def __init__(self,datacard,options):
     if not datacard.hasShapes: 
         raise RuntimeError, "You're using a ShapeBuilder for a model that has no shapes"
     if options.libs:
         for lib in options.libs:
 	self.wspnames = {}
 	self.wsp = None
Beispiel #2
 def __init__(self,datacard,options):
     if not datacard.hasShapes: 
         raise RuntimeError, "You're using a ShapeBuilder for a model that has no shapes"
     if options.libs:
         for lib in options.libs:
 	self.wspnames = {}
 	self.wsp = None
                  help="Threshold below which to ignore a number")
(options, args) = parser.parse_args()

decays = [x.strip() for x in options.decays.split(",")
          ] if options.decays != None else SM_HIGGS_DECAYS

## set up some dummy options for the sake of the ModelBuilder
options.bin = True
options.fileName = "dummy.txt"
options.out = "dummy.root"
options.cexpr = False
## and create a model builder
DC = Datacard()
MB = ModelBuilder(DC, options)
MB.doVar("MH[%g,110,140]" % options.mass)
SMH = SMHiggsBuilder(MB)

widthUncertainties = {}
widthUncertaintiesKeys = []
for line in open(SMH.brpath + "/WidthUncertainties_126GeV.txt"):
    if widthUncertaintiesKeys == []:
        widthUncertaintiesKeys = line.split()[1:]
        fields = line.split()
        widthUncertainties[fields[0]] = dict([
            (k, 0.01 * float(v))
            for (k, v) in zip(widthUncertaintiesKeys, fields[1:])
    "-t", "--threshold", dest="negligible", default=-1.0, type="float", help="Threshold below which to ignore a number"
(options, args) = parser.parse_args()

decays = [x.strip() for x in options.decays.split(",")] if options.decays != None else SM_HIGGS_DECAYS

## set up some dummy options for the sake of the ModelBuilder
options.bin = True
options.fileName = "dummy.txt"
options.out = "dummy.root"
options.cexpr = False
## and create a model builder
DC = Datacard()
MB = ModelBuilder(DC, options)
MB.doVar("MH[%g,110,140]" % options.mass)
SMH = SMHiggsBuilder(MB)

widthUncertainties = {}
widthUncertaintiesKeys = []
for line in open(SMH.brpath + "/WidthUncertainties_126GeV.txt"):
    if widthUncertaintiesKeys == []:
        widthUncertaintiesKeys = line.split()[1:]
        fields = line.split()
        widthUncertainties[fields[0]] = dict(
            [(k, 0.01 * float(v)) for (k, v) in zip(widthUncertaintiesKeys, fields[1:])]

BRs = {}