Beispiel #1
    def __init__(self,
                 method=('exact', 'euler', 'heun'),
        if dtype is None:
            dtype = {}
        if isinstance(dtype, collections.MutableMapping):
            dtype['lastspike'] = self._clock.variables['t'].dtype

        self.codeobj_class = codeobj_class

            self._N = N = int(N)
        except ValueError:
            if isinstance(N, str):
                raise TypeError(
                    "First NeuronGroup argument should be size, not equations."
        if N < 1:
            raise ValueError("NeuronGroup size should be at least 1, was " +

        self.start = 0
        self.stop = self._N

        ##### Prepare and validate equations
        if isinstance(model, basestring):
            model = Equations(model)
        if not isinstance(model, Equations):
            raise TypeError(('model has to be a string or an Equations '
                             'object, is "%s" instead.') % type(model))

        # Check flags
            DIFFERENTIAL_EQUATION: ('unless refractory', ),
            PARAMETER: ('constant', 'shared', 'linked'),
            SUBEXPRESSION: ('shared', 'constant over dt')

        # add refractoriness
        #: The original equations as specified by the user (i.e. without
        #: the multiplied `int(not_refractory)` term for equations marked as
        #: `(unless refractory)`)
        self.user_equations = model
        if refractory is not False:
            model = add_refractoriness(model)
        uses_refractoriness = len(model) and any([
            'unless refractory' in eq.flags
            for eq in model.values() if eq.type == DIFFERENTIAL_EQUATION

        # Separate subexpressions depending whether they are considered to be
        # constant over a time step or not
        model, constant_over_dt = extract_constant_subexpressions(model)
        self.equations = model

        self._linked_variables = set()
        logger.diagnostic("Creating NeuronGroup of size {self._N}, "
                          "equations {self.equations}.".format(self=self))

        if namespace is None:
            namespace = {}
        #: The group-specific namespace
        self.namespace = namespace

        # All of the following will be created in before_run

        #: The refractory condition or timespan
        self._refractory = refractory
        if uses_refractoriness and refractory is False:
                'Model equations use the "unless refractory" flag but '
                'no refractory keyword was given.', 'no_refractory')

        #: The state update method selected by the user
        self.method_choice = method

        if events is None:
            events = {}

        if threshold is not None:
            if 'spike' in events:
                raise ValueError(("The NeuronGroup defines both a threshold "
                                  "and a 'spike' event"))
            events['spike'] = threshold

        # Setup variables
        # Since we have to create _spikespace and possibly other "eventspace"
        # variables, we pass the supported events
        self._create_variables(dtype, events=list(events.keys()))

        #: Events supported by this group = events

        #: Code that is triggered on events (e.g. reset)
        self.event_codes = {}

        #: Checks the spike threshold (or abitrary user-defined events)
        self.thresholder = {}

        #: Reset neurons which have spiked (or perform arbitrary actions for
        #: user-defined events)
        self.resetter = {}

        for event_name in events.keys():
            if not isinstance(event_name, basestring):
                raise TypeError(('Keys in the "events" dictionary have to be '
                                 'strings, not type %s.') % type(event_name))
            if not _valid_event_name(event_name):
                raise TypeError(("The name '%s' cannot be used as an event "
                                 "name.") % event_name)
            # By default, user-defined events are checked after the threshold
            when = 'thresholds' if event_name == 'spike' else 'after_thresholds'
            # creating a Thresholder will take care of checking the validity
            # of the condition
            thresholder = Thresholder(self, event=event_name, when=when)
            self.thresholder[event_name] = thresholder

        if reset is not None:
            self.run_on_event('spike', reset, when='resets')

        #: Performs numerical integration step
        self.state_updater = StateUpdater(self, method, method_options)

        #: Update the "constant over a time step" subexpressions
        self.subexpression_updater = None
        if len(constant_over_dt):
            self.subexpression_updater = SubexpressionUpdater(
                self, constant_over_dt)

        if refractory is not False:
            # Set the refractoriness information
            self.variables['lastspike'].set_value(-1e4 * second)

        # Activate name attribute access
Beispiel #2
    def __init__(self, morphology=None, model=None, threshold=None,
                 refractory=False, reset=None, events=None,
                 dt=None, clock=None, order=0, Cm=0.9 * uF / cm ** 2, Ri=150 * ohm * cm,
                 name='spatialneuron*', dtype=None, namespace=None,
                 method=('exact', 'exponential_euler', 'rk2', 'heun'),

        # #### Prepare and validate equations
        if isinstance(model, basestring):
            model = Equations(model)
        if not isinstance(model, Equations):
            raise TypeError(('model has to be a string or an Equations '
                             'object, is "%s" instead.') % type(model))

        # Insert the threshold mechanism at the specified location
        if threshold_location is not None:
            if hasattr(threshold_location,
                       '_indices'):  # assuming this is a method
                threshold_location = threshold_location._indices()
                # for now, only a single compartment allowed
                if len(threshold_location) == 1:
                    threshold_location = threshold_location[0]
                    raise AttributeError(('Threshold can only be applied on a '
                                          'single location'))
            threshold = '(' + threshold + ') and (i == ' + str(threshold_location) + ')'

        # Check flags (we have point currents)
        model.check_flags({DIFFERENTIAL_EQUATION: ('point current',),
                           PARAMETER: ('constant', 'shared', 'linked', 'point current'),
                           SUBEXPRESSION: ('shared', 'point current',
                                           'constant over dt')})
        #: The original equations as specified by the user (i.e. before
        #: inserting point-currents into the membrane equation, before adding
        #: all the internally used variables and constants, etc.).
        self.user_equations = model

        # Separate subexpressions depending whether they are considered to be
        # constant over a time step or not (this would also be done by the
        # NeuronGroup initializer later, but this would give incorrect results
        # for the linearity check)
        model, constant_over_dt = extract_constant_subexpressions(model)

        # Extract membrane equation
        if 'Im' in model:
            if len(model['Im'].flags):
                raise TypeError('Cannot specify any flags for the transmembrane '
                                'current Im.')
            membrane_expr = model['Im'].expr  # the membrane equation
            raise TypeError('The transmembrane current Im must be defined')

        model_equations = []
        # Insert point currents in the membrane equation
        for eq in model.values():
            if eq.varname == 'Im':
                continue  # ignore -- handled separately
            if 'point current' in eq.flags:
                fail_for_dimension_mismatch(eq.dim, amp,
                                            "Point current " + eq.varname + " should be in amp")
                membrane_expr = Expression(
                    str(membrane_expr.code) + '+' + eq.varname + '/area')
                eq = SingleEquation(eq.type, eq.varname, eq.dim, expr=eq.expr,
                                    flags=list(set(eq.flags)-set(['point current'])))

        model_equations.append(SingleEquation(SUBEXPRESSION, 'Im',
        model_equations.append(SingleEquation(PARAMETER, 'v', volt.dim))
        model = Equations(model_equations)

        ###### Process model equations (Im) to extract total conductance and the remaining current
        # Expand expressions in the membrane equation
        for var, expr in model.get_substituted_expressions(include_subexpressions=True):
            if var == 'Im':
                Im_expr = expr
            raise AssertionError('Model equations did not contain Im!')

        # Differentiate Im with respect to v
        Im_sympy_exp = str_to_sympy(Im_expr.code)
        v_sympy = sp.Symbol('v', real=True)
        diffed = sp.diff(Im_sympy_exp, v_sympy)

        unevaled_derivatives = diffed.atoms(sp.Derivative)
        if len(unevaled_derivatives):
            raise TypeError('Cannot take the derivative of "{Im}" with respect '
                            'to v.'.format(Im=Im_expr.code))

        gtot_str = sympy_to_str(sp.simplify(-diffed))
        I0_str = sympy_to_str(sp.simplify(Im_sympy_exp - diffed*v_sympy))

        if gtot_str == '0':
            gtot_str += '*siemens/meter**2'
        if I0_str == '0':
            I0_str += '*amp/meter**2'
        gtot_str = "gtot__private=" + gtot_str + ": siemens/meter**2"
        I0_str = "I0__private=" + I0_str + ": amp/meter**2"

        model += Equations(gtot_str + "\n" + I0_str)

        # Insert morphology (store a copy)
        self.morphology = copy.deepcopy(morphology)

        # Flatten the morphology
        self.flat_morphology = FlatMorphology(morphology)

        # Equations for morphology
        # TODO: check whether Cm and Ri are already in the equations
        #       no: should be shared instead of constant
        #       yes: should be constant (check)
        eqs_constants = Equations("""
        length : meter (constant)
        distance : meter (constant)
        area : meter**2 (constant)
        volume : meter**3
        Ic : amp/meter**2
        diameter : meter (constant)
        Cm : farad/meter**2 (constant)
        Ri : ohm*meter (constant, shared)
        r_length_1 : meter (constant)
        r_length_2 : meter (constant)
        time_constant = Cm/gtot__private : second
        space_constant = (2/pi)**(1.0/3.0) * (area/(1/r_length_1 + 1/r_length_2))**(1.0/6.0) /
                         (2*(Ri*gtot__private)**(1.0/2.0)) : meter
        if self.flat_morphology.has_coordinates:
            eqs_constants += Equations('''
            x : meter (constant)
            y : meter (constant)
            z : meter (constant)

        NeuronGroup.__init__(self, morphology.total_compartments,
                             model=model + eqs_constants,
                             threshold=threshold, refractory=refractory,
                             reset=reset, events=events,
                             method=method, dt=dt, clock=clock, order=order,
                             namespace=namespace, dtype=dtype, name=name)
        # Parameters and intermediate variables for solving the cable equations
        # Note that some of these variables could have meaningful physical
        # units (e.g. _v_star is in volt, _I0_all is in amp/meter**2 etc.) but
        # since these variables should never be used in user code, we don't
        # assign them any units
        self.variables.add_arrays(['_ab_star0', '_ab_star1', '_ab_star2',
                                   '_b_plus', '_b_minus',
                                   '_v_star', '_u_plus', '_u_minus',
                                   '_v_previous', '_c',
                                   # The following two are only necessary for
                                   # C code where we cannot deal with scalars
                                   # and arrays interchangeably:
                                   '_I0_all', '_gtot_all'],
                                  size=self.N, read_only=True)

        self.Cm = Cm
        self.Ri = Ri
        # These explict assignments will load the morphology values from disk
        # in standalone mode
        self.distance_ = self.flat_morphology.distance
        self.length_ = self.flat_morphology.length
        self.area_ = self.flat_morphology.area
        self.diameter_ = self.flat_morphology.diameter
        self.r_length_1_ = self.flat_morphology.r_length_1
        self.r_length_2_ = self.flat_morphology.r_length_2
        if self.flat_morphology.has_coordinates:
            self.x_ = self.flat_morphology.x
            self.y_ = self.flat_morphology.y
            self.z_ = self.flat_morphology.z

        # Performs numerical integration step
        self.diffusion_state_updater = SpatialStateUpdater(self, method,

        # Update v after the gating variables to obtain consistent Ic and Im
        self.diffusion_state_updater.order = 1

        # Creation of contained_objects that do the work

        if len(constant_over_dt):
            self.subexpression_updater = SubexpressionUpdater(self,