Beispiel #1
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Dynamically generate help text.
        source = kwargs.pop('source')
        super(ImageUploadOptionsForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)

        # Dynamically generate help text.
        # Show the filename format that should be used,
        # and an example of a filename adhering to that format.
        filenameFormatArgs = dict(year='YYYY', month='MM', day='DD')
        filenameExampleArgs = dict(year='2010', month='08', day='23')

        sourceKeys = source.get_key_list()
        exampleSuffixes = ['A', ' 7', ' 2-2', 'C', '1'][0 : len(sourceKeys)]

        filenameFormatArgs['values'] = sourceKeys
        filenameExampleArgs['values'] = [a+b for a,b in zip(sourceKeys, exampleSuffixes)]

        filenameFormatStr = metadata_to_filename(**filenameFormatArgs)
        filenameExampleStr = metadata_to_filename(**filenameExampleArgs) + ".jpg"

        self.fields['specify_metadata'].help_text = \
            "Required filename format: %s" % filenameFormatStr

        # Use JavaScript to show/hide this additional help text
        self.metadata_extra_help_text = (
            "For example, let's say your source has the following location keys: "
            "Site, Depth, Transect Line and Quadrant. "
            "If you want to upload a .jpg image that was taken at "
            "Site: sharkPoint, Depth: 10m, Transect Line: 3, and Quadrant: qu4, "
            "on 14 January 2010, the filename for upload should be:\n\n"


            "Alternatively, if you also want to store the original filename - say it's "
            "IMG_0032.jpg - you can use:\n\n"


            "The original file name is not used by CoralNet, but could be "
            "useful for your own reference."

        self.additional_details = [
            """Annotation points will be automatically generated for your images.
            Your Source's point generation settings: %s
            Your Source's annotation area settings: %s""" % (
Beispiel #2
def image_upload(request, source_id):
    This view serves the image upload page.  It doesn't actually do any
    upload processing, though; that's left to the Ajax views.

    source = get_object_or_404(Source, id=source_id)

    images_form = MultiImageUploadForm()
    options_form = ImageUploadOptionsForm(source=source)
    csv_import_form = CSVImportForm()
    annotation_import_form = AnnotationImportForm()
    annotation_import_options_form = AnnotationImportOptionsForm(source=source)
    proceed_to_manage_metadata_form = ImageSpecifyForm(

    auto_generate_points_message = (
        "We will generate points for the images you upload.\n"
        "Your Source's point generation settings: {pointgen}\n"
        "Your Source's annotation area settings: {annoarea}").format(

    return render_to_response('upload/image_upload.html', {
        'source': source,
        'images_form': images_form,
        'options_form': options_form,
        'csv_import_form': csv_import_form,
        'annotation_import_form': annotation_import_form,
        'annotation_import_options_form': annotation_import_options_form,
        'proceed_to_manage_metadata_form': proceed_to_manage_metadata_form,
        'auto_generate_points_message': auto_generate_points_message,
Beispiel #3
 def annotation_area_display(self):
     Display the annotation area parameters in templates.
     Usage: {{ myimage.annotation_area_display }}
     return AnnotationAreaUtils.db_format_to_display(self.metadata.annotation_area)
Beispiel #4
 def image_annotation_area_display(self):
     Display the annotation-area parameters in templates.
     Usage: {{ mysource.annotation_area_display }}
     return AnnotationAreaUtils.db_format_to_display(self.image_annotation_area)