Beispiel #1
def make_IDF_XDSM():

    dsm = XDSM()
    ad = lambda *args, **kargs: dsm.addComp(*args, **kargs)
    co = lambda *args, **kargs: dsm.addDep(*args, **kargs)

    # add diagnol (Component) in order from up to down

    ad('EMPTY', 'Analysis', '')
    #all 'EMPTY' heading name component is used for Input and output,
    # the component will not be shown,
    # here used for upper input and left output
    ad('opt', 'Optimization', r'$0,3\to 1$:\\Optimization')
    ad('ana', 'Analysis, stack', r'$1$\\Analysis $i$')
    ad('fun', 'Function', r'$2$\\Functions')

    #add dependency variables, here order free
    co('opt', 'EMPTY', 'DataInter',
       r'$\mathbf{x}^{(0)}, \hat{\mathbf{y}}^{(0)}$')
    co('EMPTY', 'opt', 'DataInter',
    co('ana', 'opt', 'DataInter',
       r'$1:\mathbf{x}_0, \mathbf{x}_i, \hat{\mathbf{y}}_{j\neq i}$')
    co('EMPTY', 'ana', 'DataInter,stack',
    co('fun', 'opt', 'DataInter',
       r'$2:\mathbf{x}, \hat{\mathbf{y}}$')
    co('fun', 'ana', 'DataInter, stack',
    co('opt', 'fun', 'DataInter',
       '$3:f_0,\mathbf{c}, \mathbf{c}^c$')

    # component name from start to the end in turn
        'opt-EMPTY', 'opt', 'ana', 'fun', 'opt', 'EMPTY-opt'])
    #the dependency node using "downstream_component-upstream_component"

    # output tex file and compile it
    dsm.write(r'IDF.pdf', compilepdf=True)
Beispiel #2
from XDSM import XDSM

opt = 'Optimization'
dat = 'DataInter'

x = XDSM()

x.addComp('Optimizer', 'Analysis', 'Optimizer')
x.addComp('solver', 'MDA', 'Solver')
x.addComp('C1', opt, 'C1')
x.addComp('C2', opt, 'C2')
x.addComp('C3', opt, 'C3')

x.addDep('C1', 'solver', dat, "$y_1$")
x.addDep('C2', 'C1', dat, "$y_2$")
x.addDep('solver', 'C2', dat, "$y_1$")
x.addDep('C3', 'C2', dat, "$y_1$")

x.addDep('C1', 'Optimizer', dat, "$x_1$")
x.addDep('C3', 'Optimizer', dat, "$x_2$")
x.addDep('Optimizer', 'C3', dat, "$f$")

x.write('total_v_partial', True)
from XDSM import XDSM

opt = 'Optimization'
dat = 'DataInter'
mda = 'MDA'
anl = 'Analysis'

x = XDSM()
#x.addComp('driver', mda, 'Solver')
x.addComp('assembly inputs', anl, 'assembly inputs')
x.addComp('compress', anl, 'compress')
x.addComp('mission', anl, 'mission')
x.addComp('pod', anl, 'pod')
x.addComp('flow_limit', anl, 'flow\_limit')
x.addComp('tube_wall_temp', anl, 'tube\_wall\_temp')

x.addDep('mission', 'compress', dat, '', stack=True)
x.addDep('pod', 'compress', dat, '', stack=True)
x.addDep('pod', 'mission', dat, '', stack=True)
x.addDep('flow_limit', 'pod', dat, '', stack=True)
x.addDep('tube_wall_temp', 'compress', dat, '', stack=True)

#reverse couplings
x.addDep('compress', 'flow_limit', dat, '', stack=True)
x.addDep('compress', 'tube_wall_temp', dat, '', stack=True)
x.addDep('compress', 'pod', dat, '', stack=True)

#assembly inputs
x.addDep('compress', 'assembly inputs', dat, '', stack=True)
x.addDep('mission', 'assembly inputs', dat, '', stack=True)
x.addDep('flow_limit', 'assembly inputs', dat, '', stack=True)
from XDSM import XDSM

opt = 'Optimization'
anl = 'Analysis'
dat = 'DataInter'

x = XDSM()
x.addComp('Optimizer', opt, 'Optimizer')
x.addComp('Solver', 'MDA', 'Solver')
x.addComp('A', anl, 'A')
x.addComp('B', anl, 'B')

x.addDep('A', 'Optimizer', dat, 'x', True)
x.addDep('Solver', 'B', dat, 'y2')
x.addDep('Solver', 'A', dat, 'y1')
x.addDep('A', 'Solver', dat, 'y2')
x.addDep('B', 'Solver', dat, 'y1')
x.addDep('Optimizer','B', dat, 'z')

from XDSM import XDSM

opt = 'Optimization'
dat = 'DataInter'

Large="\Large "

def build_levitation(xdsm):

    x.addComp('Drag', 'Function', Large + r'\TwolineComponent{6em}{BreakPoint}{Drag}')
    x.addComp('MDrag', 'Function', Large + r'\TwolineComponent{6em}{Magnetic}{Drag}')
    x.addComp('Mass', 'Function', Large + r'\TwolineComponent{6em}{Magnetic}{Mass}')

    x.addDep('MDrag', 'Drag', dat, r"$R_\text{track}, L_\text{track}, \lambda, w_\text{pod}$")

x = XDSM()
from XDSM import XDSM

opt = 'Optimization'
dat = 'DataInter'

Large="\Large "

def build_steady_state_vacuum(xdsm):

    x.addComp('Fl_Start', 'Function', Large + r'\TwolineComponent{6em}{Flow}{Start}')
    x.addComp('Compressor', 'Analysis', Large + r'Compressor')

    x.addDep('Compressor', 'Fl_Start', dat, r"$Fl_\text{total}, Fl_\text{static}$")

x = XDSM()
Beispiel #7
from XDSM import XDSM

opt = 'Optimization'
dat = 'DataInter'
mda = 'MDA'
anl = 'Analysis'

x = XDSM()

name = 'assembly inputs'
x.addComp(name, anl, name)
name = 'capsule'
x.addComp(name, anl, name)
name = 'tube'
x.addComp(name, anl, name)
name = 'battery'
x.addComp(name, anl, name)
name = 'inlet'
x.addComp(name, anl, name)
name = 'aero'
x.addComp(name, anl, name)
name = 'assembly outputs'
x.addComp(name, anl, name)

x.addDep('inlet', 'assembly inputs', dat, '', stack=True)
x.addDep('aero', 'assembly inputs', dat, '', stack=True)
x.addDep('battery', 'assembly inputs', dat, '', stack=True)
x.addDep('tube', 'assembly inputs', dat, '', stack=True)

x.addDep('inlet', 'capsule', dat, '', stack=True)
x.addDep('battery', 'capsule', dat, '', stack=True)
from XDSM import XDSM

opt = 'Optimization'
dat = 'DataInter'
mda = 'MDA'
anl = 'Analysis'

x = XDSM()

names = ['assembly inputs', 'tube', 'inlet' , 'comp1', 'duct1', 'split', 'nozzle', 
         'comp2', 'duct2', 'perf', 'assembly outputs']
for name in names: 
    x.addComp(name, anl, name)

x.addDep('tube', 'assembly inputs', dat, '', stack=True)
x.addDep('inlet', 'assembly inputs', dat, '', stack=True)
x.addDep('comp1', 'assembly inputs', dat, '', stack=True)
x.addDep('split', 'assembly inputs', dat, '', stack=True)
x.addDep('comp2', 'assembly inputs', dat, '', stack=True)
x.addDep('perf', 'assembly inputs', dat, '', stack=True)

x.addDep('inlet', 'tube', dat, '', stack=True)
x.addDep('comp1', 'inlet', dat, '', stack=True)
x.addDep('duct1', 'comp1', dat, '', stack=True)
x.addDep('split', 'duct1', dat, '', stack=True)
x.addDep('nozzle', 'split', dat, '', stack=True)
x.addDep('comp2', 'split', dat, '', stack=True)
x.addDep('duct2', 'comp2', dat, '', stack=True)
x.addDep('perf', 'nozzle', dat, '', stack=True)
x.addDep('perf', 'comp2', dat, '', stack=True)
x.addDep('comp2', 'perf', dat, '', stack=True)
Beispiel #9
from XDSM import XDSM

opt = 'Optimization'
dat = 'DataInter'
mda = 'MDA'
anl = 'Analysis'

x = XDSM()

name = 'assembly inputs'
x.addComp(name, anl, name)
name = 'capsule'
x.addComp(name, anl, name)
name = 'tube'
x.addComp(name, anl, name)
name = 'battery'
x.addComp(name, anl, name)
name = 'inlet'
x.addComp(name, anl, name)
name = 'aero'
x.addComp(name, anl, name)
name = 'assembly outputs'
x.addComp(name, anl, name)

x.addDep('inlet', 'assembly inputs', dat, '', stack=True)
x.addDep('aero', 'assembly inputs', dat, '', stack=True)
x.addDep('battery', 'assembly inputs', dat, '', stack=True)
x.addDep('tube', 'assembly inputs', dat, '', stack=True)

x.addDep('inlet', 'capsule', dat, '', stack=True)
x.addDep('battery', 'capsule', dat, '', stack=True)
from XDSM import XDSM

opt = 'Optimization'
dat = 'DataInter'

Large = "\Large "

def build_drivetrain(xdsm):

    x.addComp('Motor', 'Analysis', Large + r'Motor')
    x.addComp('Inverter', 'Function', Large + r'Inverter')
    x.addComp('Battery', 'Function', Large + r'Battery')

    x.addDep('Inverter', 'Motor', dat, r"$I_\text{phase}, V_\text{phase}, f$")
    x.addDep('Battery', 'Inverter', dat, r"$I_\text{input}, Pwr_\text{input}$")

x = XDSM()
x.write('drivetrain', True)
Beispiel #11
from XDSM import XDSM

opt = 'Optimization'
dat = 'DataInter'

Large = "\Large "

def build_motor(xdsm):

    x.addComp('MotorSize', 'Function', Large + r'Motor Size')
    x.addComp('Solver', 'MDA', Large + 'Solver')
    x.addComp('MotorBalance', 'Function', Large + r'Motor Balance')
    x.addComp('Motor', 'Function', Large + r'Motor')

        'Motor', 'MotorSize', dat,
        r"\TwolineComponent{16em}{$\tau_\text{max}, Pwr_\text{mech}, \omega_\text{operating}$}{$Pwr_\text{iron loss}, R_\text{winding}, Pwr_\text{windage loss}$}"
    x.addDep('MotorBalance', 'Motor', dat, r"$I, V, Pwr_\text{motor input}$")
    x.addDep('Motor', 'Solver', dat, r"$I_\text{no load}$")
    x.addDep('Solver', 'MotorBalance', dat, r"$\mathcal{R}(I_\text{no load})$")

x = XDSM()
x.write('motor', True)
Beispiel #12
from XDSM import XDSM

opt = 'Optimization'
dat = 'DataInter'

Large = "\Large "

def build_cycle(xdsm):

    x.addComp('FlowpathInp', 'Function',
              Large + r'\TwolineComponent{6em}{Flowpath}{Inputs}')
    x.addComp('Flowpath', 'Analysis', Large + r'Flowpath')
    x.addComp('CompLen', 'Function',
              Large + r'\TwolineComponent{6em}{Compressor}{Length}')
    x.addComp('CompMass', 'Function',
              Large + r'\TwolineComponent{6em}{Compressor}{Mass}')

    x.addDep('Flowpath', 'FlowpathInp', dat,
             r"$P_\text{total}, T_\text{total}, \dot{m}$")
    x.addDep('CompMass', 'Flowpath', dat,
             r"$\dot{m}, h_\text{in}, h_\text{out}$")
    x.addDep('CompLen', 'Flowpath', dat, r"$h_\text{in}, h_\text{out}$")

x = XDSM()
x.write('cycle', True)
Beispiel #13
from XDSM import XDSM

opt = 'Optimization'
dat = 'DataInter'

Large="\Large "

def build_motor(xdsm):

    x.addComp('MotorSize', 'Function', Large + r'Motor Size')
    x.addComp('Solver', 'MDA', Large + 'Solver')
    x.addComp('MotorBalance', 'Function', Large + r'Motor Balance')
    x.addComp('MotorPower', 'Function', Large + r'Motor Power')

    x.addDep('MotorPower', 'MotorSize', dat, r"\TwolineComponent{16em}{$\tau_\text{max}, Pwr_\text{mech}, \omega_\text{operating}$}{$Pwr_\text{iron loss}, R_\text{winding}, Pwr_\text{windage loss}$}")
    x.addDep('MotorBalance', 'MotorPower', dat, r"$I, V, Pwr_\text{motor input}$")
    x.addDep('MotorPower', 'Solver', dat, r"$I_\text{no load}$")
    x.addDep('Solver', 'MotorBalance', dat, r"$\mathcal{R}(I_\text{no load})$")

x = XDSM()
Beispiel #14

def build_tube(xdsm):

    x.addComp('SubTube', 'Function',
              Large + r'\TwolineComponent{6em}{Submerged}{Tube}')
    x.addComp('Temp', 'Analysis',
              Large + r'\TwolineComponent{6em}{Tube}{Temperature}')
    x.addComp('PropMech', 'Function',
              Large + r'\TwolineComponent{6em}{Propulsion}{Mechanics}')
    x.addComp('SSVacuum', 'Analysis',
              Large + r'\TwolineComponent{6em}{Steady State}{Vacuum}')
    x.addComp('Vacuum', 'Function', Large + r'Vacuum')
    x.addComp('Power', 'Function', Large + r'Tube Power')
    x.addComp('TubePylon', 'Function',
              Large + r'\TwolineComponent{6em}{Tube}{and Pylon}')

    x.addDep('PropMech', 'Temp', dat, r"$T_\text{tube}$")
    x.addDep('SSVacuum', 'Temp', dat, r"$T_\text{tube}$")
    x.addDep('Power', 'Temp', dat, r"$T_\text{tube}$")

    x.addDep('Power', 'PropMech', dat, r"$Pwr_\text{required}$")

    x.addDep('Power', 'Vacuum', dat, r"$E_\text{total}, Pwr_\text{total}$")
    x.addDep('TubePylon', 'Vacuum', dat, r"$w_\text{total}$")

x = XDSM()
x.write('tube', True)
from XDSM import XDSM

opt = 'Optimization'
dat = 'DataInter'

x = XDSM()

x.addComp('Optimizer', 'Analysis', 'Optimizer')
x.addComp('C1', opt, 'C1')
x.addComp('solver', 'MDA', 'Solver')
x.addComp('C3', opt, 'C3')
x.addComp('C4', opt, 'C4')
x.addComp('C5', opt, 'C5')

x.addDep('C4', 'C1', dat, "")

x.addDep('C4', 'C3', dat, "")
x.addDep('C3', 'solver', dat, "")
x.addDep('C4', 'C3', dat, "")
x.addDep('solver', 'C4', dat, "")
x.addDep('C5', 'C4', dat, "")

x.addDep('C1', 'Optimizer', dat, "")
x.addDep('C3', 'Optimizer', dat, "")
x.addDep('Optimizer', 'C5', dat, "")

from XDSM import XDSM

opt = 'Optimization'
dat = 'DataInter'

x = XDSM()
x.addComp('Optimizer', 'Analysis', 'Optimizer')
x.addComp('Orbit', opt, 'Orbit Dynamics')
x.addComp('Attitude', opt, 'Attitude Dynamics')
x.addComp('Solar', opt, 'Cell Illumination')
x.addComp('Thermal', opt, 'Temperature')
x.addComp('Electrical', opt, 'Solar Power')
x.addComp('Battery', opt, 'Energy Storage')
x.addComp('Comm', opt, 'Communication')

x.addDep('Optimizer', 'Battery', dat, 'Constraints')
x.addDep('Optimizer', 'Comm', dat, 'Data downloaded')
x.addDep('Attitude', 'Optimizer', dat, 'Roll angle')
x.addDep('Solar', 'Attitude', dat, 'Attitude')
x.addDep('Solar', 'Orbit', dat, 'Position')
x.addDep('Thermal', 'Solar', dat, 'Exp. area')
x.addDep('Thermal', 'Optimizer', dat, 'Comm power')
x.addDep('Electrical', 'Solar', dat, 'Exp. area')
x.addDep('Electrical', 'Optimizer', dat, 'Panel current')
x.addDep('Electrical', 'Thermal', dat, 'Temperature')
x.addDep('Battery', 'Electrical', dat, 'Solar power')
x.addDep('Battery', 'Thermal', dat, 'Temperature')
x.addDep('Battery', 'Attitude', dat, 'Actuator power')
x.addDep('Battery', 'Optimizer', dat, 'Comm power')
x.addDep('Comm', 'Attitude', dat, 'Attitude')
x.addDep('Comm', 'Orbit', dat, 'Position')
Beispiel #17
from XDSM import XDSM

opt = 'Optimization'
dat = 'DataInter'

Large="\Large "

def build_flowpath(xdsm):

    x.addComp('Fl_Start', 'Function', Large + r'\TwolineComponent{6em}{Flow}{Start}')
    x.addComp('Inlet', 'Function', Large + r'Inlet')
    x.addComp('Compressor', 'Analysis', Large + r'Compressor')
    x.addComp('Duct', 'Function', Large + r'Duct')
    x.addComp('Nozzle', 'Function', Large + r'Nozzle')
    x.addComp('Shaft', 'Function', Large + r'Shaft')

    x.addDep('Inlet', 'Fl_Start', dat, r"$Fl_\text{total}, Fl_\text{static}$")
    x.addDep('Compressor', 'Inlet', dat, r"$Fl_\text{total}, Fl_\text{static}$")
    x.addDep('Duct','Compressor',  dat, r"$Fl_\text{total}, Fl_\text{static}$")
    x.addDep('Nozzle','Duct', dat, r"$Fl_\text{total}, Fl_\text{static}$")
    x.addDep('Shaft','Compressor', dat, r"$trq$")
    x.addDep('Compressor','Shaft', dat, r"$N_\text{mech}$")

x = XDSM()
Beispiel #18

def build_pod(xdsm):

    x.addComp('Cycle', 'Analysis', Large + r'Cycle')
    x.addComp('Drivetrain', 'Analysis', Large + r'Drivetrain')
    x.addComp('Geometry', 'Function', Large + r'Geometry')
    x.addComp('Pod Mach', 'Function', Large + r'Pod Mach')
    x.addComp('Mass', 'Function', Large + r'Mass')
    x.addComp('Levitation', 'Function', Large + r'Levitation')

    x.addDep('Geometry', 'Cycle', dat, r"$L_\text{comp}, A_\text{pod duct}$")
    x.addDep('Mass', 'Cycle', dat, r"$m_\text{comp}$")
    x.addDep('Drivetrain', 'Cycle', dat,
             r"$\tau_\text{comp}, Pwr_\text{comp}$")

    x.addDep('Mass', 'Drivetrain', dat, r"$m_\text{battery}, m_\text{motor}$")
    x.addDep('Geometry', 'Drivetrain', dat,
             r"$L_\text{battery}, L_\text{motor}$")

    x.addDep('Pod Mach', 'Geometry', dat, r"$A_\text{pod}, L_\text{pod}$")
    x.addDep('Mass', 'Geometry', dat, r"$L_\text{pod}, D_\text{pod}, BF$")
    x.addDep('Levitation', 'Geometry', dat, r"$L_\text{pod}, D_\text{pod}$")

    x.addDep('Levitation', 'Mass', dat, r"$m_\text{pod}$")

x = XDSM()
x.write('pod', True)
Beispiel #19
opt = 'Optimization'
dat = 'DataInter'

Large="\Large "

def build_pod(xdsm):

    x.addComp('Cycle', 'Analysis', Large + r'Cycle')
    x.addComp('Drivetrain', 'Analysis', Large + r'Drivetrain')
    x.addComp('Geometry', 'Function', Large + r'Geometry')
    x.addComp('Pod Mach', 'Function', Large + r'Pod Mach')
    x.addComp('Mass', 'Function', Large + r'Mass')
    x.addComp('Levitation', 'Function', Large + r'Levitation')

    x.addDep('Geometry', 'Cycle', dat, r"$L_\text{comp}, A_\text{pod duct}$")
    x.addDep('Mass', 'Cycle', dat, r"$m_\text{comp}$")
    x.addDep('Drivetrain', 'Cycle', dat, r"$\tau_\text{comp}, Pwr_\text{comp}$")

    x.addDep('Mass', 'Drivetrain', dat, r"$m_\text{battery}, m_\text{motor}$")
    x.addDep('Geometry', 'Drivetrain', dat, r"$L_\text{battery}, L_\text{motor}$")

    x.addDep('Pod Mach', 'Geometry', dat, r"$A_\text{pod}, L_\text{pod}$")
    x.addDep('Mass', 'Geometry', dat, r"$L_\text{pod}, D_\text{pod}, BF$")
    x.addDep('Levitation', 'Geometry', dat, r"$L_\text{pod}, D_\text{pod}$")

    x.addDep('Levitation', 'Mass', dat, r"$m_\text{pod}$")

x = XDSM()
Beispiel #20
from XDSM import XDSM

opt = 'Optimization'
dat = 'DataInter'
mda = 'MDA'
anl = 'Analysis'

x = XDSM()

names = [
    'assembly inputs', 'tube', 'inlet', 'comp1', 'duct1', 'split', 'nozzle',
    'comp2', 'duct2', 'perf', 'assembly outputs'
for name in names:
    x.addComp(name, anl, name)

x.addDep('tube', 'assembly inputs', dat, '', stack=True)
x.addDep('inlet', 'assembly inputs', dat, '', stack=True)
x.addDep('comp1', 'assembly inputs', dat, '', stack=True)
x.addDep('split', 'assembly inputs', dat, '', stack=True)
x.addDep('comp2', 'assembly inputs', dat, '', stack=True)
x.addDep('perf', 'assembly inputs', dat, '', stack=True)

x.addDep('inlet', 'tube', dat, '', stack=True)
x.addDep('comp1', 'inlet', dat, '', stack=True)
x.addDep('duct1', 'comp1', dat, '', stack=True)
x.addDep('split', 'duct1', dat, '', stack=True)
x.addDep('nozzle', 'split', dat, '', stack=True)
x.addDep('comp2', 'split', dat, '', stack=True)
x.addDep('duct2', 'comp2', dat, '', stack=True)
x.addDep('perf', 'nozzle', dat, '', stack=True)
Beispiel #21
from XDSM import XDSM

opt = 'Optimization'
dat = 'DataInter'

Large="\Large "

def build_flowpath(xdsm):

    x.addComp('Fl_Start', 'FunctionGroup', Large + r'Flow Start')
    x.addComp('Inlet', 'FunctionGroup', Large + r'Inlet')
    x.addComp('Compressor', 'AnalysisGroup', Large + r'Compressor')
    x.addComp('Duct', 'FunctionGroup', Large + r'Duct')
    x.addComp('Nozzle', 'FunctionGroup', Large + r'Nozzle')
    x.addComp('Shaft', 'FunctionGroup', Large + r'Shaft')

    x.addDep('Inlet', 'Fl_Start', dat, r"$Fl_\text{total}, Fl_\text{static}$")
    x.addDep('Compressor', 'Inlet', dat, r"$Fl_\text{total}, Fl_\text{static}$")
    x.addDep('Duct','Compressor',  dat, r"$Fl_\text{total}, Fl_\text{static}$")
    x.addDep('Nozzle','Duct', dat, r"$Fl_\text{total}, Fl_\text{static}$")
    x.addDep('Shaft','Compressor', dat, r"$trq$")
    x.addDep('Compressor','Shaft', dat, r"$N_\text{mech}$")

x = XDSM()
Beispiel #22
from XDSM import XDSM

opt = 'Optimization'
dat = 'DataInter'

Large="\Large "

def build_tube(xdsm):

    x.addComp('Temp', 'AnalysisGroup', Large + r'\TwolineComponent{6em}{Tube}{Temperature}')
    x.addComp('PropMech', 'Function', Large + r'\TwolineComponent{6em}{Propulsion}{Mechanics}')
    x.addComp('Vacuum', 'FunctionGroup', Large + r'Vacuum')
    x.addComp('Power', 'Function', Large + r'Tube Power')
    x.addComp('Structure', 'FunctionGroup', Large + r'Structure')

    x.addDep('PropMech', 'Temp', dat, r"$T_\text{tube}$")
    x.addDep('Vacuum', 'Temp', dat, r"$T_\text{tube}$")
    x.addDep('Power', 'Temp', dat, r"$T_\text{tube}$")

    x.addDep('Power', 'PropMech', dat, r"$Pwr_\text{required}$")

    x.addDep('Power', 'Vacuum', dat, r"$E_\text{total}, Pwr_\text{total}$")
    x.addDep('Structure', 'Vacuum', dat, r"$w_\text{total}$")

x = XDSM()
Beispiel #23
from XDSM import XDSM

opt = 'Optimization'
dat = 'DataInter'

Large="\Large "

def build_cycle(xdsm):

    x.addComp('FlowpathInp', 'Function', Large + r'\TwolineComponent{6em}{Flowpath}{Inputs}')
    x.addComp('Flowpath', 'Analysis', Large + r'Flowpath')
    x.addComp('CompLen', 'Function', Large + r'\TwolineComponent{6em}{Compressor}{Length}')
    x.addComp('CompMass', 'Function', Large + r'\TwolineComponent{6em}{Compressor}{Mass}')

    x.addDep('Flowpath', 'FlowpathInp', dat, r"$P_\text{total}, T_\text{total}, \dot{m}$")
    x.addDep('CompMass', 'Flowpath', dat, r"$\dot{m}, h_\text{in}, h_\text{out}$")
    x.addDep('CompLen', 'Flowpath', dat, r"$h_\text{in}, h_\text{out}$")

x = XDSM()
from XDSM import XDSM

opt = 'Optimization'
dat = 'DataInter'

Large="\Large "

def build_tubepod(xdsm): 
    x.addComp('solver', 'MDA', Large + 'Solver')

    x.addComp('Tube', 'Function', Large + r'Tube')
    x.addComp('Pod', 'Function', Large + r'Pod')

    x.addDep('Tube', 'Pod', dat, "$n, b, b_o$")
    x.addDep('Pod', 'Tube', dat, "$n, b, b_o$")

x = XDSM()
Beispiel #25
    x.addDep('solver', 'ChemEq', dat, r"$\mathcal{R}_\text{Gibbs}, \mathcal{R}_\text{mass}$")
    x.addDep('Cp', 'ChemEq', dat, "$n, b, b_o$")
    x.addDep('Cv', 'ChemEq', dat, "$n, b, b_o$")
    x.addDep('props', 'ChemEq', dat, "$n$")
    x.addDep('props', 'Cp', dat, "$C_P$")
    x.addDep('props', 'Cv', dat, "$C_V$")

# x.addDep('aero', 'prop', dat, "Mass Flow")
# x.addDep('solver', 'aero', dat, "Drag")
# x.addDep('solver', 'prop', dat, "Thrust")
# x.addDep('prop', 'solver', dat, "Throttle")

# x.addDep('aero', 'opt', dat, "OML Shape")
# x.addDep('prop', 'opt', dat, "Engine Size")

# x.addDep('opt', 'prop', dat, "TSFC")

x = XDSM()

# x = XDSM()
# x.addComp('opt', 'Optimization', Large + 'Optimizer')
# build_chemeq(x)
# x.addDep('ChemEq', 'opt', dat, "$P,\phi$")
# x.addDep('opt', 'props', dat, r"$T, \frac{dT}{dP}, \frac{dT}{d\phi}$")
# x.write('opt_chem_eq_xdsm',True)

Beispiel #26
from XDSM import XDSM

opt = 'Optimization'
dat = 'DataInter'

Large="\Large "

def build_temp(xdsm):

    x.addComp('Solver', 'MDA', Large + 'Solver')
    x.addComp('TempBal', 'Function', Large + '\TwolineComponent{6em}{Temp}{Balance}')
    x.addComp('TubeWallTemp', 'Function', Large + r'\TwolineComponent{6em}{Tube Wall}{Temp}')

    x.addDep('TubeWallTemp', 'Solver', dat, r"$T_\text{boundary}$")
    x.addDep('Solver', 'TempBal', dat, r"$\mathcal{R}(T_\text{boundary})$")
    x.addDep('TempBal', 'TubeWallTemp', dat, r"$T_\text{ss residual}$")

x = XDSM()
Beispiel #27
from XDSM import XDSM

opt = 'Optimization'
anl = 'Analysis'
dat = 'DataInter'

x = XDSM()
x.addComp('opt', opt, 'Optimizer')
#x.addComp('sol', 'MDA', 'Solver')
x.addComp('geom', anl, 'Geometry')
x.addComp('prop', anl, 'Propeller')
x.addComp('aero', anl, 'Aerodynamics')
x.addComp('struct', anl, 'Structures')
x.addComp('dyn', anl, 'Dynamics')

x.addDep('opt', 'prop', dat, '$Pwr$', False)
x.addDep('opt', 'dyn', dat, '$Disp_{dynamic}$', False)
x.addDep('opt', 'struct', dat, '$stress$', False)

x.addDep('geom', 'opt', dat, '\ThreelineComponent{2.55cm}{$s, c_{prop},$}{$twist_{prop}, D_{Prop}$}{$c_{wing},twist_{wing}$}', False)
x.addDep('prop', 'geom', dat, '$mesh_{prop}$', False)
x.addDep('aero', 'geom', dat, '$mesh_{wing}$', False)
x.addDep('struct', 'geom', dat, '$mesh_{wing}$', False)

x.addDep('prop', 'opt', dat, '$D_{prop}$', False)
x.addDep('aero', 'opt', dat, '\TwolineComponent{2.55cm}{$s, c_{wing},$}{$twist_{wing}, D_{Prop}$}', False)
x.addDep('struct', 'opt', dat, '$Thk$', False)
x.addDep('prop', 'opt', dat, 'RPM', False)
Beispiel #28
from XDSM import XDSM

opt = 'Optimization'
dat = 'DataInter'

x = XDSM()
x.addComp('Optimizer', 'Analysis', 'Optimizer')
x.addComp('Orbit', opt, 'Orbit Dynamics')
x.addComp('Attitude', opt, 'Attitude Dynamics')
x.addComp('Solar', opt, 'Cell Illumination')
x.addComp('Thermal', opt, 'Temperature')
x.addComp('Electrical', opt, 'Solar Power')
x.addComp('Battery', opt, 'Energy Storage')
x.addComp('Comm', opt, 'Communication')

x.addDep('Optimizer', 'Battery', dat, '')
x.addDep('Optimizer', 'Comm', dat, '')
x.addDep('Attitude', 'Optimizer', dat, '')
x.addDep('Solar', 'Attitude', dat, '')
x.addDep('Solar', 'Orbit', dat, '')
x.addDep('Thermal', 'Solar', dat, '')
x.addDep('Thermal', 'Optimizer', dat, '')
x.addDep('Electrical', 'Solar', dat, '')
x.addDep('Electrical', 'Optimizer', dat, '')
x.addDep('Electrical', 'Thermal', dat, '')
x.addDep('Battery', 'Electrical', dat, '')
x.addDep('Battery', 'Thermal', dat, '')
x.addDep('Battery', 'Attitude', dat, '')
x.addDep('Battery', 'Optimizer', dat, '')
x.addDep('Comm', 'Attitude', dat, '')
x.addDep('Comm', 'Orbit', dat, '')
from XDSM import XDSM

opt = 'Optimization'
dat = 'DataInter'

Large="\Large "

def build_drivetrain(xdsm):

    x.addComp('Motor', 'AnalysisGroup', Large + r'Motor')
    x.addComp('Inverter', 'Function', Large + r'Inverter')
    x.addComp('Battery', 'Function', Large + r'Battery')

    x.addDep('Inverter', 'Motor', dat, r"$I_\text{phase}, V_\text{phase}, f$")
    x.addDep('Battery', 'Inverter', dat, r"$I_\text{input}, Pwr_\text{input}$")

x = XDSM()
Beispiel #30
from XDSM import XDSM

opt = 'Optimization'
dat = 'DataInter'

x = XDSM()
x.addComp('Optimizer', 'Analysis', 'Optimizer')

x.addComp('solver', 'MDA', 'Solver')

x.addComp('rotor', opt, 'Rotor')
x.addComp('hub', opt, 'Hub')
x.addComp('nacelle', opt, 'Nacelle')
x.addComp('tower', opt, 'Tower')
x.addComp('deflection', opt, 'Tower Strike')
x.addComp('aep_a', opt, 'Annual Energy Prod.')
x.addComp('opex_a', opt, 'Op. Expenses')
x.addComp('tcc_a', opt, 'Turb. Capital Cost')
x.addComp('bos_a', opt, 'Balance of Station')
x.addComp('fin_a', opt, 'Financial')

x.addDep('rotor', 'solver', dat, "$L_{blade}, precurve$")
x.addDep('solver', 'rotor', dat, "$\Delta_{L}, \Delta_{precurve}$")

x.addDep('tcc_a', 'rotor', dat, '$m_{blade}$, $P_{rated}$')
x.addDep('tcc_a', 'hub', dat, '$m_{hub}$')
x.addDep('tcc_a', 'nacelle', dat, '$m_{nacelle}$')
x.addDep('tcc_a', 'tower', dat, '$m_{tower}$')

x.addDep('bos_a', 'rotor', dat, '\TwolineComponent{2.5cm}{$m_{blade}$, $P_{rated}$}{$d_{rotor}$}')