def __init__(self, color: Vector, strength: float, position: Point3D, direction: Point3D, fov: float, isCircular: bool): Light.__init__(self, color, strength) self.position = position self.direction = direction self.fov = fov self.isCircular = isCircular
class Scene: def __init__(self): self.ground = Ground() self.chimney = ChimneyFactory().createRandomChimney() self.light = Light() = Camera() def generate_scene(self): self.ground.draw() self.chimney.draw() self.light.draw() def color_all(self): mat = MaterialFactory().create_random_color() chimney = self.chimney.get_object() mat.add_to_object(chimney) def prepare_camera(self): def render(self, filePath): def clear(self): bpy.ops.object.select_all(action="SELECT") bpy.ops.object.delete(use_global=False) for block in if block.users == 0: for block in if block.users == 0: for block in if block.users == 0: for block in if block.users == 0: for block in if block.users == 0: def get_annotation_chimney(self): scene = bpy.context.scene camera =["Camera"] box = self.chimney.get_box() result = get_annot_chimney(scene, camera, box) return result def annotate(self): points_cheminee = self.get_annotation_chimney() return ({"points": points_cheminee, "label": "cheminee", "difficult": 0},)
def __init__(self): """ Creates a new point light. Remember to set a position and a radius """ Light.__init__(self) DebugObject.__init__(self, "PointLight") self.spacing = 0.5 self.bufferRadius = 0.0 self.typeName = "PointLight"
def __init__(self): Light.__init__(self) DebugObject.__init__(self, "DirectionalLight") self._spacing = 0.6 self.radius = 99999999999.0 self.position = Vec3(0) self.bounds = OmniBoundingVolume()
def __init__(self): """ Constructs a new directional light. You have to set a direction for this light to work properly""" Light.__init__(self) DebugObject.__init__(self, "DirectionalLight") self.typeName = "DirectionalLight" # A directional light is always visible self.bounds = OmniBoundingVolume()
def __init__(self, lightName, lightNum, ambient = Light.ambientDefault, diffuse = Light.diffuseDefault, specular = Light.specularDefault, direction = directionDefault): Light.__init__(self, lightName, lightNum, ambient, diffuse, specular) self.__direction = Vec3d(direction[0], direction[1], direction[2], 0.0)
def __init__(self): """ Constructs a new directional light. You have to set a direction for this light to work properly""" Light.__init__(self) DebugObject.__init__(self, "GIHelperLight") self.typeName = "GIHelperLight" self.targetLight = None self.filmSize = 50 self.bounds = OmniBoundingVolume()
def loadColorsAndLight(self): self.rot = sm(np.array([200, 0, 0]), self.reflection) self.gruen = sm(np.array([0, 200, 0]), self.reflection) self.blau = sm(np.array([0, 0, 200]), self.reflection) self.gelb = sm(np.array([200, 200, 0])) self.grey2 = sm(np.array([100, 100, 100]), self.reflection) self.grey = cm(np.array([200, 200, 200]), np.array([0, 0, 0])) self.background_color = np.array([0, 0, 0]) self.licht = Light(np.array([-30, 30, 10]), np.array([255, 255, 255]))
class HardwareAPI(Thread): isRunning = True powerLight = Light(3, 'Power') wifiLight = Light(5, 'Wifi') networkLight = Light(7, 'Network') resetButton = Button(11, 'Reset') volumeButton = Button(13, 'Volume') alarmButton = Button(15, 'Alarm') intercomButton = Button(19, 'Intercom') threads.append(powerLight) threads.append(wifiLight) threads.append(networkLight) threads.append(resetButton) threads.append(volumeButton) threads.append(alarmButton) threads.append(intercomButton) def __init__(self): Thread.__init__(self) # Start lights self.powerLight.start() self.wifiLight.start() self.networkLight.start() # Start buttons self.resetButton.start() self.volumeButton.start() self.alarmButton.start() self.intercomButton.start() print('Hardware API Initialized!') def kill(self): self.isRunning = False self.powerLight.kill() self.wifiLight.kill() self.networkLight.kill() self.resetButton.kill() self.volumeButton.kill() self.alarmButton.kill() self.intercomButton.kill() def run(self): try: while self.isRunning: None finally: print('Hardware API - Waiting for threads to finish') for i, t in enumerate(threads): t.join() print('Hardware API - Thread {} Stopped'.format(i)) GPIO.cleanup() print('Hardware API Finished')
def reflection2(self, surface=Surface(), light_in=Light()): # second way to get reflection # first to get meeting point mp_t0 = self.get_mp_and_t0(surface, light_in) # set the source and time light_r = Light() light_r.set_s(np.array([mp_t0[0], mp_t0[1], mp_t0[2]])) light_r.set_t(np.arange(0, mp_t0[3] + mp_t0[3] / 10, mp_t0[3] / 10)) # get n vector , v_i n = surface.get_n() v_i = light_in.get_v() # get v_i shadow on n vector v_is =, n) / sqrt(, n)) # get sin vector p p = v_is + v_i # get v_r v_r = 2 * p - v_i # set light_r._v light_r.set_v(v_r) return light_r
def __init__(self): self.screen_size = (800, 800) self.ballObject = Ball(400, 400, 0, 200) # x, y, z, r self.ballObject.setMaterialToMetal() self.LightObject = Light(400, 400, 400, 83) # x, y, z, power self.Ia = 87 self.Ka = 0.39 self.fatt = 0.63 super().__init__() if (len(sys.argv) > 1 and sys.argv[1] == "--debug"): nSlider = QSlider(Qt.Horizontal, self) nSlider.setGeometry(10, 10, 100, 10) nSlider.valueChanged[int].connect(self.changeN) self.labelN = QLabel("N=" + str(self.ballObject.n), self) self.labelN.setGeometry(110, 10, 50, 10) ksSlider = QSlider(Qt.Horizontal, self) ksSlider.setGeometry(10, 20, 100, 10) ksSlider.valueChanged[int].connect(self.changeKs) self.labelKs = QLabel("Ks=" + str(self.ballObject.Ks), self) self.labelKs.setGeometry(110, 20, 50, 10) kdSlider = QSlider(Qt.Horizontal, self) kdSlider.setGeometry(10, 30, 100, 10) kdSlider.valueChanged[int].connect(self.changeKd) self.labelKd = QLabel("Kd=" + str(self.ballObject.Kd), self) self.labelKd.setGeometry(110, 30, 50, 10) iaSlider = QSlider(Qt.Horizontal, self) iaSlider.setGeometry(10, 160, 100, 10) iaSlider.valueChanged[int].connect(self.changeIa) self.labelIa = QLabel("Ia=" + str(self.Ia), self) self.labelIa.setGeometry(110, 160, 50, 10) kaSlider = QSlider(Qt.Horizontal, self) kaSlider.setGeometry(10, 170, 100, 10) kaSlider.valueChanged[int].connect(self.changeKa) self.labelKa = QLabel("Ka=" + str(self.Ka), self) self.labelKa.setGeometry(110, 170, 50, 10) ipSlider = QSlider(Qt.Horizontal, self) ipSlider.setGeometry(10, 180, 100, 10) ipSlider.valueChanged[int].connect(self.changeIp) self.labelIp = QLabel("Ip=" + str(self.LightObject.power), self) self.labelIp.setGeometry(110, 180, 50, 10) fattSlider = QSlider(Qt.Horizontal, self) fattSlider.setGeometry(10, 190, 100, 10) fattSlider.valueChanged[int].connect(self.changeFatt) self.labelFatt = QLabel("fatt=" + str(self.fatt), self) self.labelFatt.setGeometry(110, 190, 50, 10)
def transmisson2(self, surface=Surface(), light_in=Light(), n1=1, n2=1.3330): # teacher's way # in parameter will get error, when set n1, n2 to n_air and n_water, so directly use value # return the transmisson light # get n vector , v_i n = surface.get_n() v_i = light_in.get_v() # set n1,n2 must judge the light way with n if, v_i) < 0: n1 = surface.get_n1() n2 = surface.get_n2() else: n2 = surface.get_n1() n1 = surface.get_n2() n = -n # get meeting point and time mp_t0 = self.get_mp_and_t0(surface, light_in) # set the source and time light_t = Light() light_t.set_s(np.array([mp_t0[0], mp_t0[1], mp_t0[2]])) light_t.set_t(np.arange(0, mp_t0[3] + mp_t0[3] / 10, mp_t0[3] / 10)) # sin(theta1),sin(theta2),cos(theta1),cos(theta2) cos1 =, n) / sqrt(, v_i) *, n)) sin1 = sqrt(1 - cos1**2) sin2 = n1 * sin1 / n2 cos2 = sqrt(1 - sin2**2) # calculate brust angle sin2_b = 1 sin1_b = n2 * sin2_b / n1 # check special case, n vector is equal with -v_i, directly trans if (np.cross(n, -v_i) == [0, 0, 0]).all(): v_t = v_i else: # check brust case if (n1 >= n2) & (sin1 >= sin1_b): v_t = np.array([0, 0, 0]) # normal case else: v_tx = np.cross(np.cross(n, v_i), n) * n1 / n2 v_ty = -sqrt(, v_i) -, v_tx)) * n v_t = v_tx + v_ty light_t.set_v(np.array([v_t[0], v_t[1], v_t[2]])) return light_t
def handle(self): data = self.request.recv(1024).decode("UTF-8").strip('\r\n') # Get the data from the client and immediatly strip off \r\n chars and make a String out of it! if(len(data) > 1): try: lightName = Light(data.rsplit('get light ')[1]) self.request.send(bytes(lightName.getStatus().encode("UTF-8"))) logging.append("request for " + data + " from client " + self.client_address[0]) except ValueError: logging.append("ERROR! light " + data.rsplit('get light ')[1] + " doesn't exist!") self.request.send(b"false") else : self.request.send(b"false")
def __init__(self): """ Constructs a new directional light. You have to set a direction for this light to work properly""" Light.__init__(self) DebugObject.__init__(self, "DirectionalLight") self.typeName = "DirectionalLight" self.splitCount = 4 self.pssmTargetCam = None self.pssmTargetLens = None self.pssmFarPlane = 100.0 self.pssmSplitPow = 2.0 self.updateIndex = 0 # A directional light is always visible self.bounds = OmniBoundingVolume()
def run_plot(self, list_surface=[Surface()], light_in=Light(), i=1, size=2): # i is the times to t and r, size is the large of surface list_tree_surface = self.lightrun(list_surface, light_in, i) tree_light = list_tree_surface[0] list_surface = list_tree_surface[1] fig = plt.Figure() ax = plt.axes(projection='3d') # get all light to plot list_light = tree_light.level_queue(tree_light.root) # plot light and surface for light in list_light: light.plot(fig, ax) for surface in list_surface: x_p = surface.get_p()[0] y_p = surface.get_p()[1] surface.plot(fig, ax, x=np.arange(-size + x_p, size + x_p, size / 5), y=np.arange(-size + y_p, size + y_p, size / 5))
def test(): w = Window(2) d = Door(2.0) l = Light(95) r = Rad(3000) r = Room("Living room", 12, 15, 10, 10.5, r, d, l, w) print(r.get_length()) print(r.get_width()) print(r.get_height()) print(r.getSqrFt()) print(r.get_area()) r.set_length(9) r.set_width(15) r.set_height(12) print(r.get_length()) print(r.get_width()) print(r.get_height()) print(r.getSqrFt()) print(r.get_area()) r.change_temp(-1) print(r.get_temp()) print(r)
def popup_dismissed(self, _id, hexcolor, rgbcolor, buttoninstance): buttoninstance.background_color = rgbcolor xy = self.convert_hex_to_xy(hexcolor) x = round(xy[0], 4) y = round(xy[1], 4) xy = [x, y] Light.ChangeColor(self, _id, xy)
def get_mp_and_t0(self, surface=Surface(), light=Light()): # mp is meetingpoint , t0 is the meeting time mp_t0 = np.array([0, 0, 0, 0]) # get n,v_i,s n = surface.get_n() v_i = light.get_v() s = light.get_s() # for the case light and surface parallel, n*v' =0, and source is on surface, (s-p)*n'=0 # let the point and time be 100 if, v_i) == 0: t0 = 0 mp_t0 = [0, 0, 0, 0] # source on surface else: if - surface.get_p()), n) == 0: mp_t0 = [s[0], s[1], s[2], 0] else: x, y, z, t0 = symbols('x y z t0') light_in_t0 = light.get_light_in_t0(t0) # get surface eqn for 1 eq1 = surface.get_eqn(x, y, z) # eqn2 for x eq2 = Eq(x, light_in_t0[0]) eq3 = Eq(y, light_in_t0[1]) eq4 = Eq(z, light_in_t0[2]) sol = linsolve([eq1, eq2, eq3, eq4], [x, y, z, t0]) mp_t0 = next(iter(sol)) return mp_t0
def test4(): ''' Normal case, one time reflection and one time transmisson , light in air through the air. data : light source [-1 0 1], light vector [1 0 -1], surface is xoy,n1=1 n2=1 esay to hand calculate light_r.s = [0,0,0] light_r.vector = [1,0,1] light_t.s = [0,0,0] lgiht_t.vector = [1,0,-1] ''' light_i = Light(np.array([-1, 0, 1]), np.array([1, 0, -1])) surface = Surface() list_surface = [surface] phy = Physical() list_tree_surface = phy.lightrun(list_surface, light_i, 1) tree_light = list_tree_surface[0] list_surface = list_tree_surface[1] list_light = tree_light.level_queue(tree_light.root) light_r = list_light[2] light_t = list_light[1] b1 = (light_r.get_s() == np.array([0, 0, 0])).all() b2 = (light_r.get_v() == np.array([1, 0, 1])).all() b3 = (light_t.get_s() == np.array([0, 0, 0])).all() b4 = (light_t.get_v() == np.array([1, 0, -1])).all() assert b1 & b2 & b3 & b4
def loadScripts(self, dir): import sys sys.path.insert(0, "./scripts") from Script import Script s = Script(self, "test") from loading import Loading l = Loading(self.segments[0]) self.scripts.append(l) from TheaterChase import TheaterChase t = TheaterChase(self.segments[0]) self.scripts.append(t) from rainbow import Rainbow r = Rainbow(self.segments[0]) self.scripts.append(r) from LeftToRightRandom import LeftToRightRandom lr = LeftToRightRandom(self.segments[0]) self.scripts.append(lr) from RandomLed import RandomLed r = RandomLed(self.segments[0]) self.scripts.append(r) from Light import Light self.scripts.append(Light(self.segments[0])) from Test import Test self.scripts.append(Test(self.segments[0])) from Cycle import Cycle self.scripts.append(Cycle(self.segments[0])) from SingleColor import SingleColor self.scripts.append(SingleColor(self.segments[0]))
def __init__(self, lightName, lightNum, ambient = Light.ambientDefault, diffuse = Light.diffuseDefault, specular = Light.specularDefault, position = positionDefault, atConstant = constantAttenuationDefault, atLinear = linearAttenuationDefault, atQuadratic = quadraticAttnuationDefault): Light.__init__(self, lightName, lightNum, ambient, diffuse, specular) self.__position = Vec3d(position[0], position[1], position[2], 1) self.__atConstant = atConstant self.__atLinear = atLinear self.__atQuadratic = atQuadratic
def get_lights(self): lights = [] response = requests.get(self.url + '/lights') if (self.success(response)): for num, info in response.json().items(): state = info['state'] light = Light(num, state) lights.append(light) return lights
def run5(): surface = Surface(np.array([0, 1, 0]), np.array([0, 0, 1]), Surface().get_n_air(), Surface().get_n_water()) list_surface = [surface] # light light_i = Light(np.array([0, 1, 0]), np.array([0, 0, 0])) # run Physical().run_plot(list_surface, light_i, 1, 10)
def handle(self): data = self.request.recv(1024).decode("UTF-8").strip( '\r\n' ) # Get the data from the client and immediatly strip off \r\n chars and make a String out of it! if (len(data) > 1): try: lightName = Light(data.rsplit('get light ')[1]) self.request.send(bytes(lightName.getStatus().encode("UTF-8"))) logging.append("request for " + data + " from client " + self.client_address[0]) except ValueError: logging.append("ERROR! light " + data.rsplit('get light ')[1] + " doesn't exist!") self.request.send(b"false") else: self.request.send(b"false")
def run8(): surface1 = Surface(np.array([0, 0, 0]), np.array([1, 0, 0])) surface2 = Surface(np.array([0, 0, 0]), np.array([0, 0, 1])) surface3 = Surface(np.array([3, 0, 0]), np.array([1, 0, 0])) list_surface = [surface1, surface2, surface3] light_i = Light(np.array([0, 0, 1]), np.array([1, 0, -1])) Physical().run_plot(list_surface, light_i, 3, 6)
def run7(): surface1 = Surface(np.array([0, 0, 0]), np.array([0, 0, 1]), Surface().get_n_air(), Surface().get_n_water()) list_surface = [surface1] light_i = Light(np.array([0, 0, 1]), np.array([0.1, 0.1, -1])) Physical().run_plot(list_surface, light_i)
def run1(): # light light_i = Light(np.array([-3, 5, 3]), np.array([1, 0, 0])) # surface surface = Surface(np.array([0, 1, 0]), np.array([0, 0, 1]), Surface().get_n_air(), Surface().get_n_water()) list_surface = [surface] # run Physical().run_plot(list_surface, light_i, 1, 5)
def __init__(self): """ Creates a new spot light. """ Light.__init__(self) DebugObject.__init__(self, "SpotLight") self.typeName = "SpotLight" self.nearPlane = 0.5 self.radius = 30.0 self.spotSize = Vec2(30, 30) # Used to compute the MVP self.ghostCamera = Camera("PointLight") self.ghostCamera.setActive(False) self.ghostLens = PerspectiveLens() self.ghostLens.setFov(130) self.ghostCamera.setLens(self.ghostLens) self.ghostCameraNode = NodePath(self.ghostCamera) self.ghostCameraNode.reparentTo(Globals.render) self.ghostCameraNode.hide()
def lightrun(self, list_surface=[Surface()], light_in=Light(), i_t=1): # i_t is reflection times and trans times # this function will simulate the ray, and return a tree and list_surface tree_light = Tree() tree_light.add(light_in) # this will be a for command for i_t for i in range(i_t): # calcute for list_surface # get myQueue length q_length = len(tree_light.myQueue) # run over myQueue,to add new light in tree, but we build a new list, queue is dynamic # select light list_light_temp = [] for index in range(q_length): light_temp = tree_light.myQueue[index].elem list_light_temp.append(light_temp) for light_temp in list_light_temp: if light_temp == None: # no light to reflect tree_light.add(None) tree_light.add(None) else: # get p,t,surface list_mpts = self.get_mp_t0_and_surface( list_surface, light_temp) mp_t0 = list_mpts[0] surface_m = list_mpts[1] # judge if surface is None if surface_m == None: # no reflect and transmisson tree_light.add(None) tree_light.add(None) else: # set the current light_in time # find light_temp index in tree, through it's dynamic, bud no influence, cause if light_temp is finish , we dont need that for i in range(len(tree_light.myQueue)): if tree_light.myQueue[i].elem == light_temp: index = i tree_light.myQueue[index].elem.set_t( np.arange(0, mp_t0[3] + mp_t0[3] / 10, mp_t0[3] / 10)) # set the point in surface is meeting point to save the value to plot list_surface_index = list_surface.index(surface_m) # mp = [mp_t0[0], mp_t0[1], mp_t0[2]] # list_surface[list_surface_index].set_p(np.array(mp)) # calcute trans and ref light_t_temp = self.transmisson2(surface_m, light_temp) light_r_temp = self.reflection(surface_m, light_temp) # add to tree tree_light.add(light_t_temp) tree_light.add(light_r_temp) return [tree_light, list_surface]
def __init__(self, file_name): global active_camera self.models = None self.cameras = None self.lights = None self.active_camera = active_camera # shared resources self.textures = {} # name -> tex lookup self.shaders = {} # name -> tex lookup self.meshes = {} # name -> tex lookup with open(file_name, "r") as fp: data = json.load(fp) # models self.models = {name: Model(m) for (name, m) in data["models"].items()} for model in self.models.values(): vert_file =['shader']['vert'] frag_file =['shader']['frag'] shader_name = vert_file.split('.')[0] shader = ResourceManager.get_shader(shader_name) if not shader: shader = Shader(vert_file, frag_file) ResourceManager.add_shader(shader_name, shader) model.shader = shader mesh_name =['mesh'] # contains relative path string mesh = ResourceManager.get_mesh(mesh_name) if not mesh: mesh = Mesh(mesh_name) ResourceManager.add_mesh(mesh_name, mesh) model.mesh = mesh tex_files =['textures'] for (layer, tex_file) in tex_files.items(): tex = ResourceManager.get_texture(tex_file) if not tex: tex = Texture(tex_file) ResourceManager.add_texture(tex_file, tex) model.textures[layer] = tex # cameras, set first camera to active self.cameras = { name: Camera(c) for (name, c) in data["cameras"].items() } if len(self.cameras) > 0: # get first items value active_camera = next(iter(self.cameras.items()))[1] logging.warn('camera needs to set shader uniforms') # lights self.lights = {name: Light(l) for (name, l) in data["lights"].items()} logging.warn('light needs to set shader uniforms')
def __init__(self): """ Constructs a new directional light. """ Light.__init__(self) DebugObject.__init__(self, "DirectionalLight") self.typeName = "DirectionalLight" # If you change the split count, change DIRECTIONAL_LIGHT_SPLIT_COUNTS # in Shader/Includes/Configuration.include aswell! This is hardcoded # to improve performance self.splitCount = 6 self.pssmTargetCam = self.pssmTargetLens = Globals.base.camLens self.pssmFarPlane = 150 self.pssmSplitPow = 2.0 self.sunDistance = 7000 self.updateIndex = 0 # A directional light is always visible self.bounds = OmniBoundingVolume()
def __init__(self): """ Constructs a new directional light. You have to set a direction for this light to work properly""" Light.__init__(self) DebugObject.__init__(self, "DirectionalLight") self.typeName = "DirectionalLight" # If you change the split count, change DIRECTIONAL_LIGHT_SPLIT_COUNTS # in Shader/Includes/Configuration.include aswell! This is hardcoded # to improve performance self.splitCount = 5 self.pssmTargetCam = self.pssmTargetLens = Globals.base.camLens self.pssmFarPlane = 150.0 self.pssmSplitPow = 2.0 self.updateIndex = 0 # A directional light is always visible self.bounds = OmniBoundingVolume()
def __init__(self) : # Create a controller for leap self.controller = Leap.Controller() # From classes self.model = Model3D() = Camera() self.light = Light() # Common variables self.rotate = 0.0
def update(self, lightName, status): light = Light(lightName) light.set_status(status) return "Het gaat om lamp " + lightName + " en zijn nieuwe status is " + status
from Input import Input from Light import Light light = Light(4) light.status() light.turnOn() light.turnOff()
def setPos(self, pos): """ Sets the position of the spotlight """ self.ghostCameraNode.setPos(pos) Light.setPos(self, pos)
def cleanup(self): """ Internal method which gets called when the light got deleted """ self.ghostCameraNode.removeNode() Light.cleanup(self)
def index(self, lightname, status): light = Light(lightname) light.set_status(status)