def __init__(self, edge, tag, i, segm, maxZ):
     debugEdge(edge, 'MapWireToTag(%.2f, %.2f, %.2f)' % (i.x, i.y, i.z))
     self.tag = tag
     self.segm = segm
     self.maxZ = maxZ
     if PathGeom.pointsCoincide(edge.valueAt(edge.FirstParameter), i):
         tail = edge
         self.commands = []
         debugEdge(tail, '.........=')
     elif PathGeom.pointsCoincide(edge.valueAt(edge.LastParameter), i):
         debugEdge(edge, '++++++++ .')
         self.commands = PathGeom.cmdsForEdge(edge, segm=segm)
         tail = None
         e, tail = PathGeom.splitEdgeAt(edge, i)
         debugEdge(e, '++++++++ .')
         self.commands = PathGeom.cmdsForEdge(e, segm=segm)
         debugEdge(tail, '.........-')
         self.initialEdge = edge
     self.tail = tail
     self.edges = []
     self.entry = i
     if tail:
         PathLog.debug("MapWireToTag(%s - %s)" % (i, tail.valueAt(tail.FirstParameter)))
         PathLog.debug("MapWireToTag(%s - )" % i)
     self.complete = False
     self.haveProblem = False
Beispiel #2
 def __init__(self, edge, tag, i, segm, maxZ):
     debugEdge(edge, 'MapWireToTag(%.2f, %.2f, %.2f)' % (i.x, i.y, i.z))
     self.tag = tag
     self.segm = segm
     self.maxZ = maxZ
     if PathGeom.pointsCoincide(edge.valueAt(edge.FirstParameter), i):
         tail = edge
         self.commands = []
         debugEdge(tail, '.........=')
     elif PathGeom.pointsCoincide(edge.valueAt(edge.LastParameter), i):
         debugEdge(edge, '++++++++ .')
         self.commands = PathGeom.cmdsForEdge(edge, segm=segm)
         tail = None
         e, tail = PathGeom.splitEdgeAt(edge, i)
         debugEdge(e, '++++++++ .')
         self.commands = PathGeom.cmdsForEdge(e, segm=segm)
         debugEdge(tail, '.........-')
         self.initialEdge = edge
     self.tail = tail
     self.edges = []
     self.entry = i
     if tail:
         PathLog.debug("MapWireToTag(%s - %s)" %
                       (i, tail.valueAt(tail.FirstParameter)))
         PathLog.debug("MapWireToTag(%s - )" % i)
     self.complete = False
     self.haveProblem = False
 def commandsForEdges(self):
     if self.edges:
             shape =
             commands = []
             rapid = None
             for e,flip in self.orderAndFlipEdges(self.cleanupEdges(shape.Edges)):
                 debugEdge(e, '++++++++ %s' % ('<' if flip else '>'), False)
                 p1 = e.valueAt(e.FirstParameter)
                 p2 = e.valueAt(e.LastParameter)
                 if self.tag.isSquare and (PathGeom.isRoughly(p1.z, self.maxZ) or p1.z > self.maxZ) and (PathGeom.isRoughly(p2.z, self.maxZ) or p2.z > self.maxZ):
                     rapid = p1 if flip else p2
                     if rapid:
                         commands.append(Path.Command('G0', {'X': rapid.x, 'Y': rapid.y, 'Z': rapid.z}))
                         rapid = None
                     commands.extend(PathGeom.cmdsForEdge(e, flip, False, self.segm))
             if rapid:
                 commands.append(Path.Command('G0', {'X': rapid.x, 'Y': rapid.y, 'Z': rapid.z}))
                 rapid = None
             return commands
         except Exception as e:
             PathLog.error("Exception during processing tag @(%.2f, %.2f) (%s) - disabling the tag" % (self.tag.x, self.tag.y, e.args[0]))
             self.tag.enabled = False
             commands = []
             for e in self.edges:
             return commands
     return []
 def commandsForEdges(self):
     if self.edges:
             shape =
             commands = []
             rapid = None
             for e, flip in self.orderAndFlipEdges(self.cleanupEdges(shape.Edges)):
                 debugEdge(e, '++++++++ %s' % ('<' if flip else '>'), False)
                 p1 = e.valueAt(e.FirstParameter)
                 p2 = e.valueAt(e.LastParameter)
                 if self.tag.isSquare and (PathGeom.isRoughly(p1.z, self.maxZ) or p1.z > self.maxZ) and (PathGeom.isRoughly(p2.z, self.maxZ) or p2.z > self.maxZ):
                     rapid = p1 if flip else p2
                     if rapid:
                         commands.append(Path.Command('G0', {'X': rapid.x, 'Y': rapid.y, 'Z': rapid.z}))
                         rapid = None
                     commands.extend(PathGeom.cmdsForEdge(e, flip, False, self.segm))
             if rapid:
                 commands.append(Path.Command('G0', {'X': rapid.x, 'Y': rapid.y, 'Z': rapid.z}))
                 rapid = None
             return commands
         except Exception as e:
             PathLog.error("Exception during processing tag @(%.2f, %.2f) (%s) - disabling the tag" % (self.tag.x, self.tag.y, e.args[0]))
             self.tag.enabled = False
             commands = []
             for e in self.edges:
             return commands
     return []
Beispiel #5
    def buildpathocc(self, obj, wires, zValues):
        '''buildpathocc(obj, wires, zValues) ... internal helper function to generate engraving commands.'''

        for wire in wires:
            offset = wire

            # reorder the wire
            offset = DraftGeomUtils.rebaseWire(offset, obj.StartVertex)

            last = None
            for z in zValues:
                if last:
                    self.commandlist.append(Path.Command('G1', {'X': last.x, 'Y': last.y, 'Z': z, 'F': self.vertFeed}))

                for edge in offset.Edges:
                    if not last:
                        # we set the first move to our first point
                        last = edge.Vertexes[0].Point
                        if len(offset.Edges) > 1:
                            e2 = offset.Edges[1]
                            if not PathGeom.pointsCoincide(edge.Vertexes[-1].Point, e2.Vertexes[0].Point) and not PathGeom.pointsCoincide(edge.Vertexes[-1].Point, e2.Vertexes[-1].Point):
                                PathLog.debug("flip first edge")
                                last = edge.Vertexes[-1].Point
                                PathLog.debug("original first edge")
                            PathLog.debug("not enough edges to flip")
                        self.commandlist.append(Path.Command('G0', {'X': last.x, 'Y': last.y, 'Z': obj.ClearanceHeight.Value, 'F': self.horizRapid}))
                        self.commandlist.append(Path.Command('G0', {'X': last.x, 'Y': last.y, 'Z': obj.SafeHeight.Value, 'F': self.vertRapid}))
                        self.commandlist.append(Path.Command('G0', {'X': last.x, 'Y': last.y, 'Z': z, 'F': self.vertFeed}))

                    if PathGeom.pointsCoincide(last, edge.Vertexes[0].Point):
                        for cmd in PathGeom.cmdsForEdge(edge):
                            params = cmd.Parameters
                            params.update({'Z': z, 'F': self.horizFeed})
                            self.commandlist.append(Path.Command(cmd.Name, params))
                        last = edge.Vertexes[-1].Point
                        for cmd in PathGeom.cmdsForEdge(edge, True):
                            params = cmd.Parameters
                            params.update({'Z': z, 'F': self.horizFeed})
                            self.commandlist.append(Path.Command(cmd.Name, params))
                        last = edge.Vertexes[0].Point
            self.commandlist.append(Path.Command('G0', {'Z': obj.ClearanceHeight.Value, 'F': self.vertRapid}))
        if self.commandlist:
Beispiel #6
    def buildpathocc(self, obj, wires, zValues):
        '''buildpathocc(obj, wires, zValues) ... internal helper function to generate engraving commands.'''
        PathLog.track(obj.Label, len(wires), zValues)

        for wire in wires:
            offset = wire

            # reorder the wire
            offset = DraftGeomUtils.rebaseWire(offset, obj.StartVertex)

            last = None
            for z in zValues:
                if last:
                    self.commandlist.append(Path.Command('G1', {'X': last.x, 'Y': last.y, 'Z': z, 'F': self.vertFeed}))

                for edge in offset.Edges:
                    if not last:
                        # we set the first move to our first point
                        last = edge.Vertexes[0].Point
                        if len(offset.Edges) > 1:
                            e2 = offset.Edges[1]
                            if not PathGeom.pointsCoincide(edge.Vertexes[-1].Point, e2.Vertexes[0].Point) and not PathGeom.pointsCoincide(edge.Vertexes[-1].Point, e2.Vertexes[-1].Point):
                                PathLog.debug("flip first edge")
                                last = edge.Vertexes[-1].Point
                                PathLog.debug("original first edge")
                            PathLog.debug("not enough edges to flip")
                        self.commandlist.append(Path.Command('G0', {'X': last.x, 'Y': last.y, 'Z': obj.ClearanceHeight.Value, 'F': self.horizRapid}))
                        self.commandlist.append(Path.Command('G0', {'X': last.x, 'Y': last.y, 'Z': obj.SafeHeight.Value, 'F': self.vertRapid}))
                        self.commandlist.append(Path.Command('G0', {'X': last.x, 'Y': last.y, 'Z': z, 'F': self.vertFeed}))

                    if PathGeom.pointsCoincide(last, edge.Vertexes[0].Point):
                        for cmd in PathGeom.cmdsForEdge(edge):
                            params = cmd.Parameters
                            params.update({'Z': z, 'F': self.horizFeed})
                            self.commandlist.append(Path.Command(cmd.Name, params))
                        last = edge.Vertexes[-1].Point
                        for cmd in PathGeom.cmdsForEdge(edge, True):
                            params = cmd.Parameters
                            params.update({'Z': z, 'F': self.horizFeed})
                            self.commandlist.append(Path.Command(cmd.Name, params))
                        last = edge.Vertexes[0].Point
            self.commandlist.append(Path.Command('G0', {'Z': obj.ClearanceHeight.Value, 'F': self.vertRapid}))
        if self.commandlist:
Beispiel #7
    def createCommands(self, obj, edges):
        commands = []
        for edge in edges:
            israpid = False
            for redge in self.rapids:
                if PathGeom.edgesMatch(edge, redge):
                    israpid = True
            if israpid:
                v = edge.valueAt(edge.LastParameter)
                    Path.Command('G0', {
                        'X': v.x,
                        'Y': v.y,
                        'Z': v.z

        lastCmd = Path.Command('G0', {'X': 0.0, 'Y': 0.0, 'Z': 0.0})

        outCommands = []

        horizFeed = obj.ToolController.HorizFeed.Value
        vertFeed = obj.ToolController.VertFeed.Value
        horizRapid = obj.ToolController.HorizRapid.Value
        vertRapid = obj.ToolController.VertRapid.Value

        for cmd in commands:
            params = cmd.Parameters
            zVal = params.get('Z', None)
            zVal2 = lastCmd.Parameters.get('Z', None)

            zVal = zVal and round(zVal, 8)
            zVal2 = zVal2 and round(zVal2, 8)

            if cmd.Name in ['G1', 'G2', 'G3', 'G01', 'G02', 'G03']:
                if zVal is not None and zVal2 != zVal:
                    params['F'] = vertFeed
                    params['F'] = horizFeed
                lastCmd = cmd

            elif cmd.Name in ['G0', 'G00']:
                if zVal is not None and zVal2 != zVal:
                    params['F'] = vertRapid
                    params['F'] = horizRapid
                lastCmd = cmd

            outCommands.append(Path.Command(cmd.Name, params))

        return Path.Path(outCommands)
Beispiel #8
    def createCommands(self, obj, edges):
        commands = []
        for edge in edges:
            israpid = False
            for redge in self.rapids:
                if PathGeom.edgesMatch(edge, redge):
                    israpid = True
            if israpid:
                v = edge.valueAt(edge.LastParameter)
                commands.append(Path.Command('G0', {'X': v.x, 'Y': v.y, 'Z': v.z}))

        lastCmd = Path.Command('G0', {'X': 0.0, 'Y': 0.0, 'Z': 0.0})

        outCommands = []

        horizFeed = obj.ToolController.HorizFeed.Value
        vertFeed = obj.ToolController.VertFeed.Value
        horizRapid = obj.ToolController.HorizRapid.Value
        vertRapid = obj.ToolController.VertRapid.Value

        for cmd in commands:
            params = cmd.Parameters
            zVal = params.get('Z', None)
            zVal2 = lastCmd.Parameters.get('Z', None)

            zVal = zVal and round(zVal, 8)
            zVal2 = zVal2 and round(zVal2, 8)

            if cmd.Name in ['G1', 'G2', 'G3', 'G01', 'G02', 'G03']:
                if zVal is not None and zVal2 != zVal:
                    params['F'] = vertFeed
                    params['F'] = horizFeed
                lastCmd = cmd

            elif cmd.Name in ['G0', 'G00']:
                if zVal is not None and zVal2 != zVal:
                    params['F'] = vertRapid
                    params['F'] = horizRapid
                lastCmd = cmd

            outCommands.append(Path.Command(cmd.Name, params))

        return Path.Path(outCommands)
Beispiel #9
 def cmds(pa, pb, pc, flip):
     return PathGeom.cmdsForEdge(Part.Edge(Part.Arc(pa, pb, pc)), flip)[0]
Beispiel #10
    def createPath(self, obj, pathData, tags):
        commands = []
        lastEdge = 0
        lastTag = 0
        # sameTag = None
        t = 0
        # inters = None
        edge = None

        segm = 50
        if hasattr(obj, 'SegmentationFactor'):
            segm = obj.SegmentationFactor
            if segm <= 0:
                segm = 50
                obj.SegmentationFactor = 50

        self.mappers = []
        mapper = None

        while edge or lastEdge < len(pathData.edges):
            PathLog.debug("------- lastEdge = %d/%d.%d/%d" %
                          (lastEdge, lastTag, t, len(tags)))
            if not edge:
                edge = pathData.edges[lastEdge]
                    edge, "=======  new edge: %d/%d" %
                    (lastEdge, len(pathData.edges)))
                lastEdge += 1
                # sameTag = None

            if mapper:
                if mapper.mappingComplete():
                    edge = mapper.tail
                    mapper = None
                    edge = None

            if edge:
                tIndex = (t + lastTag) % len(tags)
                t += 1
                i = tags[tIndex].intersects(edge, edge.FirstParameter)
                if i and self.isValidTagStartIntersection(edge, i):
                    mapper = MapWireToTag(edge, tags[tIndex], i, segm,
                    edge = mapper.tail

            if not mapper and t >= len(tags):
                # gone through all tags, consume edge and move on
                if edge:
                    debugEdge(edge, '++++++++')
                    if pathData.rapid.isRapid(edge):
                        v = edge.Vertexes[1]
                        if not commands and PathGeom.isRoughly(
                                0, v.X) and PathGeom.isRoughly(
                                    0, v.Y) and not PathGeom.isRoughly(0, v.Z):
                            # The very first move is just to move to ClearanceHeight
                            commands.append(Path.Command('G0', {'Z': v.Z}))
                                Path.Command('G0', {
                                    'X': v.X,
                                    'Y': v.Y,
                                    'Z': v.Z
                        commands.extend(PathGeom.cmdsForEdge(edge, segm=segm))
                edge = None
                t = 0

        lastCmd = Path.Command('G0', {'X': 0.0, 'Y': 0.0, 'Z': 0.0})
        outCommands = []

        tc = PathDressup.toolController(obj.Base)
        horizFeed = tc.HorizFeed.Value
        vertFeed = tc.VertFeed.Value
        horizRapid = tc.HorizRapid.Value
        vertRapid = tc.VertRapid.Value

        for cmd in commands:
            params = cmd.Parameters
            zVal = params.get('Z', None)
            zVal2 = lastCmd.Parameters.get('Z', None)

            zVal = zVal and round(zVal, 8)
            zVal2 = zVal2 and round(zVal2, 8)

            if cmd.Name in ['G1', 'G2', 'G3', 'G01', 'G02', 'G03']:
                if False and zVal is not None and zVal2 != zVal:
                    params['F'] = vertFeed
                    params['F'] = horizFeed
                lastCmd = cmd

            elif cmd.Name in ['G0', 'G00']:
                if zVal is not None and zVal2 != zVal:
                    params['F'] = vertRapid
                    params['F'] = horizRapid
                lastCmd = cmd

            outCommands.append(Path.Command(cmd.Name, params))

        return Path.Path(outCommands)
Beispiel #11
    def createCommands(self, obj, edges):
        commands = []
        for edge in edges:
            israpid = False
            for redge in self.rapids:
                if PathGeom.edgesMatch(edge, redge):
                    israpid = True
            if israpid:
                v = edge.valueAt(edge.LastParameter)
                    Path.Command('G0', {
                        'X': v.x,
                        'Y': v.y,
                        'Z': v.z

        lastCmd = Path.Command('G0', {'X': 0.0, 'Y': 0.0, 'Z': 0.0})

        outCommands = []

        tc = PathDressup.toolController(obj.Base)

        horizFeed = tc.HorizFeed.Value
        vertFeed = tc.VertFeed.Value
        if obj.RampFeedRate == "Horizontal Feed Rate":
            rampFeed = tc.HorizFeed.Value
        elif obj.RampFeedRate == "Vertical Feed Rate":
            rampFeed = tc.VertFeed.Value
            rampFeed = obj.CustomFeedRate.Value
        horizRapid = tc.HorizRapid.Value
        vertRapid = tc.VertRapid.Value

        for cmd in commands:
            params = cmd.Parameters
            zVal = params.get('Z', None)
            zVal2 = lastCmd.Parameters.get('Z', None)

            xVal = params.get('X', None)
            xVal2 = lastCmd.Parameters.get('X', None)

            yVal2 = lastCmd.Parameters.get('Y', None)
            yVal = params.get('Y', None)

            zVal = zVal and round(zVal, 8)
            zVal2 = zVal2 and round(zVal2, 8)

            if cmd.Name in ['G1', 'G2', 'G3', 'G01', 'G02', 'G03']:
                if zVal is not None and zVal2 != zVal:
                    if PathGeom.isRoughly(xVal, xVal2) and PathGeom.isRoughly(
                            yVal, yVal2):
                        # this is a straight plunge
                        params['F'] = vertFeed
                        # this is a ramp
                        params['F'] = rampFeed
                    params['F'] = horizFeed
                lastCmd = cmd

            elif cmd.Name in ['G0', 'G00']:
                if zVal is not None and zVal2 != zVal:
                    params['F'] = vertRapid
                    params['F'] = horizRapid
                lastCmd = cmd

            outCommands.append(Path.Command(cmd.Name, params))

        return Path.Path(outCommands)
    def createPath(self, obj, pathData, tags):
        commands = []
        lastEdge = 0
        lastTag = 0
        # sameTag = None
        t = 0
        # inters = None
        edge = None

        segm = 50
        if hasattr(obj, 'SegmentationFactor'):
            segm = obj.SegmentationFactor
            if segm <= 0:
                segm = 50
                obj.SegmentationFactor = 50

        self.mappers = []
        mapper = None

        while edge or lastEdge < len(pathData.edges):
            PathLog.debug("------- lastEdge = %d/%d.%d/%d" % (lastEdge, lastTag, t, len(tags)))
            if not edge:
                edge = pathData.edges[lastEdge]
                debugEdge(edge, "=======  new edge: %d/%d" % (lastEdge, len(pathData.edges)))
                lastEdge += 1
                # sameTag = None

            if mapper:
                if mapper.mappingComplete():
                    edge = mapper.tail
                    mapper = None
                    edge = None

            if edge:
                tIndex = (t + lastTag) % len(tags)
                t += 1
                i = tags[tIndex].intersects(edge, edge.FirstParameter)
                if i and self.isValidTagStartIntersection(edge, i):
                    mapper = MapWireToTag(edge, tags[tIndex], i, segm, pathData.maxZ)
                    edge = mapper.tail

            if not mapper and t >= len(tags):
                # gone through all tags, consume edge and move on
                if edge:
                    debugEdge(edge, '++++++++')
                    if pathData.rapid.isRapid(edge):
                        v = edge.Vertexes[1]
                        if not commands and PathGeom.isRoughly(0, v.X) and PathGeom.isRoughly(0, v.Y) and not PathGeom.isRoughly(0, v.Z):
                            # The very first move is just to move to ClearanceHeight
                            commands.append(Path.Command('G0', {'Z': v.Z}))
                            commands.append(Path.Command('G0', {'X': v.X, 'Y': v.Y, 'Z': v.Z}))
                        commands.extend(PathGeom.cmdsForEdge(edge, segm=segm))
                edge = None
                t = 0

        lastCmd = Path.Command('G0', {'X': 0.0, 'Y': 0.0, 'Z': 0.0})
        outCommands = []

        tc = PathDressup.toolController(obj.Base)
        horizFeed = tc.HorizFeed.Value
        vertFeed = tc.VertFeed.Value
        horizRapid = tc.HorizRapid.Value
        vertRapid = tc.VertRapid.Value

        for cmd in commands:
            params = cmd.Parameters
            zVal = params.get('Z', None)
            zVal2 = lastCmd.Parameters.get('Z', None)

            zVal = zVal and round(zVal, 8)
            zVal2 = zVal2 and round(zVal2, 8)

            if cmd.Name in ['G1', 'G2', 'G3', 'G01', 'G02', 'G03']:
                if False and zVal is not None and zVal2 != zVal:
                    params['F'] = vertFeed
                    params['F'] = horizFeed
                lastCmd = cmd

            elif cmd.Name in ['G0', 'G00']:
                if zVal is not None and zVal2 != zVal:
                    params['F'] = vertRapid
                    params['F'] = horizRapid
                lastCmd = cmd

            outCommands.append(Path.Command(cmd.Name, params))

        return Path.Path(outCommands)
Beispiel #13
 def cmds(center, radius, up=True):
     norm = Vector(0, 0, 1) if up else Vector(0, 0, -1)
     return PathGeom.cmdsForEdge(
         Part.Edge(Part.Circle(center, norm, radius)))[0]
Beispiel #14
 def cmds(pa, pb, pc, flip):
     return PathGeom.cmdsForEdge(Part.Edge(Part.Arc(pa, pb, pc)),
Beispiel #15
 def cmds(center, radius, up = True):
     norm = Vector(0, 0, 1) if up else Vector(0, 0, -1)
     return PathGeom.cmdsForEdge(Part.Edge(Part.Circle(center, norm, radius)))[0]
    def createCommands(self, obj, edges):
        commands = []
        for edge in edges:
            israpid = False
            for redge in self.rapids:
                if PathGeom.edgesMatch(edge, redge):
                    israpid = True
            if israpid:
                v = edge.valueAt(edge.LastParameter)
                commands.append(Path.Command('G0', {'X': v.x, 'Y': v.y, 'Z': v.z}))

        lastCmd = Path.Command('G0', {'X': 0.0, 'Y': 0.0, 'Z': 0.0})

        outCommands = []

        tc = PathDressup.toolController(obj.Base)

        horizFeed = tc.HorizFeed.Value
        vertFeed = tc.VertFeed.Value
        if obj.RampFeedRate == "Horizontal Feed Rate":
            rampFeed = tc.HorizFeed.Value
        elif obj.RampFeedRate == "Vertical Feed Rate":
            rampFeed = tc.VertFeed.Value
            rampFeed = obj.CustomFeedRate.Value
        horizRapid = tc.HorizRapid.Value
        vertRapid = tc.VertRapid.Value

        for cmd in commands:
            params = cmd.Parameters
            zVal = params.get('Z', None)
            zVal2 = lastCmd.Parameters.get('Z', None)

            xVal = params.get('X', None)
            xVal2 = lastCmd.Parameters.get('X', None)

            yVal2 = lastCmd.Parameters.get('Y', None)
            yVal = params.get('Y', None)

            zVal = zVal and round(zVal, 8)
            zVal2 = zVal2 and round(zVal2, 8)

            if cmd.Name in ['G1', 'G2', 'G3', 'G01', 'G02', 'G03']:
                if zVal is not None and zVal2 != zVal:
                    if PathGeom.isRoughly(xVal, xVal2) and PathGeom.isRoughly(yVal, yVal2):
                        # this is a straight plunge
                        params['F'] = vertFeed
                        # this is a ramp
                        params['F'] = rampFeed
                    params['F'] = horizFeed
                lastCmd = cmd

            elif cmd.Name in ['G0', 'G00']:
                if zVal is not None and zVal2 != zVal:
                    params['F'] = vertRapid
                    params['F'] = horizRapid
                lastCmd = cmd

            outCommands.append(Path.Command(cmd.Name, params))

        return Path.Path(outCommands)