Beispiel #1
    def handle(self, **options):
        #make uniform the list of dg:
        #"Administration", "DG Administration", "Administration DG", "Directorate-General for the Administration":  same DG!
        #only one DG needed: "DG Administration" (all the DGs must start with "DG")

        #store old and new dg names
        print "get old and new values"
        for dg in DG.objects.all():
            #format dg name: "DG ..."
            #add to the dictionary of dgs to update if the name has changed
            if dg.dg != new_dg:
                print dg.dg.encode("utf-8") + " -> " + new_dg.encode("utf-8")

        #~ #update database (dg in Act model, DG model and dg_nb)
        print "update DG model"
        for old_value, new_value in dgs.iteritems():
            #~ #update DG model: add new DGs (DG model with dg_sigle)
            new_dg=DG.objects.get_or_create(dg=new_value, defaults={"dg_sigle": old_dg.dg_sigle})
            #NO NEED because all dgs with numbers are linked to dg with a correct name already
            #update dg_nb association: get dgs with nb linked to the current dg and associate them with the new dg
            for dg_nb in old_dg.dg_nb.all():
                print dg_nb.dg

            #remove old links
        #update Act model and all their dgs
        print "update Act model"
        for act in Act.objects.all():
            for index in range(1, nb_dgs+1):
                #if the act has a reference to an old dg, update it
                dg=getattr(act, field_name)
                if dg is not None and dg.dg in dgs:
                    setattr(act, field_name, DG.objects.get(dg=dgs[dg.dg]))
                    print str(act)+": "+ dg.dg+" -> "+ dgs[dg.dg]
            #~ #save the modifications if any
        #~ #remove old DGs
        print "delete old dgs from DG model"
        for dg in DG.objects.all():
            if dg.dg[:2] != "DG":
Beispiel #2
def compare_dgs(dg_1, dg_2):
    compare the dgs passed in parameter: return True if they are the same and False otherwise
    dg_1: name of the first dg to compare [string]
    dg_2: name of the second dg to compare [string]
    True if the dgs are the same and False otherwise [boolean]
    if dg_1 is None and dg_2 is None:
        return True
    if dg_1 is not None and dg_2 is not None:
        #2014-2-1: Value found on eurlex: European Anti-Fraud Office; Value found on oeil: European Anti-Fraud Office (OLAF).
        if dg_1 == dg_2 or dg_1 in dg_2 or dg_2 in dg_1:
            return True
    return False
Beispiel #3
def store_dg_resp(act, eurlex_list, oeil_list, var_name):
    get all the dgs and resps on eurlex / oeil and save oeil dgs / resps in Act model if no dg or a dg with numbers only was found on eurlex
    act: instance of the data of the act [Act model instance]
    eurlex_list: list of dg or resp names from eurlex [list of strings]
    oeil_list: list of dg or resp names from oeil [list of strings]
    var_name: name of the field ("dg" or "resp") [string]
    act: instance of the data of the act (with updated dgs or resps if any) [Act model instance]
    eurlex_dic: list of dg or resp names from eurlex [dictionary of strings]
    oeil_dic: list of dg or resp names from oeil [dictionary of strings]

    oeil_dic = {}
    for index, field in enumerate(oeil_list, start=1):
        num = str(index)
        oeil_dic[num] = field
    eurlex_dic = {}

    for index, field in enumerate(eurlex_list, start=1):
        num = str(index)
        eurlex_dic[num] = field

        # if no dg on eurlex, we use the dg on oeil
        # 2014-5-1 (dg=101059): if we found a dg with only numbers on eurlex, without a table of correspondance it's impossible to tell what dg it is -> we use the dg on oeil
        if (field is None or field.isdigit()) and oeil_dic[num] is not None:
                # update the act instance with the oeil resp
                if var_name == "resp":
                    setattr(act, "resp_" + num, Person.objects.get(name=oeil_dic[num]))
                    # format dg name: "DG ..."
                    new_dg = format_dg_name(oeil_dic[num])
                    # update the act instance with the oeil dg
                    setattr(act, "dg_" + num, DG.objects.get(dg=new_dg))
            except Exception, e:
                print "except store_dg_resp", e