def __init__(self, jira_url, jira_user, jira_pass, settings): self.settings = settings self.jira = JIRA(jira_url, jira_user, jira_pass)
class JIRAHook(object): def __init__(self, jira_url, jira_user, jira_pass, settings): self.settings = settings self.jira = JIRA(jira_url, jira_user, jira_pass) def _bugSubject(self): # helper method -- return a subject for this particluar bug. return "Metro QA: %s (%s) failure on %s" % ( self.settings["target/build"], self.settings["target/subarch"], self.hostname() ) def hostname(self): return socket.gethostname() def info(self): out = {} for x in [ "build", "arch_desc", "subarch", "version" ]: k = "target/" + x if self.settings.has_key(k): out[x] = self.settings[k] if "target" in self.settings: out["target"] = self.settings["target"] if "path/mirror/target/path" in self.settings: out["path"] = self.settings["path/mirror/target/path"] err_fn = out["path"] + "/log/errors.json" if os.path.exists(err_fn): a = open(err_fn,"r") out["failed_ebuilds"] = json.loads( a.close() if "success" in self.settings: out["success"] = self.settings["success"] return out def _allMatching(self): i = self.jira.getAllIssues({'jql' : 'Summary ~ "\\"%s\\"" and project = QA and status != closed' % self._bugSubject(), 'maxresults' : 1000 }) if i != None and "issues" in i: return i["issues"] else: return [] def _existingBug(self): # helper method -- does an existing bug for this build failure exist? return len(self._allMatching()) != 0 def onFailure(self): matching = self._allMatching() if not matching: print("no matching issues... creating one.") # If one doesn't exist, create a new issue... jira_key = self.jira.createIssue( project='QA', title= self._bugSubject(), description="A build failure has occurred. Details below:\n{code}\n" + json.dumps(, indent=4, sort_keys=True) + "\n{code}\n" ) print(jira_key) else: print("found a matching issue.") # Update comment with new build failure info, to avoid creating a brand new bug. for match in matching: print("processing issue (comment)") self.jira.commentOnIssue(match,"Another build failure has occurred. Details below:\n{code}\n" + json.dumps(, indent=4, sort_keys=True) + "\n{code}\n" ) def onSuccess(self): for i in self._allMatching(): print("Closing matching issue %s" % i['key']) self.jira.commentOnIssue(i,"Build completed successfully. Closing. Details below:\n{code}\n" + json.dumps(, indent=4, sort_keys=True) + "\n{code}\n" ) self.jira.closeIssue(i) def run(self): if self.settings["success"] == "yes": return self.onSuccess() else: return self.onFailure()
class JIRAHook(object): def __init__(self, jira_url, jira_user, jira_pass, settings): self.settings = settings self.jira = JIRA(jira_url, jira_user, jira_pass) def _bugSubject(self): # helper method -- return a subject for this particluar bug. return "Metro QA: %s (%s) failure on %s" % ( self.settings["target/build"], self.settings["target/subarch"], self.hostname()) def hostname(self): return socket.gethostname() def info(self): out = {} for x in ["build", "arch_desc", "subarch", "version"]: k = "target/" + x if self.settings.has_key(k): out[x] = self.settings[k] if "target" in self.settings: out["target"] = self.settings["target"] if "path/mirror/target/path" in self.settings: out["path"] = self.settings["path/mirror/target/path"] err_fn = out["path"] + "/log/errors.json" if os.path.exists(err_fn): a = open(err_fn, "r") out["failed_ebuilds"] = json.loads( a.close() if "success" in self.settings: out["success"] = self.settings["success"] return out def _allMatching(self): i = self.jira.getAllIssues({ 'jql': 'Summary ~ "\\"%s\\"" and project = QA and status != closed' % self._bugSubject(), 'maxresults': 1000 }) if i != None and "issues" in i: return i["issues"] else: return [] def _existingBug(self): # helper method -- does an existing bug for this build failure exist? return len(self._allMatching()) != 0 def onFailure(self): matching = self._allMatching() if not matching: print("no matching issues... creating one.") # If one doesn't exist, create a new issue... jira_key = self.jira.createIssue( project='QA', title=self._bugSubject(), description= "A build failure has occurred. Details below:\n{code}\n" + json.dumps(, indent=4, sort_keys=True) + "\n{code}\n") print(jira_key) else: print("found a matching issue.") # Update comment with new build failure info, to avoid creating a brand new bug. for match in matching: print("processing issue (comment)") self.jira.commentOnIssue( match, "Another build failure has occurred. Details below:\n{code}\n" + json.dumps(, indent=4, sort_keys=True) + "\n{code}\n") def onSuccess(self): for i in self._allMatching(): print("Closing matching issue %s" % i['key']) self.jira.commentOnIssue( i, "Build completed successfully. Closing. Details below:\n{code}\n" + json.dumps(, indent=4, sort_keys=True) + "\n{code}\n") self.jira.closeIssue(i) def run(self): if self.settings["success"] == "yes": return self.onSuccess() else: return self.onFailure()