uinfo = reddit.user_info()
print('\nlink karma:    %d' % uinfo.link_karma)
print('comment karma: %d' % uinfo.comment_karma)
created = int(uinfo.created)
print('account created on:  %s' % reddit.time_to_date(created))
print('time since creation: %s\n' % reddit.time_since(created))

# MySQL Stuff!!
db = MySQLdb.connect("URL","USER","PASSWORD","DBNAME")
#Prepare the "cursor" whatever that is
cursor = db.cursor()

searchTerm = raw_input('Please enter a search term: ')
redditSearch = reddit.search(searchTerm)

DataModel = Bunch()
listOfPostID = []
for post in redditSearch:
    print post
    postID = searchForPostIDInDatabase(post,cursor)
        Users = getUsersWhoVotedOnAPost(cursor,postID)
        for user in Users:
            userID = int(user[0])
            userVoteHistory = getUsersVoteHistory(cursor,userID)
            userVoteHistoryBunch = getBunchForTupleList(userVoteHistory)