def comparaison(): text = 'Nous sommes en guerre. Aussi, comme je vous l’ai dit jeudi, pour nous protéger et contenir la dissémination du virus, mais aussi préserver nos systèmes de soins, nous avons pris ce matin, entre Européens, une décision commune. Dès demain midi, les frontières à l’entrée de l’Union européenne et de l’espace Schengen seront fermées z w . Concrètement, tous les voyages entre les pays non européens et l’Union européenne seront suspendus pendant trente jours. Les Françaises et les Français qui sont actuellement à l’étranger et souhaitent rentrer pourront bien entendu rejoindre leur pays. Nous devons prendre cette décision parce que je vous demande ce soir d’importants efforts et que nous devons, dans la durée, nous protéger. Et je veux dire à tous nos compatriotes qui vivent à l’étranger que là aussi, en bon ordre, ils doivent se rapprocher des ambassades et consulats et que nous organiserons pour celles et ceux qui le souhaitent, et là où c’est nécessaire, le rapatriement. ? ok '.lower( ) # Désolé pour le texte en ligne c'est aps très PEP-8 friendly builder = TreeBuilder(text) binary_tree = builder.tree() codec = Codec(binary_tree) texte_french = 'Mes chers compatriotes, alors que je vous parle, les résultats connus nous montrent que vous avez décidé de me confier la plus haute charge de l Etat. J exprime ma profonde gratitude à toutes celles et à tous ceux qui m ont accordé leur confiance et je salue tous les autres avec respect. Mes chers compatriotes, je serai le Président de tous les français'.lower( ) texte_allemand = 'Die Stadt Paris ist fur viele ein Traumziel, das sie wenigstens einmal im Leben besuchen mochten. Wer mochte nicht einmal unter dem Eiffelturm stehen und in den Pariser Himmel hoch schauen? Und dann zu Fuss und mit dem Aufzug wenigstens auf halbe Hohe gelangen und den Blick uber die ganze franzosische Hauptstadt geniessen?'.lower( ) compress_fr, compress_de = [], [] for i in range(max(len(texte_french), len(texte_allemand))): texte_fr = texte_french[:i] # Création d'un texte texte_de = texte_allemand[:i] taille_fr = sys.getsizeof(texte_fr) # Espace système de ce texte taille_de = sys.getsizeof(texte_de) compress_fr.append(taille_fr / sys.getsizeof(codec.encode_bin(texte_fr))) compress_de.append(taille_de / sys.getsizeof(codec.encode_bin(texte_de))) plt.close() plt.title("Comparaison de l'effet de la langue sur la taux de compression") plt.plot(compress_fr, label=" facteur de compression du texte en français ") plt.plot(compress_de, label=" facteur de compression du texte en allemand") plt.legend()
def cli(): """\ Codec CLI for instant usage: Read and write. """ argv = parse_args() c = Codec(**vars(argv))
def find_codec(self, name): cmdstr = "adb shell find " + self.path + " -maxdepth 1" #print cmdstr result = os.popen(cmdstr) ret = lines = ret.split('\n') #self.codecs = codecs for i in range(len(lines)): if (-1 != lines[i].find(name)): #print lines[i] codec = Codec(name, lines[i]) codec.find_widgets() #print codec self.codecs.append(codec)
def __init__(self, engine, protocol, sock=None, addr=None, observer=None, auth=None): self.codec = Codec(protocol, auth) self.engine = engine self.connectionState = ConnectionState.CONNECTED self.session = None self.addr = addr = observer self.msgBuffer = b'' self.heartbeatPeriod = 30.0 self.msgHandlers = [] self.sock = sock self.heartbeatTimerRegistration = None self.expectedHeartbeatRegistration = None self.socketEvent = FileDescriptorEventRegistration(self.handle_read, sock, EventType.READ) self.engine.eventManager.registerHandler(self.socketEvent)
def main(): with open(CONFIG_FN) as f: conf = json.load(f) global sent_groups with open(conf["sent_groups"]) as f: sent_groups = json.load(f)["groups"] kb = load_kb(conf["kb"], 'name') sys_vocab, sys_word2idx = load_sys_vocab(conf["sys_vocab"]) sys_codec = Codec(sys_vocab, sys_word2idx) onto, onto_idx = load_ontology(conf["ontology"]) word2idx, embed = load_embed(**conf) usr_codec = Codec([], word2idx) trk_model, slot_len_sum = load_tracker_model(onto, embed, conf, kb) trk_model.eval() hidden = trk_model.state_tracker.init_hidden() kb_vec = Variable(torch.zeros(1, conf["kb_indicator_len"])) sentence_generator = SentenceGenerator(kb, onto, sent_groups) for line in iter(sys.stdin.readline, ''): inp = usr_codec.encode(line.strip()) inp = Variable(torch.LongTensor([ inp, ])) sentvecs, states_reps, states_preds, hidden, sent_grp_preds = trk_model( inp, None, hidden) criteria = to_search_criteria(states_preds, onto) ret, kb_vec = get_kb_result(kb, criteria, conf["kb_indicator_len"]) # print criteria, kb_vec sentvecs = sentvecs.view(1, -1) states_reps = states_reps.view(1, -1) print_ret(states_preds, sent_grp_preds, onto, sentence_generator)
def __init__(self): from codec import Codec from window import Window from system import System from datajar import DataJar from filesystem import FileSystem try: manifest = json.load('manifest.json', 'r', 'utf-8')) except: manifest = {} for key in assets.manifest: if key in manifest: assets.manifest[key] = manifest[key] = QApplication(sys.argv)['name'])['version']) assets.sys = System() assets.codec = Codec() assets.fs = FileSystem() assets.dataJar = DataJar() translator = QTranslator() if translator.load("zh_CN.qm"): self.window = Window(None, assets.manifest['path'] + 'index.html') sys.exit(
def check_add_codec(ip): net = get_codec_by_ip(ip) if net: return net net = Codec(ip) audio_codecs.append(net) return net
def main(): text = "a dead dad ceded a bad babe a beaded abaca bed" # on analyse les fréquences d'occurrence dans text # pour fabriquer un arbre binaire builder = TreeBuilder(text) binary_tree = builder.tree() # on passe l'arbre binaire à un encodeur/décodeur codec = Codec(binary_tree) # qui permet d'encoder encoded = codec.encode_bin(text) # et de décoder decoded = codec.decode_bin(encoded) # si cette assertion est fausse il y a un gros problème avec le code assert text == decoded # on affiche le résultat print(f"{text}\n{encoded}") if decoded != text: print("OOPS") text = 'ab' compress_encode = [] compress_huffman = [] compress_binary = [] for rang in range(300): texte = text * rang # Création d'un texte taille = sys.getsizeof(texte) # Espace système de ce texte compress_encode.append(taille / sys.getsizeof(codec.encode(texte))) compress_huffman.append(taille / sys.getsizeof(codec.encode_bin(texte))) compress_binary.append( sys.getsizeof(codec.encode(texte)) / sys.getsizeof(codec.encode_bin(texte))) # Affichage plt.close() plt.title('Facteurs de compression') plt.plot(compress_encode, label="Facteur de compression par \n Codec.encode sortie str") plt.plot( compress_huffman, label= "Facteur de compression de \n l'algorithme de Huffman (Avec Binaire)") plt.plot(compress_binary, label="Facteur de compression \n d'une str encoded en binaire ") plt.legend()
def recall_trial(num_episodes, save_file): # Configuration layer_sizes = {"rinp": 64, "rout": 64, "rtmp": 64} hidden_size = 64 rho = .99 plastic = ["rout<rtmp"] # remove_pathways = ["rinp<rout", "rinp<rtmp", "rtmp<rout"] remove_pathways = [] # Setup GHU num_symbols = 5 chars = "abcdefghi" numbs = "123456789" symbols = chars[:num_symbols] + "0" + numbs[:num_symbols - 1] pathways, associations = default_initializer( # all to all layer_sizes.keys(), symbols) for p in remove_pathways: pathways.pop(p) associations = list( filter(lambda x: x[0] not in remove_pathways, associations)) codec = Codec(layer_sizes, symbols, rho=rho, ortho=True) controller = Controller(layer_sizes, pathways, hidden_size, plastic, nonlinearity='relu') # controller = Controller(layer_sizes, pathways, hidden_size, plastic, nonlinearity='tanh') ghu = GatedHebbianUnit(layer_sizes, pathways, controller, codec, batch_size=num_episodes, plastic=plastic) ghu.associate(associations) # Initialize layers separator = "0" ghu.fill_layers(separator) # Dataset of all possible input lists all_inputs = [ np.array([k1, v1, k2, v2, k, "0"]) for (k1, k2) in it.permutations(chars[:num_symbols], 2) for (v1, v2) in it.permutations(numbs[:num_symbols - 1], 2) for k in [k1, k2] ] input_length = 6 output_window = 2 episode_duration = input_length + output_window split = int(.80 * len(all_inputs)) # example generation def example(dataset): inputs = dataset[np.random.randint(len(dataset))] targets = inputs[[1 if inputs[0] == inputs[4] else 3]] return inputs, targets def training_example(): return example(all_inputs[:split]) def testing_example(): return example(all_inputs[split:]) # reward calculation based on leading LVD at individual steps def reward(ghu, targets, outputs): # all or nothing at final time-step r = np.zeros(len(outputs)) outputs = np.array( [out for out in outputs[input_length - 1:] if out != separator]) if len(outputs) == len(targets): r[-1] = (targets == outputs).all() return r # ################### Sanity check correct_choices = [ ({ "rinp": "rinp<rinp", "rout": "rout<rout", "rtmp": "rtmp<rinp" }, []), ({ "rinp": "rinp<rinp", "rout": "rout<rinp", "rtmp": "rtmp<rtmp" }, []), ({ "rinp": "rinp<rinp", "rout": "rout<rout", "rtmp": "rtmp<rinp" }, ["rout<rtmp"]), ({ "rinp": "rinp<rinp", "rout": "rout<rinp", "rtmp": "rtmp<rtmp" }, []), ({ "rinp": "rinp<rinp", "rout": "rout<rout", "rtmp": "rtmp<rinp" }, ["rout<rtmp"]), ({ "rinp": "rinp<rinp", "rout": "rout<rtmp", "rtmp": "rtmp<rtmp" }, []), ({ "rinp": "rinp<rinp", "rout": "rout<rinp", "rtmp": "rtmp<rtmp" }, []), ({ "rinp": "rinp<rinp", "rout": "rout<rinp", "rtmp": "rtmp<rtmp" }, []), ] # ################### Sanity check # Run optimization avg_rewards, avg_general, grad_norms = reinforce( ghu, num_epochs=500, episode_duration=episode_duration, training_example=training_example, testing_example=None, reward=reward, task="recall", learning_rate=.1, # line_search_iterations = 5, # distribution_cap = .1, # likelihood_cap = .7, distribution_variance_coefficient=.05, # choices=correct_choices, # perfect rewards with this verbose=1, save_file=save_file) # Assess generalization similarly after run print("Cloning GHU for generalization...") ghu_gen = ghu.clone() print("Sampling problem instances...") inputs, targets = zip( *[testing_example() for b in range(ghu_gen.batch_size)]) print("Running on test data...") outputs, rewards =, inputs, targets, reward, verbose=1) R_gen = rewards.sum(axis=1) # Overwrite file dump with R_gen in place of avg_general with open(save_file, "rb") as f: result = pk.load(f) result = list(result) result[2] = R_gen result = tuple(result) with open(save_file, "wb") as f: pk.dump(result, f)
intranoise_levels = np.arange(0.05, 0.35, 0.05) num_cs = [4, 8, 12, 16, 20] for inter in tqdm(internoise_levels, desc="eta_1"): for intra in tqdm(intranoise_levels, desc="eta_2"): for num_c in tqdm(num_cs, desc="num_c"): #print(f"\n### n:{n} num_c:{num_c} ###") #print("Generation of G ...") clusters = pd.fixed_clusters(n, num_c) G, GT, labels = pd.custom_cluster_matrix(n, clusters, inter, 1, intra, 0) # epsilon parameter for the approx Alon et al c = Codec(0.285, 0.285, 1) c.verbose = False #print("Generation of compressed/reduced graph ...") tm = time.time() k, epsilon, classes, sze_idx, reg_list, nirr = c.compress( G, "indeg_guided") red = c.reduced_matrix(G, k, epsilon, classes, reg_list) t_compression = time.time() - tm #print(f"s:{t_compression:.2f}") # Precomputation of the eigenvalues #print("Eigenvalues of G ... ") tm = time.time() G_eig, aux = metrics.eigs(G) t_G_eig = time.time() - tm
def basic_plastic_trial(num_episodes, save_file): # Configuration register_names = ["rinp", "rout", "m"] layer_sizes = {q: 32 for q in register_names} hidden_size = 32 rho = .99 plastic = ["rinp<m"] remove_pathways = ["rinp<rout", "m<rinp", "m<rout", "rout<m"] # Setup GHU num_symbols = 3 symbols = [str(a) for a in range(num_symbols)] pathways, associations = default_initializer(register_names, symbols) for p in remove_pathways: pathways.pop(p) associations = list( filter(lambda x: x[0] not in remove_pathways, associations)) codec = Codec(layer_sizes, symbols, rho=rho, ortho=True) controller = Controller(layer_sizes, pathways, hidden_size, plastic, nonlinearity='relu') # controller = Controller(layer_sizes, pathways, hidden_size, plastic, nonlinearity='tanh') ghu = GatedHebbianUnit(layer_sizes, pathways, controller, codec, batch_size=num_episodes, plastic=plastic) ghu.associate(associations) # Initialize layers separator = "0" ghu.fill_layers(separator) # training example generation episode_duration = 3 def training_example(): inputs = np.random.choice(symbols[1:], size=2, replace=False) targets = np.array(["0", "0", inputs[0]]) return inputs, targets def reward(ghu, targets, outputs): # All or nothing r = np.zeros(len(outputs)) if lvd(outputs, targets)[0] == 0: r[-1] = +1. return r # ################### Sanity check inputs = [["2", "1"]] correct_choices = [ ({ "rinp": "rinp<rinp", "rout": "rout<rout", "m": "m<m" }, [1.0]), ({ "rinp": "rinp<m", "rout": "rout<rout", "m": "m<m" }, [0.0]), ({ "rinp": "rinp<rinp", "rout": "rout<rinp", "m": "m<m" }, [0.0]), ] # ghu.clone().dbg_run(inputs, episode_duration, correct_choices) # input("???????") # ################### Sanity check # Run optimization avg_rewards, grad_norms = reinforce( ghu, num_epochs=500, episode_duration=episode_duration, training_example=training_example, reward=reward, task="basic_plastic", learning_rate=.05, # line_search_iterations = 5, # distribution_cap = .1, # likelihood_cap = .7, # distribution_variance_coefficient = 0.05, # choices=correct_choices, # perfect rewards with this verbose=1, save_file=save_file)
from codec import TreeBuilder, Codec text = "a dead dad ceded a bad babe a beaded abaca bed" builder = TreeBuilder(text) binary_tree = builder.tree() # on passe l'arbre binaire à un encodeur/décodeur codec = Codec(binary_tree) # qui permet d'encoder encoded = codec.encode(text) # et de décoder decoded = codec.decode(encoded) # si cette assertion est fausse il y a un gros problème avec le code # on affiche le résultat print(f"{text}\n{decoded}") if decoded != text: print("OOPS")
def echo_trial(episode_duration, save_file): # Configuration num_symbols = 10 layer_sizes = {"rinp": 32, "rout": 32, "rtmp": 32} hidden_size = 32 rho = .99 plastic = [] num_episodes = 250 # Setup GHU symbols = [str(a) for a in range(num_symbols)] pathways, associations = default_initializer( # all to all layer_sizes.keys(), symbols) codec = Codec(layer_sizes, symbols, rho=rho, ortho=True) controller = Controller(layer_sizes, pathways, hidden_size, plastic) ghu = GatedHebbianUnit(layer_sizes, pathways, controller, codec, batch_size=num_episodes, plastic=plastic) ghu.associate(associations) # Initialize layers separator = "0" ghu.fill_layers(separator) # Generate dataset input_length = int(episode_duration / 2) all_inputs = [] for symbol in symbols[1:]: for t in range(input_length): inputs = [separator] * input_length inputs[t] = symbol all_inputs.append(inputs) split = int(.80 * len(all_inputs)) # example generation def example(dataset): # Randomly choose echo symbol (excluding 0 separator) inputs = dataset[np.random.randint(len(dataset))] targets = [inp for inp in inputs if inp != separator] return inputs, targets def training_example(): return example(all_inputs[:split]) def testing_example(): return example(all_inputs[split:]) # all or nothing reward def reward(ghu, targets, outputs): r = np.zeros(len(outputs)) outputs = np.array( [out for out in outputs[input_length:] if out != separator]) if len(outputs) == len(targets): r[-1] = (targets == outputs).all() return r # # correct choices for debugging # correct_choices = \ # [({"rinp": "rinp<rout", "rout": "rout<rinp"}, [])]*2 + \ # [({"rinp": "rinp<rinp", "rout": "rout<rout"}, [])]*(episode_duration-2) # # run it to debug: # inputs, targets = zip(*[training_example() for b in range(ghu.batch_size)]) #, inputs, targets, reward, choices=correct_choices, verbose=3) # input("????") # Run optimization avg_rewards, avg_general, grad_norms = reinforce( ghu, num_epochs=200, episode_duration=episode_duration, training_example=training_example, testing_example=testing_example, reward=reward, task="echo", learning_rate=.1, verbose=1, save_file=save_file) return avg_rewards, avg_general, grad_norms
pathways.update({k: ("m", "m") for k in ["inc-m", "dec-m"]}) associations += [(k, str(a), str((a + x) % num_addresses)) for k, x in [("inc-m", 1), ("dec-m", -1)] for a in range(num_addresses)] return pathways, associations if __name__ == "__main__": layer_sizes = {"r0": 3, "r1": 3} pathways = {0: ("r0", "r0"), 1: ("r1", "r0"), 2: ("r1", "r1")} hidden_size = 5 batch_size = 2 codec = Codec(layer_sizes, "01") controller = Controller(layer_sizes, pathways, hidden_size) ghu = GatedHebbianUnit(layer_sizes, pathways, controller, codec, batch_size=batch_size) ghu.associate([ (0, "0", "0"), (1, "0", "0"), (2, "0", "0"), (0, "1", "1"), (1, "1", "1"), (2, "1", "1"), ])
def main(): with open(CONFIG_FN) as f: conf = json.load(f) args = parse_args() kb = load_kb(conf["kb"], 'name') sys_vocab, sys_word2idx = load_sys_vocab(conf["sys_vocab"]) sys_codec = Codec(sys_vocab, sys_word2idx) onto, onto_idx = load_ontology(conf["ontology"]) word2idx, embed = load_embed(**conf) usr_codec = Codec([], word2idx) trk_model, slot_len_sum = load_tracker_model(onto, embed, conf) cond_net, generator = load_generator_model(conf, args.cond_net, args.gen_net, slot_len_sum, len(sys_vocab)) cond_net.eval() generator.eval() trk_model.eval() hidden = trk_model.state_tracker.init_hidden() kb_found = Variable(torch.zeros(1, conf["kb_indicator_len"])) def gen_sent(cond): '''train one sentence''' hidden = generator.init_hidden() inp = Variable(torch.LongTensor([[sys_word2idx['<sos>']]])) sent_out = [] for i in range(MAX_SENT_LEN): out, hidden = generator(inp, cond, hidden) topv, topi = out_word = int(topi[0][0]) if out_word == sys_word2idx['<eos>']: break inp = Variable(torch.LongTensor([[out_word]])) sent_out.append(out_word) return sys_codec.decode(sent_out) for line in iter(sys.stdin.readline, ''): inp = usr_codec.encode(line.strip()) inp = Variable(torch.LongTensor([ inp, ])) sentvecs, states_reps, states_preds, hidden = trk_model( inp, kb_found, hidden) # print_ret(states_preds) criteria = to_search_criteria(states_preds, onto) ret, kb_vec = get_kb_result(kb, criteria, conf["kb_indicator_len"]) sentvecs = sentvecs.view(1, -1) states_reps = states_reps.view(1, -1) for slot in states_preds: states_preds[slot] = states_preds[slot].view(1, -1) cond = cond_net(sentvecs, states_reps, states_preds, kb_found) print gen_sent(cond)
def test(): minibatch_size = 100 num_words = 20 tuplesize = 3 num_visible = tuplesize*num_words num_hidden = 30 codec = Codec(tuplesize, num_words) tuples = codec.tuples words = codec.words encoded = codec.tuples_to_matrix() (num_data, _) = encoded.shape print(words) print('data count: ', num_data) rbm = RBM(num_visible = num_visible, num_hidden = num_hidden, minibatch_size = minibatch_size) id_indices = numpy.random.randint(low=0, high=num_data, size=minibatch_size) input_data = T.constant(encoded[id_indices]) #print(input_data) #print(rbm.propup(input_data).eval()) h1samples = rbm.sample_h_given_v(input_data).eval() #print(h1samples) #print(rbm.propdown(h1samples).eval()) v2samples = rbm.sample_v_given_h(h1samples).eval() #print(v2samples) (W,H,V) = rbm.contrastive_divergence_1(input_data) #print(W.eval()) #print(H.eval()) #print(V.eval()) xvis = T.fmatrix('xvis') h1samples = rbm.sample_h_given_v(xvis) v2samples = rbm.sample_v_given_h(h1samples) sample_vhv = theano.function([xvis], v2samples) example_indices = numpy.random.randint(low=0, high=num_data, size=minibatch_size) example_input_data = encoded[example_indices] num_examples = min(10, minibatch_size) def show_examples(): rec = sample_vhv(example_input_data) for example in range(num_examples): print('input words:', [(t+1, words[idx]) for t in range(tuplesize) for idx in range(num_words) if example_input_data[example, t*num_words + idx]]) print('reconstructed words:', [(t+1, words[idx]) for t in range(tuplesize) for idx in range(num_words) if rec[example, t*num_words + idx]]) vis = T.fmatrix('vis') train = rbm.cd1_fun(vis) draw = VisualizeWeights('Minibatches', rbm, tuplesize, words, num_hidden) for epoch in range(1000): show_examples() all_vdiffs = numpy.zeros(num_visible) print('epoch ', epoch) numpy.random.shuffle(encoded) for minibatch in range(num_data // minibatch_size): mb_start = minibatch * minibatch_size; mb_end = mb_start + minibatch_size; input_data_indices = numpy.arange(mb_start, mb_end) encoded_input = encoded[input_data_indices] input_data = encoded_input vdiffs = train(input_data) all_vdiffs = all_vdiffs + numpy.abs(vdiffs) print('reconstruction error: ', numpy.sum(all_vdiffs) * minibatch_size) print(numpy.ndarray.astype(rbm.weights.get_value()*100, numpy.int32)) print(numpy.ndarray.astype(rbm.vbias.get_value()*100, numpy.int32)) print(numpy.ndarray.astype(rbm.hbias.get_value()*100, numpy.int32)) draw.epoch_finished(epoch)
def trials(i, avgrew, gradnorm): print("***************************** Trial ", str(i + 1), "*******************************") num_addresses = 4 register_names = ["rinp", "rout"] num_episodes = 5000 layer_sizes = {q: 128 for q in register_names + ["m"]} hidden_size = 32 # plastic = ["%s<m"%q for q in register_names] plastic = ["rinp<m"] symbols = [str(a) for a in range(num_addresses)] pathways, associations = turing_initializer(register_names, num_addresses) # constrain pathways inductive bias remove_pathways = ["rout<m", "m<rout"] for p in remove_pathways: pathways.pop(p) associations = list( filter(lambda x: x[0] not in remove_pathways, associations)) codec = Codec(layer_sizes, symbols, rho=.999) controller = Controller(layer_sizes, pathways, hidden_size, plastic) # Sanity check ghu = GatedHebbianUnit(layer_sizes, pathways, controller, codec, plastic=plastic, batch_size=num_episodes) ghu.associate(associations) # Initialize layers separator = "0" ghu.fill_layers(separator) # training example generation list_symbols = 4 min_length = 3 max_length = 3 def training_example(): list_length = np.random.randint(min_length, max_length + 1) inputs = np.array([separator] * (list_length)) inputs[:] = np.random.choice(symbols[1:list_symbols], size=list_length, replace=False) targets = inputs[::-1] return inputs, targets # # reward calculation from LVD # def reward(ghu, targets, outputs): # # Assess reward: negative LVD after separator filtering # outputs_ = [out for out in outputs if out != separator] # l, _ = lvd(outputs_, targets) # return -l def reward(ghu, targets, outputs): outputs_ = outputs[len(targets) - 1:] #zeros = [o for o in outputs[len(targets)-1:] if o==separator] #totzeros = len(zeros) r = np.zeros(len(outputs)) # if len(outputs_)==0: # r[-1] -= 2*(len(outputs[len(targets)-1:])+1) # else: _, d = lvd(outputs_, targets) for i in range(1, d.shape[0]): r[-1] += 1. if (i < d.shape[1] and d[i, i] == d[i - 1, i - 1]) else -2. #r[-1] -= 0.1*totzeros return r filename = "reverse" + str(i + 1) + ".png" avg_rewards, grad_norms = reinforce(ghu, num_epochs=1000, episode_duration=2 * max_length - 1, training_example=training_example, reward=reward, task="reverse", learning_rate=.03, verbose=2) gradnorm[i + 1] = grad_norms.tolist() avgrew[i + 1] = avg_rewards.tolist() pt.subplot(2, 1, 1) pt.plot(avg_rewards) pt.title("Learning curve of reverse") pt.ylabel("Avg Reward") pt.subplot(2, 1, 2) pt.plot(grad_norms) pt.xlabel("Epoch") pt.ylabel("||Grad||") pt.savefig(filename)
def build(self, filename): # check the package has .desktop files pkg = Package(filename) for b in self.cfg.get_package_blacklist(): if fnmatch.fnmatch(, b): pkg.log.write(LoggerItem.INFO, "package is blacklisted") return # set up state if not os.path.exists('./appstream'): os.makedirs('./appstream') if not os.path.exists('./icons'): os.makedirs('./icons') if not os.path.exists('./screenshot-cache'): os.makedirs('./screenshot-cache') if not os.path.exists('./screenshots'): os.makedirs('./screenshots') if not os.path.exists('./screenshots/source'): os.makedirs('./screenshots/source') for size in self.cfg.get_screenshot_thumbnail_sizes(): path = './screenshots/' + str(size[0]) + 'x' + str(size[1]) if not os.path.exists(path): os.makedirs(path) # remove tmp if os.path.exists('./tmp'): shutil.rmtree('./tmp') os.makedirs('./tmp') # decompress main file and search for desktop files package_decompress(pkg) files = [] for f in self.cfg.get_interesting_installed_files(): files.extend(glob.glob("./tmp" + f)) files.sort() # we only need to install additional files if we're not running on # the builders for c in self.cfg.get_package_data_list(): if fnmatch.fnmatch(, c[0]): extra_files = glob.glob("./packages/%s*.rpm" % c[1]) for f in extra_files: extra_pkg = Package(f) pkg.log.write(LoggerItem.INFO, "adding extra package %s" % package_decompress(extra_pkg) # check for duplicate apps in the package self.has_valid_content = False # check for codecs if'gstreamer'): app = Codec(pkg, self.cfg) if app.parse_files(files): if self.add_application(app): self.add_completed(pkg, app) else: # process each desktop file in the original package for f in files: pkg.log.write(LoggerItem.INFO, "reading %s" % f) fi = Gio.file_new_for_path(f) info = fi.query_info('standard::content-type', 0, None) # create the right object depending on the content type content_type = info.get_content_type() if content_type == 'inode/symlink': continue if content_type == 'application/x-font-ttf': app = FontFile(pkg, self.cfg) elif content_type == 'application/x-font-otf': app = FontFile(pkg, self.cfg) elif content_type == 'application/x-desktop': app = DesktopFile(pkg, self.cfg) elif content_type == 'application/xml': app = InputMethodComponent(pkg, self.cfg) elif content_type == 'application/x-sqlite3': app = InputMethodTable(pkg, self.cfg) else: pkg.log.write(LoggerItem.INFO, "content type %s not supported" % content_type) continue # the ID is the filename app_id = os.path.basename(f).decode('utf-8') app.set_id(app_id) # parse file if not app.parse_file(f): continue # write the application if self.add_application(app): self.add_completed(pkg, app)
def main(args, arch): adv_models = None train_loader, test_loader = create_loaders(args, root='../data') if args.dataset == 'cifar':, args.h, args.w = 3, 32, 32 args.input_size = 32 model, l_test_classif_paths = load_all_classifiers(args, load_archs=[args.source_arch]) model_type = args.source_arch if args.target_arch is not None: model_target, l_test_classif_paths = load_all_classifiers(args, load_archs=[args.target_arch]) model_type = args.target_arch del model_target torch.cuda.empty_cache() elif args.dataset == 'mnist': args.input_size = 28 if args.source_arch == 'natural': model, l_test_classif_paths = load_all_classifiers(args, load_archs=["natural"]) model_type = 'natural' elif args.source_arch == 'ens_adv': adv_model_names = args.adv_models adv_models = [None] * len(adv_model_names) for i in range(len(adv_model_names)): type = get_model_type(adv_model_names[i]) adv_models[i] = load_model(args, adv_model_names[i], type=type).to( path = os.path.join(args.dir_test_models, "pretrained_classifiers", args.dataset, "ensemble_adv_trained", args.model) model = load_model(args, args.model, type=args.type) l_test_classif_paths = [path] model_type = 'Ensemble Adversarial' model.eval() test_classifier(args, model,, test_loader, epoch=1) print("Testing on %d Test Classifiers" %(len(l_test_classif_paths))) # attack related settings if args.attack_method == "zoo" or args.attack_method == "autozoom_bilin": if args.img_resize is None: args.img_resize = args.input_size print("Argument img_resize is not set and not using autoencoder, set to image original size:{}".format( args.img_resize)) codec = None if args.attack_method == "zoo_ae" or args.attack_method == "autozoom_ae": codec = Codec(args.input_size, IN_CHANNELS[args.dataset], args.compress_mode, args.resize, use_tanh=args.use_tanh) codec.load_codec(args,codec_path) codec.cuda() decoder = codec.decoder args.img_resize = decoder.input_shape[1] print("Loading autoencoder: {}, set the attack image size to:{}".format(args.codec_path, args.img_resize)) # setup attack if args.attack_method == "zoo": blackbox_attack = ZOO(model, args.dataset, args) elif args.attack_method == "zoo_ae": blackbox_attack = ZOO_AE(model, args.dataset, args, decoder) elif args.attack_method == "autozoom_bilin": blackbox_attack = AutoZOOM_BiLIN(model, args.dataset, args) elif args.attack_method == "autozoom_ae": blackbox_attack = AutoZOOM_AE(model, args["dataset"], args, decoder) target_str = "untargeted" if args.attack_type!="targeted" else "targeted_{}".format(args.target_type) attack_framework = AutoZoomAttackFramework(args, test_loader) attack_framework.attack_dataset_images(args, blackbox_attack, arch, model, codec, l_test_classif_paths=l_test_classif_paths, adv_models=adv_models) model.cpu()
import time n = 100 repetitions = 5 inter_s = [0, 0.05, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3] intra_s = inter_s num_cs = [2, 4, 8, 10, 16, 20, 40] ksize = 23 imbalanced = True inter_v = 1 intra_v = 0 refinement = 'indeg_guided' cdc = Codec(0, 0.5, 20) cdc.fast_search = False s = Stats("/tmp/test.csv") for repetition in range(repetitions): for inter in inter_s: for intra in intra_s: for num_c in num_cs: print( pu.to_header( f"r:{repetition+1}/{repetitions} n:{n} num_c:{num_c} inter:{inter} intra:{intra}" )) tm = time.time() clusters = pd.random_clusters(n, num_c) G, GT, labeling = pd.custom_cluster_matrix(
try: GT = data['GT'] labeling = data['labels'] except: print("[x] No GT found, No labeling found") G = data['G'] n = G.shape[0] repetitions = 1 refinement = 'indeg_guided' ksize = 23 s = Stats(f"/tmp/{dset_name}.csv") c = Codec(0.1, 0.4, 40) for r in range(repetitions): print(f"### r={r} ###") tm = time.time() k, epsilon, classes, sze_idx, reg_list, nirr = c.compress(G, refinement) tcompression = time.time() - tm sze = c.decompress(G, 0, classes, k, reg_list) tdecompression = time.time() - tm fsze = c.post_decompression(sze, ksize) tpostdecompression = time.time() - tm red = c.reduced_matrix(G, k, epsilon, classes, reg_list)
for n in tqdm([500, 1000, 1500, 2000, 2500, 3000, 3500, 4000, 4500, 5000, 5500, 6000, 6500, 7000, 7500, 8000, 8500, 9000, 9500, 10000], desc="Dimension G"): # First graph tm = time.time() clusters1 = proc_d.random_clusters(n, 8) G, GT, labeling = proc_d.custom_cluster_matrix(n, clusters1, 0.3, 1, 0.2, 0) tgen = time.time() -tm #print(f"TIME: tgen:{tgen:.2f}") # Second graph clusters2 = proc_d.random_clusters(n, 8) G2, GT2, labeling2 = proc_d.custom_cluster_matrix(n, clusters2, 0.6, 1, 0.1, 0) # Compression G1 c = Codec(0.285, 0.285, 1) c.verbose = False tm = time.time() k, epsilon, classes, sze_idx, reg_list, nirr = c.compress(G, 'indeg_guided') tcompression1 = time.time() - tm #print(f"TIME: tcompression1:{tcompression1:.2f}") # Compression G1 c = Codec(0.285, 0.285, 1) c.verbose = False tm = time.time() k2, epsilon, classes2, sze_idx, reg_list2, nirr2 = c.compress(G2, 'indeg_guided') tcompression2 = time.time() - tm #print(f"TIME: tcompression2:{tcompression2:.2f}") # Reduced graph
GT = [] labels = [] try: GT = data['GT'] labeling = data['labels'] except: print("[x] No GT found, No labeling found") refinement = 'indeg_guided' ksize = 23 s = Stats(f"/tmp/{dset_name}.csv") c = Codec(0, 0.5, 20) c.verbose = False #f = [] #g = [] #thresholds = np.arange(0,0.7, 0.05) thresholds = np.arange(0, 0.5, 0.05) for t in thresholds: print(f"### t={t} ###") #G = (data['G']*10**4)>(t*np.max(data['G'])) G = data['G'] > 0 n = G.shape[0] k, epsilon, classes, sze_idx, reg_list, nirr = c.compress(
return s if __name__ == "__main__": # GHU settings num_symbols = 3 layer_sizes = {"rinp": 64, "rout": 64} hidden_size = 16 plastic = [] symbols = [str(a) for a in range(num_symbols)] pathways, associations = default_initializer( # all to all layer_sizes.keys(), symbols) codec = Codec(layer_sizes, symbols, rho=.9) controller = Controller(layer_sizes, pathways, hidden_size, plastic) # Sanity check ghu = GatedHebbianUnit(layer_sizes, pathways, controller, codec, plastic=plastic) ghu.associate(associations) for p, s, t in associations: q, r = ghu.pathways[p] assert (codec.decode(q,[p], codec.encode(r, s))) == t) # Initialize layers ghu.v[0]["rinp"] = codec.encode("rinp", "0")
############################################## ############## Main script code ############## ############################################## refinement = 'indeg_guided' vals = [0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 0.7] first = True n = 1000 # Query graph, the bigger one clusters = pd.random_clusters(n, 8) inter = 0.1 intra = 0.1 oG, oGT, olabeling = pd.custom_cluster_matrix(n, clusters, inter, 1, intra, 0) c = Codec(0.15, 0.5, 5) k, epsilon, classes, sze_idx, reg_list, nirr = c.compress(oG, refinement) query = c.reduced_matrix(oG, k, epsilon, classes, reg_list) # Database c = Codec(0.2, 0.5, 5) num_c = 8 for r in range(5): for i in vals: clusters = pd.random_clusters(n, num_c) G, GT, labeling = pd.custom_cluster_matrix(n, clusters, i, 1, i, 0) k, epsilon, classes, sze_idx, reg_list, nirr = c.compress( G, refinement) red = c.reduced_matrix(G, k, epsilon, classes, reg_list)
def test(): minibatch_size = 100 num_words = 40 tuplesize = 5 num_visible = tuplesize*num_words num_hidden = 140 codec = Codec(tuplesize, num_words) tuples = codec.tuples words = codec.words encoded = codec.tuples_to_matrix() (num_data, _) = encoded.shape print(words) print('data count: ', num_data) rbm = RBM(num_visible = num_visible, num_hidden = num_hidden, minibatch_size = minibatch_size, venabledp=1.0, henabledp=0.7) id_indices = numpy.random.randint(low=0, high=num_data, size=minibatch_size) input_data = T.constant(encoded[id_indices]) #print(input_data) #print(rbm.propup(input_data).eval()) #h1samples = rbm.sample_h_given_v(input_data).eval() #print(h1samples) #print(rbm.propdown(h1samples).eval()) #v2samples = rbm.sample_v_given_h(h1samples).eval() #print(v2samples) #(W,H,V) = rbm.contrastive_divergence_1(input_data) #print(W.eval()) #print(H.eval()) #print(V.eval()) all_h_enabled = numpy.ones(num_hidden) all_v_enabled = numpy.ones(num_visible) xvis = T.fmatrix('xvis') h1samples = rbm.sample_h_given_v(xvis, all_h_enabled) v2samples = rbm.sample_v_given_h(h1samples, all_v_enabled) sample_vhv = theano.function([xvis], v2samples) example_indices = numpy.random.randint(low=0, high=num_data, size=minibatch_size) example_input_data = encoded[example_indices] num_examples = min(10, minibatch_size) def show_examples(): rec = sample_vhv(example_input_data) for example in range(num_examples): print('input words:', [(t+1, words[idx]) for t in range(tuplesize) for idx in range(num_words) if example_input_data[example, t*num_words + idx]]) print('reconstructed words:', [(t+1, words[idx]) for t in range(tuplesize) for idx in range(num_words) if rec[example, t*num_words + idx]]) def report_hidden(): weights = rbm.weights.get_value() for h in range(num_hidden): print('hidden ', h) for block in range(tuplesize): for word in range(num_words): w = weights[block*num_words+word, h] if w > 0.5: print(' %2i %8s %4.1f' % (block, words[word], w)) vis = T.fmatrix('vis') train = rbm.cd1_fun(vis) draw = VisualizeWeights('Dropout (vp:%4.2f, hp:%4.2f)' % (rbm.venabledp, rbm.henabledp), rbm, tuplesize, words, num_hidden, num_visible) for epoch in range(1000): show_examples() all_vdiffs = numpy.zeros(num_visible) print('epoch ', epoch) numpy.random.shuffle(encoded) for minibatch in range(num_data // minibatch_size): mb_start = minibatch * minibatch_size; mb_end = mb_start + minibatch_size; input_data_indices = numpy.arange(mb_start, mb_end) encoded_input = encoded[input_data_indices] input_data = encoded_input (vdiffs, venabled, henabled) = train(input_data) all_vdiffs = all_vdiffs + numpy.abs(vdiffs) #print('venabled', venabled) #print('henabled', henabled) print('reconstruction error: ', numpy.sum(all_vdiffs) * minibatch_size) #print(numpy.ndarray.astype(rbm.weights.get_value()*100, numpy.int32)) #print(numpy.ndarray.astype(rbm.vbias.get_value()*100, numpy.int32)) #print(numpy.ndarray.astype(rbm.hbias.get_value()*100, numpy.int32)) draw.epoch_finished(epoch) report_hidden()
# plastic = ["%s<m"%q for q in register_names] plastic = ["rinp<m"] symbols = [str(a) for a in range(num_addresses)] pathways, associations = turing_initializer(register_names, num_addresses) # constrain pathways inductive bias remove_pathways = ["rout<m", "m<rout"] for p in remove_pathways: pathways.pop(p) associations = list( filter(lambda x: x[0] not in remove_pathways, associations)) # print(pathways) # print(associations) codec = Codec(layer_sizes, symbols, rho=.999) controller = Controller(layer_sizes, pathways, hidden_size, plastic) # controller = Controller(layer_sizes, pathways, hidden_size, input_keys=["m","rinp"]) # = 1*tr.eye(hidden_size) # favor repeated actions # Sanity check ghu = GatedHebbianUnit(layer_sizes, pathways, controller, codec, plastic=plastic) ghu.associate(associations) for p, s, t in associations: q, r = ghu.pathways[p] assert (codec.decode(q,[p], codec.encode(r, s))) == t) ghu_init = ghu
class FIXConnectionHandler(object): def __init__(self, engine, protocol, sock=None, addr=None, observer=None): self.codec = Codec(protocol) self.engine = engine self.connectionState = ConnectionState.CONNECTED self.session = None self.addr = addr = observer self.msgBuffer = b'' self.heartbeatPeriod = 30.0 self.msgHandlers = [] self.sock = sock self.heartbeatTimerRegistration = None self.expectedHeartbeatRegistration = None self.socketEvent = FileDescriptorEventRegistration( self.handle_read, sock, EventType.READ) self.engine.eventManager.registerHandler(self.socketEvent) def address(self): return self.addr def disconnect(self): self.handle_close() def _notifyMessageObservers(self, msg, direction, persistMessage=True): if persistMessage is True: self.engine.journaller.persistMsg(msg, self.session, direction) for handler in filter( lambda x: (x[1] is None or x[1] == direction) and (x[2] is None or x[2] == msg.msgType), self.msgHandlers): handler[0](self, msg) def addMessageHandler(self, handler, direction=None, msgType=None): self.msgHandlers.append((handler, direction, msgType)) def removeMessageHandler(self, handler, direction=None, msgType=None): remove = filter( lambda x: x[0] == handler and (x[1] == direction or direction is None) and (x[2] == msgType or msgType is None), self.msgHandlers) for h in remove: self.msgHandlers.remove(h) def _sendHeartbeat(self): self.sendMsg(self.codec.protocol.messages.Messages.heartbeat()) def _expectedHeartbeat(self, type, closure): logging.warning("Expected heartbeat from peer %s" % (self.expectedHeartbeatRegistration, )) self.sendMsg(self.codec.protocol.messages.Messages.test_request()) def registerLoggedIn(self): self.heartbeatTimerRegistration = TimerEventRegistration( lambda type, closure: self._sendHeartbeat(), self.heartbeatPeriod) self.engine.eventManager.registerHandler( self.heartbeatTimerRegistration) # register timeout for 10% more than we expect self.expectedHeartbeatRegistration = TimerEventRegistration( self._expectedHeartbeat, self.heartbeatPeriod * 1.10) self.engine.eventManager.registerHandler( self.expectedHeartbeatRegistration) def registerLoggedOut(self): if self.heartbeatTimerRegistration is not None: self.engine.eventManager.unregisterHandler( self.heartbeatTimerRegistration) self.heartbeatTimerRegistration = None if self.expectedHeartbeatRegistration is not None: self.engine.eventManager.unregisterHandler( self.expectedHeartbeatRegistration) self.expectedHeartbeatRegistration = None def _handleResendRequest(self, msg): protocol = self.codec.protocol responses = [] beginSeqNo = msg[protocol.fixtags.BeginSeqNo] endSeqNo = msg[protocol.fixtags.EndSeqNo] if int(endSeqNo) == 0: endSeqNo = sys.maxsize"Received resent request from %s to %s", beginSeqNo, endSeqNo) replayMsgs = self.engine.journaller.recoverMsgs( self.session, MessageDirection.OUTBOUND, beginSeqNo, endSeqNo) gapFillBegin = int(beginSeqNo) gapFillEnd = int(beginSeqNo) for replayMsg in replayMsgs: msgSeqNum = int(replayMsg[protocol.fixtags.MsgSeqNum]) if replayMsg[protocol.fixtags. MsgType] in protocol.msgtype.sessionMessageTypes: gapFillEnd = msgSeqNum + 1 else: if self.engine.shouldResendMessage(self.session, replayMsg): if gapFillBegin < gapFillEnd: # we need to send a gap fill message gapFillMsg = FIXMessage(protocol.msgtype.SEQUENCERESET) gapFillMsg.setField(protocol.fixtags.GapFillFlag, 'Y') gapFillMsg.setField(protocol.fixtags.MsgSeqNum, gapFillBegin) gapFillMsg.setField(protocol.fixtags.NewSeqNo, str(gapFillEnd)) responses.append(gapFillMsg) # and then resent the replayMsg replayMsg.removeField(protocol.fixtags.BeginString) replayMsg.removeField(protocol.fixtags.BodyLength) replayMsg.removeField(protocol.fixtags.SendingTime) replayMsg.removeField(protocol.fixtags.SenderCompID) replayMsg.removeField(protocol.fixtags.TargetCompID) replayMsg.removeField(protocol.fixtags.CheckSum) replayMsg.setField(protocol.fixtags.PossDupFlag, "Y") responses.append(replayMsg) gapFillBegin = msgSeqNum + 1 else: gapFillEnd = msgSeqNum + 1 responses.append(replayMsg) if gapFillBegin < gapFillEnd: # we need to send a gap fill message gapFillMsg = FIXMessage(protocol.msgtype.SEQUENCERESET) gapFillMsg.setField(protocol.fixtags.GapFillFlag, 'Y') gapFillMsg.setField(protocol.fixtags.MsgSeqNum, gapFillBegin) gapFillMsg.setField(protocol.fixtags.NewSeqNo, str(gapFillEnd)) responses.append(gapFillMsg) return responses def handle_read(self, type, closure): protocol = self.codec.protocol try: msg = self.sock.recv(8192) if msg: self.msgBuffer = self.msgBuffer + msg (decodedMsg, parsedLength) = self.codec.decode(self.msgBuffer) self.msgBuffer = self.msgBuffer[parsedLength:] while decodedMsg is not None and self.connectionState != ConnectionState.DISCONNECTED: self.processMessage(decodedMsg) (decodedMsg, parsedLength) = self.codec.decode(self.msgBuffer) self.msgBuffer = self.msgBuffer[parsedLength:] if self.expectedHeartbeatRegistration is not None: self.expectedHeartbeatRegistration.reset() else: logging.debug("Connection has been closed") self.disconnect() except ConnectionError as why: logging.debug("Connection has been closed %s" % (why, )) self.disconnect() def handleSessionMessage(self, msg): return -1 def processMessage(self, decodedMsg): protocol = self.codec.protocol beginString = decodedMsg[protocol.fixtags.BeginString] if beginString != protocol.beginstring: logging.warning( "FIX BeginString is incorrect (expected: %s received: %s)", (protocol.beginstring, beginString)) self.disconnect() return msgType = decodedMsg[protocol.fixtags.MsgType] try: responses = [] if msgType in protocol.msgtype.sessionMessageTypes: (recvSeqNo, responses) = self.handleSessionMessage(decodedMsg) else: recvSeqNo = decodedMsg[protocol.fixtags.MsgSeqNum] # validate the seq number (seqNoState, lastKnownSeqNo) = self.session.validateRecvSeqNo(recvSeqNo) if seqNoState is False: # We should send a resend request"Requesting resend of messages: %s to %s" % (lastKnownSeqNo, 0)) responses.append( protocol.messages.Messages.resend_request( lastKnownSeqNo, 0)) # we still need to notify if we are processing Logon message if msgType == protocol.msgtype.LOGON: self._notifyMessageObservers(decodedMsg, MessageDirection.INBOUND, False) else: self.session.setRecvSeqNo(recvSeqNo) self._notifyMessageObservers(decodedMsg, MessageDirection.INBOUND) for m in responses: self.sendMsg(m) except SessionWarning as sw: logging.warning(sw) except SessionError as se: logging.error(se) self.disconnect() except DuplicateSeqNoError: try: if decodedMsg[protocol.fixtags.PossDupFlag] == "Y": logging.debug( "Received duplicate message with PossDupFlag set") except KeyError: pass finally: logging.error( "Failed to process message with duplicate seq no (MsgSeqNum: %s) (and no PossDupFlag='Y') - disconnecting" % (recvSeqNo, )) self.disconnect() def handle_close(self): if self.connectionState != ConnectionState.DISCONNECTED:"Client disconnected") self.registerLoggedOut() self.sock.close() self.connectionState = ConnectionState.DISCONNECTED self.msgHandlers.clear() if is not None: self.engine.eventManager.unregisterHandler(self.socketEvent) def sendMsg(self, msg): if self.connectionState != ConnectionState.CONNECTED and self.connectionState != ConnectionState.LOGGED_IN: raise FIXException(FIXException.FIXExceptionReason.NOT_CONNECTED) encodedMsg = self.codec.encode(msg, self.session).encode('utf-8') self.sock.send(encodedMsg) if self.heartbeatTimerRegistration is not None: self.heartbeatTimerRegistration.reset() decodedMsg, junk = self.codec.decode(encodedMsg) try: self._notifyMessageObservers(decodedMsg, MessageDirection.OUTBOUND) except DuplicateSeqNoError: logging.error( "We have sent a message with a duplicate seq no, failed to persist it (MsgSeqNum: %s)" % (decodedMsg[self.codec.protocol.fixtags.MsgSeqNum]))
if __name__ == "__main__": print("*******************************************************") # Configuration num_symbols = 4 layer_sizes = {"rinp": 64, "rout": 64, "rtmp": 64} hidden_size = 32 rho = .99 plastic = [] num_episodes = 1000 # Setup GHU symbols = [str(a) for a in range(num_symbols)] pathways, associations = default_initializer( # all to all layer_sizes.keys(), symbols) codec = Codec(layer_sizes, symbols, rho=rho) controller = Controller(layer_sizes, pathways, hidden_size, plastic) ghu = GatedHebbianUnit(layer_sizes, pathways, controller, codec, batch_size=num_episodes, plastic=plastic) ghu.associate(associations) # Initialize layers separator = "0" ghu.fill_layers(separator) # training example generation def training_example():
def reverse_trial(num_episodes, save_file): # Configuration register_names = ["rinp", "rout"] layer_sizes = {q: 64 for q in register_names + ["m"]} hidden_size = 64 rho = .99 plastic = ["rout<m"] # remove_pathways = ["rinp<rout", "m<rinp", "m<rout", "rout<m"] remove_pathways = ["rinp<rout", "rinp<m", "m<rinp", "m<rout"] # remove_pathways = [] input_keys = None # Setup GHU num_addresses = 4 symbols = [str(a) for a in range(num_addresses)] pathways, associations = turing_initializer(register_names, num_addresses) for p in remove_pathways: pathways.pop(p) associations = list( filter(lambda x: x[0] not in remove_pathways, associations)) codec = Codec(layer_sizes, symbols, rho=rho, ortho=True) controller = Controller(layer_sizes, pathways, hidden_size, plastic, input_keys=input_keys, nonlinearity='relu') # controller = Controller(layer_sizes, pathways, hidden_size, plastic, nonlinearity='tanh') ghu = GatedHebbianUnit(layer_sizes, pathways, controller, codec, batch_size=num_episodes, plastic=plastic) ghu.associate(associations) # Initialize layers separator = "0" ghu.fill_layers(separator) # Dataset of all possible input lists min_length = 4 max_length = 4 episode_duration = 2 * max_length all_inputs = [ np.array(inputs + (separator, )) for list_length in range(min_length, max_length + 1) for inputs in it.product(symbols[1:], repeat=list_length) ] split = int(.80 * len(all_inputs)) # example generation def example(dataset): inputs = dataset[np.random.randint(len(dataset))] targets = inputs[:-1][::-1] return inputs, targets def training_example(): return example(all_inputs[:split]) def testing_example(): return example(all_inputs[split:]) # all or nothing reward calculation def reward(ghu, targets, outputs): r = np.zeros(len(outputs)) outputs = outputs[len(targets) - 1:] outputs = np.array([out for out in outputs if out != separator]) if len(outputs) == len(targets): r[-1] = (outputs == targets).all() return r # ################### Sanity check correct_choices = [ ({ "rinp": "rinp<rinp", "rout": "rout<rinp", "m": "inc-m" }, []), ({ "rinp": "rinp<rinp", "rout": "rout<rinp", "m": "inc-m" }, ["rout<m"]), ({ "rinp": "rinp<rinp", "rout": "rout<rinp", "m": "inc-m" }, ["rout<m"]), ({ "rinp": "rinp<rinp", "rout": "rout<rinp", "m": "inc-m" }, ["rout<m"]), ({ "rinp": "rinp<rinp", "rout": "rout<rout", "m": "dec-m" }, []), ({ "rinp": "rinp<rinp", "rout": "rout<m", "m": "dec-m" }, []), ({ "rinp": "rinp<rinp", "rout": "rout<m", "m": "dec-m" }, []), ({ "rinp": "rinp<rinp", "rout": "rout<m", "m": "dec-m" }, []), ] # ################### Sanity check # Run optimization avg_rewards, _, grad_norms = reinforce( ghu, num_epochs=500, episode_duration=episode_duration, training_example=training_example, # testing_example = testing_example, testing_example=None, reward=reward, task="reverse", learning_rate=.1, # line_search_iterations = 5, # distribution_cap = .1, # likelihood_cap = .7, distribution_variance_coefficient=0.05, # choices = correct_choices, # perfect reward with this verbose=1, save_file=save_file) # Assess generalization similarly after run print("Cloning GHU for generalization...") ghu_gen = ghu.clone() print("Sampling problem instances...") inputs, targets = zip( *[testing_example() for b in range(ghu_gen.batch_size)]) print("Running on test data...") outputs, rewards =, inputs, targets, reward, verbose=1) R_gen = rewards.sum(axis=1) # Overwrite file dump with R_gen in place of avg_general with open(save_file, "rb") as f: result = pk.load(f) result = list(result) result[2] = R_gen result = tuple(result) with open(save_file, "wb") as f: pk.dump(result, f)
def test(): num_words = 20 tuplesize = 3 num_visible = tuplesize*num_words num_hidden = 30 codec = Codec(tuplesize, num_words) tuples = codec.tuples words = codec.words encoded = codec.tuples_to_matrix() (num_data, _) = encoded.shape print('data count: ', num_data) rbm = RBM1(num_visible = num_visible, num_hidden = num_hidden) input_data = T.constant(encoded[2]) #print(pairs[2]) #print(encoded[2]) #print(input_data) #print(rbm.propup(input_data).eval()) h1samples = rbm.sample_h_given_v(input_data).eval() #print(h1samples) #print(rbm.propdown(h1samples).eval()) v2samples = rbm.sample_v_given_h(h1samples).eval() #print(v2samples) (W,H,V) = rbm.contrastive_divergence_1(input_data) #print(W.eval()) xvis = T.fvector('xvis') h1samples = rbm.sample_h_given_v(xvis) v2samples = rbm.sample_v_given_h(h1samples) sample_vhv = theano.function([xvis], v2samples) num_examples = 20 example_indices = numpy.random.randint(low=0, high=num_data, size=num_examples) def show_examples(): for example in example_indices: dat = encoded[example] v2samples = sample_vhv(dat) print('input words:', [(t+1, words[idx]) for t in range(tuplesize) for idx in range(num_words) if encoded[example, t*num_words + idx]]) print('reconstructed words:', [(t+1, words[idx]) for t in range(tuplesize) for idx in range(num_words) if v2samples[t*num_words + idx]]) print('') def report_hidden(): weights = rbm.weights.get_value() for h in range(num_hidden): print('hidden ', h) for block in range(tuplesize): for word in range(num_words): w = weights[block*num_words+word, h] if w > 0.5: print(' %2i %8s %4.1f' % (block, words[word], w)) vis = T.fvector('vis') train = rbm.cd1_fun(vis) input_data = numpy.reshape(encoded[2], num_visible) train(input_data) print(rbm.weights.get_value()) draw = VisualizeWeights('', rbm, tuplesize, words, num_hidden) for epoch in range(500): show_examples() all_vdiffs = numpy.zeros(num_visible) print('epoch ', epoch) for i in range(num_data): input_data = numpy.reshape(encoded[i], num_visible) vdiffs = train(input_data) all_vdiffs = all_vdiffs + numpy.abs(vdiffs) print('reconstruction error: ', numpy.sum(all_vdiffs)) print(T.cast(rbm.weights.get_value()*100, 'int32').eval()) draw.epoch_finished(epoch) report_hidden()
file_handler_except = log.FileHandler(sigs.except_path) file_handler_except.setLevel(log.ERROR) file_handler_except.setFormatter(formatter_except) logger_except.addHandler(file_handler_except) # </editor-fold> # <editor-fold desc="globals" BP = g.BREAK_POINT SET = g.OP_SET PUZZLE_DEFAULT =\ '.....627........5....54..311.....5..' # </editor-fold> codec = Codec() encoded_puzzle = '' solved_puzzle = '' def load(cb, puz=PUZZLE_DEFAULT): try: global codec global encoded_puzzle global solved_puzzle if sigs.is_grid: puzzle_list = puz num_list = [ item if len(item) == 1 else '.' for item in puzzle_list ]
def swap_trial(distribution_variance_coefficient, save_file): # Configuration num_symbols = 10 layer_sizes = {"rinp": 32, "rout": 32, "rtmp": 32} hidden_size = 32 rho = .99 plastic = [] num_episodes = 100 # Setup GHU symbols = [str(a) for a in range(num_symbols)] pathways, associations = default_initializer( # all to all layer_sizes.keys(), symbols) codec = Codec(layer_sizes, symbols, rho=rho, ortho=True) controller = Controller(layer_sizes, pathways, hidden_size, plastic) ghu = GatedHebbianUnit(layer_sizes, pathways, controller, codec, batch_size=num_episodes, plastic=plastic) ghu.associate(associations) # Initialize layers separator = "0" ghu.fill_layers(separator) # Generate dataset all_inputs = list(it.permutations(symbols[1:], 2)) split = int(.80 * len(all_inputs)) # example generation def example(dataset): # Randomly choose echo symbol (excluding 0 separator) inputs = dataset[np.random.randint(len(dataset))] targets = inputs[::-1] return inputs, targets def training_example(): return example(all_inputs[:split]) def testing_example(): return example(all_inputs[split:]) # all or nothing reward def reward(ghu, targets, outputs): r = np.zeros(len(outputs)) outputs = np.array([out for out in outputs[1:] if out != separator]) if len(outputs) == len(targets): r[-1] = (targets == outputs).all() return r # Run optimization avg_rewards, avg_general, grad_norms = reinforce( ghu, num_epochs=100, episode_duration=3, training_example=training_example, testing_example=testing_example, reward=reward, task="swap", learning_rate=.1, distribution_variance_coefficient=distribution_variance_coefficient, verbose=1, save_file=save_file)
def trials(i, avgrew, avggen, gradnorm): print("***************************** Trial ", str(i + 1), " *******************************") # Configuration num_symbols = 10 layer_sizes = {"rinp": 32, "rout": 32, "rtemp": 32} hidden_size = 32 rho = .99 plastic = [] num_episodes = 500 # Setup GHU symbols = [str(a) for a in range(num_symbols)] pathways, associations = default_initializer( # all to all layer_sizes.keys(), symbols) codec = Codec(layer_sizes, symbols, rho=rho, ortho=True) controller = Controller(layer_sizes, pathways, hidden_size, plastic) ghu = GatedHebbianUnit(layer_sizes, pathways, controller, codec, plastic=plastic, batch_size=num_episodes) ghu.associate(associations) # Initialize layers separator = symbols[0] ghu.fill_layers(separator) # Generate dataset input_length = 5 all_inputs = [ np.array(inputs) for inputs in it.product(symbols[1:], repeat=input_length) ] split = int(.80 * len(all_inputs)) # example generation def example(dataset): inputs = dataset[np.random.randint(len(dataset))] targets = np.array([max(inputs)]) return inputs, targets def training_example(): return example(all_inputs[:split]) def testing_example(): return example(all_inputs[split:]) # all or nothing reward def reward(ghu, targets, outputs): r = np.zeros(len(outputs)) r[-1] = (outputs[-1] == targets[0]) return r # Optimization settings avg_rewards, avg_general, grad_norms = reinforce( ghu, num_epochs=100, episode_duration=input_length, training_example=training_example, testing_example=testing_example, reward=reward, task="max", learning_rate=.1, verbose=1) gradnorm[i + 1] = grad_norms.tolist() avgrew[i + 1] = avg_rewards.tolist() avggen[i + 1] = avg_general.tolist()