Beispiel #1
    def _configure(self, dataColumns, inputState):
        """Used by all methods that create DataTables."""

        self.fields = DataTableFields()
        for fieldName, dataColumn in dataColumns.items():
            self.fields[fieldName] = dataColumn

        self.state = DataTableState()
        if inputState is not None:
            self.state = inputState

        self.plots = DataTablePlots()
        self.output = DataTableFields()
        self.output._name = "output"
        self.score = None
Beispiel #2
    def _configure(self, dataColumns, inputState):
        """Used by all methods that create DataTables."""

        self.fields = DataTableFields()
        for fieldName, dataColumn in dataColumns.items():
            self.fields[fieldName] = dataColumn

        self.state = DataTableState()
        if inputState is not None:
            self.state = inputState

        self.plots = DataTablePlots()
        self.output = DataTableFields()
        self.output._name = "output"
        self.score = None
Beispiel #3
    def subTable(self, selection=None):
        """Return or filter this DataTable with C{selection}.

        This is used to filter data in segmented models, decision
        trees, rulesets, lexical scopes of nested models, etc.  The
        following DataTable attributes are copied into the sub-table:
          - C{fields} because local field names shouldn't appear in
            their parent namespace.  DataColumns associated to field
            names are duplicated with C{subDataColumn}, which merely
            references the immutable data if it is not being filtered.
          - C{output} because outputs are merged as nested algorithms
            pop the stack to return a result.
          - C{score} for the same reason.

        The following DataTable attributes are merely referenced in
        the sub-table:
          - C{state} because the DataTableState has only one key
          - C{plots} so that generated plots are not hidden by nested

        @type selection: 1d Numpy array of dtype bool, or None
        @param selection: If None, create a DataTable of the same length; otherwise, use the boolean array to filter it.
        @rtype: DataTable
        @return: A table of the same length or shorter.

        table = self.__class__.__new__(self.__class__)

        # COPY, do not reference, the fields so that local field names don't appear in their parent namespaces
        # (the large data content of the arrays are referenced if unchanged, and treated as immutable for safety)
        table.fields = DataTableFields()
        for fieldName, dataColumn in self.fields.items():
            table.fields[fieldName] = dataColumn.subDataColumn(selection)

        # REFERENCE, do not copy, the state so that a single table accumulates
        table.state = self.state

        # REFERENCE, do not copy, the plots so that a single table accumulates
        table.plots = self.plots

        # create a NEW output, since these are merged as subTables pop
        table.output = DataTableFields()

        # create a NEW score, since these are merged as subTables pop
        table.score = None

        return table
Beispiel #4
class DataTable(object):
    """DataTable holds all of the inputs and outputs of the PMML

    A DataTable is the user's way of interacting with a PMML machine.
    The C{fields} member represents a lexical namespace of all
    currently defined data fields.  Derived fields are added to the
    namespace as they are encountered.  If a derived field is defined
    in a nested scope (e.g. a LocalTransformation of a model), then
    that field is added to the local namespace and would not be
    visible from the top level.  PMML defines OutputFields to emit
    results; these appear in the DataTable's C{output} member.

    Some elements of the PMML machine accumulate data and need to keep
    track of their state.  The C{state} member of the DataTable stores
    this metadata as key-value pairs.

    Plots are another form of output from a (non-standard) PMML
    machine.  Since plots are never intended for subsequent
    calculations, the C{plot} namespace is global.

    Some PMML methods define an overall score that may or may not be
    associated with a field.  This goes into the C{score} member.

    @type fields: DataTableFields
    @param fields: Maps field names to DataColumns.
    @type state: DataTableState
    @param state: Key-value store for persistent state of the PMML machine.
    @type plots: DataTablePlots
    @param plots: Maps plot names to SVG output (global in scope).
    @type output: DataTableFields
    @param output: Maps the result of PMML OutputFields to DataColumns.  These might duplicate the C{fields}.
    @type score: DataColumn or None
    @param score: If the PMML defines a score, this provides access to it; otherwise, it is None.  It might duplicate a C{field} or an C{output}.

    def singleton(self, inputData, inputMask=None, inputState=None):
        """Create a single-row DataTable for event-based processes.

        This static method is to the DataTable constructor, but it
        creates a DataTable with only one row and it uses the Python
        data type of the C{inputData} to define a type, rather than an
        explicit C{context}.

        @type inputData: dict-like mapping from strings to single values (not lists)
        @param inputData: A single data record.
        @type inputMask: dict-like mapping from strings to single C{defs.maskType} values (not lists), or None
        @param inputMask: A single mask.
        @type inputState: DataTableState or None
        @param inputState: Initial state of the DataTable.  To continue a previous calculation, use the C{dataTable.state} from the previous calculation.

        dataColumns = OrderedDict()
        for fieldName in sorted(inputData.keys()):
            value = inputData[fieldName]

            if isinstance(value, basestring):
                fieldType = FakeFieldType("string", "continuous")
            elif isinstance(value, float):
                fieldType = FakeFieldType("double", "continuous")
            elif isinstance(value, int):
                fieldType = FakeFieldType("integer", "continuous")
            elif isinstance(value, bool):
                fieldType = FakeFieldType("boolean", "continuous")

            # TODO: PMML date types (when passed a datetype.datetype object)

                fieldType = FakeFieldType("object", "any")

            data = NP("empty", 1, dtype=fieldType.dtype)
            data[0] = value

            if inputMask is None or inputMask.get(fieldName) is None:
                mask = None
                mask = NP("empty", 1, dtype=defs.maskType)
                mask[0] = inputMask.get(fieldName)

            dataColumns[fieldName] = DataColumn(fieldType, data, mask)

        dataTable = DataTable.__new__(DataTable)
        dataTable._configure(dataColumns, inputState)
        return dataTable

    def buildManually(self, fieldTypes, internalArrays, internalMasks=None, inputState=None):
        """Create a DataTable from pre-built Numpy arrays filled with
        internal values rather than user-friendly values.  For experts

        @type fieldTypes: dict of str to FieldTypes
        @param fieldTypes: Maps field names to their FieldType.
        @type internalArrays: dict of str to 1d Numpy arrays.
        @param internalArrays: Maps field names to the internal data.
        @type internalMasks: dict of str to 1d Numpy arrays, or None
        @param internalMasks: Maps field names to the masks, or None for no masks.
        @type inputState: DataTableState or None
        @param inputState: Initial state of the DataTable.  To continue a previous calculation, use the C{dataTable.state} from the previous calculation.
        @raise ValueError: If the C{fieldTypes}, C{internalArrays}, or C{internalMasks} have different field names, this function raises an error.

        if internalMasks is None:
            internalMasks = dict((x, None) for x in internalArrays)

        if set(fieldTypes) != set(internalArrays) or set(fieldTypes) != set(internalMasks):
            raise ValueError("Mismatch between fieldType names, internalArray names, or internalMasks names")

        dataColumns = {}
        for name in sorted(fieldTypes):
            dataColumns[name] = DataColumn(fieldTypes[name], internalArrays[name], internalMasks[name])

        dataTable = DataTable.__new__(DataTable)
        dataTable._configure(dataColumns, inputState)
        return dataTable

    def __init__(self, context, inputData, inputMask=None, inputState=None):
        """Create a DataTable from a type-context, input data,
        possible input masks, and possible input states.

        For maximum flexibility, very few assumptions are made about
        the format of C{inputData}.  It need only have a structure
        that is equivalent to a dictionary mapping strings (field
        names) to lists of values (data columns).  Numpy
        U{record arrays<>},
        U{NpzFiles <>},
        and U{Pandas data frames<>}
        effectively present their data in this format because::


        yields a column of values.  Regardless of the input type,
        these values are then interpreted by the C{context} to set
        their PMML type.

        The length of the resulting DataTable is equal to the length
        of the shortest DataColumn.  Generally, one should use
        equal-length arrays to build a DataTable.

        @type context: PmmlBinding, FieldType, string, dict, or None
        @param context: If a rooted PmmlBinding, use the PMML's DataDictionary to interpret C{inputData}.  If a FieldType, use that FieldType to interpret all fields.  If a string, use that dataType (e.g. "integer", "dateDaysSince[1960]") to interpret all fields.  If a dictionary from field names to FieldTypes or dataType strings, use them on a per-field basis.  Otherwise, assume a FieldType from the Numpy C{dtype}.  The last option only works if all C{inputData} columns are Numpy arrays.
        @type inputData: any dict-like mapping from strings to lists
        @param inputData: Maps field names (strings) to columns of data (lists or Numpy arrays) that are interpreted by C{context}.
        @type inputMask: dict-like mapping from strings to lists of bool, or None
        @param inputMask: If None, missing data are identified by C{NaN} values in the C{inputData} (Pandas convention).  Otherwise, C{NaN} or a True value in the corresponding {inputMask} would label a data item as MISSING.
        @type inputState: DataTableState or None
        @param inputState: Initial state of the DataTable.  To continue a previous calculation, use the C{dataTable.state} from the previous calculation.
        @raise TypeError: If the C{inputData} columns are not Numpy arrays and a C{context} is not given, this method raises an error.

        if isinstance(context, PmmlBinding) and len(context.xpath("ancestor-or-self::pmml:PMML")) != 0:
            # get types from PMML
            dataColumns = OrderedDict()
            for fieldName, fieldDefinition in context.fieldContext().items():
                fieldType = FieldType(fieldDefinition)

                    dataField = inputData[fieldName]
                except KeyError:
                    dataField = None
                        maskField = inputMask[fieldName]
                    except (KeyError, TypeError):
                        maskField = None

                if dataField is not None:
                    dataColumns[fieldName] = fieldType.toDataColumn(dataField, maskField)

            if not isinstance(context, dict):
                context = dict((x, context) for x in inputData)

            if all(isinstance(x, FieldType) for x in context.values()):
                # FieldTypes provided explicitly
                dataColumns = OrderedDict()
                for fieldName in sorted(context.keys()):
                    data = inputData[fieldName]
                    if inputMask is None:
                        mask = None
                        mask = inputMask[fieldName]

                    dataColumns[fieldName] = context[fieldName].toDataColumn(data, mask)

            elif all(isinstance(x, basestring) for x in context.values()):
                # FieldTypes provided by dataType name
                dataColumns = OrderedDict()
                for fieldName in sorted(context.keys()):
                    data = inputData[fieldName]
                    if inputMask is None:
                        mask = None
                        mask = inputMask[fieldName]

                    if context[fieldName] == "string":
                        fieldType = FakeFieldType(context[fieldName], "categorical")
                        fieldType = FakeFieldType(context[fieldName], "continuous")
                    dataColumns[fieldName] = fieldType.toDataColumn(data, mask)

            elif all(isinstance(inputData[x], NP.ndarray) for x in inputData.keys()):
                # FieldTypes provided by NumPy types
                dataColumns = OrderedDict()
                for fieldName in sorted(context.keys()):
                    data = inputData[fieldName]
                    if inputMask is None:
                        mask = None
                        mask = inputMask[fieldName]

                    if data.dtype in (NP.object, NP.object0, NP.object_, NP.str, NP.str_, NP.string0, NP.string_) or re.match("\|S[0-9]+", str(data.dtype)) is not None:
                        fieldType = FakeFieldType("string", "categorical")
                    elif data.dtype in (, NP.int0, NP.int8, NP.int16, NP.int32, NP.int64, NP.int_, NP.integer):
                        fieldType = FakeFieldType("integer", "continuous")
                    elif data.dtype in (NP.float, NP.__getattr__("float16", noneIfMissing=True), NP.float32):
                        fieldType = FakeFieldType("float", "continuous")
                    elif data.dtype in (NP.float64, NP.float128, NP.float_, NP.double):
                        fieldType = FakeFieldType("double", "continuous")
                    elif data.dtype in (NP.bool, NP.bool8, NP.bool_):
                        fieldType = FakeFieldType("boolean", "continuous")
                        raise TypeError("Unrecognized NumPy dtype: %r" % data.dtype)

                    dataColumns[fieldName] = fieldType.toDataColumn(data, mask)

                raise TypeError("Context must be PMML (anchored by a <PMML> ancestor), a dictionary of FieldType objects, dataType strings, or inputData must consist entirely of NumPy arrays")

        self._configure(dataColumns, inputState)

    def _configure(self, dataColumns, inputState):
        """Used by all methods that create DataTables."""

        self.fields = DataTableFields()
        for fieldName, dataColumn in dataColumns.items():
            self.fields[fieldName] = dataColumn

        self.state = DataTableState()
        if inputState is not None:
            self.state = inputState

        self.plots = DataTablePlots()
        self.output = DataTableFields()
        self.output._name = "output"
        self.score = None

    def __len__(self):
        """Get the length of the DataTable.

        @rtype: int
        @return: The number of rows in the DataTable.

        return len(self.fields)

    def subTable(self, selection=None):
        """Return or filter this DataTable with C{selection}.

        This is used to filter data in segmented models, decision
        trees, rulesets, lexical scopes of nested models, etc.  The
        following DataTable attributes are copied into the sub-table:
          - C{fields} because local field names shouldn't appear in
            their parent namespace.  DataColumns associated to field
            names are duplicated with C{subDataColumn}, which merely
            references the immutable data if it is not being filtered.
          - C{output} because outputs are merged as nested algorithms
            pop the stack to return a result.
          - C{score} for the same reason.

        The following DataTable attributes are merely referenced in
        the sub-table:
          - C{state} because the DataTableState has only one key
          - C{plots} so that generated plots are not hidden by nested

        @type selection: 1d Numpy array of dtype bool, or None
        @param selection: If None, create a DataTable of the same length; otherwise, use the boolean array to filter it.
        @rtype: DataTable
        @return: A table of the same length or shorter.

        table = self.__class__.__new__(self.__class__)

        # COPY, do not reference, the fields so that local field names don't appear in their parent namespaces
        # (the large data content of the arrays are referenced if unchanged, and treated as immutable for safety)
        table.fields = DataTableFields()
        for fieldName, dataColumn in self.fields.items():
            table.fields[fieldName] = dataColumn.subDataColumn(selection)

        # REFERENCE, do not copy, the state so that a single table accumulates
        table.state = self.state

        # REFERENCE, do not copy, the plots so that a single table accumulates
        table.plots = self.plots

        # create a NEW output, since these are merged as subTables pop
        table.output = DataTableFields()

        # create a NEW score, since these are merged as subTables pop
        table.score = None

        return table

    def __repr__(self):
        return "<DataTable at 0x%x>" % id(self)

    def look(self, head=10, tail=10, restriction=None, stream=None, columnWidth=10):
        """An informative representation of the DataTable, intended
        for interactive use.

        If the DataTable has any C{output}, this method presents a
        table of the C{output}.  Otherwise, it presents the C{fields}.
        For more control, use::


        If a C{score} exists, it is presented in its own column,
        possibly duplicating a field if the PMML outputs to a field
        and the global score.

        Note: if C{head + tail} is greater or equal to the length of
        the table, all rows will be shown.  Otherwise, just the
        beginning and the end.

        @type head: int
        @param head: Number of rows to display from the beginning of the table.
        @type tail: int
        @param tail: Number of rows to display from the end of the table.
        @type restriction: list of strings or None
        @param restriction: If None, display all columns; otherwise, display only the specified columns.
        @type stream: file-like object or None
        @param stream: If None, print to C{sys.stdout}; otherwise, write to the specified stream.
        @type columnWidth: int or dict
        @param columnWidth: If C{columnWidth} is an integer, set the width of all columns to the specified number of characters.  If C{columnWidth} is a dictionary mapping column names (strings) to integers, set column widths on a per-column basis with C{columnWidth[None]} as a default.  If C{columnWidth[None]} is not defined, the default is 10 characters.

        if len(self.output.keys()) > 0:
            self.output.look(head, tail, restriction, stream, columnWidth, self.score)
            self.fields.look(head, tail, restriction, stream, columnWidth, self.score)
Beispiel #5
class DataTable(object):
    """DataTable holds all of the inputs and outputs of the PMML

    A DataTable is the user's way of interacting with a PMML machine.
    The C{fields} member represents a lexical namespace of all
    currently defined data fields.  Derived fields are added to the
    namespace as they are encountered.  If a derived field is defined
    in a nested scope (e.g. a LocalTransformation of a model), then
    that field is added to the local namespace and would not be
    visible from the top level.  PMML defines OutputFields to emit
    results; these appear in the DataTable's C{output} member.

    Some elements of the PMML machine accumulate data and need to keep
    track of their state.  The C{state} member of the DataTable stores
    this metadata as key-value pairs.

    Plots are another form of output from a (non-standard) PMML
    machine.  Since plots are never intended for subsequent
    calculations, the C{plot} namespace is global.

    Some PMML methods define an overall score that may or may not be
    associated with a field.  This goes into the C{score} member.

    @type fields: DataTableFields
    @param fields: Maps field names to DataColumns.
    @type state: DataTableState
    @param state: Key-value store for persistent state of the PMML machine.
    @type plots: DataTablePlots
    @param plots: Maps plot names to SVG output (global in scope).
    @type output: DataTableFields
    @param output: Maps the result of PMML OutputFields to DataColumns.  These might duplicate the C{fields}.
    @type score: DataColumn or None
    @param score: If the PMML defines a score, this provides access to it; otherwise, it is None.  It might duplicate a C{field} or an C{output}.
    def singleton(self, inputData, inputMask=None, inputState=None):
        """Create a single-row DataTable for event-based processes.

        This static method is to the DataTable constructor, but it
        creates a DataTable with only one row and it uses the Python
        data type of the C{inputData} to define a type, rather than an
        explicit C{context}.

        @type inputData: dict-like mapping from strings to single values (not lists)
        @param inputData: A single data record.
        @type inputMask: dict-like mapping from strings to single C{defs.maskType} values (not lists), or None
        @param inputMask: A single mask.
        @type inputState: DataTableState or None
        @param inputState: Initial state of the DataTable.  To continue a previous calculation, use the C{dataTable.state} from the previous calculation.

        dataColumns = OrderedDict()
        for fieldName in sorted(inputData.keys()):
            value = inputData[fieldName]

            if isinstance(value, basestring):
                fieldType = FakeFieldType("string", "continuous")
            elif isinstance(value, float):
                fieldType = FakeFieldType("double", "continuous")
            elif isinstance(value, int):
                fieldType = FakeFieldType("integer", "continuous")
            elif isinstance(value, bool):
                fieldType = FakeFieldType("boolean", "continuous")

            # TODO: PMML date types (when passed a datetype.datetype object)

                fieldType = FakeFieldType("object", "any")

            data = NP("empty", 1, dtype=fieldType.dtype)
            data[0] = value

            if inputMask is None or inputMask.get(fieldName) is None:
                mask = None
                mask = NP("empty", 1, dtype=defs.maskType)
                mask[0] = inputMask.get(fieldName)

            dataColumns[fieldName] = DataColumn(fieldType, data, mask)

        dataTable = DataTable.__new__(DataTable)
        dataTable._configure(dataColumns, inputState)
        return dataTable

    def buildManually(self,
        """Create a DataTable from pre-built Numpy arrays filled with
        internal values rather than user-friendly values.  For experts

        @type fieldTypes: dict of str to FieldTypes
        @param fieldTypes: Maps field names to their FieldType.
        @type internalArrays: dict of str to 1d Numpy arrays.
        @param internalArrays: Maps field names to the internal data.
        @type internalMasks: dict of str to 1d Numpy arrays, or None
        @param internalMasks: Maps field names to the masks, or None for no masks.
        @type inputState: DataTableState or None
        @param inputState: Initial state of the DataTable.  To continue a previous calculation, use the C{dataTable.state} from the previous calculation.
        @raise ValueError: If the C{fieldTypes}, C{internalArrays}, or C{internalMasks} have different field names, this function raises an error.

        if internalMasks is None:
            internalMasks = dict((x, None) for x in internalArrays)

        if set(fieldTypes) != set(internalArrays) or set(fieldTypes) != set(
            raise ValueError(
                "Mismatch between fieldType names, internalArray names, or internalMasks names"

        dataColumns = {}
        for name in sorted(fieldTypes):
            dataColumns[name] = DataColumn(fieldTypes[name],

        dataTable = DataTable.__new__(DataTable)
        dataTable._configure(dataColumns, inputState)
        return dataTable

    def __init__(self, context, inputData, inputMask=None, inputState=None):
        """Create a DataTable from a type-context, input data,
        possible input masks, and possible input states.

        For maximum flexibility, very few assumptions are made about
        the format of C{inputData}.  It need only have a structure
        that is equivalent to a dictionary mapping strings (field
        names) to lists of values (data columns).  Numpy
        U{record arrays<>},
        U{NpzFiles <>},
        and U{Pandas data frames<>}
        effectively present their data in this format because::


        yields a column of values.  Regardless of the input type,
        these values are then interpreted by the C{context} to set
        their PMML type.

        The length of the resulting DataTable is equal to the length
        of the shortest DataColumn.  Generally, one should use
        equal-length arrays to build a DataTable.

        @type context: PmmlBinding, FieldType, string, dict, or None
        @param context: If a rooted PmmlBinding, use the PMML's DataDictionary to interpret C{inputData}.  If a FieldType, use that FieldType to interpret all fields.  If a string, use that dataType (e.g. "integer", "dateDaysSince[1960]") to interpret all fields.  If a dictionary from field names to FieldTypes or dataType strings, use them on a per-field basis.  Otherwise, assume a FieldType from the Numpy C{dtype}.  The last option only works if all C{inputData} columns are Numpy arrays.
        @type inputData: any dict-like mapping from strings to lists
        @param inputData: Maps field names (strings) to columns of data (lists or Numpy arrays) that are interpreted by C{context}.
        @type inputMask: dict-like mapping from strings to lists of bool, or None
        @param inputMask: If None, missing data are identified by C{NaN} values in the C{inputData} (Pandas convention).  Otherwise, C{NaN} or a True value in the corresponding {inputMask} would label a data item as MISSING.
        @type inputState: DataTableState or None
        @param inputState: Initial state of the DataTable.  To continue a previous calculation, use the C{dataTable.state} from the previous calculation.
        @raise TypeError: If the C{inputData} columns are not Numpy arrays and a C{context} is not given, this method raises an error.

        if isinstance(context, PmmlBinding) and len(
                context.xpath("ancestor-or-self::pmml:PMML")) != 0:
            # get types from PMML
            dataColumns = OrderedDict()
            for fieldName, fieldDefinition in context.fieldContext().items():
                fieldType = FieldType(fieldDefinition)

                    dataField = inputData[fieldName]
                except KeyError:
                    dataField = None
                        maskField = inputMask[fieldName]
                    except (KeyError, TypeError):
                        maskField = None

                if dataField is not None:
                    dataColumns[fieldName] = fieldType.toDataColumn(
                        dataField, maskField)

            if not isinstance(context, dict):
                context = dict((x, context) for x in inputData)

            if all(isinstance(x, FieldType) for x in context.values()):
                # FieldTypes provided explicitly
                dataColumns = OrderedDict()
                for fieldName in sorted(context.keys()):
                    data = inputData[fieldName]
                    if inputMask is None:
                        mask = None
                        mask = inputMask[fieldName]

                    dataColumns[fieldName] = context[fieldName].toDataColumn(
                        data, mask)

            elif all(isinstance(x, basestring) for x in context.values()):
                # FieldTypes provided by dataType name
                dataColumns = OrderedDict()
                for fieldName in sorted(context.keys()):
                    data = inputData[fieldName]
                    if inputMask is None:
                        mask = None
                        mask = inputMask[fieldName]

                    if context[fieldName] == "string":
                        fieldType = FakeFieldType(context[fieldName],
                        fieldType = FakeFieldType(context[fieldName],
                    dataColumns[fieldName] = fieldType.toDataColumn(data, mask)

            elif all(
                    isinstance(inputData[x], NP.ndarray)
                    for x in inputData.keys()):
                # FieldTypes provided by NumPy types
                dataColumns = OrderedDict()
                for fieldName in sorted(context.keys()):
                    data = inputData[fieldName]
                    if inputMask is None:
                        mask = None
                        mask = inputMask[fieldName]

                    if data.dtype in (NP.object, NP.object0, NP.object_,
                                      NP.str, NP.str_, NP.string0,
                                      NP.string_) or re.match(
                                          "\|S[0-9]+", str(
                                              data.dtype)) is not None:
                        fieldType = FakeFieldType("string", "categorical")
                    elif data.dtype in (, NP.int0, NP.int8, NP.int16,
                                        NP.int32, NP.int64, NP.int_,
                        fieldType = FakeFieldType("integer", "continuous")
                    elif data.dtype in (NP.float,
                        fieldType = FakeFieldType("float", "continuous")
                    elif data.dtype in (NP.float64, NP.float128, NP.float_,
                        fieldType = FakeFieldType("double", "continuous")
                    elif data.dtype in (NP.bool, NP.bool8, NP.bool_):
                        fieldType = FakeFieldType("boolean", "continuous")
                        raise TypeError("Unrecognized NumPy dtype: %r" %

                    dataColumns[fieldName] = fieldType.toDataColumn(data, mask)

                raise TypeError(
                    "Context must be PMML (anchored by a <PMML> ancestor), a dictionary of FieldType objects, dataType strings, or inputData must consist entirely of NumPy arrays"

        self._configure(dataColumns, inputState)

    def _configure(self, dataColumns, inputState):
        """Used by all methods that create DataTables."""

        self.fields = DataTableFields()
        for fieldName, dataColumn in dataColumns.items():
            self.fields[fieldName] = dataColumn

        self.state = DataTableState()
        if inputState is not None:
            self.state = inputState

        self.plots = DataTablePlots()
        self.output = DataTableFields()
        self.output._name = "output"
        self.score = None

    def __len__(self):
        """Get the length of the DataTable.

        @rtype: int
        @return: The number of rows in the DataTable.

        return len(self.fields)

    def subTable(self, selection=None):
        """Return or filter this DataTable with C{selection}.

        This is used to filter data in segmented models, decision
        trees, rulesets, lexical scopes of nested models, etc.  The
        following DataTable attributes are copied into the sub-table:
          - C{fields} because local field names shouldn't appear in
            their parent namespace.  DataColumns associated to field
            names are duplicated with C{subDataColumn}, which merely
            references the immutable data if it is not being filtered.
          - C{output} because outputs are merged as nested algorithms
            pop the stack to return a result.
          - C{score} for the same reason.

        The following DataTable attributes are merely referenced in
        the sub-table:
          - C{state} because the DataTableState has only one key
          - C{plots} so that generated plots are not hidden by nested

        @type selection: 1d Numpy array of dtype bool, or None
        @param selection: If None, create a DataTable of the same length; otherwise, use the boolean array to filter it.
        @rtype: DataTable
        @return: A table of the same length or shorter.

        table = self.__class__.__new__(self.__class__)

        # COPY, do not reference, the fields so that local field names don't appear in their parent namespaces
        # (the large data content of the arrays are referenced if unchanged, and treated as immutable for safety)
        table.fields = DataTableFields()
        for fieldName, dataColumn in self.fields.items():
            table.fields[fieldName] = dataColumn.subDataColumn(selection)

        # REFERENCE, do not copy, the state so that a single table accumulates
        table.state = self.state

        # REFERENCE, do not copy, the plots so that a single table accumulates
        table.plots = self.plots

        # create a NEW output, since these are merged as subTables pop
        table.output = DataTableFields()

        # create a NEW score, since these are merged as subTables pop
        table.score = None

        return table

    def __repr__(self):
        return "<DataTable at 0x%x>" % id(self)

    def look(self,
        """An informative representation of the DataTable, intended
        for interactive use.

        If the DataTable has any C{output}, this method presents a
        table of the C{output}.  Otherwise, it presents the C{fields}.
        For more control, use::


        If a C{score} exists, it is presented in its own column,
        possibly duplicating a field if the PMML outputs to a field
        and the global score.

        Note: if C{head + tail} is greater or equal to the length of
        the table, all rows will be shown.  Otherwise, just the
        beginning and the end.

        @type head: int
        @param head: Number of rows to display from the beginning of the table.
        @type tail: int
        @param tail: Number of rows to display from the end of the table.
        @type restriction: list of strings or None
        @param restriction: If None, display all columns; otherwise, display only the specified columns.
        @type stream: file-like object or None
        @param stream: If None, print to C{sys.stdout}; otherwise, write to the specified stream.
        @type columnWidth: int or dict
        @param columnWidth: If C{columnWidth} is an integer, set the width of all columns to the specified number of characters.  If C{columnWidth} is a dictionary mapping column names (strings) to integers, set column widths on a per-column basis with C{columnWidth[None]} as a default.  If C{columnWidth[None]} is not defined, the default is 10 characters.

        if len(self.output.keys()) > 0:
            self.output.look(head, tail, restriction, stream, columnWidth,
            self.fields.look(head, tail, restriction, stream, columnWidth,