def create_message(filename): # Step 1: Read file and convert it to Base65536 with open(filename, 'rb') as f: b65536 = base65536.encode(base64.b64encode('\n', '') # Step 2: Calculate maximum length of Base64 string rl = 10000 - (len(os.path.basename(filename)) + 31) # Step 3: Check length of Base64 string and split if necessary b65536s = [string for string in split(b65536, rl)] # Step 4: Create messages messages = [] b65536sc = 0 if len(b65536s) != 1: b65536sc = len(b65536s) - 1 for msg in b65536s: messages.append('!!DMFS{{"fn":"{fn}","pt":{pt},"ct":"{ct}"}}'.format(fn=os.path.basename(filename), pt=b65536sc, ct=msg)) # json f***s up the unicoded chars making the message longer, I think b65536sc -= 1 return messages
def test_hello_world(): # # 25d6ea5104a16c24787fa1d8b4af836ba8bb6214/test.js#L86 encoded = base65536.encode(b'hello world') assert encoded == u'驨ꍬ啯𒁷ꍲᕤ' assert base65536.decode(encoded) == b'hello world'
def test_bad(): # # 25d6ea5104a16c24787fa1d8b4af836ba8bb6214/test.js#L24 bad = base65536.encode(b'\x25') + base65536.encode(b'\x13') with pytest.raises(ValueError): base65536.decode(bad)
def assert_encoding(data): encoded = base65536.encode(data) for form in UNICODE_NORMAL_FORMS: assert unicodedata.normalize(form, encoded) == encoded assert base65536.decode(encoded) == data
def main(): im ="Image Name: "))) start = time.time() i = True while i == True: try: uui = str(uuid.uuid4()) os.mkdir(uui) i = False except: h = 0 print("A") print(im.height+(im.width*im.height))"gr.png") im ="gr.png") out = im out red = [] blu = [] gre = [] for y in range(im.height): for x in range(im.width): red.append("{} ".format(base65536.encode( bytes( str( out.getpixel( (x,y) ) [0] ) ,'utf-8' )))) gre.append("{} ".format(base65536.encode( bytes( str( out.getpixel( (x,y) ) [1] ) ,'utf-8' )))) blu.append("{} ".format(base65536.encode( bytes( str( out.getpixel( (x,y) ) [2] ) ,'utf-8' )))) gre.append("\n ") blu.append("\n ") red.append("\n ") flr = open("{}\imgr.txt".format(uui),"w", encoding="utf-8") flg = open("{}\imgg.txt".format(uui),"w", encoding="utf-8") flb = open("{}\imgb.txt".format(uui),"w", encoding="utf-8") flr.write(str("".join(red))) flg.write(str("".join(gre))) flb.write(str("".join(blu))) print("Took {0:0.1f} seconds".format(time.time() - start)) return uui
import base65536 hi = '''Base64 is used to encode arbitrary binary data as "plain" text using a small, extremely safe repertoire of 64 (well, 65) characters. Base64 remains highly suited to text systems where the range of characters available is very small -- i.e., anything still constrained to plain ASCII. Base64 encodes 6 bits, or 3/4 of an octet, per character. However, now that Unicode rules the world, the range of characters which can be considered "safe" in this way is, in many situations, significantly wider. Base65536 applies the same basic principle to a carefully-chosen repertoire of 65,536 (well, 65,792) Unicode code points, encoding 16 bits, or 2 octets, per character. This allows up to 280 octets of binary data to fit in a Tweet. Link to base65536: Anyways thanks for reading, here is the flag: GCTF{1f_17_l00k5_57up1d_bu7_17_w0rk5_17_41n7_57up1d}'''.encode( ) f = open('output.bin', 'w') f.write(base65536.encode(hi)) f.close()
def secure_encode_65536(input_data, secret): pickled = pickle.dumps(input_data) length = str(len(pickled)).encode('ascii') hmac_hash =, pickled, hashlib.sha256).digest() return base65536.encode(length + b'\0' + pickled + hmac_hash)
def convert(self, inp, source, target, skip=False): if source == target: return inp if source == '65536': source = '0123456789' l = len(inp) if len(inp) > 3 else len(inp) + 1 s = '>' s += 'Q' * (l // 4) s += 'L' if l % 4 == 3 else 'H' if l % 4 == 2 else 'B' if l % 4 == 1 else '' truct = base65536.decode(inp) total = 0 count = 0 for x in struct.unpack(s, truct): total += x * (2**64)**count count += 1 inp = str(total) if type(source) == list: return "Cannot currently convert from time." if type(target) == list and not skip: b60str = self.convert(inp, source, target, skip=True) # print(b60str) b60 = [] for x in range(0, len(b60str) - 1, 2): b60.append(b60str[x:x + 2][::-1]) minu = int(b60[-1]) hour = 0 counter = 0 for x in b60[:-1][::-1]: hour += int(x) * 60**counter counter += 1 hour = hour % 24 return f'{hour}:{"0"*(2-len(str(minu)))}{minu}' if target == '65536': b10 = int(self.convert(inp, source, '0123456789')) nums = [] s = '>' while b10 > 2**64 - 1: s += 'Q' nums.append(b10 % 2**64) b10 = b10 // (2**64) if b10 > 2**32 - 1: s += 'Q' elif b10 > 2**16 - 1: s += 'L' elif b10 > 2**8 - 1: s += 'H' else: s += 'B' nums.append(b10) return base65536.encode(struct.pack(s, *nums)) sbase = len(source) tbase = len(target) inp = inp[::-1] num = 0 startswith0 = False if inp[-1] == source[0]: startswith0 = True for x in range(0, len(inp)): num += source.index(inp[x]) * (sbase**x) string = "" while (True): string += str(target[num % tbase]) num = num // tbase if num == 0: break if startswith0: string += (target[0]) return string[::-1]
def test_ascii(): encoded = base65536.encode(b'hello') assert encoded == u'\u9a68\ua36c\u156f' assert base65536.decode(encoded) == b'hello'
def test_non_ascii(): # Python base65536-1.0 had a bug with UTF-8 encoded non-ASCII string. encoded = base65536.encode(u'안녕'.encode('utf-8')) assert base65536.decode(encoded).decode('utf-8') == u'안녕'
def z85decode(x): return sum(Z85M[i] * (85**(len(x) - 1 - p)) for p, i in enumerate(x)) def z256decode(x): return sum(Z256M[i] * (256**(len(x) - 1 - p)) for p, i in enumerate(x)) >> 8 if __name__ == "__main__": print(hex(256**8 - 1)) # BASE56 12 CHARS WITH CS ON 5 BITS print(hex(((56**12) - 1) >> 5)) print(hex(((56**12) - 1) >> 6)) # BASE58 12 CHARS with CS ON 6 BITS print(hex(((58**12) - 1) >> 6)) print(hex(((58**12) - 1) >> 7)) # BASE85 10 CHARS WITHOUT CS print(hex((85**10 - 1) >> 0)) print(hex((85**10 - 1) >> 1)) for x in (0x00, 0x01, 0x456723AE62FEBC12, 0xFF6723AE62FEBCFE): assert x == z56decode(z56encode(x)) and z56check(z56encode(x)) assert x == z58decode(z58encode(x)) and z58check(z58encode(x)) assert x == z85decode(z85encode(x)) and True assert x == z256decode(z256encode(x)) and z58check(z58encode(x)) print('%016x' % x, z56encode(x), z85encode(x), z256encode(x), base65536.encode(i2b(x, 8))) #print (''.join(chr(i) for i in range(33,1024)))
import base65536 hi = '''Base64 is used to encode arbitrary binary data as "plain" text using a small, extremely safe repertoire of 64 (well, 65) characters. Base64 remains highly suited to text systems where the range of characters available is very small -- i.e., anything still constrained to plain ASCII. Base64 encodes 6 bits, or 3/4 of an octet, per character. However, now that Unicode rules the world, the range of characters which can be considered "safe" in this way is, in many situations, significantly wider. Base65536 applies the same basic principle to a carefully-chosen repertoire of 65,536 (well, 65,792) Unicode code points, encoding 16 bits, or 2 octets, per character. This allows up to 280 octets of binary data to fit in a Tweet. Link to base65536: Anyways thanks for reading, here is the flag: GCTF{1f_17_l00k5_57up1d_bu7_17_w0rk5_17_41n7_57up1d}'''.encode() f = open('output.bin','w') f.write(base65536.encode(hi)) f.close()
def ByteToString(x): return base65536.encode(x)
import base65536 for b in range(0, 256): buf1 = bytearray([b]) str1 = base65536.encode(buf1) buf2 = base65536.decode(str1) if buf1 != buf2: raise Exception firstDefectStr = base65536.encode(bytearray([0, 110])) firstDefectBuf = base65536.decode(firstDefectStr) print(ord(firstDefectStr[0]) == 67072) print(ord(firstDefectStr[0]) == 0x10600) print(firstDefectBuf == bytearray([0, 110])) for b1 in range(0, 256): for b2 in range(0, 256): buf1 = bytearray([b1, b2]) str1 = base65536.encode(buf1) buf2 = base65536.decode(str1) if buf1 != buf2: raise Exception buf = bytearray(b"hello world") enc = base65536.encode(buf) print(enc == "驨ꍬ啯𒁷ꍲᕤ") dec = base65536.decode(enc) print(dec == buf) print("OK")