Beispiel #1
            x.delete_route(home, dest)

        if str(choice) == "Add a route":
            msg = "Enter the CODE of the home city"
            title = "Home"
            home = eg.enterbox(msg, title)

            msg = "Enter the CODE of the destination city"
            title = "Destination"
            dest = eg.enterbox(msg, title)

            msg = "Enter the distance between the cities"
            title = "Distance"
            distance = eg.enterbox(msg, title)

            x.make_new_route_GUI(home, dest, distance)

        if str(choice) == "Save":

        if str(choice) == "Delete a city":
            msg = "Please enter the CODE of the city you want to delete."
            title = "Delete a City"
            delete = eg.enterbox(msg, title)

        if str(choice) == "Add a city":
            msg = "Please enter the information of the city you want to add."
            title = "Add a City"
            fieldValues = []
            fieldNames = ["Name", "Code", "Country", "Continent", "Timezone", "Latitude (N or S)",