def test_c_NonExistant(self):

    script = c.pcr_createScriptFromXMLFile("nonExistant")
    self.failUnless(script != None)
    self.failUnless(not c.pcr_ScriptError(script))

    # error cause non existant
    error = c.pcr_ScriptErrorMessage(script)
    self.failUnless(error.find("unable to open primary document entity") >= 0 )
    def test_c_NonExistant(self):

        script = c.pcr_createScriptFromXMLFile("nonExistant")
        self.failUnless(script != None)
        self.failUnless(not c.pcr_ScriptError(script))

        # error cause non existant
        error = c.pcr_ScriptErrorMessage(script)
            error.find("unable to open primary document entity") >= 0)
Beispiel #3
import sys

# simple application using
# the low level C functions of PCRasterModelEngine
from PCRasterLinkOut import c

print "PCRaster link out test driver"
if len(sys.argv) != 2:
  print "USAGE: LinkOutTestDriver inputModelFile.xml"

# argv[1] is an xml file
script = c.pcr_createScriptFromXMLFile(sys.argv[1])
if script == None:
  raise Exception, sys.argv[1]+":PANIC allocation of a few bytes failed"

  # typical error: sys.argv[1] is not existant
  if c.pcr_ScriptError(script):
    raise Exception, sys.argv[1]+":"+c.pcr_ScriptErrorMessage(script)


  # typical errors:
  #  xml is malformed
  #  some inputs are not found
  #  resource error: memory/disk full
  if c.pcr_ScriptError(script):
    raise Exception, sys.argv[1]+":"+c.pcr_ScriptErrorMessage(script)

  def testDynamicModel(self):

    nrCells = 2 * 2
    scalarNonSpatialBufferType = ctypes.c_float * 1
    scalarSpatialBufferType = ctypes.c_float * nrCells

    script = c.pcr_createScriptFromXMLFile("dynamicModel.xml")
    self.failUnless(script != None)
    self.failUnless(not c.pcr_ScriptError(script))

    # initialize data array with all 0 ptrs
    dataTransferArraySize = 6
    dataTransferArrayType = ctypes.c_void_p * dataTransferArraySize
    data = dataTransferArrayType()

    # create buffer 0: initialInput: a NonSpatial with value 2.5
    initialInputBuffer     = scalarNonSpatialBufferType( 2.5 )
    # register buffer in data
    data[0] = ctypes.cast(initialInputBuffer,ctypes.c_void_p)

    # create buffer 4: memOutputInitial
    memOutputInitialBuffer = scalarNonSpatialBufferType(-1)
    self.failUnlessEqual(memOutputInitialBuffer[0], -1)
    data[4] = ctypes.cast(memOutputInitialBuffer,ctypes.c_void_p)

    # call initial, data has values for data used in initial
    # other entries are 0
    c.pcr_ScriptExecuteInitialStepMemory(script, data)
    self.failUnless(not c.pcr_ScriptError(script))

    # result of initial is 2 * 2.5
    self.failUnlessEqual(memOutputInitialBuffer[0], 5.0)

    # set up data for dynamic part

    # create buffer 1: dynamicInput, initialize with 1
    dynamicInput = scalarSpatialBufferType(1, 1, 1, 1)
    data[1] = ctypes.cast(dynamicInput,ctypes.c_void_p)

    # buffer 2: the indexedArray for memInputRelation
    # 1 dimension of lenght 2
    class indexedArrayType(ctypes.Structure):
      _fields_ = [ ("nrDims", ctypes.c_uint32),
                   ("lengthOfDimension1", ctypes.c_uint32),
                   ("values", ctypes.c_float * 2) ]

    indexedArray = indexedArrayType()
    indexedArray.nrDims = 1
    indexedArray.lengthOfDimension1 = 2
    indexedArray.values[0] = 4.5 # map lookup value of 1 to 4.5
    indexedArray.values[1] = 0.5 # map lookup value of 1 to 0.5

    data[2] = ctypes.cast(ctypes.addressof(indexedArray),ctypes.c_void_p)

    # create buffer 3: memOutputDynamic, initialize with 1
    memOutputDynamic = scalarSpatialBufferType(1, 1, 1, 1)
    data[3] = ctypes.cast(memOutputDynamic,ctypes.c_void_p)

    # create buffer 5: for rainZone
    nominalSpatialBufferType = ctypes.c_uint32 * nrCells
    rainZoneBuffer = nominalSpatialBufferType(
       2, 2,  # first row will read 2nd memInputRelation array entry
       1, 8   # 2nd row: first col, read 2nd memInputRelation array entry
              #          2nd   col, yield MV since there is no 8th entry in memInputRelation array
    data[5] = ctypes.cast(rainZoneBuffer,ctypes.c_void_p)

    # execute timestep
    step = 1
    while step <= 3:
      status = c.pcr_ScriptExecuteNextTimeStepMemory(script, data)
      self.failUnless(status >= 0)
      if status == 0 and _enablePrintInExamples:
        print("last timestep executed")

      if _enablePrintInExamples:
        print("memOutputDynamic at step %d: (\n%f, %f,\n%f, %f ) \n " % \

      # update the dynamicInput
      # multiply the value by 10
      for i in range(nrCells):
        dynamicInput[i] *= 10

      # update the lookup table dynamic
      for i in range(2):
        indexedArray.values[i] -= 0.1

      error = c.pcr_ScriptErrorMessage(script)
      self.failUnless(not c.pcr_ScriptError(script))

      step = step + 1
Beispiel #5
import sys

# simple application using
# the low level C functions of PCRasterModelEngine
from PCRasterLinkOut import c

print("PCRaster link out test driver")
if len(sys.argv) != 2:
  print("USAGE: LinkOutTestDriver inputModelFile.xml")

# argv[1] is an xml file
script = c.pcr_createScriptFromXMLFile(sys.argv[1])
if script == None:
  raise Exception(sys.argv[1]+":PANIC allocation of a few bytes failed")

  # typical error: sys.argv[1] is not existant
  if c.pcr_ScriptError(script):
    raise Exception(sys.argv[1]+":"+c.pcr_ScriptErrorMessage(script))


  # typical errors:
  #  xml is malformed
  #  some inputs are not found
  #  resource error: memory/disk full
  if c.pcr_ScriptError(script):
    raise(Exception, sys.argv[1]+":"+c.pcr_ScriptErrorMessage(script))

    def testDynamicModel(self):

        nrCells = 2 * 2
        scalarNonSpatialBufferType = ctypes.c_float * 1
        scalarSpatialBufferType = ctypes.c_float * nrCells

        script = c.pcr_createScriptFromXMLFile("dynamicModel.xml")
        self.failUnless(script != None)
        self.failUnless(not c.pcr_ScriptError(script))

        # initialize data array with all 0 ptrs
        dataTransferArraySize = 6
        dataTransferArrayType = ctypes.c_void_p * dataTransferArraySize
        data = dataTransferArrayType()

        # create buffer 0: initialInput: a NonSpatial with value 2.5
        initialInputBuffer = scalarNonSpatialBufferType(2.5)
        # register buffer in data
        data[0] = ctypes.cast(initialInputBuffer, ctypes.c_void_p)

        # create buffer 4: memOutputInitial
        memOutputInitialBuffer = scalarNonSpatialBufferType(-1)
        self.failUnlessEqual(memOutputInitialBuffer[0], -1)
        data[4] = ctypes.cast(memOutputInitialBuffer, ctypes.c_void_p)

        # call initial, data has values for data used in initial
        # other entries are 0
        c.pcr_ScriptExecuteInitialStepMemory(script, data)
        self.failUnless(not c.pcr_ScriptError(script))

        # result of initial is 2 * 2.5
        self.failUnlessEqual(memOutputInitialBuffer[0], 5.0)

        # set up data for dynamic part

        # create buffer 1: dynamicInput, initialize with 1
        dynamicInput = scalarSpatialBufferType(1, 1, 1, 1)
        data[1] = ctypes.cast(dynamicInput, ctypes.c_void_p)

        # buffer 2: the indexedArray for memInputRelation
        # 1 dimension of lenght 2
        class indexedArrayType(ctypes.Structure):
            _fields_ = [("nrDims", ctypes.c_uint32),
                        ("lengthOfDimension1", ctypes.c_uint32),
                        ("values", ctypes.c_float * 2)]

        indexedArray = indexedArrayType()
        indexedArray.nrDims = 1
        indexedArray.lengthOfDimension1 = 2
        indexedArray.values[0] = 4.5  # map lookup value of 1 to 4.5
        indexedArray.values[1] = 0.5  # map lookup value of 1 to 0.5

        data[2] = ctypes.cast(ctypes.addressof(indexedArray), ctypes.c_void_p)

        # create buffer 3: memOutputDynamic, initialize with 1
        memOutputDynamic = scalarSpatialBufferType(1, 1, 1, 1)
        data[3] = ctypes.cast(memOutputDynamic, ctypes.c_void_p)

        # create buffer 5: for rainZone
        nominalSpatialBufferType = ctypes.c_uint32 * nrCells
        rainZoneBuffer = nominalSpatialBufferType(
            2,  # first row will read 2nd memInputRelation array entry
            8  # 2nd row: first col, read 2nd memInputRelation array entry
            #          2nd   col, yield MV since there is no 8th entry in memInputRelation array
        data[5] = ctypes.cast(rainZoneBuffer, ctypes.c_void_p)

        # execute timestep
        step = 1
        while step <= 3:
            status = c.pcr_ScriptExecuteNextTimeStepMemory(script, data)
            self.failUnless(status >= 0)
            if status == 0 and _enablePrintInExamples:
                print("last timestep executed")

            if _enablePrintInExamples:
                print("memOutputDynamic at step %d: (\n%f, %f,\n%f, %f ) \n " % \

            # update the dynamicInput
            # multiply the value by 10
            for i in range(nrCells):
                dynamicInput[i] *= 10

            # update the lookup table dynamic
            for i in range(2):
                indexedArray.values[i] -= 0.1

            error = c.pcr_ScriptErrorMessage(script)
            self.failUnless(not c.pcr_ScriptError(script))

            step = step + 1