Beispiel #1
    def __init__(self, morphology=None, model=None, threshold=None,
                 refractory=False, reset=None,
                 dt=None, clock=None, order=0, Cm=0.9 * uF / cm ** 2, Ri=150 * ohm * cm,
                 name='spatialneuron*', dtype=None, namespace=None,
                 method=('linear', 'exponential_euler', 'rk2', 'milstein')):

        # #### Prepare and validate equations
        if isinstance(model, basestring):
            model = Equations(model)
        if not isinstance(model, Equations):
            raise TypeError(('model has to be a string or an Equations '
                             'object, is "%s" instead.') % type(model))

        # Insert the threshold mechanism at the specified location
        if threshold_location is not None:
            if hasattr(threshold_location,
                       '_indices'):  # assuming this is a method
                threshold_location = threshold_location._indices()
                # for now, only a single compartment allowed
                if len(threshold_location) == 1:
                    threshold_location = threshold_location[0]
                    raise AttributeError(('Threshold can only be applied on a '
                                          'single location'))
            threshold = '(' + threshold + ') and (i == ' + str(threshold_location) + ')'

        # Check flags (we have point currents)
        model.check_flags({DIFFERENTIAL_EQUATION: ('point current',),
                           PARAMETER: ('constant', 'shared', 'linked', 'point current'),
                           SUBEXPRESSION: ('shared', 'point current')})

        # Add the membrane potential
        model += Equations('''
        v:volt # membrane potential

        # Extract membrane equation
        if 'Im' in model:
            membrane_eq = model['Im']  # the membrane equation
            raise TypeError('The transmembrane current Im must be defined')

        # Insert point currents in the membrane equation
        for eq in model.itervalues():
            if 'point current' in eq.flags:
                fail_for_dimension_mismatch(eq.unit, amp,
                                            "Point current " + eq.varname + " should be in amp")
                eq.flags.remove('point current')
                membrane_eq.expr = Expression(
                    str(membrane_eq.expr.code) + '+' + eq.varname + '/area')

        ###### Process model equations (Im) to extract total conductance and the remaining current
        # Check conditional linearity with respect to v
        # Match to _A*v+_B
        var = sp.Symbol('v', real=True)
        wildcard = sp.Wild('_A', exclude=[var])
        constant_wildcard = sp.Wild('_B', exclude=[var])
        pattern = wildcard * var + constant_wildcard

        # Expand expressions in the membrane equation
        membrane_eq.type = DIFFERENTIAL_EQUATION
        for var, expr in model._get_substituted_expressions():  # this returns substituted expressions for diff eqs
            if var == 'Im':
                Im_expr = expr
        membrane_eq.type = SUBEXPRESSION

        # Factor out the variable
        s_expr = sp.collect(Im_expr.sympy_expr.expand(), var)
        matches = s_expr.match(pattern)

        if matches is None:
            raise TypeError, "The membrane current must be linear with respect to v"
        a, b = (matches[wildcard],

        # Extracts the total conductance from Im, and the remaining current
        minusa_str, b_str = sympy_to_str(-a), sympy_to_str(b)
        # Add correct units if necessary
        if minusa_str == '0':
            minusa_str += '*siemens/meter**2'
        if b_str == '0':
            b_str += '*amp/meter**2'
        gtot_str = "gtot__private=" + minusa_str + ": siemens/meter**2"
        I0_str = "I0__private=" + b_str + ": amp/meter**2"
        model += Equations(gtot_str + "\n" + I0_str)

        # Equations for morphology
        # TODO: check whether Cm and Ri are already in the equations
        #       no: should be shared instead of constant
        #       yes: should be constant (check)
        eqs_constants = Equations("""
        diameter : meter (constant)
        length : meter (constant)
        x : meter (constant)
        y : meter (constant)
        z : meter (constant)
        distance : meter (constant)
        area : meter**2 (constant)
        Cm : farad/meter**2 (constant)
        Ri : ohm*meter (constant, shared)
        space_constant = (diameter/(4*Ri*gtot__private))**.5 : meter # Not so sure about the name

        ### Parameters and intermediate variables for solving the cable equation
        ab_star0 : siemens/meter**2
        ab_plus0 : siemens/meter**2
        ab_minus0 : siemens/meter**2
        ab_star1 : siemens/meter**2
        ab_plus1 : siemens/meter**2
        ab_minus1 : siemens/meter**2
        ab_star2 : siemens/meter**2
        ab_plus2 : siemens/meter**2
        ab_minus2 : siemens/meter**2
        b_plus : siemens/meter**2
        b_minus : siemens/meter**2
        v_star : volt
        u_plus : 1
        u_minus : 1
        # Possibilities for the name: characteristic_length, electrotonic_length, length_constant, space_constant

        # Insert morphology
        self.morphology = morphology

        # Link morphology variables to neuron's state variables
        self.morphology_data = MorphologyData(len(morphology))

        NeuronGroup.__init__(self, len(morphology), model=model + eqs_constants,
                             threshold=threshold, refractory=refractory,
                             method=method, dt=dt, clock=clock, order=order,
                             namespace=namespace, dtype=dtype, name=name)

        self.Cm = Cm
        self.Ri = Ri
        # TODO: View instead of copy for runtime?
        self.diameter_ = self.morphology_data.diameter
        self.distance_ = self.morphology_data.distance
        self.length_ = self.morphology_data.length
        self.area_ = self.morphology_data.area
        self.x_ = self.morphology_data.x
        self.y_ = self.morphology_data.y
        self.z_ = self.morphology_data.z

        # Performs numerical integration step
        self.diffusion_state_updater = SpatialStateUpdater(self, method,

        # Creation of contained_objects that do the work
Beispiel #2
    def __init__(self,
                 Cm=0.9 * uF / cm**2,
                 Ri=150 * ohm * cm,
                 method=('linear', 'exponential_euler', 'rk2', 'heun')):

        # #### Prepare and validate equations
        if isinstance(model, basestring):
            model = Equations(model)
        if not isinstance(model, Equations):
            raise TypeError(('model has to be a string or an Equations '
                             'object, is "%s" instead.') % type(model))

        # Insert the threshold mechanism at the specified location
        if threshold_location is not None:
            if hasattr(threshold_location,
                       '_indices'):  # assuming this is a method
                threshold_location = threshold_location._indices()
                # for now, only a single compartment allowed
                if len(threshold_location) == 1:
                    threshold_location = threshold_location[0]
                    raise AttributeError(('Threshold can only be applied on a '
                                          'single location'))
            threshold = '(' + threshold + ') and (i == ' + str(
                threshold_location) + ')'

        # Check flags (we have point currents)
            DIFFERENTIAL_EQUATION: ('point current', ),
            PARAMETER: ('constant', 'shared', 'linked', 'point current'),
            SUBEXPRESSION: ('shared', 'point current')

        # Add the membrane potential
        model += Equations('''
        v:volt # membrane potential

        # Extract membrane equation
        if 'Im' in model:
            membrane_eq = model['Im']  # the membrane equation
            raise TypeError('The transmembrane current Im must be defined')

        # Insert point currents in the membrane equation
        for eq in model.itervalues():
            if 'point current' in eq.flags:
                    eq.unit, amp,
                    "Point current " + eq.varname + " should be in amp")
                eq.flags.remove('point current')
                membrane_eq.expr = Expression(
                    str(membrane_eq.expr.code) + '+' + eq.varname + '/area')

        ###### Process model equations (Im) to extract total conductance and the remaining current
        # Check conditional linearity with respect to v
        # Match to _A*v+_B
        var = sp.Symbol('v', real=True)
        wildcard = sp.Wild('_A', exclude=[var])
        constant_wildcard = sp.Wild('_B', exclude=[var])
        pattern = wildcard * var + constant_wildcard

        # Expand expressions in the membrane equation
        membrane_eq.type = DIFFERENTIAL_EQUATION
        for var, expr in model._get_substituted_expressions(
        ):  # this returns substituted expressions for diff eqs
            if var == 'Im':
                Im_expr = expr
        membrane_eq.type = SUBEXPRESSION

        # Factor out the variable
        s_expr = sp.collect(Im_expr.sympy_expr.expand(), var)
        matches = s_expr.match(pattern)

        if matches is None:
            raise TypeError, "The membrane current must be linear with respect to v"
        a, b = (matches[wildcard], matches[constant_wildcard])

        # Extracts the total conductance from Im, and the remaining current
        minusa_str, b_str = sympy_to_str(-a), sympy_to_str(b)
        # Add correct units if necessary
        if minusa_str == '0':
            minusa_str += '*siemens/meter**2'
        if b_str == '0':
            b_str += '*amp/meter**2'
        gtot_str = "gtot__private=" + minusa_str + ": siemens/meter**2"
        I0_str = "I0__private=" + b_str + ": amp/meter**2"
        model += Equations(gtot_str + "\n" + I0_str)

        # Equations for morphology
        # TODO: check whether Cm and Ri are already in the equations
        #       no: should be shared instead of constant
        #       yes: should be constant (check)
        eqs_constants = Equations("""
        diameter : meter (constant)
        length : meter (constant)
        x : meter (constant)
        y : meter (constant)
        z : meter (constant)
        distance : meter (constant)
        area : meter**2 (constant)
        Cm : farad/meter**2 (constant)
        Ri : ohm*meter (constant, shared)
        space_constant = (diameter/(4*Ri*gtot__private))**.5 : meter # Not so sure about the name

        ### Parameters and intermediate variables for solving the cable equation
        ab_star0 : siemens/meter**2
        ab_plus0 : siemens/meter**2
        ab_minus0 : siemens/meter**2
        ab_star1 : siemens/meter**2
        ab_plus1 : siemens/meter**2
        ab_minus1 : siemens/meter**2
        ab_star2 : siemens/meter**2
        ab_plus2 : siemens/meter**2
        ab_minus2 : siemens/meter**2
        b_plus : siemens/meter**2
        b_minus : siemens/meter**2
        v_star : volt
        u_plus : 1
        u_minus : 1
        # The following two are only necessary for C code where we cannot deal
        # with scalars and arrays interchangeably
        gtot_all : siemens/meter**2
        I0_all : amp/meter**2
        # Possibilities for the name: characteristic_length, electrotonic_length, length_constant, space_constant

        # Insert morphology
        self.morphology = morphology

        # Link morphology variables to neuron's state variables
        self.morphology_data = MorphologyData(len(morphology))

                             model=model + eqs_constants,

        self.Cm = Cm
        self.Ri = Ri
        # TODO: View instead of copy for runtime?
        self.diameter_ = self.morphology_data.diameter
        self.distance_ = self.morphology_data.distance
        self.length_ = self.morphology_data.length
        self.area_ = self.morphology_data.area
        self.x_ = self.morphology_data.x
        self.y_ = self.morphology_data.y
        self.z_ = self.morphology_data.z

        # Performs numerical integration step
        self.diffusion_state_updater = SpatialStateUpdater(self,

        # Creation of contained_objects that do the work