Beispiel #1
    def get_goal_state(self, size_of_board):
        """ This method returns a board with the N-puzzle goal state
        :param size_of_board: does not include the addition blank tile; size_of_board = N in an N puzzle, which is one less than the total amount of tiles on the board
        :type size_of_board: int
        :return: Board object"""
        #todo : maybe I want to return a Board.board
        total_num_of_tiles = size_of_board + 1
        sqrt_of_total_number_of_tiles = int(sqrt(total_num_of_tiles))
        row_num = sqrt_of_total_number_of_tiles
        col_num = sqrt_of_total_number_of_tiles
        odd_halfway_point = total_num_of_tiles // 2 + 1

        # temp_tile_board = TileBoard(self.n)  # CANNOT create object of a class inside a method of that class, todo: Why is this not good practice; recursion?
        temp_board = Board(row_num, col_num)
        item_value = 1  # item being placed in Board.board
        for i in range(temp_board.get_rows()):
            for j in range(temp_board.get_cols()):
                if item_value == odd_halfway_point:
          , j, None)
                    if item_value >= odd_halfway_point + 1:  # Note: <= saved the day
              , j, item_value - 1)
              , j, item_value)
                item_value += 1
        return temp_board
 def build_board(self):
     ctr = 0
     for row in range(0, Board.get_rows(self)):
         for col in range(0, Board.get_cols(self)):
   , row, col, self.numList[ctr])
             if (self.numList[ctr] == None
                 ):  #if null spot then save current player pos
                 self.currentPos[0] = row
                 self.currentPos[1] = col
             ctr += 1
Beispiel #3
    def __init__(self, n, force_state=None):
        #Since were calling a 3x3 grid and 8-puzzle
        #In order to get rows and columns, we need to take the sqrt of n+1
        self.side_length = int(math.sqrt(n + 1))
        #Our grid is a square so we can just use one var - side_length - for most functions
        Board.__init__(self, self.side_length, self.side_length,

        self.force_state = force_state
        #If there is a force_state, set the grid to it
        if (force_state != None):
Beispiel #4
 def create_random_instance_of_board(self):
     """ This method will create a instance of a Board.board object, with a random shuffled order.
     This method does not check if the new board object is solvable
     :return: Board.board object"""
     temp_list = []
     temp_board = Board(self.sqrt_total_number_of_tiles,
     for i in range(self.n):
         temp_list.append(i + 1)
     temp_board.board = self.convert_to_board(
     )  # todo: The clarification list needs to be called ON, since we need to use self. to get access to method.
     return temp_board.board
    def get_actions(self):
        #create list of tuples as moves
        self.possMoves = []

        #iterate thru poss moves
        if ((self.currentPos[0] - 1) >= 0):  # UP
            self.possMoves.append([-1, 0])
        if ((self.currentPos[0] + 1) < Board.get_rows(self)):  # DOWN
            self.possMoves.append([1, 0])

        if ((self.currentPos[1] - 1) >= 0):  #LEFT
            self.possMoves.append([0, -1])
        if ((self.currentPos[1] + 1) < Board.get_cols(self)):  #RIGHT
            self.possMoves.append([0, 1])

        return self.possMoves
Beispiel #6
    def __init__(self, size):
        """Initializes a blank board according to the user's input size and
        populates the board with the appropriate values"""

        # Check for valid input size
        if (math.sqrt(size + 1) % 1) == 0:
            self.column = int(math.sqrt(size + 1))
            raise ValueError("%s is an invalid board size" % size)
        self.row = self.column
        Board.__init__(self, self.column, self.row)

        # Generate the list of lists representation of the board
        self.mult_tiles = []
        count = 1
        for i in range(self.column):
            tile = []
            for j in range(self.row):
                if count > size:
                count += 1

        # Populate the board
        for i in range(self.column):
            for j in range(self.row):
      , i, j, self.mult_tiles[i][j])

        # Grab position of blank tile
        for i in range(self.column):
            for j in range(self.row):
                if self.get(i, j) == None:
                    self.blank_tile = [i, j]
    def __init__(self, size):
        """Initializes a blank board according to the user's input size and
        populates the board with the appropriate values"""

        # Check for valid input size
        if (math.sqrt(size + 1) % 1) == 0:
            self.column = int(math.sqrt(size + 1))
            raise ValueError("%s is an invalid board size" % size)
        self.row = self.column
        Board.__init__(self, self.column, self.row)

        # Generate the list of lists representation of the board
        self.mult_tiles = []
        count = 1
        for i in range(self.column):
            tile = []
            for j in range(self.row):
                if count > size:
                count += 1

        # Populate the board
        for i in range(self.column):
            for j in range(self.row):
      , i, j, self.mult_tiles[i][j])

        # Grab position of blank tile
        for i in range(self.column):
            for j in range(self.row):
                if self.get(i, j) == None:
                    self.blank_tile = [i, j]
Beispiel #8
 def convert_to_board(self, list_to_convert):
     """ This method converts a one dimensional list to a multi-dimensional board
     :param list_to_convert
     :type list_to_convert: one dimensional list
     :return: Board.board: multi-dimensional list
     temp_board = Board(self.sqrt_total_number_of_tiles,
     current_idx = 0
     for i in range(temp_board.get_rows()):
         for j in range(temp_board.get_cols()):
   , j, list_to_convert[current_idx])
             current_idx += 1
     return temp_board.board
Beispiel #9
    def __init__(self,
        """"TileBoard(n, multiple_solutions
        Create a tile board for an n puzzle.
        If multipleSolutions are true, the solution need not
        have the space in the center.  This defaults to False but
        is automatically set to True when there is no middle square 
        force_state can be used to initialize an n puzzle to a desired
        configuration.  No error checking is done.  It is specified as
        a list with n+1 elements in it, 1:n and None in the desired order.

        verbose is a boolean for turning on debugging

        self.verbose = verbose  # not debug state, up to you to use it

        self.boardsize = int(math.sqrt(n + 1))
        if math.sqrt(n + 1) != self.boardsize:
            raise ValueError(
                "Bad board size\n" +
                "Must be one less than an odd perfect square 8, 24, ...")

        # initialize parent
        super().__init__(self.boardsize, self.boardsize)

        if (self.verbose): print("Debug Mode")

        # Compute solution states
        # Set self.goals to a list of solution tuples
        # If multiple_solutions is true, None can be anywhere:
        # [(None,1,2,3,...), (1,None,2,3,...), (1,2,None,3,...)]
        # Otherwise, must be the last square:  [(1,2,3,...,None)]

        # Create a list of solutions first. It's easier. Then convert to tuple.
        goalState = []  #a state of a solvable board
        self.goals = []  #the list of all solvable boards
        if (multiple_solutions):
            for y in range(n + 1):  #boardsize is 1 larger than n
                for x in range(n):
                    if (self.verbose): print("x", x, "y", y)
                    if (y == x):
                    goalState.append(x + 1)
                    if (
                            y == n and x == n - 1
                    ):  #special case where the last None needs to be placed
            #only one solution with none on the end
            for x in range(n):
                goalState.append(x + 1)

        if (self.verbose): print(self.goals)

        # Determine inital state and make sure that it is solvable
        self.initalBoard = []

        # check for force_state and if it's solvable
        if (force_state != None):
            self.initalBoard = list(force_state)
            #self.initalBoard.append(None) #Depending on force state format, this could be needed
            if (not self.solvable(force_state)):
                raise ValueError("Check force_state solvability")
        # Generate random board
            while (True):  # a do-while loop in python
                for x in range(n):
                    self.initalBoard.append(x + 1)
                if (self.verbose): print(self.initalBoard)

                if (self.solvable(self.initalBoard)): break  #end do-while loop

        #        Populate the board using
        #        It would be wise to track the empty square location as well
        #        as it will make action generation easier

        self.gameBoard = Board(self.boardsize, self.boardsize)
        self.emptySquare = (None, None
                            )  #Row and Column location of empty square

        if (self.verbose): print("gameboard:\n", self.gameBoard)
        counter = 0
        #make the board using board class
        for x in range(self.boardsize):  # x will be rows
            for y in range(self.boardsize):  # y will be columns
                if self.verbose:
                    print("counter", counter, "x", x, "y", y)
                    print("self.boardsize", self.boardsize)
      , y, self.initalBoard[counter])
                if (self.initalBoard[counter] == None):
                    self.emptySquare = (x, y)
                    if self.verbose: print("emptySquare:", self.emptySquare)
                counter += 1

        if (self.verbose): print(self.gameBoard)
Beispiel #10
class TileBoard(Board):
    def __init__(self,
        """"TileBoard(n, multiple_solutions
        Create a tile board for an n puzzle.
        If multipleSolutions are true, the solution need not
        have the space in the center.  This defaults to False but
        is automatically set to True when there is no middle square 
        force_state can be used to initialize an n puzzle to a desired
        configuration.  No error checking is done.  It is specified as
        a list with n+1 elements in it, 1:n and None in the desired order.

        verbose is a boolean for turning on debugging

        self.verbose = verbose  # not debug state, up to you to use it

        self.boardsize = int(math.sqrt(n + 1))
        if math.sqrt(n + 1) != self.boardsize:
            raise ValueError(
                "Bad board size\n" +
                "Must be one less than an odd perfect square 8, 24, ...")

        # initialize parent
        super().__init__(self.boardsize, self.boardsize)

        if (self.verbose): print("Debug Mode")

        # Compute solution states
        # Set self.goals to a list of solution tuples
        # If multiple_solutions is true, None can be anywhere:
        # [(None,1,2,3,...), (1,None,2,3,...), (1,2,None,3,...)]
        # Otherwise, must be the last square:  [(1,2,3,...,None)]

        # Create a list of solutions first. It's easier. Then convert to tuple.
        goalState = []  #a state of a solvable board
        self.goals = []  #the list of all solvable boards
        if (multiple_solutions):
            for y in range(n + 1):  #boardsize is 1 larger than n
                for x in range(n):
                    if (self.verbose): print("x", x, "y", y)
                    if (y == x):
                    goalState.append(x + 1)
                    if (
                            y == n and x == n - 1
                    ):  #special case where the last None needs to be placed
            #only one solution with none on the end
            for x in range(n):
                goalState.append(x + 1)

        if (self.verbose): print(self.goals)

        # Determine inital state and make sure that it is solvable
        self.initalBoard = []

        # check for force_state and if it's solvable
        if (force_state != None):
            self.initalBoard = list(force_state)
            #self.initalBoard.append(None) #Depending on force state format, this could be needed
            if (not self.solvable(force_state)):
                raise ValueError("Check force_state solvability")
        # Generate random board
            while (True):  # a do-while loop in python
                for x in range(n):
                    self.initalBoard.append(x + 1)
                if (self.verbose): print(self.initalBoard)

                if (self.solvable(self.initalBoard)): break  #end do-while loop

        #        Populate the board using
        #        It would be wise to track the empty square location as well
        #        as it will make action generation easier

        self.gameBoard = Board(self.boardsize, self.boardsize)
        self.emptySquare = (None, None
                            )  #Row and Column location of empty square

        if (self.verbose): print("gameboard:\n", self.gameBoard)
        counter = 0
        #make the board using board class
        for x in range(self.boardsize):  # x will be rows
            for y in range(self.boardsize):  # y will be columns
                if self.verbose:
                    print("counter", counter, "x", x, "y", y)
                    print("self.boardsize", self.boardsize)
      , y, self.initalBoard[counter])
                if (self.initalBoard[counter] == None):
                    self.emptySquare = (x, y)
                    if self.verbose: print("emptySquare:", self.emptySquare)
                counter += 1

        if (self.verbose): print(self.gameBoard)

    def __str__(self):
        # fixes the default print statement for this class
        return str(self.gameBoard)

    def solvable(self, tiles, verbose=False):
        """solvable - Determines if a puzzle is solvable

            Given a list of tiles, determine if the N-puzzle is solvable.
            You do not need to know how to do this, but the calculation
            is based on the inversion order.

            for each number in the list of tiles,
               How many following numbers are less than that one
               e.g. [13, 10, 11, 6, 5, 7, 4, 8, 1, 12, 14, 9, 3, 15, 2, None]
               Example:  Files following 9:  [3, 15, 2, None]
               Two of these are smaller than 9, so the inversion order
                   for 9 is 2

            A puzzle's inversion order is the sum of the tile inversion
            orders.  For puzzles with even numbers of rows and columns,
            the row number on which the blank resides must be added.
            Note that we need not worry about 1 as there are
            no tiles smaller than one.

            See Wolfram Mathworld for further explanation:

            This lets us know if a problem can be solved.  The inversion
            order modulo 2 is invariant across moves.  This means that
            when we make a legal move, the inversion order will always
            be even or odd.  The solution state always has an even
            inversion order, so any puzzle with an odd inversion
            number cannot be solved.

        inversionorder = 0
        # Make life easy, remove None
        reduced = [t for t in tiles if t is not None]
        # Loop over all but last (no tile after it)
        for idx in range(len(reduced) - 1):
            value = reduced[idx]
            after = reduced[idx + 1:]  # Remaining tiles
            smaller = [x for x in after if x < value]
            numtiles = len(smaller)
            inversionorder = inversionorder + numtiles
            if verbose:
                print("idx {} value {} tail {} #smaller {} sum: {}".format(
                    idx, value, after, numtiles, inversionorder))

        # Even number of rows must take the blank position into account
        if self.get_rows() % 2 == 0:
            if verbose:
                print("Even # rows, adding for position of blank")
            inversionorder = inversionorder + \
                math.floor(tiles.index(None) / self.boardsize)+1

        solvable = inversionorder % 2 == 0  # Solvable if even
        return solvable

    def __hash__(self):
        "__hash__ - Hash the board state"

        # Convert state to a tuple and hash
        return hash(self.state_tuple())

    def __eq__(self, other):
        "__eq__ - Check if objects equal:  a == b"

        # Determine if two board configurations are equivalents
        #raise NotImplementedError("Check ==")

        return self.gameBoard.__repr__() == other

        ## ORIGINAL IDEA Compares tuples
        # if self.state_tuple() == other.state_tuple():
        #    return True
        # if self.verbose: print(other.state_tuple,"!=",self.state_tuple)
        # return False

    def state_tuple(self):
        "state_tuple - Return board state as a single tuple"
        boardState = []
        for x in range(self.boardsize):  # x will be rows
            for y in range(self.boardsize):  # y will be columns
                boardState.append(self.gameBoard.get(x, y))
                if self.verbose:
                    print("x", x, "y", y, "=", self.gameBoard.get(x, y))
        return tuple(boardState)

        #raise NotImplementedError(
        #    "You must create a tuple based on the board state")

    def get_actions(self):
        "Return row column offsets of where the empty tile can be moved"
        #there are 8 possible cases to solve

        left = [0, -1]
        right = [0, 1]
        up = [-1, 0]
        down = [1, 0]

        rowColumnOffsets = []

        if self.verbose: print("emptySquare", self.emptySquare, "=?")

        #1 top left case
        if (self.emptySquare == (0, 0)):
            return [right, down]

        #2 top right case
        if (self.emptySquare == (0, self.boardsize - 1)):
            return [left, down]

        #3 bottom left case
        if self.verbose: print(self.emptySquare, "=?=", self.boardsize - 1, 0)
        if (self.emptySquare == (self.boardsize - 1, 0)):
            return [right, up]

        #4 bottom right case
        if (self.emptySquare == (self.boardsize - 1, self.boardsize - 1)):
            return [left, up]

        #5 top case
        if (self.emptySquare[0] == 0):
            return [left, right, down]

        #6 left case
        if (self.emptySquare[1] == 0):
            return [right, up, down]

        #7 right case
        if (self.emptySquare[1] == self.boardsize - 1):
            return [left, up, down]

        #8 Bottom case
        if (self.emptySquare[0] == self.boardsize - 1):
            return [left, right, up]

        # normal case
        return [left, right, up, down]

        #raise NotImplementedError("Return list of valid actions")

    def move(self, offset):
        "move - Move the empty space by [delta_row, delta_col] and return new board"
        if self.verbose: print("self", self.gameBoard)
        newBoard = copy.deepcopy(self)

        # four cases
        left = [0, -1]
        right = [0, 1]
        up = [-1, 0]
        down = [1, 0]

        #move left
        if (offset == left):
            originalRow = newBoard.emptySquare[0]
            originalColumn = newBoard.emptySquare[1]
            leftColumn = originalColumn - 1
            itemToSwap = newBoard.gameBoard.get(originalRow, leftColumn)
  , originalColumn, itemToSwap)
  , leftColumn, None)
            newBoard.emptySquare = (originalRow, leftColumn)

            if self.verbose: print("NewBoard\n", newBoard.gameBoard)

        #move right
        elif (offset == right):
            originalRow = newBoard.emptySquare[0]
            originalColumn = newBoard.emptySquare[1]
            rightColumn = originalColumn + 1
            itemToSwap = newBoard.gameBoard.get(originalRow, rightColumn)
  , originalColumn, itemToSwap)
  , rightColumn, None)
            newBoard.emptySquare = (originalRow, rightColumn)

        #move up
        elif (offset == up):
            originalRow = newBoard.emptySquare[0]
            originalColumn = newBoard.emptySquare[1]
            upRow = originalRow - 1
            itemToSwap = newBoard.gameBoard.get(upRow, originalColumn)
  , originalColumn, itemToSwap)
  , originalColumn, None)
            newBoard.emptySquare = (upRow, originalColumn)

        #move down
        elif (offset == down):
            originalRow = newBoard.emptySquare[0]
            originalColumn = newBoard.emptySquare[1]
            downRow = originalRow + 1
            itemToSwap = newBoard.gameBoard.get(downRow, originalColumn)
  , originalColumn, itemToSwap)
  , originalColumn, None)
            newBoard.emptySquare = (downRow, originalColumn)

        return newBoard

        # Hint:  Be sure to use deepcopy
        raise NotImplementedError("Return new TileBoard with action applied")

    def solved(self):
        "solved - Is the puzzle solved?  Returns boolean"

        #Does the current state exist in our list of goals?
        for goal in self.goals:
            if goal == self.state_tuple():
                return True
        return False

        raise NotImplementedError("Puzzle in solved state?")