Beispiel #1
	def scale(self, x, y, factor_x, factor_y):
		tmp_point_list = []
		for i in range(len(self.point_list)):
			# Two vertex points to local vars
			x1 = self.point_list[i][0]
			y1 = self.point_list[i][1]
			x2 = self.point_list[(i+1)%len(self.point_list)][0]
			y2 = self.point_list[(i+1)%len(self.point_list)][1]

			# Preform rotation on temporary line 
			tmp_line = Line(x1, y1, x2, y2)
			tmp_line.scale(x, y, factor_x, factor_y)

			# Rotated points back to point list
			tmp_point_list.append((tmp_line.x1, tmp_line.y1))
		self.point_list = tmp_point_list
Beispiel #2
img.blit( Ellipse(200,50,20,5).fill( Color(0, 255, 0) ) )

# The flag is constructed as such:
# ˆThe pole is a line with start and end points of (100,125) and (100,50).
line1 = Line(100, 125, 100, 50)

# ˆThe flag is a polygon with vertex points of (100,125), (100,95), and
# (60,110)
polygon1 = Polygon([(100,125), (100,95), (60,110)]).fill( Color(128, 0, 128) )

# ˆThe pole and flag are translated by (0,35), in order to fit in the right
# hand of the stick figure.

# ˆThe pole and flag are rotated by 45 degrees for a fix point of (100,100),
# so the flag and pole are tilted in the right hand of the stick figure.

# ˆThe pole and flag are scaled by 1.25 in the x and y values for a fix
# point of (100,100), to be larger in the right hand of the stick figure.

# Blit Rest
img.blit( line1 )
img.blit( polygon1 )

# Create/Write Image'test.ppm')