Beispiel #1
class I2C:

    def __init__(self, pin_type, clk_pin, data_pin, port="/dev/ttyACM0",

        :param pin_type: DIGITAL 或者 ANALOG
        :param clk_pin: 时钟总线接入的针脚
        :param data_pin: 数据总线接入的针脚
        :param port: 虚谷连接I2C设备的COM口,默认为"/dev/ttyACM0"
        :param debug: 当为True的时候,会输出debug信息
        self.board = PyMata(port, bluetooth=False, verbose=debug)
        # i2c设备初始化
        self.i2c = self.board.i2c_config(0, pin_type, clk_pin, data_pin)

    def read(self, addr=0x48, register=0, read_byte=2):

        :param addr: i2c设备的一个地址
        :param register: i2c设备某个地址的寄存器
        :param read_byte: 一次读取的字节数量
        # 向i2c的一个地址发送一个信号
        self.board.i2c_write(addr, PyMata.I2C_READ_CONTINUOUSLY)
        # 读取这个地址的寄存器中缓存的数据
        self.board.i2c_read(addr, register, read_byte, PyMata.I2C_READ)
        # 获取该地址中的数据
        data = self.board.i2c_get_read_data(addr)
        return data

    def write(self, value, addr=0x48, register=0):
        self.board.i2c_write(addr, addr, register, value)
signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal_handler)

board.set_pin_mode(BOARD_LED, board.OUTPUT, board.DIGITAL)
board.i2c_config(0, board.DIGITAL, 3, 2)

# Setup MQTT Client
client = mqtt.Client()
client.username_pw_set("********", password="******")
client.on_connect = on_connect

client.connect("", 1883, 60)

sensor_data = {"HUM": 0, "TEMP": 0}
while 1:
    board.i2c_read(0x5c, 0, 5, board.I2C_READ)

    data = board.i2c_get_read_data(0x5c)
    calculated_sum = data[1] + data[2] + data[3] + data[4]

    if data[5] == calculated_sum:  # Check for Checksum
        humidity = data[1] + float(data[2]) / 10
        scaleValue = data[4] & 0xEF
        signValue = data[4] & 0x80

        temperature = data[3] + float(scaleValue) / 10

        if signValue:
            temperature = -temperature
        sensor_data["HUM"] = humidity
import time
from PyMata.pymata import PyMata

addr = 0x48
# Initialize Arduino using port name
port = PyMata("/dev/cu.usbmodem621")

# Configure I2C pin
port.i2c_config(0, port.ANALOG, 4, 5)

# one shot read asking peripheral to send 2 bytes
port.i2c_read(addr, 0, 2, port.I2C_READ)

# Wait for peripheral to send the data

# Read from the peripheral
data = port.i2c_get_read_data(addr)

# Obtain temperature from received data
TemperatureSum = (data[1] << 8 | data[2]) >> 4

celsius = TemperatureSum * 0.0625
print celsius

fahrenheit = (1.8 * celsius) + 32
print fahrenheit

import time

from PyMata.pymata import PyMata

board = PyMata("/dev/ttyACM0")

# for leonardo
board.i2c_config(0, board.DIGITAL, 3, 2)

# for uno
# board.i2c_config(0, board.ANALOG, 4, 5)

while True:
            board.I2C_READ_CONTINUOUSLY)  # same results with board.I2C_READ
            0x23, 0, 2,
            board.I2C_READ)  # same results with board.I2C_READ_CONTINUOUSLY

        data = board.i2c_get_read_data(0x23)
        print('Got read data: %s' % data)
        lux = (data[1] << 8 | data[2]) >> 4
        lux /= 1.2
        print(str(lux) + ' lux')
    except KeyboardInterrupt:
Beispiel #5
from PyMata.pymata import PyMata

# The PyMata constructor will print status to the console and will return
# when PyMata is ready to accept commands or will exit if unsuccessful
firmata = PyMata("/dev/ttyACM0")

#configure the I2C pins. This code is for the UNO

firmata.i2c_config(0, firmata.ANALOG, 4, 5)

# read i2c device at address 0x48, with no register specified. Expect 2 bytes to be returned
# and the operation is a single shot read
firmata.i2c_read(0x48, 0, 2, firmata.I2C_READ)

# give the serial interface time to send a read, for the device to execute the read
# and to get things back across the interface

# retrieve the data sent from device
data = firmata.i2c_get_read_data(0x48)

# do some calculations on the raw data returned
TemperatureSum = (data[1] << 8 | data[2]) >> 4

celsius = TemperatureSum * 0.0625
print celsius

fahrenheit = (1.8 * celsius) + 32

# create a PyMata instance
board = PyMata("/dev/ttyACM0")

def signal_handler(sig, frame):
    print('You pressed Ctrl+C!!!!')
    if board is not None:

signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal_handler)

# configure firmata for i2c on an UNO
board.i2c_config(0, board.ANALOG, 4, 5)

# configure the I2C pins. This code is for the Leonardo
#board.i2c_config(0, board.DIGITAL, 3, 2)

# read i2c device at address 0x48, with no register specified. Expect 2 bytes to be returned
# and the operation is a single shot read
board.i2c_read(0x48, 0, 2, board.I2C_READ, temp_callback)

# give the serial interface time to send a read, for the device to execute the read
# and to get things back across the interface

    if board is not None:

signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal_handler)

# configure firmata for i2c on an UNO
board.i2c_config(0, board.ANALOG, 4, 5)

# configure the I2C pins. This code is for the Leonardo
# board.i2c_config(0, board.DIGITAL, 3, 2)

# read i2c device at address 0x48, with no register specified. Expect 2 bytes to be returned
# and the operation is a single shot read
board.i2c_read(0x48, 0, 2, board.I2C_READ)

# give the serial interface time to send a read, for the device to execute the read
# and to get things back across the interface

# retrieve the data sent from device
data = board.i2c_get_read_data(0x48)

# do some calculations on the raw data returned
TemperatureSum = (data[1] << 8 | data[2]) >> 4

celsius = TemperatureSum * 0.0625

fahrenheit = (1.8 * celsius) + 32
Beispiel #8

# create a PyMata instance
board = PyMata("/dev/ttyACM0")

def signal_handler(sig, frame):
    print('You pressed Ctrl+C!!!!')
    if board is not None:

signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal_handler)

# configure firmata for i2c on an UNO
board.i2c_config(0, board.ANALOG, 4, 5)

# configure the I2C pins. This code is for the Leonardo
# board.i2c_config(0, board.DIGITAL, 3, 2)

# read i2c device at address 0x48, with no register specified. Expect 2 bytes to be returned
# and the operation is a single shot read
board.i2c_read(0x48, 0, 2, board.I2C_READ, temp_callback)

# give the serial interface time to send a read, for the device to execute the read
# and to get things back across the interface

Beispiel #9
def signal_handler(sig, frame):
    print('You pressed Ctrl+C!!!!')
    if board is not None:

signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal_handler)

def lux_callback(data):
    datax = data[2]
    print 'Got read data: %s' % data
    lux = (datax[1] << 8 | datax[2]) >> 4
    lux /= 1.2
    print str(lux) + ' lux'

while True:
            board.I2C_READ_CONTINUOUSLY)  # same results with board.I2C_READ
            0x23, 0, 2, board.I2C_READ,
            lux_callback)  # same results with board.I2C_READ_CONTINUOUSLY
    except KeyboardInterrupt:
# This code is supporting material for the book
# Python Programming for Arduino
# by Pratik Desai
# published by PACKT Publishing

import time
from PyMata.pymata import PyMata

#Initializing Arduino using PyFirmata constructor
port = PyMata("COM5")

#Configure I2C pin
port.i2c_config(0, port.ANALOG, 4, 5)

# One shot read asking peripheral to send 2 bytes
port.i2c_read(0x23, 0, 2, port.I2C_READ)
# Wait for peripheral to send the data

# Read from the peripheral
data = port.i2c_get_read_data(0x23)

# Obtain lux values from received data
LuxSum = (data[1] << 8 | data[2]) >> 4

lux = LuxSum/1.2
print str(lux) + ' lux'

Beispiel #11
# import the API class
import time

from PyMata.pymata import PyMata

# The PyMata constructor will print status to the console and will return
# when PyMata is ready to accept commands or will exit if unsuccessful
firmata = PyMata("/dev/ttyACM0")

#configure the I2C pins. This code is for the UNO

firmata.i2c_config(0, firmata.ANALOG, 4, 5)

# read i2c device at address 0x48, with no register specified. Expect 2 bytes to be returned
# and the operation is a single shot read
firmata.i2c_read(0x48, 0, 2, firmata.I2C_READ)

# give the serial interface time to send a read, for the device to execute the read
# and to get things back across the interface

# retrieve the data sent from device
data = firmata.i2c_get_read_data(0x48)

# do some calculations on the raw data returned
TemperatureSum = (data[1] << 8 | data[2]) >> 4

celsius = TemperatureSum * 0.0625
print celsius

fahrenheit = (1.8 * celsius) + 32
Beispiel #12
# for uno
# board.i2c_config(0, board.ANALOG, 4, 5)

def signal_handler(sig, frame):
    print('You pressed Ctrl+C!!!!')
    if board is not None:

signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal_handler)

def lux_callback(data):
    datax = data[2]
    print('Got read data: %s' % data)
    lux = (datax[1] << 8 | datax[2]) >> 4
    lux /= 1.2
    print(str(lux) + ' lux')

while True:
        board.i2c_write(0x23, board.I2C_READ_CONTINUOUSLY)  # same results with board.I2C_READ
        board.i2c_read(0x23, 0, 2, board.I2C_READ, lux_callback)  # same results with board.I2C_READ_CONTINUOUSLY
    except KeyboardInterrupt:
Beispiel #13
    if board is not None:

signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal_handler)

# configure firmata for i2c on an UNO
board.i2c_config(0, board.ANALOG, 4, 5)

# configure the I2C pins. This code is for the Leonardo
# board.i2c_config(0, board.DIGITAL, 3, 2)

# read i2c device at address 0x48, with no register specified. Expect 2 bytes to be returned
# and the operation is a single shot read
board.i2c_read(0x48, 0, 2, board.I2C_READ)

# give the serial interface time to send a read, for the device to execute the read
# and to get things back across the interface

# retrieve the data sent from device
data = board.i2c_get_read_data(0x48)

# do some calculations on the raw data returned
TemperatureSum = (data[1] << 8 | data[2]) >> 4

celsius = TemperatureSum * 0.0625

fahrenheit = (1.8 * celsius) + 32
# This code is supporting material for the book
# Python Programming for Arduino
# by Pratik Desai
# published by PACKT Publishing

import time
from PyMata.pymata import PyMata

#Initialize Arduino using port name
port = PyMata("COM5")

#Configure I2C pin
port.i2c_config(0, port.ANALOG, 4, 5)

# One shot read asking peripheral to send 2 bytes
port.i2c_read(0x48, 0, 2, port.I2C_READ)
# Wait for peripheral to send the data

# Read from the peripheral
data = port.i2c_get_read_data(0x48)

# Obtain temperature from received data
TemperatureSum = (data[1] << 8 | data[2]) >> 4

celsius = TemperatureSum * 0.0625
print celsius

fahrenheit = (1.8 * celsius) + 32
print fahrenheit
Beispiel #15
# This code is supporting material for the book
# Python Programming for Arduino
# by Pratik Desai
# published by PACKT Publishing

import time
from PyMata.pymata import PyMata

#Initializing Arduino using PyFirmata constructor
port = PyMata("COM5")

#Configure I2C pin
port.i2c_config(0, port.ANALOG, 4, 5)

# One shot read asking peripheral to send 2 bytes
port.i2c_read(0x23, 0, 2, port.I2C_READ)
# Wait for peripheral to send the data

# Read from the peripheral
data = port.i2c_get_read_data(0x23)

# Obtain lux values from received data
LuxSum = (data[1] << 8 | data[2]) >> 4

lux = LuxSum / 1.2
print str(lux) + ' lux'
