def sortedarraytoBSTrecu(self, nums, begin, end):
     if begin > end:
         return None
     mid = begin + (end - begin) // 2
     root = TN(nums[mid])
     root.left = self.sortedarraytoBSTrecu(nums, begin, mid - 1)
     root.right = self.sortedarraytoBSTrecu(nums, mid + 1, end)
     return root
Beispiel #2
- 时间复杂度:O(MN)。其中 M,N 分别为树 A 和树 B 的节点数量。
- 空间复杂度:O(M)。

class Solution:
    def isSubStructure(self, A: TreeNode, B: TreeNode) -> bool:
        def recur(A, B):
            if not B: return True
            if not A or A.val != B.val: return False
            return recur(A.left, B.left) and recur(A.right, B.right)

        return bool(A and B) and (recur(A, B) or self.isSubStructure(
            A.left, B) or self.isSubStructure(A.right, B))

if __name__ == "__main__":
    A = TreeNode(3)
    A.left = TreeNode(4)
    A.right = TreeNode(5)
    A.left.left = TreeNode(1)
    A.left.right = TreeNode(2)

    B = TreeNode(4)
    B.left = TreeNode(1)

    print(A, B)

    print(Solution().isSubStructure(A, B))
Beispiel #3
def flatten(node):
    if node is None:
        return None
    if node.left is None and node.right is None:
        return node
    left = flatten(node.left)
    right = flatten(node.right)

    if left:
        left.right = node.right
        node.right = node.left
        node.left = None
    return right if right is not None else left

if __name__ == "__main__":
    tree = Node(1)
    tree.left = Node(2)
    tree.left.left = Node(3)
    tree.left.right = Node(4)
    tree.right = Node(5)
    tree.right.right = Node(6)

    node = tree

    while node:
        node = node.right
from binarytree import Node as TN

class Solution(object):
    def invertbinaryTree(self, root):
        if root is not None:
            root.left, root.right = \
                self.invertbinaryTree(root.right), self.invertbinaryTree(root.left)
        return root

S = Solution()

root = TN(4)
root.left = TN(2)
root.left = TN(2)
root.right = TN(7)
root.left.left = TN(1)
root.left.right = TN(3)
root.right.left = TN(6)
root.right.right = TN(9)

print root

print S.invertbinaryTree(root)
Beispiel #5
def test_node_set_attributes():
    root = Node(1)
    assert root.left is None
    assert root.right is None
    assert root.value == 1
    assert repr(root) == 'Node(1)'

    left_child = Node(2)
    root.left = left_child
    assert root.left is left_child
    assert root.right is None
    assert root.value == 1
    assert root.left.left is None
    assert root.left.right is None
    assert root.left.value == 2
    assert repr(left_child) == 'Node(2)'

    right_child = Node(3)
    root.right = right_child
    assert root.left is left_child
    assert root.right is right_child
    assert root.value == 1
    assert root.right.left is None
    assert root.right.right is None
    assert root.right.value == 3
    assert repr(right_child) == 'Node(3)'

    last_node = Node(4)
    left_child.right = last_node
    assert root.left.right is last_node
    assert root.left.right.value == 4
    assert repr(last_node) == 'Node(4)'

    with pytest.raises(NodeValueError) as err:
        # noinspection PyTypeChecker
    assert str(err.value) == 'node value must be a number'

    with pytest.raises(NodeTypeError) as err:
        # noinspection PyTypeChecker
        Node(1, 'this_is_not_a_node')
    assert str(err.value) == 'left child must be a Node instance'

    with pytest.raises(NodeTypeError) as err:
        # noinspection PyTypeChecker
        Node(1, Node(1), 'this_is_not_a_node')
    assert str(err.value) == 'right child must be a Node instance'

    with pytest.raises(NodeValueError) as err:
        root.value = 'this_is_not_an_integer'
    assert root.value == 1
    assert str(err.value) == 'node value must be a number'

    with pytest.raises(NodeTypeError) as err:
        root.left = 'this_is_not_a_node'
    assert root.left is left_child
    assert str(err.value) == 'left child must be a Node instance'

    with pytest.raises(NodeTypeError) as err:
        root.right = 'this_is_not_a_node'
    assert root.right is right_child
    assert str(err.value) == 'right child must be a Node instance'
Beispiel #6
    right = all_sequences(root.right) or [[]]

    # At a minimum, left and right must be a list containing an empty list
    # for the following nested loop
    for i in range(len(left)):
        for j in range(len(right)):
            weaved = []
            weave_lists(left[i], right[j], weaved, prefix)

    return answer

if __name__ == "__main__":
    t = Node(4)
    t.right = Node(6)

    node1 = Node(1)
    t.left = node1
    node1.left = Node(0)
    node1.right = Node(3)

    # solution = all_sequences(t)
    # for e, item in enumerate(solution):
    #     print(f"{e:03}: {item}")

    first = [1]
    second = [2, 3]
    result = []
    prefix = [4]
            return s == 0
            ans = 0

            # Otherwise check both subtrees
            subSum = s - root.value

            # If we reach a leaf node and sum becomes 0, then
            # return True
            if (subSum == 0 and root.left == None and root.right == None):
                return True

            if root.left is not None:
                ans = ans or self.roottoleafpathSum(root.left, subSum)
            if root.right is not None:
                ans = ans or self.roottoleafpathSum(root.right, subSum)

            return ans

S = Solution()
s = 21
root = TN(10)
root.left = TN(8)
root.right = TN(2)
root.left.right = TN(5)
root.left.left = TN(3)
root.right.left = TN(2)

print S.roottoleafpathSum(root, s)
Beispiel #8
- 时间复杂度:O(N)
- 空间复杂度:O(N)

class Solution:
    def levelOrder(self, root: TreeNode) -> List[List[int]]:
        if not root: return []
        res, queue = [], collections.deque()
        while queue:
            tmp = []
            for _ in range(len(queue)):
                node = queue.popleft()
                if node.left: queue.append(node.left)
                if node.right: queue.append(node.right)
            res.append(tmp[::-1] if len(res) % 2 else tmp)
        return res

if __name__ == "__main__":
    root = TreeNode(3)
    root.left = TreeNode(9)
    root.right = TreeNode(20)
    root.right.left = TreeNode(15)
    root.right.right = TreeNode(7)
Beispiel #9

from binarytree import Node 

root = Node(3) 
root.left = Node(6) 
root.right = Node(8) 

# Getting binary tree 
print('Binary tree :', root) 

# Getting list of nodes 
print('List of nodes :', list(root)) 

# Getting inorder of nodes 
print('Inorder of nodes :', root.inorder) 

# Checking tree properties 
print('Size of tree :', root.size) 
print('Height of tree :', root.height) 

# Get all properties at once 
print('Properties of tree : \n', 

# Python program to introduce Binary Tree 

# A class that represents an individual node in a 
# Binary Tree 
class Node: 
	def __init__(self,key): 
Beispiel #10
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Mon Jan 20 17:52:10 2020

@author: wyue

Pypi Documentation:

from binarytree import Node
r1 = Node(1)
r2 = Node(2)
r1.left = Node(3)
r1.right = Node(4)
r2.left = Node(5)
r2.right = Node(6)
root = Node(0)
root.left = r1
root.right = r2
print("Max leaf depth", root.max_leaf_depth)
print("Min leaf depth", root.min_leaf_depth)
Beispiel #11
import sys
from binarytree import Node as TN

class Solution(object):

    def isBST(self, root):
        return self.isBSTRecu(root, -sys.maxint, sys.maxint)

    def isBSTRecu(self, root, mini, maxi):

        if root is None:
            return True

        return mini < root.value and root.value < maxi and \
               self.isBSTRecu(root.left, mini, root.value) and \
               self.isBSTRecu(root.right, root.value, maxi)

S = Solution()
root = TN(1)
root.left = TN(2)
root.right = TN(3)
print root.preorder
print root.inorder
print root.postorder
print S.isBST(root)
Beispiel #12
from binarytree import tree, bst, Node

a = tree(height=3, is_perfect=False)
b = bst(height=3, is_perfect=True)
c = Node(5)
c.left = Node(3)
c.right = Node(10)
c.left.left = Node(2)
c.left.right = Node(4)
c.right.left = Node(9)
c.right.right = Node(15)


bt = bst(height=5, is_perfect=True)

num = int(input('Что найти: '))

def search(bin_tree, number, path=''):
    if bin_tree.value == number:
        return f'Число {number} обнаружено по следующему пути: \nКорень{path}'
    if number < bin_tree.value and bin_tree.left != None:
        return search(bin_tree.left, number, path=f'{path}\nШаг влево')
    if number > bin_tree.value and bin_tree.right != None:
        return search(bin_tree.right, number, path=f'{path}\nШаг вправо')
    return f'Число {number} отсутствует'
        self.value = value
        self.left = left
        self.right = right

#дерево из модуля
a = tree(height=3, is_perfect=True)
# binary дерево из модуля
b = bst(height=3, is_perfect=True)

#manual tree
root = Node(8)
root.left = Node(5)
root.right = Node(25)
root.left.right = Node(7)
root.right.right = Node(100)

# Функция поиска числа и вывода пути.
print('*' * 50)
bt = bst(height=5, is_perfect=False)
num = int(input('Число для поиска: '))

# Функция  рекурсивного поиска
def search(bin_tree, number, path=''):
    if bin_tree.value == number:
        return f'Число {number} обнаружено по следующему пути:\nКорень{path}'
        if tree_1 is not None and tree_2 is not None:
            return ((tree_1.value == tree_2.value) and
                    self.identical_trees(tree_1.left, tree_2.left) and
                    self.identical_trees(tree_1.right, tree_2.right))

        return False

    def isSubtree(self, s, t):
        if not s:
            return False
        if self.identical_trees(s, t):
            return True
        if self.isSubtree(s.left, t) or self.isSubtree(s.right, t):
            return True
        return False

S = Solution()
root1 = Treenode(30)
root1.left = Treenode(20)
root1.right = Treenode(40)
root1.left.left = Treenode(20)
root1.left.right = Treenode(40)
print root1

root2 = Treenode(20)
root2.left = Treenode(20)
root2.right = Treenode(40)
print root2

print S.isSubtree(root1, root2)
Beispiel #15
    while len(currentNodes) > 0:
        if len(currentNodes) > maxWidth:
            maxWidth = len(currentNodes)
        nextNodes = []
        for node in currentNodes:
            if node.left is not None:
            if node.right is not None:
        currentNodes = nextNodes

    return {'maxWidth', maxWidth}

if __name__ == "__main__":
    root = Node(2)
    root.left = Node(4)
    root.right = Node(5)
    root.left.left = Node(7)
    root.left.left.left = Node(13)
    root.left.right = Node(8)
    root.left.right.left = Node(12)
    root.left.right.right = Node(14)
    root.right.left = Node(16)
    root.right.left.right = Node(19)
    root.right.left.left = Node(20)
    root.right.right = Node(21)

Beispiel #16
        return t1

if __name__ == '__main__':

    # 用法
    # from binarytree import tree
    # mytree  = tree()
    # print( mytree )

    from binarytree import Node
    # root = Node(1)
    # root.left = Node(2)
    # root.right = Node(3)
    # root.left.right = Node(4)
    # print( root )

    t1 = Node(1)
    t1.left = Node(3)
    t1.right = Node(2)
    t1.left.left = Node(5)

    t2 = Node(2)
    t2.left = Node(1)
    t2.right = Node(3)
    t2.left.right = Node(4)
    t2.right.right = Node(7)

    print(t1), print(t2)
    print(Solution().mergeTrees(t1, t2))
Beispiel #17
from binarytree import tree, bst, Node, build

class MyNode:
    def __init__(self, data, left=None, right=None): = data
        self.left = left
        self.right = right

# неполное дерево высотой 4 листа
a = tree(height=4, is_perfect=False)

b = bst(height=3, is_perfect=True)

c = Node(7)
c.left = Node(3)
c.right = Node(11)
c.left.left = Node(1)
c.left.right = Node(5)
c.right.left = Node(9)
c.right.right = Node(13)

d = build([7, 3, 11, 1, 5, 9, 3, None, 2, None, 6])
Beispiel #18
    elif tree1 == None or tree2 == None:
        return False
    elif tree1.value != tree2.value:
        return False
        return matchTree(tree1.left, tree2.left) and matchTree(
            tree1.right, tree2.right)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    node4 = Node(4)
    node1 = Node(1)
    node10 = Node(10)

    node4.left = node1
    node4.right = node10

    node16 = Node(16)
    node32 = Node(32)
    node1.left = node16
    node1.right = node32

    node41 = Node(41)
    node76 = Node(76)

    node10.left = node41
    node10.right = node76

    bigTree = node4

    smallTree = node10
Beispiel #19
def test_convert():
    for invalid_argument in [1, 'foo', int]:
        with pytest.raises(ValueError) as err:
        assert str(err.value) == 'Expecting a list or a node'

    assert convert(None) == []

    # Convert trees to lists
    for convert_func in [convert, lambda node: node.convert()]:
        root = Node(1)
        assert convert_func(root) == [1]

        root.right = Node(3)
        assert convert_func(root) == [1, None, 3]

        root.left = Node(2)
        assert convert_func(root) == [1, 2, 3]

        root.left.right = Node(4)
        assert convert_func(root) == [1, 2, 3, None, 4]

        root.right.left = Node(5)
        assert convert_func(root) == [1, 2, 3, None, 4, 5]

        root.right.right = Node(6)
        assert convert_func(root) == [1, 2, 3, None, 4, 5, 6]

        root.right.right = Node(None)
        with pytest.raises(ValueError) as err:
        assert str(err.value) == 'A node cannot have a null value'

        root.right.right = {}
        with pytest.raises(ValueError) as err:
            assert convert_func(root)
        assert str(err.value) == 'Found an invalid node in the tree'

    # Convert lists to trees
    with pytest.raises(ValueError) as err:
        convert([None, 2, 3])
    assert str(err.value) == 'Node missing at index 0'

    with pytest.raises(ValueError) as err:
        convert([1, 2, None, 3, 4, 5, 6])
    assert str(err.value) == 'Node missing at index 2'

    assert convert([]) is None

    bt = convert([1])
    assert attr(bt, 'value') == 1
    assert attr(bt, 'left') is None
    assert attr(bt, 'right') is None

    bt = convert([1, 2])
    assert attr(bt, 'value') == 1
    assert attr(bt, 'left.value') == 2
    assert attr(bt, 'right') is None
    assert attr(bt, 'left.left') is None
    assert attr(bt, 'left.right') is None

    bt = convert([1, None, 3])
    assert attr(bt, 'value') == 1
    assert attr(bt, 'left') is None
    assert attr(bt, 'right.value') == 3
    assert attr(bt, 'right.left') is None
    assert attr(bt, 'right.right') is None

    bt = convert([1, 2, 3])
    assert attr(bt, 'value') == 1
    assert attr(bt, 'left.value') == 2
    assert attr(bt, 'right.value') == 3
    assert attr(bt, 'left.left') is None
    assert attr(bt, 'left.right') is None
    assert attr(bt, 'right.left') is None
    assert attr(bt, 'right.right') is None
Beispiel #20
                             q: 'TreeNode') -> 'TreeNode':
        if not root:
            return root
        left = self.lowestCommonAncestor(root.left, p, q)
        right = self.lowestCommonAncestor(root.right, p, q)

        if root == p or root == q: return root
        if not left: return right
        if not right: return left

        return root

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # root = [3,5,1,6,2,0,8,null,null,7,4]
    root = TreeNode(3)
    root.left = TreeNode(5)
    root.right = TreeNode(1)
    root.left.left = TreeNode(6)
    root.left.right = TreeNode(2)
    root.right.left = TreeNode(0)
    root.right.right = TreeNode(8)
    root.left.right.left = TreeNode(7)
    root.left.right.right = TreeNode(4)
    # p = 5
    p = root.left
    # q = 4
    q = TreeNode(4)

    print(Solution().lowestCommonAncestor(root, p, q))  # 5
for el in text:
    char_table[el] += 1

char_table = dict(char_table)

queue = deque(char_table.items())

while len(queue) > 1:
    queue = deque(sorted(queue, key=lambda x: x[1]))
    spam = Node(queue[0][1] + queue[1][1])
    if isinstance(queue[0][0], str):
        spam.left = Node(ord(queue[0][0]))
        spam.left = queue[0][0]
    if isinstance(queue[1][0], str):
        spam.right = Node(ord(queue[1][0]))
        spam.right = queue[1][0]
    queue[0] = (spam, spam.value)

my_tree = queue[0][0]
result = None

def search(graph, char, in_binary=''):
    global result
    if graph.value == ord(char):
        result = in_binary
    if graph.left:
        search(graph.left, char, in_binary=f'{in_binary}0')
Beispiel #22
def mirror(root):
    if (root is None): return
    node = Node(root.value)
    node.right = mirror(root.left)
    node.left = mirror(root.right)
    return node
Beispiel #23
        # So if -1, keep throwing that back up and skip recursive calls
        l = check_int(root.left)
        if l == -1:
            return -1
        r = check_int(root.right)
        if r == -1:
            return -1

        if abs(l - r) > 1:
            return -1
        return max(l, r) + 1

    return check_int(root) != -1

if __name__ == '__main__':
    subroot = Node(2)
    subroot.left = Node(3)
    subroot.left.left = Node(4)
    subroot.left.right = Node(4)
    root = Node(1)
    root.right = Node(2)
    root.left = subroot

    r = Node(2)
    r.left = Node(2)
    r.right = Node(2)
    r.right.right = Node(3)
    r.left.right = Node(4)
Beispiel #24
    def identical_trees(self, tree_1, tree_2):
        if tree_1 is None and tree_2 is None:
            return True

        if tree_1 is not None and tree_2 is not None:
            return ((tree_1.value == tree_2.value) and
                    self.identical_trees(tree_1.left, tree_2.left) and
                    self.identical_trees(tree_1.right, tree_2.right))

        return False

S = Solution()
root1 = Treenode(1)
root1.left = Treenode(2)
root1.right = Treenode(3)
root1.left.left = Treenode(4)
root1.left.right = Treenode(5)
print root1

root2 = Treenode(1)
root2.left = Treenode(2)
root2.right = Treenode(3)
root2.left.left = Treenode(4)
root2.left.right = Treenode(5)
print root2

if S.identical_trees(root1, root2):
    print "Trees are identical"
    print "Trees are not identical"
Beispiel #25
def test_tree_properties():
    root = Node(1)
    assert == {
        'height': 0,
        'is_balanced': True,
        'is_bst': True,
        'is_complete': True,
        'is_max_heap': True,
        'is_min_heap': True,
        'is_perfect': True,
        'is_strict': True,
        'leaf_count': 1,
        'max_leaf_depth': 0,
        'max_node_value': 1,
        'min_leaf_depth': 0,
        'min_node_value': 1,
        'size': 1
    assert root.height == 0
    assert root.is_balanced is True
    assert root.is_bst is True
    assert root.is_complete is True
    assert root.is_max_heap is True
    assert root.is_min_heap is True
    assert root.is_perfect is True
    assert root.is_strict is True
    assert root.leaf_count == 1
    assert root.max_leaf_depth == 0
    assert root.max_node_value == 1
    assert root.min_leaf_depth == 0
    assert root.min_node_value == 1
    assert root.size == len(root) == 1

    root.left = Node(2)
    assert == {
        'height': 1,
        'is_balanced': True,
        'is_bst': False,
        'is_complete': True,
        'is_max_heap': False,
        'is_min_heap': True,
        'is_perfect': False,
        'is_strict': False,
        'leaf_count': 1,
        'max_leaf_depth': 1,
        'max_node_value': 2,
        'min_leaf_depth': 1,
        'min_node_value': 1,
        'size': 2
    assert root.height == 1
    assert root.is_balanced is True
    assert root.is_bst is False
    assert root.is_complete is True
    assert root.is_max_heap is False
    assert root.is_min_heap is True
    assert root.is_perfect is False
    assert root.is_strict is False
    assert root.leaf_count == 1
    assert root.max_leaf_depth == 1
    assert root.max_node_value == 2
    assert root.min_leaf_depth == 1
    assert root.min_node_value == 1
    assert root.size == len(root) == 2

    root.right = Node(3)
    assert == {
        'height': 1,
        'is_balanced': True,
        'is_bst': False,
        'is_complete': True,
        'is_max_heap': False,
        'is_min_heap': True,
        'is_perfect': True,
        'is_strict': True,
        'leaf_count': 2,
        'max_leaf_depth': 1,
        'max_node_value': 3,
        'min_leaf_depth': 1,
        'min_node_value': 1,
        'size': 3
    assert root.height == 1
    assert root.is_balanced is True
    assert root.is_bst is False
    assert root.is_complete is True
    assert root.is_max_heap is False
    assert root.is_min_heap is True
    assert root.is_perfect is True
    assert root.is_strict is True
    assert root.leaf_count == 2
    assert root.max_leaf_depth == 1
    assert root.max_node_value == 3
    assert root.min_leaf_depth == 1
    assert root.min_node_value == 1
    assert root.size == len(root) == 3

    root.left.left = Node(4)
    assert == {
        'height': 2,
        'is_balanced': True,
        'is_bst': False,
        'is_complete': True,
        'is_max_heap': False,
        'is_min_heap': True,
        'is_perfect': False,
        'is_strict': False,
        'leaf_count': 2,
        'max_leaf_depth': 2,
        'max_node_value': 4,
        'min_leaf_depth': 1,
        'min_node_value': 1,
        'size': 4
    assert root.height == 2
    assert root.is_balanced is True
    assert root.is_bst is False
    assert root.is_complete is True
    assert root.is_max_heap is False
    assert root.is_min_heap is True
    assert root.is_perfect is False
    assert root.is_strict is False
    assert root.leaf_count == 2
    assert root.max_leaf_depth == 2
    assert root.max_node_value == 4
    assert root.min_leaf_depth == 1
    assert root.min_node_value == 1
    assert root.size == len(root) == 4

    root.right.left = Node(5)
    assert == {
        'height': 2,
        'is_balanced': True,
        'is_bst': False,
        'is_complete': False,
        'is_max_heap': False,
        'is_min_heap': False,
        'is_perfect': False,
        'is_strict': False,
        'leaf_count': 2,
        'max_leaf_depth': 2,
        'max_node_value': 5,
        'min_leaf_depth': 2,
        'min_node_value': 1,
        'size': 5
    assert root.height == 2
    assert root.is_balanced is True
    assert root.is_bst is False
    assert root.is_complete is False
    assert root.is_max_heap is False
    assert root.is_min_heap is False
    assert root.is_perfect is False
    assert root.is_strict is False
    assert root.leaf_count == 2
    assert root.max_leaf_depth == 2
    assert root.max_node_value == 5
    assert root.min_leaf_depth == 2
    assert root.min_node_value == 1
    assert root.size == len(root) == 5

    root.right.left.left = Node(6)
    assert == {
        'height': 3,
        'is_balanced': False,
        'is_bst': False,
        'is_complete': False,
        'is_max_heap': False,
        'is_min_heap': False,
        'is_perfect': False,
        'is_strict': False,
        'leaf_count': 2,
        'max_leaf_depth': 3,
        'max_node_value': 6,
        'min_leaf_depth': 2,
        'min_node_value': 1,
        'size': 6
    assert root.height == 3
    assert root.is_balanced is False
    assert root.is_bst is False
    assert root.is_complete is False
    assert root.is_max_heap is False
    assert root.is_min_heap is False
    assert root.is_perfect is False
    assert root.is_strict is False
    assert root.leaf_count == 2
    assert root.max_leaf_depth == 3
    assert root.max_node_value == 6
    assert root.min_leaf_depth == 2
    assert root.min_node_value == 1
    assert root.size == len(root) == 6

    root.left.left.left = Node(7)
    assert == {
        'height': 3,
        'is_balanced': False,
        'is_bst': False,
        'is_complete': False,
        'is_max_heap': False,
        'is_min_heap': False,
        'is_perfect': False,
        'is_strict': False,
        'leaf_count': 2,
        'max_leaf_depth': 3,
        'max_node_value': 7,
        'min_leaf_depth': 3,
        'min_node_value': 1,
        'size': 7
    assert root.height == 3
    assert root.is_balanced is False
    assert root.is_bst is False
    assert root.is_complete is False
    assert root.is_max_heap is False
    assert root.is_min_heap is False
    assert root.is_perfect is False
    assert root.is_strict is False
    assert root.leaf_count == 2
    assert root.max_leaf_depth == 3
    assert root.max_node_value == 7
    assert root.min_leaf_depth == 3
    assert root.min_node_value == 1
    assert root.size == len(root) == 7
Beispiel #26
            if node.right:

        deq = nxt_lvl

    return ret

if __name__ == '__main__':
    # Ugly but I'm building a binary tree here with depth 5
    # Letters and tree come from image in the epi book
    k = Node(1)
    k.left = Node(401)
    k.left.right = Node(641)
    k.right = Node(257)
    j = Node(2, right=k)
    i = Node(6, left=j)
    i.right = Node(271)
    i.right.right = Node(28)
    c = Node(271)
    c.left = Node(28)
    c.right = Node(0)
    f = Node(561)
    f.right = Node(3)
    f.right.left = Node(17)
    b = Node(6, left=c, right=f)

    root = Node(314, left=b, right=i)
    tree = BinaryTree(root)
    t = compute(tree)
     (1)-- Root Node
    /   \
   /     \  
(2)L.C   (3)Right Child

from binarytree import Node

root = Node(3)
root.left = Node(6)
root.right = Node(8)

# binary tree
print('Binary Tree: ', root)

# list of nodes
print('List of nodes : ', list(root))

# inorder of nodes
print('Inorder of nodes: ', root.inorder)

# tree properties
print('Size of tree: ', root.size)
print('Height of tree: ', root.height)
print('Tree Complete? : ', root.is_complete)
print('Tree Perfect? : ', root.is_perfect)
print('Tree Balanced? : ', root.is_balanced)
Beispiel #28
    return is_bst_valid_rec(root.left, min_val,
                            root.value) and is_bst_valid_rec(
                                root.right, root.value, max_val)

def is_bst_valid(root):
    #return is_bst_valid_rec(root, float('-inf'), float('inf'))
    return is_bst_valid_inorder(root)

bst_tree = bst(height=3)
test('valid_bst', is_bst_valid(bst_tree), True)

non_bst = tree(height=3)
test('invalid bst - simple', is_bst_valid(non_bst), False)

non_bst_complex = Node(4)

non_bst_complex.left = Node(2)
non_bst_complex.left.left = Node(1)
non_bst_complex.left.right = Node(3)
non_bst_complex.left.right.left = Node(1)
#non_bst_complex.left.right.right = Node(6)

non_bst_complex.right = Node(5)

test('invalid bst - more complex', is_bst_valid(non_bst_complex), False)
Beispiel #29
 def create_tree(self, nums, root, i):
     if i < len(nums):
         root = TN(nums[i])
         root.left = self.create_tree(nums, root.left, 2 * i + 1)
         root.right = self.create_tree(nums, root.right, 2 * i + 2)
     return root
Beispiel #30
from binarytree import Node
root = Node(6)
root.left = Node(3)
root.right = Node(8)

leaf = Node(8)
leaf.right = Node(10)

root.right = leaf

leaf = Node(10)
leaf.left = Node(9)

root.right = leaf

# Getting binary tree
print('Binary tree :', root)

# Getting list of nodes
print('List of nodes :', list(root))

# Getting inorder of nodes
print('Inorder of nodes :', root.inorder)

# Checking tree properties
print('Size of tree :', root.size)
print('Height of tree :', root.height)

# Get all properties at once
print('Properties of tree : \n',
Beispiel #31
                if len(depths) == 2:
                    return abs(depths[0] - depths[1]) <= 1

                if len(depths) > 2:
                    return False
            # traverse first left side then right side
            if node.left:
                nodes.append((node.left, depth + 1))
            if node.right:
                nodes.append((node.right, depth + 1))

    return True

print "Perfect Tree"
root = tree(height=4, is_perfect=True)
print root 
print is_tree_perfect(root)

print "Not Perfect Tree"

root = Node(1)
root.left = Node(2)
root.right = Node(3)
root.left.right = Node(4)
root.left.right.left = Node(5)
print root
print is_tree_perfect(root)

Beispiel #32
            current.value = int(char)

    return root

numbers = []

with open('input.txt', 'r') as file:
    numbers = [_.strip() for _ in file.readlines()]

root = parse_number(numbers[0])

for number in numbers[1:]:
    root = Node(-1, left=root)
    root.right = parse_number(number)

    reduce = True
    while reduce:
        if len(root.levels) > 5:
            did_explode = False
            for node in root.levels[-2]:
                if not did_explode:
                    if node.left != None:
                        left = node.left
                        index = list(reversed(root.postorder)).index(left)
                        for next_left in list(reversed(root.postorder))[index +
                            if next_left.value > -1:
                                next_left.value += left.value
        if not root:
            return 0

        return max(self.longest(root.left, root.value),
                   self.longest(root.right, root.value),

    def longest(self, root, value):
        if not root or root.value != value + 1:
            return 1

        return 1 + max(self.longest(root.right, root.value),
                       self.longest(root.left, root.value))

root = Node(1)
root.right = Node(3)
root.right.left = Node(2)
root.right.right = Node(4)
root.right.right.right = Node(5)

root2 = Node(2)
root2.right = Node(3)
root2.right.left = Node(2)
root2.right.left.left = Node(1)
print root
print root2

print Solution().longestConsecutive(root)
print Solution().longestConsecutive(root2)
Beispiel #34
def test_subtree():
    def self_subtree(target, node_id):
        return target.subtree(node_id)

    for invalid_tree in ['foo', -1, None]:
        with pytest.raises(ValueError) as err:
            subtree(invalid_tree, 0)
        assert str(err.value) == 'Expecting a list or a node'

    for subtree_func in [subtree, self_subtree]:
        root = Node(1)

        for invalid_id in ['foo', None]:
            with pytest.raises(ValueError) as err:
                subtree_func(root, invalid_id)
            assert str(err.value) == 'The node ID must be an integer'

        with pytest.raises(ValueError) as err:
            subtree_func(root, -1)
        assert str(err.value) == 'The node ID must start from 0'

        assert subtree_func(root, 0) == root
        for invalid_id in [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]:
            with pytest.raises(ValueError) as err:
                subtree_func(root, invalid_id)
            assert str(err.value) == \
                'Cannot find node with ID {}'.format(invalid_id)

        root.left = Node(2)
        assert subtree_func(root, 0) == root
        assert subtree_func(root, 1) == root.left
        for invalid_id in [2, 3, 4, 5]:
            with pytest.raises(ValueError) as err:
                subtree_func(root, invalid_id)
            assert str(err.value) == \
                'Cannot find node with ID {}'.format(invalid_id)

        root.right = Node(3)
        assert subtree_func(root, 0) == root
        assert subtree_func(root, 1) == root.left
        assert subtree_func(root, 2) == root.right
        for invalid_id in [3, 4, 5]:
            with pytest.raises(ValueError) as err:
                subtree_func(root, invalid_id)
            assert str(err.value) == \
                'Cannot find node with ID {}'.format(invalid_id)

        root.left.right = Node(4)
        assert subtree_func(root, 0) == root
        assert subtree_func(root, 1) == root.left
        assert subtree_func(root, 2) == root.right
        assert subtree_func(root, 3) == root.left.right
        for invalid_id in [4, 5]:
            with pytest.raises(ValueError) as err:
                subtree_func(root, invalid_id)
            assert str(err.value) == \
                'Cannot find node with ID {}'.format(invalid_id)

        root.left.left = Node(5)
        assert subtree_func(root, 0) == root
        assert subtree_func(root, 1) == root.left
        assert subtree_func(root, 2) == root.right
        assert subtree_func(root, 3) == root.left.left
        assert subtree_func(root, 4) == root.left.right
        for invalid_id in [5, 6]:
            with pytest.raises(ValueError) as err:
                subtree_func(root, invalid_id)
            assert str(err.value) == \
                'Cannot find node with ID {}'.format(invalid_id)
    def k_path_sum(self, root, k):
        if root is None:
        #print 'Visiting {}'.format(root.value)
        self.k_path_sum(root.left, k)
        self.k_path_sum(root.right, k)
        #print 'Current path: {}'.format(self.path)
        currsum = 0
        for i in reversed(xrange(len(self.path))):
            currsum += self.path[i]
            if currsum == k:
                print self.path[i:]

root = Treenode(1)
root.left = Treenode(3)
root.left.left = Treenode(2)
root.left.right = Treenode(1)
root.left.right.left = Treenode(1)
root.right = Treenode(-1)
root.right.left = Treenode(4)
root.right.left.left = Treenode(1)
root.right.left.right = Treenode(2)
root.right.right = Treenode(5)
root.right.right.right = Treenode(2)

S = Solution()
S.k_path_sum(root, 5)
Beispiel #36
    preNode = t
    convert(t.right, preNode)

def ConvertTree2List(t):
    if t == None:
        return None

    preNode = None
    convert(t, preNode)

    #t 在中间,升序需要从左边去查找
    cur = t.left
    while cur != None:
        cur = cur.left
    return cur

t = Node(10)
t.left = Node(6)
t.right = Node(14)
t.left.left = Node(4)
t.left.right = Node(8)
t.right.left = Node(12)
t.right.right = Node(16)

re = ConvertTree2List(t)
from binarytree import Node, tree

root = Node(7)
root.left = Node(3)
root.right = Node(9)

root.left.left = Node(1)
root.left.right = Node(5)

root.left.right.left = Node(4)
root.left.right.right = Node(6)

root.right.right = Node(11)
root.right.left = Node(8)

#      _5__
#    /     \
#   3       8
#  / \     / \
# 1   4   7   9

    # @return a boolean, whether we have a next smallest number
    def hasNext(self):
        if self.stack:
            return True
        return False

    # @return an integer, the next smallest number
    def next(self):
        tmpNode = self.stack.pop()
        return tmpNode.value

    def pushAll(self, node):
        while node is not None:
            node = node.left

root = Treenode(2)
root.left = Treenode(1)
root.left.left = Treenode(0)
root.right = Treenode(3)

S = Solution(root)

print S.hasNext()
Beispiel #39
def test_inspect():
    for invalid_argument in [None, 1, 'foo']:
        with pytest.raises(ValueError) as err:
        assert str(err.value) == 'Expecting a list or a node'

    def convert_inspect(target):
        return inspect(convert(target))

    def self_inspect(target):
        return target.inspect()

    for inspect_func in [inspect, convert_inspect, self_inspect]:
        root = Node(1)
        assert inspect_func(root) == {
            'is_height_balanced': True,
            'is_weight_balanced': True,
            'is_max_heap': True,
            'is_min_heap': True,
            'is_bst': True,
            'is_full': True,
            'height': 0,
            'max_value': 1,
            'min_value': 1,
            'leaf_count': 1,
            'node_count': 1,
            'max_leaf_depth': 0,
            'min_leaf_depth': 0,
        root.left = Node(2)
        assert inspect_func(root) == {
            'is_height_balanced': True,
            'is_weight_balanced': True,
            'is_max_heap': False,
            'is_min_heap': True,
            'is_bst': False,
            'is_full': False,
            'height': 1,
            'max_value': 2,
            'min_value': 1,
            'node_count': 2,
            'leaf_count': 1,
            'max_leaf_depth': 1,
            'min_leaf_depth': 1,
        root.right = Node(3)
        assert inspect_func(root) == {
            'is_height_balanced': True,
            'is_weight_balanced': True,
            'is_max_heap': False,
            'is_min_heap': True,
            'is_bst': False,
            'is_full': True,
            'height': 1,
            'max_value': 3,
            'min_value': 1,
            'leaf_count': 2,
            'node_count': 3,
            'max_leaf_depth': 1,
            'min_leaf_depth': 1,
        root.value = 2
        root.left.value = 1
        root.right.value = 3
        assert inspect_func(root) == {
            'is_height_balanced': True,
            'is_weight_balanced': True,
            'is_max_heap': False,
            'is_min_heap': False,
            'is_bst': True,
            'is_full': True,
            'height': 1,
            'max_value': 3,
            'min_value': 1,
            'leaf_count': 2,
            'node_count': 3,
            'max_leaf_depth': 1,
            'min_leaf_depth': 1,
        root.value = 1
        root.left.value = 2
        root.right.value = 3
        root.left.right = Node(4)
        assert inspect_func(root) == {
            'is_height_balanced': True,
            'is_weight_balanced': True,
            'is_max_heap': False,
            'is_min_heap': False,
            'is_bst': False,
            'is_full': False,
            'height': 2,
            'max_value': 4,
            'min_value': 1,
            'leaf_count': 2,
            'node_count': 4,
            'max_leaf_depth': 2,
            'min_leaf_depth': 1,
        root.left.left = Node(5)
        assert inspect_func(root) == {
            'is_height_balanced': True,
            'is_weight_balanced': True,
            'is_max_heap': False,
            'is_min_heap': True,
            'is_bst': False,
            'is_full': True,
            'height': 2,
            'max_value': 5,
            'min_value': 1,
            'leaf_count': 3,
            'node_count': 5,
            'max_leaf_depth': 2,
            'min_leaf_depth': 1,
        root.right.right = Node(6)
        assert inspect_func(root) == {
            'is_height_balanced': True,
            'is_weight_balanced': True,
            'is_max_heap': False,
            'is_min_heap': False,
            'is_bst': False,
            'is_full': False,
            'height': 2,
            'max_value': 6,
            'min_value': 1,
            'leaf_count': 3,
            'node_count': 6,
            'max_leaf_depth': 2,
            'min_leaf_depth': 2,

        root.right.right = Node(None)
        with pytest.raises(ValueError) as err:
            assert inspect_func(root)
        assert str(err.value) == 'A node cannot have a null value'

        root.right.right = {}
        with pytest.raises(ValueError) as err:
            assert inspect_func(root)
        assert str(err.value) == 'Found an invalid node in the tree'
deque: double-ended queue

# Build a tree with binarytree.tree
my_tree = tree(height = 3, is_perfect = False)
#print("Generate with built-in tree method")
#print(type(my_tree)) # <class 'binarytree.Node'>

# Build with Node
root = Node(1)
root.left = Node(2)
root.right = Node(3)
#print("Generate with built-in Node method")

# Build tree using a list
data1 = [10,5,-3,3,2,None,11,3,-2,None,1]
data2 = [3,5,2,1,4,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14]

def create_btree_with_list(data):

	tree = Node(data.pop(0))
	fringe = deque([tree])

	while len(data) > 1:
	# take out the first item in the queue as the parent node