#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import ROOT import numpy from tools import * from Styles import tdrStyle from kalibration import * tdrStyle() def normedHist( name, color, func = 0): if func == 0: hist = tkaToHist( name, 2000, 16000 ) hist.Rebin(50) else: # let's hope func is a TF1 hist = tkaToTimeHist(name, func , -2, 8 ) hist.Scale(1./hist.Integral()) hist.GetYaxis().SetTitle("Normierte Eintr#ddot{a}ge") hist.SetLineColor( color ) hist.SetMarkerStyle( 23 + color ) hist.SetMarkerSize( 1.5 ) hist.SetMarkerColor( color ) return hist func = kalibration() alutime = normedHist( 'data/aluminium.TKA', 3, func ) polytime = normedHist( 'data/poly.TKA', 4, func ) cotime = normedHist( 'data/co60.TKA', 1, func )
#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from Styles import tdrStyle style = tdrStyle() from tools import * import ROOT def plotSpectrum(): ''' plots the spectrum for data selection in the slow circuit ''' hist = tkaToHist( 'data/auswahl.TKA', 0, 10500 ) can = ROOT.TCanvas() can.cd() can.SetLogy() can.SetBatch() can.SetCanvasSize( 1400, 800 ) hist.SetMinimum(9) hist.Draw() grenzkanaele = [ 260, 3630] # richtige kanalnummer rausfinden lines = [] hist.SetYTitle('Eintr#ddot{a}ge') hist.Draw() for grenzkanal in grenzkanaele: line = ROOT.TLine( grenzkanal, hist.GetMinimum(), grenzkanal, hist.GetMaximum() + 7500 ) line.SetLineStyle(2) line.SetLineWidth(2) line.Draw() lines.append(line)