Beispiel #1
    def bPrimary(self, prob):
        eqLocs = prob._eqLocs

        if eqLocs is 'FE':
            gridX = prob.mesh.gridFx
            gridY = prob.mesh.gridFy
            gridZ = prob.mesh.gridFz
            C = prob.mesh.edgeCurl

        elif eqLocs is 'EF':
            gridX = prob.mesh.gridEx
            gridY = prob.mesh.gridEy
            gridZ = prob.mesh.gridEz
            C = prob.mesh.edgeCurl.T

        srcfct = SrcUtils.MagneticDipoleFields
        if prob.mesh._meshType is 'CYL':
            if not prob.mesh.isSymmetric:
                # TODO ?
                raise NotImplementedError('Non-symmetric cyl mesh not implemented yet!')
            bx = srcfct(self.loc, gridX, 'x',, moment=self.moment)
            bz = srcfct(self.loc, gridZ, 'z',, moment=self.moment)
            b = np.concatenate((bx,bz))
            bx = srcfct(self.loc, gridX, 'x',, moment=self.moment)
            by = srcfct(self.loc, gridY, 'y',, moment=self.moment)
            bz = srcfct(self.loc, gridZ, 'z',, moment=self.moment)
            b = np.concatenate((bx,by,bz))

        return b
Beispiel #2
    def _bfromVectorPotential(self, prob):
        if prob._eqLocs is 'FE':
            gridX = prob.mesh.gridEx
            gridY = prob.mesh.gridEy
            gridZ = prob.mesh.gridEz
            C = prob.mesh.edgeCurl

        elif prob._eqLocs is 'EF':
            gridX = prob.mesh.gridFx
            gridY = prob.mesh.gridFy
            gridZ = prob.mesh.gridFz
            C = prob.mesh.edgeCurl.T

        if prob.mesh._meshType is 'CYL':
            if not prob.mesh.isSymmetric:
                raise NotImplementedError('Non-symmetric cyl mesh not '
                                          'implemented yet!')
            a = MagneticLoopVectorPotential(self.loc, gridY, 'y',

            srcfct = MagneticLoopVectorPotential
            ax = srcfct(self.loc, gridX, 'x',, radius=self.radius)
            ay = srcfct(self.loc, gridY, 'y',, radius=self.radius)
            az = srcfct(self.loc, gridZ, 'z',, radius=self.radius)
            a = np.concatenate((ax, ay, az))

        return C*a
Beispiel #3
 def tovec(self):
     val = []
     for src in self.survey.srcList:
         for rx in src.rxList:
             for t in rx.times:
                 val.append(self[src, rx, t])
     return np.concatenate(val)
Beispiel #4
 def tovec(self):
     val = []
     for src in self.survey.srcList:
         for rx in src.rxList:
             for t in rx.times:
                 val.append(self[src, rx, t])
     return np.concatenate(val)
Beispiel #5
    def bPrimary(self, prob):
        eqLocs = prob._eqLocs

        if eqLocs is 'FE':
            gridX = prob.mesh.gridEx
            gridY = prob.mesh.gridEy
            gridZ = prob.mesh.gridEz
            C = prob.mesh.edgeCurl

        elif eqLocs is 'EF':
            gridX = prob.mesh.gridFx
            gridY = prob.mesh.gridFy
            gridZ = prob.mesh.gridFz
            C = prob.mesh.edgeCurl.T

        if prob.mesh._meshType is 'CYL':
            if not prob.mesh.isSymmetric:
                # TODO ?
                raise NotImplementedError('Non-symmetric cyl mesh not implemented yet!')
            a = SrcUtils.MagneticDipoleVectorPotential(self.loc, gridY, 'y', moment=self.radius,

            srcfct = SrcUtils.MagneticDipoleVectorPotential
            ax = srcfct(self.loc, gridX, 'x', self.radius,
            ay = srcfct(self.loc, gridY, 'y', self.radius,
            az = srcfct(self.loc, gridZ, 'z', self.radius,
            a = np.concatenate((ax, ay, az))

        return C*a
Beispiel #6
    def _bfromVectorPotential(self, prob):
        if prob._eqLocs is 'FE':
            gridX = prob.mesh.gridEx
            gridY = prob.mesh.gridEy
            gridZ = prob.mesh.gridEz
            C = prob.mesh.edgeCurl

        elif prob._eqLocs is 'EF':
            gridX = prob.mesh.gridFx
            gridY = prob.mesh.gridFy
            gridZ = prob.mesh.gridFz
            C = prob.mesh.edgeCurl.T

        if prob.mesh._meshType is 'CYL':
            if not prob.mesh.isSymmetric:
                raise NotImplementedError('Non-symmetric cyl mesh not '
                                          'implemented yet!')
            a = MagneticLoopVectorPotential(self.loc,

            srcfct = MagneticLoopVectorPotential
            ax = srcfct(self.loc, gridX, 'x',, radius=self.radius)
            ay = srcfct(self.loc, gridY, 'y',, radius=self.radius)
            az = srcfct(self.loc, gridZ, 'z',, radius=self.radius)
            a = np.concatenate((ax, ay, az))

        return C * a
Beispiel #7
    def __getitem__(self, key):
        src, rx, t = self._ensureCorrectKey(key)
        if rx is not None:
            if rx not in self._dataDict[src]:
                raise Exception('Data for receiver has not yet been set.')
            return self._dataDict[src][rx][t]

        return np.concatenate([self[src, rx, t] for rx in src.rxList])
Beispiel #8
    def __getitem__(self, key):
        src, rx, t = self._ensureCorrectKey(key)
        if rx is not None:
            if rx not in self._dataDict[src]:
                raise Exception('Data for receiver has not yet been set.')
            return self._dataDict[src][rx][t]

        return np.concatenate([self[src,rx, t] for rx in src.rxList])
Beispiel #9
 def gridCC(self):
     Cell-centered grid
     if getattr(self, '_gridCC', None) is None:
         self._gridCC = np.concatenate([self.aveN2CC*self.gridN[:, i]
                                        for i in range(self.dim)]).reshape(
                                        (-1, self.dim), order='F')
     return self._gridCC
Beispiel #10
 def gridCC(self):
     Cell-centered grid
     if getattr(self, '_gridCC', None) is None:
         self._gridCC = np.concatenate([
             self.aveN2CC * self.gridN[:, i] for i in range(self.dim)
         ]).reshape((-1, self.dim), order='F')
     return self._gridCC
Beispiel #11
    def toRecArray(self,returnType='RealImag'):
        Function that returns a numpy.recarray for a SimpegMT impedance data object.

        :param str returnType: Switches between returning a rec array where the impedance is split to real and imaginary ('RealImag') or is a complex ('Complex')


        # Define the record fields
        dtRI = [('freq',float),('x',float),('y',float),('z',float),('zxxr',float),('zxxi',float),('zxyr',float),('zxyi',float),
        dtCP = [('freq',float),('x',float),('y',float),('z',float),('zxx',complex),('zxy',complex),('zyx',complex),('zyy',complex),('tzx',complex),('tzy',complex)]
        impList = ['zxxr','zxxi','zxyr','zxyi','zyxr','zyxi','zyyr','zyyi']
        for src in self.survey.srcList:
            # Temp array for all the receivers of the source.
            # Note: needs to be written more generally, using diffterent rxTypes and not all the data at the locaitons
            # Assume the same locs for all RX
            locs = src.rxList[0].locs
            if locs.shape[1] == 1:
                locs = np.hstack((np.array([[0.0,0.0]]),locs))
            elif locs.shape[1] == 2:
                locs = np.hstack((np.array([[0.0]]),locs))
            tArrRec = np.concatenate((src.freq*np.ones((locs.shape[0],1)),locs,np.nan*np.ones((locs.shape[0],12))),axis=1).view(dtRI)
            # np.array([(src.freq,rx.locs[0,0],rx.locs[0,1],rx.locs[0,2],np.nan ,np.nan ,np.nan ,np.nan ,np.nan ,np.nan ,np.nan ,np.nan ) for rx in src.rxList],dtype=dtRI)
            # Get the type and the value for the DataMT object as a list
            typeList = [[rx.rxType.replace('z1d','zyx'),self[src,rx]] for rx in src.rxList]
            # Insert the values to the temp array
            for nr,(key,val) in enumerate(typeList):
                tArrRec[key] = mkvc(val,2)
            # Masked array
            mArrRec =,mask=np.isnan(rec2ndarr(tArrRec))).view(dtype=tArrRec.dtype)
            # Unique freq and loc of the masked array
            uniFLmarr = np.unique(mArrRec[['freq','x','y','z']]).copy()

                outTemp = recFunc.stack_arrays((outTemp,mArrRec))
                #outTemp = np.concatenate((outTemp,dataBlock),axis=0)
            except NameError as e:
                outTemp = mArrRec

            if 'RealImag' in returnType:
                outArr = outTemp
            elif 'Complex' in returnType:
                # Add the real and imaginary to a complex number
                outArr = np.empty(outTemp.shape,dtype=dtCP)
                for comp in ['freq','x','y','z']:
                    outArr[comp] = outTemp[comp].copy()
                for comp in ['zxx','zxy','zyx','zyy','tzx','tzy']:
                    outArr[comp] = outTemp[comp+'r'].copy() + 1j*outTemp[comp+'i'].copy()
                raise NotImplementedError('{:s} is not implemented, as to be RealImag or Complex.')

        # Return
        return outArr
Beispiel #12
    def bPrimary(self, prob):
        The primary magnetic flux density from the analytic solution for magnetic fields from a dipole

        :param Problem prob: FDEM problem
        :rtype: numpy.ndarray
        :return: primary magnetic field

        formulation = prob._formulation

        if formulation is 'EB':
            gridX = prob.mesh.gridFx
            gridY = prob.mesh.gridFy
            gridZ = prob.mesh.gridFz
            C = prob.mesh.edgeCurl

        elif formulation is 'HJ':
            gridX = prob.mesh.gridEx
            gridY = prob.mesh.gridEy
            gridZ = prob.mesh.gridEz
            C = prob.mesh.edgeCurl.T

        srcfct = MagneticDipoleFields
        if prob.mesh._meshType is 'CYL':
            if not prob.mesh.isSymmetric:
                # TODO ?
                raise NotImplementedError(
                    'Non-symmetric cyl mesh not implemented yet!')
            bx = srcfct(self.loc, gridX, 'x',, moment=self.moment)
            bz = srcfct(self.loc, gridZ, 'z',, moment=self.moment)
            b = np.concatenate((bx, bz))
            bx = srcfct(self.loc, gridX, 'x',, moment=self.moment)
            by = srcfct(self.loc, gridY, 'y',, moment=self.moment)
            bz = srcfct(self.loc, gridZ, 'z',, moment=self.moment)
            b = np.concatenate((bx, by, bz))

        return b
Beispiel #13
    def bPrimary(self, prob):
        The primary magnetic flux density from the analytic solution for magnetic fields from a dipole

        :param BaseFDEMProblem prob: FDEM problem
        :rtype: numpy.ndarray
        :return: primary magnetic field

        formulation = prob._formulation

        if formulation is 'EB':
            gridX = prob.mesh.gridFx
            gridY = prob.mesh.gridFy
            gridZ = prob.mesh.gridFz
            C = prob.mesh.edgeCurl

        elif formulation is 'HJ':
            gridX = prob.mesh.gridEx
            gridY = prob.mesh.gridEy
            gridZ = prob.mesh.gridEz
            C = prob.mesh.edgeCurl.T

        srcfct = MagneticDipoleFields
        if prob.mesh._meshType is 'CYL':
            if not prob.mesh.isSymmetric:
                # TODO ?
                raise NotImplementedError('Non-symmetric cyl mesh not implemented yet!')
            bx = srcfct(self.loc, gridX, 'x',, moment=self.moment)
            bz = srcfct(self.loc, gridZ, 'z',, moment=self.moment)
            b = np.concatenate((bx,bz))
            bx = srcfct(self.loc, gridX, 'x',, moment=self.moment)
            by = srcfct(self.loc, gridY, 'y',, moment=self.moment)
            bz = srcfct(self.loc, gridZ, 'z',, moment=self.moment)
            b = np.concatenate((bx,by,bz))

        return b
Beispiel #14
    def bPrimary(self, prob):
        The primary magnetic flux density from the analytic solution for
        magnetic fields from a dipole

        :param BaseFDEMProblem prob: FDEM problem
        :rtype: numpy.ndarray
        :return: primary magnetic field

        formulation = prob._formulation

        if formulation is "EB":
            gridX = prob.mesh.gridFx
            gridY = prob.mesh.gridFy
            gridZ = prob.mesh.gridFz

        elif formulation is "HJ":
            gridX = prob.mesh.gridEx
            gridY = prob.mesh.gridEy
            gridZ = prob.mesh.gridEz

        srcfct = MagneticDipoleFields
        if prob.mesh._meshType is "CYL":
            if not prob.mesh.isSymmetric:
                # TODO ?
                raise NotImplementedError("Non-symmetric cyl mesh not implemented yet!")
            bx = srcfct(self.loc, gridX, "x",, moment=self.moment)
            bz = srcfct(self.loc, gridZ, "z",, moment=self.moment)
            b = np.concatenate((bx, bz))
            bx = srcfct(self.loc, gridX, "x",, moment=self.moment)
            by = srcfct(self.loc, gridY, "y",, moment=self.moment)
            bz = srcfct(self.loc, gridZ, "z",, moment=self.moment)
            b = np.concatenate((bx, by, bz))

        return Utils.mkvc(b)
def appResNorm(sigmaHalf):
    nFreq = 26

    m1d = Mesh.TensorMesh([[(100,5,1.5),(100.,10),(100,5,1.5)]], x0=['C'])
    sigma = np.zeros(m1d.nC) + sigmaHalf
    sigma[m1d.gridCC[:]>200] = 1e-8

    # Calculate the analytic fields
    freqs = np.logspace(4,-4,nFreq)
    Z = []
    for freq in freqs:
        Ed, Eu, Hd, Hu = NSEM.Utils.getEHfields(m1d,sigma,freq,np.array([200]))
        Z.append((Ed + Eu)/(Hd + Hu))

    Zarr = np.concatenate(Z)

    app_r, app_p = NSEM.Utils.appResPhs(freqs,Zarr)

    return np.linalg.norm(np.abs(app_r - np.ones(nFreq)/sigmaHalf)) / np.log10(sigmaHalf)
Beispiel #16
    def bPrimary(self, prob):
        The primary magnetic flux density from a magnetic vector potential

        :param Problem prob: FDEM problem
        :rtype: numpy.ndarray
        :return: primary magnetic field
        formulation = prob._formulation

        if formulation is 'EB':
            gridX = prob.mesh.gridEx
            gridY = prob.mesh.gridEy
            gridZ = prob.mesh.gridEz
            C = prob.mesh.edgeCurl

        elif formulation is 'HJ':
            gridX = prob.mesh.gridFx
            gridY = prob.mesh.gridFy
            gridZ = prob.mesh.gridFz
            C = prob.mesh.edgeCurl.T

        if prob.mesh._meshType is 'CYL':
            if not prob.mesh.isSymmetric:
                # TODO ?
                raise NotImplementedError(
                    'Non-symmetric cyl mesh not implemented yet!')
            a = MagneticDipoleVectorPotential(self.loc,

            srcfct = MagneticDipoleVectorPotential
            ax = srcfct(self.loc, gridX, 'x', self.radius,
            ay = srcfct(self.loc, gridY, 'y', self.radius,
            az = srcfct(self.loc, gridZ, 'z', self.radius,
            a = np.concatenate((ax, ay, az))

        return C * a
Beispiel #17
    def bPrimary(self, prob):
        The primary magnetic flux density from a magnetic vector potential

        :param BaseFDEMProblem prob: FDEM problem
        :rtype: numpy.ndarray
        :return: primary magnetic field
        formulation = prob._formulation

        if formulation is 'EB':
            gridX = prob.mesh.gridEx
            gridY = prob.mesh.gridEy
            gridZ = prob.mesh.gridEz
            C = prob.mesh.edgeCurl

        elif formulation is 'HJ':
            gridX = prob.mesh.gridFx
            gridY = prob.mesh.gridFy
            gridZ = prob.mesh.gridFz
            C = prob.mesh.edgeCurl.T

        if prob.mesh._meshType is 'CYL':
            if not prob.mesh.isSymmetric:
                # TODO ?
                raise NotImplementedError('Non-symmetric cyl mesh not '
                                          'implemented yet!')
            assert (np.linalg.norm(self.orientation - np.r_[0., 0., 1.]) <
                    1e-6), ('for cylindrical symmetry, the dipole must be '
                            'oriented in the Z direction')
            a = self._srcFct(gridY, 'y')

            ax = self._srcFct(gridX, 'x')
            ay = self._srcFct(gridY, 'y')
            az = self._srcFct(gridZ, 'z')
            a = np.concatenate((ax, ay, az))

        return C * a
Beispiel #18
    def bPrimary(self, prob):
        The primary magnetic flux density from a magnetic vector potential

        :param BaseFDEMProblem prob: FDEM problem
        :rtype: numpy.ndarray
        :return: primary magnetic field
        formulation = prob._formulation

        if formulation is "EB":
            gridX = prob.mesh.gridEx
            gridY = prob.mesh.gridEy
            gridZ = prob.mesh.gridEz
            C = prob.mesh.edgeCurl

        elif formulation is "HJ":
            gridX = prob.mesh.gridFx
            gridY = prob.mesh.gridFy
            gridZ = prob.mesh.gridFz
            C = prob.mesh.edgeCurl.T

        if prob.mesh._meshType is "CYL":
            if not prob.mesh.isSymmetric:
                # TODO ?
                raise NotImplementedError("Non-symmetric cyl mesh not " "implemented yet!")
            assert np.linalg.norm(self.orientation - np.r_[0.0, 0.0, 1.0]) < 1e-6, (
                "for cylindrical symmetry, the dipole must be " "oriented in the Z direction"
            a = self._srcFct(gridY, "y")

            ax = self._srcFct(gridX, "x")
            ay = self._srcFct(gridY, "y")
            az = self._srcFct(gridZ, "z")
            a = np.concatenate((ax, ay, az))

        return C * a
Beispiel #19
    def bPrimary(self, prob):
        The primary magnetic flux density from a magnetic vector potential

        :param BaseFDEMProblem prob: FDEM problem
        :rtype: numpy.ndarray
        :return: primary magnetic field
        formulation = prob._formulation

        if formulation is 'EB':
            gridX = prob.mesh.gridEx
            gridY = prob.mesh.gridEy
            gridZ = prob.mesh.gridEz
            C = prob.mesh.edgeCurl

        elif formulation is 'HJ':
            gridX = prob.mesh.gridFx
            gridY = prob.mesh.gridFy
            gridZ = prob.mesh.gridFz
            C = prob.mesh.edgeCurl.T

        if prob.mesh._meshType is 'CYL':
            if not prob.mesh.isSymmetric:
                # TODO ?
                raise NotImplementedError('Non-symmetric cyl mesh not implemented yet!')
            a = MagneticDipoleVectorPotential(self.loc, gridY, 'y',, moment=self.moment)

            srcfct = MagneticDipoleVectorPotential
            ax = srcfct(self.loc, gridX, 'x',, moment=self.moment)
            ay = srcfct(self.loc, gridY, 'y',, moment=self.moment)
            az = srcfct(self.loc, gridZ, 'z',, moment=self.moment)
            a = np.concatenate((ax, ay, az))

        return C*a
Beispiel #20
def getSource(self,freq):
            :param float freq: Frequency
            :rtype: numpy.ndarray (nE, nTx)
            :return: RHS
        Txs = self.survey.getTransmitters(freq)
        rhs = range(len(Txs))

        solType = self.solType
        if solType == 'e' or solType == 'b':
            gridEJx = self.mesh.gridEx
            gridEJy = self.mesh.gridEy
            gridEJz = self.mesh.gridEz
            nEJ = self.mesh.nE

            gridBHx = self.mesh.gridFx
            gridBHy = self.mesh.gridFy
            gridBHz = self.mesh.gridFz
            nBH = self.mesh.nF

            C = self.mesh.edgeCurl
            mui = self.MfMui

        elif solType == 'h' or solType == 'j':
            gridEJx = self.mesh.gridFx
            gridEJy = self.mesh.gridFy
            gridEJz = self.mesh.gridFz
            nEJ = self.mesh.nF

            gridBHx = self.mesh.gridEx
            gridBHy = self.mesh.gridEy
            gridBHz = self.mesh.gridEz
            nBH = self.mesh.nE

            C = self.mesh.edgeCurl.T
            mui = self.MeMuI

            NotImplementedError('Only E or F sources')

        for i, tx in enumerate(Txs):
            if self.mesh._meshType is 'CYL':
                if self.mesh.isSymmetric:
                    if tx.txType == 'VMD':                    
                        SRC = Sources.MagneticDipoleVectorPotential(tx.loc, gridEJy, 'y')
                    elif tx.txType =='CircularLoop':
                        SRC = Sources.MagneticLoopVectorPotential(tx.loc, gridEJy, 'y', tx.radius)
                        raise NotImplementedError('Only VMD and CircularLoop')
                    raise NotImplementedError('Non-symmetric cyl mesh not implemented yet!')

            elif self.mesh._meshType is 'TENSOR':

                if tx.txType == 'VMD':
                    src = Sources.MagneticDipoleVectorPotential
                    SRCx = src(tx.loc, gridEJx, 'x')
                    SRCy = src(tx.loc, gridEJy, 'y')
                    SRCz = src(tx.loc, gridEJz, 'z')

                elif tx.txType == 'VMD_B':
                    src = Sources.MagneticDipoleFields
                    SRCx = src(tx.loc, gridBHx, 'x')
                    SRCy = src(tx.loc, gridBHy, 'y')
                    SRCz = src(tx.loc, gridBHz, 'z')

                elif tx.txType == 'CircularLoop':
                    src = Sources.MagneticLoopVectorPotential                
                    SRCx = src(tx.loc, gridEJx, 'x', tx.radius)
                    SRCy = src(tx.loc, gridEJy, 'y', tx.radius)
                    SRCz = src(tx.loc, gridEJz, 'z', tx.radius)

                    raise NotImplemented('%s txType is not implemented' % tx.txType)
                SRC = np.concatenate((SRCx, SRCy, SRCz))                                    

                raise Exception('Unknown mesh for VMD')           
            rhs[i] = SRC
        # b-forumlation              
        if tx.txType == 'VMD_B':
            b_0 = np.concatenate(rhs).reshape((nBH, len(Txs)), order='E')
            a = np.concatenate(rhs).reshape((nEJ, len(Txs)), order='F')
            b_0 = C*a

        if solType == 'b' or solType == 'h':
            return b_0
        elif solType == 'e' or solType == 'j':
            return C.T*mui*b_0
Beispiel #21
 def fget(self):
     if self._gridCC is None:
         self._gridCC = np.concatenate([self.aveN2CC*self.gridN[:,i] for i in range(self.dim)]).reshape((-1,self.dim), order='F')
     return self._gridCC
Beispiel #22
def run(plotIt=True):
        MT: 1D: Inversion

        Forward model 1D MT data.
        Setup and run a MT 1D inversion.


    ## Setup the forward modeling
    # Setting up 1D mesh and conductivity models to forward model data.
    # Frequency
    nFreq = 26
    freqs = np.logspace(2, -3, nFreq)
    # Set mesh parameters
    ct = 10
    air = simpeg.Utils.meshTensor([(ct, 25, 1.4)])
    core = np.concatenate(
        (np.kron(simpeg.Utils.meshTensor([(ct, 10, -1.3)]), np.ones(
            (5, ))), simpeg.Utils.meshTensor([(ct, 5)])))
    bot = simpeg.Utils.meshTensor([(core[0], 25, -1.4)])
    x0 = -np.array([np.sum(np.concatenate((core, bot)))])
    # Make the model
    m1d = simpeg.Mesh.TensorMesh([np.concatenate((bot, core, air))], x0=x0)

    # Setup model varibles
    active = m1d.vectorCCx < 0.
    layer1 = (m1d.vectorCCx < -500.) & (m1d.vectorCCx >= -800.)
    layer2 = (m1d.vectorCCx < -3500.) & (m1d.vectorCCx >= -5000.)
    # Set the conductivity values
    sig_half = 1e-2
    sig_air = 1e-8
    sig_layer1 = .2
    sig_layer2 = .2
    # Make the true model
    sigma_true = np.ones(m1d.nCx) * sig_air
    sigma_true[active] = sig_half
    sigma_true[layer1] = sig_layer1
    sigma_true[layer2] = sig_layer2
    # Extract the model
    m_true = np.log(sigma_true[active])
    # Make the background model
    sigma_0 = np.ones(m1d.nCx) * sig_air
    sigma_0[active] = sig_half
    m_0 = np.log(sigma_0[active])

    # Set the mapping
    actMap = simpeg.Maps.InjectActiveCells(m1d,
    mappingExpAct = simpeg.Maps.ExpMap(m1d) * actMap

    ## Setup the layout of the survey, set the sources and the connected receivers
    # Receivers
    rxList = []
        NSEM.Rx.Point_impedance1D(simpeg.mkvc(np.array([-0.5]), 2).T, 'real'))
        NSEM.Rx.Point_impedance1D(simpeg.mkvc(np.array([-0.5]), 2).T, 'imag'))
    # Source list
    srcList = []
    for freq in freqs:
        srcList.append(NSEM.Src.Planewave_xy_1Dprimary(rxList, freq))
    # Make the survey
    survey = NSEM.Survey(srcList)
    survey.mtrue = m_true

    ## Set the problem
    problem = NSEM.Problem1D_ePrimSec(m1d,

    ## Forward model data
    # Project the data
    survey.dtrue = survey.dpred(m_true)
    survey.dobs = survey.dtrue + 0.01 * abs(
        survey.dtrue) * np.random.randn(*survey.dtrue.shape)

    if plotIt:
        fig = NSEM.Utils.dataUtils.plotMT1DModelData(problem, [])
        fig.suptitle('Target - smooth true')

    # Assign uncertainties
    std = 0.05  # 5% std
    survey.std = np.abs(survey.dobs * std)
    # Assign the data weight
    Wd = 1. / survey.std

    ## Setup the inversion proceedure
    # Define a counter
    C = simpeg.Utils.Counter()
    # Set the optimization
    opt = simpeg.Optimization.ProjectedGNCG(maxIter=25)
    opt.counter = C
    opt.lower = np.log(1e-4)
    opt.upper = np.log(5)
    opt.LSshorten = 0.1
    # Data misfit
    dmis = simpeg.DataMisfit.l2_DataMisfit(survey)
    dmis.Wd = Wd
    # Regularization - with a regularization mesh
    regMesh = simpeg.Mesh.TensorMesh([m1d.hx[active]], m1d.x0)
    reg = simpeg.Regularization.Tikhonov(regMesh)
    reg.mrefInSmooth = True
    reg.alpha_s = 1e-1
    reg.alpha_x = 1.

    # Inversion problem
    invProb = simpeg.InvProblem.BaseInvProblem(dmis, reg, opt)
    invProb.counter = C
    # Beta cooling
    beta = simpeg.Directives.BetaSchedule()
    beta.coolingRate = 4.
    beta.coolingFactor = 4.
    betaest = simpeg.Directives.BetaEstimate_ByEig(beta0_ratio=100.)
    betaest.beta0 = 1.
    targmis = simpeg.Directives.TargetMisfit() = survey.nD
    # Create an inversion object
    inv = simpeg.Inversion.BaseInversion(
        invProb, directiveList=[beta, betaest, targmis])

    ## Run the inversion
    mopt =

    if plotIt:
        fig = NSEM.Utils.dataUtils.plotMT1DModelData(problem, [mopt])
        fig.suptitle('Target - smooth true')
        fig.axes[0].set_ylim([-10000, 500])
Beispiel #23
def run(plotIt=True):
        MT: 1D: Inversion

        Forward model 1D MT data.
        Setup and run a MT 1D inversion.


    ## Setup the forward modeling
    # Setting up 1D mesh and conductivity models to forward model data.
    # Frequency
    nFreq = 26
    freqs = np.logspace(2,-3,nFreq)
    # Set mesh parameters
    ct = 10
    air = simpeg.Utils.meshTensor([(ct,25,1.4)])
    core = np.concatenate( (  np.kron(simpeg.Utils.meshTensor([(ct,10,-1.3)]),np.ones((5,))) , simpeg.Utils.meshTensor([(ct,5)]) ) )
    bot = simpeg.Utils.meshTensor([(core[0],25,-1.4)])
    x0 = -np.array([np.sum(np.concatenate((core,bot)))])
    # Make the model
    m1d = simpeg.Mesh.TensorMesh([np.concatenate((bot,core,air))], x0=x0)

    # Setup model varibles
    active = m1d.vectorCCx<0.
    layer1 = (m1d.vectorCCx<-500.) & (m1d.vectorCCx>=-800.)
    layer2 = (m1d.vectorCCx<-3500.) & (m1d.vectorCCx>=-5000.)
    # Set the conductivity values
    sig_half = 1e-2
    sig_air = 1e-8
    sig_layer1 = .2
    sig_layer2 = .2
    # Make the true model
    sigma_true = np.ones(m1d.nCx)*sig_air
    sigma_true[active] = sig_half
    sigma_true[layer1] = sig_layer1
    sigma_true[layer2] = sig_layer2
    # Extract the model
    m_true = np.log(sigma_true[active])
    # Make the background model
    sigma_0 = np.ones(m1d.nCx)*sig_air
    sigma_0[active] = sig_half
    m_0 = np.log(sigma_0[active])

    # Set the mapping
    actMap = simpeg.Maps.InjectActiveCells(m1d, active, np.log(1e-8), nC=m1d.nCx)
    mappingExpAct = simpeg.Maps.ExpMap(m1d) * actMap

    ## Setup the layout of the survey, set the sources and the connected receivers
    # Receivers
    rxList = []
    # Source list
    srcList =[]
    for freq in freqs:
    # Make the survey
    survey = NSEM.Survey(srcList)
    survey.mtrue = m_true

    ## Set the problem
    problem = NSEM.Problem1D_ePrimSec(m1d,sigmaPrimary=sigma_0,mapping=mappingExpAct)

    ## Forward model data
    # Project the data
    survey.dtrue = survey.dpred(m_true)
    survey.dobs = survey.dtrue + 0.01*abs(survey.dtrue)*np.random.randn(*survey.dtrue.shape)

    if plotIt:
        fig = NSEM.Utils.dataUtils.plotMT1DModelData(problem,[])
        fig.suptitle('Target - smooth true')

    # Assign uncertainties
    std = 0.05 # 5% std
    survey.std = np.abs(survey.dobs*std)
    # Assign the data weight
    Wd = 1./survey.std

    ## Setup the inversion proceedure
    # Define a counter
    C =  simpeg.Utils.Counter()
    # Set the optimization
    opt = simpeg.Optimization.ProjectedGNCG(maxIter = 25)
    opt.counter = C
    opt.lower = np.log(1e-4)
    opt.upper = np.log(5)
    opt.LSshorten = 0.1
    # Data misfit
    dmis = simpeg.DataMisfit.l2_DataMisfit(survey)
    dmis.Wd = Wd
    # Regularization - with a regularization mesh
    regMesh = simpeg.Mesh.TensorMesh([m1d.hx[active]],m1d.x0)
    reg = simpeg.Regularization.Tikhonov(regMesh)
    reg.mrefInSmooth = True
    reg.alpha_s = 1e-1
    reg.alpha_x = 1.

    # Inversion problem
    invProb = simpeg.InvProblem.BaseInvProblem(dmis, reg, opt)
    invProb.counter = C
    # Beta cooling
    beta = simpeg.Directives.BetaSchedule()
    beta.coolingRate = 4.
    beta.coolingFactor = 4.
    betaest = simpeg.Directives.BetaEstimate_ByEig(beta0_ratio=100.)
    betaest.beta0 = 1.
    targmis = simpeg.Directives.TargetMisfit() = survey.nD
    # Create an inversion object
    inv = simpeg.Inversion.BaseInversion(invProb, directiveList=[beta,betaest,targmis])

    ## Run the inversion
    mopt =

    if plotIt:
        fig = NSEM.Utils.dataUtils.plotMT1DModelData(problem,[mopt])
        fig.suptitle('Target - smooth true')
Beispiel #24
def MagneticLoopVectorPotential(srcLoc, obsLoc, component, radius, orientation='Z', mu=mu_0):
        Calculate the vector potential of horizontal circular loop
        at given locations

        :param numpy.ndarray srcLoc: Location of the source(s) (x, y, z)
        :param numpy.ndarray,SimPEG.Mesh obsLoc: Where the potentials will be calculated (x, y, z) or a SimPEG Mesh
        :param str,list component: The component to calculate - 'x', 'y', or 'z' if an array, or grid type if mesh, can be a list
        :param numpy.ndarray I: Input current of the loop
        :param numpy.ndarray radius: radius of the loop
        :rtype: numpy.ndarray
        :return: The vector potential each dipole at each observation location

    if isinstance(orientation, str):
        if orientation.upper() != 'Z':
            raise NotImplementedError('Only Z oriented loops implemented')
    elif not np.allclose(orientation, np.r_[0., 0., 1.]):
        raise NotImplementedError('Only Z oriented loops implemented')

    if type(component) in [list, tuple]:
        out = list(range(len(component)))
        for i, comp in enumerate(component):
            out[i] = MagneticLoopVectorPotential(srcLoc, obsLoc, comp, radius,
                                                 orientation, mu)
        return np.concatenate(out)

    if isinstance(obsLoc, Mesh.BaseMesh):
        mesh = obsLoc
        assert component in ['Ex','Ey','Ez','Fx','Fy','Fz'], "Components must be in: ['Ex','Ey','Ez','Fx','Fy','Fz']"
        return MagneticLoopVectorPotential(srcLoc, getattr(mesh,'grid'+component), component[1], radius, mu)

    srcLoc = np.atleast_2d(srcLoc)
    obsLoc = np.atleast_2d(obsLoc)

    n = obsLoc.shape[0]
    nSrc = srcLoc.shape[0]

    if component=='z':
        A = np.zeros((n, nSrc))
        if nSrc ==1:
            return A.flatten()
        return A


        A = np.zeros((n, nSrc))
        for i in range (nSrc):
            x = obsLoc[:, 0] - srcLoc[i, 0]
            y = obsLoc[:, 1] - srcLoc[i, 1]
            z = obsLoc[:, 2] - srcLoc[i, 2]
            r = np.sqrt(x**2 + y**2)
            m = (4 * radius * r) / ((radius + r)**2 + z**2)
            m[m > 1.] = 1.
            # m might be slightly larger than 1 due to rounding errors
            # but ellipke requires 0 <= m <= 1
            K = ellipk(m)
            E = ellipe(m)
            ind = (r > 0) & (m < 1)
            # % 1/r singular at r = 0 and K(m) singular at m = 1
            Aphi = np.zeros(n)
            # % Common factor is (mu * I) / pi with I = 1 and mu = 4e-7 * pi.
            Aphi[ind] = ((mu / (np.pi * np.sqrt(m[ind])) *
                         np.sqrt(radius / r[ind]) *((1. - m[ind] / 2.) *
                         K[ind] - E[ind])))
            if component == 'x':
                A[ind, i] = Aphi[ind] * (-y[ind] / r[ind] )
            elif component == 'y':
                A[ind, i] = Aphi[ind] * ( x[ind] / r[ind] )
                raise ValueError('Invalid component')

        if nSrc == 1:
            return A.flatten()
        return A
Beispiel #25
def MagneticDipoleVectorPotential(srcLoc, obsLoc, component, moment=1.,
                                  orientation=np.r_[0., 0., 1.],
        Calculate the vector potential of a set of magnetic dipoles
        at given locations 'ref. <>'

        :param numpy.ndarray srcLoc: Location of the source(s) (x, y, z)
        :param numpy.ndarray,SimPEG.Mesh obsLoc: Where the potentials will be
                                                 calculated (x, y, z) or a
                                                 SimPEG Mesh
        :param str,list component: The component to calculate - 'x', 'y', or
                                   'z' if an array, or grid type if mesh, can
                                   be a list
        :param numpy.ndarray orientation: The vector dipole moment
        :rtype: numpy.ndarray
        :return: The vector potential each dipole at each observation location
    # TODO: break this out!

    if isinstance(orientation, str):
        orientation = orientationDict[orientation]

    assert np.linalg.norm(np.array(orientation), 2) == 1., ("orientation must "
                                                            "be a unit vector")

    if type(component) in [list, tuple]:
        out = list(range(len(component)))
        for i, comp in enumerate(component):
            out[i] = MagneticDipoleVectorPotential(srcLoc, obsLoc, comp,
        return np.concatenate(out)

    if isinstance(obsLoc, Mesh.BaseMesh):
        mesh = obsLoc
        assert component in ['Ex', 'Ey', 'Ez', 'Fx', 'Fy', 'Fz'], ("Components"
                                 "must be in: ['Ex','Ey','Ez','Fx','Fy','Fz']")
        return MagneticDipoleVectorPotential(srcLoc, getattr(mesh, 'grid' +

    if component == 'x':
        dimInd = 0
    elif component == 'y':
        dimInd = 1
    elif component == 'z':
        dimInd = 2
        raise ValueError('Invalid component')

    srcLoc = np.atleast_2d(srcLoc)
    obsLoc = np.atleast_2d(obsLoc)
    orientation = np.atleast_2d(orientation)

    nObs = obsLoc.shape[0]
    nSrc = srcLoc.shape[0]

    m = moment*np.array(orientation).repeat(nObs, axis=0)
    A = np.empty((nObs, nSrc))
    for i in range(nSrc):
        dR = obsLoc - srcLoc[i, np.newaxis].repeat(nObs, axis=0)
        mCr = np.cross(m, dR)
        r = np.sqrt((dR**2).sum(axis=1))
        A[:, i] = +(mu/(4*np.pi)) * mCr[:, dimInd]/(r**3)
    if nSrc == 1:
        return A.flatten()
    return A
Beispiel #26
 def fget(self):
     if self._gridCC is None:
         self._gridCC = np.concatenate([self.aveN2CC*self.gridN[:,i] for i in range(self.dim)]).reshape((-1,self.dim), order='F')
     return self._gridCC
Beispiel #27
def MagneticDipoleVectorPotential(srcLoc, obsLoc, component, moment=1.,
                                  orientation=np.r_[0., 0., 1.],
        Calculate the vector potential of a set of magnetic dipoles
        at given locations 'ref. <>'

        :param numpy.ndarray srcLoc: Location of the source(s) (x, y, z)
        :param numpy.ndarray,SimPEG.Mesh obsLoc: Where the potentials will be
                                                 calculated (x, y, z) or a
                                                 SimPEG Mesh
        :param str,list component: The component to calculate - 'x', 'y', or
                                   'z' if an array, or grid type if mesh, can
                                   be a list
        :param numpy.ndarray orientation: The vector dipole moment
        :rtype: numpy.ndarray
        :return: The vector potential each dipole at each observation location
    # TODO: break this out!

    if isinstance(orientation, str):
        orientation = orientationDict[orientation]

    assert np.linalg.norm(np.array(orientation), 2) == 1., ("orientation must "
                                                            "be a unit vector")

    if type(component) in [list, tuple]:
        out = range(len(component))
        for i, comp in enumerate(component):
            out[i] = MagneticDipoleVectorPotential(srcLoc, obsLoc, comp,
        return np.concatenate(out)

    if isinstance(obsLoc, Mesh.BaseMesh):
        mesh = obsLoc
        assert component in ['Ex', 'Ey', 'Ez', 'Fx', 'Fy', 'Fz'], ("Components"
                                 "must be in: ['Ex','Ey','Ez','Fx','Fy','Fz']")
        return MagneticDipoleVectorPotential(srcLoc, getattr(mesh, 'grid' +

    if component == 'x':
        dimInd = 0
    elif component == 'y':
        dimInd = 1
    elif component == 'z':
        dimInd = 2
        raise ValueError('Invalid component')

    srcLoc = np.atleast_2d(srcLoc)
    obsLoc = np.atleast_2d(obsLoc)
    orientation = np.atleast_2d(orientation)

    nObs = obsLoc.shape[0]
    nSrc = srcLoc.shape[0]

    m = moment*np.array(orientation).repeat(nObs, axis=0)
    A = np.empty((nObs, nSrc))
    for i in range(nSrc):
        dR = obsLoc - srcLoc[i, np.newaxis].repeat(nObs, axis=0)
        mCr = np.cross(m, dR)
        r = np.sqrt((dR**2).sum(axis=1))
        A[:, i] = +(mu/(4*np.pi)) * mCr[:, dimInd]/(r**3)
    if nSrc == 1:
        return A.flatten()
    return A
Beispiel #28
def MagneticLoopVectorPotential(srcLoc, obsLoc, component, radius, orientation='Z', mu=mu_0):
        Calculate the vector potential of horizontal circular loop
        at given locations

        :param numpy.ndarray srcLoc: Location of the source(s) (x, y, z)
        :param numpy.ndarray,SimPEG.Mesh obsLoc: Where the potentials will be calculated (x, y, z) or a SimPEG Mesh
        :param str,list component: The component to calculate - 'x', 'y', or 'z' if an array, or grid type if mesh, can be a list
        :param numpy.ndarray I: Input current of the loop
        :param numpy.ndarray radius: radius of the loop
        :rtype: numpy.ndarray
        :return: The vector potential each dipole at each observation location

    if isinstance(orientation, str):
        if orientation.upper() != 'Z':
            raise NotImplementedError, 'Only Z oriented loops implemented'
    elif not np.allclose(orientation, np.r_[0., 0., 1.]):
        raise NotImplementedError, 'Only Z oriented loops implemented'

    if type(component) in [list, tuple]:
        out = range(len(component))
        for i, comp in enumerate(component):
            out[i] = MagneticLoopVectorPotential(srcLoc, obsLoc, comp, radius,
                                                 orientation, mu)
        return np.concatenate(out)

    if isinstance(obsLoc, Mesh.BaseMesh):
        mesh = obsLoc
        assert component in ['Ex','Ey','Ez','Fx','Fy','Fz'], "Components must be in: ['Ex','Ey','Ez','Fx','Fy','Fz']"
        return MagneticLoopVectorPotential(srcLoc, getattr(mesh,'grid'+component), component[1], radius, mu)

    srcLoc = np.atleast_2d(srcLoc)
    obsLoc = np.atleast_2d(obsLoc)

    n = obsLoc.shape[0]
    nSrc = srcLoc.shape[0]

    if component=='z':
        A = np.zeros((n, nSrc))
        if nSrc ==1:
            return A.flatten()
        return A


        A = np.zeros((n, nSrc))
        for i in range (nSrc):
            x = obsLoc[:, 0] - srcLoc[i, 0]
            y = obsLoc[:, 1] - srcLoc[i, 1]
            z = obsLoc[:, 2] - srcLoc[i, 2]
            r = np.sqrt(x**2 + y**2)
            m = (4 * radius * r) / ((radius + r)**2 + z**2)
            m[m > 1.] = 1.
            # m might be slightly larger than 1 due to rounding errors
            # but ellipke requires 0 <= m <= 1
            K = ellipk(m)
            E = ellipe(m)
            ind = (r > 0) & (m < 1)
            # % 1/r singular at r = 0 and K(m) singular at m = 1
            Aphi = np.zeros(n)
            # % Common factor is (mu * I) / pi with I = 1 and mu = 4e-7 * pi.
            Aphi[ind] = ((mu / (np.pi * np.sqrt(m[ind])) *
                         np.sqrt(radius / r[ind]) *((1. - m[ind] / 2.) *
                         K[ind] - E[ind])))
            if component == 'x':
                A[ind, i] = Aphi[ind] * (-y[ind] / r[ind] )
            elif component == 'y':
                A[ind, i] = Aphi[ind] * ( x[ind] / r[ind] )
                raise ValueError('Invalid component')

        if nSrc == 1:
            return A.flatten()
        return A