# If we had no cookies, or cookies were invalid, 
# or the user we are logging into wasn't in the cookie file:
if not reddit.logged_in or reddit.user.lower() != USERNAME.lower():
	print('logging into %s' % USERNAME)
	login = reddit.login(user=USERNAME, password=PASSWORD)
	if login != 0:
		# 1 means invalid password, 2 means rate limited, -1 means unexpected error
		print('unable to log in: %d' % login)
		print('remember to change USERNAME and PASSWORD')
	# Save cookies so we won't have to log in again later

print('logged in as %s' % reddit.user)

uinfo = reddit.user_info()
print('\nlink karma:    %d' % uinfo.link_karma)
print('comment karma: %d' % uinfo.comment_karma)

# Retrieve posts in a subreddit
posts = reddit.get('/r/%s' % MOD_SUB)
print('posts in subreddit /r/%s:' % MOD_SUB)
for post in posts:
	if(post.clicked is False):
		for comment in post.comments:
			words = re.split("\?|\ |,|!|\n",comment.body)
			for word in words:
				if "http://www.tobaccoreviews.com" in word:
					linkURL = word
# If we had no cookies, or cookies were invalid,
# or the user we are logging into wasn't in the cookie file:
if not reddit.logged_in or reddit.user.lower() != USERNAME.lower():
    print('logging into %s' % USERNAME)
    login = reddit.login(user=USERNAME, password=PASSWORD)
    if login != 0:
        # 1 means invalid password, 2 means rate limited, -1 means unexpected error
        print('unable to log in: %d' % login)
        print('remember to change USERNAME and PASSWORD')
    # Save cookies so we won't have to log in again later

print('logged in as %s' % reddit.user)

uinfo = reddit.user_info()
print('\nlink karma:    %d' % uinfo.link_karma)
print('comment karma: %d' % uinfo.comment_karma)

# Retrieve posts in a subreddit
posts = reddit.get('/r/%s' % MOD_SUB)
print('posts in subreddit /r/%s:' % MOD_SUB)
for post in posts:
    if (post.clicked is False):
        for comment in post.comments:
            words = re.split("\?|\ |,|!|\n", comment.body)
            for word in words:
                if "http://www.tobaccoreviews.com" in word:
                    linkURL = word
                    if "/blend/" in word: