self.oSourceSE.checksumType()
      if cksmType in ( "NONE", "NULL" ):
        self.log.warn( "Checksum type set to %s at SourceSE %s, disabling checksum test" % ( cksmType,
                                                                                            self.sourceSE ) )
        self.__cksmTest = False
      elif cksmType != self.__cksmType:
        self.log.warn( "Checksum type mismatch, disabling checksum test" )
        self.__cksmTest = False

    self.sourceToken = res['Value']
    self.sourceValid = True
    return S_OK()

  def setTargetSE( self, se ):
    """ set target SE

    :param self: self reference
    :param str se: target SE name
    if se == self.sourceSE:
      return S_ERROR( "TargetSE is SourceSE" )
    self.targetSE = se
    self.oTargetSE = StorageElement( self.targetSE )
    return self.__checkTargetSE()

  def setTargetToken( self, token ):
    """ target space token setter

    :param self: self reference
    :param str token: target space token
    self.targetToken = token
    return S_OK()

  def __checkTargetSE( self ):
    """ check target SE availability

    :param self: self reference
    if not self.targetSE:
      return S_ERROR( "TargetSE not set" )
    res = self.oTargetSE.isValid( 'Write' )
    if not res['OK']:
      return S_ERROR( "TargetSE not available for writing" )
    res = self.__getSESpaceToken( self.oTargetSE )
    if not res['OK']:
      self.log.error( "FTSRequest failed to get SRM Space Token for TargetSE", res['Message'] )
      return S_ERROR( "TargetSE does not support FTS transfers" )

    # # check checksum types
    if self.__cksmTest:
      cksmType = self.oTargetSE.checksumType()
      if cksmType in ( "NONE", "NULL" ):
        self.log.warn( "Checksum type set to %s at TargetSE %s, disabling checksum test" % ( cksmType,
                                                                                            self.targetSE ) )
        self.__cksmTest = False
      elif cksmType != self.__cksmType:
        self.log.warn( "Checksum type mismatch, disabling checksum test" )
        self.__cksmTest = False

    self.targetToken = res['Value']
    self.targetValid = True
    return S_OK()

  def __getSESpaceToken( oSE ):
    """ get space token from StorageElement instance

    :param self: self reference
    :param StorageElement oSE: StorageElement instance
    res = oSE.getStorageParameters( protocol = 'srm' )
    if not res['OK']:
      return res
    return S_OK( res['Value'].get( 'SpaceToken' ) )

  #  Methods for setting/getting FTS request parameters

  def setFTSGUID( self, guid ):
    """ FTS job GUID setter

    :param self: self reference
    :param str guid: string containg GUID
    if not checkGuid( guid ):
      return S_ERROR( "Incorrect GUID format" )
    self.ftsGUID = guid
    return S_OK()

  def setFTSServer( self, server ):
    """ FTS server setter

    :param self: self reference
    :param str server: FTS server URL
    self.ftsServer = server
    return S_OK()

  def isRequestTerminal( self ):
    """ check if FTS job has terminated

    :param self: self reference
    if self.requestStatus in self.finalStates:
      self.isTerminal = True
    return S_OK( self.isTerminal )

  def setCksmTest( self, cksmTest = False ):
    """ set cksm test

    :param self: self reference
    :param bool cksmTest: flag to enable/disable checksum test
    self.__cksmTest = bool( cksmTest )
    return S_OK( self.__cksmTest )

  #  Methods for setting/getting/checking files and their metadata

  def setLFN( self, lfn ):
    """ add LFN :lfn: to :fileDict:

    :param self: self reference
    :param str lfn: LFN to add to
    self.fileDict.setdefault( lfn, {'Status':'Waiting'} )
    return S_OK()

  def setSourceSURL( self, lfn, surl ):
    """ source SURL setter

    :param self: self reference
    :param str lfn: LFN
    :param str surl: source SURL
    target = self.fileDict[lfn].get( 'Target' )
    if target == surl:
      return S_ERROR( "Source and target the same" )
    return self.__setFileParameter( lfn, 'Source', surl )

  def getSourceSURL( self, lfn ):
    """ get source SURL for LFN :lfn:

    :param self: self reference
    :param str lfn: LFN
    return self.__getFileParameter( lfn, 'Source' )

  def setTargetSURL( self, lfn, surl ):
    """ set target SURL for LFN :lfn:

    :param self: self reference
    :param str lfn: LFN
    :param str surl: target SURL
    source = self.fileDict[lfn].get( 'Source' )
    if source == surl:
      return S_ERROR( "Source and target the same" )
    return self.__setFileParameter( lfn, 'Target', surl )

  def getFailReason( self, lfn ):
    """ get fail reason for file :lfn:

    :param self: self reference
    :param str lfn: LFN
    return self.__getFileParameter( lfn, 'Reason' )

  def getRetries( self, lfn ):
    """ get number of attepmts made to transfer file :lfn:

    :param self: self reference
    :param str lfn: LFN
    return self.__getFileParameter( lfn, 'Retries' )

  def getTransferTime( self, lfn ):
    """ get duration of transfer for file :lfn:

    :param self: self reference
    :param str lfn: LFN
    return self.__getFileParameter( lfn, 'Duration' )

  def getFailed( self ):
    """ get list of wrongly transferred LFNs

    :param self: self reference
    return S_OK( [ lfn for lfn in self.fileDict
                   if self.fileDict[lfn].get( 'Status', '' ) in self.failedStates ] )

  def getStaging( self ):
    """ get files set for prestaging """
    return S_OK( [lfn for lfn in self.fileDict
                  if self.fileDict[lfn].get( 'Status', '' ) == 'Staging'] )

  def getDone( self ):
    """ get list of succesfully transferred LFNs

    :param self: self reference
    return S_OK( [ lfn for lfn in self.fileDict
                   if self.fileDict[lfn].get( 'Status', '' ) in self.successfulStates ] )

  def __setFileParameter( self, lfn, paramName, paramValue ):
    """ set :paramName: to :paramValue: for :lfn: file

    :param self: self reference
    :param str lfn: LFN
    :param str paramName: parameter name
    :param mixed paramValue: a new parameter value
    self.setLFN( lfn )
    self.fileDict[lfn][paramName] = paramValue
    return S_OK()

  def __getFileParameter( self, lfn, paramName ):
    """ get value of :paramName: for file :lfn:

    :param self: self reference
    :param str lfn: LFN
    :param str paramName: parameter name
    if lfn not in self.fileDict:
      return S_ERROR( "Supplied file not set" )
    if paramName not in self.fileDict[lfn]:
      return S_ERROR( "%s not set for file" % paramName )
    return S_OK( self.fileDict[lfn][paramName] )

  #  Methods for submission

  def submit( self, monitor = False, printOutput = True ):
    """ submit FTS job

    :param self: self reference
    :param bool monitor: flag to monitor progress of FTS job
    :param bool printOutput: flag to print output of execution to stdout
    res = self.__prepareForSubmission()
    if not res['OK']:
      return res
    res = self.__submitFTSTransfer()
    if not res['OK']:
      return res
    resDict = { 'ftsGUID' : self.ftsGUID, 'ftsServer' : self.ftsServer, 'submittedFiles' : self.submittedFiles }
    if monitor or printOutput:
      gLogger.always( "Submitted %s@%s" % ( self.ftsGUID, self.ftsServer ) )
      if monitor:
        self.monitor( untilTerminal = True, printOutput = printOutput, full = False )
    return S_OK( resDict )

  def __prepareForSubmission( self ):
    """ check validity of job before submission

    :param self: self reference
    if not self.fileDict:
      return S_ERROR( "No files set" )
    if not self.sourceValid:
      return S_ERROR( "SourceSE not valid" )
    if not self.targetValid:
      return S_ERROR( "TargetSE not valid" )
    if not self.ftsServer:
      res = self.__resolveFTSServer()
      if not res['OK']:
        return S_ERROR( "FTSServer not valid" )
    res = self.__filesToSubmit()
    if not res['OK']:
      return S_ERROR( "No files to submit" )
    return S_OK()

  def __getCatalogObject( self ):
    """ CatalogInterface instance facade

    :param self: self reference
      if not self.oCatalog:
        self.oCatalog = FileCatalog()
      return S_OK()
      return S_ERROR()

  def __updateReplicaCache( self, lfns = None, overwrite = False ):
    """ update replica cache for list of :lfns:

    :param self: self reference
    :param mixed lfns: list of LFNs
    :param bool overwrite: flag to trigger cache clearing and updating
    if not lfns:
      lfns = self.fileDict.keys()
    toUpdate = [ lfn for lfn in lfns if ( lfn not in self.catalogReplicas ) or overwrite ]
    if not toUpdate:
      return S_OK()
    res = self.__getCatalogObject()
    if not res['OK']:
      return res
    res = self.oCatalog.getReplicas( toUpdate )
    if not res['OK']:
      return S_ERROR( "Failed to update replica cache: %s" % res['Message'] )
    for lfn, error in res['Value']['Failed'].items():
      self.__setFileParameter( lfn, 'Reason', error )
      self.__setFileParameter( lfn, 'Status', 'Failed' )
    for lfn, replicas in res['Value']['Successful'].items():
      self.catalogReplicas[lfn] = replicas
    return S_OK()

  def __updateMetadataCache( self, lfns = None ):
    """ update metadata cache for list of LFNs

    :param self: self reference
    :param list lnfs: list of LFNs
    if not lfns:
      lfns = self.fileDict.keys()
    toUpdate = [ lfn for lfn in lfns if lfn not in self.catalogMetadata ]
    if not toUpdate:
      return S_OK()
    res = self.__getCatalogObject()
    if not res['OK']:
      return res
    res = self.oCatalog.getFileMetadata( toUpdate )
    if not res['OK']:
      return S_ERROR( "Failed to get source catalog metadata: %s" % res['Message'] )
    for lfn, error in res['Value']['Failed'].items():
      self.__setFileParameter( lfn, 'Reason', error )
      self.__setFileParameter( lfn, 'Status', 'Failed' )
    for lfn, metadata in res['Value']['Successful'].items():
      self.catalogMetadata[lfn] = metadata
    return S_OK()

  def resolveSource( self ):
    """ resolve source SE eligible for submission

    :param self: self reference

    # Avoid resolving sources twice
    if self.sourceResolved:
      return S_OK()
    # Only resolve files that need a transfer
    toResolve = [ lfn for lfn in self.fileDict if self.fileDict[lfn].get( "Status", "" ) != "Failed" ]
    if not toResolve:
      return S_OK()
    res = self.__updateMetadataCache( toResolve )
    if not res['OK']:
      return res
    res = self.__updateReplicaCache( toResolve )
    if not res['OK']:
      return res

    # Define the source URLs
    for lfn in toResolve:
      replicas = self.catalogReplicas.get( lfn, {} )
      if self.sourceSE not in replicas:
        gLogger.warn( "resolveSource: skipping %s - not replicas at SourceSE %s" % ( lfn, self.sourceSE ) )
        self.__setFileParameter( lfn, 'Reason', "No replica at SourceSE" )
        self.__setFileParameter( lfn, 'Status', 'Failed' )

      res = returnSingleResult( self.oSourceSE.getURL( lfn, protocol = 'srm' ) )
      if not res['OK']:
        gLogger.warn( "resolveSource: skipping %s - %s" % ( lfn, res["Message"] ) )
        self.__setFileParameter( lfn, 'Reason', res['Message'] )
        self.__setFileParameter( lfn, 'Status', 'Failed' )
      res = self.setSourceSURL( lfn, res['Value'] )
      if not res['OK']:
        gLogger.warn( "resolveSource: skipping %s - %s" % ( lfn, res["Message"] ) )
        self.__setFileParameter( lfn, 'Reason', res['Message'] )
        self.__setFileParameter( lfn, 'Status', 'Failed' )

    toResolve = []
    for lfn in self.fileDict:
      if "Source" in self.fileDict[lfn]:
        toResolve.append( lfn )
    if not toResolve:
      return S_ERROR( "No eligible Source files" )

    # Get metadata of the sources, to check for existance, availability and caching
    res = self.oSourceSE.getFileMetadata( toResolve )
    if not res['OK']:
      return S_ERROR( "Failed to check source file metadata" )

    for lfn, error in res['Value']['Failed'].items():
      if 'File does not exist', error ):
        gLogger.warn( "resolveSource: skipping %s - source file does not exists" % lfn )
        self.__setFileParameter( lfn, 'Reason', "Source file does not exist" )
        self.__setFileParameter( lfn, 'Status', 'Failed' )
        gLogger.warn( "resolveSource: skipping %s - failed to get source metadata" % lfn )
        self.__setFileParameter( lfn, 'Reason', "Failed to get Source metadata" )
        self.__setFileParameter( lfn, 'Status', 'Failed' )
    toStage = []

    nbStagedFiles = 0
    for lfn, metadata in res['Value']['Successful'].items():
      lfnStatus = self.fileDict.get( lfn, {} ).get( 'Status' )
      if metadata.get( 'Unavailable', False ):
        gLogger.warn( "resolveSource: skipping %s - source file unavailable" % lfn )
        self.__setFileParameter( lfn, 'Reason', "Source file Unavailable" )
        self.__setFileParameter( lfn, 'Status', 'Failed' )
      elif metadata.get( 'Lost', False ):
        gLogger.warn( "resolveSource: skipping %s - source file lost" % lfn )
        self.__setFileParameter( lfn, 'Reason', "Source file Lost" )
        self.__setFileParameter( lfn, 'Status', 'Failed' )
      elif not metadata.get( 'Cached', metadata['Accessible'] ):
        if lfnStatus != 'Staging':
          toStage.append( lfn )
      elif metadata['Size'] != self.catalogMetadata[lfn]['Size']:
        gLogger.warn( "resolveSource: skipping %s - source file size mismatch" % lfn )
        self.__setFileParameter( lfn, 'Reason', "Source size mismatch" )
        self.__setFileParameter( lfn, 'Status', 'Failed' )
      elif self.catalogMetadata[lfn]['Checksum'] and metadata['Checksum'] and \
            not compareAdler( metadata['Checksum'], self.catalogMetadata[lfn]['Checksum'] ):
        gLogger.warn( "resolveSource: skipping %s - source file checksum mismatch" % lfn )
        self.__setFileParameter( lfn, 'Reason', "Source checksum mismatch" )
        self.__setFileParameter( lfn, 'Status', 'Failed' )
      elif lfnStatus == 'Staging':
        # file that was staging is now cached
        self.__setFileParameter( lfn, 'Status', 'Waiting' )
        nbStagedFiles += 1

    # Some files were being staged
    if nbStagedFiles: 'resolveSource: %d files have been staged' % nbStagedFiles )

    # Launching staging of files not in cache
    if toStage:
      gLogger.warn( "resolveSource: %s source files not cached, prestaging..." % len( toStage ) )
      stage = self.oSourceSE.prestageFile( toStage )
      if not stage["OK"]:
        gLogger.error( "resolveSource: error is prestaging", stage["Message"] )
        for lfn in toStage:
          self.__setFileParameter( lfn, 'Reason', stage["Message"] )
          self.__setFileParameter( lfn, 'Status', 'Failed' )
        for lfn in toStage:
          if lfn in stage['Value']['Successful']:
            self.__setFileParameter( lfn, 'Status', 'Staging' )
          elif lfn in stage['Value']['Failed']:
            self.__setFileParameter( lfn, 'Reason', stage['Value']['Failed'][lfn] )
            self.__setFileParameter( lfn, 'Status', 'Failed' )

    self.sourceResolved = True
    return S_OK()

  def resolveTarget( self ):
    """ find target SE eligible for submission

    :param self: self reference
    toResolve = [ lfn for lfn in self.fileDict
                 if self.fileDict[lfn].get( 'Status' ) not in self.noSubmitStatus ]
    if not toResolve:
      return S_OK()
    res = self.__updateReplicaCache( toResolve )
    if not res['OK']:
      return res
    for lfn in toResolve:
      res = returnSingleResult( self.oTargetSE.getURL( lfn, protocol = 'srm' ) )
      if not res['OK']:
        reason = res.get( 'Message', res['Message'] )
        gLogger.warn( "resolveTarget: skipping %s - %s" % ( lfn, reason ) )
        self.__setFileParameter( lfn, 'Reason', reason )
        self.__setFileParameter( lfn, 'Status', 'Failed' )

      res = self.setTargetSURL( lfn, res['Value'] )
      if not res['OK']:
        gLogger.warn( "resolveTarget: skipping %s - %s" % ( lfn, res["Message"] ) )
        self.__setFileParameter( lfn, 'Reason', res['Message'] )
        self.__setFileParameter( lfn, 'Status', 'Failed' )
    toResolve = []
    for lfn in self.fileDict:
      if "Target" in self.fileDict[lfn]:
        toResolve.append( lfn )
    if not toResolve:
      return S_ERROR( "No eligible Target files" )
    res = self.oTargetSE.exists( toResolve )
    if not res['OK']:
      return S_ERROR( "Failed to check target existence" )
    for lfn, error in res['Value']['Failed'].items():
      self.__setFileParameter( lfn, 'Reason', error )
      self.__setFileParameter( lfn, 'Status', 'Failed' )
    toRemove = []
    for lfn, exists in res['Value']['Successful'].items():
      if exists:
        res = self.getSourceSURL( lfn )
        if not res['OK']:
          gLogger.warn( "resolveTarget: skipping %s - target exists" % lfn )
          self.__setFileParameter( lfn, 'Reason', "Target exists" )
          self.__setFileParameter( lfn, 'Status', 'Failed' )
        elif res['Value'] == self.fileDict[lfn]['Target']:
          gLogger.warn( "resolveTarget: skipping %s - source and target pfns are the same" % lfn )
          self.__setFileParameter( lfn, 'Reason', "Source and Target the same" )
          self.__setFileParameter( lfn, 'Status', 'Failed' )
          toRemove.append( lfn )
    if toRemove:
      self.oTargetSE.removeFile( toRemove )
    return S_OK()

  def __filesToSubmit( self ):
    check if there is at least one file to submit

    :return: S_OK if at least one file is present, S_ERROR otherwise
    for lfn in self.fileDict:
      lfnStatus = self.fileDict[lfn].get( 'Status' )
      source = self.fileDict[lfn].get( 'Source' )
      target = self.fileDict[lfn].get( 'Target' )
      if lfnStatus not in self.noSubmitStatus and source and target:
        return S_OK()
    return S_ERROR()

  def __createFTSFiles( self ):
    """ create LFNs file for glite-transfer-submit command

    This file consists one line for each fiel to be transferred:


    :param self: self reference
    for lfn in self.fileDict:
      lfnStatus = self.fileDict[lfn].get( 'Status' )
      if lfnStatus not in self.noSubmitStatus:
        cksmStr = ""
        # # add chsmType:cksm only if cksmType is specified, else let FTS decide by itself
        if self.__cksmTest and self.__cksmType:
          checkSum = self.catalogMetadata.get( lfn, {} ).get( 'Checksum' )
          if checkSum:
            cksmStr = " %s:%s" % ( self.__cksmType, intAdlerToHex( hexAdlerToInt( checkSum ) ) )
        ftsFile = FTSFile()
        ftsFile.LFN = lfn
        ftsFile.SourceSURL = self.fileDict[lfn].get( 'Source' )
        ftsFile.TargetSURL = self.fileDict[lfn].get( 'Target' )
        ftsFile.SourceSE = self.sourceSE
        ftsFile.TargetSE = self.targetSE
        ftsFile.Status = self.fileDict[lfn].get( 'Status' )
        ftsFile.Checksum = cksmStr
        ftsFile.Size = self.catalogMetadata.get( lfn, {} ).get( 'Size' )
        self.ftsFiles.append( ftsFile )
        self.submittedFiles += 1
    return S_OK()

  def __createFTSJob( self, guid = None ):
    ftsJob = FTSJob()
    ftsJob.RequestID = 0
    ftsJob.OperationID = 0
    ftsJob.SourceSE = self.sourceSE
    ftsJob.TargetSE = self.targetSE
    ftsJob.SourceToken = self.sourceToken
    ftsJob.TargetToken = self.targetToken
    ftsJob.FTSServer = self.ftsServer
    if guid:
      ftsJob.FTSGUID = guid

    for ftsFile in self.ftsFiles:
      ftsFile.Attempt += 1
      ftsFile.Error = ""
      ftsJob.addFile( ftsFile )
    self.ftsJob = ftsJob

  def __submitFTSTransfer( self ):
    """ create and execute glite-transfer-submit CLI command

    :param self: self reference
    log = gLogger.getSubLogger( 'Submit' )

    submit = self.ftsJob.submitFTS( self.ftsVersion, command = self.submitCommand )
    if not submit["OK"]:
      log.error( "unable to submit FTSJob: %s" % submit["Message"] )
      return submit "FTSJob '%s'@'%s' has been submitted" % ( self.ftsJob.FTSGUID, self.ftsJob.FTSServer ) )

    # # update statuses for job files
    for ftsFile in self.ftsJob:
      ftsFile.FTSGUID = self.ftsJob.FTSGUID
      ftsFile.Status = "Submitted"
      ftsFile.Attempt += 1 "FTSJob '%s'@'%s' has been submitted" % ( self.ftsJob.FTSGUID, self.ftsJob.FTSServer ) )
    self.ftsGUID = self.ftsJob.FTSGUID
    return S_OK()

  def __resolveFTSServer( self ):
    resolve FTS server to use, it should be the closest one from target SE

    :param self: self reference
    if self.ftsVersion.upper() == 'FTS2':

      from DIRAC.ConfigurationSystem.Client.Helpers.Resources import getFTS2ServersForSites
      if not self.targetSE:
        return S_ERROR( "Target SE not set" )
      res = getSitesForSE( self.targetSE )
      if not res['OK'] or not res['Value']:
        return S_ERROR( "Could not determine target site" )
      targetSites = res['Value']

      targetSite = ''
      for targetSite in targetSites:
        targetFTS = getFTS2ServersForSites( [targetSite] )
        if targetFTS['OK']:
          ftsTarget = targetFTS['Value'][targetSite]
          if ftsTarget:
            self.ftsServer = ftsTarget
            return S_OK( self.ftsServer )
          return targetFTS

    elif self.ftsVersion.upper() == 'FTS3':

      from DIRAC.ConfigurationSystem.Client.Helpers.Resources import getFTS3Servers
      res = getFTS3Servers()
      if not res['OK']:
        return res
      ftsServerList = res['Value']
      if ftsServerList:
        # Here we take the first one, regardless of the policy...
        # Unclean but all this will disapear after refactoring the fts code
        self.ftsServer = ftsServerList[0]
        return S_OK( self.ftsServer )

      return S_ERROR( 'Unknown FTS version %s' % self.ftsVersion )

    return S_ERROR( 'No FTS server found for %s' % targetSite )

  #  Methods for monitoring

  def summary( self, untilTerminal = False, printOutput = False ):
    """ summary of FTS job

    :param self: self reference
    :param bool untilTerminal: flag to monitor FTS job to its final state
    :param bool printOutput: flag to print out monitoring information to the stdout
    res = self.__isSummaryValid()
    if not res['OK']:
      return res
    while not self.isTerminal:
      res = self.__parseOutput( full = True )
      if not res['OK']:
        return res
      if untilTerminal:
      if res['Value'] or ( not untilTerminal ):
      time.sleep( 1 )
    if untilTerminal:
      print ""
    if printOutput and ( not untilTerminal ):
      return self.dumpSummary( printOutput = printOutput )
    return S_OK()

  def monitor( self, untilTerminal = False, printOutput = False, full = True ):
    """ monitor FTS job

    :param self: self reference
    :param bool untilTerminal: flag to monitor FTS job to its final state
    :param bool printOutput: flag to print out monitoring information to the stdout
    if not self.ftsJob:
      self.__createFTSJob( self.ftsGUID )
    res = self.__isSummaryValid()
    if not res['OK']:
      return res
    if untilTerminal:
      res = self.summary( untilTerminal = untilTerminal, printOutput = printOutput )
      if not res['OK']:
        return res
    res = self.__parseOutput( full = full )
    if not res['OK']:
      return res
    if untilTerminal:
    if printOutput:
    return res

  def dumpSummary( self, printOutput = False ):
    """ get FTS job summary as str

    :param self: self reference
    :param bool printOutput: print summary to stdout

    outStr = ''
    for status in sorted( self.statusSummary ):
      if self.statusSummary[status]:
        outStr = '%s\t%-10s : %-10s\n' % ( outStr, status, str( self.statusSummary[status] ) )
    outStr = outStr.rstrip( '\n' )
    if printOutput:
      print outStr
    return S_OK( outStr )

  def __print( self ):
    """ print progress bar of FTS job completeness to stdout

    :param self: self reference
    width = 100
    bits = int( ( width * self.percentageComplete ) / 100 )
    outStr = "|%s>%s| %.1f%s %s %s" % ( "="*bits, " "*( width - bits ),
                                        self.percentageComplete, "%",
                                        self.requestStatus, " "*10 )
    sys.stdout.write( "%s\r" % ( outStr ) )

  def dump( self ):
    """ print FTS job parameters and files to stdout

    :param self: self reference
    print "%-10s : %-10s" % ( "Status", self.requestStatus )
    print "%-10s : %-10s" % ( "Source", self.sourceSE )
    print "%-10s : %-10s" % ( "Target", self.targetSE )
    print "%-10s : %-128s" % ( "Server", self.ftsServer )
    print "%-10s : %-128s" % ( "GUID", self.ftsGUID )
    for lfn in sorted( self.fileDict ):
      print "\n  %-15s : %-128s" % ( 'LFN', lfn )
      for key in ['Source', 'Target', 'Status', 'Reason', 'Duration']:
        print "  %-15s : %-128s" % ( key, str( self.fileDict[lfn].get( key ) ) )
    return S_OK()

  def __isSummaryValid( self ):
    """ check validity of FTS job summary report

    :param self: self reference
    if not self.ftsServer:
      return S_ERROR( "FTSServer not set" )
    if not self.ftsGUID:
      return S_ERROR( "FTSGUID not set" )
    return S_OK()

  def __parseOutput( self, full = False ):
    """ execute glite-transfer-status command and parse its output

    :param self: self reference
    :param bool full: glite-transfer-status verbosity level, when set, collect information of files as well
    monitor = self.ftsJob.monitorFTS( self.ftsVersion, command = self.monitorCommand, full = full )
    if not monitor['OK']:
      return monitor
    self.percentageComplete = self.ftsJob.Completeness
    self.requestStatus = self.ftsJob.Status
    self.submitTime = self.ftsJob.SubmitTime

    statusSummary = monitor['Value']
    if statusSummary:
      for state in statusSummary:
        self.statusSummary[state] = statusSummary[state]

    self.transferTime = 0
    for ftsFile in self.ftsJob:
      lfn = ftsFile.LFN
      self.__setFileParameter( lfn, 'Status', ftsFile.Status )
      self.__setFileParameter( lfn, 'Reason', ftsFile.Error )
      self.__setFileParameter( lfn, 'Duration', ftsFile._duration )
      targetURL = self.__getFileParameter( lfn, 'Target' )
      if not targetURL['OK']:
        self.__setFileParameter( lfn, 'Target', ftsFile.TargetSURL )
      sourceURL = self.__getFileParameter( lfn, 'Source' )
      if not sourceURL['OK']:
        self.__setFileParameter( lfn, 'Source', ftsFile.SourceSURL )
      if ftsFile._duration:
        self.transferTime += int( ftsFile._duration )
    return S_OK()

  #  Methods for finalization

  def finalize( self ):
    """ finalize FTS job

    :param self: self reference
    transEndTime = dateTime()
    regStartTime = time.time()
    res = self.getTransferStatistics()
    transDict = res['Value']

    res = self.__registerSuccessful( transDict['transLFNs'] )

    regSuc, regTotal = res['Value']
    regTime = time.time() - regStartTime
    if self.sourceSE and self.targetSE:
      self.__sendAccounting( regSuc, regTotal, regTime, transEndTime, transDict )
    return S_OK()

  def getTransferStatistics( self ):
    """ collect information of Transfers that can be used by Accounting

    :param self: self reference
    transDict = { 'transTotal': len( self.fileDict ),
                  'transLFNs': [],
                  'transOK': 0,
                  'transSize': 0 }

    for lfn in self.fileDict:
      if self.fileDict[lfn].get( 'Status' ) in self.successfulStates:
        if self.fileDict[lfn].get( 'Duration', 0 ):
          transDict['transLFNs'].append( lfn )
          transDict['transOK'] += 1
          if lfn in self.catalogMetadata:
            transDict['transSize'] += self.catalogMetadata[lfn].get( 'Size', 0 )

    return S_OK( transDict )

  def getFailedRegistrations( self ):
    """ get failed registrations dict

    :param self: self reference
    return S_OK( self.failedRegistrations )

  def __registerSuccessful( self, transLFNs ):
    """ register successfully transferred files to the catalogs,
    fill failedRegistrations dict for files that failed to register

    :param self: self reference
    :param list transLFNs: LFNs in FTS job
    self.failedRegistrations = {}
    toRegister = {}
    for lfn in transLFNs:
      res = returnSingleResult( self.oTargetSE.getURL( self.fileDict[lfn].get( 'Target' ), protocol = 'srm' ) )
      if not res['OK']:
        self.__setFileParameter( lfn, 'Reason', res['Message'] )
        self.__setFileParameter( lfn, 'Status', 'Failed' )
        toRegister[lfn] = { 'PFN' : res['Value'], 'SE' : self.targetSE }
    if not toRegister:
      return S_OK( ( 0, 0 ) )
    res = self.__getCatalogObject()
    if not res['OK']:
      for lfn in toRegister:
        self.failedRegistrations = toRegister
        self.log.error( 'Failed to get Catalog Object', res['Message'] )
        return S_OK( ( 0, len( toRegister ) ) )
    res = self.oCatalog.addReplica( toRegister )
    if not res['OK']:
      self.failedRegistrations = toRegister
      self.log.error( 'Failed to get Catalog Object', res['Message'] )
      return S_OK( ( 0, len( toRegister ) ) )
    for lfn, error in res['Value']['Failed'].items():
      self.failedRegistrations[lfn] = toRegister[lfn]
      self.log.error( 'Registration of Replica failed', '%s : %s' % ( lfn, str( error ) ) )
    return S_OK( ( len( res['Value']['Successful'] ), len( toRegister ) ) )

  def __sendAccounting( self, regSuc, regTotal, regTime, transEndTime, transDict ):
    """ send accounting record

    :param self: self reference
    :param regSuc: number of files successfully registered
    :param regTotal: number of files attepted to register
    :param regTime: time stamp at the end of registration
    :param transEndTime: time stamp at the end of FTS job
    :param dict transDict: dict holding couters for files being transerred, their sizes and successfull transfers

    oAccounting = DataOperation()
    oAccounting.setEndTime( transEndTime )
    oAccounting.setStartTime( self.submitTime )

    accountingDict = {}
    accountingDict['OperationType'] = 'replicateAndRegister'
    result = getProxyInfo()
    if not result['OK']:
      userName = '******'
      userName = result['Value'].get( 'username', 'unknown' )
    accountingDict['User'] = userName
    accountingDict['Protocol'] = 'FTS' if 'fts3' not in self.ftsServer else 'FTS3'
    accountingDict['RegistrationTime'] = regTime
    accountingDict['RegistrationOK'] = regSuc
    accountingDict['RegistrationTotal'] = regTotal
    accountingDict['TransferOK'] = transDict['transOK']
    accountingDict['TransferTotal'] = transDict['transTotal']
    accountingDict['TransferSize'] = transDict['transSize']
    accountingDict['FinalStatus'] = self.requestStatus
    accountingDict['Source'] = self.sourceSE
    accountingDict['Destination'] = self.targetSE
    accountingDict['TransferTime'] = self.transferTime
    oAccounting.setValuesFromDict( accountingDict )
    self.log.verbose( "Attempting to commit accounting message..." )
    self.log.verbose( "...committed." )
    return S_OK()
Beispiel #11
  def _callback(self):
    """" After a Transfer operation, we have to update the matching Request in the
        RMS, and add the registration operation just before the ReplicateAndRegister one

        NOTE: we don't use ReqProxy when putting the request back to avoid operational hell

    log = self._log.getSubLogger("callback", child=True)

    # In case there is no Request associated to the Transfer
    # we do not do the callback. Not really advised, but there is a feature
    # request to use the FTS3 system without RMS
    if self.rmsReqID == -1:
      return S_OK()

    # Now we check the status of the Request.
    # in principle, it should be scheduled
    res = self.reqClient.getRequestStatus(self.rmsReqID)
    if not res['OK']:
      log.error("Could not get request status", res)
      return res
    status = res['Value']

    # If it is not scheduled, something went wrong
    # and we will not modify it
    if status != 'Scheduled':
      # If the Request is in a final state, just leave it,
      # and we consider our job done.
      # (typically happens when the callback had already been done but not persisted to the FTS3DB)
      if status in rmsRequest.FINAL_STATES:
            "Request with id %s is not Scheduled (%s), but okay it is in a Final State" %
            (self.rmsReqID, status))
        return S_OK()
      # If the Request is not in a final state, then something really wrong is going on,
      # and we do not do anything, keep ourselves pending
        return S_ERROR("Request with id %s is not Scheduled:%s" % (self.rmsReqID, status))

    res = self._updateRmsOperationStatus()

    if not res['OK']:
      return res

    ftsFilesByTarget = res['Value']['ftsFilesByTarget']
    request = res['Value']['request']
    operation = res['Value']['operation']"will create %s 'RegisterReplica' operations" % len(ftsFilesByTarget))

    for target, ftsFileList in ftsFilesByTarget.iteritems():
          "creating 'RegisterReplica' operation for targetSE %s with %s files..." %
          (target, len(ftsFileList)))
      registerOperation = rmsOperation()
      registerOperation.Type = "RegisterReplica"
      registerOperation.Status = "Waiting"
      registerOperation.TargetSE = target
      if operation.Catalog:
        registerOperation.Catalog = operation.Catalog

      targetSE = StorageElement(target, vo=self.vo)

      for ftsFile in ftsFileList:
        opFile = rmsFile()
        opFile.LFN = ftsFile.lfn
        opFile.Checksum = ftsFile.checksum
        # TODO: are we really ever going to change type... ?
        opFile.ChecksumType = 'ADLER32'
        opFile.Size = ftsFile.size
        res = returnSingleResult(targetSE.getURL(ftsFile.lfn, protocol='srm'))

        # This should never happen !
        if not res["OK"]:
          log.error("Could not get url", res['Message'])
        opFile.PFN = res["Value"]

      request.insertBefore(registerOperation, operation)

    return self.reqClient.putRequest(request, useFailoverProxy=False, retryMainService=3)
Beispiel #12
class FTSRequest( object ):
  .. class:: FTSRequest

  Helper class for FTS job submission and monitoring.

  # # default checksum type
  __defaultCksmType = "ADLER32"
  # # flag to disablr/enable checksum test, default: disabled
  __cksmTest = False

  def __init__( self ):

    :param self: self reference
    self.log = gLogger.getSubLogger( self.__class__.__name__, True )

    # # final states tuple
    self.finalStates = ( 'Canceled', 'Failed', 'Hold',
                         'Finished', 'FinishedDirty' )
    # # failed states tuple
    self.failedStates = ( 'Canceled', 'Failed',
                          'Hold', 'FinishedDirty' )
    # # successful states tuple
    self.successfulStates = ( 'Finished', 'Done' )
    # # all file states tuple
    self.fileStates = ( 'Done', 'Active', 'Pending', 'Ready', 'Canceled', 'Failed',
                        'Finishing', 'Finished', 'Submitted', 'Hold', 'Waiting' )

    self.statusSummary = {}

    # # request status
    self.requestStatus = 'Unknown'

    # # dict for FTS job files
    self.fileDict = {}
    # # dict for replicas information
    self.catalogReplicas = {}
    # # dict for metadata information
    self.catalogMetadata = {}
    # # dict for files that failed to register
    self.failedRegistrations = {}

    # # placehoder for FileCatalog reference
    self.oCatalog = None

    # # submit timestamp
    self.submitTime = ''

    # # placeholder FTS job GUID
    self.ftsGUID = ''
    # # placeholder for FTS server URL
    self.ftsServer = ''

    # # flag marking FTS job completness
    self.isTerminal = False
    # # completness percentage
    self.percentageComplete = 0.0

    # # source SE name
    self.sourceSE = ''
    # # flag marking source SE validity
    self.sourceValid = False
    # # source space token
    self.sourceToken = ''

    # # target SE name
    self.targetSE = ''
    # # flag marking target SE validity
    self.targetValid = False
    # # target space token
    self.targetToken = ''

    # # placeholder for target StorageElement
    self.oTargetSE = None
    # # placeholder for source StorageElement
    self.oSourceSE = None

    # # checksum type, set it to default
    self.__cksmType = self.__defaultCksmType
    # # disable checksum test by default
    self.__cksmTest = False

    # # statuses that prevent submitting to FTS
    self.noSubmitStatus = ( 'Failed', 'Done', 'Staging' )

    # # were sources resolved?
    self.sourceResolved = False

    # # Number of file transfers actually submitted
    self.submittedFiles = 0
    self.transferTime = 0

    self.submitCommand = Operations().getValue( 'DataManagement/FTSPlacement/FTS2/SubmitCommand', 'glite-transfer-submit' )
    self.monitorCommand = Operations().getValue( 'DataManagement/FTSPlacement/FTS2/MonitorCommand', 'glite-transfer-status' )
    self.ftsVersion = Operations().getValue( 'DataManagement/FTSVersion', 'FTS2' )
    self.ftsJob = None
    self.ftsFiles = []

  #  Methods for setting/getting/checking the SEs

  def setSourceSE( self, se ):
    """ set SE for source

    :param self: self reference
    :param str se: source SE name
    if se == self.targetSE:
      return S_ERROR( "SourceSE is TargetSE" )
    self.sourceSE = se
    self.oSourceSE = StorageElement( self.sourceSE )
    return self.__checkSourceSE()

  def __checkSourceSE( self ):
    """ check source SE availability

    :param self: self reference
    if not self.sourceSE:
      return S_ERROR( "SourceSE not set" )
    res = self.oSourceSE.isValid( 'Read' )
    if not res['OK']:
      return S_ERROR( "SourceSE not available for reading" )
    res = self.__getSESpaceToken( self.oSourceSE )
    if not res['OK']:
      self.log.error( "FTSRequest failed to get SRM Space Token for SourceSE", res['Message'] )
      return S_ERROR( "SourceSE does not support FTS transfers" )

    if self.__cksmTest:
      cksmType = self.oSourceSE.checksumType()
      if cksmType in ( "NONE", "NULL" ):
        self.log.warn( "Checksum type set to %s at SourceSE %s, disabling checksum test" % ( cksmType,
                                                                                            self.sourceSE ) )
        self.__cksmTest = False
      elif cksmType != self.__cksmType:
        self.log.warn( "Checksum type mismatch, disabling checksum test" )
        self.__cksmTest = False

    self.sourceToken = res['Value']
    self.sourceValid = True
    return S_OK()

  def setTargetSE( self, se ):
    """ set target SE

    :param self: self reference
    :param str se: target SE name
    if se == self.sourceSE:
      return S_ERROR( "TargetSE is SourceSE" )
    self.targetSE = se
    self.oTargetSE = StorageElement( self.targetSE )
    return self.__checkTargetSE()

  def setTargetToken( self, token ):
    """ target space token setter

    :param self: self reference
    :param str token: target space token
    self.targetToken = token
    return S_OK()

  def __checkTargetSE( self ):
    """ check target SE availability

    :param self: self reference
    if not self.targetSE:
      return S_ERROR( "TargetSE not set" )
    res = self.oTargetSE.isValid( 'Write' )
    if not res['OK']:
      return S_ERROR( "TargetSE not available for writing" )
    res = self.__getSESpaceToken( self.oTargetSE )
    if not res['OK']:
      self.log.error( "FTSRequest failed to get SRM Space Token for TargetSE", res['Message'] )
      return S_ERROR( "TargetSE does not support FTS transfers" )

    # # check checksum types
    if self.__cksmTest:
      cksmType = self.oTargetSE.checksumType()
      if cksmType in ( "NONE", "NULL" ):
        self.log.warn( "Checksum type set to %s at TargetSE %s, disabling checksum test" % ( cksmType,
                                                                                            self.targetSE ) )
        self.__cksmTest = False
      elif cksmType != self.__cksmType:
        self.log.warn( "Checksum type mismatch, disabling checksum test" )
        self.__cksmTest = False

    self.targetToken = res['Value']
    self.targetValid = True
    return S_OK()

  def __getSESpaceToken( oSE ):
    """ get space token from StorageElement instance

    :param self: self reference
    :param StorageElement oSE: StorageElement instance
    res = oSE.getStorageParameters( protocol = 'srm' )
    if not res['OK']:
      return res
    return S_OK( res['Value'].get( 'SpaceToken' ) )

  #  Methods for setting/getting FTS request parameters

  def setFTSGUID( self, guid ):
    """ FTS job GUID setter

    :param self: self reference
    :param str guid: string containg GUID
    if not checkGuid( guid ):
      return S_ERROR( "Incorrect GUID format" )
    self.ftsGUID = guid
    return S_OK()

  def setFTSServer( self, server ):
    """ FTS server setter

    :param self: self reference
    :param str server: FTS server URL
    self.ftsServer = server
    return S_OK()

  def isRequestTerminal( self ):
    """ check if FTS job has terminated

    :param self: self reference
    if self.requestStatus in self.finalStates:
      self.isTerminal = True
    return S_OK( self.isTerminal )

  def setCksmTest( self, cksmTest = False ):
    """ set cksm test

    :param self: self reference
    :param bool cksmTest: flag to enable/disable checksum test
    self.__cksmTest = bool( cksmTest )
    return S_OK( self.__cksmTest )

  #  Methods for setting/getting/checking files and their metadata

  def setLFN( self, lfn ):
    """ add LFN :lfn: to :fileDict:

    :param self: self reference
    :param str lfn: LFN to add to
    self.fileDict.setdefault( lfn, {'Status':'Waiting'} )
    return S_OK()

  def setSourceSURL( self, lfn, surl ):
    """ source SURL setter

    :param self: self reference
    :param str lfn: LFN
    :param str surl: source SURL
    target = self.fileDict[lfn].get( 'Target' )
    if target == surl:
      return S_ERROR( "Source and target the same" )
    return self.__setFileParameter( lfn, 'Source', surl )

  def getSourceSURL( self, lfn ):
    """ get source SURL for LFN :lfn:

    :param self: self reference
    :param str lfn: LFN
    return self.__getFileParameter( lfn, 'Source' )

  def setTargetSURL( self, lfn, surl ):
    """ set target SURL for LFN :lfn:

    :param self: self reference
    :param str lfn: LFN
    :param str surl: target SURL
    source = self.fileDict[lfn].get( 'Source' )
    if source == surl:
      return S_ERROR( "Source and target the same" )
    return self.__setFileParameter( lfn, 'Target', surl )

  def getFailReason( self, lfn ):
    """ get fail reason for file :lfn:

    :param self: self reference
    :param str lfn: LFN
    return self.__getFileParameter( lfn, 'Reason' )

  def getRetries( self, lfn ):
    """ get number of attepmts made to transfer file :lfn:

    :param self: self reference
    :param str lfn: LFN
    return self.__getFileParameter( lfn, 'Retries' )

  def getTransferTime( self, lfn ):
    """ get duration of transfer for file :lfn:

    :param self: self reference
    :param str lfn: LFN
    return self.__getFileParameter( lfn, 'Duration' )

  def getFailed( self ):
    """ get list of wrongly transferred LFNs

    :param self: self reference
    return S_OK( [ lfn for lfn in self.fileDict
                   if self.fileDict[lfn].get( 'Status', '' ) in self.failedStates ] )

  def getStaging( self ):
    """ get files set for prestaging """
    return S_OK( [lfn for lfn in self.fileDict
                  if self.fileDict[lfn].get( 'Status', '' ) == 'Staging'] )

  def getDone( self ):
    """ get list of succesfully transferred LFNs

    :param self: self reference
    return S_OK( [ lfn for lfn in self.fileDict
                   if self.fileDict[lfn].get( 'Status', '' ) in self.successfulStates ] )

  def __setFileParameter( self, lfn, paramName, paramValue ):
    """ set :paramName: to :paramValue: for :lfn: file

    :param self: self reference
    :param str lfn: LFN
    :param str paramName: parameter name
    :param mixed paramValue: a new parameter value
    self.setLFN( lfn )
    self.fileDict[lfn][paramName] = paramValue
    return S_OK()

  def __getFileParameter( self, lfn, paramName ):
    """ get value of :paramName: for file :lfn:

    :param self: self reference
    :param str lfn: LFN
    :param str paramName: parameter name
    if lfn not in self.fileDict:
      return S_ERROR( "Supplied file not set" )
    if paramName not in self.fileDict[lfn]:
      return S_ERROR( "%s not set for file" % paramName )
    return S_OK( self.fileDict[lfn][paramName] )

  #  Methods for submission

  def submit( self, monitor = False, printOutput = True ):
    """ submit FTS job

    :param self: self reference
    :param bool monitor: flag to monitor progress of FTS job
    :param bool printOutput: flag to print output of execution to stdout
    res = self.__prepareForSubmission()
    if not res['OK']:
      return res
    res = self.__submitFTSTransfer()
    if not res['OK']:
      return res
    resDict = { 'ftsGUID' : self.ftsGUID, 'ftsServer' : self.ftsServer, 'submittedFiles' : self.submittedFiles }
    if monitor or printOutput:
      gLogger.always( "Submitted %s@%s" % ( self.ftsGUID, self.ftsServer ) )
      if monitor:
        self.monitor( untilTerminal = True, printOutput = printOutput, full = False )
    return S_OK( resDict )

  def __prepareForSubmission( self ):
    """ check validity of job before submission

    :param self: self reference
    if not self.fileDict:
      return S_ERROR( "No files set" )
    if not self.sourceValid:
      return S_ERROR( "SourceSE not valid" )
    if not self.targetValid:
      return S_ERROR( "TargetSE not valid" )
    if not self.ftsServer:
      res = self.__resolveFTSServer()
      if not res['OK']:
        return S_ERROR( "FTSServer not valid" )
    res = self.__filesToSubmit()
    if not res['OK']:
      return S_ERROR( "No files to submit" )
    return S_OK()

  def __getCatalogObject( self ):
    """ CatalogInterface instance facade

    :param self: self reference
      if not self.oCatalog:
        self.oCatalog = FileCatalog()
      return S_OK()
      return S_ERROR()

  def __updateReplicaCache( self, lfns = None, overwrite = False ):
    """ update replica cache for list of :lfns:

    :param self: self reference
    :param mixed lfns: list of LFNs
    :param bool overwrite: flag to trigger cache clearing and updating
    if not lfns:
      lfns = self.fileDict.keys()
    toUpdate = [ lfn for lfn in lfns if ( lfn not in self.catalogReplicas ) or overwrite ]
    if not toUpdate:
      return S_OK()
    res = self.__getCatalogObject()
    if not res['OK']:
      return res
    res = self.oCatalog.getReplicas( toUpdate )
    if not res['OK']:
      return S_ERROR( "Failed to update replica cache: %s" % res['Message'] )
    for lfn, error in res['Value']['Failed'].items():
      self.__setFileParameter( lfn, 'Reason', error )
      self.__setFileParameter( lfn, 'Status', 'Failed' )
    for lfn, replicas in res['Value']['Successful'].items():
      self.catalogReplicas[lfn] = replicas
    return S_OK()

  def __updateMetadataCache( self, lfns = None ):
    """ update metadata cache for list of LFNs

    :param self: self reference
    :param list lnfs: list of LFNs
    if not lfns:
      lfns = self.fileDict.keys()
    toUpdate = [ lfn for lfn in lfns if lfn not in self.catalogMetadata ]
    if not toUpdate:
      return S_OK()
    res = self.__getCatalogObject()
    if not res['OK']:
      return res
    res = self.oCatalog.getFileMetadata( toUpdate )
    if not res['OK']:
      return S_ERROR( "Failed to get source catalog metadata: %s" % res['Message'] )
    for lfn, error in res['Value']['Failed'].items():
      self.__setFileParameter( lfn, 'Reason', error )
      self.__setFileParameter( lfn, 'Status', 'Failed' )
    for lfn, metadata in res['Value']['Successful'].items():
      self.catalogMetadata[lfn] = metadata
    return S_OK()

  def resolveSource( self ):
    """ resolve source SE eligible for submission

    :param self: self reference

    # Avoid resolving sources twice
    if self.sourceResolved:
      return S_OK()
    # Only resolve files that need a transfer
    toResolve = [ lfn for lfn in self.fileDict if self.fileDict[lfn].get( "Status", "" ) != "Failed" ]
    if not toResolve:
      return S_OK()
    res = self.__updateMetadataCache( toResolve )
    if not res['OK']:
      return res
    res = self.__updateReplicaCache( toResolve )
    if not res['OK']:
      return res

    # Define the source URLs
    for lfn in toResolve:
      replicas = self.catalogReplicas.get( lfn, {} )
      if self.sourceSE not in replicas:
        gLogger.warn( "resolveSource: skipping %s - not replicas at SourceSE %s" % ( lfn, self.sourceSE ) )
        self.__setFileParameter( lfn, 'Reason', "No replica at SourceSE" )
        self.__setFileParameter( lfn, 'Status', 'Failed' )

      res = returnSingleResult( self.oSourceSE.getURL( lfn, protocol = 'srm' ) )
      if not res['OK']:
        gLogger.warn( "resolveSource: skipping %s - %s" % ( lfn, res["Message"] ) )
        self.__setFileParameter( lfn, 'Reason', res['Message'] )
        self.__setFileParameter( lfn, 'Status', 'Failed' )
      res = self.setSourceSURL( lfn, res['Value'] )
      if not res['OK']:
        gLogger.warn( "resolveSource: skipping %s - %s" % ( lfn, res["Message"] ) )
        self.__setFileParameter( lfn, 'Reason', res['Message'] )
        self.__setFileParameter( lfn, 'Status', 'Failed' )

    toResolve = []
    for lfn in self.fileDict:
      if "Source" in self.fileDict[lfn]:
        toResolve.append( lfn )
    if not toResolve:
      return S_ERROR( "No eligible Source files" )

    # Get metadata of the sources, to check for existance, availability and caching
    res = self.oSourceSE.getFileMetadata( toResolve )
    if not res['OK']:
      return S_ERROR( "Failed to check source file metadata" )

    for lfn, error in res['Value']['Failed'].items():
      if 'File does not exist', error ):
        gLogger.warn( "resolveSource: skipping %s - source file does not exists" % lfn )
        self.__setFileParameter( lfn, 'Reason', "Source file does not exist" )
        self.__setFileParameter( lfn, 'Status', 'Failed' )
        gLogger.warn( "resolveSource: skipping %s - failed to get source metadata" % lfn )
        self.__setFileParameter( lfn, 'Reason', "Failed to get Source metadata" )
        self.__setFileParameter( lfn, 'Status', 'Failed' )
    toStage = []

    nbStagedFiles = 0
    for lfn, metadata in res['Value']['Successful'].items():
      lfnStatus = self.fileDict.get( lfn, {} ).get( 'Status' )
      if metadata.get( 'Unavailable', False ):
        gLogger.warn( "resolveSource: skipping %s - source file unavailable" % lfn )
        self.__setFileParameter( lfn, 'Reason', "Source file Unavailable" )
        self.__setFileParameter( lfn, 'Status', 'Failed' )
      elif metadata.get( 'Lost', False ):
        gLogger.warn( "resolveSource: skipping %s - source file lost" % lfn )
        self.__setFileParameter( lfn, 'Reason', "Source file Lost" )
        self.__setFileParameter( lfn, 'Status', 'Failed' )
      elif not metadata.get( 'Cached', metadata['Accessible'] ):
        if lfnStatus != 'Staging':
          toStage.append( lfn )
      elif metadata['Size'] != self.catalogMetadata[lfn]['Size']:
        gLogger.warn( "resolveSource: skipping %s - source file size mismatch" % lfn )
        self.__setFileParameter( lfn, 'Reason', "Source size mismatch" )
        self.__setFileParameter( lfn, 'Status', 'Failed' )
      elif self.catalogMetadata[lfn]['Checksum'] and metadata['Checksum'] and \
            not compareAdler( metadata['Checksum'], self.catalogMetadata[lfn]['Checksum'] ):
        gLogger.warn( "resolveSource: skipping %s - source file checksum mismatch" % lfn )
        self.__setFileParameter( lfn, 'Reason', "Source checksum mismatch" )
        self.__setFileParameter( lfn, 'Status', 'Failed' )
      elif lfnStatus == 'Staging':
        # file that was staging is now cached
        self.__setFileParameter( lfn, 'Status', 'Waiting' )
        nbStagedFiles += 1

    # Some files were being staged
    if nbStagedFiles: 'resolveSource: %d files have been staged' % nbStagedFiles )

    # Launching staging of files not in cache
    if toStage:
      gLogger.warn( "resolveSource: %s source files not cached, prestaging..." % len( toStage ) )
      stage = self.oSourceSE.prestageFile( toStage )
      if not stage["OK"]:
        gLogger.error( "resolveSource: error is prestaging", stage["Message"] )
        for lfn in toStage:
          self.__setFileParameter( lfn, 'Reason', stage["Message"] )
          self.__setFileParameter( lfn, 'Status', 'Failed' )
        for lfn in toStage:
          if lfn in stage['Value']['Successful']:
            self.__setFileParameter( lfn, 'Status', 'Staging' )
          elif lfn in stage['Value']['Failed']:
            self.__setFileParameter( lfn, 'Reason', stage['Value']['Failed'][lfn] )
            self.__setFileParameter( lfn, 'Status', 'Failed' )

    self.sourceResolved = True
    return S_OK()

  def resolveTarget( self ):
    """ find target SE eligible for submission

    :param self: self reference
    toResolve = [ lfn for lfn in self.fileDict
                 if self.fileDict[lfn].get( 'Status' ) not in self.noSubmitStatus ]
    if not toResolve:
      return S_OK()
    res = self.__updateReplicaCache( toResolve )
    if not res['OK']:
      return res
    for lfn in toResolve:
      res = returnSingleResult( self.oTargetSE.getURL( lfn, protocol = 'srm' ) )
      if not res['OK']:
        reason = res.get( 'Message', res['Message'] )
        gLogger.warn( "resolveTarget: skipping %s - %s" % ( lfn, reason ) )
        self.__setFileParameter( lfn, 'Reason', reason )
        self.__setFileParameter( lfn, 'Status', 'Failed' )

      res = self.setTargetSURL( lfn, res['Value'] )
      if not res['OK']:
        gLogger.warn( "resolveTarget: skipping %s - %s" % ( lfn, res["Message"] ) )
        self.__setFileParameter( lfn, 'Reason', res['Message'] )
        self.__setFileParameter( lfn, 'Status', 'Failed' )
    toResolve = []
    for lfn in self.fileDict:
      if "Target" in self.fileDict[lfn]:
        toResolve.append( lfn )
    if not toResolve:
      return S_ERROR( "No eligible Target files" )
    res = self.oTargetSE.exists( toResolve )
    if not res['OK']:
      return S_ERROR( "Failed to check target existence" )
    for lfn, error in res['Value']['Failed'].items():
      self.__setFileParameter( lfn, 'Reason', error )
      self.__setFileParameter( lfn, 'Status', 'Failed' )
    toRemove = []
    for lfn, exists in res['Value']['Successful'].items():
      if exists:
        res = self.getSourceSURL( lfn )
        if not res['OK']:
          gLogger.warn( "resolveTarget: skipping %s - target exists" % lfn )
          self.__setFileParameter( lfn, 'Reason', "Target exists" )
          self.__setFileParameter( lfn, 'Status', 'Failed' )
        elif res['Value'] == self.fileDict[lfn]['Target']:
          gLogger.warn( "resolveTarget: skipping %s - source and target pfns are the same" % lfn )
          self.__setFileParameter( lfn, 'Reason', "Source and Target the same" )
          self.__setFileParameter( lfn, 'Status', 'Failed' )
          toRemove.append( lfn )
    if toRemove:
      self.oTargetSE.removeFile( toRemove )
    return S_OK()

  def __filesToSubmit( self ):
    check if there is at least one file to submit

    :return: S_OK if at least one file is present, S_ERROR otherwise
    for lfn in self.fileDict:
      lfnStatus = self.fileDict[lfn].get( 'Status' )
      source = self.fileDict[lfn].get( 'Source' )
      target = self.fileDict[lfn].get( 'Target' )
      if lfnStatus not in self.noSubmitStatus and source and target:
        return S_OK()
    return S_ERROR()

  def __createFTSFiles( self ):
    """ create LFNs file for glite-transfer-submit command

    This file consists one line for each fiel to be transferred:


    :param self: self reference
    for lfn in self.fileDict:
      lfnStatus = self.fileDict[lfn].get( 'Status' )
      if lfnStatus not in self.noSubmitStatus:
        cksmStr = ""
        # # add chsmType:cksm only if cksmType is specified, else let FTS decide by itself
        if self.__cksmTest and self.__cksmType:
          checkSum = self.catalogMetadata.get( lfn, {} ).get( 'Checksum' )
          if checkSum:
            cksmStr = " %s:%s" % ( self.__cksmType, intAdlerToHex( hexAdlerToInt( checkSum ) ) )
        ftsFile = FTSFile()
        ftsFile.LFN = lfn
        ftsFile.SourceSURL = self.fileDict[lfn].get( 'Source' )
        ftsFile.TargetSURL = self.fileDict[lfn].get( 'Target' )
        ftsFile.SourceSE = self.sourceSE
        ftsFile.TargetSE = self.targetSE
        ftsFile.Status = self.fileDict[lfn].get( 'Status' )
        ftsFile.Checksum = cksmStr
        ftsFile.Size = self.catalogMetadata.get( lfn, {} ).get( 'Size' )
        self.ftsFiles.append( ftsFile )
        self.submittedFiles += 1
    return S_OK()

  def __createFTSJob( self, guid = None ):
    ftsJob = FTSJob()
    ftsJob.RequestID = 0
    ftsJob.OperationID = 0
    ftsJob.SourceSE = self.sourceSE
    ftsJob.TargetSE = self.targetSE
    ftsJob.SourceToken = self.sourceToken
    ftsJob.TargetToken = self.targetToken
    ftsJob.FTSServer = self.ftsServer
    if guid:
      ftsJob.FTSGUID = guid

    for ftsFile in self.ftsFiles:
      ftsFile.Attempt += 1
      ftsFile.Error = ""
      ftsJob.addFile( ftsFile )
    self.ftsJob = ftsJob

  def __submitFTSTransfer( self ):
    """ create and execute glite-transfer-submit CLI command

    :param self: self reference
    log = gLogger.getSubLogger( 'Submit' )

    submit = self.ftsJob.submitFTS( self.ftsVersion, command = self.submitCommand )
    if not submit["OK"]:
      log.error( "unable to submit FTSJob: %s" % submit["Message"] )
      return submit "FTSJob '%s'@'%s' has been submitted" % ( self.ftsJob.FTSGUID, self.ftsJob.FTSServer ) )

    # # update statuses for job files
    for ftsFile in self.ftsJob:
      ftsFile.FTSGUID = self.ftsJob.FTSGUID
      ftsFile.Status = "Submitted"
      ftsFile.Attempt += 1 "FTSJob '%s'@'%s' has been submitted" % ( self.ftsJob.FTSGUID, self.ftsJob.FTSServer ) )
    self.ftsGUID = self.ftsJob.FTSGUID
    return S_OK()

  def __resolveFTSServer( self ):
    resolve FTS server to use, it should be the closest one from target SE

    :param self: self reference
    if self.ftsVersion.upper() == 'FTS2':

      from DIRAC.ConfigurationSystem.Client.Helpers.Resources import getFTS2ServersForSites
      if not self.targetSE:
        return S_ERROR( "Target SE not set" )
      res = getSitesForSE( self.targetSE )
      if not res['OK'] or not res['Value']:
        return S_ERROR( "Could not determine target site" )
      targetSites = res['Value']

      targetSite = ''
      for targetSite in targetSites:
        targetFTS = getFTS2ServersForSites( [targetSite] )
        if targetFTS['OK']:
          ftsTarget = targetFTS['Value'][targetSite]
          if ftsTarget:
            self.ftsServer = ftsTarget
            return S_OK( self.ftsServer )
          return targetFTS

    elif self.ftsVersion.upper() == 'FTS3':

      from DIRAC.ConfigurationSystem.Client.Helpers.Resources import getFTS3Servers
      res = getFTS3Servers()
      if not res['OK']:
        return res
      ftsServerList = res['Value']
      if ftsServerList:
        # Here we take the first one, regardless of the policy...
        # Unclean but all this will disapear after refactoring the fts code
        self.ftsServer = ftsServerList[0]
        return S_OK( self.ftsServer )

      return S_ERROR( 'Unknown FTS version %s' % self.ftsVersion )

    return S_ERROR( 'No FTS server found for %s' % targetSite )

  #  Methods for monitoring

  def summary( self, untilTerminal = False, printOutput = False ):
    """ summary of FTS job

    :param self: self reference
    :param bool untilTerminal: flag to monitor FTS job to its final state
    :param bool printOutput: flag to print out monitoring information to the stdout
    res = self.__isSummaryValid()
    if not res['OK']:
      return res
    while not self.isTerminal:
      res = self.__parseOutput( full = True )
      if not res['OK']:
        return res
      if untilTerminal:
      if res['Value'] or ( not untilTerminal ):
      time.sleep( 1 )
    if untilTerminal:
      print ""
    if printOutput and ( not untilTerminal ):
      return self.dumpSummary( printOutput = printOutput )
    return S_OK()

  def monitor( self, untilTerminal = False, printOutput = False, full = True ):
    """ monitor FTS job

    :param self: self reference
    :param bool untilTerminal: flag to monitor FTS job to its final state
    :param bool printOutput: flag to print out monitoring information to the stdout
    if not self.ftsJob:
      self.__createFTSJob( self.ftsGUID )
    res = self.__isSummaryValid()
    if not res['OK']:
      return res
    if untilTerminal:
      res = self.summary( untilTerminal = untilTerminal, printOutput = printOutput )
      if not res['OK']:
        return res
    res = self.__parseOutput( full = full )
    if not res['OK']:
      return res
    if untilTerminal:
    if printOutput:
    return res

  def dumpSummary( self, printOutput = False ):
    """ get FTS job summary as str

    :param self: self reference
    :param bool printOutput: print summary to stdout

    outStr = ''
    for status in sorted( self.statusSummary ):
      if self.statusSummary[status]:
        outStr = '%s\t%-10s : %-10s\n' % ( outStr, status, str( self.statusSummary[status] ) )
    outStr = outStr.rstrip( '\n' )
    if printOutput:
      print outStr
    return S_OK( outStr )

  def __print( self ):
    """ print progress bar of FTS job completeness to stdout

    :param self: self reference
    width = 100
    bits = int( ( width * self.percentageComplete ) / 100 )
    outStr = "|%s>%s| %.1f%s %s %s" % ( "="*bits, " "*( width - bits ),
                                        self.percentageComplete, "%",
                                        self.requestStatus, " "*10 )
    sys.stdout.write( "%s\r" % ( outStr ) )

  def dump( self ):
    """ print FTS job parameters and files to stdout

    :param self: self reference
    print "%-10s : %-10s" % ( "Status", self.requestStatus )
    print "%-10s : %-10s" % ( "Source", self.sourceSE )
    print "%-10s : %-10s" % ( "Target", self.targetSE )
    print "%-10s : %-128s" % ( "Server", self.ftsServer )
    print "%-10s : %-128s" % ( "GUID", self.ftsGUID )
    for lfn in sorted( self.fileDict ):
      print "\n  %-15s : %-128s" % ( 'LFN', lfn )
      for key in ['Source', 'Target', 'Status', 'Reason', 'Duration']:
        print "  %-15s : %-128s" % ( key, str( self.fileDict[lfn].get( key ) ) )
    return S_OK()

  def __isSummaryValid( self ):
    """ check validity of FTS job summary report

    :param self: self reference
    if not self.ftsServer:
      return S_ERROR( "FTSServer not set" )
    if not self.ftsGUID:
      return S_ERROR( "FTSGUID not set" )
    return S_OK()

  def __parseOutput( self, full = False ):
    """ execute glite-transfer-status command and parse its output

    :param self: self reference
    :param bool full: glite-transfer-status verbosity level, when set, collect information of files as well
    monitor = self.ftsJob.monitorFTS( self.ftsVersion, command = self.monitorCommand, full = full )
    if not monitor['OK']:
      return monitor
    self.percentageComplete = self.ftsJob.Completeness
    self.requestStatus = self.ftsJob.Status
    self.submitTime = self.ftsJob.SubmitTime

    statusSummary = monitor['Value']
    if statusSummary:
      for state in statusSummary:
        self.statusSummary[state] = statusSummary[state]

    self.transferTime = 0
    for ftsFile in self.ftsJob:
      lfn = ftsFile.LFN
      self.__setFileParameter( lfn, 'Status', ftsFile.Status )
      self.__setFileParameter( lfn, 'Reason', ftsFile.Error )
      self.__setFileParameter( lfn, 'Duration', ftsFile._duration )
      targetURL = self.__getFileParameter( lfn, 'Target' )
      if not targetURL['OK']:
        self.__setFileParameter( lfn, 'Target', ftsFile.TargetSURL )
      sourceURL = self.__getFileParameter( lfn, 'Source' )
      if not sourceURL['OK']:
        self.__setFileParameter( lfn, 'Source', ftsFile.SourceSURL )
      self.transferTime += int( ftsFile._duration )
    return S_OK()

  #  Methods for finalization

  def finalize( self ):
    """ finalize FTS job

    :param self: self reference
    transEndTime = dateTime()
    regStartTime = time.time()
    res = self.getTransferStatistics()
    transDict = res['Value']

    res = self.__registerSuccessful( transDict['transLFNs'] )

    regSuc, regTotal = res['Value']
    regTime = time.time() - regStartTime
    if self.sourceSE and self.targetSE:
      self.__sendAccounting( regSuc, regTotal, regTime, transEndTime, transDict )
    return S_OK()

  def getTransferStatistics( self ):
    """ collect information of Transfers that can be used by Accounting

    :param self: self reference
    transDict = { 'transTotal': len( self.fileDict ),
                  'transLFNs': [],
                  'transOK': 0,
                  'transSize': 0 }

    for lfn in self.fileDict:
      if self.fileDict[lfn].get( 'Status' ) in self.successfulStates:
        if self.fileDict[lfn].get( 'Duration', 0 ):
          transDict['transLFNs'].append( lfn )
          transDict['transOK'] += 1
          if lfn in self.catalogMetadata:
            transDict['transSize'] += self.catalogMetadata[lfn].get( 'Size', 0 )

    return S_OK( transDict )

  def getFailedRegistrations( self ):
    """ get failed registrations dict

    :param self: self reference
    return S_OK( self.failedRegistrations )

  def __registerSuccessful( self, transLFNs ):
    """ register successfully transferred files to the catalogs,
    fill failedRegistrations dict for files that failed to register

    :param self: self reference
    :param list transLFNs: LFNs in FTS job
    self.failedRegistrations = {}
    toRegister = {}
    for lfn in transLFNs:
      res = returnSingleResult( self.oTargetSE.getURL( self.fileDict[lfn].get( 'Target' ), protocol = 'srm' ) )
      if not res['OK']:
        self.__setFileParameter( lfn, 'Reason', res['Message'] )
        self.__setFileParameter( lfn, 'Status', 'Failed' )
        toRegister[lfn] = { 'PFN' : res['Value'], 'SE' : self.targetSE }
    if not toRegister:
      return S_OK( ( 0, 0 ) )
    res = self.__getCatalogObject()
    if not res['OK']:
      for lfn in toRegister:
        self.failedRegistrations = toRegister
        self.log.error( 'Failed to get Catalog Object', res['Message'] )
        return S_OK( ( 0, len( toRegister ) ) )
    res = self.oCatalog.addReplica( toRegister )
    if not res['OK']:
      self.failedRegistrations = toRegister
      self.log.error( 'Failed to get Catalog Object', res['Message'] )
      return S_OK( ( 0, len( toRegister ) ) )
    for lfn, error in res['Value']['Failed'].items():
      self.failedRegistrations[lfn] = toRegister[lfn]
      self.log.error( 'Registration of Replica failed', '%s : %s' % ( lfn, str( error ) ) )
    return S_OK( ( len( res['Value']['Successful'] ), len( toRegister ) ) )

  def __sendAccounting( self, regSuc, regTotal, regTime, transEndTime, transDict ):
    """ send accounting record

    :param self: self reference
    :param regSuc: number of files successfully registered
    :param regTotal: number of files attepted to register
    :param regTime: time stamp at the end of registration
    :param transEndTime: time stamp at the end of FTS job
    :param dict transDict: dict holding couters for files being transerred, their sizes and successfull transfers

    oAccounting = DataOperation()
    oAccounting.setEndTime( transEndTime )
    oAccounting.setStartTime( self.submitTime )

    accountingDict = {}
    accountingDict['OperationType'] = 'replicateAndRegister'
    result = getProxyInfo()
    if not result['OK']:
      userName = '******'
      userName = result['Value'].get( 'username', 'unknown' )
    accountingDict['User'] = userName
    accountingDict['Protocol'] = 'FTS' if 'fts3' not in self.ftsServer else 'FTS3'
    accountingDict['RegistrationTime'] = regTime
    accountingDict['RegistrationOK'] = regSuc
    accountingDict['RegistrationTotal'] = regTotal
    accountingDict['TransferOK'] = transDict['transOK']
    accountingDict['TransferTotal'] = transDict['transTotal']
    accountingDict['TransferSize'] = transDict['transSize']
    accountingDict['FinalStatus'] = self.requestStatus
    accountingDict['Source'] = self.sourceSE
    accountingDict['Destination'] = self.targetSE
    accountingDict['TransferTime'] = self.transferTime
    oAccounting.setValuesFromDict( accountingDict )
    self.log.verbose( "Attempting to commit accounting message..." )
    self.log.verbose( "...committed." )
    return S_OK()
# initial list
protocols = ['root', 'http', 'gsiftp', 'srm']
fileList = []
fileDFCList = []
fileDarkList = []
fileUnlinkedList = []

inputFileList = []
if inputSwitch:
    inputFile = open(INPUT, 'r')
    tmpList = inputFile.readlines()
    for i in tmpList:
HEAD0 = se.getURL(inputFileList[0], protocols)['Value']['Successful'][
HEAD = re.sub('\?', '\\?', HEAD0)
# print HEAD0

# special for SRM
if HEAD[0:6] == ("srm://"):
        "Notice: This is a SRM SE. Cannot scan more than 2000 files! Please use srm mode if you need to scan and register more than 2000 files in a directory.\n"

def resolveUrl(dfcUrl):
    pfnUrl = se.getURL(dfcUrl, protocols)['Value']['Successful'][dfcUrl]
    return pfnUrl

Beispiel #14
    def _constructTransferJob(self, pinTime, allLFNs, target_spacetoken, protocols=None):
        """Build a job for transfer

        Some attributes of the job are expected to be set
          * sourceSE
          * targetSE
          * multiHopSE (optional)
          * activity (optional)
          * priority (optional)
          * filesToSubmit
          * operationID (optional, used as metadata for the job)

        Note that, because of FTS limitations (and also because it anyway would be "not very smart"),
        multiHop can only use non-SRM disk storage as hops.

        :param pinTime: pining time in case staging is needed
        :param allLFNs: list of LFNs to transfer
        :param failedLFNs: set of LFNs in filesToSubmit for which there was a problem
        :param target_spacetoken: the space token of the target
        :param protocols: list of protocols to restrict the protocol choice for the transfer

        :return: S_OK( (job object, list of ftsFileIDs in the job))

        log = gLogger.getSubLogger(f"constructTransferJob/{self.operationID}/{self.sourceSE}_{self.targetSE}")

        isMultiHop = False

        # Check if it is a multiHop transfer
        if self.multiHopSE:
            if len(allLFNs) != 1:
                log.debug("Multihop job has %s files while only 1 allowed" % len(allLFNs))
                return S_ERROR(errno.E2BIG, "Trying multihop job with more than one file !")
            allHops = [(self.sourceSE, self.multiHopSE), (self.multiHopSE, self.targetSE)]
            isMultiHop = True
            allHops = [(self.sourceSE, self.targetSE)]

        nbOfHops = len(allHops)

        res = self.__fetchSpaceToken(self.sourceSE, self.vo)
        if not res["OK"]:
            return res
        source_spacetoken = res["Value"]

        failedLFNs = set()

        copy_pin_lifetime = None
        bring_online = None
        archive_timeout = None

        transfers = []

        fileIDsInTheJob = set()

        for hopId, (hopSrcSEName, hopDstSEName) in enumerate(allHops, start=1):

            # Again, this is relevant only for the very initial source
            # but code factorization is more important
            hopSrcIsTape = self.__isTapeSE(hopSrcSEName, self.vo)

            dstSE = StorageElement(hopDstSEName, vo=self.vo)
            srcSE = StorageElement(hopSrcSEName, vo=self.vo)

            # getting all the (source, dest) surls
            res = dstSE.generateTransferURLsBetweenSEs(allLFNs, srcSE, protocols=protocols)
            if not res["OK"]:
                return res

            for lfn, reason in res["Value"]["Failed"].items():
                log.error("Could not get source SURL", "%s %s" % (lfn, reason))

            allSrcDstSURLs = res["Value"]["Successful"]
            srcProto, destProto = res["Value"]["Protocols"]

            # If the source is a tape SE, we should set the
            # copy_pin_lifetime and bring_online params
            # In case of multihop, this is relevant only for the
            # original source, but again, code factorization is more important
            if hopSrcIsTape:
                copy_pin_lifetime = pinTime
                bring_online = srcSE.options.get("BringOnlineTimeout", BRING_ONLINE_TIMEOUT)

            # If the destination is a tape, and the protocol supports it,
            # check if we want to have an archive timeout
            # In case of multihop, this is relevant only for the
            # final target, but again, code factorization is more important
            dstIsTape = self.__isTapeSE(hopDstSEName, self.vo)
            if dstIsTape and destProto in dstSE.localStageProtocolList:
                archive_timeout = dstSE.options.get("ArchiveTimeout")

            # This contains the staging URLs if they are different from the transfer URLs
            # (CTA...)
            allStageURLs = dict()

            # In case we are transfering from a tape system, and the stage protocol
            # is not the same as the transfer protocol, we generate the staging URLs
            # to do a multihop transfer. See below.
            if hopSrcIsTape and srcProto not in srcSE.localStageProtocolList:
                isMultiHop = True
                # As of version 3.10, FTS can only handle one file per multi hop
                # job. If we are here, that means that we need one, so make sure that
                # we only have a single file to transfer (this should have been checked
                # at the job construction step in FTS3Operation).
                # This test is important, because multiple files would result in the source
                # being deleted !
                if len(allLFNs) != 1:
                    log.debug("Multihop job has %s files while only 1 allowed" % len(allLFNs))
                    return S_ERROR(errno.E2BIG, "Trying multihop job with more than one file !")

                res = srcSE.getURL(allSrcDstSURLs, protocol=srcSE.localStageProtocolList)

                if not res["OK"]:
                    return res

                for lfn, reason in res["Value"]["Failed"].items():
                    log.error("Could not get stage SURL", "%s %s" % (lfn, reason))

                allStageURLs = res["Value"]["Successful"]

            for ftsFile in self.filesToSubmit:

                if ftsFile.lfn in failedLFNs:
                    log.debug("Not preparing transfer for file %s" % ftsFile.lfn)

                sourceSURL, targetSURL = allSrcDstSURLs[ftsFile.lfn]
                stageURL = allStageURLs.get(ftsFile.lfn)

                if sourceSURL == targetSURL:
                    log.error("sourceSURL equals to targetSURL", "%s" % ftsFile.lfn)
                    ftsFile.error = "sourceSURL equals to targetSURL"
                    ftsFile.status = "Defunct"

                ftsFileID = getattr(ftsFile, "fileID")

                # Under normal circumstances, we simply submit an fts transfer as such:
                # * srcProto://myFile -> destProto://myFile
                # Even in case of the source storage being a tape system, it works fine.
                # However, if the staging and transfer protocols are different (which might be the case for CTA),
                #  we use the multihop machinery to submit two sequential fts transfers:
                # one to stage, one to transfer.
                # It looks like such
                # * stageProto://myFile -> stageProto://myFile
                # * srcProto://myFile -> destProto://myFile

                if stageURL:

                    # We do not set a fileID in the metadata
                    # such that we do not update the DB when monitoring
                    stageTrans_metadata = {"desc": "PreStage %s" % ftsFileID}

                    # If we use an activity, also set it as file metadata
                    # for WLCG monitoring purposes
                    if self.activity:
                        stageTrans_metadata["activity"] = self.activity

                    stageTrans = fts3.new_transfer(
                        checksum="ADLER32:%s" % ftsFile.checksum,

                # If it is the last hop only, we set the fileID metadata
                # for monitoring
                if hopId == nbOfHops:
                    trans_metadata = {"desc": "Transfer %s" % ftsFileID, "fileID": ftsFileID}
                    trans_metadata = {"desc": "MultiHop %s" % ftsFileID}

                # If we use an activity, also set it as file metadata
                # for WLCG monitoring purposes
                if self.activity:
                    trans_metadata["activity"] = self.activity

                # because of an xroot bug (
                # the checksum needs to be lowercase. It does not impact the other
                # protocol, so it's fine to put it here.
                # I only add it in this transfer and not the "staging" one above because it
                # impacts only root -> root transfers
                trans = fts3.new_transfer(
                    checksum="ADLER32:%s" % ftsFile.checksum.lower(),


        if not transfers:
            log.error("No transfer possible!")
            return S_ERROR(errno.ENODATA, "No transfer possible")

        # We add a few metadata to the fts job so that we can reuse them later on without
        # querying our DB.
        # source and target SE are just used for accounting purpose
        job_metadata = {
            "operationID": self.operationID,
            "rmsReqID": self.rmsReqID,
            "sourceSE": self.sourceSE,
            "targetSE": self.targetSE,

        if self.activity:
            job_metadata["activity"] = self.activity

        job = fts3.new_job(
            verify_checksum="target",  # Only check target vs specified, since we verify the source earlier

        return S_OK((job, fileIDsInTheJob))
Beispiel #15
    def _constructTransferJob(self,
        """ Build a job for transfer

        Some attributes of the job are expected to be set
          * sourceSE
          * targetSE
          * activity (optional)
          * priority (optional)
          * filesToSubmit
          * operationID (optional, used as metadata for the job)

        :param pinTime: pining time in case staging is needed
        :param allLFNs: list of LFNs to transfer
        :param failedLFNs: set of LFNs in filesToSubmit for which there was a problem
        :param target_spacetoken: the space token of the target
        :param protocols: list of protocols to restrict the protocol choice for the transfer

        :return: S_OK( (job object, list of ftsFileIDs in the job))

        log = gLogger.getSubLogger(
            "constructTransferJob/%s/%s_%s" %
            (self.operationID, self.sourceSE, self.targetSE), True)

        res = self.__fetchSpaceToken(self.sourceSE, self.vo)
        if not res['OK']:
            return res
        source_spacetoken = res['Value']

        failedLFNs = set()
        dstSE = StorageElement(self.targetSE, vo=self.vo)
        srcSE = StorageElement(self.sourceSE, vo=self.vo)

        # If the source is not a tape SE, we should set the
        # copy_pin_lifetime and bring_online params to None,
        # otherwise they will do an extra useless queue in FTS
        sourceIsTape = self.__isTapeSE(self.sourceSE, self.vo)
        copy_pin_lifetime = pinTime if sourceIsTape else None
        bring_online = BRING_ONLINE_TIMEOUT if sourceIsTape else None

        # getting all the (source, dest) surls
        res = dstSE.generateTransferURLsBetweenSEs(allLFNs,

        if not res['OK']:
            return res

        for lfn, reason in res['Value']['Failed'].items():
            log.error("Could not get source SURL", "%s %s" % (lfn, reason))

        allSrcDstSURLs = res['Value']['Successful']

        # This contains the staging URLs if they are different from the transfer URLs
        # (CTA...)
        allStageURLs = dict()

        # In case we are transfering from a tape system, and the stage protocol
        # is not the same as the transfer protocol, we generate the staging URLs
        # to do a multihop transfer. See below.
        if sourceIsTape:
            srcProto, _destProto = res['Value']['Protocols']
            if srcProto not in srcSE.localStageProtocolList:

                # As of version 3.10, FTS can only handle one file per multi hop
                # job. If we are here, that means that we need one, so make sure that
                # we only have a single file to transfer (this should have been checked
                # at the job construction step in FTS3Operation).
                # This test is important, because multiple files would result in the source
                # being deleted !
                if len(allLFNs) != 1:
                        "Multihop job has %s files while only 1 allowed" %
                    return S_ERROR(
                        "Trying multihop job with more than one file !")

                res = srcSE.getURL(allSrcDstSURLs,

                if not res['OK']:
                    return res

                for lfn, reason in res['Value']['Failed'].items():
                    log.error("Could not get stage SURL",
                              "%s %s" % (lfn, reason))

                allStageURLs = res['Value']['Successful']

        transfers = []

        fileIDsInTheJob = []

        for ftsFile in self.filesToSubmit:

            if ftsFile.lfn in failedLFNs:
                log.debug("Not preparing transfer for file %s" % ftsFile.lfn)

            sourceSURL, targetSURL = allSrcDstSURLs[ftsFile.lfn]
            stageURL = allStageURLs.get(ftsFile.lfn)

            if sourceSURL == targetSURL:
                log.error("sourceSURL equals to targetSURL",
                          "%s" % ftsFile.lfn)
                ftsFile.error = "sourceSURL equals to targetSURL"
                ftsFile.status = 'Defunct'

            ftsFileID = getattr(ftsFile, 'fileID')

            # Under normal circumstances, we simply submit an fts transfer as such:
            # * srcProto://myFile -> destProto://myFile
            # Even in case of the source storage being a tape system, it works fine.
            # However, if the staging and transfer protocols are different (which might be the case for CTA),
            #  we use the multihop machinery to submit two sequential fts transfers:
            # one to stage, one to transfer.
            # It looks like such
            # * stageProto://myFile -> stageProto://myFile
            # * srcProto://myFile -> destProto://myFile

            if stageURL:

                # We do not set a fileID in the metadata
                # such that we do not update the DB when monitoring
                stageTrans_metadata = {'desc': 'PreStage %s' % ftsFileID}
                stageTrans = fts3.new_transfer(stageURL,
                                               checksum='ADLER32:%s' %

            trans_metadata = {
                'desc': 'Transfer %s' % ftsFileID,
                'fileID': ftsFileID
            trans = fts3.new_transfer(sourceSURL,
                                      checksum='ADLER32:%s' % ftsFile.checksum,


        if not transfers:
            log.error("No transfer possible!")
            return S_ERROR("No transfer possible")

        # We add a few metadata to the fts job so that we can reuse them later on without
        # querying our DB.
        # source and target SE are just used for accounting purpose
        job_metadata = {
            'operationID': self.operationID,
            'rmsReqID': self.rmsReqID,
            'sourceSE': self.sourceSE,
            'targetSE': self.targetSE

        job = fts3.new_job(
            'target',  # Only check target vs specified, since we verify the source earlier
                allStageURLs),  # if we have stage urls, then we need multihop

        return S_OK((job, fileIDsInTheJob))
Beispiel #16
    def resolvePFNNotRegistered(self, problematicDict):
        """ This takes the problematic dictionary returned by the integrity DB and resolved the PFNNotRegistered prognosis
        lfn = problematicDict['LFN']
        seName = problematicDict['SE']
        fileID = problematicDict['FileID']

        se = StorageElement(seName)
        res = returnSingleResult(self.fc.exists(lfn))
        if not res['OK']:
            return self.__returnProblematicError(fileID, res)
        if not res['Value']:
            # The file does not exist in the catalog
            res = returnSingleResult(se.removeFile(lfn))
            if not res['OK']:
                return self.__returnProblematicError(fileID, res)
            return self.__updateCompletedFiles('PFNNotRegistered', fileID)
        res = returnSingleResult(se.getFileMetadata(lfn))
        if (not res['OK']) and ('File does not exist',
  "PFNNotRegistered replica (%d) found to be missing." %
            return self.__updateCompletedFiles('PFNNotRegistered', fileID)
        elif not res['OK']:
            return self.__returnProblematicError(fileID, res)
        storageMetadata = res['Value']
        if storageMetadata['Lost']:
                "PFNNotRegistered replica (%d) found to be Lost. Updating prognosis"
                % fileID)
            return self.changeProblematicPrognosis(fileID, 'PFNLost')
        if storageMetadata['Unavailable']:
                "PFNNotRegistered replica (%d) found to be Unavailable. Updating retry count"
                % fileID)
            return self.incrementProblematicRetry(fileID)

        # HACK until we can obtain the space token descriptions through GFAL
        site = seName.split('_')[0].split('-')[0]
        if not storageMetadata['Cached']:
            if lfn.endswith('.raw'):
                seName = '%s-RAW' % site
                seName = '%s-RDST' % site
        elif storageMetadata['Migrated']:
            if lfn.startswith('/lhcb/data'):
                seName = '%s_M-DST' % site
                seName = '%s_MC_M-DST' % site
            if lfn.startswith('/lhcb/data'):
                seName = '%s-DST' % site
                seName = '%s_MC-DST' % site

        problematicDict['SE'] = seName
        res = returnSingleResult(se.getURL(lfn))
        if not res['OK']:
            return self.__returnProblematicError(fileID, res)

        problematicDict['PFN'] = res['Value']

        res = returnSingleResult(self.fc.addReplica({lfn: problematicDict}))
        if not res['OK']:
            return self.__returnProblematicError(fileID, res)
        res = returnSingleResult(self.fc.getFileMetadata(lfn))
        if not res['OK']:
            return self.__returnProblematicError(fileID, res)
        if res['Value']['Size'] != storageMetadata['Size']:
                "PFNNotRegistered replica (%d) found with catalog size mismatch. Updating prognosis"
                % fileID)
            return self.changeProblematicPrognosis(fileID,
        return self.__updateCompletedFiles('PFNNotRegistered', fileID)
Beispiel #17
    def _callback(self):
        """" After a Transfer operation, we have to update the matching Request in the
        RMS, and add the registration operation just before the ReplicateAndRegister one

        NOTE: we don't use ReqProxy when putting the request back to avoid operational hell

        log = self._log.getSubLogger("callback", child=True)

        # In case there is no Request associated to the Transfer
        # we do not do the callback. Not really advised, but there is a feature
        # request to use the FTS3 system without RMS
        if self.rmsReqID == -1:
            return S_OK()

        # Now we check the status of the Request.
        # If it is not scheduled, we do not perform the callback

        res = self.reqClient.getRequestStatus(self.rmsReqID)
        if not res['OK']:
            log.error("Could not get request status", res)
            return res
        status = res['Value']
        if status != 'Scheduled':
            return S_ERROR("Request with id %s is not Scheduled:%s" %
                           (self.rmsReqID, status))

        res = self._updateRmsOperationStatus()

        if not res['OK']:
            return res

        ftsFilesByTarget = res['Value']['ftsFilesByTarget']
        request = res['Value']['request']
        operation = res['Value']['operation']"will create %s 'RegisterReplica' operations" %

        for target, ftsFileList in ftsFilesByTarget.iteritems():
                "creating 'RegisterReplica' operation for targetSE %s with %s files..."
                % (target, len(ftsFileList)))
            registerOperation = rmsOperation()
            registerOperation.Type = "RegisterReplica"
            registerOperation.Status = "Waiting"
            registerOperation.TargetSE = target
            if operation.Catalog:
                registerOperation.Catalog = operation.Catalog

            targetSE = StorageElement(target, vo=self.vo)

            for ftsFile in ftsFileList:
                opFile = rmsFile()
                opFile.LFN = ftsFile.lfn
                opFile.Checksum = ftsFile.checksum
                # TODO: are we really ever going to change type... ?
                opFile.ChecksumType = 'ADLER32'
                opFile.Size = ftsFile.size
                res = returnSingleResult(
                    targetSE.getURL(ftsFile.lfn, protocol='srm'))

                # This should never happen !
                if not res["OK"]:
                    log.error("Could not get url", res['Message'])
                opFile.PFN = res["Value"]

            request.insertBefore(registerOperation, operation)

        return self.reqClient.putRequest(request,
Beispiel #18
    def _callback(self):
        """" After a Transfer operation, we have to update the matching Request in the
        RMS, and add the registration operation just before the ReplicateAndRegister one

        NOTE: we don't use ReqProxy when putting the request back to avoid operational hell

        log = self._log.getSubLogger("callback", child=True)

        # In case there is no Request associated to the Transfer
        # we do not do the callback. Not really advised, but there is a feature
        # request to use the FTS3 system without RMS
        if self.rmsReqID == -1:
            return S_OK()

        # Now we check the status of the Request.
        # in principle, it should be scheduled
        res = self.reqClient.getRequestStatus(self.rmsReqID)
        if not res['OK']:
            log.error("Could not get request status", res)
            return res
        status = res['Value']

        # If it is not scheduled, something went wrong
        # and we will not modify it
        if status != 'Scheduled':
            # If the Request is in a final state, just leave it,
            # and we consider our job done.
            # (typically happens when the callback had already been done but not persisted to the FTS3DB)
            if status in rmsRequest.FINAL_STATES:
                    "Request with id %s is not Scheduled (%s), but okay it is in a Final State"
                    % (self.rmsReqID, status))
                return S_OK()
            # If the Request is not in a final state, then something really wrong is going on,
            # and we do not do anything, keep ourselves pending
                return S_ERROR("Request with id %s is not Scheduled:%s" %
                               (self.rmsReqID, status))

        res = self._updateRmsOperationStatus()

        if not res['OK']:
            return res

        ftsFilesByTarget = res['Value']['ftsFilesByTarget']
        request = res['Value']['request']
        operation = res['Value']['operation']

        registrationProtocols = DMSHelpers(
            vo=self._vo).getRegistrationProtocols()"will create %s 'RegisterReplica' operations" %

        for target, ftsFileList in ftsFilesByTarget.iteritems():
                "creating 'RegisterReplica' operation for targetSE %s with %s files..."
                % (target, len(ftsFileList)))
            registerOperation = rmsOperation()
            registerOperation.Type = "RegisterReplica"
            registerOperation.Status = "Waiting"
            registerOperation.TargetSE = target
            if operation.Catalog:
                registerOperation.Catalog = operation.Catalog

            targetSE = StorageElement(target, vo=self.vo)

            for ftsFile in ftsFileList:
                opFile = rmsFile()
                opFile.LFN = ftsFile.lfn
                opFile.Checksum = ftsFile.checksum
                # TODO: are we really ever going to change type... ?
                opFile.ChecksumType = 'ADLER32'
                opFile.Size = ftsFile.size
                res = returnSingleResult(

                # This should never happen !
                if not res["OK"]:
                    log.error("Could not get url", res['Message'])
                opFile.PFN = res["Value"]

            request.insertBefore(registerOperation, operation)

        return self.reqClient.putRequest(request,
  def resolvePFNNotRegistered( self, problematicDict ):
    """ This takes the problematic dictionary returned by the integrity DB and resolved the PFNNotRegistered prognosis
    lfn = problematicDict['LFN']
    seName = problematicDict['SE']
    fileID = problematicDict['FileID']

    se = StorageElement( seName )
    res = returnSingleResult( self.fc.exists( lfn ) )
    if not res['OK']:
      return self.__returnProblematicError( fileID, res )
    if not res['Value']:
      # The file does not exist in the catalog
      res = returnSingleResult( se.removeFile( lfn ) )
      if not res['OK']:
        return self.__returnProblematicError( fileID, res )
      return self.__updateCompletedFiles( 'PFNNotRegistered', fileID )
    res = returnSingleResult( se.getFileMetadata( lfn ) )
    if ( not res['OK'] ) and ( 'File does not exist', res['Message'] ) ): "PFNNotRegistered replica (%d) found to be missing." % fileID )
      return self.__updateCompletedFiles( 'PFNNotRegistered', fileID )
    elif not res['OK']:
      return self.__returnProblematicError( fileID, res )
    storageMetadata = res['Value']
    if storageMetadata['Lost']: "PFNNotRegistered replica (%d) found to be Lost. Updating prognosis" % fileID )
      return self.changeProblematicPrognosis( fileID, 'PFNLost' )
    if storageMetadata['Unavailable']: "PFNNotRegistered replica (%d) found to be Unavailable. Updating retry count" % fileID )
      return self.incrementProblematicRetry( fileID )

    # HACK until we can obtain the space token descriptions through GFAL
    site = seName.split( '_' )[0].split( '-' )[0]
    if not storageMetadata['Cached']:
      if lfn.endswith( '.raw' ):
        seName = '%s-RAW' % site
        seName = '%s-RDST' % site
    elif storageMetadata['Migrated']:
      if lfn.startswith( '/lhcb/data' ):
        seName = '%s_M-DST' % site
        seName = '%s_MC_M-DST' % site
      if lfn.startswith( '/lhcb/data' ):
        seName = '%s-DST' % site
        seName = '%s_MC-DST' % site

    problematicDict['SE'] = seName
    res = returnSingleResult( se.getURL( lfn ) )
    if not res['OK']:
      return self.__returnProblematicError( fileID, res )

    problematicDict['PFN'] = res['Value']

    res = returnSingleResult( self.fc.addReplica( {lfn:problematicDict} ) )
    if not res['OK']:
      return self.__returnProblematicError( fileID, res )
    res = returnSingleResult( self.fc.getFileMetadata( lfn ) )
    if not res['OK']:
      return self.__returnProblematicError( fileID, res )
    if res['Value']['Size'] != storageMetadata['Size']: "PFNNotRegistered replica (%d) found with catalog size mismatch. Updating prognosis" % fileID )
      return self.changeProblematicPrognosis( fileID, 'CatalogPFNSizeMismatch' )
    return self.__updateCompletedFiles( 'PFNNotRegistered', fileID )