def main(): usage = "usage: %prog [options] <sad_h5_path> <vcf_file>" parser = OptionParser(usage) parser.add_option( "-s", dest="sample", default=131072, type="int", help="Sampled SNPs to fit distribution [Default: %default]", ) (options, args) = parser.parse_args() if len(args) != 1: parser.error("Must provide SAD HDF5 path.") else: sad_h5_path = args[0] # index SNPs csad5 = ChrSAD5(sad_h5_path, index_chr=True, compute_norm=False) # fit Cauchy csad5.fit_cauchy(options.sample) # normalize csad5.norm_cauchy()
def main(): usage = 'usage: %prog [options] <sad_hdf5_path>' parser = OptionParser(usage) parser.add_option( '-c', dest='chrom_hdf5', default=False, action='store_true', help='HDF5 files split by chromosome [Default: %default]') (options, args) = parser.parse_args() if len(args) != 1: parser.error('Must provide SAD HDF5') else: sad_h5_path = args[0] ############################################# # precursors print('Preparing data...', end='', flush=True) sad5 = ChrSAD5(sad_h5_path, index_chr=True) print('DONE.', flush=True) ############################################# # layout column_widths = [('SNP', 150), ('Association', 125), ('Score', 125), ('ScoreQ', 125), ('R', 125), ('Experiment', 125), ('Description', 200)] scc = [{ 'if': { 'column_id': cw[0] }, 'width': cw[1] } for cw in column_widths] app = dash.Dash(__name__) app.css.append_css( {"external_url": ""}) app.layout = html.Div([ html.Div( [ html.H1('Basenji SNP activity difference'), dcc.Markdown('Instructions...'), html.Div([ html.Label('Datasets'), dcc.Dropdown(id='dataset', options=[{ 'label': 'CAGE', 'value': 'CAGE' }, { 'label': 'DNase', 'value': 'DNASE' }, { 'label': 'H3K4me3', 'value': 'CHIP:H3K4me3' }, { 'label': 'All', 'value': 'All' }], value='CAGE') ], style={ 'width': '250', 'display': 'inline-block' }), html.Div([ html.Label('Population'), dcc.Dropdown(id='population', options=[{ 'label': '-', 'value': '-' }, { 'label': '1kG African', 'value': 'AFR' }, { 'label': '1kG American', 'value': 'AMR' }, { 'label': '1kG East Asian', 'value': 'EAS' }, { 'label': '1kG European', 'value': 'EUR' }, { 'label': '1kG South Asian', 'value': 'SAS' }], value='-') ], style={ 'width': '250', 'display': 'inline-block' }), html.Div([ html.Label('SNP ID'), dcc.Input(id='snp_id', value='rs6656401', type='text'), html.Button(id='snp_submit', n_clicks=0, children='Submit') ], style={ 'display': 'inline-block', 'float': 'right' }) ], style={ 'borderBottom': 'thin lightgrey solid', 'backgroundColor': 'rgb(250, 250, 250)', 'padding': '10px 5px' }), dcc.Graph(id='assoc_plot'), html.Div([ dt.DataTable(id='table', data=[], columns=[{ 'id': cw[0], 'name': cw[0] } for cw in column_widths], style_cell_conditional=scc, editable=False, filtering=True, sorting=True, n_fixed_rows=20) ]) ]) # html.Div([ # dt.DataTable( # id='table', # data=[], # columns=[cw[0] for cw in column_widths], # style_cell_conditional=scc, # editable=False, # filtering=True, # sorting=True, # n_fixed_rows=20 # ) ############################################# # callback helpers @memoized def query_ld(population, snp_id): try: sad5.set_population(population) except ValueError: print('Population unavailable.', file=sys.stderr) return pd.DataFrame() chrm, snp_i = sad5.snp_chr_index(snp_id) pos = sad5.snp_pos(snp_i, chrm) if chrm is None: return pd.DataFrame() else: return sad5.emerald_vcf.query_ld(snp_id, chrm, pos, ld_threshold=0.8) @memoized def read_sad(chrm, snp_i, verbose=True): """Read SAD scores from HDF5 for the given SNP index.""" if verbose: print('Reading SAD!', file=sys.stderr) # read SAD snp_sad = sad5.chr_sad5[chrm][snp_i].astype('float64') # read percentiles snp_pct = sad5.chr_sad5[chrm].sad_pct(snp_sad) return snp_sad, snp_pct def snp_rows(snp_id, dataset, ld_r2=1., verbose=True): """Construct table rows for the given SNP id and its LD set in the given dataset.""" rows = [] # search for SNP # chrom, snp_i = snp_indexes.get(snp_id, (None,None)) chrm, snp_i = sad5.snp_chr_index(snp_id) if chrm is not None: # SAD snp_sad, snp_pct = read_sad(chrm, snp_i) # round floats snp_sad = np.around(snp_sad, 4) snp_assoc = np.around(snp_sad * ld_r2, 4) ld_r2_round = np.around(ld_r2, 4) # extract target scores and info for ti, tid in enumerate(sad5.target_ids): if dataset == 'All' or sad5.target_labels[ti].startswith( dataset): rows.append({ 'SNP': snp_id, 'Association': snp_assoc[ti], 'Score': snp_sad[ti], 'ScoreQ': snp_pct[ti], 'R': ld_r2_round, 'Experiment': tid, 'Description': sad5.target_labels[ti] }) elif verbose: print('Cannot find %s in snp_indexes.' % snp_id) return rows def make_data_mask(dataset): """Make a mask across targets for the given dataset.""" dataset_mask = [] for ti, tid in enumerate(sad5.target_ids): if dataset == 'All': dataset_mask.append(True) else: dataset_mask.append(sad5.target_labels[ti].startswith(dataset)) return np.array(dataset_mask, dtype='bool') def snp_scores(snp_id, dataset, ld_r2=1.): """Compute an array of scores for this SNP in the specified dataset.""" dataset_mask = make_data_mask(dataset) scores = np.zeros(dataset_mask.sum(), dtype='float64') # search for SNP chrm, snp_i = sad5.snp_chr_index(snp_id) if snp_i is not None: # read SAD snp_sad, _ = read_sad(chrm, snp_i) # filter datasets snp_sad = snp_sad[dataset_mask] # add scores += snp_sad * ld_r2 return scores ############################################# # callbacks @app.callback(dd.Output('table', 'data'), [dd.Input('snp_submit', 'n_clicks')], [ dd.State('snp_id', 'value'), dd.State('dataset', 'value'), dd.State('population', 'value') ]) def update_table(n_clicks, snp_id, dataset, population, verbose=True): """Update the table with a new parameter set.""" if verbose: print('Tabling') # add snp_id rows rows = snp_rows(snp_id, dataset) if population != '-': df_ld = query_ld(population, snp_id) for i, v in df_ld.iterrows(): rows += snp_rows(v.snp, dataset, v.r) return rows @app.callback(dd.Output('assoc_plot', 'figure'), [dd.Input('snp_submit', 'n_clicks')], [ dd.State('snp_id', 'value'), dd.State('dataset', 'value'), dd.State('population', 'value') ]) def update_plot(n_clicks, snp_id, dataset, population, verbose=True): if verbose: print('Plotting') target_mask = make_data_mask(dataset) # add snp_id rows query_scores = snp_scores(snp_id, dataset) if population != '-': df_ld = query_ld(population, snp_id) for i, v in df_ld.iterrows(): query_scores += snp_scores(v.snp, dataset, v.r) # sort sorted_indexes = np.argsort(query_scores) # range ymax = np.abs(query_scores).max() ymax *= 1.2 return { 'data': [ go.Scatter(x=np.arange(len(query_scores)), y=query_scores[sorted_indexes], text=sad5.target_ids[target_mask][sorted_indexes], mode='markers') ], 'layout': { 'height': 400, 'margin': { 'l': 20, 'b': 30, 'r': 10, 't': 10 }, 'yaxis': { 'range': [-ymax, ymax] }, 'xaxis': { 'range': [-1, 1 + len(query_scores)] } } } ############################################# # run app.scripts.config.serve_locally = True app.run_server(debug=False, port=8787)
def main(): usage = 'usage: %prog [options] <sad_h5_path> <vcf_file>' parser = OptionParser(usage) # parser.add_option('-c', dest='chrom_h5', # default=False, action='store_true', # help='HDF5 files split by chromosome [Default: %default]') parser.add_option( '-f', dest='full_tables', default=False, action='store_true', help= 'Print full tables describing all linked variants [Default: %default]') parser.add_option( '--ld', dest='ld_t', default=0.5, type='float', help='LD threshold to consider variant [Default: %default]') parser.add_option('-p', dest='population', default='EUR', help='Population code') parser.add_option('-o', dest='out_dir', default='fetch_vcf') (options, args) = parser.parse_args() if len(args) != 2: parser.error('Must provide SAD HDF5 path and VCF file') else: sad_h5_path = args[0] vcf_file = args[1] if not os.path.isdir(options.out_dir): os.mkdir(options.out_dir) ################################################## # precursors print('Preparing data...', end='', flush=True) sad5 = ChrSAD5(sad_h5_path, options.population) print('DONE.', flush=True) ################################################## # parse VCF ldscores_out = open('%s/ldscores.txt' % options.out_dir, 'w') if options.full_tables: full_dir = '%s/full' % options.out_dir if not os.path.isdir(full_dir): os.mkdir(full_dir) for line in open(vcf_file): if not line.startswith('#'): t0 = time.time() a = line.split() chrm = a[0] pos = int(a[1]) rsid = a[2] # retrieve scores for variants in LD snp_ldscores, snp_ld_df, snps_scores = sad5.retrieve_snp( rsid, chrm, pos, ld_t=options.ld_t) if len(snp_ldscores) > 0: # print LD scores for ti in range(sad5.num_targets): cols = (rsid, snp_ldscores[ti], sad5.target_ids[ti], sad5.target_labels[ti]) print('%-16s %7.3f %20s %s' % cols, file=ldscores_out) if options.full_tables: # print all LD variant scores full_ld_out = open('%s/%s.txt' % (full_dir, rsid), 'w') for si in range(snp_ld_df.shape[0]): snp_ld_series = snp_ld_df.iloc[si] snp_scores = snps_scores[si] for ti in range(sad5.num_targets): snp_score_ti = snp_scores[ti] snp_ldscore_ti = snp_ld_series.r * snp_score_ti cols = (snp_ld_series.snp, snp_ldscore_ti, snp_score_ti, snp_ld_series.r, sad5.target_ids[ti], sad5.target_labels[ti]) print('%-16s %7.3f %7.3f %6.1f %20s %s' % cols, file=full_ld_out) full_ld_out.close() print(rsid, '%.1fs' % (time.time() - t0)) ldscores_out.close()
def main(): usage = "usage: %prog [options] <sad_hdf5_path>" parser = OptionParser(usage) parser.add_option( "-c", dest="chrom_hdf5", default=False, action="store_true", help="HDF5 files split by chromosome [Default: %default]", ) (options, args) = parser.parse_args() if len(args) != 1: parser.error("Must provide SAD HDF5") else: sad_h5_path = args[0] ############################################# # precursors print("Preparing data...", end="", flush=True) sad5 = ChrSAD5(sad_h5_path, index_chr=True) print("DONE.", flush=True) ############################################# # layout app = dash.Dash() app.css.append_css( {"external_url": ""}) app.layout = html.Div([ html.Div( [ html.H1("Basenji SNP activity difference"), dcc.Markdown("Instructions..."), html.Div( [ html.Label("Datasets"), dcc.Dropdown( id="dataset", options=[ { "label": "CAGE", "value": "CAGE" }, { "label": "DNase", "value": "DNASE" }, { "label": "H3K4me3", "value": "CHIP:H3K4me3" }, { "label": "All", "value": "All" }, ], value="CAGE", ), ], style={ "width": "250", "display": "inline-block" }, ), html.Div( [ html.Label("Population"), dcc.Dropdown( id="population", options=[ { "label": "-", "value": "-" }, { "label": "1kG African", "value": "AFR" }, { "label": "1kG American", "value": "AMR" }, { "label": "1kG East Asian", "value": "EAS" }, { "label": "1kG European", "value": "EUR" }, { "label": "1kG South Asian", "value": "SAS" }, ], value="EUR", ), ], style={ "width": "250", "display": "inline-block" }, ), html.Div( [ html.Label("SNP ID"), dcc.Input(id="snp_id", value="rs6656401", type="text"), html.Button( id="snp_submit", n_clicks=0, children="Submit"), ], style={ "display": "inline-block", "float": "right" }, ), ], style={ "borderBottom": "thin lightgrey solid", "backgroundColor": "rgb(250, 250, 250)", "padding": "10px 5px", }, ), dcc.Graph(id="assoc_plot"), html.Div([ dt.DataTable( id="table", rows=[], columns=[ "SNP", "Association", "Score", "ScoreQ", "R", "Experiment", "Description", ], column_widths=[150, 125, 125, 125, 125, 200], editable=False, filterable=True, sortable=True, resizable=True, sortColumn="Association", row_selectable=True, selected_row_indices=[], max_rows_in_viewport=20, ) ]), ]) ############################################# # callback helpers @memoized def query_ld(population, snp_id): try: sad5.set_population(population) except ValueError: print("Population unavailable.", file=sys.stderr) return pd.DataFrame() chrm, snp_i = sad5.snp_chr_index(snp_id) pos = sad5.snp_pos(snp_i, chrm) if chrm is None: return pd.DataFrame() else: return sad5.emerald_vcf.query_ld(snp_id, chrm, pos, ld_threshold=0.8) @memoized def read_sad(chrm, snp_i, verbose=True): """Read SAD scores from HDF5 for the given SNP index.""" if verbose: print("Reading SAD!", file=sys.stderr) # read SAD snp_sad = sad5.chr_sad5[chrm][snp_i].astype("float64") # read percentiles snp_pct = sad5.chr_sad5[chrm].sad_pct(snp_sad) return snp_sad, snp_pct def snp_rows(snp_id, dataset, ld_r=1.0, verbose=True): """Construct table rows for the given SNP id and its LD set in the given dataset.""" rows = [] # search for SNP # chrom, snp_i = snp_indexes.get(snp_id, (None,None)) chrm, snp_i = sad5.snp_chr_index(snp_id) if chrm is not None: # SAD snp_sad, snp_pct = read_sad(chrm, snp_i) # round floats snp_sad = np.around(snp_sad, 4) snp_assoc = np.around(snp_sad * ld_r, 4) ld_r_round = np.around(ld_r, 4) # extract target scores and info for ti, tid in enumerate(sad5.target_ids): if dataset == "All" or sad5.target_labels[ti].startswith( dataset): rows.append({ "SNP": snp_id, "Association": snp_assoc[ti], "Score": snp_sad[ti], "ScoreQ": snp_pct[ti], "R": ld_r_round, "Experiment": tid, "Description": sad5.target_labels[ti], }) elif verbose: print("Cannot find %s in snp_indexes." % snp_id) return rows def make_data_mask(dataset): """Make a mask across targets for the given dataset.""" dataset_mask = [] for ti, tid in enumerate(sad5.target_ids): if dataset == "All": dataset_mask.append(True) else: dataset_mask.append(sad5.target_labels[ti].startswith(dataset)) return np.array(dataset_mask, dtype="bool") ############################################# # callbacks @app.callback( dd.Output("table", "rows"), [dd.Input("snp_submit", "n_clicks")], [ dd.State("snp_id", "value"), dd.State("dataset", "value"), dd.State("population", "value"), ], ) def update_table(n_clicks, snp_id, dataset, population, verbose=True): """Update the table with a new parameter set.""" if verbose: print("Tabling") # look up SNP index chrm, snp_i = sad5.snp_chr_index(snp_id) # look up position pos = sad5.snp_pos(snp_i, chrm) # set population try: sad5.set_population(population) except ValueError: print("Population unavailable.", file=sys.stderr) # retrieve scores and LD snp_ldscores, df_ld, snps_scores = sad5.retrieve_snp(snp_id, chrm, pos, ld_t=0.5) # construct rows rows = [] # for each SNP for i, v in tqdm(df_ld.iterrows()): # round floats snp_sad = np.around(snps_scores[i], 4) snp_assoc = np.around(snp_sad * v.r, 4) ld_r_round = np.around(v.r, 4) # read percentiles snp_pct = sad5.chr_sad5[chrm].sad_pct(snp_sad) # for each target for ti, tid in enumerate(sad5.target_ids): if dataset == "All" or sad5.target_labels[ti].startswith( dataset): rows.append({ "SNP": v.snp, "Association": snp_assoc[ti], "Score": snp_sad[ti], "ScoreQ": snp_pct[ti], "R": ld_r_round, "Experiment": tid, "Description": sad5.target_labels[ti], }) return rows @app.callback( dd.Output("assoc_plot", "figure"), [dd.Input("snp_submit", "n_clicks")], [ dd.State("snp_id", "value"), dd.State("dataset", "value"), dd.State("population", "value"), ], ) def update_plot(n_clicks, snp_id, dataset, population, verbose=True): if verbose: print("Plotting") target_mask = make_data_mask(dataset) # look up SNP index chrm, snp_i = sad5.snp_chr_index(snp_id) # look up position pos = sad5.snp_pos(snp_i, chrm) # set population try: sad5.set_population(population) except ValueError: print("Population unavailable.", file=sys.stderr) # retrieve scores and LD snp_ldscores, df_ld, snps_scores = sad5.retrieve_snp(snp_id, chrm, pos, ld_t=0.5) # mask snp_ldscores = snp_ldscores[target_mask] # sort sorted_indexes = np.argsort(snp_ldscores) # range ymax = np.abs(snp_ldscores).max() ymax *= 1.2 return { "data": [ go.Scatter( x=np.arange(len(snp_ldscores)), y=snp_ldscores[sorted_indexes], text=sad5.target_ids[target_mask][sorted_indexes], mode="markers", ) ], "layout": { "height": 400, "margin": { "l": 20, "b": 30, "r": 10, "t": 10 }, "yaxis": { "range": [-ymax, ymax] }, "xaxis": { "range": [-1, 1 + len(snp_ldscores)] }, }, } ############################################# # run app.scripts.config.serve_locally = True app.run_server(debug=False, port=8787)
def main(): usage = "usage: %prog [options] <sad_h5_path> <vcf_file>" parser = OptionParser(usage) # parser.add_option('-c', dest='chrom_h5', # default=False, action='store_true', # help='HDF5 files split by chromosome [Default: %default]') parser.add_option( "-f", dest="full_tables", default=False, action="store_true", help= "Print full tables describing all linked variants [Default: %default]", ) parser.add_option( "--ld", dest="ld_t", default=0.5, type="float", help="LD threshold to consider variant [Default: %default]", ) parser.add_option("-p", dest="population", default="EUR", help="Population code") parser.add_option("-o", dest="out_dir", default="fetch_vcf") (options, args) = parser.parse_args() if len(args) != 2: parser.error("Must provide SAD HDF5 path and VCF file") else: sad_h5_path = args[0] vcf_file = args[1] if not os.path.isdir(options.out_dir): os.mkdir(options.out_dir) ################################################## # precursors print("Preparing data...", end="", flush=True) sad5 = ChrSAD5(sad_h5_path, options.population) print("DONE.", flush=True) ################################################## # parse VCF ldscores_out = open("%s/ldscores.txt" % options.out_dir, "w") if options.full_tables: full_dir = "%s/full" % options.out_dir if not os.path.isdir(full_dir): os.mkdir(full_dir) for line in open(vcf_file): if not line.startswith("#"): t0 = time.time() a = line.split() chrm = a[0] pos = int(a[1]) rsid = a[2] # retrieve scores for variants in LD snp_ldscores, snp_ld_df, snps_scores = sad5.retrieve_snp( rsid, chrm, pos, ld_t=options.ld_t) if len(snp_ldscores) > 0: # print LD scores for ti in range(sad5.num_targets): cols = ( rsid, snp_ldscores[ti], sad5.target_ids[ti], sad5.target_labels[ti], ) print("%-16s %7.3f %20s %s" % cols, file=ldscores_out) if options.full_tables: # print all LD variant scores full_ld_out = open("%s/%s.txt" % (full_dir, rsid), "w") for si in range(snp_ld_df.shape[0]): snp_ld_series = snp_ld_df.iloc[si] snp_scores = snps_scores[si] for ti in range(sad5.num_targets): snp_score_ti = snp_scores[ti] snp_ldscore_ti = snp_ld_series.r * snp_score_ti cols = ( snp_ld_series.snp, snp_ldscore_ti, snp_score_ti, snp_ld_series.r, sad5.target_ids[ti], sad5.target_labels[ti], ) print( "%-16s %7.3f %7.3f %6.1f %20s %s" % cols, file=full_ld_out, ) full_ld_out.close() print(rsid, "%.1fs" % (time.time() - t0)) ldscores_out.close()