Beispiel #1
def haffman_tree(string):
    frequency = Counter(string)
    tree = {}
    for freq in frequency.most_common():
        root = Node(freq[1])
        root.left = Node(ord(freq[0]))
        if root.value in tree:
            tree[root.value] = [root]

    m = min(tree.keys())
    while len(tree) != 1 or m is not None:
        nodes = [0, 0]
        for i in range(len(nodes)):
            nodes[i] = tree[m].pop()
            if not tree[m]:
                    m = min(tree.keys())
                except ValueError:
                    m = None

        root = Node(nodes[0].value + nodes[1].value)
        root.left = nodes[0]
        root.right = nodes[1]

        if root.value in tree:
            tree[root.value] = [root]

    return tree[min(tree.keys())][0]
def constructMaximumBinaryTree(nums):
    if len(nums) == 1:
        node = Node(nums[0])
        return node

    max_value = nums[0]
    max_index = 0

    for i in range(1, len(nums)):
        if nums[i] > max_value:
            max_value = nums[i]
            max_index = i

    node = Node(max_value)

    if max_index == 0:
        right_subarray = nums[1:]
        node.right = constructMaximumBinaryTree(right_subarray)
    elif max_index == len(nums) - 1:
        left_subarray = nums[:-1]
        node.left = constructMaximumBinaryTree(left_subarray)
        left_subarray = nums[:max_index]
        node.left = constructMaximumBinaryTree(left_subarray)
        right_subarray = nums[max_index + 1:]
        node.right = constructMaximumBinaryTree(right_subarray)

    return node
Beispiel #3
def test_prune():
    def self_prune(target, node_id):
        return target.prune(node_id)

    for invalid_tree in ['foo', -1, None]:
        with pytest.raises(ValueError) as err:
            prune(invalid_tree, 0)
        assert str(err.value) == 'Expecting a list or a node'

    for prune_func in [prune, self_prune]:
        root = Node(1)

        for bad_id in ['foo', None]:
            with pytest.raises(ValueError) as err:
                prune_func(root, bad_id)
            assert str(err.value) == 'The node ID must be an integer'

        with pytest.raises(ValueError) as err:
            prune_func(root, -1)
        assert str(err.value) == 'The node ID must start from 0'

        with pytest.raises(ValueError) as err:
            prune_func(root, 0)
        assert str(err.value) == 'Cannot prune the root node'

        with pytest.raises(ValueError) as err:
            prune_func(root, 10)
        assert str(err.value) == 'Cannot find node with ID 10'

        root.left = Node(2)
        assert prune_func(root, 1) == root
        assert root.left is None

        root.left = Node(2)
        root.right = Node(3)
        assert prune_func(root, 1) == root
        assert root.left is None
        assert attr(root, 'right.value') == 3

        root.left = Node(2)
        root.right = Node(3)
        root.left.left = Node(4)
        root.left.right = Node(5)
        root.left.right.left = Node(6)
        root.left.right.right = Node(7)

        assert prune_func(root.left.right, 2) == root.left.right
        assert attr(root, 'left.right.right') is None

        assert prune_func(root, 4) == root
        assert attr(root, 'left.right') is None

        assert prune_func(root, 1) == root
        assert attr(root, 'left') is None
        assert attr(root, 'right.value') == 3

        assert prune_func(root, 1) == root
        assert attr(root, 'right') is None
Beispiel #4
def test_node_set_attributes():
    root = Node(1)
    assert root.left is None
    assert root.right is None
    assert root.value == 1
    assert repr(root) == 'Node(1)'

    left_child = Node(2)
    root.left = left_child
    assert root.left is left_child
    assert root.right is None
    assert root.value == 1
    assert root.left.left is None
    assert root.left.right is None
    assert root.left.value == 2
    assert repr(left_child) == 'Node(2)'

    right_child = Node(3)
    root.right = right_child
    assert root.left is left_child
    assert root.right is right_child
    assert root.value == 1
    assert root.right.left is None
    assert root.right.right is None
    assert root.right.value == 3
    assert repr(right_child) == 'Node(3)'

    last_node = Node(4)
    left_child.right = last_node
    assert root.left.right is last_node
    assert root.left.right.value == 4
    assert repr(last_node) == 'Node(4)'

    with pytest.raises(InvalidNodeValueError):
        # noinspection PyTypeChecker

    with pytest.raises(InvalidNodeTypeError):
        # noinspection PyTypeChecker
        Node(1, 'this_is_not_a_node')

    with pytest.raises(InvalidNodeTypeError):
        # noinspection PyTypeChecker
        Node(1, Node(1), 'this_is_not_a_node')

    with pytest.raises(InvalidNodeValueError):
        root.value = 'this_is_not_an_integer'
    assert root.value == 1

    with pytest.raises(InvalidNodeTypeError):
        root.left = 'this_is_not_a_node'
    assert root.left is left_child

    with pytest.raises(InvalidNodeTypeError):
        root.right = 'this_is_not_a_node'
    assert root.right is right_child
Beispiel #5
def bstFromPreorder(preorder):
    node = Node(preorder[0])
    if len(preorder) == 1:
        return node
    right_tree_root = None
    for i in range(1, len(preorder)):
        if preorder[i] > preorder[0]:
            right_tree_root = i
    if right_tree_root != None:
        if right_tree_root >= 2:
            node.left = bstFromPreorder(preorder[1:right_tree_root])
        node.right = bstFromPreorder(preorder[right_tree_root:])
        node.left = bstFromPreorder(preorder[1:])
    return node
Beispiel #6
def _identical(root):
    if root is None:
        return root
    tree = Node(
    tree.left = _identical(root.left)
    tree.right = _identical(root.right)
    return tree
Beispiel #7
    def test_root_node(
            self):  # Test case where root is a node of interest for lca
        root = Node(2)
        root.left = Node(1)

        lca1 = lca.findLCA(root, 1, 2)
        assert lca1.value is 2, "test_root_node failed"
Beispiel #8
def test_get_root_number():
    tree = Node(123)
    tree.left = Node(2)
    tree.right = Node(3)
    tree.left.left = Node(4)
    tree.left.right = Node(5)
    assert get_root_number(tree) == 123
def drawTree(v):
    if v == None:
        return None
    r = Node(
    r.left = drawTree(v.left)
    r.right = drawTree(v.right)
    return r
Beispiel #10
def constructTree(preOrder, inOrder):
    # 忽略参数合法性判断
    if len(preOrder) == 0:
        return None
    # 前序遍历的第一个结点一定是根结点
    rootData = preOrder[0]
    root = Node(rootData)
    root.left = None
    root.right = None
    for i in range(0, len(inOrder)):
        if inOrder[i] == rootData:
    # 递归构造左子树和右子树
    root.left = constructTree(preOrder[1:1 + i], inOrder[:i])
    root.right = constructTree(preOrder[1 + i:], inOrder[i + 1:])
    return root
def reConstructBinaryTree(pre, tin):
    # the first element in pre list is the root
    root = Node(pre[0])

    # find the index of the root value in tin list
    root_index = 0
    for i in range(len(tin)):
        if tin[i] == root.value:
            root_index = i
    # remove the root from the pre list
    del pre[0]

    # build left subtree
    if root_index > 0:
        left = tin[:root_index]
        root.left = reConstructBinaryTree(pre[:len(left) + 1], left)
        # remove the elements of left subtree in pre list
        pre = pre[len(left):]

    # build right subtree
    if root_index < len(tin) - 1:
        right = tin[root_index + 1:]
        root.right = reConstructBinaryTree(pre, right)

    return root
Beispiel #12
def _mirror(root):
    if root is None:
        return root
    node = Node(
    node.left = _mirror(root.right)
    node.right = _mirror(root.left)
    return node
Beispiel #13
def test_leafs():
    def self_leafs(target, values_only):
        return target.leafs(values_only)

    def to_set(nodes):
        return set(attr(node, 'value') for node in nodes)

    for invalid_tree in ['foo', -1, None]:
        with pytest.raises(ValueError) as err:
        assert str(err.value) == 'Expecting a list or a node'

    for leafs_func in [leafs, self_leafs]:
        root = Node(1)
        assert set(leafs_func(root, True)) == {1}
        assert to_set(leafs_func(root, False)) == {1}

        root.left = Node(2)
        assert set(leafs_func(root, True)) == {2}
        assert to_set(leafs_func(root, False)) == {2}

        root.right = Node(3)
        assert set(leafs_func(root, True)) == {2, 3}
        assert to_set(leafs_func(root, False)) == {2, 3}

        root.left.left = Node(4)
        assert set(leafs_func(root, True)) == {3, 4}
        assert to_set(leafs_func(root, False)) == {3, 4}

        root.left.right = Node(5)
        assert set(leafs_func(root, True)) == {3, 4, 5}
        assert to_set(leafs_func(root, False)) == {3, 4, 5}
Beispiel #14
def test_cats():
    # chars = ['c','a','t','s']
    # freq = ['000','01','10','111']
    # frequencies = {'c':'000','a':'01','t':'10','s':'111'}

    # val = '*'
    # root = Node(val)
    # for key, value in frequencies.items():

    #     [insert(root, x, val) for x in value, if x == '0':  val = '*', else x == '1': val = '*']
    #     # replase last insertion with key
    #     insert(root, x, key)

    root = Node('*')
    root.left = Node('*')
    root.left.right = Node('a')
    root.left.left = Node('*')
    root.left.left.left = Node('c')

    root.right = Node('*')
    root.right.left = Node('t')
    root.right.right = Node('*')
    root.right.right.right = Node('s')

Beispiel #15
def buildSearchTree(nums, ret, node=None):
    """迭代需要搞清楚每一次计算得到了什么, 在这个函数里就是给当前节点添加两个子叶
        nums: a list or tuple, which need sorted.
        node: instance of `binarytree.Node`, or None
    # (1,2,3,4,5,7,8)
    # 一个非子叶节点的左孩比它小, 右孩比它大
    # nums.sort()
    length = len(nums)
    if length == 0:
        mid = length // 2  # 偏右
        if node is None:
            node = Node(nums[mid])
            if mid > 0:  # length is 1
                buildSearchTree(nums[:mid], ret, node)
                buildSearchTree(nums[mid + 1:], ret, node)

            if node.left is None:  # 先序构建
                node.left = Node(nums[mid])
                buildSearchTree(nums[:mid], ret, node.left)
                buildSearchTree(nums[mid + 1:], ret, node.left)
                node.right = Node(nums[mid])
                buildSearchTree(nums[mid + 1:], ret, node.right)
                buildSearchTree(nums[:mid], ret, node.right)
Beispiel #16
def insert_huffman_tree(root, key, value):
    if root is None:
        root = Node(value)
        if key == '0':
            root.left = Node(value)
def main():
           / \\

    root = Node(1)
    root.left = Node(2)
    root.right = Node(3)
    root.left.left = Node(4)
    root.left.right = Node(5)
    root.right.left = Node(6)
    root.right.right = Node(7)


    queue = deque()
    BinaryTree.put_in_queue(queue, root)
    while len(queue) > 0:
        n = queue.popleft()

    BinaryTree.print_bfs_recursive(queue, root)

Beispiel #18
def getNode(data):

    newNode = Node(data) = data
    newNode.left = None
    newNode.right = None
    return newNode
Beispiel #19
def nRound(vector, root):
    tempRoot = root
    a = vector.pop()
    b = vector.pop()
    if (a + b) < 1.0:
        vector.append(a + b)
        rootn = Node(a + b)
        rootn.right = tempRoot
        rootn.left = Node(b)
        return nRound(vector, rootn)
        rootn = Node(a + b)
        rootn.right = tempRoot
        rootn.left = Node(b)
        return rootn
Beispiel #20
 def recur(root, left, right):
     if left > right: return  # 递归终止
     node = TreeNode(preorder[root])  # 建立根节点
     i = dic[preorder[root]]  # 划分根节点、左子树、右子树
     node.left = recur(root + 1, left, i - 1)  # 开启左子树递归
     node.right = recur(i - left + root + 1, i + 1, right)  # 开启右子树递归
     return node  # 回溯返回根节点
Beispiel #21
def test_node():
    node = Node(1)
    assert attr(node, 'left') is None
    assert attr(node, 'right') is None
    assert attr(node, 'value') == 1
    assert attr(node, 'parent') is None
    assert repr(node) == 'Node(1)'

    node.left = Node(2)
    node.right = Node(3)
    assert repr(attr(node, 'left')) == 'Node(2)'
    assert repr(attr(node, 'right')) == 'Node(3)'
    assert attr(node.left, 'parent') == node
    assert attr(node.right, 'parent') == node

    node.left.left = Node(4)
    node.left.right = Node(5)
    node.right.left = Node(6)
    node.right.right = Node(7)
    assert repr(attr(node, 'left.left')) == 'Node(4)'
    assert repr(attr(node, 'left.right')) == 'Node(5)'
    assert repr(attr(node, 'right.right')) == 'Node(7)'
    assert repr(attr(node, 'right.left')) == 'Node(6)'
    assert attr(node.left.left, 'parent') == node.left
    assert attr(node.left.right, 'parent') == node.left
    assert attr(node.right.left, 'parent') == node.right
    assert attr(node.right.right, 'parent') == node.right

    assert node.is_root() is True
    assert node.left.is_root() is False
    assert node.left.right.is_leaf() is True
    assert node.is_leaf() is False

    assert node.level() == 0
    assert node.right.level() == 1
def main():
    root = Node(50)
    root.left = Node(18)
    root.right = Node(200)
    root.left.right = Node(100)

    print levelOrderMinSum(root)
Beispiel #23
def initNode() -> TreeNode:
    a = TreeNode(1)
    b = TreeNode(2)
    c = TreeNode(3)
    d = TreeNode(4)
    e = TreeNode(5)
    f = TreeNode(6)
    g = TreeNode(7)

    a.left = b
    a.right = c
    b.left = d
    b.right = e
    c.left = f
    c.right = g

    return a
Beispiel #24
Datei: Projekt: df7cb/aoc
def maketree(a):
    if type(a) is int:
        return Node(a)
        x = Node(-1)
        x.left = maketree(a[0])
        x.right = maketree(a[1])
        return x
Beispiel #25
def main():
	print "Computing Longest Path"
	root = Node(1)
	root.left = Node(1)
	root.right = Node(2)
	root.left.right = Node(1)

 def sortedarraytoBSTrecu(self, nums, begin, end):
     if begin > end:
         return None
     mid = begin + (end - begin) // 2
     root = TN(nums[mid])
     root.left = self.sortedarraytoBSTrecu(nums, begin, mid - 1)
     root.right = self.sortedarraytoBSTrecu(nums, mid + 1, end)
     return root
def main():
    print "Starting main function"
    root = Node(1)
    root.left = Node(1)
    root.right = Node(2)
    root.left.right = Node(1)

    dfs(root, 3)
Beispiel #28
def test_heap_float_values():
    root = Node(1.0)
    root.left = Node(0.5)
    root.right = Node(1.5)

    assert root.height == 1
    assert root.is_balanced is True
    assert root.is_bst is True
    assert root.is_complete is True
    assert root.is_max_heap is False
    assert root.is_min_heap is False
    assert root.is_perfect is True
    assert root.is_strict is True
    assert root.leaf_count == 2
    assert root.max_leaf_depth == 1
    assert root.max_node_value == 1.5
    assert root.min_leaf_depth == 1
    assert root.min_node_value == 0.5
    assert root.size == 3

    for printer in [builtin_print, pprint_default]:
        lines = printer([1.0])
        assert lines == ['1.0']
        lines = printer([1.0, 2.0])
        assert lines == ['   _1.0', '  /', '2.0']
        lines = printer([1.0, None, 3.0])
        assert lines == ['1.0_', '    \\', '    3.0']
        lines = printer([1.0, 2.0, 3.0])
        assert lines == ['   _1.0_', '  /     \\', '2.0     3.0']
        lines = printer([1.0, 2.0, 3.0, None, 5.0])
        assert lines == [
            '   _____1.0_', '  /         \\', '2.0_        3.0', '    \\',
            '    5.0'

    for builder in [tree, bst, heap]:
        for _ in range(REPETITIONS):
            root = builder()
            root_copy = copy.deepcopy(root)

            for node in root:
                node.value += 0.1

            assert root.height == root_copy.height
            assert root.is_balanced == root_copy.is_balanced
            assert root.is_bst == root_copy.is_bst
            assert root.is_complete == root_copy.is_complete
            assert root.is_max_heap == root_copy.is_max_heap
            assert root.is_min_heap == root_copy.is_min_heap
            assert root.is_perfect == root_copy.is_perfect
            assert root.is_strict == root_copy.is_strict
            assert root.is_symmetric == root_copy.is_symmetric
            assert root.leaf_count == root_copy.leaf_count
            assert root.max_leaf_depth == root_copy.max_leaf_depth
            assert root.max_node_value == root_copy.max_node_value + 0.1
            assert root.min_leaf_depth == root_copy.min_leaf_depth
            assert root.min_node_value == root_copy.min_node_value + 0.1
            assert root.size == root_copy.size
Beispiel #29
def test_tree_del_node():
    root = Node(1)
    root.left = Node(2)
    root.right = Node(3)
    root.left.left = Node(4)
    root.left.right = Node(5)
    root.left.right.left = Node(6)

    with pytest.raises(NodeModifyError) as err:
        del root[0]
    assert str(err.value) == "cannot delete the root node"

    with pytest.raises(NodeIndexError) as err:
        del root[-1]
    assert str(err.value) == "node index must be a non-negative int"

    with pytest.raises(NodeNotFoundError) as err:
        del root[10]
    assert str(err.value) == "no node to delete at index 10"

    with pytest.raises(NodeNotFoundError) as err:
        del root[100]
    assert str(err.value) == "no node to delete at index 100"

    del root[3]
    assert root.left.left is None
    assert root.left.val == 2
    assert root.left.right.val == 5
    assert root.left.right.right is None
    assert root.left.right.left.val == 6
    assert root.left.right.left.left is None
    assert root.left.right.left.right is None
    assert root.right.val == 3
    assert root.right.left is None
    assert root.right.right is None
    assert root.size == 5

    del root[2]
    assert root.left.left is None
    assert root.left.val == 2
    assert root.left.right.val == 5
    assert root.left.right.right is None
    assert root.left.right.left.val == 6
    assert root.left.right.left.left is None
    assert root.left.right.left.right is None
    assert root.right is None
    assert root.size == 4

    del root[4]
    assert root.left.left is None
    assert root.left.right is None
    assert root.right is None
    assert root.size == 2

    del root[1]
    assert root.left is None
    assert root.right is None
    assert root.size == 1
Beispiel #30
def test_tree_del_node():
    root = Node(1)
    root.left = Node(2)
    root.right = Node(3)
    root.left.left = Node(4)
    root.left.right = Node(5)
    root.left.right.left = Node(6)

    with pytest.raises(OperationForbiddenError) as err:
        del root[0]
    assert str(err.value) == 'Cannot delete the root node'

    with pytest.raises(InvalidNodeIndexError) as err:
        del root[-1]
    assert str(err.value) == 'The node index must be a non-negative integer'

    with pytest.raises(NodeNotFoundError) as err:
        del root[10]
    assert str(err.value) == 'No node to delete at index 10'

    with pytest.raises(NodeNotFoundError) as err:
        del root[100]
    assert str(err.value) == 'No node to delete at index 100'

    del root[3]
    assert root.left.left is None
    assert root.left.value == 2
    assert root.left.right.value == 5
    assert root.left.right.right is None
    assert root.left.right.left.value == 6
    assert root.left.right.left.left is None
    assert root.left.right.left.right is None
    assert root.right.value == 3
    assert root.right.left is None
    assert root.right.right is None
    assert root.size == 5

    del root[2]
    assert root.left.left is None
    assert root.left.value == 2
    assert root.left.right.value == 5
    assert root.left.right.right is None
    assert root.left.right.left.value == 6
    assert root.left.right.left.left is None
    assert root.left.right.left.right is None
    assert root.right is None
    assert root.size == 4

    del root[4]
    assert root.left.left is None
    assert root.left.right is None
    assert root.right is None
    assert root.size == 2

    del root[1]
    assert root.left is None
    assert root.right is None
    assert root.size == 1
Beispiel #31
def test_tree_validate():

    class TestNode(Node):
        def __setattr__(self, attr, value):
            object.__setattr__(self, attr, value)

    root = Node(1)
    root.validate()  # Should pass

    root = Node(1)
    root.left = Node(2)
    root.validate()  # Should pass

    root = Node(1)
    root.left = Node(2)
    root.right = Node(3)
    root.validate()  # Should pass

    root = Node(1)
    root.left = Node(2)
    root.right = Node(3)
    root.left.left = Node(4)
    root.left.right = Node(5)
    root.left.right.left = Node(6)
    root.validate()  # Should pass

    root = TestNode(1)
    root.left = 'not_a_node'
    with pytest.raises(InvalidNodeTypeError) as err:
    assert str(err.value) == 'Invalid node instance at index 1'

    root = TestNode(1)
    root.right = TestNode(2)
    root.right.value = 'not_an_integer'
    with pytest.raises(InvalidNodeValueError) as err:
    assert str(err.value) == 'Invalid node value at index 2'

    root = TestNode(1)
    root.left = TestNode(2)
    root.left.right = root
    with pytest.raises(CyclicNodeReferenceError) as err:
    assert str(err.value) == 'Cyclic node reference at index 4'
from binarytree import Node as TN

class Solution(object):
    def invertbinaryTree(self, root):
        if root is not None:
            root.left, root.right = \
                self.invertbinaryTree(root.right), self.invertbinaryTree(root.left)
        return root

S = Solution()

root = TN(4)
root.left = TN(2)
root.left = TN(2)
root.right = TN(7)
root.left.left = TN(1)
root.left.right = TN(3)
root.right.left = TN(6)
root.right.right = TN(9)

print root

print S.invertbinaryTree(root)
Beispiel #33
class Solution(object):

    def identical_trees(self, tree_1, tree_2):
        if tree_1 is None and tree_2 is None:
            return True

        if tree_1 is not None and tree_2 is not None:
            return ((tree_1.value == tree_2.value) and
                    self.identical_trees(tree_1.left, tree_2.left) and
                    self.identical_trees(tree_1.right, tree_2.right))

        return False

S = Solution()
root1 = Treenode(1)
root1.left = Treenode(2)
root1.right = Treenode(3)
root1.left.left = Treenode(4)
root1.left.right = Treenode(5)
print root1

root2 = Treenode(1)
root2.left = Treenode(2)
root2.right = Treenode(3)
root2.left.left = Treenode(4)
root2.left.right = Treenode(5)
print root2

if S.identical_trees(root1, root2):
    print "Trees are identical"
            return s == 0
            ans = 0

            # Otherwise check both subtrees
            subSum = s - root.value

            # If we reach a leaf node and sum becomes 0, then
            # return True
            if (subSum == 0 and root.left == None and root.right == None):
                return True

            if root.left is not None:
                ans = ans or self.roottoleafpathSum(root.left, subSum)
            if root.right is not None:
                ans = ans or self.roottoleafpathSum(root.right, subSum)

            return ans

S = Solution()
s = 21
root = TN(10)
root.left = TN(8)
root.right = TN(2)
root.left.right = TN(5)
root.left.left = TN(3)
root.right.left = TN(2)

print S.roottoleafpathSum(root, s)
    def k_path_sum(self, root, k):
        if root is None:
        #print 'Visiting {}'.format(root.value)
        self.k_path_sum(root.left, k)
        self.k_path_sum(root.right, k)
        #print 'Current path: {}'.format(self.path)
        currsum = 0
        for i in reversed(xrange(len(self.path))):
            currsum += self.path[i]
            if currsum == k:
                print self.path[i:]

root = Treenode(1)
root.left = Treenode(3)
root.left.left = Treenode(2)
root.left.right = Treenode(1)
root.left.right.left = Treenode(1)
root.right = Treenode(-1)
root.right.left = Treenode(4)
root.right.left.left = Treenode(1)
root.right.left.right = Treenode(2)
root.right.right = Treenode(5)
root.right.right.right = Treenode(2)

S = Solution()
S.k_path_sum(root, 5)
Beispiel #36
 def create_tree(self, nums, root, i):
     if i < len(nums):
         root = TN(nums[i])
         root.left = self.create_tree(nums, root.left, 2 * i + 1)
         root.right = self.create_tree(nums, root.right, 2 * i + 2)
     return root
from collections import deque
deque: double-ended queue

# Build a tree with binarytree.tree
my_tree = tree(height = 3, is_perfect = False)
#print("Generate with built-in tree method")
#print(type(my_tree)) # <class 'binarytree.Node'>

# Build with Node
root = Node(1)
root.left = Node(2)
root.right = Node(3)
#print("Generate with built-in Node method")

# Build tree using a list
data1 = [10,5,-3,3,2,None,11,3,-2,None,1]
data2 = [3,5,2,1,4,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14]

def create_btree_with_list(data):

	tree = Node(data.pop(0))
	fringe = deque([tree])

	while len(data) > 1: