Beispiel #1
    def compute_fg(self):


        #this function is actualy phi(l)dL i.e. the number of sources in the luminosity bin centred on L
        def number_density(log_ll_star, log_phi, alpha):
            phi_star = 10**(log_phi)
            phi = np.log(10) * phi_star * np.exp(-(10**(log_ll_star))) * (
                (10**log_ll_star)**(alpha + 1)) * self.delta_log_llstar
            return phi

        def comov_vol(z, delta_z, omega_pix):
            return (
                omega_pix * ((cosmo.angular_diameter_distance(z).value)**2) *
                (sc.c / cosmo.H(0).value) *
                (1 / np.sqrt((0.31 * ((1 + z)**3)) + (0.69))) * ((1 + z)**2) *
                delta_z)  ###how to deal with delta z...

        nlines =[0]

        self.L_tot = np.zeros((nlines, self.npix))

        self.ave_Ns = np.zeros((nlines, len(self.log_ll_star)))

        for h in range(
        ):  #here you find the average Ns for each lum bin for each line
            for i in range(len(self.log_ll_star)):
                central_l = self.log_ll_star[i] + (self.delta_log_llstar / 2
                                                   )  # check math here
                self.ave_Ns[h, i] = number_density(
                    central_l, float([h, 5]), float([h, 3])
                ) * (
              [h, 1])).value * self.omega_pix
                )  #comov_vol(float([h,1]),float([h,2]),self.omega_pix) # this should not be negative.... uh oh

# here we are populating every pixel with every line in every luminosity bin.

        for h in range(nlines):
            for j in range(
            ):  # this is when you populate all the pixels with sources.
                for i in range(len(self.log_ll_star)):  #pick a luminosity pls
                    numsources = np.random.poisson(self.ave_Ns[
                        h, i])  #find the number of sources in that (L,z)
                    # central_l = (self.ll_star[i])+(self.delta_l/2) # central llstar of that bin
                    # L_s = 10**(float([h,4]))
                    self.L_tot[h, j] += (10**(
                        float(self.log_ll_star[i]) + float([h, 4])
                    )) * float(
                    )  #luminosity of one (L,z) bin here taking L to be (L/L*)(L*)

        return self.L_tot
Beispiel #2
def box_pyramid_pspec(cube, angular_extent, r_mpc, Zs, kz = None, Nkbins=100, error=False, cosmo=False, return_dV=False):
        Estimate the power spectrum in a "pyramid" appoximation:
            angular_extent = in radians, the width of the box
            For each r_mpc, calculate the width of the projected region from the angular diameter distance.
            In the radial direction, calculate discrete fourier transform. In tangential directions, do FFT.
    Nx, Ny, Nz = cube.shape
    D_mpc = WMAP9.comoving_transverse_distance(Zs).to("Mpc").value
    L = D_mpc * angular_extent   # Transverse lengths in Mpc
    if cosmo:
        # dV = (Nz) = (L/Nx) * (L/Ny) * np.diff(
        pixel_size = angular_extent**2/(Nx * Ny)
        dz_redshift = np.diff(Zs)[0]  # Assume uniform redshift interval
        dV = WMAP9.differential_comoving_volume(Zs).to("Mpc3/sr").value * dz_redshift * pixel_size
        Lz = r_mpc[-1] - r_mpc[0]
        pfact = 1/(L**2 * Lz)
       dV = 1
       pfact = 1/float(Nx*Ny*Nz)
    if kz is None:
        dz = np.abs(r_mpc[-1] - r_mpc[0])/float(Nz)   #Mean spacing
        kz = np.fft.fftfreq(Nz,d=dz) * kfact
        assert kz.size == r_mpc.size
    ## DFT in radial direction
    M = np.exp(np.pi * 2 * (-1j) * np.outer(kz,r_mpc) )
    _c = np.apply_along_axis(lambda x:,x),2, cube)

    ## 2D FFT in the transverse directions
    _c = np.fft.fft2(_c,axes=(0,1))
    _c = _c * dV

    ## kx and ky
    kx = np.array([np.fft.fftfreq(Nx,d=l/Nx) for l in L])*kfact
    ky = np.array([np.fft.fftfreq(Ny,d=l/Ny) for l in L])*kfact
    kx = np.moveaxis(np.tile(kx[:,:,np.newaxis],Ny),[1,2],[0,1])
    ky = np.moveaxis(np.tile(ky[:,:,np.newaxis],Nx),[1,2],[1,0])
    kz = np.tile(kz[np.newaxis,:],Nx*Ny).reshape(Nx,Ny,Nz)

    pk3d = np.abs(_c)**2 * pfact
    results = bin_1d(pk3d,(kx,ky,kz),Nkbins=Nkbins,error=error)
    if return_dV:
        return results, dV
    return results
Beispiel #3
def cosmodVol(redshift, WMAP9=False, H0=70.0, Om0=0.30, Planck15=False):
    Get the Differential Comoving Volume at redshift=z.

    This is simply a wrapper of astropy.cosmology
    The input redsfhit can be an array
    if WMAP9:
        from astropy.cosmology import WMAP9 as cosmo
    elif Planck15:
        from astropy.cosmology import Planck15 as cosmo
        from astropy.cosmology import FlatLambdaCDM
        cosmo = FlatLambdaCDM(H0=H0, Om0=Om0)

    dv = cosmo.differential_comoving_volume(redshift)

    return dv.value
Beispiel #4
def cosmodVol(redshift, WMAP9=False, H0=70.0, Om0=0.30, Planck15=False):
    Get the Differential Comoving Volume at redshift=z.

    This is simply a wrapper of astropy.cosmology
    The input redsfhit can be an array
    if WMAP9:
        from astropy.cosmology import WMAP9 as cosmo
    elif Planck15:
        from astropy.cosmology import Planck15 as cosmo
        from astropy.cosmology import FlatLambdaCDM
        cosmo = FlatLambdaCDM(H0=H0, Om0=Om0)

    dv = cosmo.differential_comoving_volume(redshift)

    return dv.value
Beispiel #5
def comoving_voxel_volume(z, dnu, omega):
        From z, dnu, and pixel size (omega), get voxel volume.
        dnu = MHz
        Omega = sr
    if isinstance(z, np.ndarray):
        if isinstance(omega, np.ndarray):
            z, omega = np.meshgrid(z, omega)
        elif isinstance(dnu, np.ndarray):
            z, dnu = np.meshgrid(z, dnu)
    elif isinstance(dnu, np.ndarray) and isinstance(omega, np.ndarray):
        dnu, omega = np.meshgrid(dnu, omega)
    nu0 = 1420. / (z + 1) - dnu / 2.
    nu1 = nu0 + dnu
    dz = 1420. * (1 / nu0 - 1 / nu1)
    vol = cosmo.differential_comoving_volume(z).value * dz * omega
    return vol
Beispiel #6
def astro_redshifts(min_z, max_z, nsamples):
    '''Sample the redshifts for sources, with redshift
            independent rate, using standard cosmology

       min_z: float
            Minimum redshift
       max_z: float
            Maximum redshift
       nsamples: int
            Number of samples

       z_astro: array
            nsamples of redshift, between min_z, max_z, by standard cosmology

    dz, fac = 0.001, 3.0
    # use interpolation instead of directly estimating all the pdfz for rndz
    V = quad(contracted_dVdc, 0., max_z)[0]
    zbins = np.arange(min_z, max_z + dz / 2., dz)
    zcenter = (zbins[:-1] + zbins[1:]) / 2
    pdfz = cosmo.differential_comoving_volume(zcenter).value / (1 +
                                                                zcenter) / V

    int_pdf = interp1d(zcenter, pdfz, bounds_error=False, fill_value=0)

    rndz = np.random.uniform(min_z, max_z, int(fac * nsamples))
    pdf_zs = int_pdf(rndz)
    maxpdf = max(pdf_zs)
    rndn = np.random.uniform(0, 1, int(fac * nsamples)) * maxpdf
    diff = pdf_zs - rndn
    idx = np.where(diff > 0)
    z_astro = rndz[idx]


    return z_astro
Beispiel #7
    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        """Initialize module."""
        super(Arbitrary, self).__init__(**kwargs)
        self._filename = kwargs.get(self.key('filename'), None)

        """Input data from file""" #Put the axis label (X,Y) on the first row of file
        df = pd.read_csv(self._filename, header = 0)

        """Data treatment""" #Ignore this part if x and y are ready to fit.
        df.Y = 4 * np.pi * 10 ** df.Y * cosmo.differential_comoving_volume(df.X) 
        """Generating distribution shape and normalizing factor"""
        self._min_value = self._min_value if self._min_value else x.min()
        self._max_value = self._max_value if self._max_value else x.max()
        self._f = interpolate.interp1d(df.X, df.Y, kind = 'linear', fill_value="extrapolate")
        norm_factor = quad(self._f, self._min_value, self._max_value)[0]
        """Generating icdf"""
        self._cdf = []
        self._x = np.linspace(self._min_value, self._max_value, 100)
        for i in self._x:
            integral = quad(self._f, 0.1, i)[0]
            self._cdf.append(integral / norm_factor)
        self._icdf = interpolate.interp1d(self._cdf, self._x, kind = 'linear', fill_value = 'extrapolate')
Beispiel #8
def contracted_dVdc(z):
    #Return the time-dilated differential comoving volume
    return cosmo.differential_comoving_volume(z).value / (1 + z)
Beispiel #9
def dVdz(z):
    return cosmo.differential_comoving_volume(z).value