Beispiel #1
def node2node_flow_from_rank(adj, rank):
    # Get flow matrix of the network from the PageRank
    # and degree of its nodes
    N = adj.shape[0]
    T = atMatrix.toRightStochastic(adj)
    flow = np.zeros((N, N))
    for ii in range(N):
        for jj in range(N):
            flow[ii, jj] = T[ii, jj] * rank[ii]
    return flow
Beispiel #2
def node2node_flow_from_rank(adj, rank):
# Get flow matrix of the network from the PageRank
# and degree of its nodes
    N = adj.shape[0]
    T = atMatrix.toRightStochastic(adj)
    flow = np.zeros((N, N))
    for ii in range(N):
        for jj in range(N):
            flow[ii, jj] = T[ii, jj] * rank[ii]
    return flow
Beispiel #3
def node2com_trans_from_trans(T, member, dist=None, direction='to'):
    T = np.matrix(atMatrix.toRightStochastic(T))
    N = T.shape[0]
    if (dist is None) and (direction == 'from'):
        dist = pagerank(T)
    dist = np.matrix(dist).reshape(N, 1)
    coms = np.unique(member)
    ncom = coms.shape[0]
    if direction == 'to':
        n2c_trans = np.matrix(np.empty((N, ncom)))
    elif direction == 'from':
        n2c_trans = np.matrix(np.empty((ncom, N)))
    for k in range(ncom):
        inodes = member == coms[k]
        if direction == 'to':
            n2c_trans[:, k] = T[:, inodes].sum(1)
        elif direction == 'from':
            n2c_trans[k, :] = np.multiply(T[inodes, :], np.tile(dist[inodes], (1, N))).sum(0) / dist[inodes].sum()
            sys.exit('Direction must be "to" or "from".')
    return n2c_trans
Beispiel #4
def pagerank(T, tol=0, maxiter=0):
    N = T.shape[0]

    # Get transition matrix
    T = atMatrix.toRightStochastic(T)

    # Get First Eigen-Vector
    x = np.matrix(np.ones((N, )) * 1. / N)
    xi = x * T
    k = 1
    eps = np.abs(xi - x).sum()
    iteration = 0
    while eps > tol:
        x = xi.copy()
        xi = x * T
        k += 1
        eps = np.abs(xi - x).sum()
        iteration += 1
        if (maxiter > 0) and (iteration >= maxiter):

    return xi
Beispiel #5
def node2com_flow_from_trans(T, member, dist=None, direction='to'):
    T = np.matrix(atMatrix.toRightStochastic(T))
    N = T.shape[0]
    if dist is None:
        dist = pagerank(T)
    dist = np.matrix(dist).reshape(N, 1)
    coms = np.unique(member)
    ncom = coms.shape[0]
    if direction == 'to':
        n2c_flow = np.matrix(np.empty((N, ncom)))
    elif direction == 'from':
        n2c_flow = np.matrix(np.empty((ncom, N)))
    for k in range(ncom):
        inodes = member == coms[k]
        if direction == 'to':
            n2c_flow[:, k] = np.multiply(T[:, inodes].sum(1), dist)
        elif direction == 'from':
            n2c_flow[k, :] = np.multiply(T[inodes, :],
                                         np.tile(dist[inodes], (1, N))).sum(0)
            sys.exit('Direction must be "to" or "from".')
    return n2c_flow
Beispiel #6
def pagerank(T, tol=0, maxiter=0):
    N = T.shape[0]

    # Get transition matrix
    T = atMatrix.toRightStochastic(T)

    # Get First Eigen-Vector
    x = np.matrix(np.ones((N,)) * 1. / N)
    xi = x * T
    k = 1
    eps = np.abs(xi - x).sum()
    iteration = 0
    while eps > tol:
        x = xi.copy()
        xi = x * T
        k += 1
        eps = np.abs(xi - x).sum()
        iteration += 1
        if (maxiter > 0) and (iteration >= maxiter):
    return xi