Beispiel #1
class Detect:
    def __init__(self, img):
        self.image = img
        self.HEIGHT = img.shape[0]
        self.WIDTH = img.shape[1]
        self.cte = 0
        self.center_line = Line(self.WIDTH/2,self.HEIGHT,self.WIDTH/2,self.HEIGHT/2)
        self.angle_steer = 0
        self.speed = 10
        self.dt = 0.1
        self.yaw = 90   #  phi(center,ox)

        ##initialize MPC
        x_start = 140
        y_start = 240
        yaw = -1.4489
        v = 10

        #region of interest
        self.vertices = np.array([[(int(0*img.shape[1]),img.shape[0]),(int(0*img.shape[1]), 
                    int(0.15*img.shape[0])), (int(1.00*img.shape[1]), int(0.15*img.shape[0])), (
                    img.shape[1],img.shape[0])]], dtype=np.int32)
        #img = cv2.cvtColor(self.image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)
        self.final_img, self.left_line, self.right_line = LD.color_frame_pipeline([self.image], solid_lines=True)
        self.speed_pub = rospy.Publisher("Team1_speed", Float32, queue_size = 10)
        self.steer_pub = rospy.Publisher("Team1_steerAngle", Float32, queue_size = 10)
        # start_time = time()
        #self.sign_image, self.DIRECTION = TD.detect_sign(img)
        # end_time = time()
        # duration = end_time-start_time
        # print(duration,"duration")
        rate = rospy.Rate(30)
        # self.DIRECTION = 'straight' # 0 : straight, 1 rigth, -1 left
    def find_all(self):
        x_axis, y_axis = self.right_line.seperate_axis()
        pol_right = np.polyfit(x_axis,y_axis,1)
        rm  = pol_right[0]
        rb  = pol_right[1]
        x_axis, y_axis = self.left_line.seperate_axis()
        pol_left = np.polyfit(x_axis,y_axis,1)
        lm  = pol_left[0]
        lb  = pol_left[1]
        yb = self.HEIGHT
        yt = yb/3.5
        xt_r = (yt - rb) / rm;
        xb_r = (yb - rb) / rm;
        xt_l = (yt - lb) / lm;
        xb_l = (yb - lb) / lm;
        xb_center = (xb_r + xb_l)/2
        xt_center = (xt_r + xt_l)/2
        self.center_line = Line(xb_center,yb,xt_center,yt)
        self.left_line = Line(xb_l,yb,xt_l,yt)
        self.right_line = Line(xb_r,yb,xt_r,yt)

        self.yaw = np.arctan(self.center_line.compute_slope())
        self.cte = self.center_line.x2 - self.center_line.x1
    def drive(self):
Beispiel #2
class Detect:
    def __init__(self, img):
        self.image = img
        self.HEIGHT = img.shape[0]
        self.WIDTH = img.shape[1]
        self.cte = 0
        self.center_line = Line(self.WIDTH / 2, self.HEIGHT, self.WIDTH / 2,
                                self.HEIGHT / 2)
        self.angle_steer = 0
        self.speed = 25
        self.dt = 0.1
        self.yaw = 90  #  phi(center,ox)

        ##initialize MPC
        x_start = 140
        y_start = 240
        yaw = -1.4489
        v = 10

        #region of interest
        self.vertices = np.array(
            [[(int(0 * img.shape[1]), img.shape[0]),
              (int(0 * img.shape[1]), int(0.15 * img.shape[0])),
              (int(1.00 * img.shape[1]), int(0.15 * img.shape[0])),
              (img.shape[1], img.shape[0])]],
        #img = cv2.cvtColor(self.image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)
        self.final_img, self.left_line, self.right_line = LD.color_frame_pipeline(
            [self.image], solid_lines=True)
        self.speed_pub = rospy.Publisher("Team1_speed", Float32, queue_size=1)
        self.steer_pub = rospy.Publisher("Team1_steerAngle",
        start_time = time()

        end_time = time()
        duration = end_time - start_time
        print(duration, "duration")
        #self.sign_image,self.DIRECTION = TD.detect_sign(self.image)
        rate = rospy.Rate(30)

    def find_all(self):
        x_axis, y_axis = self.right_line.seperate_axis()
        pol_right = np.polyfit(x_axis, y_axis, 1)
        rm = pol_right[0]
        rb = pol_right[1]
        x_axis, y_axis = self.left_line.seperate_axis()
        pol_left = np.polyfit(x_axis, y_axis, 1)
        lm = pol_left[0]
        lb = pol_left[1]
        yb = self.HEIGHT
        yt = yb / 3.5
        xt_r = (yt - rb) / rm
        xb_r = (yb - rb) / rm
        xt_l = (yt - lb) / lm
        xb_l = (yb - lb) / lm
        xb_center = (xb_r + xb_l) / 2
        xt_center = (xt_r + xt_l) / 2
        self.center_line = Line(xb_center, yb, xt_center, yt)
        self.left_line = Line(xb_l, yb, xt_l, yt)
        self.right_line = Line(xb_r, yb, xt_r, yt)

        self.yaw = np.arctan(self.center_line.compute_slope())
        self.center_line.draw(self.final_img, (255, 0, 0))
        self.left_line.draw(self.final_img, (0, 255, 0))
        self.right_line.draw(self.final_img, (0, 255, 0))
        self.cte = self.center_line.x2 - self.center_line.x1

    def car_control(self):
        ####----------------Use MPC -------------------

        # predict = MPC(x_start,y_start,yaw,v)
        if ((abs(self.yaw)) > deg2rad(86)):
            a = 7
        elif rad2deg(abs(self.yaw)) > deg2rad(84):
            a = 5
        elif rad2deg(abs(self.yaw)) > deg2rad(78):
            a = 3
        elif rad2deg(abs(self.yaw)) > deg2rad(75):
            a = 2
            a = -6

        self.dt = self.dt + 1 / 10
        self.speed = self.speed + a * self.dt

        # print(self.dt,'dt')
        print(rad2deg(self.yaw), 'yaw')
        print(self.speed, 'speed')
        ### ----------------Use PID--------------------

        kp = .42
        ki = 0.00
        kd = 0.14
        # if (self.DIRECTION == 'right'):
        #     self.cte = abs(self.cte) +5
        # elif (self.DIRECTION == 'left'):
        #     self.cte = -abs(self.cte) - 5

        print(self.cte, 'cte')
        control = PID(kp, ki, kd)
        # if (self.cte > 0):
        #     self.cte +
        # control.update_error(self.cte)

        steer = control.total_error()
        self.angle_steer = steer
        print(steer, 'steer')

        # speed = 30
        # self.speed = speed

        # print(steer,'steer')
        # print(self.angle_steer,'total error')


    def drive(self):

        self.center_line.draw(self.final_img, (255, 255, 0))
                    'Yaw: {}'.format(round(rad2deg(self.yaw), 2)), (100, 230),
                    cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.8, (0, 0, 255), 1, cv2.LINE_4)

        # cv2.imshow('Detect',self.final_img)
        # k = cv2.waitKey(1)
        # if k == ord('q'):
        #     cv2.destroyAllWindows()
        #     rospy.signal_shutdown('Exit')
        #        self.car_control()
        #return self.speed, self.angle_steer
        return self.final_img