Beispiel #1
class AwgServer(object):

    def __init__(self, awg, host=None, rpcbind_port=None, vxi11_port=None):
        if host is not None:
   = host
   = HOST
        if not isinstance(rpcbind_port, (int, type(None))):
            raise TypeError("rpcbind_port must be an integer.")
        if rpcbind_port is not None:
            self.rpcbind_port = rpcbind_port
            self.rpcbind_port = RPCBIND_PORT
        if not isinstance(vxi11_port, (int, type(None))):
            raise TypeError("vxi11_port must be an integer.")
        if vxi11_port is not None:
            self.vxi11_port = vxi11_port
            self.vxi11_port = VXI11_PORT
        if awg is None or not isinstance(awg, BaseAWG):
                raise TypeError("awg variable must be of AWG class.")
        self.awg = awg
    def create_socket(self, host, port):
        sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
        # Disable the TIME_WAIT state of connected sockets. 
        sock.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1)
        sock.bind((host, port))
        sock.listen(1) # Become a server socket, maximum 1 connection
        return sock 

    def start(self):
        Makes all required initializations and starts the server.
        print "Starting AWG server..."
        print "Listening on %s" % (
        print "RPCBIND on port %s" % (self.rpcbind_port)
        print "VXI-11 on port %s" % (self.vxi11_port)
        print "Creating sockets..."
        # Create RPCBIND socket
        self.rpcbind_socket = self.create_socket(, self.rpcbind_port)
        # Create VXI-11 socket
        self.lxi_socket = self.create_socket(, self.vxi11_port)
        # Initialize SCPI command parser
        self.parser = CommandParser(self.awg)
        # Connect to the external AWG
        # Run the server
    def main_loop(self):
        The main loop of the server.
        # Run the VXI-11 server
        while True:
            # VXI-11 requests are processed after receiving a valid RPCBIND request.
            print "\nWaiting for connection request..."
            res = self.process_rpcbind_request()
            if res != OK:
                print "Incompatible RPCBIND request."
        # Disconnect from the external AWG
    def process_rpcbind_request(self):
        """Replies to RPCBIND/Portmap request and sends VXI-11 port number to the oscilloscope."""
        #while True:
        connection, address = self.rpcbind_socket.accept()
        rx_data = connection.recv(128)
        if len(rx_data) > 0:
            print "\nIncoming connection from %s:%s." % (address[0], address[1])
            # Validate the request.
            ## If the request is not GETPORT or does not come from VXI-11 Core (395183),
            ## we have nothing to do wit it
            procedure = self.bytes_to_uint(rx_data[0x18:0x1c])
            if procedure != GET_PORT:
                return NOT_GET_PORT_ERROR
            program_id = self.bytes_to_uint(rx_data[0x2C:0x30])
            if program_id != VXI11_CORE_ID:
                return NOT_VXI11_ERROR
            # Generate and send response
            resp = self.generate_rpcbind_response()
            resp_data = self.generate_resp_data(rx_data, resp)
        # Close connection and RPCBIND socket.
        return OK
    def process_lxi_requests(self):
        connection, address = self.lxi_socket.accept()
        while True:
            rx_buf = connection.recv(255)
            if len(rx_buf) > 0:
                # Parse incoming VXI-11 command
                status, vxi11_procedure, scpi_command = self.parse_lxi_request(rx_buf)
                if status == NOT_VXI11_ERROR:
                    print "Received VXI-11 request from an unknown source."
                elif status == UNKNOWN_COMMAND_ERROR:
                    print "Unknown VXI-11 request received. Procedure id %s" % (vxi11_procedure)
                print "VXI-11 %s, SCPI command: %s" % (LXI_PROCEDURES[vxi11_procedure], scpi_command)
                # Process the received VXI-11 request
                if vxi11_procedure == CREATE_LINK:
                    resp = self.generate_lxi_create_link_response()
                elif vxi11_procedure == DEVICE_WRITE:
                    The parser parses and executes the received SCPI command.
                    VXI-11 DEVICE_WRITE function requires an empty reply.
                elif vxi11_procedure == DEVICE_READ:
                    DEVICE_READ request is sent to a device when an answer after
                    command execution is expected. SDG1000X-E sends this request
                    in two cases:
                        a.  It requests the ID of the AWG (*IDN? command).
                            In this case we MUST supply a valid ID to make
                            the scope think that it is working with a genuine
                            Siglent AWG.
                        b.  After setting all the parameters of the AWG and
                            before starting frequency sweep (C1:BSWV? command).
                            It looks like the scope is supposed to verify that
                            all the required AWG settings were set correctly.
                        In the real life it seems that in the second case the scope
                        totally ignores the response and will accept any garbage.
                        It makes our life easy and we send AWG ID as reply
                        to any DEVICE_READ request.
                    resp = self.generate_lxi_idn_response(AWG_ID_STRING)
                elif vxi11_procedure == DESTROY_LINK:
                    If DESTROY_LINK is received, the oscilloscope ends the session
                    opened by CREATE_LINK request and won't send any commands before
                    issuing a new CREATE_LINK request.
                    All we have to do is to exit the loop and continue listening to
                    RPCBIND requests.
                    If the received command is none of the above, something
                    went wrong and we should exit the loop and continue
                    listening to RPCBIND requests.
                # Generate and send response
                resp_data = self.generate_resp_data(rx_buf, resp)
        # Close connection

    def parse_lxi_request(self, rx_data):
        """Parses VXI-11 request. Returns VXI-11 command code and SCPI command if it exists.
        @param rx_data: bytes array containing the source packet.
        @return: a tuple with 3 values:
                1. status - is 0 if the request could be processed, error code otherwise.
                2. VXI-11 procedure id if it is known, None otherwise.
                3. string containing SCPI command if it exists in the request."""
        # Validate source program id.
        ## If the request doesn't come from VXI-11 Core (395183), it is ignored.
        program_id = self.bytes_to_uint(rx_data[0x10:0x14])
        if program_id != VXI11_CORE_ID:
            return (NOT_VXI11_ERROR, None, None)
        # Procedure: CREATE_LINK (10), DESTROY_LINK (23), DEVICE_WRITE (11), DEVICE_READ (12)
        vxi11_procedure = self.bytes_to_uint(rx_data[0x18:0x1c])
        scpi_command = None
        status = OK
        # Process the remaining data according to the received VXI-11 request
        if vxi11_procedure == CREATE_LINK:
            cmd_length = self.bytes_to_uint(rx_data[0x38:0x3C])
            scpi_command = rx_data[0x3C:0x3C+cmd_length]
        elif vxi11_procedure == DEVICE_WRITE:
            cmd_length = self.bytes_to_uint(rx_data[0x3C:0x40])
            scpi_command = rx_data[0x40:0x40+cmd_length]            
        elif vxi11_procedure == DEVICE_READ:
        elif vxi11_procedure == DESTROY_LINK:
            status = UNKNOWN_COMMAND_ERROR
            print "Unknown VXI-11 command received. Code %s" % (vxi11_procedure)
        return (status, vxi11_procedure, str(scpi_command).strip())
    def get_xid(self, rx_packet):
        Extracts XID from the incoming RPC packet.
        xid = rx_packet[0x04:0x08]
        return xid

    def generate_resp_data(self, rx_buf, resp):
        Generates the response data to be sent to the oscilloscope.
        # Generate RPC header
        xid = self.get_xid(rx_buf)
        rpc_hdr = self.generate_rpc_header(xid)
        # Generate packet size header
        data_size = len(rpc_hdr) + len(resp)
        size_hdr = self.generate_packet_size_header(data_size)
        # Merge all the headers
        resp_data = size_hdr + rpc_hdr + resp
        return resp_data
    def generate_packet_size_header(self, size):
        Generates the header containing reply packet size.
        # 1... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... = Last Fragment: Yes
        size = size | 0x80000000
        # .000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0001 1100 = Fragment Length: 28
        res = self.uint_to_bytes(size)
        return res

    def generate_rpc_header(self, xid):
        Generates RPC header for replying to oscilloscope's requests.
        @param xid: XID from the request packet as bytes sequence.
        hdr = ""
        # XID: 0xXXXXXXXX (4 bytes)
        hdr += xid
        # Message Type: Reply (1)
        hdr += "\x00\x00\x00\x01"
        # Reply State: accepted (0)
        hdr += "\x00\x00\x00\x00"
        # Verifier
        ## Flavor: AUTH_NULL (0)
        hdr += "\x00\x00\x00\x00"
        ## Length: 0
        hdr += "\x00\x00\x00\x00"
        # Accept State: RPC executed successfully (0)
        hdr += "\x00\x00\x00\x00"
        return hdr

    # =========================================================================
    #   Response data generators
    # =========================================================================

    def generate_rpcbind_response(self):
        """Returns VXI-11 port number as response to RPCBIND request."""
        resp = self.uint_to_bytes(self.vxi11_port)
        return resp
    def generate_lxi_create_link_response(self):
        """Generates reply to VXI-11 CREATE_LINK request.""" 
        # VXI-11 response
        ## Error Code: No Error (0)
        resp = "\x00\x00\x00\x00"
        ## Link ID: 0
        resp += "\x00\x00\x00\x00"
        ## Abort Port: 0
        resp += "\x00\x00\x00\x00"
        ## Maximum Receive Size: 8388608=0x00800000
        #resp += self.uint_to_bytes(8388608)
        resp += "\x00\x80\x00\x00"
        return resp

    def generate_lxi_idn_response(self, id_string):
        ## Error Code: No Error (0)
        resp = "\x00\x00\x00\x00"
        # Reason: 0x00000004 (END)
        resp += "\x00\x00\x00\x04"
        # Add the AWG id string
        id_length = len(id_string) + 3
        resp += self.uint_to_bytes(id_length)
        resp += id_string
        # The sequence ends with \n and two \0 termination bytes.
        resp += "\x0A\x00\x00"
        return resp

    # =========================================================================
    #   Helper functions
    # =========================================================================
    def bytes_to_uint(self, bytes_seq):
        Converts a sequence of 4 bytes to 32-bit integer. Byte 0 is MSB.
        num = ord(bytes_seq[0])
        num = num * 0x100 + ord(bytes_seq[1])
        num = num * 0x100 + ord(bytes_seq[2])
        num = num * 0x100 + ord(bytes_seq[3])
        return num
    def uint_to_bytes(self, num):
        Converts a 32-bit integer to a sequence of 4 bytes. Byte 0 is MSB.
        byte3 = (num / 0x1000000) & 0xFF
        byte2 = (num / 0x10000) & 0xFF
        byte1 = (num / 0x100) & 0xFF
        byte0 = num & 0xFF
        bytes_seq = bytearray((byte3, byte2, byte1, byte0))
        return bytes_seq
    def print_as_hex(self, buf):
        Prints a buffer as a set of hexadecimal numbers.
        Created for debug purposes.
        buf_str = ""
        for b in buf:
            buf_str += "0x%X " % ord(b)
        print buf_str
    def close_rpcbind_sockets(self):
        Closes RPCBIND socket.
    def close_lxi_sockets(self):
        Closes VXI-11 socket.
    def close_sockets(self):
    def __del__(self):