Beispiel #1
 def read_block_anchors(self, doc):
     doc_anchors = frozenset(XPath('./w:body/w:bookmarkStart[@w:name]')(doc))
     if doc_anchors:
         current_bm = None
         rmap = {v:k for k, v in self.object_map.iteritems()}
         for p in descendants(doc, 'w:p', 'w:bookmarkStart[@w:name]'):
             if p.tag.endswith('}p'):
                 if current_bm and p in rmap:
                     para = rmap[p]
                     if 'id' not in para.attrib:
                         para.set('id', generate_anchor(current_bm, frozenset(self.anchor_map.itervalues())))
                     self.anchor_map[current_bm] = para.get('id')
                     current_bm = None
             elif p in doc_anchors:
                 current_bm = get(p, 'w:name')
Beispiel #2
 def read_block_anchors(self, doc):
     doc_anchors = frozenset(XPath('./w:body/w:bookmarkStart[@w:name]')(doc))
     if doc_anchors:
         current_bm = None
         rmap = {v:k for k, v in self.object_map.iteritems()}
         for p in descendants(doc, 'w:p', 'w:bookmarkStart[@w:name]'):
             if p.tag.endswith('}p'):
                 if current_bm and p in rmap:
                     para = rmap[p]
                     if 'id' not in para.attrib:
                         para.set('id', generate_anchor(current_bm, frozenset(self.anchor_map.itervalues())))
                     self.anchor_map[current_bm] = para.get('id')
                     current_bm = None
             elif p in doc_anchors:
                 current_bm = get(p, 'w:name')
Beispiel #3
 def read_block_anchors(self, doc):
     doc_anchors = frozenset(self.namespace.XPath('./w:body/w:bookmarkStart[@w:name]')(doc))
     if doc_anchors:
         current_bm = set()
         rmap = {v:k for k, v in iteritems(self.object_map)}
         for p in self.namespace.descendants(doc, 'w:p', 'w:bookmarkStart[@w:name]'):
             if p.tag.endswith('}p'):
                 if current_bm and p in rmap:
                     para = rmap[p]
                     if 'id' not in para.attrib:
                         para.set('id', generate_anchor(next(iter(current_bm)), frozenset(itervalues(self.anchor_map))))
                     for name in current_bm:
                         self.anchor_map[name] = para.get('id')
                     current_bm = set()
             elif p in doc_anchors:
                 anchor = self.namespace.get(p, 'w:name')
                 if anchor:
Beispiel #4
 def read_block_anchors(self, doc):
     doc_anchors = frozenset(self.namespace.XPath('./w:body/w:bookmarkStart[@w:name]')(doc))
     if doc_anchors:
         current_bm = set()
         rmap = {v:k for k, v in self.object_map.iteritems()}
         for p in self.namespace.descendants(doc, 'w:p', 'w:bookmarkStart[@w:name]'):
             if p.tag.endswith('}p'):
                 if current_bm and p in rmap:
                     para = rmap[p]
                     if 'id' not in para.attrib:
                         para.set('id', generate_anchor(next(iter(current_bm)), frozenset(self.anchor_map.itervalues())))
                     for name in current_bm:
                         self.anchor_map[name] = para.get('id')
                     current_bm = set()
             elif p in doc_anchors:
                 anchor = self.namespace.get(p, 'w:name')
                 if anchor:
Beispiel #5
    def convert_p(self, p):
        dest = P()
        self.object_map[dest] = p
        style = self.styles.resolve_paragraph(p)
        self.layers[p] = []
        self.frame_map[p] = style.frame
        self.add_frame(dest, style.frame)

        current_anchor = None
        current_hyperlink = None
        hl_xpath = self.namespace.XPath('ancestor::w:hyperlink[1]')

        def p_parent(x):
            # Ensure that nested <w:p> tags are handled. These can occur if a
            # textbox is present inside a paragraph.
            while True:
                x = x.getparent()
                    if x.tag.endswith('}p'):
                        return x
                except AttributeError:

        for x in self.namespace.descendants(p, 'w:r', 'w:bookmarkStart', 'w:hyperlink', 'w:instrText'):
            if p_parent(x) is not p:
            if x.tag.endswith('}r'):
                span = self.convert_run(x)
                if current_anchor is not None:
                    (dest if len(dest) == 0 else span).set('id', current_anchor)
                    current_anchor = None
                if current_hyperlink is not None:
                        hl = hl_xpath(x)[0]
                        self.link_source_map[hl] = self.current_rels
                        x.set('is-link', '1')
                    except IndexError:
                        current_hyperlink = None
            elif x.tag.endswith('}bookmarkStart'):
                anchor = self.namespace.get(x, 'w:name')
                if anchor and anchor not in self.anchor_map and anchor != '_GoBack':
                    # _GoBack is a special bookmark inserted by Word 2010 for
                    # the return to previous edit feature, we ignore it
                    old_anchor = current_anchor
                    self.anchor_map[anchor] = current_anchor = generate_anchor(anchor, frozenset(itervalues(self.anchor_map)))
                    if old_anchor is not None:
                        # The previous anchor was not applied to any element
                        for a, t in tuple(iteritems(self.anchor_map)):
                            if t == old_anchor:
                                self.anchor_map[a] = current_anchor
            elif x.tag.endswith('}hyperlink'):
                current_hyperlink = x
            elif x.tag.endswith('}instrText') and x.text and x.text.strip().startswith('TOC '):
                old_anchor = current_anchor
                anchor = unicode_type(uuid.uuid4())
                self.anchor_map[anchor] = current_anchor = generate_anchor('toc', frozenset(itervalues(self.anchor_map)))
                self.toc_anchor = current_anchor
                if old_anchor is not None:
                    # The previous anchor was not applied to any element
                    for a, t in tuple(iteritems(self.anchor_map)):
                        if t == old_anchor:
                            self.anchor_map[a] = current_anchor
        if current_anchor is not None:
            # This paragraph had no <w:r> descendants
            dest.set('id', current_anchor)
            current_anchor = None

        m = re.match(r'heading\s+(\d+)$', style.style_name or '', re.IGNORECASE)
        if m is not None:
            n = min(6, max(1, int(
            dest.tag = 'h%d' % n

        if style.bidi is True:
            dest.set('dir', 'rtl')

        border_runs = []
        common_borders = []
        for span in dest:
            run = self.object_map[span]
            style = self.styles.resolve_run(run)
            if not border_runs or border_runs[-1][1].same_border(style):
                border_runs.append((span, style))
            elif border_runs:
                if len(border_runs) > 1:
                border_runs = []

        for border_run in common_borders:
            spans = []
            bs = {}
            for span, style in border_run:
            if bs:
                cls = self.styles.register(bs, 'text_border')
                wrapper = self.wrap_elems(spans, SPAN())
                wrapper.set('class', cls)

        if not dest.text and len(dest) == 0 and not style.has_visible_border():
            # Empty paragraph add a non-breaking space so that it is rendered
            # by WebKit
            dest.text = NBSP

        # If the last element in a block is a <br> the <br> is not rendered in
        # HTML, unless it is followed by a trailing space. Word, on the other
        # hand inserts a blank line for trailing <br>s.
        if len(dest) > 0 and not dest[-1].tail:
            if dest[-1].tag == 'br':
                dest[-1].tail = NBSP
            elif len(dest[-1]) > 0 and dest[-1][-1].tag == 'br' and not dest[-1][-1].tail:
                dest[-1][-1].tail = NBSP

        return dest
Beispiel #6
    def convert_p(self, p):
        dest = P()
        self.object_map[dest] = p
        style = self.styles.resolve_paragraph(p)
        self.layers[p] = []
        self.add_frame(dest, style.frame)

        current_anchor = None
        current_hyperlink = None

        for x in descendants(p, "w:r", "w:bookmarkStart", "w:hyperlink"):
            if x.tag.endswith("}r"):
                span = self.convert_run(x)
                if current_anchor is not None:
                    (dest if len(dest) == 0 else span).set("id", current_anchor)
                    current_anchor = None
                if current_hyperlink is not None:
                    hl = ancestor(x, "w:hyperlink")
                    if hl is not None:
                        current_hyperlink = None
            elif x.tag.endswith("}bookmarkStart"):
                anchor = get(x, "w:name")
                if anchor and anchor not in self.anchor_map:
                    self.anchor_map[anchor] = current_anchor = generate_anchor(
                        anchor, frozenset(self.anchor_map.itervalues())
            elif x.tag.endswith("}hyperlink"):
                current_hyperlink = x

        m = re.match(r"heading\s+(\d+)$", style.style_name or "", re.IGNORECASE)
        if m is not None:
            n = min(6, max(1, int(
            dest.tag = "h%d" % n

        if style.direction == "rtl":
            dest.set("dir", "rtl")

        border_runs = []
        common_borders = []
        for span in dest:
            run = self.object_map[span]
            style = self.styles.resolve_run(run)
            if not border_runs or border_runs[-1][1].same_border(style):
                border_runs.append((span, style))
            elif border_runs:
                if len(border_runs) > 1:
                border_runs = []

        for border_run in common_borders:
            spans = []
            bs = {}
            for span, style in border_run:
            if bs:
                cls = self.styles.register(bs, "text_border")
                wrapper = self.wrap_elems(spans, SPAN())
                wrapper.set("class", cls)

        return dest
Beispiel #7
    def convert_p(self, p):
        dest = P()
        self.object_map[dest] = p
        style = self.styles.resolve_paragraph(p)
        self.layers[p] = []
        self.add_frame(dest, style.frame)

        current_anchor = None
        current_hyperlink = None
        hl_xpath = XPath('ancestor::w:hyperlink[1]')

        def p_parent(x):
            # Ensure that nested <w:p> tags are handled. These can occur if a
            # textbox is present inside a paragraph.
            while True:
                x = x.getparent()
                    if x.tag.endswith('}p'):
                        return x
                except AttributeError:

        for x in descendants(p, 'w:r', 'w:bookmarkStart', 'w:hyperlink'):
            if p_parent(x) is not p:
            if x.tag.endswith('}r'):
                span = self.convert_run(x)
                if current_anchor is not None:
                    (dest if len(dest) == 0 else span).set('id', current_anchor)
                    current_anchor = None
                if current_hyperlink is not None:
                        hl = hl_xpath(x)[0]
                        self.link_source_map[hl] = self.current_rels
                        x.set('is-link', '1')
                    except IndexError:
                        current_hyperlink = None
            elif x.tag.endswith('}bookmarkStart'):
                anchor = get(x, 'w:name')
                if anchor and anchor not in self.anchor_map:
                    old_anchor = current_anchor
                    self.anchor_map[anchor] = current_anchor = generate_anchor(anchor, frozenset(self.anchor_map.itervalues()))
                    if old_anchor is not None:
                        # The previous anchor was not applied to any element
                        for a, t in tuple(self.anchor_map.iteritems()):
                            if t == old_anchor:
                                self.anchor_map[a] = current_anchor
            elif x.tag.endswith('}hyperlink'):
                current_hyperlink = x

        m = re.match(r'heading\s+(\d+)$', style.style_name or '', re.IGNORECASE)
        if m is not None:
            n = min(6, max(1, int(
            dest.tag = 'h%d' % n

        if style.direction == 'rtl':
            dest.set('dir', 'rtl')

        border_runs = []
        common_borders = []
        for span in dest:
            run = self.object_map[span]
            style = self.styles.resolve_run(run)
            if not border_runs or border_runs[-1][1].same_border(style):
                border_runs.append((span, style))
            elif border_runs:
                if len(border_runs) > 1:
                border_runs = []

        for border_run in common_borders:
            spans = []
            bs = {}
            for span, style in border_run:
            if bs:
                cls = self.styles.register(bs, 'text_border')
                wrapper = self.wrap_elems(spans, SPAN())
                wrapper.set('class', cls)

        if not dest.text and len(dest) == 0:
            # Empty paragraph add a non-breaking space so that it is rendered
            # by WebKit
            dest.text = NBSP

        # If the last element in a block is a <br> the <br> is not rendered in
        # HTML, unless it is followed by a trailing space. Word, on the other
        # hand inserts a blank line for trailing <br>s.
        if len(dest) > 0 and not dest[-1].tail:
            if dest[-1].tag == 'br':
                dest[-1].tail = NBSP
            elif len(dest[-1]) > 0 and dest[-1][-1].tag == 'br' and not dest[-1][-1].tail:
                dest[-1][-1].tail = NBSP

        return dest
Beispiel #8
    def convert_p(self, p):
        dest = P()
        self.object_map[dest] = p
        style = self.styles.resolve_paragraph(p)
        self.layers[p] = []
        self.add_frame(dest, style.frame)

        current_anchor = None
        current_hyperlink = None

        for x in descendants(p, 'w:r', 'w:bookmarkStart', 'w:hyperlink'):
            if x.tag.endswith('}r'):
                span = self.convert_run(x)
                if current_anchor is not None:
                    (dest if len(dest) == 0 else span).set(
                        'id', current_anchor)
                    current_anchor = None
                if current_hyperlink is not None:
                    hl = ancestor(x, 'w:hyperlink')
                    if hl is not None:
                        current_hyperlink = None
            elif x.tag.endswith('}bookmarkStart'):
                anchor = get(x, 'w:name')
                if anchor and anchor not in self.anchor_map:
                    self.anchor_map[anchor] = current_anchor = generate_anchor(
                        anchor, frozenset(self.anchor_map.itervalues()))
            elif x.tag.endswith('}hyperlink'):
                current_hyperlink = x

        m = re.match(r'heading\s+(\d+)$', style.style_name or '',
        if m is not None:
            n = min(6, max(1, int(
            dest.tag = 'h%d' % n

        if style.direction == 'rtl':
            dest.set('dir', 'rtl')

        border_runs = []
        common_borders = []
        for span in dest:
            run = self.object_map[span]
            style = self.styles.resolve_run(run)
            if not border_runs or border_runs[-1][1].same_border(style):
                border_runs.append((span, style))
            elif border_runs:
                if len(border_runs) > 1:
                border_runs = []

        for border_run in common_borders:
            spans = []
            bs = {}
            for span, style in border_run:
            if bs:
                cls = self.styles.register(bs, 'text_border')
                wrapper = self.wrap_elems(spans, SPAN())
                wrapper.set('class', cls)

        return dest
Beispiel #9
    def convert_p(self, p):
        dest = P()
        self.object_map[dest] = p
        style = self.styles.resolve_paragraph(p)
        self.layers[p] = []
        self.add_frame(dest, style.frame)

        current_anchor = None
        current_hyperlink = None
        hl_xpath = XPath('ancestor::w:hyperlink[1]')

        for x in descendants(p, 'w:r', 'w:bookmarkStart', 'w:hyperlink'):
            if x.tag.endswith('}r'):
                span = self.convert_run(x)
                if current_anchor is not None:
                    (dest if len(dest) == 0 else span).set('id', current_anchor)
                    current_anchor = None
                if current_hyperlink is not None:
                        hl = hl_xpath(x)[0]
                    except IndexError:
                        current_hyperlink = None
            elif x.tag.endswith('}bookmarkStart'):
                anchor = get(x, 'w:name')
                if anchor and anchor not in self.anchor_map:
                    self.anchor_map[anchor] = current_anchor = generate_anchor(anchor, frozenset(self.anchor_map.itervalues()))
            elif x.tag.endswith('}hyperlink'):
                current_hyperlink = x

        m = re.match(r'heading\s+(\d+)$', style.style_name or '', re.IGNORECASE)
        if m is not None:
            n = min(6, max(1, int(
            dest.tag = 'h%d' % n

        if style.direction == 'rtl':
            dest.set('dir', 'rtl')

        border_runs = []
        common_borders = []
        for span in dest:
            run = self.object_map[span]
            style = self.styles.resolve_run(run)
            if not border_runs or border_runs[-1][1].same_border(style):
                border_runs.append((span, style))
            elif border_runs:
                if len(border_runs) > 1:
                border_runs = []

        for border_run in common_borders:
            spans = []
            bs = {}
            for span, style in border_run:
            if bs:
                cls = self.styles.register(bs, 'text_border')
                wrapper = self.wrap_elems(spans, SPAN())
                wrapper.set('class', cls)

        if not dest.text and len(dest) == 0:
            # Empty paragraph add a non-breaking space so that it is rendered
            # by WebKit
            dest.text = '\xa0'
        return dest
Beispiel #10
    def convert_p(self, p):
        dest = P()
        self.object_map[dest] = p
        style = self.styles.resolve_paragraph(p)
        self.layers[p] = []
        self.add_frame(dest, style.frame)

        current_anchor = None
        current_hyperlink = None
        hl_xpath = XPath('ancestor::w:hyperlink[1]')

        for x in descendants(p, 'w:r', 'w:bookmarkStart', 'w:hyperlink'):
            if x.tag.endswith('}r'):
                span = self.convert_run(x)
                if current_anchor is not None:
                    (dest if len(dest) == 0 else span).set(
                        'id', current_anchor)
                    current_anchor = None
                if current_hyperlink is not None:
                        hl = hl_xpath(x)[0]
                        self.link_source_map[hl] = self.current_rels
                        x.set('is-link', '1')
                    except IndexError:
                        current_hyperlink = None
            elif x.tag.endswith('}bookmarkStart'):
                anchor = get(x, 'w:name')
                if anchor and anchor not in self.anchor_map:
                    old_anchor = current_anchor
                    self.anchor_map[anchor] = current_anchor = generate_anchor(
                        anchor, frozenset(self.anchor_map.itervalues()))
                    if old_anchor is not None:
                        # The previous anchor was not applied to any element
                        for a, t in tuple(self.anchor_map.iteritems()):
                            if t == old_anchor:
                                self.anchor_map[a] = current_anchor
            elif x.tag.endswith('}hyperlink'):
                current_hyperlink = x

        m = re.match(r'heading\s+(\d+)$', style.style_name or '',
        if m is not None:
            n = min(6, max(1, int(
            dest.tag = 'h%d' % n

        if style.direction == 'rtl':
            dest.set('dir', 'rtl')

        border_runs = []
        common_borders = []
        for span in dest:
            run = self.object_map[span]
            style = self.styles.resolve_run(run)
            if not border_runs or border_runs[-1][1].same_border(style):
                border_runs.append((span, style))
            elif border_runs:
                if len(border_runs) > 1:
                border_runs = []

        for border_run in common_borders:
            spans = []
            bs = {}
            for span, style in border_run:
            if bs:
                cls = self.styles.register(bs, 'text_border')
                wrapper = self.wrap_elems(spans, SPAN())
                wrapper.set('class', cls)

        if not dest.text and len(dest) == 0:
            # Empty paragraph add a non-breaking space so that it is rendered
            # by WebKit
            dest.text = NBSP

        # If the last element in a block is a <br> the <br> is not rendered in
        # HTML, unless it is followed by a trailing space. Word, on the other
        # hand inserts a blank line for trailing <br>s.
        if len(dest) > 0 and not dest[-1].tail:
            if dest[-1].tag == 'br':
                dest[-1].tail = NBSP
            elif len(dest[-1]) > 0 and dest[-1][
                    -1].tag == 'br' and not dest[-1][-1].tail:
                dest[-1][-1].tail = NBSP

        return dest