Beispiel #1
def rename_ntp_conf(confpath=None):
    """Rename any existing ntp client config file

    @param confpath: string. Specify a path to an existing ntp client
    configuration file.
    if os.path.exists(confpath):
        util.rename(confpath, confpath + ".dist")
Beispiel #2
def rename_ntp_conf(confpath=None):
    """Rename any existing ntp client config file

    @param confpath: string. Specify a path to an existing ntp client
    configuration file.
    if os.path.exists(confpath):
        util.rename(confpath, confpath + ".dist")
Beispiel #3
def rename_apt_lists(old_mirrors, new_mirrors, lists_d="/var/lib/apt/lists"):
    for (name, omirror) in old_mirrors.items():
        nmirror = new_mirrors.get(name)
        if not nmirror:
        oprefix = os.path.join(lists_d, mirror2lists_fileprefix(omirror))
        nprefix = os.path.join(lists_d, mirror2lists_fileprefix(nmirror))
        if oprefix == nprefix:
        olen = len(oprefix)
        for filename in glob.glob("%s_*" % oprefix):
            util.rename(filename, "%s%s" % (nprefix, filename[olen:]))
def rename_apt_lists(old_mirrors, new_mirrors, lists_d="/var/lib/apt/lists"):
    for (name, omirror) in old_mirrors.items():
        nmirror = new_mirrors.get(name)
        if not nmirror:
        oprefix = os.path.join(lists_d, mirror2lists_fileprefix(omirror))
        nprefix = os.path.join(lists_d, mirror2lists_fileprefix(nmirror))
        if oprefix == nprefix:
        olen = len(oprefix)
        for filename in glob.glob("%s_*" % oprefix):
            util.rename(filename, "%s%s" % (nprefix, filename[olen:]))
Beispiel #5
def handle(name, cfg, cloud, log, _args):

    # If there isn't a mcollective key in the configuration don't do anything
    if 'mcollective' not in cfg:
        log.debug(("Skipping module named %s, "
                   "no 'mcollective' key in configuration"), name)

    mcollective_cfg = cfg['mcollective']

    # Start by installing the mcollective package ...
    cloud.distro.install_packages(("mcollective", ))

    # ... and then update the mcollective configuration
    if 'conf' in mcollective_cfg:
        # Read server.cfg values from the
        # original file in order to be able to mix the rest up
        mcollective_config = ConfigObj(SERVER_CFG)
        # See:
        for (cfg_name, cfg) in mcollective_cfg['conf'].iteritems():
            if cfg_name == 'public-cert':
                util.write_file(PUBCERT_FILE, cfg, mode=0o644)
                mcollective_config['plugin.ssl_server_public'] = PUBCERT_FILE
                mcollective_config['securityprovider'] = 'ssl'
            elif cfg_name == 'private-cert':
                util.write_file(PRICERT_FILE, cfg, mode=0o600)
                mcollective_config['plugin.ssl_server_private'] = PRICERT_FILE
                mcollective_config['securityprovider'] = 'ssl'
                if isinstance(cfg, (basestring, str)):
                    # Just set it in the 'main' section
                    mcollective_config[cfg_name] = cfg
                elif isinstance(cfg, (dict)):
                    # Iterate through the config items, create a section
                    # if it is needed and then add/or create items as needed
                    if cfg_name not in mcollective_config.sections:
                        mcollective_config[cfg_name] = {}
                    for (o, v) in cfg.iteritems():
                        mcollective_config[cfg_name][o] = v
                    # Otherwise just try to convert it to a string
                    mcollective_config[cfg_name] = str(cfg)
        # We got all our config as wanted we'll rename
        # the previous server.cfg and create our new one
        util.rename(SERVER_CFG, "%s.old" % (SERVER_CFG))
        # Now we got the whole file, write to disk...
        contents = StringIO()
        contents = contents.getvalue()
        util.write_file(SERVER_CFG, contents, mode=0o644)

    # Start mcollective
    util.subp(['service', 'mcollective', 'start'], capture=False)
def handle(name, cfg, cloud, log, _args):

    # If there isn't a mcollective key in the configuration don't do anything
    if 'mcollective' not in cfg:
        log.debug(("Skipping module named %s, "
                   "no 'mcollective' key in configuration"), name)

    mcollective_cfg = cfg['mcollective']

    # Start by installing the mcollective package ...

    # ... and then update the mcollective configuration
    if 'conf' in mcollective_cfg:
        # Read server.cfg values from the
        # original file in order to be able to mix the rest up
        mcollective_config = ConfigObj(SERVER_CFG)
        # See:
        for (cfg_name, cfg) in mcollective_cfg['conf'].items():
            if cfg_name == 'public-cert':
                util.write_file(PUBCERT_FILE, cfg, mode=0o644)
                mcollective_config['plugin.ssl_server_public'] = PUBCERT_FILE
                mcollective_config['securityprovider'] = 'ssl'
            elif cfg_name == 'private-cert':
                util.write_file(PRICERT_FILE, cfg, mode=0o600)
                mcollective_config['plugin.ssl_server_private'] = PRICERT_FILE
                mcollective_config['securityprovider'] = 'ssl'
                if isinstance(cfg, six.string_types):
                    # Just set it in the 'main' section
                    mcollective_config[cfg_name] = cfg
                elif isinstance(cfg, (dict)):
                    # Iterate through the config items, create a section
                    # if it is needed and then add/or create items as needed
                    if cfg_name not in mcollective_config.sections:
                        mcollective_config[cfg_name] = {}
                    for (o, v) in cfg.items():
                        mcollective_config[cfg_name][o] = v
                    # Otherwise just try to convert it to a string
                    mcollective_config[cfg_name] = str(cfg)
        # We got all our config as wanted we'll rename
        # the previous server.cfg and create our new one
        util.rename(SERVER_CFG, "%s.old" % (SERVER_CFG))
        # Now we got the whole file, write to disk...
        contents = StringIO()
        contents = contents.getvalue()
        util.write_file(SERVER_CFG, contents, mode=0o644)

    # Start mcollective
    util.subp(['service', 'mcollective', 'start'], capture=False)
Beispiel #7
def configure(config, server_cfg=SERVER_CFG,
              pubcert_file=PUBCERT_FILE, pricert_file=PRICERT_FILE):
    # Read server.cfg values from the
    # original file in order to be able to mix the rest up
        mcollective_config = ConfigObj(server_cfg, file_error=True)
        existed = True
    except IOError:
        LOG.debug("Did not find file %s", server_cfg)
        mcollective_config = ConfigObj()
        existed = False

    for (cfg_name, cfg) in config.items():
        if cfg_name == 'public-cert':
            util.write_file(pubcert_file, cfg, mode=0o644)
                'plugin.ssl_server_public'] = pubcert_file
            mcollective_config['securityprovider'] = 'ssl'
        elif cfg_name == 'private-cert':
            util.write_file(pricert_file, cfg, mode=0o600)
                'plugin.ssl_server_private'] = pricert_file
            mcollective_config['securityprovider'] = 'ssl'
            if isinstance(cfg, six.string_types):
                # Just set it in the 'main' section
                mcollective_config[cfg_name] = cfg
            elif isinstance(cfg, (dict)):
                # Iterate through the config items, create a section if
                # it is needed and then add/or create items as needed
                if cfg_name not in mcollective_config.sections:
                    mcollective_config[cfg_name] = {}
                for (o, v) in cfg.items():
                    mcollective_config[cfg_name][o] = v
                # Otherwise just try to convert it to a string
                mcollective_config[cfg_name] = str(cfg)

    if existed:
        # We got all our config as wanted we'll rename
        # the previous server.cfg and create our new one
        util.rename(server_cfg, "%s.old" % (server_cfg))

    # Now we got the whole file, write to disk...
    contents = BytesIO()
    util.write_file(server_cfg, contents.getvalue(), mode=0o644)
Beispiel #8
def handle(name, cfg, cloud, log, _args):
    # If there isn't a puppet key in the configuration don't do anything
    if 'puppet' not in cfg:
        log.debug(("Skipping module named %s,"
                   " no 'puppet' configuration found"), name)

    puppet_cfg = cfg['puppet']
    # Start by installing the puppet package if necessary...
    install = util.get_cfg_option_bool(puppet_cfg, 'install', True)
    version = util.get_cfg_option_str(puppet_cfg, 'version', None)
    collection = util.get_cfg_option_str(puppet_cfg, 'collection', None)
    install_type = util.get_cfg_option_str(puppet_cfg, 'install_type',
    cleanup = util.get_cfg_option_bool(puppet_cfg, 'cleanup', True)
    run = util.get_cfg_option_bool(puppet_cfg, 'exec', default=False)
    aio_install_url = util.get_cfg_option_str(puppet_cfg,

    # AIO and distro packages use different paths
    if install_type == 'aio':
        puppet_user = '******'
        puppet_bin = '/opt/puppetlabs/bin/puppet'
        puppet_package = 'puppet-agent'
    else:  # default to 'packages'
        puppet_user = '******'
        puppet_bin = 'puppet'
        puppet_package = 'puppet'

    package_name = util.get_cfg_option_str(puppet_cfg, 'package_name',
    if not install and version:
        log.warning(("Puppet install set to false but version supplied,"
                     " doing nothing."))
    elif install:
        log.debug(("Attempting to install puppet %s from %s"),
                  version if version else 'latest', install_type)

        if install_type == "packages":
            cloud.distro.install_packages((package_name, version))
        elif install_type == "aio":
            install_puppet_aio(aio_install_url, version, collection, cleanup)
            log.warning("Unknown puppet install type '%s'", install_type)
            run = False

    conf_file = util.get_cfg_option_str(puppet_cfg, 'conf_file',
                                        get_config_value(puppet_bin, 'config'))
    ssl_dir = util.get_cfg_option_str(puppet_cfg, 'ssl_dir',
                                      get_config_value(puppet_bin, 'ssldir'))
    csr_attributes_path = util.get_cfg_option_str(
        puppet_cfg, 'csr_attributes_path',
        get_config_value(puppet_bin, 'csr_attributes'))

    p_constants = PuppetConstants(conf_file, ssl_dir, csr_attributes_path, log)

    # ... and then update the puppet configuration
    if 'conf' in puppet_cfg:
        # Add all sections from the conf object to puppet.conf
        contents = util.load_file(p_constants.conf_path)
        # Create object for reading puppet.conf values
        puppet_config = helpers.DefaultingConfigParser()
        # Read puppet.conf values from original file in order to be able to
        # mix the rest up. First clean them up
        # (TODO(harlowja) is this really needed??)
        cleaned_lines = [i.lstrip() for i in contents.splitlines()]
        cleaned_contents = '\n'.join(cleaned_lines)
        # Move to puppet_config.read_file when dropping py2.7
        for (cfg_name, cfg) in puppet_cfg['conf'].items():
            # Cert configuration is a special case
            # Dump the puppetserver ca certificate in the correct place
            if cfg_name == 'ca_cert':
                # Puppet ssl sub-directory isn't created yet
                # Create it with the proper permissions and ownership
                util.ensure_dir(p_constants.ssl_dir, 0o771)
                util.chownbyname(p_constants.ssl_dir, puppet_user, 'root')

                util.chownbyname(p_constants.ssl_cert_dir, puppet_user, 'root')
                util.write_file(p_constants.ssl_cert_path, cfg)
                util.chownbyname(p_constants.ssl_cert_path, puppet_user,
                # Iterate through the config items, we'll use ConfigParser.set
                # to overwrite or create new items as needed
                for (o, v) in cfg.items():
                    if o == 'certname':
                        # Expand %f as the fqdn
                        # TODO(harlowja) should this use the cloud fqdn??
                        v = v.replace("%f", socket.getfqdn())
                        # Expand %i as the instance id
                        v = v.replace("%i", cloud.get_instance_id())
                        # certname needs to be downcased
                        v = v.lower()
                    puppet_config.set(cfg_name, o, v)
            # We got all our config as wanted we'll rename
            # the previous puppet.conf and create our new one
                        "%s.old" % (p_constants.conf_path))
            util.write_file(p_constants.conf_path, puppet_config.stringify())

    if 'csr_attributes' in puppet_cfg:
            yaml.dump(puppet_cfg['csr_attributes'], default_flow_style=False))

    # Set it up so it autostarts

    # Run the agent if needed
    if run:
        log.debug('Running puppet-agent')
        cmd = [puppet_bin, 'agent']
        if 'exec_args' in puppet_cfg:
            cmd_args = puppet_cfg['exec_args']
            if isinstance(cmd_args, (list, tuple)):
            elif isinstance(cmd_args, str):
                    "Unknown type %s provided for puppet"
                    " 'exec_args' expected list, tuple,"
                    " or string", type(cmd_args))
        subp.subp(cmd, capture=False)

    # Start puppetd
    subp.subp(['service', 'puppet', 'start'], capture=False)
def handle(name, cfg, cloud, log, _args):
    # If there isn't a puppet key in the configuration don't do anything
    if 'puppet' not in cfg:
        log.debug(("Skipping module named %s,"
                   " no 'puppet' configuration found"), name)

    puppet_cfg = cfg['puppet']

    # Start by installing the puppet package if necessary...
    install = util.get_cfg_option_bool(puppet_cfg, 'install', True)
    version = util.get_cfg_option_str(puppet_cfg, 'version', None)
    if not install and version:
        log.warn(("Puppet install set false but version supplied,"
                  " doing nothing."))
    elif install:
        log.debug(("Attempting to install puppet %s,"),
                  version if version else 'latest')
        cloud.distro.install_packages(('puppet', version))

    # ... and then update the puppet configuration
    if 'conf' in puppet_cfg:
        # Add all sections from the conf object to puppet.conf
        contents = util.load_file(PUPPET_CONF_PATH)
        # Create object for reading puppet.conf values
        puppet_config = helpers.DefaultingConfigParser()
        # Read puppet.conf values from original file in order to be able to
        # mix the rest up. First clean them up
        # (TODO(harlowja) is this really needed??)
        cleaned_lines = [i.lstrip() for i in contents.splitlines()]
        cleaned_contents = '\n'.join(cleaned_lines)
        for (cfg_name, cfg) in puppet_cfg['conf'].iteritems():
            # Cert configuration is a special case
            # Dump the puppet master ca certificate in the correct place
            if cfg_name == 'ca_cert':
                # Puppet ssl sub-directory isn't created yet
                # Create it with the proper permissions and ownership
                util.ensure_dir(PUPPET_SSL_DIR, 0771)
                util.chownbyname(PUPPET_SSL_DIR, 'puppet', 'root')
                util.chownbyname(PUPPET_SSL_CERT_DIR, 'puppet', 'root')
                util.write_file(PUPPET_SSL_CERT_PATH, str(cfg))
                util.chownbyname(PUPPET_SSL_CERT_PATH, 'puppet', 'root')
                # Iterate throug the config items, we'll use ConfigParser.set
                # to overwrite or create new items as needed
                for (o, v) in cfg.iteritems():
                    if o == 'certname':
                        # Expand %f as the fqdn
                        # TODO(harlowja) should this use the cloud fqdn??
                        v = v.replace("%f", socket.getfqdn())
                        # Expand %i as the instance id
                        v = v.replace("%i", cloud.get_instance_id())
                        # certname needs to be downcased
                        v = v.lower()
                    puppet_config.set(cfg_name, o, v)
            # We got all our config as wanted we'll rename
            # the previous puppet.conf and create our new one
            util.rename(PUPPET_CONF_PATH, "%s.old" % (PUPPET_CONF_PATH))
            util.write_file(PUPPET_CONF_PATH, puppet_config.stringify())

    # Set it up so it autostarts

    # Start puppetd
    util.subp(['service', 'puppet', 'start'], capture=False)
Beispiel #10
def rename_ntp_conf(config=None):
    """Rename any existing ntp.conf file"""
    if config is None:  # For testing
        config = NTP_CONF
    if os.path.exists(config):
        util.rename(config, config + ".dist")
Beispiel #11
def rename_ntp_conf(config=NTP_CONF):
    if os.path.exists(config):
        util.rename(config, config + ".dist")
Beispiel #12
def handle(name, cfg, cloud, log, _args):
    # If there isn't a puppet key in the configuration don't do anything
    if 'puppet' not in cfg:
        log.debug(("Skipping module named %s,"
                   " no 'puppet' configuration found"), name)

    puppet_cfg = cfg['puppet']
    # Start by installing the puppet package if necessary...
    install = util.get_cfg_option_bool(puppet_cfg, 'install', True)
    version = util.get_cfg_option_str(puppet_cfg, 'version', None)
    package_name = util.get_cfg_option_str(
        puppet_cfg, 'package_name', PUPPET_PACKAGE_NAME)
    conf_file = util.get_cfg_option_str(
        puppet_cfg, 'conf_file', PUPPET_CONF_PATH)
    ssl_dir = util.get_cfg_option_str(puppet_cfg, 'ssl_dir', PUPPET_SSL_DIR)

    p_constants = PuppetConstants(conf_file, ssl_dir, log)
    if not install and version:
        log.warn(("Puppet install set false but version supplied,"
                  " doing nothing."))
    elif install:
        log.debug(("Attempting to install puppet %s,"),
                  version if version else 'latest')

        cloud.distro.install_packages((package_name, version))

    # ... and then update the puppet configuration
    if 'conf' in puppet_cfg:
        # Add all sections from the conf object to puppet.conf
        contents = util.load_file(p_constants.conf_path)
        # Create object for reading puppet.conf values
        puppet_config = helpers.DefaultingConfigParser()
        # Read puppet.conf values from original file in order to be able to
        # mix the rest up. First clean them up
        # (TODO(harlowja) is this really needed??)
        cleaned_lines = [i.lstrip() for i in contents.splitlines()]
        cleaned_contents = '\n'.join(cleaned_lines)
        # Move to puppet_config.read_file when dropping py2.7
        puppet_config.readfp(   # pylint: disable=W1505
        for (cfg_name, cfg) in puppet_cfg['conf'].items():
            # Cert configuration is a special case
            # Dump the puppet master ca certificate in the correct place
            if cfg_name == 'ca_cert':
                # Puppet ssl sub-directory isn't created yet
                # Create it with the proper permissions and ownership
                util.ensure_dir(p_constants.ssl_dir, 0o771)
                util.chownbyname(p_constants.ssl_dir, 'puppet', 'root')

                util.chownbyname(p_constants.ssl_cert_dir, 'puppet', 'root')
                util.write_file(p_constants.ssl_cert_path, cfg)
                util.chownbyname(p_constants.ssl_cert_path, 'puppet', 'root')
                # Iterate through the config items, we'll use ConfigParser.set
                # to overwrite or create new items as needed
                for (o, v) in cfg.items():
                    if o == 'certname':
                        # Expand %f as the fqdn
                        # TODO(harlowja) should this use the cloud fqdn??
                        v = v.replace("%f", socket.getfqdn())
                        # Expand %i as the instance id
                        v = v.replace("%i", cloud.get_instance_id())
                        # certname needs to be downcased
                        v = v.lower()
                    puppet_config.set(cfg_name, o, v)
            # We got all our config as wanted we'll rename
            # the previous puppet.conf and create our new one
            util.rename(p_constants.conf_path, "%s.old"
                        % (p_constants.conf_path))
            util.write_file(p_constants.conf_path, puppet_config.stringify())

    # Set it up so it autostarts

    # Start puppetd
    util.subp(['service', 'puppet', 'start'], capture=False)
Beispiel #13
def rename_ntp_conf(config=NTP_CONF):
    if os.path.exists(config):
        util.rename(config, config + ".dist")