Beispiel #1
def draw_bird(x, y):
    Draw a bird using a couple arcs.
    arcadeplus.draw_arc_outline(x, y, 20, 20, arcadeplus.color.BLACK, 0, 90)
    arcadeplus.draw_arc_outline(x + 40, y, 20, 20, arcadeplus.color.BLACK, 90,
Beispiel #2
# Draw an ellipse outline, and another one rotated
arcadeplus.draw_text("draw_ellipse_outline", 483, 207, arcadeplus.color.BLACK,
arcadeplus.draw_ellipse_outline(540, 273, 15, 36, arcadeplus.color.AMBER, 3)
arcadeplus.draw_ellipse_outline(540, 336, 15, 36, arcadeplus.color.BLACK_BEAN,
                                3, 45)

# Draw a filled ellipse, and another one rotated
arcadeplus.draw_text("draw_ellipse_filled", 3, 3, arcadeplus.color.BLACK, 10)
arcadeplus.draw_ellipse_filled(60, 81, 15, 36, arcadeplus.color.AMBER)
arcadeplus.draw_ellipse_filled(60, 144, 15, 36, arcadeplus.color.BLACK_BEAN,

# Draw an arc, and another one rotated
arcadeplus.draw_text("draw_arc/filled_arc", 123, 3, arcadeplus.color.BLACK, 10)
arcadeplus.draw_arc_outline(150, 81, 15, 36, arcadeplus.color.BRIGHT_MAROON,
                            90, 360)
arcadeplus.draw_arc_filled(150, 144, 15, 36, arcadeplus.color.BOTTLE_GREEN, 90,
                           360, 45)

# Draw an rectangle outline
arcadeplus.draw_text("draw_rect", 243, 3, arcadeplus.color.BLACK, 10)
arcadeplus.draw_rectangle_outline(295, 100, 45, 65,
arcadeplus.draw_rectangle_outline(295, 160, 20, 45,
                                  arcadeplus.color.BRITISH_RACING_GREEN, 3, 45)

# Draw a filled in rectangle
arcadeplus.draw_text("draw_filled_rect", 363, 3, arcadeplus.color.BLACK, 10)
arcadeplus.draw_rectangle_filled(420, 100, 45, 65, arcadeplus.color.BLUSH)
arcadeplus.draw_rectangle_filled(420, 160, 20, 40, arcadeplus.color.BLUSH, 45)
Beispiel #3
    def on_draw(self):
        Render the screen.

        # Start the render process. This must be done before any drawing commands.

        radius = 50
        width = radius * 2
        x = 200
        y = 100
        arcadeplus.draw_rectangle_outline(x, y, width, width,
                                          arcadeplus.color.BLACK, 2)
        arcadeplus.draw_circle_outline(x, y, radius, arcadeplus.color.BLACK, 2)
        arcadeplus.draw_line(x - radius, y, x + radius, y,
                             arcadeplus.color.BLACK, 2)

        x = 200
        y = 300
        width = 150
        half_width = width / 2
        arcadeplus.draw_rectangle_outline(x, y, width, 50,
                                          arcadeplus.color.BLACK, 2)
        arcadeplus.draw_ellipse_outline(x, y, width, 50,
                                        arcadeplus.color.AFRICAN_VIOLET, 2)
        arcadeplus.draw_line(x - half_width, y, x + half_width, y,
                             arcadeplus.color.RED, 2)

        x = 200
        y = 500
        width = 150
        half_width = width / 2
        arcadeplus.draw_rectangle_outline(x, y, width, 50,
                                          arcadeplus.color.BLACK, 2)
        arcadeplus.draw_arc_outline(x, y, width, 50,
                                    arcadeplus.color.AFRICAN_VIOLET, 0, 180, 5)
        arcadeplus.draw_line(x - half_width, y, x + half_width, y,
                             arcadeplus.color.RED, 2)

        radius = 50
        width = radius * 2
        x = 400
        y = 100
        arcadeplus.draw_rectangle_outline(x, y, width, width,
                                          arcadeplus.color.BLACK, 2)
        arcadeplus.draw_circle_filled(x, y, radius,
        arcadeplus.draw_line(x - radius, y, x + radius, y,
                             arcadeplus.color.BLACK, 2)

        x = 400
        y = 300
        width = 150
        half_width = width / 2
        arcadeplus.draw_rectangle_outline(x, y, width, 50,
                                          arcadeplus.color.BLACK, 2)
        arcadeplus.draw_ellipse_filled(x, y, width, 50,
                                       arcadeplus.color.AFRICAN_VIOLET, 2)
        arcadeplus.draw_line(x - half_width, y, x + half_width, y,
                             arcadeplus.color.RED, 2)

        x = 400
        y = 500
        width = 150
        half_width = width / 2
        arcadeplus.draw_rectangle_outline(x, y, width, 50,
                                          arcadeplus.color.BLACK, 2)
        arcadeplus.draw_arc_filled(x, y, width, 50,
                                   arcadeplus.color.AFRICAN_VIOLET, 0, 180)
        arcadeplus.draw_line(x - half_width, y, x + half_width, y,
                             arcadeplus.color.RED, 2)
Beispiel #4
    def on_draw(self):
        Render the screen.

        # Start the render process. This must be done before any drawing commands.

        # Draw a grid
        # Draw vertical lines every 120 pixels
        for x in range(0, 601, 120):
            arcadeplus.draw_line(x, 0, x, 600, arcadeplus.color.BLACK, 2)

        # Draw horizontal lines every 200 pixels
        for y in range(0, 601, 200):
            arcadeplus.draw_line(0, y, 800, y, arcadeplus.color.BLACK, 2)

        # Draw a point
        arcadeplus.draw_text("draw_point", 3, 405, arcadeplus.color.BLACK, 12)
        arcadeplus.draw_point(60, 495, arcadeplus.color.RED, 10)

        # Draw a set of points
        arcadeplus.draw_text("draw_points", 123, 405, arcadeplus.color.BLACK,
        point_list = ((165, 495), (165, 480), (165, 465), (195, 495),
                      (195, 480), (195, 465))
        arcadeplus.draw_points(point_list, arcadeplus.color.ZAFFRE, 10)

        # Draw a line
        arcadeplus.draw_text("draw_line", 243, 405, arcadeplus.color.BLACK, 12)
        arcadeplus.draw_line(270, 495, 300, 450, arcadeplus.color.WOOD_BROWN,

        # Draw a set of lines
        arcadeplus.draw_text("draw_lines", 363, 405, arcadeplus.color.BLACK,
        point_list = ((390, 450), (450, 450), (390, 480), (450, 480),
                      (390, 510), (450, 510))
        arcadeplus.draw_lines(point_list, arcadeplus.color.BLUE, 3)

        # Draw a line strip
        arcadeplus.draw_text("draw_line_strip", 483, 405,
                             arcadeplus.color.BLACK, 12)
        point_list = ((510, 450), (570, 450), (510, 480), (570, 480),
                      (510, 510), (570, 510))
                                   arcadeplus.color.TROPICAL_RAIN_FOREST, 3)
        arcadeplus.draw_line_strip(point_list, arcadeplus.color.BEIGE)

        # Draw a polygon
        arcadeplus.draw_text("draw_polygon_outline", 3, 207,
                             arcadeplus.color.BLACK, 9)
        point_list = ((30, 240), (45, 240), (60, 255), (60, 285), (45, 300),
                      (30, 300))
                                        arcadeplus.color.SPANISH_VIOLET, 3)

        # Draw a filled in polygon
        arcadeplus.draw_text("draw_polygon_filled", 123, 207,
                             arcadeplus.color.BLACK, 9)
        point_list = ((150, 240), (165, 240), (180, 255), (180, 285),
                      (165, 300), (150, 300))

        # Draw an outline of a circle
        arcadeplus.draw_text("draw_circle_outline", 243, 207,
                             arcadeplus.color.BLACK, 10)
        arcadeplus.draw_circle_outline(300, 285, 18, arcadeplus.color.WISTERIA,
        arcadeplus.draw_circle_outline(350, 285, 18, arcadeplus.color.WISTERIA)

        # Draw a filled in circle
        arcadeplus.draw_text("draw_circle_filled", 363, 207,
                             arcadeplus.color.BLACK, 10)
        arcadeplus.draw_circle_filled(420, 285, 18, arcadeplus.color.GREEN)

        # Draw an ellipse outline, and another one rotated
        arcadeplus.draw_text("draw_ellipse_outline", 483, 207,
                             arcadeplus.color.BLACK, 10)
        arcadeplus.draw_ellipse_outline(540, 273, 15, 36,
                                        arcadeplus.color.AMBER, 3)
        arcadeplus.draw_ellipse_outline(540, 336, 15, 36,
                                        arcadeplus.color.BLACK_BEAN, 3, 45)

        # Draw a filled ellipse, and another one rotated
        arcadeplus.draw_text("draw_ellipse_filled", 3, 3,
                             arcadeplus.color.BLACK, 10)
        arcadeplus.draw_ellipse_filled(60, 81, 15, 36, arcadeplus.color.AMBER)
        arcadeplus.draw_ellipse_filled(60, 144, 15, 36,
                                       arcadeplus.color.BLACK_BEAN, 45)

        # Draw an arc, and another one rotated
        arcadeplus.draw_text("draw_arc/filled_arc", 123, 3,
                             arcadeplus.color.BLACK, 10)
        arcadeplus.draw_arc_outline(150, 81, 15, 36,
                                    arcadeplus.color.BRIGHT_MAROON, 90, 360)
        arcadeplus.draw_arc_filled(150, 144, 15, 36,
                                   arcadeplus.color.BOTTLE_GREEN, 90, 360, 45)

        # Draw an rectangle outline
        arcadeplus.draw_text("draw_rect", 243, 3, arcadeplus.color.BLACK, 10)
            295, 100, 45, 65, arcadeplus.color.BRITISH_RACING_GREEN)
            295, 160, 20, 45, arcadeplus.color.BRITISH_RACING_GREEN, 3, 45)

        # Draw a filled in rectangle
        arcadeplus.draw_text("draw_filled_rect", 363, 3,
                             arcadeplus.color.BLACK, 10)
        arcadeplus.draw_rectangle_filled(420, 100, 45, 65,
        arcadeplus.draw_rectangle_filled(420, 160, 20, 40,
                                         arcadeplus.color.BLUSH, 45)

        # Load and draw an image to the screen
        # Image from asset pack #1
        arcadeplus.draw_text("draw_bitmap", 483, 3, arcadeplus.color.BLACK, 12)
        texture = arcadeplus.load_texture(
        scale = .6
        # arcadeplus.draw_texture_rectangle(540, 120, scale * texture.width,
        #                               scale * texture.height, texture, 0)
        # arcadeplus.draw_texture_rectangle(540, 60, scale * texture.width,
        #                               scale * texture.height, texture, 45)
        # Overlapping, with transparency test
        # Draw
        arcadeplus.draw_rectangle_filled(650, 100, 50, 50, (255, 0, 0))
        arcadeplus.draw_rectangle_filled(670, 100, 50, 50, (0, 255, 0, 127))

        # Test colors
        color = arcadeplus.get_pixel(635, 100)
        assert color == (255, 0, 0)
        color = arcadeplus.get_pixel(670, 100)
        assert color == (128, 127, 0)
        color = arcadeplus.get_pixel(690, 100)
        assert color == (128, 255, 128)

        # Test this other thing
        color = arcadeplus.get_pixel(100, 100)
        assert color == (255, 255, 255)

        # Run the get image. Ideally we'd test the output
Beispiel #5
radius = 200
arcadeplus.draw_circle_filled(x, y, radius, arcadeplus.color.YELLOW)

# Draw the right eye
x = 370
y = 350
radius = 20
arcadeplus.draw_circle_filled(x, y, radius, arcadeplus.color.BLACK)

# Draw the left eye
x = 230
y = 350
radius = 20
arcadeplus.draw_circle_filled(x, y, radius, arcadeplus.color.BLACK)

# Draw the smile
x = 300
y = 280
width = 120
height = 100
start_angle = 190
end_angle = 350
arcadeplus.draw_arc_outline(x, y, width, height, arcadeplus.color.BLACK,
                            start_angle, end_angle, 10)

# Finish drawing and display the result

# Keep the window open until the user hits the 'close' button