class NaiveHananSolver:
	__slots__ = ("_graph", "_startingVerts", "_startingVertCoords", "_stationWeightFunc")

	def __init__(self, startingVerts):
		self._graph = Graph()
		Xs = Ys = set()

		self._startingVerts = []
		self._stationWeightFunc = lambda g,v: 0
		self._startingVertCoords = startingPts = [(vert.X, vert.Y) for vert in startingVerts]
		for vert in startingVerts:
			self._startingVerts.append(self._graph.addVertex(Vertex(vert.X, vert.Y,
			Xs = Xs.union([vert.X])
			Ys = Ys.union([vert.Y])
		hananPts = product(*(zip(*startingPts)))
		for (hananID, (vertX, vertY)) in enumerate(set(hananPts).difference(startingPts)):
			self._graph.addVertex(Vertex(vertX, vertY, "h"+str(hananID)))

		## NB: Make sure these all are in-scope, as we'll need their end-of-loop values below.
		x = rightX = y = upY = thisVertID = rightVertID = upVertID = rightUpVertID = None

		Xs = sorted(Xs)
		Ys = sorted(Ys)
		XsCurr, XsRight = tee(Xs)
		next(XsRight, None)
		for (x, rightX) in zip(XsCurr, XsRight):
			YsCurr, YsUp = tee(Ys)
			next(YsUp, None)
			for (y, upY) in zip(YsCurr, YsUp):
				thisVertID = self._graph.getVertexID(x, y)
				rightVertID = self._graph.getVertexID(rightX, y)
				upVertID = self._graph.getVertexID(x, upY)
				self._graph.addEdgeWithVertsAndWeight(thisVertID, rightVertID, abs(rightX-x))
				self._graph.addEdgeWithVertsAndWeight(thisVertID, upVertID, abs(upY-y))
				rightUpVertID = self._graph.getVertexID(rightX, upY)
				self._graph.addEdgeWithVertsAndWeight(rightVertID, rightUpVertID, abs(upY-y))
			self._graph.addEdgeWithVertsAndWeight(upVertID, rightUpVertID, abs(rightX-x))

	## stationWeightFunc should accept the graph object as the first parameter and the vertex ID
	## as the second.
	def addStationWeightFunc(self, stationWeightFunc):
		self._stationWeightFunc = stationWeightFunc

	def solve(self):
		def _areVerticesColinear(theGraph, vertIDs):
			assert len(vertIDs) == 3, "Expected 3 vertex IDs."

			(vert1, vert2, vert3) = (theGraph.getVertex(vertID) for vertID in vertIDs)
			if vert1.X == vert2.X == vert3.X:
				return "Y"
			if vert1.Y == vert2.Y == vert3.Y:
				return "X"
			return False

		def _removePassthroughPoints(theGraph, distFunc):
			## Each pass will remove all 2-order points that are not starting vertices,
			## where the points are essentially unneeded. For example, if there are
			## edges A-->B and B-->C, and B is not a starting vertex and has no other
			## neighbors, and A, B, and C are all colinear, replaces both of these
			## edges with a single edge A-->C and removes B from the graph.
			nothingRemoved = False
			while not nothingRemoved:
				nothingRemoved = True
				for (vertID, vertObj) in theGraph.getVerts():
					if theGraph.getDegreeOfVertex(vertID) == 2:
						nbrs = theGraph.getNeighborhood(vertID)
						if (_areVerticesColinear(theGraph, [vertID] + nbrs)
								and vertID not in self._startingVerts):
							(otherVert1ID, otherVert1Obj), (otherVert2ID, otherVert2Obj) = [
									(vertID, theGraph.getVertex(vertID)) for vertID in nbrs]
							theGraph.addEdgeWithVertsAndWeight(otherVert1ID, otherVert2ID, 
									distFunc(otherVert1Obj, otherVert2Obj))
							nothingRemoved = False

		def _removeUselessPoints(theGraph, maxOrder, removeNearStartingVerts=False):
			## Remove all n-order or less Hanan points until grid unchanged.
			nothingRemoved = False
			for vertID in self._startingVerts:
				print ("DEBUG: solve: startingVerts is: ({ID}) {name}".format(ID=vertID, name=theGraph._verts[vertID].name))

			while not nothingRemoved:
				print("DEBUG: solve: Starting a {n}-order removal pass.".format(n=maxOrder))

				nothingRemoved = True
				for (vertID, vertObj) in theGraph.getVerts():
					print("DEBUG: solve: deg = {deg} @vertex {name}".format(,
					isAdjStartVert = len(set(theGraph.getNeighborhood(vertID)).intersection(self._startingVerts)) > 0
					if (theGraph.getDegreeOfVertex(vertID) <= maxOrder
							and vertID not in self._startingVerts
							and (isAdjStartVert if removeNearStartingVerts else True)):
						print("DEBUG: solve: @vertex ({ID}) {name}".format(ID=vertID, name=theGraph._verts[vertID].name))
						nothingRemoved = False

		## This is the Naive approach: Simply take an MST of the Hanan Grid and remove
		## branches that don't terminate in a starting vertex.

		steinerTree = doPrimMST(self._graph)
		_removeUselessPoints(steinerTree, 1, False)
		_removePassthroughPoints(steinerTree, L1Dist)
		self._graph = steinerTree

	def plotGraph(self):
		graphWeight = self.totalWeight()
		numStartingVerts = len(self._startingVerts)
		for (steinerPtID, steinerVert) in self._graph._verts.items():
			steinerPlot = plot.scatter(x=steinerVert.X, y=steinerVert.Y, c=(1,0,0), marker="o",
			plot.annotate(, xy=(steinerVert.X, steinerVert.Y), xytext=(-10,-10),
					textcoords="offset points", ha="right")

		for (startX, startY) in self._startingVertCoords:
			startingPlot = plot.scatter(x=startX, y=startY, c=(0,0,0), marker="s", linewidths=(8,))

		for (edgeID, edgeObj) in self._graph.getEdges():
			srcVert = self._graph.getVertex(edgeObj.fromVert)
			destVert = self._graph.getVertex(edgeObj.toVert)
			plot.plot((srcVert.X, destVert.X), (srcVert.Y, destVert.Y), "k-")

		plot.legend((startingPlot, steinerPlot), ("Starting Vertices", "Steiner Points"))

	def totalWeight(self):
		return self.graphStats(printOutput=False)

	def graphStats(self, printOutput=True):
		if printOutput:
			print("Graph Vertices (total {n}):".format(n=self._graph.numVerts()))
		totalWeight = 0
		for (vertID, vertObj) in self._graph._verts.items():
			if printOutput:
				print("\t({ID}) {vertInfo!s}".format(ID=vertID, vertInfo=vertObj))
			if (vertObj.X, vertObj.Y) not in self._startingVertCoords:
				totalWeight += (self._stationWeightFunc)(self._graph, vertID)

		if printOutput:
			print("Graph Edges (total {m})".format(m=self._graph.numEdges()))
		for (edgeID, edgeObj) in self._graph._edges.items():
			if printOutput:
				print("\t({ID}) {src!s} -- {dest!s}  [{weight:.2f}]".format(
						ID=edgeID, src=self._graph._verts[edgeObj.fromVert],
						dest=self._graph._verts[edgeObj.toVert], weight=edgeObj.weight))
			totalWeight += edgeObj.weight

		if printOutput:
			print("Total weight: {weight:.2f}".format(weight=totalWeight))
		return totalWeight